View Full Version : Obama Police State - This is what you'll get

09-29-2008, 08:49 AM
I guess the First Amendment wouldn't be part of agenda.

KMOV-TV in St. Louis, MO is reporting that Barack Obama and his campaign have enlisted various Democratic prosecutors, sheriffs, government officials and other law enforcement officers to target anyone running ads which malign or, in their perception, misrepresent Obama. These so-called “Truth Squads” (complete with jackboots?) are just another step in Obama’s goal of silencing any opposition. Other Obama tactics include, on more than one occasion, trying to silence authors who have written books critical of Obama (here’s to hoping the authors don’t need to hide like Salman Rushdie), telling his followers to confront and intimidate their neighbors and injecting race into the discussion as a means of distracting from Obama’s clear weaknesses. In a 1996 campaign for Illinois State Senate, Obama even succeeded in silencing opposition from his own Democratic Party members by finding ways to get them thrown off the primary ballot. He ended up unopposed and easily won.

This is NOT the time for good people to stay silent. History has shown what happens when people stay silent, when people blindly follow the mob… right off the cliff. The Democratic Party keeps saying it is progressive and liberal and open, but NOTHING about Obama’s tactics or those of his “netroot” sympathizers is in line with those ideals. Barack Obama has every right to speak out when he feels he has been maligned or misquoted — even if he does that exact same thing, perhaps even worse, to John McCain. What Barack Obama CANNOT do is censor, intimidate and otherwise try to silence anyone who disagrees with his “One People, One Nation, One Leader”-like mantra.

Fortunately, people ARE stepping up to challenge Obama’s Stalin-like attempts to silence his opposition. Below is a statement from Missouri Governor Matt Blunt:
JEFFERSON CITY - Gov. Matt Blunt today issued the following statement on news reports that have exposed plans by U.S. Senator Barack Obama to use Missouri law enforcement to threaten and intimidate his critics.
“St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, and Obama and the leader of his Missouri campaign Senator Claire McCaskill have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign.

“What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words, the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system and offices of public trust to silence political criticism with threats of prosecution and criminal punishment.

“This abuse of the law for intimidation insults the most sacred principles and ideals of Jefferson. I can think of nothing more offensive to Jefferson’s thinking than using the power of the state to deprive Americans of their civil rights. The only conceivable purpose of Messrs. McCulloch, Obama and the others is to frighten people away from expressing themselves, to chill free and open debate, to suppress support and donations to conservative organizations targeted by this anti-civil rights, to strangle criticism of Mr. Obama, to suppress ads about his support of higher taxes, and to choke out criticism on television, radio, the Internet, blogs, e-mail and daily conversation about the election.

“Barack Obama needs to grow up. Leftist blogs and others in the press constantly say false things about me and my family. Usually, we ignore false and scurrilous accusations because the purveyors have no credibility. When necessary, we refute them. Enlisting Missouri law enforcement to intimidate people and kill free debate is reminiscent of the Sedition Acts - not a free society.”

Gateway Pundit (http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/)

Another one:

9/25/2008 -

Fairfax, VA-Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign has sent threatening letters to news agencies in Pennsylvania and Ohio to stop airing ads exposing his anti-gun record sponsored by the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF).

The kicker? NRA-PVF's Ohio’s ads have not yet begun running.

“Barack Obama and his campaign are terrified of the truth,” declared Chris W. Cox, Chairman of NRA-PVF. “Sen. Obama's statements and support for restricting access to firearms, raising taxes on guns and ammunition and voting against the use of firearms for self-defense in the home are a matter of public record. NRA-PVF will make sure that everyone knows of Obama's abysmal record on guns and hunting.”

The Obama campaign sent cease and desist letters to news outlets in Pennsylvania and Ohio, denouncing the ads and demanding their removal from the airwaves. All stations where NRA-PVF has purchased or plans to purchase ads have been provided with documented evidence of Sen. Obama's anti-gun record.

“Barack Obama would be the most anti-gun president in our nation's history. That's the truth,” concluded Cox. “NRA-PVF has the facts on our side. No amount of running from or lying about his record and then intimidating news outlets in the hope of deceiving American gun owners and hunters is going to work. Those strong arm tactics may work in Chicago, but not in Pennsylvania and Ohio, and not as long as NRA-PVF has anything to say about it.”

09-29-2008, 11:41 AM
libel alert
we get it, you don't like obama so you choose to believe nonsense and lies

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-29-2008, 11:52 AM
Did you hear Obama was actually Muslim, and his father is actually Osama BinLaden. He eats infants for breakfast and shits money because he's an elitist. He hates everyone but black people and after every speach he is known to say "yo, lets go smoke a bowl."

Vote Dr. Dre in 2012

09-29-2008, 11:52 AM
libel alert
we get it, you don't like obama so you choose to believe nonsense and lies

More like, you're so blinded by "the other candidate" that you'll believe him over anything else.

I think the last time someone like him got into office, the WWII started....

That's just my opinion though...

..........and I expect the police here within the hour.

09-29-2008, 11:53 AM
I dont think the forums should be a place for political argument, its something people will never agree upon and each person believes in something else, so just leave it at that.

09-29-2008, 12:00 PM



09-29-2008, 12:04 PM
i really don't understand you people and YOUR extremist views. one's a young politician, one's an old politician. things won't be much different either way. it barely matters who wins.

09-29-2008, 12:07 PM
libel alert
we get it, you don't like obama so you choose to believe nonsense and lies

Don't reply to his threads, you're only feeding him!

09-29-2008, 12:10 PM
i really don't understand you people and YOUR extremist views. one's a young politician, one's an old politician. things won't be much different either way. it barely matters who wins.

i somwhat agree. and i somwhat want obama to win, so i can point my finger and say, "i fucking told you so", when our nation really goes up in flames. then at the same time, thats not anything i really hope for. i personally feel that the "old politician" is the lesser of the 2 evils. im just sick and tired of the extremes both parties have gone to in an attempt to smear the other. they are lower than low. it's fucking embarrassing at this point.

09-29-2008, 12:12 PM
libel alert
we get it, you don't like obama so you choose to believe nonsense and lies

So, the Missouri Governor is spreading lies?

Gov. Matt Blunt today issued the following statement on news reports that have exposed plans by U.S. Senator Barack Obama to use Missouri law enforcement to threaten and intimidate his critics.
“St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, and Obama and the leader of his Missouri campaign Senator Claire McCaskill have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign.

And it was admitted to by St. Louis Circuit Attorney.

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce--
Here's the statement Joyce sent to the St. Louis Post Dispatch defending her leadership leadership role in the Missouri "Obama Truth Squad":

As a citizen, I believe that elections should be about issues. I also have enormous respect for our First Amendment and freedom of speech. My sole purpose in participating in this initiative is about getting truthful information to the voters. This has never been or never will be about prosecuting people.

Clearly there are those who are attempting to twist the purpose of this initiative for their own benefit. This attack is a great example of how the truth is distorted in campaigns and what we’re trying to stand up against.

Just because there is such a hatred for Bush the truth is not being seen and what could happen to this country.

09-29-2008, 12:20 PM
Seriously... I think this election is once again, down to "which candidate is the lesser of the two evils?"

And so far, someone's shown himself to be the greater of the two evils...

09-29-2008, 12:27 PM
I vote DRE 08!
shit fuck it...

DRE AND SNOOP! for pres...
the limo would be pimp!
air focre 1 would be ballin! like the movie with spinna's

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-29-2008, 12:40 PM
Seriously... I think this election is once again, down to "which candidate is the lesser of the two evils?"

And so far, someone's shown himself to be the greater of the two evils...
exactly. Whoever wants McCain to run this country is out of their minds anyways. At least Obama is smart.

But honestly, Over the next 12 years this country is going to start to shift. People will start to believe in people like Ron Paul and stop looking at people like him as kooks. I couldn't understand why PEOPLE IN HIS OWN PARTY were calling him out of touch because he believes in one underlying fact, the Constitution. Ron Paul actually predicted the fall of the economy and if he were in charge something would have been done about it a long time ago. It just baffles me why a lot of people never took him seriously. I honestly think the college kids fucked it up for his credibility. That, and the fact that he was confrontational, AND the fact that he was a Bush hater well before Bush hating was popular in the Republican party

09-29-2008, 12:54 PM
You know what i thinks kinda funny?

On the subject of how the candidates will deal with our foreign wars, 60% believe McCain will do better than Obama.

I think otherwise. Yea, McCain's got experience, but has anything been solved? Shit no. Maybe a fresh look at it will change it up.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-29-2008, 12:59 PM
You know what i thinks kinda funny?

On the subject of how the candidates will deal with our foreign wars, 60% believe McCain will do better than Obama.

I think otherwise. Yea, McCain's got experience, but has anything been solved? Shit no. Maybe a fresh look at it will change it up.
I can't take anyone serious when throughout their ancestry they've done nothing but fight wars. Diplomacy is always the better answer.

09-29-2008, 01:04 PM
exactly. Whoever wants Obama to run this country is out of their minds anyways.

see what i did there? i see/hear both variations frequently.

09-29-2008, 01:15 PM
I can't take anyone serious when throughout their ancestry they've done nothing but fight wars. Diplomacy is always the better answer.

Diplomacy is always the better choice if possible. Sometimes it is not the answer. I'm not making any comparison here, but diplomacy would not have stopped some like Hitler for example once he took power. Simply because someone has had to fight, does not mean they should not be taken seriously, I would say just the opposite, and someone is not responsible for the actions of their ancestery.

Remember hindsight is always 20/20.

No personal offense, but with your sig, I can't take you seriously. A first year university student who pays attention in classes can take apart that zeitgeist movie.

Yes, I've watched it... More than once.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-29-2008, 01:20 PM
see what i did there? i see/hear both variations frequently.
yes, but there is valid reasons why people don't want McCain in there. Mostly because of Iraq and Palin.
Most reasons people don't like Obama is because of his skin color and they believe the lies. Only a small majority of Obama haters don't like him because of his policies.
There's so much racism still present in this country and some examples are Fox calling Obama, Barak Hussein Obama (hence RJF's BHO comments) when NOONE calls McCain by his middle name. It's Fox's attempt at trying to seperate Obama from the common American then try to defend it by saying "well it's his name." Gimme a break. Not to mention all the false articles (like this thread) and grandma forwarded emails. Notice not many of these are directed at his politics.

09-29-2008, 01:21 PM
Diplomacy is always the better choice if possible. Sometimes it is not the answer. I'm not making any comparison here, but diplomacy would not have stopped some like Hitler for example once he took power. Simply because someone has had to fight, does not mean they should not be taken seriously, I would say just the opposite.

Remember hindsight is always 20/20.

Hindsight is 20/20 indeed, but as the human race, we're supposed to learn from our past and apply it to the present times, so that history, in some cases, don't repeat itself.

If someone like Hitler came along again, do you think people will still blindly put him into power and start a WWIII officially?

I guess that's kinda where the 2008 election stands right now... [shrug]

Most reasons people don't like Obama is because of his skin color and they believe the lies. Only a small majority of Obama haters don't like him because of his policies.
There's so much racism still present in this country and some examples are Fox calling Obama, Barak Hussein Obama (hence RJF's BHO comments) when NOONE calls McCain by his middle name.

Dude, he was the one who made it a point in his campaign at the beginning. I honestly could careless if he was purple, as long as he was a good candidate that had good policies and other junk.

09-29-2008, 01:22 PM
More like, you're so blinded by "the other candidate" that you'll believe him over anything else.

I think the last time someone like him got into office, the WWII started....
Wait, didn't the Nazis start WWII with this holocaust crap? I could have sworn...

BTW, Hitler was appointed, and never actually elected into office.


09-29-2008, 01:24 PM
Wait, didn't the Nazis start WWII with this holocaust crap? I could have sworn...

BTW, Hitler was appointed, and never actually elected into office.

Democracy elected Hitler to power (http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/L-hitlerdemo.htm)

Somebody put him into office.

The point was, he was in office.

He could have been threatened into taking the office, or the people voted for him into office, doesn't matter.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-29-2008, 01:30 PM
Diplomacy is always the better choice if possible. Sometimes it is not the answer. I'm not making any comparison here, but diplomacy would not have stopped some like Hitler for example once he took power. Simply because someone has had to fight, does not mean they should not be taken seriously, I would say just the opposite, and someone is not responsible for the actions of their ancestery.

Remember hindsight is always 20/20.

No personal offense, but with your sig, I can't take you seriously. A first year university student who pays attention in classes can take apart that zeitgeist movie.

Yes, I've watched it... More than once.
yes, I understand that the Zeitgeist movie is a fear tactic to try to wake people up, but it is still a very good film. Just because I promote a film for people to change the wiring in their brains you don't take me serious? That's funny. I, sir, AM a college graduate and have a shit load of money directly due to my success in school, not to mention I finished with a 3.8gpa in college with an IQ well above American standard. I promote this movie because there are young 20 somethings on here that WOULD find this movie interesting. Nothing more.
Don't read a book by it's cover my friend.

And I agree with your first point. But you have to understand that if Diplomacy is not reached then it will lead to sanctions or eventually war. So, again, Diplomacy is always the answer. But you're right, an attempt needs to be made.

09-29-2008, 01:34 PM
Hindsight is 20/20 indeed, but as the human race, we're supposed to learn from our past and apply it to the present times, so that history, in some cases, don't repeat itself.

If someone like Hitler came along again, do you think people will still blindly put him into power and start a WWIII officially?

History will always repeat itself. Like the saying "There is nothing new under the sun"

Also remember when Hitler DID come along, very few people saw what was coming. Most thought he was a great man, only a few like Churchill spoke out about what was coming. Don't get me wrong I am NOT saying Obama is anything like Hitler. I'm just drawing a comparison of how often humanity and society collectively don't learn from their mistakes and let the same thing happen again and again and again. It's always been that way, and always will be.

yes, I understand that the Zeitgeist movie is a fear tactic to try to wake people up, but it is still a very good film. Just because I promote a film for people to change the wiring in their brains you don't take me serious? That's funny. I, sir, AM a college graduate and have a shit load of money directly due to my success in school, not to mention I finished with a 3.8gpa in college with an IQ well above American standard. I promote this movie because there are young 20 somethings on here that WOULD find this movie interesting. Nothing more.
Don't read a book by it's cover my friend.

And I agree with your first point. But you have to understand that if Diplomacy is not reached then it will lead to sanctions or eventually war. So, again, Diplomacy is always the answer. But you're right, an attempt needs to be made.

So if the movie is false and just a good scare tactic, doesn't that make it the exact thing that many people campaign against on the basis of change within the US? False accusations and unfair intimidation etc. If Obama is indeed doing what RJF posted, then is it not fair to draw a comparison as they're both tactics of fear based on lies?

I'm not a college graduate, but I am a college student. IQ is good for book smarts (Mine is also well above avg. which means very little to me) however I know many people who'd probably score higher than you or I, and are some of the dumbest folk you'll ever meet. I'm not saying you are, you seem an intelligent person to me. I just question why you would promote a movie you know is false. You can use lies to tell the truth, but why use lies, when you can just use the truth and leave the person to decide for themselves.

Diplomacy should always be exhausted in every aspect, but when it fails it is not the answer. An answer implies a lasting solution was reached to a problem, when diplomacy fails it therefore is not an answer.

09-29-2008, 01:35 PM

McCain’s Suspension Bridge to Nowhere


WHAT we learned last week is that the man who always puts his “country first” will take the country down with him if that’s what it takes to get to the White House.

For all the focus on Friday night’s deadlocked debate, it still can’t obscure what preceded it: When John McCain gratuitously parachuted into Washington on Thursday, he didn’t care if his grandstanding might precipitate an even deeper economic collapse. All he cared about was whether he might save his campaign. George Bush put more deliberation into invading Iraq than McCain did into his own reckless invasion of the delicate Congressional negotiations on the bailout plan.

By the time he arrived, there already was (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008/09/25/mccain_stops_at_senate_en_rout.html) a bipartisan agreement in principle. It collapsed hours later at the meeting convened by the president in the Cabinet Room. Rather than help try to resuscitate Wall Street’s bloodied bulls, McCain was determined to be (http://www.tnr.com/politics/story.html?id=4b44697a-2b2c-4cf5-aaae-39097e9c6d96) the bull in Washington’s legislative china shop, running around town and playing both sides of his divided party against Congress’s middle. Once others eventually forged a path out of the wreckage, he’d inflate, if not outright fictionalize, his own role in cleaning up the mess his mischief helped make. Or so he hoped, until his ignominious retreat.

The question is why would a man who forever advertises his own honor toy so selfishly with our national interest at a time of crisis. I’ll leave any physiological explanations to gerontologists — if they can get hold of his complete medical records — and any armchair psychoanalysis to the sundry McCain press acolytes who have sorrowfully tried to rationalize his erratic behavior this year. The other answers, all putting politics first, can be found by examining the 24 hours before he decided to “suspend” campaigning and swoop down on the Capitol to save America from the Sunnis or the Shia, or whoever perpetrated all those credit-default swaps.

To put these 24 hours in context, you must remember that McCain not only knows little about the economy but that he has not previously expressed any urgency about its meltdown. It was on Sept. 15 — the day after his former idol Alan Greenspan pronounced (http://money.cnn.com/2008/09/14/news/economy/greenspan/index.htm) the current crisis a “once-in-a-century” catastrophe — that McCain reaffirmed (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008/09/15/mccain_fundamentals_of_economy.html) for the umpteenth time that the “fundamentals of our economy are strong.” As recently as Tuesday he had not yet even read (http://blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_plank/archive/2008/09/25/mccain-didn-t-bother-to-read-the-bailout-plan.aspx) the two-and-a-half-page bailout proposal first circulated by Hank Paulson last weekend. “I have not had a chance to see it in writing,” he explained. (Maybe he was waiting for it to arrive by Western Union instead of PDF.)

Then came Black Wednesday — not for the stock market, which was holding steady in anticipation of Washington action, but for McCain. As the widely accepted narrative has it, his come-to-Jesus moment arrived that morning, when he awoke to discover that Barack Obama had surged ahead by nine percentage points in the Washington Post/ABC News poll (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/23/AR2008092303667.html). The McCain campaign hastily suited up its own pollster to belittle that finding (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/thefix/2008/09/mccain_campaign_disputes_post.html) — only to be drowned out by a fusillade of new polls from Fox News (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,427241,00.html), Marist (http://www.maristpoll.marist.edu/usapolls/US080925.htm) and CNN/Time (http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/09/24/polls-in-battleground-states-show-obama-gaining-ground/), each with numbers closer to Post/ABC than not. Obama was rising most everywhere except the moose strongholds of Alaska and Montana.

That was not the only bad news raining down on McCain. His camp knew what Katie Couric had in the can from her interview with Sarah Palin (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/24/eveningnews/main4476173.shtml). The first excerpt was to be broadcast by CBS that night, and it had to be upstaged fast.

But even that wasn’t the top political threat McCain faced last week. Bigger still was the mounting evidence of the seamless synergy between his campaign and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage monsters at the heart of the housing bust that set off our current calamity. Most of all, it was the fast-moving events on that front that precipitated his panic to roll out his diversionary, over-the-top theatrics on Wednesday.

What we were learning — through The New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/24/us/politics/24davis.html), Newsweek (http://www.newsweek.com/id/160561) and Roll Call (http://www.rollcall.com/news/28629-1.html) — was ugly. Davis Manafort, the lobbying firm owned by McCain’s campaign manager, Rick Davis, had received $15,000 a month from Freddie Mac from late 2005 until last month. This was in addition (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/22/us/politics/22mccain.html) to the $30,000 a month that Davis was paid from 2000 to 2005 by the so-called Homeownership Alliance, an advocacy organization that he headed and that was financed by Freddie and Fannie to fight regulation.

The McCain campaign tried to pre-emptively deflect such revelations by reviving the old Rove trick of accusing your opponent of your own biggest failings. It ran attack ads about Obama’s own links to the mortgage giants. But neither of the former Freddie-Fannie executives vilified in those ads, Franklin Raines (http://time-blog.com/swampland/2008/09/mccain_plays_the_race_card.html) and James Johnson (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq7DGTggpx0), had worked at those companies lately or are currently associated with the Obama campaign. (Raines never worked for the campaign at all (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/fact-checker/2008/09/obamas_fannie_mae_connection.html).) By contrast, Davis is the tip of the Freddie-Fannie-McCain iceberg. McCain’s senior adviser (http://www.motherjones.com/mojoblog/archives/2008/09/9663_mccain_fannie_freddie.html), his campaign’s vice chairman, his Congressional liaison and the reported head of his White House transition team (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601070&sid=aQIOOr9klOnE&refer=home) all either made fortunes from recent Freddie-Fannie lobbying or were players in firms that did.

By Wednesday, the McCain campaign’s latest tactic for countering this news — attacking the press, especially The Times (http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/09/mccain_campaign_slams_new_york.php) — was paying diminishing returns. Davis abruptly canceled (http://blogs.suntimes.com/sweet/2008/09/john_mccain_campaign_manager_r.html) his scheduled appearance that day at a weekly reporters’ lunch sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor, escaping any further questions by pleading that he had to hit the campaign trail. (He turned up (http://hotlineblog.nationaljournal.com/archives/2008/09/r_davis_wining.html#more) at the “21” Club in New York that night, wining and dining McCain fund-raisers.)

It’s then that Angry Old Ironsides McCain suddenly emerged to bark (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/21/us/politics/21text-mccain.html) that our financial distress was “the greatest crisis we’ve faced, clearly, since World War II” — even greater than the Russia-Georgia conflict, which in August he had called (http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0808/14/sitroom.03.html) the “first probably serious crisis internationally since the end of the cold war.” Campaigns, debates and no doubt Bristol Palin’s nuptials had to be suspended immediately so he could ride to the rescue, with Joe Lieberman as his Robin.

Yet even as he huffed and puffed about being a “leader,” McCain took no action and felt no urgency. As his Congressional colleagues worked tirelessly in Washington, he malingered in New York. He checked out the suffering on Main Street (or perhaps High Street) by conferring (http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0908/A_nonemergency_meeting.html) with Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the Hillary-turned-McCain supporter best known for her fabulous London digs and her diatribes (http://opinion.latimes.com/opinionla/2008/09/john-mccain-sar.html) against Obama’s elitism. McCain also found time to have a well-publicized chat with one of those celebrities he so disdains (http://one.org/press/statement09242008.html), Bono, and to give a self-promoting public speech (http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/09/15/mccain-at-bill-clinton-event/) at the Clinton Global Initiative.

There was no suspension of his campaign. His surrogates (http://thinkprogress.org/2008/09/25/mccain-suspend-campaign/) and ads (http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/09/obama_spokesman_mccain_campaig.php) remained on television. Huffington Post bloggers, working the phones, couldn’t find a single McCain campaign office (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/25/mccain-campaign-still-act_n_129327.html) that had gone on hiatus. This “suspension” ruse was an exact replay of McCain’s self-righteous “suspension” of the G.O.P. convention as Hurricane Gustav arrived on Labor Day. “We will put aside our political hats and put on our American hats,” he declared then (http://blogs.chron.com/beltwayconfidential/2008/09/mccain_putting_aside_political.html), solemnly pledging that conventioneers would help those in need. But as anyone in the Twin Cities could see, the assembled put on their party hats instead, piling into the lobbyists’ bacchanals earlier than scheduled, albeit on the down-low.

Much of the press paid lip service to McCain’s new “suspension” as it had to its prototype. In truth, the only campaign activity McCain did drop was a Wednesday evening taping with David Letterman. Don’t mess with Dave. Picking up where the “The View” left off in speaking truth to power, the uncharacteristically furious host hammered the absent McCain (http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/09/24/letterman-mccains-cancellation-not-funny/) on and off for 40 minutes, repeatedly observing that the cancellation “didn’t smell right.”

In a journalistic coup de grâce worthy of “60 Minutes,” Letterman went on to unmask his no-show guest as a liar. McCain had phoned himself that afternoon to say he was “getting on a plane immediately” to deal with the grave situation in Washington, Letterman told the audience. Then he showed video (http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/entertainment/zontv/2008/09/couric_letterman_too_much_for.html) of McCain being touched up by a makeup artist while awaiting an interview by Couric that same evening at another CBS studio in New York.

It’s not hard to guess why McCain had blown off Letterman for Couric at the last minute. The McCain campaign’s high anxiety about the disastrous Couric-Palin sit-down was skyrocketing as advance excerpts flooded the Internet. By offering his own interview to Couric for the same night, McCain hoped (in vain) to dilute Palin’s primacy on the “CBS Evening News.”

Letterman’s most mordant laughs on Wednesday came when he riffed about McCain’s campaign “suspension”: “Do you suspend your campaign? No, because that makes me think maybe there will be other things down the road, like if he’s in the White House, he might just suspend being president. I mean, we’ve got a guy like that now!”

That’s no joke. Bush has so little credibility he can govern only through surrogates (Paulson is the new Petraeus). When he spoke about the economic crisis in prime time earlier that same night, he registered as no more than an irritating speed bump en route to “David Blaine: Dive of Death.”

It’s that utter power vacuum that gave McCain the opening to pull his potentially catastrophic display of economic “leadership” last week. He may be the first presidential candidate in our history to risk wrecking the country even before being voted into the Oval Office.

09-29-2008, 01:35 PM
Do you guys need to watch Malcolm x again. If not you should go see it. I'm not Muslim but i know for sure that the true Muslim state isn't so harsh as the majority still sees today. Mr. X wasn't really the crazy violence maniac that most schools still precieve him as. He was just trying to rat out the pseudo muslims. It was the only way through his speeches. "get you hand outta my pocket" (a warning to tell him to stop fucking with their money by letting the gov. know how fucked up they were) as herd a couple times before his last speeches and then when they shot him up. SO back to Obama.. it's etheir he's a puppet or he's just pretending to be one...

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-29-2008, 01:36 PM
Somebody put him into office.

The point was, he was in office.

He could have been threatened into taking the office, or the people voted for him into office, doesn't matter.
Hitler was voted as President because of the HEAVY HEAVY sanctions from a result of WWI. The German people were so down at that point they'd believe anything anyone would say and Hitler said all the right things.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-29-2008, 01:40 PM
Wait, didn't the Nazis start WWII with this holocaust crap? I could have sworn...

BTW, Hitler was appointed, and never actually elected into office.

Democracy elected Hitler to power (http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/L-hitlerdemo.htm)
we never went to war with Germany, we went to war with Japan. Germany was pissing us off because of them sinking our ally support ships but when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor we declared war against Japan. Because we declared war against Japan, Italy and Germany declared war on us. We learned about the Holocaust after the war was over. Even the German citizens didn't know what was going on.

09-29-2008, 01:46 PM
We can keep throwing articles at each other, but the truth is, most people are going to vote for the same candidate that they have decided on within the first few days, their vote based on the dumbest thing, such as religion, whether the candidate's a veteran or not, or who's what skin color.

Please stop creating all these republican propaganda threads. Your childish persistence to make Barack Obama look like Kim Jong-il is becoming laughable.

Why don't you just make one republican thread? That way you can bash all you want and post as many articles as you please and keep it all in one thread.

drift freaq
09-29-2008, 02:03 PM
Somebody put him into office.

The point was, he was in office.

He could have been threatened into taking the office, or the people voted for him into office, doesn't matter.

What you wrote above, shows your lack of understanding of Political history is absolutely phenomenal.
Hitler strong armed his way into Political office. He was a rabble rouser who strong armed both public and political people with the Brown Shirts. Once he got himself elected by strong arming he then went and executed all his fellow brown shirts.
Then he started the Nazi party and did a wholesale power grab of the bundestag. If you think the people just voted him into office it was not that simple. Did he sway the public with Oratorical power? Yes, has Obama swayed the Public with Oratorical Power? Yes.
Fact is this if anything near what RJF pointed out above is true it shows Obama has possible Dictatorial ideas. Aka if he felt it need be he would instigate a Dictatorship.
Do I think he would? I don't know, does he kinda of scare me? Yes. Am I in favore of McCain not sure, but he does seem to be the lesser of evils in all manners.
Sorry guys but the Democrats are fucking up big time right now and I do not wish to be affiliated with the part in any way whatsoever . I am officially and Independent as of today.

09-29-2008, 02:14 PM
At least he wants just the truth told. Bush and Mccain could care less. 8 years of wealth building,lies,less freedoms,more wire tapping and renditions than in history. Also more signing statements than any president in history. If the Republican campaign were the mob,they would be Tony Sopranos crew,except less likable.

09-29-2008, 02:14 PM
Hitler was voted as President because of the HEAVY HEAVY sanctions from a result of WWI. The German people were so down at that point they'd believe anything anyone would say and Hitler said all the right things.

Sound like Obama in these tough times??? We are no where near as down and out as the German people but :cj:

09-29-2008, 02:19 PM

09-29-2008, 02:28 PM
What you wrote above, shows your lack of understanding of Political history is absolutely phenomenal.
Hitler strong armed his way into Political office. He was a rabble rouser who strong armed both public and political people with the Brown Shirts. Once he got himself elected by strong arming he then went and executed all his fellow brown shirts.
Then he started the Nazi party and did a wholesale power grab of the bundestag. If you think the people just voted him into office it was not that simple. Did he sway the public with Oratorical power? Yes, has Obama swayed the Public with Oratorical Power? Yes.
Fact is this if anything near what RJF pointed out above is true it shows Obama has possible Dictatorial ideas. Aka if he felt it need be he would instigate a Dictatorship.
Do I think he would? I don't know, does he kinda of scare me? Yes. Am I in favore of McCain not sure, but he does seem to be the lesser of evils in all manners.
Sorry guys but the Democrats are fucking up big time right now and I do not wish to be affiliated with the part in any way whatsoever . I am officially and Independent as of today.

I do know how he came into power.

Although that was probably back in high school, because I honestly don't remember 100% by now.

So sure, call me an idiot, whatever.

He made his way into office.

Does Obama sound like him? Sure.

What I have a problem with him is, as RJF posted, he's starting to act like the Nazis by suppressing the media and infringing on the First Amendment.

That alone, is worth my vote against him in McCain's direction, even though McCain isn't without his flaws and problems.

But I think we can both agree on that, McCain is indeed the lesser of the two evils.

09-29-2008, 02:31 PM
America throughout its history has looked the other way,even when it has "laws"
on the books. This is not about the haves (wallstreet) vs the have-nots (95% of middle class americans). Its about the have-nots vs the have-nots.

boro otaku
09-29-2008, 02:51 PM
Wow, if this is true then Obama voters need to be butt-raped with a knife.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-29-2008, 02:52 PM
Sound like Obama in these tough times??? We are no where near as down and out as the German people but :cj:
we are certainly in an economic downtime but I don't think a character like Hitler would go unnoticed in this country. Not only that but this country was built on diversity so the SECOND one group of people start singling out another set of people there will be an outcry.
But it is a scary time in this country. I believe that there could be so much done in the background if the cover says that it will fix your lives. Scary stuff man, but I don't think Obama is a naturally corrupt person.

boro otaku
09-29-2008, 02:56 PM
I don't think Obama is a naturally corrupt person.
His background, pastor & racist wife would suggest otherwise... :cj:

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-29-2008, 03:01 PM
So if the movie is false and just a good scare tactic, doesn't that make it the exact thing that many people campaign against on the basis of change within the US? False accusations and unfair intimidation etc. If Obama is indeed doing what RJF posted, then is it not fair to draw a comparison as they're both tactics of fear based on lies?

But Zeitgeist was not created to persuade people to NOT vote for a Presidential candidate, it was a means to open up minds. Sure, some might be misleading and one sided but, unless your a moron, most people would at least google some of the stuff on the movie.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-29-2008, 03:06 PM
His background, pastor & racist wife would suggest otherwise... :cj:
examples including link please. And no right wing websites please. A thought might not generate actual fact.
What about his background would lead you to the conclusion that he is a corrupt person?
What about a, yes, racist pastor would lead you to believe that he's corrupt?
And what about his "racist" wife leads you to believe that he's corrupt?

Racism does not equal being corrupt. Not saying that Obama IS racist, but most people who ACTUALLY believe this ACTUALLY believe that Obama hates middle class white people, while his MOTHER was a middle class white person. This is a form of racism and if you believe otherwise then it's worst because you've convinced yourself that it's acceptable to believe this.

09-29-2008, 03:26 PM
Both of the articles you posted are from republican influenced sources, once again.

If you say Obama is trying to be a dictator, look into what Palin has been doing in Alaska. I'm not saying Obama is innocent because I have no idea, but to me Palin is way scarier. Yes I know she's not running for president, but in a way McCain scares me as well. Despite boasting about his years of experience, he seems to have a scary lack of knowledge on any subject other than wanting to win wars.

09-29-2008, 03:35 PM
If your racist daddy,or trashy mother, told you that a black man (kind word) cannot run this country,then no one here ,on the web,or on TV is going to charge your mind.

09-29-2008, 04:07 PM
So now instead of just reading "zilvias" views of obama on twitter, now i get to actually read them on the site.

09-29-2008, 04:13 PM

Vote McCain mother fuckers!


09-29-2008, 04:36 PM
Obama is inconsistent.
McCain is inconsistent.
They're politicians. Is anyone surprised by this?

Obama is for social programs (like 'free' medical care). McCain probably is too, but isn't as vocal about it b/c he wants to look like he is different from Obama. They're both liberal, and they both need to realize that many of the ideas pushed by many 'liberals' are unConstitutional. Liberal idiocy has given us welfare, social security, income tax, and several other programs that do nothing but take money from our wallets, and give it to a majority of people who don't need it, but want it. All of these programs sounded great at first, but ignorance and laziness has corrupted them.

I'm not for more social programs. I like being able to spend my own money, and all these tax increases Obama has spoken of aren't cool. However, I'm weary of McCain as well.

Also, for anyone wanting to blame Bush and his admin. for how 'bad this country is'....take a look at your Democratically controlled Congress.... They are the problem.

09-29-2008, 05:02 PM
Offer two candidates with literally the same political views and guise them under the black/white political mentality that everyone is used to from years past. Sounds like the perfect way to perpetuate a system which people think they are changing.

Nothings ever gonna change here in this country unless people wake up.

09-29-2008, 05:07 PM
I do know how he came into power.

Although that was probably back in high school, because I honestly don't remember 100% by now.

So sure, call me an idiot, whatever.

He made his way into office.

Does Obama sound like him? Sure.

What I have a problem with him is, as RJF posted, he's starting to act like the Nazis by suppressing the media and infringing on the First Amendment.

That alone, is worth my vote against him in McCain's direction, even though McCain isn't without his flaws and problems.

But I think we can both agree on that, McCain is indeed the lesser of the two evils.
McCain is butt buddies with the chairmen of the FCC giving them mucho money in the past. He also gets funding from them. I wonder how that effects what is broadcast about him? Of course its easy to disavow this kind of stuff because there is no real source for this kind of information, but get into broadcasting and this is stuff the media knows behind the scenes.

These are the things you learn when you have a friend on the inside. I know someone in broadcasting and trust me, there is stuff that comes down the pipeline that is snuffed out before you even realize it is there. I don't know what it is either, but he assures me that there is so much censorship out there on either side which we don't realize.

09-29-2008, 05:18 PM
we are certainly in an economic downtime but I don't think a character like Hitler would go unnoticed in this country. Not only that but this country was built on diversity so the SECOND one group of people start singling out another set of people there will be an outcry.
But it is a scary time in this country. I believe that there could be so much done in the background if the cover says that it will fix your lives. Scary stuff man, but I don't think Obama is a naturally corrupt person.

this country built on diversity? it was all white Europeans.
But by diversity you mean religious diversity? than okay.
I don't like that Obama preaches to people, I don't trust him at all. I think he definitely has a hidden agenda and is using the color of his skin to sway people that he is different. so we are going to judge a man on the color of his skin? he is half white so it is not like malcom x or MARTIN lUTHER kING is running for office. it's all a facade.

and McCain? damn, he thinks woman should be payed less than men and wants to make woman enlist into the draft. but yet his dumbfounded vp canidate is a woman? wtf? this whole election has got to be the worst one ever.

it's like he you dying of thirst? wel you can choose between two things to drink, hot piss, or cold piss.
in the end, its all piss.

09-29-2008, 05:20 PM
If Obama becomes the next Hitler and overthrows the government for a dictatorship
(In a capitalist country, no less. )

Who has military prowess to liberate us? Seeing as we have the most powerful army in the world...

China? Russia?

Uhm... What?!

If Obama was elected, he'll get shot by some crazy white supremacist before he becomes a dictator. Guaranteed.

09-29-2008, 05:21 PM
Offer two candidates with literally the same political views and guise them under the black/white political mentality that everyone is used to from years past. Sounds like the perfect way to perpetuate a system which people think they are changing.

Nothings ever gonna change here in this country unless people wake up.

or revolt? or vote for Ron Paul, so different he would cause change for sure. so different simpleminded old Americans were too scared of real change.
I think most Americans what the same thing we have no but just a new face, that's there idea of change.

09-29-2008, 05:23 PM
If Obama becomes the next Hitler and overthrows the government for a dictatorship
(In a capitalist country, no less. )

Who has military prowess to liberate us? Seeing as we have the most powerful army in the world...

China? Russia?

Uhm... What?!

If Obama was elected, he'll get shot by some crazy white supremacist before he becomes a dictator. Guaranteed.

is that your personal guarantee? i hope not you should be careful what you write.

09-29-2008, 05:25 PM
But Zeitgeist was not created to persuade people to NOT vote for a Presidential candidate, it was a means to open up minds. Sure, some might be misleading and one sided but, unless your a moron, most people would at least google some of the stuff on the movie.

It was created to advance several ideas of conspiracies merged into one giant "super conspiracy" and then neatly packaged up with the modern label of "Right wing agenda" etc. and all the political connotations associated with those, and thrown out into the public without much backing or proof as to its sources, evidence, or frankly its research. Several aspects of the film in the first several minutes regarding religion are just blatantly wrong historically for example, showing a severe lack of reasearch. That undermines its credibility. You can believe anything you want. Truth will remain what it is, independent of your beliefs (I'm not meaning "you" personally).

If you think it would not have an effect on a political decision on someone still undecided in this election, I think that's a little naive and to generous of credit given to the intelligence of people and society as a whole.

A means to open up a mind to truth isn't going to do it effectively using lies. I don't care what hollywood might say.

If your racist daddy,or trashy mother, told you that a black man (kind word) cannot run this country,then no one here ,on the web,or on TV is going to charge your mind.

"If your racist daddy or trashy mother told you that the white man (kind word) cannot run this country, then no one here, on the web, or on TV is going to change your mind."

It goes both ways. Historically white people have been guilty of horrible acts of racism (slavery), due to the fact they have been in the position of power to do so by the events of history, but from an individual level, racism is not a mindset bound by any restrictions of color, race, ethnicity etc.

Arguing otherwise is akin to saying that all historical events etc. remaining the same, with only the color of skin changed between races, that blacks would not have imposed slavery on the, now historically, white africans, simply because they "just aren't racist by nature". Racism is propagated by nurture and prejudice of those around an individual (like you said, the parents). No one is born hating someone of a particular skin color. I'm not saying you believe that, but a surprising amount of people do, and it's ridiculous how racism is still an issue in the public realm, often rooted solely out of the fact that we try so hard to not make it one.

09-29-2008, 05:28 PM
is that your personal guarantee? i hope not you should be careful what you write.

Oh noes the internet police are gonna charge him with conspiracy.


That right there just proves this country is beyond saving.

09-29-2008, 05:38 PM
NO, but people have gotten in trouble for saying less.
some people are snitches and others take things the wrong way.

09-29-2008, 06:21 PM
If Obama becomes the next Hitler and overthrows the government for a dictatorship
(In a capitalist country, no less. )

Who has military prowess to liberate us? Seeing as we have the most powerful army in the world...

China? Russia?

Uhm... What?!
If things keep going as they are those two countries will just buy the US. They already own a large portion of US shares. While America has been on a decline for the past decade, Chinese economy has been growing at an amazing rate, it wouldn't be surprising if China becomes a major world superpower.
And Russia is just unbelievably ridiculously rich, at least in the private sector.

09-29-2008, 07:14 PM
if barack has this, then i wonder what destruction mccain will have waiting,,,,

09-29-2008, 08:18 PM
A few people mentioned Obama's character and religion. I want to share a personal story and then make a point.

Research Obama's minister and you will find that he might as well be a black panther, look up the church's mission and then read the black panther mission statement...pretty similar if you ask me. Of course that fact got swept under the rug. Obama claims he does not share the beliefs of his pastor/church, yet he continues to go there.

When I was a kid, our pastor hit on my mom knowing full well she was married. We didn't believe that it was right for a religious leader to do that and we did not agree with his stance on married women. We immediately stopped going there and went somewhere else. For the record I've had it with religion and have not stepped foot in a church unless it was a friend's wedding (story for another day).

My point is that we disagreed with our church and left. Obama claims to disagrees with his church but continues to go there. What does that tell you about the man? Even Jesse Jackson wants to "cut his balls off." If this man and his policies/beliefs don't scare the shit out of you, take your head out of your ass.

09-29-2008, 09:38 PM
So I looked up "Obama's minister" as you said. From what I read, it seems that they've been friends for about 20 years, perhaps that's why Obama goes to his church?

Do you and your friends all share the exact same beliefs?
Are you unable to refrain from imposing your personal beliefs on everyone at your workplace?

imotion s14
09-29-2008, 09:40 PM
I wouldn't say it's a police state.. more like neo-serfdom.

09-29-2008, 09:44 PM
well If i have a friend and he has fucked up beliefs than he is not my friend.
maybe they have been friends for 20 years because they share the same beliefs ?

09-29-2008, 09:51 PM
So I looked up the guy's "controversial" quotes.
Some of them are actually pretty interesting.
I guess some could be offensive if you're really trying hard to be offended.

09-29-2008, 10:09 PM
well If i have a friend and he has fucked up beliefs than he is not my friend.
maybe they have been friends for 20 years because they share the same beliefs ?

i buy that. and 20 years is a HELL of a long time to continue being friends with someone you dont share values/interests/beliefs with. dont you think. the people i hang around, are alot like me. especially when it comes to those 3 things i mentioned. i dont typically associate with people i have little in common withm i may be 'friendly' with/to them. but i would not categorize them as friends.

09-29-2008, 10:14 PM
i buy that. and 20 years is a HELL of a long time to continue being friends with someone you dont share values/interests/beliefs with. dont you think. the people i hang around, are alot like me. especially when it comes to those 3 things i mentioned. i dont typically associate with people i have little in common withm i may be 'friendly' with/to them. but i would not categorize them as friends.

My absolute best friend of 18 years.

Doesn't believe in abortion under any circumstance. I do

Doesn't believe in gay marriage. I do

He is a devout christian. I don't even believe in god

I could go on for a long time.

Fact of the matter is I have first hand experience in looking past some peoples beliefs because even though I may not agree... he is the realest homie anyone could ever ask for and to be honest I just don't give a fuck.

Now if he was to try and impose his beliefs on me then it would probably cause a rift. Live and let live kids. It's entirely possible.


09-29-2008, 10:34 PM
My absolute best friend of 18 years.

Doesn't believe in abortion under any circumstance. I do

Doesn't believe in gay marriage. I do

He is a devout christian. I don't even believe in god

I could go on for a long time.

Fact of the matter is I have first hand experience in looking past some peoples beliefs because even though I may not agree... he is the realest homie anyone could ever ask for and to be honest I just don't give a fuck.

Now if he was to try and impose his beliefs on me then it would probably cause a rift. Live and let live kids. It's entirely possible.


than you are an exception to the rule of "birds of a feather, flock together"
not like regular people, and kind of an odd one in this sense. either that or your friend breaks you off real good. ( it's only a joke don't get butt hurt)

09-29-2008, 10:57 PM
I'll just leave this here..
(No, I did not make this)

http://img242.imageshack.us/my.php?image=whyyoushouldvoteforobamco4.jpghttp://img242.imageshack.us/img242/1022/whyyoushouldvoteforobamco4.th.jpg (http://img242.imageshack.us/my.php?image=whyyoushouldvoteforobamco4.jpg)http://img242.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif (http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php)


09-29-2008, 11:45 PM
anyone see this about obama?

YouTube - Manning's Fierce Prayer for Bristol Palin (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4-TZspqlOs)

I really dont wanna get into this political debate. There's Pro's and Con's for both of them. I got enough shit from my girlfriend cause I'm not even registered to vote. I know I should but i really don't like either. I'm like you ESmorz. She doesn't believe and all that and is Mormon. I'm Agnostic, and agree with what your ideas.

But this video made me laugh and the first thing I thought of was this picture I saw..


09-30-2008, 12:33 AM
Well, first off, I'm not white and I actually support Obama so I hope Obama(?) doesn't come after me :tinhat:

09-30-2008, 12:57 AM

09-30-2008, 01:03 AM
Wait which candidate is the Nazi?

09-30-2008, 01:46 AM
Wait which candidate is the Nazi?

whoever isn't from your party, they're all nazis

09-30-2008, 11:58 AM
anyone see this about obama?

YouTube - Manning's Fierce Prayer for Bristol Palin (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4-TZspqlOs)

I really dont wanna get into this political debate. There's Pro's and Con's for both of them. I got enough shit from my girlfriend cause I'm not even registered to vote. I know I should but i really don't like either. I'm like you ESmorz. She doesn't believe and all that and is Mormon. I'm Agnostic, and agree with what your ideas.

But this video made me laugh and the first thing I thought of was this picture I saw..


FUNNY LIKE A MOFO!!!!!!!! :snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop:

This guy goes off for a while... almost passes out from lack of oxygen...lmao!

09-30-2008, 12:08 PM
Since someone posted Boondocks, has anyone else noticed how much alike Obama and Tom are? That was probably my first impression of Obama, haha.

boro otaku
09-30-2008, 12:13 PM
examples including link please.
Yeah, I've played that game on Zilvia before... spending time to post factual, unbiased links... only to have you not even read then & dismiss them.

Try GOOGLE :fawk2:

boro otaku
09-30-2008, 12:16 PM
If Obama was elected, he'll get shot by some crazy white supremacist before he becomes a dictator. Guaranteed.
We can only hope :coolugh:

boro otaku
09-30-2008, 12:19 PM
they've been friends for about 20 years, perhaps that's why Obama goes to his church?
I've been friends with a Mormon leader for about 10 years... I DO NOT attend his church. So the answer to your question would be "no".

09-30-2008, 12:20 PM
Why is everyone putting so much importance on the fact that Obama is black, or that Palin is a woman?

Condoleeza Rice is a black woman and she's on the news almost as often as the president himself.

09-30-2008, 12:23 PM
Why is everyone putting so much importance on the fact that Obama is black, or that Palin is a woman?

Condoleeza Rice is a black woman, she's on the news almost as often as the president himself, no one's rioting, and nothing has changed.

No, but everyone rags on her, including Dave Chappelle lol

09-30-2008, 12:26 PM
Exactly, people treat her as a politician, her sex or ethnicity doesn't matter.

09-30-2008, 12:28 PM
So, the Missouri Governor is spreading lies?

Gov. Matt Blunt today issued the following statement on news reports that have exposed plans by U.S. Senator Barack Obama to use Missouri law enforcement to threaten and intimidate his critics.
“St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, and Obama and the leader of his Missouri campaign Senator Claire McCaskill have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign.

And it was admitted to by St. Louis Circuit Attorney.

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce--
Here's the statement Joyce sent to the St. Louis Post Dispatch defending her leadership leadership role in the Missouri "Obama Truth Squad":

As a citizen, I believe that elections should be about issues. I also have enormous respect for our First Amendment and freedom of speech. My sole purpose in participating in this initiative is about getting truthful information to the voters. This has never been or never will be about prosecuting people.

Clearly there are those who are attempting to twist the purpose of this initiative for their own benefit. This attack is a great example of how the truth is distorted in campaigns and what we’re trying to stand up against.

Just because there is such a hatred for Bush the truth is not being seen and what could happen to this country.

you know why RJFs posts are great, because:


They simply state facts, and let you choose your own opinions.

it concerns me how most obama followers have religious furvor and hate against everyone that does not support them. i don't support either of the two major parties, but the obama crusade is concerning me. blind mob mentality at it's best.

This is one charming bastard is all the reason that most people will vote for him.

09-30-2008, 12:29 PM
you know why RJFs posts are great, because:


They simply state facts, and let you choose your own opinions.
I hope you're being sarcastic, as all his sources are either some republican-run website, or Fox.
And I'm pretty sure a majority of non-religious voters is backing Obama.

09-30-2008, 12:33 PM
true all media is bias, but if they can prove it, is not an opinion. seems like he is just stirring up all you guys trying to make you actually think for yourself and try to do some background research on the candidates.

Tenchuu for emperor 09

09-30-2008, 01:01 PM
it concerns me how most obama followers have religious furvor and hate against everyone that does not support them. i don't support either of the two major parties, but the obama crusade is concerning me. blind mob mentality at it's best.

That does seem to be the case.

People are ready to scrap if you just say you don't like Obama, but the McCain supporters don't seem as gungho as the Obama backers.

09-30-2008, 01:04 PM
If anyone seriously believes that there is a likely chance of one US president gaining enough power to rival that of a dictatorship, especially within a 4-year term, then they probably shouldn't even be allowed to vote.
Yes, shady things will go on under the table, but there always have been, and there always will be.
But a dictator? Srsly?11!!! Some people need to go back to school.

09-30-2008, 01:05 PM
Bill Clinton = DICK on TATERs while in office :D

09-30-2008, 02:06 PM
I love how people can have concrete proof of a fact and still just scream "Bias!! it's just your opinion you know!"

It's not my opinion you need water to survive. It's a cold hard fact. Unless it comes from a source with different values of your own... Then it's not true. :ugh:

I'm not picking on anyone in particular in here, I just find it funny how people can stare truth or fact in the face and not see it for what it is.

09-30-2008, 02:10 PM
Al Gore in '04!

09-30-2008, 02:33 PM
i only support a dictatorship if i am the dictator.

as every man woman and child that is honest will admit to.

everyone wants to be king and thinks they can handle things better than everyone else.

09-30-2008, 03:24 PM
Al Gore in '04!

ban! that guy.......that fucking guy.. (not "that guy". you know which guy).
i dont want to even get started.....

09-30-2008, 03:29 PM
I love how people can have concrete proof of a fact and still just scream "Bias!! it's just your opinion you know!"

It's not my opinion you need water to survive. It's a cold hard fact. Unless it comes from a source with different values of your own... Then it's not true. :ugh:

I'm not picking on anyone in particular in here, I just find it funny how people can stare truth or fact in the face and not see it for what it is.

This an't Canadia, you can make up all kinds of stuff and state it as fact and not get sued.

09-30-2008, 03:33 PM
This an't Canadia, you can make up all kinds of stuff and state it as fact and not get sued.

It happens here all the time too. There's an election set here for 2 weeks from now and it's being pretty ugly and dirty as well. haha

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-30-2008, 03:40 PM
I love how people can have concrete proof of a fact and still just scream "Bias!! it's just your opinion you know!"

It's not my opinion you need water to survive. It's a cold hard fact. Unless it comes from a source with different values of your own... Then it's not true. :ugh:

I'm not picking on anyone in particular in here, I just find it funny how people can stare truth or fact in the face and not see it for what it is.
well, it is not fact, it is still opinion.

The truth squad was devised, as with all candidates just Obama gave it a name, to promote the truth about him and to make an attempt to remove the lies. This is a different type of election due to the color of Obama's skin and I have NEVER seen the type of personal slams and absolute lies with any other candidate except Obama.

Also, Obama might not be 100% get a gun anytime no matter who you are type of person but he CERTAINLY isn't the most liberal when it comes to gun control. I just picked this up from Ontheissues.org

Ok for states & cities to determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008)
FactCheck: Yes, Obama endorsed Illinois handgun ban. (Apr 2008)
Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok. (meaning local government governs handgun laws) (Feb 2008)
Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008)
2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007)
Concealed carry OK for retired police officers. (Aug 2007)
Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007)
Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006)
Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban. (Oct 2004)
Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998)
Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)

So, no, Obama is not trying to take your guns away. It's obvious with his public voting record that he wants to keep local government responsible for handgun laws. So, yes, the second half of RJF's article was complete bias and partial lies. While the first part of the article was misinterpritation of a program that McCain himself also has. And if someone googles "Obama's truth squad" they will see it exists, and the reading will probably stop there. This is why these are not concrete facts. It's just more and more spreading of lies. But, hey, it's the Republican way.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-30-2008, 03:41 PM
It happens here all the time too. There's an election set here for 2 weeks from now and it's being pretty ugly and dirty as well. haha
so very true. I'm not even voting for Obama and I'm sick of all the shit spewing on here, along with the rest of the internet.

09-30-2008, 03:47 PM
so very true. I'm not even voting for Obama and I'm sick of all the shit spewing on here, along with the rest of the internet.

I'm living in Canada, so I probably won't bother voting either. I may even be to late to do it... I'll probably vote in the Canadian election since the voting station is only a few blocks from my house, but the way voting works here is different and my vote in my area likely won't matter one bit and the basically guaranteed winner is the guy I'd vote for anyway.

But then again, if everyone says that...

09-30-2008, 03:55 PM
It happens here all the time too. There's an election set here for 2 weeks from now and it's being pretty ugly and dirty as well. haha

You're Libel laws are a little more stricter then ours.

09-30-2008, 06:12 PM
Now videos on YouTube are being pulled for "copyright reasons"

YouTube - Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RZVw3no2A4)

09-30-2008, 06:30 PM
I'm voting for peter wiggin.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-30-2008, 06:40 PM
Now videos on YouTube are being pulled for "copyright reasons"

YouTube - Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RZVw3no2A4)
yeah, I think we all know the CRA was directly at fault but what the major cause was that the poor was being approved on houses well outside of their means. I know that there were some fake W2's floating around Realtor's office's but I think there's more to it than that.

09-30-2008, 06:44 PM
You're Libel laws are a little more stricter then ours.

That's true they are. A little to strict I think... A little to open to "He hurt my feelings... Make him pay me a million dollars"

Fucking crybabies known as humanity.

09-30-2008, 06:52 PM
That's why i don't spread lies about people, no chance of gettin sued lol.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-30-2008, 06:52 PM
Also, why don't you look up these names:
Aquiles Suarez (formerly the director of government and industry relations for Fannie Mae)
Charlie Black (made at least $820,000 working for Freddie Mac from 1999 to 2004)
Wayne Berman and John Green (made $1.14 million working on behalf of Fannie Mae for lobbying firm Ogilvy Government Relations)
Arther B. Culvahouse Jr. (earned $80,000 from Fannie Mae in 2003 and 2004, while working for lobbying and law firm O'Melveny & Myers LLP)
Rick Davis (head of the Homeownership Alliance, a lobbying association that included Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, real estate agents, homebuilders, and non-profits)

All working on the McCain campaign and all profited BIG TIME from Fannie and Freddie.

Also, 20+ fundraisers have been lobbied by McCain for Fannie and Freddie over the past 9 years, while good ol' John McCain profited a cool 12.3 million.

So next time you try to pin Fannie and Freddy on Obama or anyone else, why don't you stop reading your little emails and start researching.

And here's another link (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0708/11781.html)

09-30-2008, 07:06 PM
I really don't want Obama in office. If it IS true that he will pull off some Stalin-esque shit, I don't want him NEAR the white house.... and if its not true, oh well, he's not in office anyway, so win-win to me. lol.

EDIT: Post #100 in this thread... hahaha.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-30-2008, 07:11 PM
I really don't want Obama in office. If it IS true that he will pull off some Stalin-esque shit, I don't want him NEAR the white house.... and if its not true, oh well, he's not in office anyway, so win-win to me. lol.

EDIT: Post #100 in this thread... hahaha.
it's really not true. Every campaign has a few people who's aim it is to remove smears against them. This is nothing new, it's something that is being twisted to sound new.

imotion s14
09-30-2008, 08:12 PM
it's really not true. Every campaign has a few people who's aim it is to remove smears against them. This is nothing new, it's something that is being twisted to sound new.

Obama was suppose to be above all that. He was suppose to be change from old Washington. He was suppose to be the one that wasn't corrupted by Washington. He was suppose to be the anti-politician.. well you get the picture.

Turns out he's just like all politicians before him.

09-30-2008, 08:24 PM
Now videos on YouTube are being pulled for "copyright reasons"

YouTube - Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RZVw3no2A4)
All the McCain slip-up Youtube videos I had favorited have been removed multiple times, as I've had to search for them anew every time.
Didn't know political Youtube videos being pulled was news to anyone.

Some excerpt from somewhere. Two sides to everything in politics.

"The McCain campaign tried to pre-emptively deflect such revelations by reviving the old Rove trick of accusing your opponent of your own biggest failings. It ran attack ads about Obama’s own links to the mortgage giants. But neither of the former Freddie-Fannie executives vilified in those ads, Franklin Raines (http://time-blog.com/swampland/2008/09/mccain_plays_the_race_card.html) and James Johnson (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq7DGTggpx0), had worked at those companies lately or are currently associated with the Obama campaign. (Raines never worked for the campaign at all (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/fact-checker/2008/09/obamas_fannie_mae_connection.html).) By contrast, Davis is the tip of the Freddie-Fannie-McCain iceberg. McCain’s senior adviser (http://www.motherjones.com/mojoblog/archives/2008/09/9663_mccain_fannie_freddie.html), his campaign’s vice chairman, his Congressional liaison and the reported head of his White House transition team (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601070&sid=aQIOOr9klOnE&refer=home) all either made fortunes from recent Freddie-Fannie lobbying or were players in firms that did."

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-30-2008, 08:25 PM
Obama was suppose to be above all that. He was suppose to be change from old Washington. He was suppose to be the one that wasn't corrupted by Washington. He was suppose to be the anti-politician.. well you get the picture.

Turns out he's just like all politicians before him.
but is it smart to just let the smear campaign happen? no. But fact is that the corrupt Washington that Obama speaks of is mainly the Bush administration. Other than that I don't see him being much different than Clinton or Bush Sr (who I think was a great President by the way), except for the fact that he has a daunting task of unfucking what has been fucked.

09-30-2008, 08:52 PM
ban! that guy.......that fucking guy.. (not "that guy". you know which guy).
i dont want to even get started.....
:keke: :keke:

imotion s14
09-30-2008, 09:13 PM
but is it smart to just let the smear campaign happen? no. But fact is that the corrupt Washington that Obama speaks of is mainly the Bush administration. Other than that I don't see him being much different than Clinton or Bush Sr (who I think was a great President by the way), except for the fact that he has a daunting task of unfucking what has been fucked.

corruption only started when bush took office.

09-30-2008, 09:46 PM
corruption only started when bush took office.
Corruption has been around as long as society.

imotion s14
10-01-2008, 09:11 AM
Corruption has been around as long as society.

so has sarcasm. :)

10-01-2008, 09:24 AM
RonPaul FTW

10-01-2008, 10:06 AM
RonPaul FTW

too late .....

10-01-2008, 10:33 AM
I'd like to chime in here, with my vote.

I'll be voting for McCain, not because he's white, not because its republican, non of that bullshit. I just hate what Obama stands for. Hate is a harsh term, I know, but there is no better way to describe my feelings towards such liberal bullshit agendas. I want to be able to buy a gun, as a law abiding citizen, without having to register as a "terrorist", or have the government go into my private life and check my computer, my school, my friends, to make sure I wont try to kill someone. I want to be able to protect my home and family without having to face murder charges. I want to be able to say "I dont like obama." without being called a racist, or an ignorant prick. I feel that I am just the opposite of ignorant. I want immigration laws enforced, revamped, and stuck to, with provisions made for non-criminal day workers. I know what Obama is about, and thats why Im not voting for him. Im not a republican, nor a democrat. Im a realist.

10-01-2008, 10:47 AM
YouTube - Missouri "Truth Squads" To Protect Obama Campaign (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIenDGSAdPA)

10-01-2008, 11:17 AM
I would have an anti-smear campaign.

Does that make me a communist dictator?


I don't know how you could vote for McCain after you see how many people involved in his campaign made a killing off the current banking "crisis". Even though Obama probably has just as many lol.

10-01-2008, 11:19 AM
I don't know how you could vote for McCain after you see how many people involved in his campaign made a killing off the current banking "crisis". Even though Obama probably has just as many lol.

So you canceled out your own sentence there lol :fawkd:

10-01-2008, 12:05 PM
you know why RJFs posts are great, because:


They simply state facts, and let you choose your own opinions.

it concerns me how most obama followers have religious furvor and hate against everyone that does not support them. i don't support either of the two major parties, but the obama crusade is concerning me. blind mob mentality at it's best.

This is one charming bastard is all the reason that most people will vote for him.

I love how people can have concrete proof of a fact and still just scream "Bias!! it's just your opinion you know!"

It's not my opinion you need water to survive. It's a cold hard fact. Unless it comes from a source with different values of your own... Then it's not true. :ugh:

I'm not picking on anyone in particular in here, I just find it funny how people can stare truth or fact in the face and not see it for what it is.

God, these political threads are always so disappointing. Every time I read one I am endlessly disappointed in the intelligence and reading-comprehension of the American public.

Tell me, what facts are stated in the first article RJF posted? What exactly is Obama doing? What exactly is he being accused of? How is he infringing on people's 1st amendment rights? How is he like Stalin? Oh, that's right, the article doesn't explain any of that. All it does is spread a quote by a Republican from Missouri that claims Obama is doing all of these things. And yet everyone who has posted in this thread so far hasn't seemed to notice that.

Yes, Obama has set up a website to monitor the campaign. Why? After the swift-boat fiasco of the 2004, he'd be stupid not to. If a lie or false statement is repeated enough times in the media, people will start to believe it. How many people out there think that Obama is a muslim? How many people still think that Iraq had a hand in 9-11? As a candidate (left or right), if you aren't pro-active in fighting libelous accusations and misinformation, if you don't take it head on immediately, that misinformation will spread and can destroy your campaign.

10-01-2008, 12:08 PM
So you canceled out your own sentence there lol :fawkd:

Yeah because I hate all politicians.

There is not a single one above city level that cares about anyone but themselves and their business partners.


10-01-2008, 12:34 PM
I don't like candidates with pseudo-socialist ideals. *cough*Obama*cough*

Mi Beardo es Loco
10-01-2008, 12:39 PM
I don't like candidates who believe that invading Iraq was "gods plan". cough cough....Palin.....cough cough.

10-01-2008, 01:24 PM
I don't like grumpy old men with a bad temper.

10-01-2008, 01:29 PM
God, these political threads are always so disappointing. Every time I read one I am endlessly disappointed in the intelligence and reading-comprehension of the American public.

Tell me, what facts are stated in the first article RJF posted? What exactly is Obama doing? What exactly is he being accused of? How is he infringing on people's 1st amendment rights? How is he like Stalin? Oh, that's right, the article doesn't explain any of that. All it does is spread a quote by a Republican from Missouri that claims Obama is doing all of these things. And yet everyone who has posted in this thread so far hasn't seemed to notice that.

Yes, Obama has set up a website to monitor the campaign. Why? After the swift-boat fiasco of the 2004, he'd be stupid not to. If a lie or false statement is repeated enough times in the media, people will start to believe it. How many people out there think that Obama is a muslim? How many people still think that Iraq had a hand in 9-11? As a candidate (left or right), if you aren't pro-active in fighting libelous accusations and misinformation, if you don't take it head on immediately, that misinformation will spread and can destroy your campaign.
Best post in this thread.

10-01-2008, 02:32 PM
God I can't wait until Nov is over.

10-01-2008, 02:34 PM
I don't like candidates who believe that invading Iraq was "gods plan". cough cough....Palin.....cough cough.

Ah... but she is not running for president, now is she?

10-01-2008, 02:36 PM
Ah... but she is not running for president, now is she?


but she was picked by a person who is.


10-01-2008, 02:44 PM

but she was picked by a person who is.


Right... but in the grand scheme of things, she doesn't mean shit.

10-01-2008, 02:48 PM
Right... but in the grand scheme of things, she doesn't mean shit.






10-01-2008, 02:48 PM
God I can't wait until Nov is over.

I can't wait till Nov 4th is over.

Because remember, you don't want Nov to go by TOO quickly... afterall, Turkey Day is in Nov., and Black Friday is also in Nov... although Black Friday will probably suck this year.

10-01-2008, 02:55 PM
I can't wait till Nov 4th is over.

Because remember, you don't want Nov to go by TOO quickly... afterall, Turkey Day is in Nov., and Black Friday is also in Nov... although Black Friday will probably suck this year.

I live in WI. I look forward to winter being over as fast as possible.

10-01-2008, 03:06 PM
I really like the idea of politics, but hate the way our system works.
I really wish that the presidential hopefuls had to choose their running mates before they even started any kind of election, or voting for any primary.
Because, I do not like Obama( I think he is just a different shade of politician, like wearing a mask to get the votes of people who are so ignorant to think that change is in the color of ones skin. ), I do not like McCain(yes I am against gun control, but I am against people buying them off the streets and using them in robberies, and McCain doesnt need a mask, because he is the exact same type of politician, same shit as bush, same republican , the same, except he was a p.o.w) but I am also against old as dirt guys being elected who have health problems that diminish his chance at survinng the first four year term.To me that is the biggest factor in not voteing for him. Palin is without doubt probably the least qualified vp hopeful EVER, and not because she is a woman, because she is an uneducated ex beauty pagent contestant who is a stay at home mom and thinks taking kids to hockey practice has anything to do with running this nation.
Another thing, Alaska is so far away from everything that is real in the united states, that I highly doubt that anything she learns while in office there, or in life there is relavent to running this nation.
All in all I really wish we could get a do over,or just draw two other names from a hat to vote for, that would give us more hope for change. Because I searously think that both of these canidates are not who they said they were 6 months ago.
Which makes me kinda scared of what they will become once they are elected.

10-01-2008, 05:23 PM
Which makes me kinda scared of what they will become once they are elected.

The same thing every president is.

A slave and puppet to lobbyists and advisers.