View Full Version : Ghosts now...Zombies will be here next.

09-26-2008, 02:21 PM
Security cameras at a Kansas gym caught a white ghostly image flitting amid the dumbbells in the middle of the night, spooking the facility's owner.

The possible fitness phantom floated around the nautilus and weight-lifting equipment for about two hours in the Overland Park Anytime Gym, which was empty, according to KMBC-TV in Kansas City. At one point, the orb lingered by the dumbbells.

The motion-sensitive camera was set off a total of about nine times between about 2:20 and 4:14 a.m. on Sept. 12.

Gym owner Kim Peterson said she called her security company to review the footage. They ruled out insects, dust and headlights from the outside.

"I said, 'Is there a light bulb going out or do I need to get up and clean the lens?" she said. "They reviewed it and said, 'We have no idea what that is.'"

Video below:

Video (http://www.local6.com/video/17553520/index.html)

09-26-2008, 02:24 PM
haha my friend showed this to me this morning.

creepy shit.

i wonder if she'll lose business if people saw this video.

"Look bitches! I gotz a ghost in my gym!!"


09-26-2008, 02:25 PM
^ Told you, you talked like that........

Creepy shit wow

09-26-2008, 02:30 PM
i wonder if she'll lose business if people saw this video.

Probably exactly the opposite.

Now all those dumb "I wanna see a ghost in real life even though they don't exist" people will sign up to her gym.


09-26-2008, 02:36 PM
^^ haha probably

but i'd personally be freaked out.

if those occurences happen between the hours of 2-4am then those ghost believers wouldn't have to join her gym to witness the magic, all they have to do is park out front with their cameras.



09-26-2008, 02:40 PM
yeah well there are ghost all around, I mean that's why people are scared of the dark right? that and the boogie man. ( I always used to think it was a guy that made you dance when I was a kid)

09-26-2008, 02:42 PM
i work at a place viewing camera monitors and i see this all the time. Its just a small bug on the lens,you cant see it because the bug is out of focus.

09-26-2008, 02:42 PM
^ Told you, you talked like that........

Creepy shit wow

she does talk like that all the time, it's due to the amount of underground hiphop she listens too.

check this out.
The Ghost Car Video (http://www.break.com/index/ghost_car.html)

09-26-2008, 02:51 PM
Watch this video from 6 minutes on . the first part is lame, but the last 2 minutes is creepy as shit.
especially the house that is being renovated.
YouTube - Scariest Ghosts Caught On Tape 1/6 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMc_lO-Td1A)

the tv show ghost hunters was up here in Fresno like a week ago.

09-26-2008, 02:57 PM
Probably exactly the opposite.

Now all those dumb "I wanna see a ghost in real life even though they don't exist" people will sign up to her gym.


hey hey now, don't exist? I think after watching this video you and I both know that's not true! lol. definitely creepy though.

09-26-2008, 03:02 PM
I never got why people wanna believe ghosts are real so bad. So they can think that when they die it won't just be nothingness?

I would think that after however many thousand years humans have been alive that if ghosts were real we would know about it and if they were trying to "communicate" with us they would have done so already.

09-26-2008, 03:05 PM
sometimes when I walk around I kinda tweak out and think about all the people who have walked where I walked at that exact moment. like imagine all the people who ever lived and if you put them exactly where they were when they died, I bet you would be standing next to a dead person.

kinda crazy.
but i believe in ghost, some are good and some are bad.

09-26-2008, 03:07 PM
How is believing in ghosts any different than believing in god? I've never seen any videos showing god walking around a gym, as far as I'm concerned ghosts are more real than god himself.

09-26-2008, 03:07 PM
How is believing in ghosts any different than believing in god? I've never seen any videos showing god walking around a gym, as far as I'm concerned ghosts are more real than god himself.

Haha well I think about both in the very same manner.


09-26-2008, 03:09 PM
My friend lives down the street from that place. Maybe we'll check it out some night.

09-26-2008, 03:13 PM
My friend lives down the street from that place. Maybe we'll check it out some night.

If I knew any haunted houses around my area I'd go check it out right now. Anybody know anything haunted around San Jose, CA? I'm just like Fox Mulder, I want to believe!

09-26-2008, 03:14 PM
i work at a place viewing camera monitors and i see this all the time. Its just a small bug on the lens,you cant see it because the bug is out of focus.

"they said a bug wouldnt turn this type of motion sensor on." English muthafucka, do you speak it?

09-26-2008, 03:29 PM
hmmmm maybe if you scream BUKAKE the ghost might run off. Like i say every year around fall who is down for some scary adventure nights?!

09-26-2008, 03:31 PM
Holy shit, thats near me.

09-26-2008, 03:40 PM
I never got why people wanna believe ghosts are real so bad. So they can think that when they die it won't just be nothingness?

I would think that after however many thousand years humans have been alive that if ghosts were real we would know about it and if they were trying to "communicate" with us they would have done so already.


but to answer your question, i think that people believe in ghosts because they DO want to believe that there is some sort of life after death.

nothing wrong with that though cause it can also help to understand why people believe in some sort of religion, or even UFOs and aliens for that matter. The universe is just too vast and full of unknowns that people are naturally filled with curiosity. and accepting that such things just do not exist, is too hard to grasp since we will all never really know the truth.

09-26-2008, 03:40 PM
hmmmm maybe if you scream BUKAKE the ghost might run off. Like i say every year around fall who is down for some scary adventure nights?!

ive already had my share, ill post pics later.

09-26-2008, 03:44 PM
The reason why I believe in ghosts is because I want to haunt people so bad after I die. I mean, I don't really believe in life after death, but if I could come back and be a ghost and scare people and/or torture them in some way that would be sweet.

09-26-2008, 03:44 PM
I never got why people wanna believe ghosts are real so bad. So they can think that when they die it won't just be nothingness?

I would think that after however many thousand years humans have been alive that if ghosts were real we would know about it and if they were trying to "communicate" with us they would have done so already.

Just something to throw into this mix...

After "however many thousand years" there are still places on this planet we haven't seen or been to, and new creatures being discovered. We don't know everything. :D

:2c: :wavey:

09-26-2008, 03:44 PM
IF youre filipino and youve been to the province and walked around at night, I know you know scary.

09-26-2008, 03:46 PM
Just something to throw into this mix...

After "however many thousand years" there are still places on this planet we haven't seen or been to, and new creatures being discovered. We don't know everything. :D

:2c: :wavey:

Yeah but that also means there are thousands of years of us trying to communicate with "spirits" and then conversely the reason most people say spirits are here is to try and communicate with us.

Don't you think with that much trying it would have happened?


09-26-2008, 03:47 PM
Yeah but that also means there are thousands of years of us trying to communicate with "spirits" and then conversely the reason most people say spirits are here is to try and communicate with us.

Don't you think with that much trying it would have happened.


Maybe spirits speak a language yet undiscovered by man? ever think of that? huh, huh?

09-26-2008, 03:51 PM
Yeah but that also means there are thousands of years of us trying to communicate with "spirits" and then conversely the reason most people say spirits are here is to try and communicate with us.

Don't you think with that much trying it would have happened.


A valid argument.

I'm not really "Pro-Ghost" or "Pro-Explainable Coincidence" here, but I will say that I have been to the battlefields of Gettysburg at night, and it definitely felt like something was "there". Now I didn't see semi-transparent men running around in blue and grey wool uniforms, or any other "Scooby-Doo-Esque" happenings, but it was certainly enough to make me a little suspicious. :ughd:

People will believe whatever they want to. Sometimes, they just want it to stay a mystery. Proving them wrong, or discovering the less than surreal truth about things like this taints the imagination.

09-26-2008, 03:53 PM
did anyone watch the videos I posted?
cant really answer as to why that shit happened.

09-26-2008, 03:55 PM
Maybe spirits speak a language yet undiscovered by man? ever think of that? huh, huh?

what he said.

that, or they are unable to communicate verbally.

hence why all the shit we see or hear about ghosts are usually physical occurences. Seeing images or watching shit being moved around or switched on and off.

but like i said, it's hard to refute such an issue. It's like trying to refute religion... we'll never know. Therefore maybe, just maybe we'll find out when we die. ;)

09-26-2008, 03:58 PM
did anyone watch the videos I posted?
cant really answer as to why that shit happened.

yeah I watched that, easily explained by a drug ring with a fence that can pop underground real quick and then resurface to keep the cops at bay, duh.

09-26-2008, 03:59 PM
I've seen ghost!


09-26-2008, 04:00 PM
A valid argument.

I'm not really "Pro-Ghost" or "Pro-Explainable Coincidence" here, but I will say that I have been to the battlefields of Gettysburg at night, and it definitely felt like something was "there". Now I didn't see semi-transparent men running around in blue and grey wool uniforms, or any other "Scooby-Doo-Esque" happenings, but it was certainly enough to make me a little suspicious. :ughd:

People will believe whatever they want to. Sometimes, they just want it to stay a mystery. Proving them wrong, or discovering the less than surreal truth about things like this taints the imagination.

Haha I know, I'm just giving you a hard time. There are many things I would rather concern myself with than finding out if spirits are real or not.


what he said.

that, or they are unable to communicate verbally.

hence why all the shit we see or hear about ghosts are usually physical occurences. Seeing images or watching shit being moved around or switched on and off.

but like i said, it's hard to refute such an issue. It's like trying to refute religion... we'll never know. Therefore maybe, just maybe we'll find out when we die. ;)

Can't you read? I am the law.


09-26-2008, 04:04 PM
Haha I know, I'm just giving you a hard time. There are many things I would rather concern myself with than finding out if spirits are real or not.


Well, thanks for being able to debate it with me without getting upset. That doesn't seem to happen enough anymore. :bow:

09-26-2008, 04:05 PM
Well, thanks for being able to debate it with me without getting upset. That doesn't seem to happen enough anymore. :bow:

you guys are all wrong, I can't believe this shit, you don't believe in ghosts, omg go to hell, man, ghosts are so real! they are!!!!!!!

09-26-2008, 04:08 PM
Personally I don't believe in ghosts, but speaking of things like this, I've wondered if it could be possible for there to be brainwaves that could be transmitted, working on a principle similar to wireless devices, maybe they could be very faint but still be there, or that we could have some undeveloped senses that we don't even know about, basically things that humans haven't discovered about themselves yet.

Like when you think about some really random thing, and it turns out that your friend or the person next to you is thinking of the exact same thing, or you think of an episode of a tv show and that's the episode that ends up being on that day. I've had that happening to me very often lately.

09-26-2008, 04:09 PM
^^^^ hahahha to spiknspan

they are so real! LIKE ZOMFG

well now that we talked about ghosts....

can we talk about zombies?


09-26-2008, 04:10 PM
you guys are all wrong, I can't believe this shit, you don't believe in ghosts, omg go to hell, man, ghosts are so real! they are!!!!!!!

wow, dont go sounding crazy, you almost sound like people who try forcing people to believe in god.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-26-2008, 04:11 PM
I know this one if fake but it's still freaky
YouTube - Japanese Ghost Mirror (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zwzXelddds)

Also, that last episode of ghost hunters was freaking crazy. They went to a abandoned train station in Buffalo and they caught a guy walking like a bird. freaky.

09-26-2008, 04:11 PM
you know whats scarier than zombies?
midget zombies.

Ghost hunters filmed here in Fresno, Ca.
and they filmed at this abandoned house, that used to be on the property of an old hospital. Supposed to be really haunted, I really wanna see if they find anything.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-26-2008, 04:12 PM
you know whats scarier than zombies?
midget zombies.
midget democrat zombies.

09-26-2008, 04:14 PM
midget democrat zombies.
no cause the democrat zombies would be chill, its the republican zombies that would try to take all your money so that they can use it to buy shit to kill you.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-26-2008, 04:16 PM
no cause the democrat zombies would be chill, its the republican zombies that would try to take all your money so that they can use it to buy shit to kill you.
yes but democratic zombies will enslave your mother's and girlfriend's for blowjobs and coke.

09-26-2008, 04:49 PM
yes but democratic zombies will enslave your mother's and girlfriend's for blowjobs and coke.

wtf, really?

anyways, zombies probably wouldn't even be able to choose between democractic and republican parties anyways, they are zombies afterall.

I always thought that there could be some kind of real life zombie somehow to like how the zombies were created in "I Am Legend." I really think something like this could happen, someone makes a miracle drug that cures some crazy disease, but when the people do happen to die from time they turn into zombies. I'm not saying real life zombies would act like the ones in the movies do, but I do believe it is a possibility that dead organisms in a human body may be able to reanimate with some kind of drug. I guess we'll see.

firm tofu
09-26-2008, 04:51 PM
i work at a place viewing camera monitors and i see this all the time. Its just a small bug on the lens,you cant see it because the bug is out of focus.

same here. if its a enclosed camera bugs are known to get inside the dome, ive had black widows and other bugs in a PTZ i had to take down :dead:. though i have seen some creepy things when reviewing video.

09-26-2008, 05:00 PM
I always thought that there could be some kind of real life zombie somehow to like how the zombies were created in "I Am Legend." I really think something like this could happen, someone makes a miracle drug that cures some crazy disease, but when the people do happen to die from time they turn into zombies. I'm not saying real life zombies would act like the ones in the movies do, but I do believe it is a possibility that dead organisms in a human body may be able to reanimate with some kind of drug. I guess we'll see.
There are zombie snails.

YouTube - Zombie snails (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWB_COSUXMw)

09-26-2008, 05:03 PM
yeah but the bug on the lens does not prove that ghost don't exist.

At my old house there were for sure some ghost there. not even joking. not at all, an old man and a girl. i saw the girl, and shit had been moved and things like that.

09-26-2008, 05:08 PM
There are zombie snails.

YouTube - Zombie snails (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWB_COSUXMw)

ZOMG it's true!!!! head for the hills people D day is upon us!!!!

09-26-2008, 05:11 PM
Also, scientists can now create zombie cockroaches.



09-26-2008, 05:16 PM
Also, scientists can now create zombie cockroaches.

YouTube - Zombie cockroaches revived by brain shot (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fO0zHiAIG8)

Slashdot | Scientists Create Zombie Cockroaches (http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/11/30/0431246)

oh man we're done for!

09-26-2008, 05:25 PM
for example.
we always had a nightlight on in the hallway, for my little sister.
Sometimes, you would be sitting in the living room watching tv and notice something out of the corner of your eye. when you look you wold see both of our cats and both dogs just staring in the hallway.
and you would notice the light getting blurry kinda like someone was putting a clear plastic bag over the light.

for you to understand this next one, the house was a 3 bedroom house, with on bedroom all the way across the house next to the kitchen.
my moms room was the one next to the kitchen.
so one night real late like 3 am or something I wake up to get a drink. I was really tired , I got home from work at like 12.

I start pouring me some koolaid, and i notice my sister just standing by the fridge door, earing her white night gown with her hair all a mess.
so I say "hey Jessica, want something to drink? I pull out a small cup and poor it for her and set it on the counter. and she steps to the counter I go back to bed.
when I wake up the next morning my mom asks me, Robert who were you talking to last night?
I tell her, just jessica, I got her some koolaid.
she looks at me kinda spooked and says"Jessica is staying the night at her friends house!" I look on the counter and the koolaid is still there.
she says she has seen the girl once before. and there is a guy she says she swears she sees in the hallway leaning against the hallway arms folded legs cross, just as her dad used to do.
pretty crazy stuff.

09-26-2008, 05:29 PM
There may not be ghosts. But there may be other beings on earth. Not aliens. But co-existing supernatural stuff. Like weird beings. Not satan or anything, or the devil. But other beings that co-exist.

Every once in a while these beings take over humans, and make them do crazy shit, like the exorcist etc. Those thigns do exist i do beleive.
So even within those beings there are the good and the bad. The bad screw around with you. The good just co-exist and do their own thing. Whatever it may be.

But Zombies are on a whole different level. I dont even wanna get started on that.

09-26-2008, 05:45 PM
than another time I took a hot shower got out and the mirror was all steamed up, but it looked as if someone was in my bathroom and put their hand on the glass and wiped it.
kinda freaked me out, but I thought, maybe someones greasy oily hand did that and when I took the shower moisture would not build up on the oil.
so I cleaned it with windex like twice.
so I run the hot water it steams up no hand prints.
so the next time I take a shower I cleaned the bathroom before hand same as before, and no hand smear or anything. take the hot shower again, get out and now the same hand print smudge across the mirror, but this time it was the other way!

but never had any negative things. if anything it felt as if we were protected by it some how.
i lived in a bad neighborhood and all the neighbors had there houses either graffiti on or robbed or vandalized but not us.

09-26-2008, 05:47 PM
than another time I took a hot shower got out and the mirror was all steamed up, but it looked as if someone was in my bathroom and put their hand on the glass and wiped it.
kinda freaked me out, but I thought, maybe someones greasy oily hand did that and when I took the shower moisture would not build up on the oil.
so I cleaned it with windex like twice.
so I run the hot water it steams up no hand prints.
so the next time I take a shower I cleaned the bathroom before hand same as before, and no hand smear or anything. take the hot shower again, get out and now the same hand print smudge across the mirror, but this time it was the other way!

but never had any negative things. if anything it felt as if we were protected by it some how.
i lived in a bad neighborhood and all the neighbors had there houses either graffiti on or robbed or vandalized but not us.

shit dude, your stories are creeping me out! sometimes in my house the shower turns on all by itself and will run for aprox 5 minutes then turn off. I've never gone in the bathroom while this was going on, usually I'm not around when it happens.

09-26-2008, 05:52 PM
yeah shit doesn't really get to me, you just have to accept that the world is kinda old and a lot of people have lived here before you, and that if you believe in a soul that you must accept that it must go somewhere when you die. be it heaven , hell, you get reincarnated, or you stay as ghost who knows. they have never really harmed me. if they wanted you out of the house they would have done a lot more, maybe they just think you need a shower.

09-26-2008, 06:07 PM
shit dude, your stories are creeping me out! sometimes in my house the shower turns on all by itself and will run for aprox 5 minutes then turn off. I've never gone in the bathroom while this was going on, usually I'm not around when it happens.

reminds me of the story of that Homeless Japanese lady who living in that guys attic and used all his shit for a year.

09-26-2008, 06:23 PM
yeah shit doesn't really get to me, you just have to accept that the world is kinda old and a lot of people have lived here before you, and that if you believe in a soul that you must accept that it must go somewhere when you die. be it heaven , hell, you get reincarnated, or you stay as ghost who knows. they have never really harmed me. if they wanted you out of the house they would have done a lot more, maybe they just think you need a shower.

well now that you mention it I haven't taken a shower today! :keke:

Vision Garage
09-26-2008, 06:45 PM
Come on gimme real ghosts, not some damn ORB!


09-26-2008, 06:47 PM
did anyone watch the videos I posted?
cant really answer as to why that shit happened.

Yeah that was gaytarded.

Anyone could re-create any of that.


09-26-2008, 07:02 PM
Yeah that was gaytarded.

Anyone could re-create any of that.


not the vid with the ghost car, how's he get through the fence? oh wait, I already explained it, but really though. how did he get through that fence?

09-27-2008, 06:49 AM
someone please make a gif of the creepy old lady at the end saying "could be a sprit!"

09-27-2008, 10:35 AM
Theres already ghosts and zombies. He's called Michael Jackson.





Koopa Troopa
09-27-2008, 10:58 AM
The real question is what the hell kinda ghost would haunt the free weights at a gym?:keke:

09-27-2008, 11:39 AM
its a fucking flashlight

09-27-2008, 12:36 PM
did anyone watch the videos I posted?
cant really answer as to why that shit happened.

As for the "unexplainable" moving objects, that could all be done with fishing string if rigged properly...

09-27-2008, 01:17 PM
They probably did that shit to get free advertisement.

09-27-2008, 01:25 PM
Yeah that was gaytarded.

Anyone could re-create any of that.


Alright esmorz you like to talk?Well I take it that your anyone so prove it, you recreate it, or just shut up. I don't think all of it could be recreated. Especially the chair, and the dry wall. You would have seen some kind of slack in the line if there was one that pulled the chair, cause that shit jerked hard, and try pulling a chair with a fishing line or some shit, and see if the legs don't lift off the ground when you tug it to make it move like that.
So go recreate it, you said anyone, and if your not anyone than I guess your no one.