View Full Version : Taking Automotive College classes

09-23-2008, 06:13 PM
How was it for most of you that went? I'm going to start going to take college classes next semester, I'm going to take Automotive Engines and Drive Train, Engine Performance and Advanced engine performance, I know I'll learn lots of things that I don't know, will it actually help me get a job when I'm out which will be when I'm like 18, I'm taking two years for college while I'm in high school/home school.

09-23-2008, 07:39 PM
shit was easy for me. But thats the way I think. Look at something, imagine how it works, and imagine what can go wrong.

And now I have a cake job on post doing literally nothing making too much money because of that schooling.

09-23-2008, 09:27 PM
Just dont go to Wyotech or UTI. THeyll rip you off for the same education. Keep it at community college and learn at your own pace.

09-23-2008, 09:33 PM
Just dont go to Wyotech or UTI. THeyll rip you off for the same education. Keep it at community college and learn at your own pace.

+1 i learned that shit the hard way.

though depending on where you apply, they might really like the diploma you get from there.

Really just make sure you get all youre ASEs

09-23-2008, 10:14 PM
I'm going to Victor Valley College, very popular up here in the high desert, at first I wanted to go to UTI but a friend of my bro went there for 1 year for 20,000 and he washes cars at a nissan dealership for 8$ an hour so eh. I'm going to pay 20$ a unit those 3 classes make a total of 14 units, so I don't know how many I need to do to get a diploma or something. Anybody know?

09-23-2008, 11:03 PM
I'm actually going to say screw being a mechanic, and see if I cant get a degree in education or business management... I'd be a bad ass teacher, and a bad ass boss.

I cant decide lol.

09-24-2008, 11:11 AM
Dont go to school for automotive stuff. Get a real major and keep this a hobby. As we all know..

Racing costs money
Job == money
Better job == more racing!


Drifting =/= racing
Mechanics == drifters jobs
drifters jobs == poor
Drifting == gay

That sums it up quite well

09-24-2008, 11:37 AM
The fun is all in working on your own car. Once you start
working on other people's cars, I think the fun stops.

My :2c:.