View Full Version : A donation for a past friend of ours

Sonic Motor
09-23-2008, 08:33 AM
Posting for a friend who lost a friend...

This is on behalf of myself (Jom), Mike (Coles), Kelvin (DriftMonster) Jeff (Jeff Jones), Angus, Eddie, Dereck (D-rek), Justin (Mazda Polluter), Phil, Sando and the rest of the 818 crew.

Our good friend Mario Rangel passed away last week (9/19/08) in a car accident between Wickes_and_Roscoe on Whitsett Ave (almost Arleta/Devonshire, located in Sun Valley, CA (SFV)) We are still unclear of what exactly had happened, but he apparently lost control of his car and flew out of it once he hit a pole. His neck was broken upon impact and his family does not have enough money to get a proper funeral for him and is only short about $1,500. My friends and I (Including all of us that you know) will be having a car-wash on Plummer and Sepulveda (near Family Fun Arcade) on Saturday 9-27-08 for $5 per car. It will be located in the Carl's Jr. parking lot. If you can come by and help out I'd appreciate it very much as any money would be great for Mario's funeral. All money generated by the car wash will be going directly towards Mario's funeral and nothing else.

If any of you could possibly make it out to it I would appreciate it more than anything I could think of. I'm sad I have to ask this of everybody but whatever can get one of our friend's a proper burial I'm going to try. If any of you would even like to donate you can send the donations to ' [email protected] '

If any of you would like to see Mario's crash site, it is off of the 170 fwy on Arleta/Whitsett right inbetween the new Byrd middle school and Polytechnic High School. We have been going there every night to light new candles and see eachother and anyone who would like to see Mario's crash site is more than welcome to as long as they bring no problems to those mourning Mario's death.

Thank you all very much.


You guys seriously have no idea how much it would mean to me, even if youre not there to donate and would just like to share a couple moments in silence for Mario.

MySpace.com - LeEcH Lovin My Lily - 22 - Male - SUN VALLEY, California - www.myspace.com/tarmacleechneverlift (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=322069847)

if you have any questions you can send me an email at [email protected] or reply in this thread and I will check it as soon as I can.

thank you all for your time.

09-23-2008, 10:49 AM
my condoloenses to you, the friends and the family... if i were out in southern cali, i would definately try to support, but from up north all i can and will do is pray for him.

drift freaq
09-23-2008, 11:00 AM
wow, my condolences man. He looks familiar. I wonder if I sold him parts before.

09-23-2008, 11:25 AM
whoa.... .............

09-23-2008, 09:37 PM
wish i wasnt in WI,
my car needs a wash. :/

but my condolences.

Vision Garage
09-23-2008, 09:45 PM
Man my condolences as well. May god be with your friend and his family.

Ill see what i can contribute if I cant make it to the wash.

09-23-2008, 11:54 PM
wow man, I feel you I started a thread about this a while back, for us just to post up pics of our friends who were in the scene or that we have lost along the way.
That guy looks so familiar though.
hope everyone is doing okay coping with the loss of such a good friend. I lost one of my best friends this year, and its tough.