View Full Version : Heart Walk Los Angeles 9-27-08 Donations please

09-23-2008, 08:25 AM
Hey guys...many of you know me one on one or thru a friend or done business with you here and there...

im parcipating in Los angeles Heart walk this year with my job site, which is an honor to help be in since my family has history withheart problems and ive been blessed to not have them...

so what i ask of my fellow zilvians is if u can help support my walk(and yes my fat ass is walking and ill rep ZILVIA proudly on my back ) with donations. from what i remember its 25 minimum, which honestly i think is a harsh amount for a doantion, but seeing the cause that its going for its well worth the sacrifice.

here is the link to my heart walk page, money never touches my hands, it goes directly to the funds for the heart walk...

the actually event is this Saturday so i hope to atleast get one donation from here is well worth the effort.

here is the link

if mods have a problem wiht this ill close it down, but i hope its ok, this money can help many people, and if youre in the area please join the walk.

Thanks Guys...

id also like to add that this can be a tax deduction please see details on the page.

09-23-2008, 08:29 AM
That's you Steve Miguel???

If so i'll throw you a few bucks on Friday morn

09-23-2008, 08:33 AM
That's you Steve Miguel???

If so i'll throw you a few bucks on Friday morn

lol yeah...everyone trips out with my first and last name both being first names lol

09-23-2008, 08:46 AM
haha your like

Ricky Bobby...


The guy has 2 first names :rofl:

09-24-2008, 01:36 PM
haha your like

Ricky Bobby...


The guy has 2 first names :rofl:

LOL yeah pretty much....cmon guys

09-24-2008, 02:59 PM
Shit steve, you know I'd help but I'm broke myself. I have history of heart disease in my fmaily as well, and a couple member sof my family dying from heart problems.

I support what you're doing a 100%....though I just am really really strapped for dough dude.....

I have two last names...Heath Warren...hahaha.

09-24-2008, 05:47 PM
Awww man wtf I can only make $25 or more donations wtf.

I was gonna do one for $10. Whens the deadline?