View Full Version : starring contest with the fuzz

09-21-2008, 01:55 AM
Okay, so today I walk out of my friends house which is on a corner, and walk out to the sidewalk. As I do I than notice a cop driving down the street, as I walk to the car on the corner, I see him make eye contact and as he is trying to stare me down, I am like , fuck that, I stare at him he drives by, and look over my shoulder as he passes by me.
I get to the corner and hear tires screeching, and look behind me and see the cop flippin a bitch smoke and all.
I think shit, well I didnt do anything wrong so fuck it. I open the car door and sit down and roll down the windows, and no sooner than I do, I see the cop pull around the corner hot on the breaks, and he is almost at a dead stop, as he rolls by me and stars me down, I star back and smile( couldnt help it cause I was thinking about super troopers. )than he drives down the street, I start the car, flip a bitch and than I look in the rear view mirror to see him flipping another bitch.
FUCK, what a prick! same as before, fuckem I didnt do shit wrong. so I do as I would if he was not there so I make the right and get to the stop light and heis right behind me. (whats funny is thatI am listening to a girl talk song that has the lyrics woop woop thats the sound of the police or someshit(did not plan on it but it was funny)so I figured he would light me up when the light turns green. ....nope, he stays behind me changes lanes pulls beside me, and stares, than gets about a car length infront of meand i see him look at the front of the car.
no front plate, here it comes.
slams on the breaks( just like super troopers) I keep driving and he gets behind me, and throws on the lights.
I pull over, put the keys on the dash, and my hands on the wheel.
he walks up and heres how is went.....

"how are you doing, know why I pulled you over?"
-cause I looked at you?-
"cause you dont have a front plate"
_ha, ha,ha, um howa bout this?(I pull out the fixet ticket from the center consol"
he looks at it and,
"do you have a license?"
I reach for it but before I do, I say
-I am just gettin my wallet officer, is that okay? -
"mr, ferga, fergasoon?"
"sit tight, Ill be back"
"sooooo, where you comming from?"
-the house you watched me walk out of-
with a dumb look on his face he says
"where you going?"
-the donut house, I am going to help my friend work, if ya want you can stop by, I will be there till bout ten-
"no thanks, well, put a front plate on!"
-I got like 40 something fdays left but, will do occifer-
he got in the cruiser, I left.
I didn't know cops took starring contest so seriously.

09-21-2008, 02:15 AM
Damn thats pretty stupid. I'm gunna try that next time I see a cop. I will let you know how it goes hahaha. I have a front license plate so I am good to go.

09-21-2008, 02:24 AM
..."how are meow doing? know why I pulled meow over?"
-cause I looked at you?-
"cause meow dont have a front plate"
_ha, ha,ha, um howa bout this?(I pull out the fixet ticket from the center consol"
he looks at it and,
"Meow do you have a license?"
I reach for it but before I do, I say
-I am just gettin my wallet officer, is that okay? -
"mr, ferga, fergasoon?"
"sit tight, Ill be back meow."
"sooooo, where meow comming from?"
-the house you watched me walk out of-
with a dumb look on his face he says
"where you going meow?"
-the donut house, I am going to help my friend work, if ya want you can stop by, I will be there till bout ten-
"no thanks, meow, put a front plate on!"
-I got like 40 something fdays left but, will do occifer-
he got in the cruiser, I left.
I didn't know cops took starring contest so seriously.


09-21-2008, 02:37 AM
that is exactly what I heard in my head when he was talking.

but in all rationality, I am moving soon, so it is not like the cop will be seein me around to fuck my life up with every little asshole ticket he can find.

remember don't shit where you eat.

09-21-2008, 02:53 AM
If we still had rep I'd be sending some +rep to z spool lol

Cops don't like being stared at. I think it's like your challenging their authority.
I know a couple people who have been pulled over for "mad dogging" a cop.

I remember one time I pulled up to a light and a cop pulled up next to me.
I looked over and it went something like:


The light turn green and I went but the cop hung back and swung in behind me.
I knew he was running my plates but my shit is legit so he followed me for a couple blocks then turned off.

09-21-2008, 09:18 AM
If we still had rep I'd be sending some +rep to z spool lol

Cops don't like being stared at. I think it's like your challenging their authority.
I know a couple people who have been pulled over for "mad dogging" a cop.

I remember one time I pulled up to a light and a cop pulled up next to me.
I looked over and it went something like:


The light turn green and I went but the cop hung back and swung in behind me.
I knew he was running my plates but my shit is legit so he followed me for a couple blocks then turned off.

hahaha yeah, i miss rep...

09-21-2008, 10:24 AM
good thing there's no rep system so i can say...

i didn't know you can 'star' at someone...you could definitely 'stare' but when i saw the title, i was like...starring contest? drawing stars with your car instead of donuts? that'd be cool.

good story, but still. kinda wish if they were able to take away the rep system, they could add at least a grammar system.

09-21-2008, 10:33 AM
lol. WHen I become a cop Im totally going to do shit like this.

I mean, seriously, you know that cop was having a good giggle about that.

09-21-2008, 10:45 AM
anytime you stare down a cop it makes you look suspicious like you're up to no good thats why he followed you to look for something to pull you over for

09-21-2008, 11:03 AM
you should have revved on him and asked if he wanted to run em when he pulled beside you... fuckin A doggy

09-21-2008, 11:45 AM
Staring looks suspicious. Like you're waiting for him to go so you can, "do/hide something".

09-21-2008, 12:36 PM
yeah fuck staring at cops, i give em a wave if they make eye contact and thats it.

09-21-2008, 01:16 PM
I love to wave at cops as I drive or ride my bike.

Throws them off.


09-21-2008, 01:17 PM
If we still had rep I'd be sending some +rep to z spool lol

Cops don't like being stared at. I think it's like your challenging their authority.
I know a couple people who have been pulled over for "mad dogging" a cop.

I remember one time I pulled up to a light and a cop pulled up next to me.
I looked over and it went something like:


The light turn green and I went but the cop hung back and swung in behind me.
I knew he was running my plates but my shit is legit so he followed me for a couple blocks then turned off.

hahah :bowrofl:

09-21-2008, 01:46 PM
you know dam well if you had the power as a cop and some punk lookin kid was starrin at you , you would mess with em too lol.. but the j turns are a lil extreme... i mean we cant do em, why should a cop be able to do em for this purpose?

09-21-2008, 02:02 PM
I love to wave at cops as I drive or ride my bike.

Throws them off.


It really does, i've seen cops go from :squint: to :confused: after waving at them. Some even double take

09-21-2008, 02:06 PM
If we still had rep I'd be sending some +rep to z spool lol

Cops don't like being stared at. I think it's like your challenging their authority.
I know a couple people who have been pulled over for "mad dogging" a cop.

I remember one time I pulled up to a light and a cop pulled up next to me.
I looked over and it went something like:


The light turn green and I went but the cop hung back and swung in behind me.
I knew he was running my plates but my shit is legit so he followed me for a couple blocks then turned off.

hahaha Just like that? I with I had floating ? marks above my head sometimes.

09-21-2008, 02:32 PM
I wasn't even staring at him.
I looked over because I could see him staring at me out the corner of my eye.
It was the middle of the day and I was driving my truck.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-21-2008, 02:59 PM
Don't make eye contact, they take it as a sign of dominance. If you feel you must look them in the eyes and they challenge you, you could cuff their ears or tap them on their noses, it always shows them who's boss.

09-21-2008, 03:32 PM
That's why I keep a spray bottle in the car... If they get snippy, just spritz them and they'll stop.

09-21-2008, 03:37 PM
what does "flipping a bitch" mean?

09-21-2008, 03:40 PM
That's a joke, right?

09-21-2008, 03:47 PM
I love to wave at cops as I drive or ride my bike.

Throws them off.


:rofl: My friend does that shit, drives me insane. He started flipping them off and hauling ass out... kid is a retard.

09-21-2008, 05:52 PM
ummmm yeah this shit is weak.

Let me know when you do something better than me.

Got pulled over for tailgating a sheriff.

And yes I was tailgating the fuck out of him.

09-22-2008, 11:18 AM
lol. WHen I become a cop Im totally going to do shit like this.

I mean, seriously, you know that cop was having a good giggle about that.
i think it was because I am white and he was a black cop. he must of been having a bad day, and thought what could make me feel better? I could fuck with Robb Graham the cracker. jk, well maybe that door swings both ways.

and big deal about the spelling in the title. spell check did not show up on it, so unless your a English teacher " step off". go read a book f you want to read writing without grammatical errors.

09-22-2008, 11:27 AM
you know dam well if you had the power as a cop and some punk lookin kid was starring at you , you would mess with em too lol.. but the j turns are a lil extreme... i mean we cant do em, why should a cop be able to do em for this purpose?

im not a punk kid, and i didnt give some shithead look either it was just eye contact, and he is not better than me, I dont care if he has a gun or not, or a badge. I do the wave thing too, but I just didn't feel the need to. he looked like an asshole.

and what gets me is when cops dont use there turn signals. shit I wish there were cops tat coulld give cops tickets. the only thing I find more anoyyin is when the drive at 44 miles perhour instead of 45 and everyone else is too bitch to do 50 like they would if he was not there.

and azndoc, I got pulled over once when I was like 19 in a pizza delivery truck doing burnouts when there was 4 cop cars parked on the other side of these bushes, and when I came around the corner they were on my like I was delivering donuts.

but yeah I have a bunch of cop stories. so far been pulled over 9 times, and received 1 ticket.

09-22-2008, 11:32 AM
good thing there's no rep system so i can say...

i didn't know you can 'star' at someone...you could definitely 'stare' but when i saw the title, i was like...starring contest? drawing stars with your car instead of donuts? that'd be cool.

good story, but still. kinda wish if they were able to take away the rep system, they could add at least a grammar system.

hahah I thought the same thing when i saw the title. I was like wtf.

I wouldn't stare at the cop. Me being of indian descent would make them think im a terrorist or something. Plus I dont want an exhaust ticket. or a front plate ticket, or a Ref ticket.

09-22-2008, 12:19 PM
im not a punk kid, and i didnt give some shithead look either it was just eye contact, and he is not better than me, I dont care if he has a gun or not, or a badge. I do the wave thing too, but I just didn't feel the need to. he looked like an asshole.

and what gets me is when cops dont use there turn signals. shit I wish there were cops tat coulld give cops tickets. the only thing I find more anoyyin is when the drive at 44 miles perhour instead of 45 and everyone else is too bitch to do 50 like they would if he was not there.

and azndoc, I got pulled over once when I was like 19 in a pizza delivery truck doing burnouts when there was 4 cop cars parked on the other side of these bushes, and when I came around the corner they were on my like I was delivering donuts.

but yeah I have a bunch of cop stories. so far been pulled over 9 times, and received 1 ticket.

Can I get a spellcheck?

Anyways, all these stories everyone's telling sounds kinda.... dumb.

I do everything I can to avoid the cops. I don't have some pride thing or something to prove to anyone by acting tough to them. Fuck that, I don't want them fuckin with me. I avoid them all I can.

09-22-2008, 12:31 PM
bwaahahahaha so you were really going to help your friend at a donut shop?!?!?

if not thats freakin awesome +1 for you :rofl:

09-22-2008, 01:41 PM
+1 for listening to girl talk.

09-22-2008, 01:54 PM
LOL, i got "starred" down by the cops walking into a restuarant with my parents. it was weird. i could see if it was me and a bunch of buddies, but my parents?

BTW i always see cops talking on thier cell phone while driving, even though its illegal(in CA)

09-22-2008, 02:00 PM
A few years ago while drunk at the state fair I decided to be a dick and mess with the cops.

I have a beer in my hand and as I walk past the cops I discreetly but very obvious at the same time hide my beer, by covering it with my other arm and turning my shoulder all while making eye contact with the officer.

I continue walking and sure enough a moment later I get a tap on the shoulder by the cop...

Him: I need to see your ID

Me: Sure. Here you go.

Him: Why did you hide your beer from me?

Me: Huh, didn't even realize I did that.

Him: Is this really you? (studying the ID)

Funny part was I'm wearing an OLD Mobil Shirt of my grandfathers that is like 50 years old and is super pimp. It says MEL right on it, just like my ID.

Me: Yea, that's me. I didn't get the 50 year old shirt free with the purchase of a WI drivers license.

Him: Ok, well have a good night. Just be more aware of your actions.

Me: Absolutely officer. Sorry for the confusion.

Shit was funny.

Cops are always trying to stare people down. Good for you illvialuver to stare him down back!

09-22-2008, 02:12 PM
You know whats fun? Stare at them a lot, then just take of running.. its legal and they WILL follow.I have had good laughs with that. I was legal begal everytime. I just say "i was scared" if they catch me...

09-22-2008, 02:16 PM
You know whats fun? Stare at them a lot, then just take of running.. its legal and they WILL follow.I have had good laughs with that. I was legal begal everytime. I just say "i was scared" if they catch me...

Just say this:

Cop: Why were you running?
You: Because you were chasing me!

09-22-2008, 03:14 PM
One entry found.

Main Entry: 2star
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): starred; star·ring
Date: 1718
transitive verb
1: to sprinkle or adorn with stars
2 a: to mark with a star as being preeminent b: to mark with an asterisk
3: to feature in the most prominent or important role <the movie stars a famous stage personality>
intransitive verb
1: to play the most prominent or important role
2: to perform outstandingly

09-22-2008, 03:38 PM
lolz i didnt even notice that ^^^^^

09-22-2008, 08:13 PM
You know whats fun? Stare at them a lot, then just take of running.. its legal and they WILL follow.I have had good laughs with that. I was legal begal everytime. I just say "i was scared" if they catch me...

I think about this shit on the regular, but I would have said, well officer, you looked like you could use the workout.
what would be amazing is if you out ran him and he had to call for back up.
than when they finally got close you could just kinda lose them for a second around a corner and sit down and wait and be like okay, okay, okay, you got me. Im IT, and than start counting to ten.

09-22-2008, 08:58 PM
You know whats fun? Stare at them a lot, then just take of running.. its legal and they WILL follow.I have had good laughs with that. I was legal begal everytime. I just say "i was scared" if they catch me...

This is where they find a way to fuck with you. I got a ticket 3 days ago for an 'improper right hand turn' (said I went in the middle lane instead of rightmost) because the cop couldn't find a reason to get me. :rofl:

nismo racer
09-22-2008, 10:52 PM
once i got pulled over once because i was "too bouncy"

he got along side me and stared at me, so i looked and smiled then he got behind me and flipped the lights and i got off the freeway and he asked me why i didnt have a front plate, i told him it was there when i got off school then he looked and said "ya it is there, your car is too bouncy, why is it bouncing" i have stiff suspension sir then he said "let me have your license and papers" i gave it to him and he walked back, 20 mins later he came back and said "im not gonna right you up, but do tell me what kind of suspension you got on your car? " some stance coilovers "you should get some better suspension parts because you could loose it on a turn soo get it fixed" i felt like saying "thats the whole point sir" but i said okay thanks he got in his white marshal cruiser and went over a curb devider and got back on the freeway.

in total it was a good thirty mins of my life wasted. im suprised he didnt tell me my car was too loud or wayy to low or why i have a doll hanging on the back.

09-22-2008, 11:44 PM