View Full Version : The worst thing your phone has been through and survived

09-18-2008, 09:03 PM
So...What is it?
I was just washing my car and I had my cell phone (Instinct) on the back bumper of my mom's expedition. So she comes out and tells me she's going to the store. Forgot about my phone... So when I finished washing my car and was heading back inside, I remembered...
I called my mom and she said it wasn't on the bumper. So I drove towards her way and sure enough at the first right turn, there it was in the middle of the street. I get out, pick it up, and it still works. Must've sat there for about 10-15 mins, luckily nobody picked it up...
I dont think anybody ran it over, but it now has major road rash on the screen side of it. It works perfectly fine though...

09-18-2008, 09:22 PM

I had one of those little black motorola jellybeans. I was drunk and got mad and threw it full force into a brick wall. It broke into like 10 pieces, but i picked them up, got them put back together with superglue and ducttape (the insides were fine) and the motherfucker seriously started back up... and worked fine.

My mom had the same phone. Left it on top of her car, backed over it, same thing. broke into a few pieces, put it back together, and it was fine.

09-18-2008, 09:24 PM
I left mine on a park bench for about an hour and when I came back it was all wet frm the sprinklers just dried it off and it worked as a matter of fact I'm using to post this lol

09-18-2008, 09:35 PM
iphone killer.... thats why i put clear bras on my phone... saves the screen yeee yeeeee

09-18-2008, 09:46 PM
iphone killer.... thats why i put clear bras on my phone... saves the screen yeee yeeeee

Yeah, my friend's not going to let me hear the end of it cuz I always told him that was a stupid idea. Lol.

touge monster
09-18-2008, 09:57 PM
From my experience, the only phones that can survive through hell are the free ones.

09-18-2008, 09:59 PM
one morning i was talking shit to one of my room mates and he kicked my hand, which had my iphone in it and the phone landed right in a cup of spit from the night before. i made him clean it off and it smelled like chew for a few days but was fine.

about a week after that i got pissed at my gf and i chucked it at the wall. it put a hole in the wall, but the phone was fine.

09-18-2008, 10:00 PM
I was skating and was trying to do a 360 from this drop, and my smart ass had to have my phone in my back pocket, anyways so i fell on my butt and broke half the screen but I still used it for a couple of months there after...I just couldn't txt. So i dunno if that counts? it should uhh half count?

09-18-2008, 10:08 PM
my brother flipped over my kayak so me and the phone went for a swim. it didnt work but i kept the phone, waiting for it to dry and whatnot. well it didnt work for about a month, but i held onto it.

I found it buried in my desk and for shits i tried turning it on and it worked!

oh yeah that was a full YEAR later.

09-18-2008, 10:11 PM
i fell asleep had a cup of water next to my bed woke up i had 8 missed calls while my phone was in my cup of water... didnt work for about 2 months... then it dried out and its still good to go

C. Senor
09-18-2008, 10:30 PM
when i had a razor, i would chuck the phone and bounce it off this wall and try to catch it. it worked after every chuck......until one time i missed it and it hit the ground and broke into a gang of pieces. sucked. but the iphone is a trooper. it's been dropped a couple times. only has some battle damage.

09-18-2008, 10:37 PM
http://www.marksstereo.com/Images/Nokia-2125.jpgthese phones are the shit. i have done so much with this phone and it still works i say the cheap phones last the best. i dropped my phone running across the street and when noticed i dropped it i look back and a ford f150 just happens to run it over. i was pissed ran over to my phone to pick up what was left and the phone was still on and working. not even a crack on the screen.

09-18-2008, 10:44 PM
http://www.comporium.com/res/wireless/hp/medium_samsung_x497.jpg This lil fucker was ugly as shit and only called and texted, but damn if it didnt last me dropping it on concrete stairs bouncing on the first stair and rolled down the stairs. i dropped the phone every time i got out of my jeep, cuz i would have the phone in my lap.

I had a bad habit of takin the phone and throwing it up into the air and tryin to catch it. I didnt always catch....

Through all the only thing that happend was one line of dead pixels through the screen. That lil bitch works till this day

09-18-2008, 11:00 PM
had this gem for a while, cracked the fuck out of the screen and used it for a while. but it started doing wierd shit after that. carried around because i could still make a recieve calls, but i couldnt see who or what i was dialing. but after a few weeks of it being cracked it would lose its FULL charge in ~4-5 hours and i woulndt even use it!


and ive dropped my Tilt a few times on the concrete and once out of my buddies lifted truck as i was getting out. nothing but some rash. although the battery connection gets a little loose sometimes and i get this wierd green pixel discoloration.

09-18-2008, 11:04 PM
i ugh put my phone in a cup of water when i was half asleep and it sat there all night, woke up, aired it out and it worked after some time. haha.

09-19-2008, 12:44 AM
hahahah funny shit!

true story guys no joke okay not trying to be a thread killer! but real story!

i was super drunk when i was 18 and i had one of those crappy t mobile phone someone calls me and my friends bust through the bathroom door with her friends i drop my phone while taking a leak....... in the toilet *disgusting!!!* so i didn't wanna flush and get that shit clogg so i grab it ofcourse and rinse it off with water for a min atleast and it dried it off and turn it on the next day and it worked fine!!!!

karl wasabi
09-19-2008, 12:51 AM
I put my phone on my lap most of the time when I drive. I got out of the car and forgot take it off my lap. It fell into the street and I guess I didn't hear it. My friend told me to re-park my car in his driveway, so I got back in and re-parked it.

Inside, I was like, holly shit, where is my phone. Looked all over the car, but couldn't find it. "OH SHIT" lol. I went to the street and there it was. I ran it over with my own car. haha. I think another car ran it over too.

I have an Verizon LG Envy thingy...

drift freaq
09-19-2008, 12:52 AM
hahahah funny shit!

true story guys no joke okay not trying to be a thread killer! but real story!

i was super drunk when i was 18 and i had one of those crappy t mobile phone someone calls me and my friends bust through the bathroom door with her friends i drop my phone while taking a leak....... in the toilet *disgusting!!!* so i didn't wanna flush and get that shit clogg so i grab it ofcourse and rinse it off with water for a min atleast and it dried it off and turn it on the next day and it worked fine!!!!

Actually hahhahha that shit happened with my old Samsung T619 phone. Same deal it fell in the toilet when I was taking a leak. and I could not get it for around 15 minutes hahahahhaha. because it was a steel rimmed toilet. Yup one of those new modern aluminum ones. finally got it out. Rinsed it down with disinfectant as well as my hands hahhahahhaha. This was actually the second time it had gone under water first time it fell into a pan of water on the stove. hahhahahha needless to say it was dropped numerous times as well and it still worked. I should add its a year and a half old and has like millions of hours of use. I replaced it today. Though its still working.

09-19-2008, 12:58 AM
went cliffdiving and jumped in with my phone in my pocket.... =(

it still worked after putting it in a bowl of rice for a few days, but the battery was toast. it was an enV

09-19-2008, 01:01 AM
I use to have this POS Motorola. It was constantly giving me trouble. It wouldn't charge it would drop calls. Well like i said it was a POS.

One night i was ordering some pizza and i decided to take a leak while i waited for them to pick up. I stood in front of the toilet and unzipped my pants. As soon as i reached down to grab my zipper. The phone slips the grip i had on it (between my shoulder and my right cheek) slides down my chest and down my stomach. It manages to hit my pecker on the way down in to the toilet water.

At this point i still haven't started peeing so i reach in there and grab it. Once i grab it i hear some lady on the phone saying '' Hello??? hello??? Pizza Hut''. So i hung up and dried the phone. The phone actually worked better after that. The screen was a shit black, but it still worked.

09-19-2008, 01:42 AM
threw my phone threw my bedroom wall and it went out the other side into bathroom
was hanging in other side of wall
i walked away and it starts ringing
dads calling lol
i pressed the accept button and talked to dad on speaker phone while it was lodged in the wall lol

09-19-2008, 02:13 AM
I had a Tmobile SDA for a year and a half... that shit was unkillable. Worst thing I ever did to it was throw it at my Land Cruiser as hard as I could over some girl bullshit. It exploded and a shitload of pieces flew off but when reassembled worked fine for 2 more months until it fell out of my pocket riding on the freeway. :rofl:

09-19-2008, 02:58 AM
Imma just repost my story from an old Premie-section thread of mine...

So, my week has been, in general, pretty shitty. Between stress from work, fighting with the girlfriend, and my 4th of July drunken headfirst encounter with the bottom of an unusually shallow swimming pool, I'm not the happiest of people. But tonight, I managed to cap off my week in a craptacular fashion - literally...

So, pretty much all day long, my stomach had been upset. I dropped the Cosby kids off at the pool twice while at work, and by the time I got home from eating dinner with the family, there was one hell of a storm brewing downstairs, and I knew I was in for some trouble. I barely managed to make it to the bathroom, and as soon as I sat down, the floodgates opened up. After about three straight minutes of some of the most disgusting sounds and smells I had ever experienced, I finally felt as though it was over. I pulled my dong aside to take a look down into the toilet, and all I saw was something that I can only describe as a mixture of mud and ground beef. As I sit there marveling at this work of art, only one thing comes to mind... "I need to take a picture of this, and send it to all my friends!"
So, I took my picture, two, actually, and sent it to some friends. As I started to grab for the toilet paper, I felt more rumbling, so I braced myself for more burning. This time I was fortunate, for it is not the burning ground beef mud poo, but rather, good ole soft logs. I gave myself about ten minutes just to make sure it was all out of there, and I looked down again. "Holy fuck, it looks even nastier now than the first time!" I reach for my phone to snap another pic, and thats when it happened.
:: ploop ::
My phone slipped out of my hand, and into the feces-filled toilet bowl. The moment it settled at the bottom of the muck, it began vibrating and making all sorts of funny noises. I knew what I had to do, and I had to do it before it was too late. I took a deep breath, plugged my nose with my left hand, and plunged my right hand down into the deapths of excrement Hell. After fifeteen seconds of wriggling around to grap the phone, I managed to get a decent hold on it and pulled it out. It was covered in shit, and it was still vibrating, so little speckles of shit water were flying all about.

I did my best to clean it all off, but the phone still smells like poo. Right now, the phone is sitting in a coffee can full of white rice (the rice is supposed to draw out and absorb the moisture). Will it still work? I sure hope so.

Lesson learned: If you take a picture of the first really gross dump, don't get cocky and go for the second. :-/

And yes, the phone continued to work fantastically. I posted that story on 7/7/2007, and I finally got a new phone about a month ago. I put that little Rokr through hell. lol

09-19-2008, 03:09 AM
My roomate has an iphone series 1. Shit fell outa his pockets while on his motorcycle. He went back to find it, and just as he did, 2 cars ran over it. Screen is shattered, but the touch screen still works, and besides the spider web, works fine.


09-19-2008, 02:10 PM
Was making stuff out of carbon fiber in fsae, got epoxy all over mine and had to spray it with brake parts cleaner, now some of the keys stick.

09-19-2008, 02:16 PM
I had this Motorola some shit for Verizon a few years back i always dropped it and everyone called my phone a soldier cause it never broke...

I was in Mission Beach in San Diego staying at some hotel on the 8th floor..

My boy said drop it off the balcony and see if it works..

Guys i shit you not it still worked only thing messed up is where the antenna was cracked..

It's was the phone that was replaced with the RaZr

09-19-2008, 02:19 PM
my ex back in the days got me super fucking pissed. so i said dont fucking call me no more, and i threw the damn phone in front of her. it was all in pieces, that reminds me, i did some shit back then. haha

09-19-2008, 03:25 PM
stuck it up my ex coochie and set that bitch on vibrate. Kept calling it :p when I was done it was covered in a bunch of coochie juices. Still works flawlessly.

09-19-2008, 03:29 PM

I had one of those little black motorola jellybeans. I was drunk and got mad and threw it full force into a brick wall. It broke into like 10 pieces, but i picked them up, got them put back together with superglue and ducttape (the insides were fine) and the motherfucker seriously started back up... and worked fine.

My mom had the same phone. Left it on top of her car, backed over it, same thing. broke into a few pieces, put it back together, and it was fine.

Terminator status.

09-19-2008, 03:30 PM
stuck it up my ex coochie and set that bitch on vibrate. Kept calling it :p when I was done it was covered in a bunch of coochie juices. Still works flawlessly.

what the fuck, man :squint:

09-19-2008, 03:38 PM
I had one of those pocketpc phones that always fell whenever i got out of the car (lap situation) I also threw it as high as i could and 'tried' to catch it . Fun times that brick/phone lasted me 3-4 years.

09-23-2008, 10:57 AM
http://bp3.blogger.com/_T3eokmqKbQE/Rxa9i8lIoqI/AAAAAAAAAQ0/mOFoURGLUlo/s320/motorola_startac70.jpg (http://bp3.blogger.com/_T3eokmqKbQE/Rxa9i8lIoqI/AAAAAAAAAQ0/mOFoURGLUlo/s1600-h/motorola_startac70.jpg)

went swimming with one of these startacs twice, been ran over, stepped on, no antanea, and still worked. best phone i ever had bar none.

09-23-2008, 06:21 PM
dropped my LG Glide in the toilet last week. took it out, dried it for 3 days, works perfectly still. im shocked to say the least.


09-23-2008, 06:30 PM
i wet my blackberry curve washing my hands was acting weird for a day then back to normal

09-23-2008, 07:39 PM
I got a lg8700. I have thrown it at people a couple times, dropped it at least 200 times, dropped it out of my pocket while on a hoist 12ft in the air, the screen has been completely seperated from the body, and it has been wet.

Thank god I only have 2 months till I get my upgrade!!!

09-23-2008, 07:54 PM
http://www.marksstereo.com/Images/Nokia-2125.jpgthese phones are the shit. i have done so much with this phone and it still works i say the cheap phones last the best. i dropped my phone running across the street and when noticed i dropped it i look back and a ford f150 just happens to run it over. i was pissed ran over to my phone to pick up what was left and the phone was still on and working. not even a crack on the screen.

this phone is tough little guy it fell out of my pocket at work and was buried in ashphalt
before i knew what had happen the paver had already gone over it dug it out of the road and it still worked was melted in a few spots and few new scratches here and there but i loved that phone with its high tec flash light haha

09-23-2008, 09:33 PM
I have a nokia 6010 that fell out of my jeep @ around 40mph, skid across the road and hop a curb and it was fine.. Actually happened a few times it still works today.

09-24-2008, 12:17 PM
I used to throw my old old old like TDMA old Nokia at brick/concrete walls full force to demonstrate how unbreakable it was. Went through the washer AND dryer several times and still worked. I threw it in front of a Neon, got ran over and it still worked. Threw it in front of an F-250, got run over. The screen cracked but it still worked.

09-25-2008, 02:23 AM
dropped my phone in the toilet a couple times...thousands of times being dropped..stepped on...thrown...water spilt on it..dropped into buckets of water

motorla Razr

shit still works..kinda..the 7 and 9 keys dont work that well

getting an upgrade soon i think

09-25-2008, 06:34 AM
Accidentally shot mine (9mm) ...but I could still text:


Actually, that's a lie.

I hated that phone, and it got what it deserved. :rl:

- Brian

09-25-2008, 09:32 AM
my phone fell from a telephone pole while im working.

it broke into million pieces. but it still work....LOL

09-25-2008, 09:36 AM
dropped my LG Glide in the toilet last week. took it out, dried it for 3 days, works perfectly still. im shocked to say the least.


coz u didnt turned it on while it was wet.