View Full Version : Sarah Palin's personal email hacked...shows funny buisness

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 02:12 AM
Sarah Palin Emails: Sarah Palin's Personal Emails (http://gawker.com/5051193/sarah-palins-personal-emails)

Not MUCH incriminating emails but does prove that she wasn't just using this email for personal use. This is a violation of federal law. There is a reason why Palin was given a government email address, because everything she sends/receives could be tracked. If she was up to funny business than this is how the best of 'em do it.
I think it is a little bit over the line though. I'm not sure if anything is going to fruit from the findings so all of this could go for not and the "anonymous" might eventually get caught and thrown in jail. I just don't think it was a very bright idea calling out the government.

09-18-2008, 02:15 AM
I was watching this on the news, and they were showing screenshots and quoting people from 4chan.

Oh the news!

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 02:20 AM
I was watching this on the news, and they were showing screenshots and quoting people from 4chan.

Oh the news!
I skimmed through it on gawker. I'm just not too sure what all this means and what it will turn into.
What I do know is she's going to go under the gun in Alaska because of "troopergate" and she flat out lied about the teleprompter breaking.
I thought from the beginning that she was a horrible pick. She came across as very personable and likable but I had a very strong feeling that her dirty laundry was going to be spewed.
I said it a few days after she was nominated, after the debate she will step down from her nomination. McCain had a good nominee with Leibermann and he screwed up big time! The Sarah Palin train looks like it's going to be crashing.

09-18-2008, 02:21 AM
Dude who gives a shit. I don't understand people that snoop around other peoples business. Like the paparazzi and other sources of the media. That's fucking horrible.

09-18-2008, 02:23 AM
"the anonymous"

wow. really?

someone guessed her password reset answer with information that was all over the web due to her campaign. i think it was where she met her husband or something like that.

someone did it for the lulz and now the news is all up in arms like theres a cyberterrorist hacker group declaring war.

all and all, in the end..


Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 02:24 AM
Dude who gives a shit. I don't understand people that snoop around other peoples business. Like the paparazzi and other sources of the media. That's fucking horrible.
I really thought it was crossing the line, don't get me wrong.
By the media showing personal pictures is also very wrong.

But the fact that she was doing business from her personal email address opens up the whole state of Alaska to a corrupt official, regardless of who it is. It was a good find but it does look like it's getting way to personal

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 02:26 AM
"the anonymous"

wow. really?

someone guessed her password reset answer with information that was all over the web due to her campaign. i think it was where she met her husband or something like that.

someone did it for the lulz and now the news is all up in arms like theres a cyberterrorist hacker group declaring war.

all and all, in the end..

the phrase "the anonymous" refers to a hacker and has since the mid 90's. It's kind of a phrase for computer nerds.

But yeah, email addresses are very easily hackable.

09-18-2008, 02:33 AM
the phrase "the anonymous" refers to a hacker and has since the mid 90's. It's kind of a phrase for computer nerds.

But yeah, email addresses are very easily hackable.

yeah. riiiight.

Koopa Troopa
09-18-2008, 03:33 AM
Why would people not want Palin in office? She's fuckin' hot.

Personally I think it's a desperate move from the Obama administration as they seem pretty intimidated by McCain's choice.

I really don't believe any of it. Also I don't really care as I'll vote for anyone but Obama. Hell, I'd vote for Bush if I could. Just to keep Obama out. Fuck him. He hates the military.

09-18-2008, 04:00 AM

09-18-2008, 04:09 AM
yeah. riiiight.

I trust you are being sarcastic?

If not you are seriously ignorant of what kind of programs individuals are capable of creating.

09-18-2008, 05:13 AM
I trust you are being sarcastic?

If not you are seriously ignorant of what kind of programs individuals are capable of creating.

refering to "the anonymous", since the 90's, etc.

Koopa Troopa
09-18-2008, 07:20 AM
It was probably them nerds from myg0t

09-18-2008, 07:23 AM
They always looking for shit to take this women down and she still keeps her head up high like fuck ya'll im a do me....

09-18-2008, 08:33 AM
Thats what happens when you get into politics they get all the shit they can on you

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 09:38 AM
Why would people not want Palin in office? She's fuckin' hot.

Personally I think it's a desperate move from the Obama administration as they seem pretty intimidated by McCain's choice.

I really don't believe any of it. Also I don't really care as I'll vote for anyone but Obama. Hell, I'd vote for Bush if I could. Just to keep Obama out. Fuck him. He hates the military.
Hates the military? Really? which one of grandmas spam mails did you dig that out of? Just admit it, you hate black people. lol.

But honestly, look at McCain. What support has he given the CURRENT active military? There is a glaring reason why active military is donating to the obama at a rate of 6 to 1. Even Ron Paul is out earning McCain in active military.
Here's (http://gawker.com/5051193/sarah-palins-personal-emails) just a clip of McCain losing his cool with the POW/MIA group.
He's a decorated hero but really shoots down opportunities to better the lives of active military such as health care and living quarters.

09-18-2008, 09:53 AM
its low when candidates slip to this level.

09-18-2008, 10:13 AM
I love how people can pull shit like this in a campaign (any side) and people actually think they'll not succumb to temptation and not perform similar acts of dishonesty and malice when in office. Fighting dirty? Sure. That's life. Comitting crimes (hacking into an email should be if it's not)? That's crossing, obviously, a line.

I trust you are being sarcastic?

If not you are seriously ignorant of what kind of programs individuals are capable of creating.

Hence why I keep internet info etc. to a minimum for all my banking etc.

A friend of mine who's really (and I mean REALLY) good with computers demonstrated what he could do once.

He even bought something off my eBay account with my paypal, and that was what he called "pretty simple shit". :ugh:

09-18-2008, 10:16 AM
Lol i wouldn't be suprised if it was just some dude on 4chan who wanted to cause trouble and wasn't really that politically motivated.

09-18-2008, 10:18 AM
^^^ I was more just referring to how they pick it up and run with it. Both the media and the politicians. Mostly the polticians though.

09-18-2008, 10:37 AM
Just admit it, you hate black people. lol.

Okay, I will, but only because you said it was okay to

09-18-2008, 10:52 AM
Why would people not want Palin in office? She's fuckin' hot.


please, do everyone a favor November 4th don't vote.

this isn't a beauty contest, this is gonna be who runs are fucking country.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 10:52 AM
its low when candidates slip to this level.
In Obama's defense, he had nothing to do with a 19 year old computer graphics major snooping his nose into Palin's personal email and posting it on the web.
If he had not found that she was sending what should have been government documented email through her personal email then I would be totally on Palin's side. It just screams of corruption. Why does she have to use a personal email, and to break the law I might add, instead of using the government provided email account she's supposed to use? This is how the corrupt do business, and I feel very uncomfortable with a possible future vice president trying to hide her government emails from the government.
Sometimes good finds come from the sneakiest places.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 10:54 AM

please, do everyone a favor November 4th don't vote.

this isn't a beauty contest, this is gonna be who runs are fucking country.
Pamala Anderson would have been pronounced god in around 97 if this was the case.

09-18-2008, 10:56 AM
Hey, let's all look at what our names would be if we were one of Sarah Palin's kids!
Polit Tsk Tsk Tsk: Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator (http://politsk.blogspot.com/2008/09/sarah_13.html)
I would be "Slicer Mission Palin"

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 10:58 AM
Hey, let's all look at what our names would be if we were one of Sarah Palin's kids!
Polit Tsk Tsk Tsk: Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator (http://politsk.blogspot.com/2008/09/sarah_13.html)
I would be "Slicer Mission Palin"
I would be Chop Meat Polin

09-18-2008, 11:28 AM
Hey, let's all look at what our names would be if we were one of Sarah Palin's kids!
Polit Tsk Tsk Tsk: Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator (http://politsk.blogspot.com/2008/09/sarah_13.html)
I would be "Slicer Mission Palin"

<----Rock Crane Palin :duh:

09-18-2008, 11:33 AM
Those faggots on ebaumsworld!

Koopa Troopa
09-18-2008, 04:22 PM

please, do everyone a favor November 4th don't vote.

this isn't a beauty contest, this is gonna be who runs are fucking country.

Well I sure hope you don't vote either as you don't know the difference between our and are. Surely you can't tell the difference between the right candidate.

Hates the military? Really? which one of grandmas spam mails did you dig that out of? Just admit it, you hate black people. lol.

But honestly, look at McCain. What support has he given the CURRENT active military? There is a glaring reason why active military is donating to the obama at a rate of 6 to 1. Even Ron Paul is out earning McCain in active military.
Here's (http://gawker.com/5051193/sarah-palins-personal-emails) just a clip of McCain losing his cool with the POW/MIA group.
He's a decorated hero but really shoots down opportunities to better the lives of active military such as health care and living quarters.

Obama is a radical who sticks his foot in his mouth every time he gives a speech. Why the fuck would I vote for someone who never once said anything good about me while I was in Iraq? The whole time I was there shitting in plastic bags and winning hearts and minds that douche bag was on the news saying I shouldn't be there, Iraq is a wrong war, blah blah blah

How about some fucking support instead of getting on the TV and saying everyone out there is wrong and should never have been there? Sorry Obama, my friends should never have died for their country because Iraq is wrong, illegal and unconstitutional. How about a fucking thanks for your service?

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 04:29 PM
Well I sure hope you don't vote either as you don't know the difference between our and are. Surely you can't tell the difference between the right candidate.

Obama is a radical who sticks his foot in his mouth every time he gives a speech. Why the fuck would I vote for someone who never once said anything good about me while I was in Iraq? The whole time I was there shitting in plastic bags and winning hearts and minds that douche bag was on the news saying I shouldn't be there, Iraq is a wrong war, blah blah blah

How about some fucking support instead of getting on the TV and saying everyone out there is wrong and should never have been there?
serious question: Did you want to be there?
I think Chaney said it perfectly in 1996. "...going into Iraq and taking down the current (at the time) regime was not worth a single American life."
I did not want you there, not because I thought you were "baby killers", but because I do not want to waste a single solitary American life on a war that was based on BULLSHIT! If we were to go into Afghanistan to attempt to go after Osama Bin Ladan I would have no problem. Instead of going after Osama BL, we go into a country that had no evidence of Al-Quida being there before 9/11 and we let Osama escape into Pakistan.

The reason why I didn't think that you should be there is becacuse I LOVE our troops! The lives of our troops are worth MUCH more than our current President, IMHO!
Look at it like that instead of how they treated Vietnam vets.

09-18-2008, 04:29 PM
Obama sticks his foot in his mouth every time he gives a speech?

Have you been watching McCain's and Palin's speeches, at all?

You're complaining about being in Iraq, yet you're against the candidate who wants to get you out of there?

09-18-2008, 04:35 PM
^He's gonna stay there until he gets a thank you?

Oh and I hope someone slaps Palin in the mouth at the same time as Ann Coulter. That would make my life. Fucking Alaskan hillbilly, man chin, Tina Fey.

Koopa Troopa
09-18-2008, 04:37 PM
serious question: Did you want to be there?
I think Chaney said it perfectly in 1996. "...going into Iraq and taking down the current (at the time) regime was not worth a single American life."
I did not want you there, not because I thought you were "baby killers", but because I do not want to waste a single solitary American life on a war that was based on BULLSHIT! If we were to go into Afghanistan to attempt to go after Osama Bin Ladan I would have no problem. Instead of going after Osama BL, we go into a country that had no evidence of Al-Quida being there before 9/11 and we let Osama escape into Pakistan.

The reason why I didn't think that you should be there is becacuse I LOVE our troops! The lives of our troops are worth MUCH more than our current President, IMHO!
Look at it like that instead of how they treated Vietnam vets.

You type like you have a decent intellect. Look at the picture from a military perspective. Iraq is an easy foothold into the Middle East. We won't ever leave Iraq, it will become a new permanent duty station. Iraq has nothing to do with oil, terrorism, evil regime, WMD's. It's to expand Empire America.

Obama sticks his foot in his mouth every time he gives a speech?

Have you been watching McCain and Palin?

You're complaining about being in Iraq, yet you're against the candidate who wants to get you out of there?

Who said I was complaining about being in Iraq? However I'm not going into the debate between who's better. I'm from Arizona and that's all you need to know.

09-18-2008, 04:40 PM
You type like you have a decent intellect. Look at the picture from a military perspective. Iraq is an easy foothold into the Middle East. We won't ever leave Iraq, it will become a new permanent duty station. Iraq has nothing to do with oil, terrorism, evil regime, WMD's. It's to expand Empire America.
The fact that you actually support it...
I'm out of here.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 04:41 PM
Obama sticks his foot in his mouth every time he gives a speech?

Have you been watching McCain's and Palin's speeches, at all?

You're complaining about being in Iraq, yet you're against the candidate who wants to get you out of there?
Palin has been quoted to say that the teleprompter "broke" during the RNC and she "winged it" for the rest of her speach. Problem? well a camera was behind her the whole time and at no time did the teleprompter go down. Why lie about stuff like this?
Not only that but she's CONTINUING to say she was against the "bridge to nowhere" when in 2004 she supported it. She's trying to create an image of being a rebel and quick thinker. Well, she's going to get picked apart by Joey the Shark....BIG TIME!

And as for McCain.....This is all I have to say about his flip flopping (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEtZlR3zp4c)
oh wait, no it's not:
YouTube - John McCain's ads are LIES. Here's the video proof. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH0xzsogzAk)

Koopa Troopa
09-18-2008, 04:47 PM
The fact that you actually agree with it and support it...
I'm out of here.

Who said I support it? I'm not fucking blind. I can see that the US is the only country with military bases in other countries. I also understand America will have another civil war soon as it's on the brink of collapsing.

There's a difference between you and me. I understand the policies and the science behind it. You're just jumping on the change bandwagon because it's uncool at your age to be conservative. I'm sure you buy into all of Michael Moore's bullshit just like you buy into all this election propaganda.

09-18-2008, 04:49 PM
Ok, sorry, I thought you were for it.

Sadly it seems that most people are actually blind though.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 04:51 PM
You type like you have a decent intellect. Look at the picture from a military perspective. Iraq is an easy foothold into the Middle East. We won't ever leave Iraq, it will become a new permanent duty station. Iraq has nothing to do with oil, terrorism, evil regime, WMD's. It's to expand Empire America..
So we should just invade Canada and Mexico to expand America's power right? What year is it? 1300? There are laws protecting smaller countries from being invaded and turned into "Empire whatever country".
My point is that our country can not withstand another occupation. it's how Greece fell, it's how we could eventually fall. Our countries economy just hit an 80 year low and unemployment is well over 6%! You tell me do you think we should be spending what little CREDIT we have left on occupying another country? Or should we spend the money on other things, such as military salaries? hospitals? health care?
I'm one of the MANY who doesn't give a FUCK about Iraqis until we are killing their innocent. There was NO thread of them attacking us so there was no reason to disarm them. It was all about oil and power for our PRESIDENT, not us.
Also, what ever happened to letting the oil pay for this war? Remember Desert Storm? Who payed for that shit? The French and Japanese, that's who. That war cost the American taxpayers nothing! Now GB sr. was the fucking man, but GWB is a fucking cock face and he WILL be spending some time in jail in our life time, believe you me!
America has NO RIGHTS invading other countries and killing the innocent for occupation. It's unfathomable that you would even think otherwise.

Koopa Troopa
09-18-2008, 04:55 PM
So we should just invade Canada and Mexico to expand America's power right? What year is it? 1300? There are laws protecting smaller countries from being invaded and turned into "Empire whatever country".
My point is that our country can not withstand another occupation. it's how Greece fell, it's how we could eventually fall. Our countries economy just hit an 80 year low and unemployment is well over 6%! You tell me do you think we should be spending what little CREDIT we have left on occupying another country? Or should we spend the money on other things, such as military salaries? hospitals? health care?
I'm one of the MANY who doesn't give a FUCK about Iraqis until we are killing their innocent. There was NO thread of them attacking us so there was no reason to disarm them. It was all about oil and power for our PRESIDENT, not us.
Also, what ever happened to letting the oil pay for this war? Remember Desert Storm? Who payed for that shit? The French and Japanese, that's who. That war cost the American taxpayers nothing! Now GB sr. was the fucking man, but GWB is a fucking cock face and he WILL be spending some time in jail in our life time, believe you me!
America has NO RIGHTS invading other countries and killing the innocent for occupation. It's unfathomable that you would even think otherwise.

Urban Dictionary: hippie liberal douche bag (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hippie+liberal+douche+bag)

Also, stop preaching to the choir. You've said nothing I already haven't and you're trying to turn my posts around. I recommend you stop before you get iHurt.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 04:57 PM
Who said I support it? I'm not fucking blind. I can see that the US is the only country with military bases in other countries. I also understand America will have another civil war soon as it's on the brink of collapsing.

There's a difference between you and me. I understand the policies and the science behind it. You're just jumping on the change bandwagon because it's uncool at your age to be conservative. I'm sure you buy into all of Michael Moore's bullshit just like you buy into all this election propaganda.
I agree with you that most of the young are so uneducated about the war so they're jumping on the "smooth black brotha" bandwagon :snoop:. There's also some out there that want to vote Ron Paul because of the hot chicks at his speeches.
I, for one, am a Constitutionalist via Libertarian. I could vote for anyone I want! lol. I just so fucking hate McCain and the Republican party and how they've continuously bashed the opposing side and differed blame to everyone but themselves. So who's fault is it why the gas is so high? The Democrats. Who's fault is global warming? Dems. Drugs in schools? da D's! It makes me sick.
This is actually the first time I'm seeing a Democrat fight back and I'm sort of liking it. McCain's 80's style campaign ("I didn't say that" when clearly he did) is over.

09-18-2008, 04:57 PM
Another Civil War?


As long as you guys are getting your paychecks, you will just be sent into to destroy the uprise.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 04:58 PM
Urban Dictionary: hippie liberal douche bag (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hippie+liberal+douche+bag)

Also, stop preaching to the choir. You've said nothing I already haven't and you're trying to turn my posts around. I recommend you stop before you get iHurt.
lol. I surrender. At least we agree then.
It's the Democrats fault I'm epissed off.

Koopa Troopa
09-18-2008, 05:01 PM
I could care less about politics, world policies or Empire America. I just care about living.

I got a bad heart, I don't need to waste my energy on shit like world issues.

09-18-2008, 05:02 PM
There's a difference between you and me. I understand the policies and the science behind it. You're just jumping on the change bandwagon because it's uncool at your age to be conservative. I'm sure you buy into all of Michael Moore's bullshit just like you buy into all this election propaganda.
Haha nice assumption.
Not sure which policies and science I don't understand, but...
I don't care about Obama at all.
I don't care about Michael Moore.
I don't care about republicans or democrats.
But at this point I'd probably rather spend four more years with Bush than see McCain & Palin in office.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 05:05 PM
Haha nice assumption.
Not sure which policies and science I don't understand, but...
I don't care about Obama at all.
I don't care about Michael Moore.
I don't care about republicans or democrats.
But at this point I'd probably rather spend four more years with Bush than see McCain & Palin in office.
And I, for one, would like none of them to lead anything ever!

09-18-2008, 05:14 PM
It was somebody from 4chan that hacked the email account. They've been talking about it over there all day.

Main Page - Encyclopedia Dramatica (http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Main_Page)

It's on the front page of Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 05:37 PM
does he NOT know it's a federal crime?

09-18-2008, 05:39 PM
In Obama's defense, he had nothing to do with a 19 year old computer graphics major snooping his nose into Palin's personal email and posting it on the web.
If he had not found that she was sending what should have been government documented email through her personal email then I would be totally on Palin's side. It just screams of corruption. Why does she have to use a personal email, and to break the law I might add, instead of using the government provided email account she's supposed to use? This is how the corrupt do business, and I feel very uncomfortable with a possible future vice president trying to hide her government emails from the government.
Sometimes good finds come from the sneakiest places.

well i just mean when personal stuff gets dragged into the spot light to distract from the real issues. i for one would like to know more specific plans for getting us out of this "deep ressesion" and figuring how to get us out of the middle east. instead of hearing all this trash talk

09-18-2008, 05:41 PM
I would like to teach people how to spell recession.



09-18-2008, 06:03 PM
Fuck him. He hates the military.

One of the many reasons that I wouldn't vote for Obama.

09-18-2008, 06:14 PM
Does he raely hates the military.?

09-18-2008, 06:24 PM
-Obama Hates:

Black People
Brown People
Yellow People
Red People
The Military

-Obama Loves:

White People
Vanilla ice Cream

09-18-2008, 06:25 PM
Fuck then i'm voting for obama.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 07:21 PM
-Obama Hates:

Black People
Brown People
Yellow People
Red People
The Military

-Obama Loves:

White People
Vanilla ice Cream
Don't forget that Obama loves terrorism aka terrah

just a warning though. When Obama becomes pres he will declare war on infant babies.

09-18-2008, 07:32 PM
Those faggots on ebaumsworld!

Spoken like a true /b/ tard.

09-18-2008, 07:32 PM
-Obama Hates:

Black People
Brown People
Yellow People
Red People
The Military

-Obama Loves:

White People
Vanilla ice Cream

sweet list. I like ice cream. I know where my vote will be...seriously though. I'm really tired of hearing Palin speak. I'm not one for TV media, I think it's all negative for a reason...they rarely have anything positive to say...blah blah whatever. BUT...on the today show this morning they did a segment about how Palin has been blatantly lying about things...I'm glad people are only backing her because she's a woman.

09-18-2008, 07:49 PM
Spoken like a true /b/ tard.


09-18-2008, 09:04 PM
Wow! Lots of Dems on this forum. I'm in the military and could give two shits less who gets in office as the military will be screwed either way in the terms of pay. Those fat old bastards in Congress ensure the military gets shafted each year for pay just as long as they get the fat check. The military is nothing but a corporate business anyways anymore. It's nothing like it used to be. With Obama, we'll we all know who will vote for him. Most blacks will vote for him, not for the issues that he stands for, but the fact that it's a chance to put the first black man in office. Me personally, I refuse to vote for some assbag who doesn't even have the common decency to put his hand over his heart when the Star Spangled Banner is being played. As for Obama's experience with the military, we'll he knows just about jack about it. Gay marriage, yup that will be legalized in all 50 states if a Dem gets in office. So all the turd burglars should be happy about that. Now, I'm not saying that McCain is any better, as he is more along the lines of Bush, and will probably keep the guys in Iraq for the next million years to fight a war that can't be won. McCain will probably get a lot of female voters, because of Palin. There are those women out there who will want to see a chick in an executive position like the VP slot. Hell, I'll just vote for Nader!

09-18-2008, 09:15 PM

Hardly. These days it's almost an insult to be labeled part of a political party. Most of us are just from the land of beaches and plastic surgery and have the time to think about the issues, instead of raising 18 kids and tending the farm. Party bias is the most dangerous thing that can happen to a political system and unfortunately it's the way our government works, and like any governmental system... one way or another destined to fail.

Buy some land in Costa Rica and get yourself a farm and self sustaining house. Since we'll all be starving to death in the 'burbs soon.


09-18-2008, 09:17 PM

massage length... happy ending

Koopa Troopa
09-18-2008, 09:18 PM
. I'm really tired of hearing Palin speak..

She talks? Whenever she's on TV I stop listening and start going through youporn to see if she's got a vid on there yet. :love:

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2008, 11:06 PM
Wow! Lots of Dems on this forum. I'm in the military and could give two shits less who gets in office as the military will be screwed either way in the terms of pay. Those fat old bastards in Congress ensure the military gets shafted each year for pay just as long as they get the fat check. The military is nothing but a corporate business anyways anymore. It's nothing like it used to be. With Obama, we'll we all know who will vote for him. Most blacks will vote for him, not for the issues that he stands for, but the fact that it's a chance to put the first black man in office. Me personally, I refuse to vote for some assbag who doesn't even have the common decency to put his hand over his heart when the Star Spangled Banner is being played. As for Obama's experience with the military, we'll he knows just about jack about it. Gay marriage, yup that will be legalized in all 50 states if a Dem gets in office. So all the turd burglars should be happy about that. Now, I'm not saying that McCain is any better, as he is more along the lines of Bush, and will probably keep the guys in Iraq for the next million years to fight a war that can't be won. McCain will probably get a lot of female voters, because of Palin. There are those women out there who will want to see a chick in an executive position like the VP slot. Hell, I'll just vote for Nader!
wow. grandma is really forwarding her junk mail everywhere isn't she? lol. It is accepted in ALL 50 states to hold yourhand over your heart OR sing in a respectful manner. Go to a sports event and look around, would you see everyone with their hands over their hearts? Nope. I know I don't. I take off my hat and place it at my waist and sing along. This is what Obama did. It's a stretch to think that he was disrespecting the flag. It's a tactic that the Republican party has been pulling for years since the party majority of the USA is Democratic. They HAVE to feast on the ignorance. Was it careless? yes, considering he has to dot his I's and cross his T's. But does Obama "hate" America? nope. only a fool would take that at face value. But I know how crazy Texas is in terms of government. I've spent a ton of time in parts of Southern Texas and Dallas for my job and it's a whole nother world. It's kind of like the nail that sticks out gets hammered down over there.

09-18-2008, 11:11 PM
crazy Texas is in terms of government

YouTube - John Cornyn - 2008 Senate - Big John TX GOP Convention Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gq5YaXBcYE)

09-18-2008, 11:30 PM


09-19-2008, 03:15 AM
Wow! Lots of Dems on this forum. I'm in the military and could give two shits less who gets in office as the military will be screwed either way in the terms of pay. Those fat old bastards in Congress ensure the military gets shafted each year for pay just as long as they get the fat check. The military is nothing but a corporate business anyways anymore. It's nothing like it used to be. With Obama, we'll we all know who will vote for him. Most blacks will vote for him, not for the issues that he stands for, but the fact that it's a chance to put the first black man in office. Me personally, I refuse to vote for some assbag who doesn't even have the common decency to put his hand over his heart when the Star Spangled Banner is being played. As for Obama's experience with the military, we'll he knows just about jack about it. Gay marriage, yup that will be legalized in all 50 states if a Dem gets in office. So all the turd burglars should be happy about that. Now, I'm not saying that McCain is any better, as he is more along the lines of Bush, and will probably keep the guys in Iraq for the next million years to fight a war that can't be won. McCain will probably get a lot of female voters, because of Palin. There are those women out there who will want to see a chick in an executive position like the VP slot. Hell, I'll just vote for Nader!

Many 'conservatives' are also fed up with the performance (or lack thereof) of the gwb administration, and nor are they impressed with the direction of McCain/Palin. For many it's just a matter of choosing the lesser of the evils.

I still think Palin was a god awful choice, even if for the 'women' vote. There must have been another female R candidate whom was a bit more experienced, moderate, and level headed. Obama's choice of Biden was def not that great of a choice, but it's not a disaster either.

that being said I'm just going to vote libertarian, and call it a day. I don't live in a swing state anyways.