View Full Version : 9/11

09-11-2008, 01:35 AM
first and foremost my heart goes out to the victims/families/firefighters/law enforcement that suffered on that tragic day that forever changed America.


what were you doing that day?

woke up. turned on the new and saw what was going on. went to school and everyone was quiet. basically there was no class that day. everyone just watched the news during class.

09-11-2008, 01:39 AM
I woke up to my alarm (the radio plays) and I heard the
local station talking about it. I turned on my TV and couldn't
believe what was happening. I also saw the 2nd plane hit live.
I got to school and it was quiet, and we didn't do anything but
watch the news. I actually shed a tear or two...

I was 17 at the time.


09-11-2008, 01:46 AM
I was on my way to school, I was still young didn't fully comprehend the full tragedy until I got home.

09-11-2008, 02:44 AM
on my way to school look at the news and didnt understand my gf at the time was gonna move to a less populated area and was sad n crying cause she was going to move to not get bombed on

09-11-2008, 03:12 AM
I lost an uncle that day. He was a local police officer. I didn't find out he died til a month after the incident.. RIP Uncle Mike, and god bless all the other family members lost on September 11th.

09-11-2008, 03:40 AM
Ohh man. I signed up to the marines after this happened only to be arrested a week later for felony sales of mary jane. Anyways. I wish I coulda gone. I still thing alot of people have forgotten.

YouTube - Darryl Worley - Have You Forgotten (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_-x9kMPauc)

Rest in peace. Just know we have not forgotten.

09-11-2008, 06:06 AM
I was in materials lab discussing how heat effects metals and can weaken them.. he said that building had probably an hour at most on fire like that before structures colapsed.. most memorable materials lab ever...

09-11-2008, 06:34 AM
I was at school in my 8th grade homeroom. They wouldnt tell us exactly what had happened. They just said New York was attacked. The principal told all the teachers to keep their tv's in the classroom's off. i remember alot of parents came and got their kids that day. Took me a little for the tragedy of it all to really sink in

09-11-2008, 06:44 AM
I was at MEPS that day getting ready to enlist in the Army. However, the computers went down real early.

My recruiter dropped me off at home and I passed my parents and siblings as they went on their way to work/school.

I turn on the TV and see live coverage and the first tower on fire. A few minutes later I see the second plane hit the other tower live...

and then the Pentagon...

and then the plane in Pennsylvania...

Needless to say it was a shitty, scary day that September.


09-11-2008, 07:10 AM
I was like maybe 2 miles away on Canal St buying Tv's for my civic :keke:

All we heard was a boom but thought nothing of it when the first plane hit and then all the Radio stations said a plane hit 1 of the Towers and then minutes Later..

They were like oh shit another one just hit...

We had to walk from Canal St to Yankee stadium that shit was at least a 8-12 hike..

And i picked up my car outta the parking lot like 9 days after...

The Crazy shit is my Dad is an Auditor and was supposed to go there for an Audit but he was having surgery done that morning for his Prostate Cancer...

After this happened i Volunteered at the Javits Center where most people were at...

I did it for like 8 days...

Dirty Habit
09-11-2008, 07:13 AM
I laid in bed with my girl this morning and talked about this and the many things we take for granted..
Love and respect to those lost on this day, and those have and did serve to protect us from events like 9/11.
Rip and godbless.

09-11-2008, 08:44 AM
first period, Zoology/Botany. i walked in and everybody was watching the tv.

09-11-2008, 08:47 AM
i was at school and we herd the news. no one belived it but we all went to the top floor where we can see the smoke in the distance....

i went home right away and saw the news... shit was mind blowing....

we were acually their a few days ago skating a set of stairs right under the towers..

sad day for new yorkers

sad day for americans.... R.I.P

09-11-2008, 09:04 AM
i was also in school, they made us all go to our home rooms, and we had a moment of silence. once i got home i saw it on the news and wow it was sad.

R.I.P to all those lost

and when i got home the lady 2 houses down was outside talking to my mom, the lady was crying because she couldnt get ahold of her husband who works @ the pentagon. My dad was also working in DC @ the USCG headquarters base and heard the boom or w/e from the plane hitting the pentagon

clutch kick drifter
09-11-2008, 09:07 AM
sitting in 6th grade class, didnt really understand wht all went on until later on. Never forget 9/11 and the "343"

09-11-2008, 09:09 AM
Sitting in 8th grade english class, then school got let out early and i thought it was awesome that i got to see f-16s flying overhead.

Then i went home and my mom was crying and i watched the twin towers fall on tv.

09-11-2008, 09:14 AM
I woke up that morning at the same time I do every morning. I turned on the news and see one of the towers smoking on every fucking channel. I get on my phone and called my family in NY...all lines busy. I call my local family here in AZ and wake them up. I turn back to the TV to see them zoom in on the second plane as it crashes into the other tower. I'm saying over and over "WTF? WTF? WTF?"

Despite the conspiracies and the he said she said bullshit...the civilians that lost their lives and the police/fire dept heroes will always be remembered. How many of us would have the stones to run into those buildings as they were burning/coming down to save people?

09-11-2008, 09:17 AM
I was getting ready for my first day of 8th grade when we got a phone call on our house phone which was weird for that early in the AM it was my moms business partner calling to tell us to turn on the TV because America was under attack. it was terrible and very sad i also saw the 2nd plane hit live and the pentagon. The families & friends of the ones lost are in my prayers. R.I.P & God Bless America because after all the terrible things that have been done to us we still stand strong and united as one country.

09-11-2008, 09:30 AM
Sophmore year, creative writing class, and I saw the plane hit on the news and I was like..."hmm that was weird" and then the two other planes crashed and i was like "WTF?!"

09-11-2008, 09:36 AM
I was living in Queens at the time...in school when it happened. The PA system was going off every second because parents were coming to pick up their kids. Nobody had a clue what was going on. It was really chaotic.

It was really hard to believe at first...it felt so surreal...

A few months later we were driving across one of the bridges and you could see the skyline was still filled with a lot of smoke...a very eerie sight.

I'll never forget. :-/

09-11-2008, 09:37 AM
Was in spanish class, highschool.

I jimmy rigged the antennas so it would work and everyone could see the news.

09-11-2008, 10:11 AM
I was in the 6th grade. Didn't really know what was going on. I thought it was accident.

Watched the news after school and finally figured out what was going on.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-11-2008, 10:25 AM
I was sleeping when a good friend of mine called me from Building 2. He was down there barkeeping and doing some modeling, gay I know. But he thought a bomb hit building 1 and they weren't telling him much. I told him that I heard that it was a plane on the tv and there were reports of some more missing planes and he and some other people he was working with at the time convinced some people to leave the building. He was out of there by the time the second plane hit but he heard the explosions in the basement 10 minutes before the plane hit. Very wierd. But I recorded everything I watched that day and watched a lot of it last year. Very strange.

09-11-2008, 10:47 AM
Was on my way to school in the morning, I was in my senior year but was a year ahead so still only 16. We were all watching it when we got there.

Wow... Seven years ago... :wtc:

I was living in Canada by then, but I wasn't Canadian that day. I was 110% American. Me and another guy in my class who was also American were inseperable the rest of the school day.

09-11-2008, 10:49 AM
Spanish class in middle school. I was wiggin out when i found out what was goin on, my dads a pilot and was working that day. :down:

09-11-2008, 10:57 AM
i was a freshman in college and was not at school..woke up by my brother bc he got a phone call from my grandma who lives on the lower east side felt and heard the planes crashing.. i was like what? and turned on the news and saw the two towers up in smoke..

just came back from lunch and was outside.. saw so many people walking around with pictures of their deceased loved ones.. it is pretty sad.. so many damn tourists..takes me a few minutes just to walk up a block!

09-11-2008, 11:04 AM
I was running home because I forgot my clarinet for jazz band practice that morning (lol i was a band geek back then), 7th grade. Since I was late my mom had to drive me back to school. As we pulled out of the driveway, my next door neighbor flies past us in his truck and yells for us to turn on the radio. That was after the first plane hit. When the second plane hit the newscaster on the radio went nuts. All through practice they wouldnt let us turn the TVs on, but my next class and for the rest of the day they let us watch. I was nowhere near new york, but I was truly scared.

09-11-2008, 11:08 AM
i remember being in my earth science class my freshman year in highschool and all we did was watch the news

it was mind blowing there was a total eerie feeling walking through the hallways of school with everything being so quiet

R.I.P to all those that passed during these events and god bless those who risked their lives saving everyone

09-11-2008, 11:24 AM
that day was my second day of 8th grade. I wanted to stay home and watch the coverage because it happened while I was getting ready. The rest of the day was really weird because I'm not too far from LAX airport and not hearing any plains was scary quiet.

09-11-2008, 11:26 AM
I was skipping my 10th grade history classs.
I was at my grandparents house...
Saw the whole thing live from when they frist started airing it...

My friends father was in one of the towers. Sadly he lost his life.

R.I.P to all the brave souls who fought, who helped, and who suffered in this tragic event.

May you never be forgotten.

09-11-2008, 11:26 AM
Woke up to my step-mom telling me to turn on the TV because a plane had crashed into the towers. Turned it on and within minutes the 2nd plane hit, and it just all seemed so unreal. At school all we did all day was watch the news.

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-11-2008, 11:31 AM
you guys, 20 years from now people are going to see it as a tragic event but probably on the same level as we see Pearl Harbor. In reality, this event changed the US for the worst! Look how many places closed down because of the fear. Look how our government shut down for a week after this. This is what the terrorist wanted to happen. Not only that but we're on the brink of disaster in this country because of overreaction by our "President" and invading, not liberating, a country that had nothing to do with this. Because of this tragic event the US dominos fell. The end might be in sight in the near future but it's up to us to remind our kids that this terrorist attack didn't only last a day, it lasted 10 years for the country and eternity for the people who lost loved ones.

09-11-2008, 12:03 PM
I was at MEPS that day getting ready to enlist in the Army. However, the computers went down real early.

My recruiter dropped me off at home and I passed my parents and siblings as they went on their way to work/school.

I turn on the TV and see live coverage and the first tower on fire. A few minutes later I see the second plane hit the other tower live...

and then the Pentagon...

and then the plane in Pennsylvania...

Needless to say it was a shitty, scary day that September.


Yeah, people forget the Pentagon and Pennsylvania crash.


Man time goes by quick.

steve shadows
09-11-2008, 12:14 PM
I woke up to my alarm (the radio plays) and I heard the
local station talking about it. I turned on my TV and couldn't
believe what was happening. I also saw the 2nd plane hit live.
I got to school and it was quiet, and we didn't do anything but
watch the news. I actually shed a tear or two...

I was 17 at the time.


Identical to how my morning went.

I hope no one ever forgets the sacrifice that day

09-11-2008, 12:15 PM
i woke up, turned on ch 11 just to see what jillian barberie was wearing that morning but instead of her cleave, they were showing videio of the 1st tower after it had already been hit. i rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and as my vision was getting clearer, the 2nd plane hit on live tv. then news of the pentagon, and that other plane that crashed in an empty field.

i rushed to work only to find my coworkers huddled around the conference room's tv. but we only had antennas and the only channel with reception was the spanish channel. we watched people jumping off the building and hurtling to their deaths on live tv at work.

also, i worked on the 5th floor of my office bldg and i sat at the window with a view of the air force base runway in los alamitos. i watched jets and apache helicopters fly in and out of that base all day from my desk. it was pretty scary because they seemed to be flying really close to our bldg, esp the helicopters. one flew so close you could see the pilots' faces.

my prayers go out today for those that lost their lives as well as their families. we will never forget.

09-11-2008, 12:22 PM
I woke up to go to work. Went down stairs (lived in a duplex, and my cousin and his fam lived downstairs. Him and I worked together) to get my cousin Harold to go to work. His wife, tells be something hit the building. We watched the news for a bit and while we were sitting there we seen the second plane his the second tower. We were like WTF!

Harold and I went to work and basically watched TV all day. We sold high end bedroom furniture. We had almost no customers. We did have a couple walk in later in the day after we knew what was going on and they bought a $10,000 bedroom set. They said "We aren't going to let these terrorists control our lives. We planned on buying a bedroom set today and we still are."

09-11-2008, 01:07 PM
i was in 7th grade math i think 3rd period
baby sitter came to the school to pickl me up
i had no idea wtf was going on till i got home
walk in door see tv on and the plumber on couch watching news and was like wtf
then i see the towers fall down and was like WTF
right then and their brother said "when i turn 18 im joining the army"
sure enough when he turned 18 he joined up put 4 years in iraq 172nd stryker brigade

09-11-2008, 01:10 PM
I wanted to join the Marines after this attack,
I was ready to sign the paperwork when my
girlfriend at the time stopped me. :tweak:

I regret not going. :-/

09-11-2008, 01:41 PM
Woke up to my mom and dad calling me to turn on the TV. When i finally got it turned on i couldn't beleive what was happening.

Heart goes out to all the familys/friends/firefighters/and law enforcement.

A day we will never forget!

boro otaku
09-11-2008, 01:46 PM
**May you never be forgotten** :(

I was driving to work, turned on the radio and heard something like "...Pentagon in flames. Now to the White House where the President is being moved..." and FREAKED OUT.

America has moved on, but some lives will never be the same. I support actions to prevent this from ever happening again!!!

09-11-2008, 02:10 PM
YouTube - Chaser's War - How Much Do Americans Know About 9/11? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcJyhZLUUIU)

30% of us don't recall when it happened or know/remember much about it.

I was in materials lab discussing how heat effects metals and can weaken them.. he said that building had probably an hour at most on fire like that before structures colapsed.. most memorable materials lab ever...

Does jet fuel heat up to near thermite levels? No.

09-11-2008, 02:19 PM
Is that another conspiracy video? :tweak::ugh:

If it is, no, the government did not plan the attacks
and shit. Some people just have too much time on
their hands. Same with the "landing on the moon"

09-11-2008, 02:23 PM
Is that another conspiracy video? :tweak::ugh:

If it is, no, the government did not plan the attacks
and shit. Some people just have too much time on
their hands. Same with the "landing on the moon"

The video I posted was just some Australian guy asking random people around New York what they knew about 9/11.

I'm not saying anything. I'm just looking at it from an engineering perspective.

We seriously need to mythbust this shit or something. Build some towers and fly shit into them.

What about the moon? I believe we landed on it.

09-11-2008, 02:25 PM
I don't think that episode of Mythbuster's will go well
with many people.

I mentioned the moon landing because just like the 9/11
attack, these different groups/people claim it to be a conspiracy
and come up with these videos to prove it was.

09-11-2008, 02:28 PM
^K, well check out the vid I posted. People were GUESSING that 9/11 was in October, August, and other completely wrong dates.

boro otaku
09-11-2008, 03:07 PM
The video I posted was just some Australian guy asking random people around New York what they knew about 9/11.
I've seen videos like this... staged, or they only show they people who answer wrong.

If anyone doesn't know what 9/11 is about (or thinks it was a conspiracy) they need their voter registration banned. Workers would notice when 1/2 their floor was full of explosive drums...

09-11-2008, 03:10 PM
I was at work, in a tall building... yay me

09-11-2008, 03:11 PM
I was in Mr. Snyders Biology class,sophmore year. All the TVs came on, and there was an announcement to that the Twin Towers have been attacked. Everyone sat and watched is total silence. Then the second plane hit, we were all freaked out and didnt know what to think. I skiped out after that block.Went home to make sure my mom was OK.

09-11-2008, 03:23 PM
I was sleeping when a good friend of mine called me from Building 2. He was down there barkeeping and doing some modeling, gay I know. But he thought a bomb hit building 1 and they weren't telling him much. I told him that I heard that it was a plane on the tv and there were reports of some more missing planes and he and some other people he was working with at the time convinced some people to leave the building. He was out of there by the time the second plane hit but he heard the explosions in the basement 10 minutes before the plane hit. Very wierd. But I recorded everything I watched that day and watched a lot of it last year. Very strange.


That is an amazing story.
I'm glad he got out of there.

I remember walking out to my living room before I left for school and seeing it on the news and just kind of freaking out in my head.
That was an unbelievable day.

09-11-2008, 03:27 PM
I'm going to Ground Zero tonight... to see the Lights and pray....

09-11-2008, 03:34 PM
I've seen videos like this... staged, or they only show they people who answer wrong.

They did say 30% of the people they interviewed.

09-11-2008, 03:48 PM
Pearl Harbor.

this is our generations Pearl Harbor.

09-11-2008, 03:49 PM
i was on vacation here in Seattle from Florida, sleeping. my mother woke me up and said the world trade center was gone. i went back to sleep.

09-11-2008, 09:09 PM
I was in an Avionics class, 3 weeks into having gone back to school to get my A&P, which was a task ironically made less valuable by the events of that day.
The school I was in was instructed by old military guys, from all branches... We were released by 11am, I went home for a while, then to work early for some overtime I had scheduled...
We were sent home from work with full lost hours paid (even overtime hours).

09-11-2008, 09:15 PM
Wow i was in 5th grade back then i didnt understand it at all. I was like meh whatevers and they had this one amazing american song i totally forgot how it goes but yeah. Now i understand it and it makes me sad when i think about it and why would they want to do that. I just watched a video of it getting crashed.. why..

09-11-2008, 10:52 PM
i was 17 at the time.

taking an english test.

09-12-2008, 01:16 AM
I was at home after working nights, my sister woke me up...called Kevin in disbelief, he went into work and didn't leave for 3 days.

09-12-2008, 01:36 AM
i was in the library copying math homework, 7th grade. suddenly all the TVs in the place turned on to air the broadcasting.

then my mom came and picked me up because my dad was working there at the time.

we spent the next few hours glued to the TV, and calling constanly to find out if he was in the building when the plane hit, but cell phone signals were DEAD in NYC when that went down, you couldnt get through anywhere.

later found out he was ok, but he watched everything go down from his hotel window only a few blocks away.

very scary day.

09-12-2008, 01:49 AM
huh? weird..

i remember waking up seeing it on tv before i left school. Then i went to school and i dont remember anybody being quiet or sitting and watching it on tv at school. It was a normal day of school work and then the occasional "did you see/hear what happened?"

but i think an announcement was mad over the intercom, thats about it...


09-15-2008, 01:09 PM
i was in the 6th grade
i had an uncle that worked in the south tower at the 100th Floor
i have an aunt that works ON wall st.
and another uncle that works in DC at NASA.
yeah that morning was a little wild.

09-15-2008, 03:02 PM
Wow a lot of youngsters that were still in HS. Well as for me, my wife was working at LAX at the time and i was coming back from dropping her off work. I so happen to just want to listen to the local radio (Power 106) and i heard Big Boy talking about it. First i thought it was all a joke but then they kept talking and i was like oh shit this is real. So i got home parents were already watching the news. First thing i saw was people jumping out of the second tower live..... I couldtnt believe what i was seing. I had to work that they at the hospital, when i got there all my doctors patients cancelled their appts. I remember i use to work night hours at that time. When i got to work i was alone everything was quiet and all i did was watch the news. It was really weird and quiet for that week. I remember the emergency syrons went off here in LA Cali. It sounded like if there was an alien invasion.