View Full Version : S15 oil return on GT2530 *NOT WORKING*

09-10-2008, 10:46 AM
So I went to put my HKS GT2530 on my car, which has essentially the same center cartridge as the S15 T28 or the GT28RS turbos.

I went and bought the S15 oil return tube and hose, thinking that OEM shit would work without any hassles, but nope, shit don't fit.

The oil return tube does not hit the steering linkages as many people said it would (from doing searches and reading up all morning), but my problem is, the tube is almost touching the oil return fitting on the block.

I'll go take a pic of it later on and post it.

Has anyone had that problem before?

Oh, and if I have to clock the center housing, how far can I clock it? I know the drain is gravity fed, so you don't really want to clock it beyond straight down, and I am pretty sure the turbo is clocked so it's pointing straight down now.

Damnit, I'll get pics later.

But for now, anyone go through that BS?

09-10-2008, 11:20 AM
You could try out the Phase 2 oil return tube and just use the oem hose like I did.

But make sure that you ask for the newer version.

It was alright easy to install.

I went through like so many other hoses when the oem one just fit right on and has the perfect bend to it so that you don't get the kinks with the straight tube one.

09-10-2008, 11:48 AM
im not understanding what the problem is, i used to have the HKSGT2540 and i used everything from my t25 and my friend has the HKS Gt2530 the same one you have and again we didnt change anything besides the turbo itself, whats the problem??

09-10-2008, 11:52 AM
ok i just reread your post and you have to clock your turbo, if you are using your stock lines, also you might need to bend them slightly. and the problem with he oil drain, i dont know what you mean.

09-10-2008, 12:04 PM
are u using a s13 manifold? because the s14 and s15 is angled a little different

09-10-2008, 12:12 PM
are u using a s13 manifold? because the s14 and s15 is angled a little different

Yes I am using an S13 manifold.

I got a couple of pics of the oil return tube from underneath the car.

Ignore the nasty grime on everything. The steering rack boots are torn and the rack itself is spitting fluid out everywhere. I am just waiting for money to get some Tein tie rods and ends so I can put my HICAS rack on.

Anyway, here are the pics:



As you can see, the tube is pretty much right up on the fitting on the block. I'm pretty sure that there is supposed to be a little more space in between those 2.

09-10-2008, 12:27 PM
cut the return tube, and clamp it....

09-10-2008, 12:39 PM
So... what exactly is so different between the S14/S15 motor than the S13 motor to make it so that when you're using all OEM parts, your shit still don't fit on the S13 motor?

09-10-2008, 02:04 PM
yea dude just cut it shorter throw a hose on it, clamp it and your good to go, thats a easy fix.

BiG MiKE86
09-11-2008, 08:24 PM
I had a similar problem with my gt2871r on my S13 sr - Bought an S15 oil drain and it sat basically in the same spot - We cut it at the bend - rotated - welded - and it fits perfect.. Goodluck

09-12-2008, 08:41 AM
I've seen a few people say "cut at the bend and weld it on a different angle" for the S15 oil return tube.

What exactly do you mean?

Do you cut right where it goes from straight and into that turn? Or do you cut mid turn?

Basically, does anyone have pics of what they're talking about? Because it is now 2008, and all the threads that covered this in like 2002/2003 are all pictureless now.

09-12-2008, 08:57 AM
Just cut the oil return tube connected to the turbo, about an inch from the end that goes to the block, then get you a hose that fits with enough to clamp onto each end safely, then use two hose clamp like you were originally going to, thats about it man, takes a few minutes

09-12-2008, 09:53 AM

I don't want to cut anything, because I want the option of being able to sell this piece if it doesn't work out for me.

I still have the T25 oil tube sitting here. Just need to slot the holes.

[off topic]

Does anyone know what metal the oil return tubes are made out of? Trying to figure out which Dremel bit will do the slotting quickly and painlessly...

[/off topic]

Again, I don't want to cut anything if at all possible, because I want to figure out why the tube sits the way it does, as opposed to how it should sit on the S14/S15 motors, because the part is an OEM part, and thus should fit flawlessly, unless there was a difference between the S13 and S14/15 motors. I'm just trying to find out what's different.

09-12-2008, 10:43 AM
I installed a s14 t28 and I used the t25 oil return, slotted the holes, and had to cut off about 3/4 of an inch off the tube so it would clear the steering rack. Then I just went and found a hose that would work.

BiG MiKE86
09-12-2008, 01:00 PM
I've seen a few people say "cut at the bend and weld it on a different angle" for the S15 oil return tube.

What exactly do you mean?

Do you cut right where it goes from straight and into that turn? Or do you cut mid turn?

Basically, does anyone have pics of what they're talking about? Because it is now 2008, and all the threads that covered this in like 2002/2003 are all pictureless now.
We turnt the drain 180* - cut it mid turn - and knocked maybe 1/2" from the bottom - lined up perfect - Welded - and grinded down to look OEM. Best of Luck - If i get my car on a lift or anything ill be sure to get a picture for you

10-20-2008, 04:19 PM
Update to this bitch:

I ended up slotting the 2 holes for the T25 oil return tube, and was able to just straight up put that tube onto the turbo without it hitting the steering rack or column.

Then I just put the T25 oil return hose on there, and again, no need to cut it or mod it or anything, and it went on perfectly.

Thanks for all the suggestions and help guys.

Anyone need a pretty much brand new S15 oil return tube + hose now? lol