View Full Version : lets talk...culture

09-09-2008, 09:41 PM
so im taking the trash out of the ladies room from work. the trash bag is clear so you see everything in there...

what i see is poopy ass paper.

this isn't mexico anymore. the people i work with have been here for over like 10 years so im pretty sure they know the plumbing isn't janky mexico pipes and it wont clog if you do the courtesy flush.

i don't care if you had to do that in mexico but you're not there anymore. we in the US have pressed on and are able to flush ass wipes.

09-09-2008, 09:44 PM

that is all.

09-09-2008, 09:49 PM
wow wtf haha

09-09-2008, 09:51 PM
why are you taking out the trash, i'd make them take it out if they're going to poop and throw it in there

Xandy Boosts
09-09-2008, 09:56 PM

doesn't your bathroom stink too if you throw your crap paper in trash can?

09-09-2008, 11:08 PM
yeah it stinks... that is just wrong, faulty plumbing or not, there is no excuse for that... use the extra flushes if you have to

09-09-2008, 11:52 PM
great question. I was actually intrigued, so I asked my guatemalan friend this (while she was eating dinner). she lives in an older, more run down appt in hollywood. turns out that many ppl still do this. she does it in her home, b/c the pipes really are old and leaky there. she knows this b/c she's learned the hard way. when the pipes get clogged, everything overflows. I'd imagine that to be quite a bit more unsavory that taking out the trash with poo stained paper. in one case, it happened to a neighbor upstairs and it marinated her ceiling for a good while. however, I know she claims she does not do this at other places.

she also says that this is popular with the paisas, but not with the hispanics who are more educated. While I think its absurd to point fingers at Mexicans (or any other nationality) as whole, I do think that maybe this is a result of dingy piping, an/or possible paisa mentality/culture. Don't know if rednecks or other groups also do this, but it is the first time I've heard of it.

09-10-2008, 12:29 AM
You just have to look at the glass as half full.

At least they didn't actually shit IN the bag, because that would be worse.

09-10-2008, 12:58 AM
Are sure it isn't Bruno's guademalan ass?

09-10-2008, 01:18 AM
i think a lot of developing countries (or countries just got out of developing phase) were taught to throw paper in trash can because it could clog the pipe. it could be seen in Asia countries or south America. i believe even japan was doing it before

09-10-2008, 01:26 AM
lol.. my redneck friend does this too....

09-10-2008, 02:29 AM
i think a lot of developing countries (or countries just got out of developing phase) were taught to throw paper in trash can because it could clog the pipe. it could be seen in Asia countries or south America. i believe even japan was doing it before

I think that has to do with whether or not the perpetrator in question can reason or not, when or when not to flush the poo paper. a person with common sense would know how to adapt. someone without common sense, and/or happens to be kinda socially backwards may not, and throw poo paper in the trash regardless.

The issue might be more about stupidity, lack of education, maybe even being inconsiderate than it is about culture. every culture has their respective primitives, so I don't think culture itself, or any given culture per say, is the issue.

beyond that, bad piping is still an issue in some places in modern day US, even where I live in los angeles. It's not just a problem limited to less modernized locales or back in the day.

09-10-2008, 04:12 AM
i think a lot of developing countries (or countries just got out of developing phase) were taught to throw paper in trash can because it could clog the pipe. it could be seen in Asia countries or south America. i believe even japan was doing it before


i lived on a farm in like the most rural area of Chiba, and even then we all flushed our shit paper.

i have heard that some European contries throw away toilet paper instead of flushing it.

but then again that could be as wrong as your statement about Japan.

09-10-2008, 04:16 AM

i lived on a farm in like the most rural area of Chiba, and even then we all flushed our shit paper.

i have heard that some European contries throw away toilet paper instead of flushing it.

but then again that could be as wrong as your statement about Japan.
No, I've been all over Europe, yet I've never come across that, even in the smallest towns, and this was over 10 years ago.
No one wants to be known as the country that doesn't flush its toilet paper haha.

09-10-2008, 05:15 AM
maybe its just that one country, you know the one known for its people being fat and/or stupid.

oh wait...

09-10-2008, 12:42 PM
Some older homes have bad plumping systems (older septic tanks). If you get used to living in one of those then it can be a habit. Many countries do not have large pipes like the US, Costa Rica has 1" wide pipes for instance..I believe Brazil too and also Greece has bad plumbing. But for the most part, if you aren't in an old house its ok to flush it away.

If you want the environmentaly scientific answer, you should flush.

To Flush or Not to Flush? (http://amos.indiana.edu/library/scripts/flush.html)

Taiwan actually urges people to flush the toilet paper

The Student Post¢xÂ*^¤å¸É²ß¯Z¢xÂ*^ÀË¢x°ò´ú¢x ¾Ã‡Â´Ãº (http://www.studentpost.com.tw/words/default.asp?sIssue=1090)

And more reading...

HowStuffWorks "How Sewer and Septic Systems Work" (http://home.howstuffworks.com/sewer.htm)

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-10-2008, 12:48 PM
the main reason people throw away their poopy paper is because it swells in the septic tank. The paper cannot disintegrate like your piss and shit so it stays there and causes the septic tank to overflow a LOT faster. Pipes have almost nothing to do with this. If someone throws away their TP and says it's because of pipes it's because that's what they were told and they believed it. It's just people being ignorant about it. If you have a septic tank it IS better to have a dedicated poopy can and trash it. Remember though, after wiping your ass you MUST fold the paper to cover up the brown. If you have sewage, flush it down.


09-10-2008, 01:03 PM
I don't know, but my neighbor across the street has taught their kids to not even use the bathroom, much less wipe and throw the TP away in a trash can.

They just pull their pants down and shit on their yard.

Then I guess their parents come out and put the shit in a paper towel or whatever and throw it by the mailbox.

Fucking A what the fuck is going on with people?

This is 2008, we have people living in space, we are about to form black holes, and we can't fucking flush toilet paper down the toilet, or much less, teach our kids to use the fucking bathroom instead of shitting in the yard?


09-10-2008, 01:20 PM
People did this in Costa Rica when I lived there, even in the biggest city (San Jose) in new modern buildings. Not sure why, but it seemed pretty universal.

09-10-2008, 01:31 PM
I don't know, but my neighbor across the street has taught their kids to not even use the bathroom, much less wipe and throw the TP away in a trash can.

They just pull their pants down and shit on their yard.

Then I guess their parents come out and put the shit in a paper towel or whatever and throw it by the mailbox.

Fucking A what the fuck is going on with people?

This is 2008, we have people living in space, we are about to form black holes, and we can't fucking flush toilet paper down the toilet, or much less, teach our kids to use the fucking bathroom instead of shitting in the yard?


LOL u srs ?
i'd move, srsly
when it gets flooded, all the shit would float over to ur house ... may be thats the reason why u have so many flys.

09-10-2008, 01:35 PM
No, I've been all over Europe, yet I've never come across that, even in the smallest towns, and this was over 10 years ago.
No one wants to be known as the country that doesn't flush its toilet paper haha.

That's your personal experience.

I know a lot of people from Greece and Turkey throw their TP in the trash because of small pipes.

Eh, I guess it's just a matter of habit. Although I'd start flushing as soon as it became a viable option.

09-10-2008, 01:36 PM
LOL u srs ?
i'd move, srsly
when it gets flooded, all the shit would float over to ur house ... may be thats the reason why u have so many flys.

I'm serious.

My wife took our dogs out for a walk the other day, and she comes back in and told me the story.

I'm like, "are you fucking serious?"

But yeah, it's pretty disturbing.

No flies over here, just mass amounts of mosquitoes, after Fay dumped rain on us for like 3 days straight, there are puddles of water everywhere, and that meant lots of mosquitoes.

And a lot of people's pipes backed up, so whether they flushed their shitty toilet papers down the toilet or threw it away, they got shit in their house.

09-10-2008, 02:12 PM

paper cuts to the asshole.

09-10-2008, 02:15 PM
I deal with the same thing, I work with about 20 people from Honduras, Mexico and Guatemala and they do the exact same thing.
It fucking SUCKS.
But then again, I guess I would probably look at people like they were crazy if they tried to change the way I had been wiping my ass for 25 years.

09-10-2008, 02:21 PM
wow i always been curious about that as well but never enough balls to actually post a topic about it without fear of being told to go fck myself lol..

I been seeing that too whenever relatives visit, id notice the trash can *right next to the toilet* would start filling up with toilet paper really fast.. It creeps me out because ill be the one who pics up the trashcan and dumps it.

but thats not as serious as someone using my razor without shaving cream and leaving pieces of hair and skin on there for me to see when i get it ready.. yuck, id gladly give them a razor if they asked me instead of secretly trying to use mine. lol

Oh and i think some people try to wash their ass too with water instead.. I have no idea how they accomplish that with our toilets, do they cup their hands in used water and splash? lol At least i hope thats why there is water drops on the toilet after female relatives have used it lol

09-10-2008, 02:55 PM
My friend's mom was born in the phillipines, she doesn't even use paper...
Glad I found out about that AFTER all the times she made me loompia and pancit.

09-10-2008, 03:07 PM
In South America that's really common. You forget and flush it? You may have a problem on your hands. :ugh:

09-10-2008, 04:35 PM
Oh and i think some people try to wash their ass too with water instead.. I have no idea how they accomplish that with our toilets, do they cup their hands in used water and splash?

i just hope for some splash back....

i found out a week ago my friend does the same thing. i was like wtf. he was born here also so i wouldn't think he would be doing it. his parents probably told him not to flush cause he said it would clog.

09-10-2008, 05:03 PM
the main reason people throw away their poopy paper is because it swells in the septic tank. The paper cannot disintegrate like your piss and shit so it stays there and causes the septic tank to overflow a LOT faster. Pipes have almost nothing to do with this. If someone throws away their TP and says it's because of pipes it's because that's what they were told and they believed it. It's just people being ignorant about it.

This is another factor I was wondering about. Part of the problem might be that certain types of toilet paper are just more likely to clog up pipes.

cheap toilet paper is usually thick and coarse (I'd hate to wipe my ass with that stuff regardless). probably also more difficult to disintegrate as you say and clog stuff up.

09-10-2008, 05:04 PM
so only mexicans do this?

should i start talking about vietnamese people now? :ugh:

09-10-2008, 05:09 PM
so only mexicans do this?

should i start talking about vietnamese people now? :ugh:

I would not be suprised. lot of the fobs from communist countries can be a bit backwards.

09-10-2008, 05:11 PM
so only mexicans do this?

should i start talking about vietnamese people now? :ugh:

I'm pretty sure my neighbors across the street are white people, from the US of A, and have a few generations that were born here too.

Now they might be born from the same siblings or something, I don't know, but they sure act like it.

09-10-2008, 05:12 PM
so only mexicans do this?

should i start talking about vietnamese people now? :ugh:

nope not just mexicans.

people, don't get offended that i only stated mexicans. i did because it happened at my work. im well award that other's do this as well.

drift freaq
09-10-2008, 05:16 PM
great question. I was actually intrigued, so I asked my guatemalan friend this (while she was eating dinner). she lives in an older, more run down appt in hollywood. turns out that many ppl still do this. she does it in her home, b/c the pipes really are old and leaky there. she knows this b/c she's learned the hard way. when the pipes get clogged, everything overflows. I'd imagine that to be quite a bit more unsavory that taking out the trash with poo stained paper. in one case, it happened to a neighbor upstairs and it marinated her ceiling for a good while. however, I know she claims she does not do this at other places.

she also says that this is popular with the paisas, but not with the hispanics who are more educated. While I think its absurd to point fingers at Mexicans (or any other nationality) as whole, I do think that maybe this is a result of dingy piping, an/or possible paisa mentality/culture. Don't know if rednecks or other groups also do this, but it is the first time I've heard of it.

Fuck, If I were you, I would advise your friend to move and find a better place. Unless she is not making shit, its not hard to find a decent place in east Hollywood or KTown. A lot of people have moved that way because you could find nice places( renovated and sometimes new) for very reasonable prices there. Hell the whole area is getting more gentrified by the second. Just look at Echo Park. That used to be just straight up gangsta barrio land. Now its all cool and hip.

drift freaq
09-10-2008, 05:18 PM
I'm pretty sure my neighbors across the street are white people, from the US of A, and have a few generations that were born here too.

Now they might be born from the same siblings or something, I don't know, but they sure act like it.

If they are, they are straight up fucking backwoods hillbillies.

09-10-2008, 06:33 PM
nope not just mexicans.

people,don't get offended that i only stated mexicans. i did because it happened at my work. im well award that other's do this as well.

Well that way you worded your post could be the reason why, no?
I was born in Guatemala
neither myself nor any of my relatives do this
now back in Guatemala there were times were circumstances called
for drastic measures but that's just life
be happy you never had to take a dump in the woods

Hell the whole area is getting more gentrified by the second. Just look at Echo Park. That used to be just straight up gangsta barrio land. Now its all cool and hip.

I took a drive down Sunset from downtown and was
caught off guard by all this.
used to hang out in this areas in HS and it was all rundown.

09-10-2008, 06:35 PM
nope not just mexicans.

people, don't get offended that i only stated mexicans. i did because it happened at my work. im well award that other's do this as well.

well not everyone here knows you or where you work :ugh:

09-10-2008, 07:04 PM
I've never heard of this before -- Seems pretty unsanitary. People can be really nasty though. --at least they wiped?

09-10-2008, 09:56 PM
thats fucking disgusting. i would have took that shit and left it on wherever you found it.

09-10-2008, 10:29 PM
Aside from being nasty and gross....this is not a topic that is going to go well. There are many countries out there with different cultural aspects, and just because a certain person does it, we don't need to be calling out any one race in particular.