View Full Version : What's the Strangest Interview Question?

09-09-2008, 06:31 PM
Being a professional recruiter for a top 10 bank (for my "real job"), I have interviewed several hundred people over the past year or so.

I recently was interviewed for a managment position where I work and was asked several "Behavioral" interview questions. Among them was the following question (which was both strange and thought provocing at the same time):

"If you could build a floating city, how would you do it?" :wtf:

What are the strangest or worst questions you have been asked in an interview?:ugh:

Boostin on you
09-09-2008, 08:42 PM
what would you do if someone threw coffee at you?

stabucks question,

09-09-2008, 09:31 PM
haha, to op, what'd you respond with?

i should ask my brother about this, he just got an interview at some place that markets some treadmills or something.

Baka Sama
09-10-2008, 12:29 AM
Being a professional recruiter for a top 10 bank (for my "real job"), I have interviewed several hundred people over the past year or so.

I recently was interviewed for a managment position where I work and was asked several "Behavioral" interview questions. Among them was the following question (which was both strange and thought provocing at the same time):

"If you could build a floating city, how would you do it?" :wtf:

What are the strangest or worst questions you have been asked in an interview?:ugh:

These kinda questions are asked to see how you think. Believe it or not you can learn a lot about a person by asking a crazy question. A friend of mine was asked when applying for a 100k+ job, "If you had to find out how many white dotted lines are on the street in Atlanta how would you do it?" They just want to see your thought process and if you can reason well.

09-10-2008, 03:03 AM
The first thing I thought of when you said floating city was to build it on water and make it so that it traveled along with the ocean currents......haha

These kinda questions are asked to see how you think. Believe it or not you can learn a lot about a person by asking a crazy question. A friend of mine was asked when applying for a 100k+ job, "If you had to find out how many white dotted lines are on the street in Atlanta how would you do it?" They just want to see your thought process and if you can reason well.

I completely agree with this. I once got a question asking how many paint buckets would it take to paint a 777 plane. Its mostly to see how you react under weird circumstances.

09-10-2008, 03:24 AM
what would you do if someone threw coffee at you?

stabucks question,

I'd jam coffee beens up their ass and kick them so hard that they piss insta-made coffee.

A friend of mine was asked when applying for a 100k+ job, "If you had to find out how many white dotted lines are on the street in Atlanta how would you do it?" They just want to see your thought process and if you can reason well.

Speed down the street, camera on the car and watch the video and count! or hire some kids ....or immigrants

I completely agree with this. I once got a question asking how many paint buckets would it take to paint a 777 plane. Its mostly to see how you react under weird circumstances.

I actually googled this plane:
Boeing 777 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777)

Anyways, I'd probably say:
A lot and then start :snoop:'ing

09-10-2008, 03:41 AM
I got a management question once. Not for an interview, but a case study.

There are three people with you, and you only have a 2 seater car. Who would be in the passenger seat?

A) your best friend or sibling
B) the woman of your dreams
C) a dying person who needs to be driven to the hospital

09-10-2008, 04:07 AM
I got a management question once. Not for an interview, but a case study.

There are three people with you, and you only have a 2 seater car. Who would be in the passenger seat?

A) your best friend or sibling
B) the woman of your dreams
C) a dying person who needs to be driven to the hospital

does something happen to the other two?

or do they just get to chill on the sidewalk while you do whatever with the one you choose?

if so, the answer is obvious...

or perhaps can they be the same person?

damn this one is vague.

09-10-2008, 04:24 AM
Have your best friend/sibling drive the dying person to the hospital, while you stay with the woman of your dreams. :love:

09-10-2008, 04:29 AM

ideally your best friend would also be the woman of your dreams.

on a weirder note...

perhaps your sibling could also be the woman of your dreams in certain southern states.

or perhaps the woman of your dreams could be your sister who happens to be your best friend because, well, to be frank if the woman of your dreams was your sister you probably would not have any other friends and perhaps she is dying of complications from being fucked up in the head.

im telling you man, these questions are wierd.

09-10-2008, 04:31 AM
Or if the car was my 240 no one would go because everyone hates riding in it.

09-10-2008, 04:34 AM
well that solves that one.

09-10-2008, 07:50 AM
The first thing I thought of when you said floating city was to build it on water and make it so that it traveled along with the ocean currents......haha

I was supposing that it was floating in the air, not on water. It really made me think about it.

My answer took like 15 minutes and I started with the whole "discovery phase" first finding out if anyone had ever done it before and if so, what their process was, what the pitfalls where, if they used contractors that were experienced, etc. etc. etc.

I thought about the floating on water aspect after the interview. I find out if I get the job this Friday.

Thanks for the insite everyone.

As for the car question, I like the answer of having all three people being the same as well as having the close friend drive the dying person to the hospital as I stay with the woman of my dreams - I will use that one if ever asked. Maybe I will ask that when I interview people...

09-10-2008, 08:35 AM
"If you were a fruit what fruit would you be" Abercrombie question

09-10-2008, 10:12 AM
My answer took like 15 minutes and I find out if I get the job this Friday.

i'd be willing to bet if i took 15 minutes to answer i wouldnt get the job.

strangest interview questions have already been asked, they even taped them for later enjoyment

whats your favorite planet? mines the sun!

if the moon were made of bbq'ed spare ribs would you eat it then? i know i would i'd even go back for seconds and top it off with a frosty cold budwieser!

if you were a hotdog and starving to death would you eat yourself? i know i would! id smother myself in mustard and relish and i'd be delicious!

09-10-2008, 11:02 AM
"If M&M's made a new candy, how would you test it?"

This came from an interview for a game software testing position.

09-10-2008, 11:48 AM
when i interviewed with my current job, a large trucking and ready mix concrete company, the first thing the interviewer said to me was "what the fuck do you want!!" i think they were messing with me since a good friend got me the job. oh yeah the also told me i could "study" for my drug test.

09-10-2008, 12:15 PM
Have your best friend/sibling drive the dying person to the hospital, while you stay with the woman of your dreams. :love:

Good question to ask for management, it shows alot about a person's thought processes.

Supposedly they asked like 25 CEO's and only 1 got it right. Who knows?

09-10-2008, 12:35 PM
"Sir, could you please bend, spread your cheeks and lift your sac?"

... they STILL haven't found the bodies.

09-10-2008, 02:30 PM
i get the usual "why do you want to work for us".

one time i was interviewed for a truck parts distribution job and they asked me "whats the first thing you would ask if someone was in need of a tail light for their truck?"

my reply was what year and model truck is it?. then i was told i was wrong that i should have asked stuff like if its a longbed, short bed, cummins diesal etc etc... pffffffp wack!

09-10-2008, 03:05 PM
oh yeah the also told me i could "study" for my drug test.

thats all ways something good to know!:cops:

09-10-2008, 03:56 PM
"If you were a fruit what fruit would you be" Abercrombie question

And did you say that you were a big one?

09-10-2008, 06:38 PM
i get the usual "why do you want to work for us".

one time i was interviewed for a truck parts distribution job and they asked me "whats the first thing you would ask if someone was in need of a tail light for their truck?"

my reply was what year and model truck is it?. then i was told i was wrong that i should have asked stuff like if its a longbed, short bed, cummins diesal etc etc... pffffffp wack!

Pfffffffttt they were wrong too, should of asked for the vehicles indentification number that'll show them.

09-10-2008, 06:40 PM
"tell me about your most spiritual moment"

wtf i dont have one

09-10-2008, 06:57 PM
I guess I've been lucky. I usually get "work ethic" questions. Explain a difficult situation where you've though "outside the box" - How do you get along with people type questions, like how do you deal with someone who you disagree with. What are some things that your boss has done that you disagree with, etc. or other equally empty, unthoughtful questions -- oddly, I have an interview tomorrow, so maybe I'll get a weird one to report back with, but I doubt it.

09-10-2008, 07:05 PM
Whats your cup size

09-10-2008, 08:18 PM
"If you could build a floating city, how would you do it?" :wtf:

I think the funniest way to answer that would be to over load them with strange counter questions about your floating city.
"Do I have access to alien technology?"
"What type of wizardy skills do I have at my disposal?"
"What is the distance from the ground to the nearest moon?"

09-10-2008, 08:26 PM
In high school:

"What are your feelings on dating co-workers?"
Me: "Haven't really given it much thought and I also have a girlfriend, so it's really a non-issue to myself."
"Good to hear. Both your co-workers will be my daughters."


Still friends with both of them. lolz

09-10-2008, 08:31 PM
Dang those are some whack questions, never thought about it like that. I always thought it was the usual why do you want to work for us? Then again i never got into a interview.

09-10-2008, 08:46 PM

ideally your best friend would also be the woman of your dreams.

on a weirder note...

perhaps your sibling could also be the woman of your dreams in certain southern states.

or perhaps the woman of your dreams could be your sister who happens to be your best friend because, well, to be frank if the woman of your dreams was your sister you probably would not have any other friends and perhaps she is dying of complications from being fucked up in the head.

im telling you man, these questions are wierd.
or on a simpler note, the woman of your dreams who is your best friend, and is dying, so she needs to go to el hopsitales.

09-10-2008, 08:49 PM
In high school:

"What are your feelings on dating co-workers?"
Me: "Haven't really given it much thought and I also have a girlfriend, so it's really a non-issue to myself."
"Good to hear. Both your co-workers will be my daughters."


Still friends with both of them. lolz

<quagmire>allrrighttt!!!! giggity giggity!</quagmire>

09-10-2008, 09:04 PM
"If you could build a floating city, how would you do it?" :wtf:

on an iceberg!

09-10-2008, 09:23 PM
I can answer off the wall questions, its when they ask something so vague that only an retard would be able to answer.

"Why do you want to work for us"

Advancement opportunities? Usually what I go for....

touge monster
09-10-2008, 10:05 PM
Something about having sex with animals. That was for the LA county sheriffs.

09-11-2008, 07:41 PM
I think the funniest way to answer that would be to over load them with strange counter questions about your floating city.
"Do I have access to alien technology?"
"What type of wizardy skills do I have at my disposal?"
"What is the distance from the ground to the nearest moon?"

Dang, I totally should have done that!

09-11-2008, 07:47 PM
June 2005
"so why do you want to work at Papa Johns?"
"well, i just got out of jail and need a job close to home cuz i lost my license"
yes i was hired on the spot and started the next day.

09-11-2008, 08:47 PM
[19:46] Me: There are three people with you, and you only have a 2 seater car. Who would be in the passenger seat?

A) your best friend or sibling
B) the woman of your dreams
C) a dying person who needs to be driven to the hospital
[19:46] My gf: *cough number two*