View Full Version : best church sign ever

09-08-2008, 11:05 PM
i guess a local pastor here isn't a fan of top 40

ksdk.com | St. Louis, MO | Kiss A Girl: Go to Hell (http://www.ksdk.com/news/watercooler/story.aspx?storyid=154133&catid=71)


09-08-2008, 11:20 PM
i hate that song like any other self respecting man should

09-08-2008, 11:23 PM

i agree.. soo much homosexuality in the media now a days.. also the temptations upon people.. its hard to expect a loonng marriage now a days since the divorce rates are at a all time high.

Its not the 50s anymore where the woman would stay home and raise the kids.. now a days its about girls nights out, flirting with coworkers, bi curious etc.. too many temptations for women now a days.. but it also goes the other way around too.

09-08-2008, 11:47 PM
lol @ the sign. Very... blunt.

Homosexuality doesnt bother me. I dont think it should bother anyone else either. Originally, christians were against homosexuality to make sure there would be procreation, hence, propagation of their religious beliefs. That and the romans were all gay, and they were trying to get away from that.

With over a billion christians on earth right now, thats not a problem. It's just been so ingrained into the psyche of christians that homosexuality is wrong its not going to change over night. People dont choose to be gay IMO, they just are. And science will back me up. Sexual orientation starts in the womb. Chemical imbalances in their will make a guy go "ewww. vagina's wierd. I like the wang like, so much better, omg!". Its basically a birth defect, not like Down's syndrome or MS, but a birth defect nonetheless. No one take that the wrong way, but lets face it: guys should like the va-j-j, and girls should like the twig and berries. If not then something went wrong.

I could go on for hours about this, but I wont. I think I made my point, and again, no one take offense to that.

09-08-2008, 11:52 PM
one time i went to hang out and play gamecube and my friend goes

"nelson, you should sit down"

and im all like


then he goes

"i-i'm gay"

and i go

"no fucking shit dude. are we gonna play paper mario or what?"

09-08-2008, 11:52 PM
So do boys go to hell for kissing girls as well? :(

09-08-2008, 11:54 PM
So do boys go to hell for kissing girls as well? :(

unless the kissing is to make babies then yes. yes they will. affection is a sin. nudity is for procreation. the only suitable sex position is through a hole in a wall. and you're not allowed to smile.

09-08-2008, 11:56 PM
Oh cool I've been doing it right!

09-08-2008, 11:59 PM
So do boys go to hell for kissing girls as well? :(

unless the kissing is to make babies then yes. yes they will. affection is a sin. nudity is for procreation. the only suitable sex position is through a hole in a wall. and you're not allowed to smile.

Oh cool I've been doing it right!

lol. that was an awesome conversation.

Basically everyone but proper british, mormans, and the amish are going to hell then?

Well, I hope they have beer...

09-09-2008, 12:10 AM
the moral of the story: church is gay

09-09-2008, 12:45 AM
the moral of the story: church is gay

nom nom nom, i disagree and I'll leave it at that lol

09-09-2008, 12:48 AM
the moral of the story: church is gay

It's a great place to pick up sex-deprived/crazed girls. Do it in the youth room maintenance closet? I think so.


09-09-2008, 12:50 AM
It's a great place to pick up sex-deprived/crazed girls. Do it in the youth room maintenance closet? I think so.

lolz, let's play sardines

09-09-2008, 12:51 AM
one time i went to hang out and play gamecube and my friend goes

"nelson, you should sit down"

and im all like


then he goes

"i-i'm gay"

and i go

"no fucking shit dude. are we gonna play paper mario or what?"

funnier than the OP pic.

that's awesome.

09-09-2008, 12:52 AM
lolz, let's play sardines

It actually wasn't that cramped.

It even had a bathroom.

09-09-2008, 01:06 AM
Maintenance closet?

Stop making sense.

09-09-2008, 01:07 AM
Maintenance closet?

Stop making sense.

It's where the guy who works on the church has all his shit.

I don't really know what to call that, so I will call it maintenance closet. It contains bed, sink, toilet and a shit load of cleaning supplies.


09-09-2008, 07:08 AM
That's the funniest Church sign ever!!!!

09-09-2008, 07:23 AM
I liked the response below the article.

"Marry a Girl, Live in Hell"

09-09-2008, 07:37 AM
lol. that was an awesome conversation.

Basically everyone but proper british, mormans, and the amish are going to hell then?

Well, I hope they have beer...

Let's not pick on or single out any particular religeons of sects. Just face it, everyone is already in Hell. This life is a joke - we have all been fooled into believing this is more than it is. WE LIVE IN HELL ALREADY - SO PARTY ON!

09-09-2008, 07:47 AM
lol a friend of mine from high gathered a bunch of us at his house one night for a party.

halfway through, he stops everything and goes "i would just like to announce, I'm Gay!"

we all looked at him and went "yeah, um we kinda knew that before you did"

09-09-2008, 08:21 AM
I'm sorry sexpanda, but you're mistaken. Gods word clearly states that men should lay with men as they do with women, it's seen as an abomination in Gods eyes. If you profess to be a christian, you should have a problem with homosexuality. Its a perversion of what God originally made, and that was that a man and a woman, joined together in a covenant with God are allowed to be inimate and all the things that are encompassed in that. I'm writing this so that if there are any christians here, they will stand up against this sort of worldly thinking and voice Gods word on the matter. We are called to be salt and light. I don't want anyone to be fooled or tricked by the enemy (Satan and his dominion) anymore about what it now acceptable. It never was accepted by God and He will never change his mind.

09-09-2008, 08:31 AM
This all goes back to "good being seen as evil and evil being seen as good" - right Remi?

09-09-2008, 08:36 AM
This was in Columbus, Ohio not where ever the OP is from. I passed it as I live about 10 minutes from there. They took it down pretty fast.

09-09-2008, 08:44 AM
I'm sorry sexpanda, but you're mistaken. Gods word clearly states that men should lay with men as they do with women, it's seen as an abomination in Gods eyes. If you profess to be a christian, you should have a problem with homosexuality. Its a perversion of what God originally made, and that was that a man and a woman, joined together in a covenant with God are allowed to be inimate and all the things that are encompassed in that. I'm writing this so that if there are any christians here, they will stand up against this sort of worldly thinking and voice Gods word on the matter. We are called to be salt and light. I don't want anyone to be fooled or tricked by the enemy (Satan and his dominion) anymore about what it now acceptable. It never was accepted by God and He will never change his mind.

Woah woah woah.

You don't stand up for your religion on the Internet. You make fun of it, that's the rules.

09-09-2008, 08:50 AM
I'm sorry sexpanda, but you're mistaken. Gods word clearly states that men should lay with men as they do with women, it's seen as an abomination in Gods eyes. If you profess to be a christian, you should have a problem with homosexuality. Its a perversion of what God originally made, and that was that a man and a woman, joined together in a covenant with God are allowed to be inimate and all the things that are encompassed in that. I'm writing this so that if there are any christians here, they will stand up against this sort of worldly thinking and voice Gods word on the matter. We are called to be salt and light. I don't want anyone to be fooled or tricked by the enemy (Satan and his dominion) anymore about what it now acceptable. It never was accepted by God and He will never change his mind.

All that you wrote is technically true, in the biblical sense

Now, where does it say it's up to you to throw that in peoples faces? What that is saying is basiclly it's up to God to decide, it's not up to me. Your job as a christian is to love unconditionally, and make decisions for yourself based on what you believe is right.

Last time I checked, Jesus during his ministry hung out with the filth of his day, and I never remember reading a passage where he told them to go fuck themselves.

09-09-2008, 08:58 AM
All that you wrote is technically true, in the biblical sense

Now, where does it say it's up to you to throw that in peoples faces? What that is saying is basiclly it's up to God to decide, it's not up to me. Your job as a christian is to love unconditionally, and make decisions for yourself based on what you believe is right.

Last time I checked, Jesus during his ministry hung out with the filth of his day, and I never remember reading a passage where he told them to go fuck themselves.

Amen brother - AMEN!!!!

09-09-2008, 09:31 AM
You are exactly right in stating that good is viewed as evil and evil is viewed as good. I'm not condemning anyone here, you're right. I'm told to love the sinner, hate the sin. But that doesn't mean I have to sit around quietly. I'm commanded by Christ to be a light in a dark place, and so are you, if you profess to being a christian. I was correcting a false statement. No, we aren't told to go around accusing people of their faults, the bible tells us to examine the plank that is in our own eye before we start judging others.

09-09-2008, 09:42 AM
You are exactly right in stating that good is viewed as evil and evil is viewed as good. I'm not condemning anyone here, you're right. I'm told to love the sinner, hate the sin. But that doesn't mean I have to sit around quietly. I'm commanded by Christ to be a light in a dark place, and so are you, if you profess to being a christian. I was correcting a false statement. No, we aren't told to go around accusing people of their faults, the bible tells us to examine the plank that is in our own eye before we start judging others.


i sure hope you only drive your 240 at sanctioned events, or you're a dirty sinner


09-09-2008, 09:44 AM
best sign ever... I think not...


09-09-2008, 09:51 AM
All that you wrote is technically true, in the biblical sense

Now, where does it say it's up to you to throw that in peoples faces? What that is saying is basiclly it's up to God to decide, it's not up to me. Your job as a christian is to love unconditionally, and make decisions for yourself based on what you believe is right.

Last time I checked, Jesus during his ministry hung out with the filth of his day, and I never remember reading a passage where he told them to go fuck themselves.
How is he throwing it people's face? He's stating his beliefs(mine too). Jesus hung out w/the filth of his day, and told them that unless they changed they would go to hell, plain and simple.
Real Christians do love unconditionally. If, as a Christian you are judgmental, then your are wrong. Most believers tend to think that homosexuality is one of the worst sins out there, but the bottom line is God sees all of our sins the same. Homosexuality is and abomination unto the Lord, but so is lying, cheating, stealing or any other sin you can name.
You are exactly right in stating that good is viewed as evil and evil is viewed as good. I'm not condemning anyone here, you're right. I'm told to love the sinner, hate the sin. But that doesn't mean I have to sit around quietly. I'm commanded by Christ to be a light in a dark place, and so are you, if you profess to being a christian. I was correcting a false statement. No, we aren't told to go around accusing people of their faults, the bible tells us to examine the plank that is in our own eye before we start judging others.
Yes, too often Christians are portrayed as weak, frail individuals...that is a huge mistake. I speak-up when ever I'm in disagreement w/someones point of view, I will not go down quietly.

09-09-2008, 09:57 AM
I'm not sure how Rom. 5:4 attributes to this;
Rom. 5:4- And patience, experience; and experience, hope:

09-09-2008, 10:27 AM

09-09-2008, 10:33 AM
i could have sworn you could make these signs. theres a site for it. sighhhh

09-09-2008, 10:35 AM
But I like girls making out...

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-09-2008, 10:35 AM
I pissed on a girl and she liked it.

09-09-2008, 10:48 AM
i could have sworn you could make these signs. theres a site for it. sighhhh

yep there is, Church Sign Generator (http://www.churchsigngenerator.com/)

09-09-2008, 10:56 AM
How is he throwing it people's face? He's stating his beliefs(mine too). Jesus hung out w/the filth of his day, and told them that unless they changed they would go to hell, plain and simple.
Real Christians do love unconditionally. If, as a Christian you are judgmental, then your are wrong. Most believers tend to think that homosexuality is one of the worst sins out there, but the bottom line is God sees all of our sins the same. Homosexuality is and abomination unto the Lord, but so is lying, cheating, stealing or any other sin you can name.

Yes, too often Christians are portrayed as weak, frail individuals...that is a huge mistake. I speak-up when ever I'm in disagreement w/someones point of view, I will not go down quietly.

agreed, Amen to that

BTW Matthew 7:1-5 speaks about judging others in the bible

BibleGateway.com - Passage Lookup: Matthew 7 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=matthew%207)

drift freaq
09-09-2008, 11:00 AM
How is he throwing it people's face? He's stating his beliefs(mine too). Jesus hung out w/the filth of his day, and told them that unless they changed they would go to hell, plain and simple.
Real Christians do love unconditionally. If, as a Christian you are judgmental, then your are wrong. Most believers tend to think that homosexuality is one of the worst sins out there, but the bottom line is God sees all of our sins the same. Homosexuality is and abomination unto the Lord, but so is lying, cheating, stealing or any other sin you can name.

Yes, too often Christians are portrayed as weak, frail individuals...that is a huge mistake. I speak-up when ever I'm in disagreement w/someones point of view, I will not go down quietly.

True but I should point out something else. The Bible has been handed down through 2000 years of rewriting by man. Though basic truths are in the Bible its a known fact that the Bible has been rewritten by man to better rule his subjects. Aka Emperor Constantine in 600 AD which actually brought about the two churchs the Orthodox and the Catholic. Again in the 1600's When King James created the King James Bible to break away from the Catholic Church aka the birth of the Protestant Christian Church. I love it when Protestants say the are Christians but Catholics are Catholics lol Catholics are Christians too! As are Russian Orthodox and Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox.

Ok with that said lets make this clear, Jesus did not just accept whatever but said if they had a clear heart then they were saved.

On the subject of Homosexuality.
Do you think God Condemns people that are born on Islands that have never heard of Jesus? Or Jews who do not believe in Jesus? If you do you are seriously on the side of judging your fellow man, and seriously spiritually ignorant. God accepts anyone that follows spiritual principals.

Oh wait your going to say you love Homosexuals, but say they are going to hell. How can you say a person that was born feeling that way is condemned to Hell? That is utter bullshit and judgemental as Hell. God does not comdemn biological mistakes.
Oh and your going to say they are ok as long as they don't act on their basic biological urges.That even though they are gay are there just like heterosexuals.
ah once again spiritual ignorance raises its ugly head.
The Problem with to many people and to many Religions today is they are too busy condemning everything. Maybe they should just work on raising their own spirituality and leaving the judgments to God, if indeed that's the way it works. Personally I was raised Roman Catholic I accept some things the church taught me and discard other things because I have seen all Religions say and do things that would have made Jesus cringe. I have been down the road of no spirituality and come out the other side.

I do not attend a Church today but do believe in a God of sorts aka the shear complexity of the Universe proves that something of much greater intellect and power is at play here. I believe in certain tenets and spiritual truths that manage to pop up in almost all Religions across the Planet regardless of how they sprang up. I call these Universal truths. Fact is according to both Jesus and Buddha if you live your life according to these truths you will be spiritually blessed. No where in these truths does it say a man should not love a fellow man or woman not love a fellow woman sexually.

Oh and to be a Devils advocate on this subject, you do realize that Canons and Books in the Bible were choosen by certain Religious leaders of the time and others were discarded? If you don't you need to seriously study theology. Its very interesting how the Bible today has come about and how the Muslims have their own idea of what is right as well. I am not saying the whole Bible is wrong I am saying be very careful in taking literal translations and interpretations. Its why I follow the spiritual truths and take the rest as parables to teach me.

To sum it up? Man loves to distort truths to make them more to his liking, this is a fact. Live with it and don't condemn and don't try to change someone that cannot change because that is borderline zealotry.

Accept that people are people and let them be. Live your life the way you feel it is to be proper. Don't preach at people, if they come and want to discuss or hear your ideas put them out there.
I am sorry but Religious people knocking on my door trying to convert me to the ways they feel are right is not the way to carry the message.

09-09-2008, 11:00 AM
I'm sorry sexpanda, but you're mistaken. Gods word clearly states that men should lay with men as they do with women, it's seen as an abomination in Gods eyes. If you profess to be a christian, you should have a problem with homosexuality. Its a perversion of what God originally made, and that was that a man and a woman, joined together in a covenant with God are allowed to be inimate and all the things that are encompassed in that. I'm writing this so that if there are any christians here, they will stand up against this sort of worldly thinking and voice Gods word on the matter. We are called to be salt and light. I don't want anyone to be fooled or tricked by the enemy (Satan and his dominion) anymore about what it now acceptable. It never was accepted by God and He will never change his mind.

Well, I refuse to believe that God said that, because the bible was written by man. And those men had an agenda. To me, the bible is nothing more than a good story book, and gives good general guidelines to live your life by. I don't trust 100% anything written by man. Man can make mistakes, man can add what they want to add and pass it off as truth, man can take away what they dont like, and man can outright lie to further a personal agenda. I can say I talk to god, and he told me to do whatever. Its really easy to do, the trick is getting people to believe you.

I'm too skeptical a person to take anything at face value. I do my research, and thats why I didnt get fucked over when I bought my last car, and thats why I dont believe the bible is THE word of God. When God comes to me, or an angel or something, and says "yeah kile... God hates the gays" then I will believe being gay is a sin.

Because right now all it makes for it good Television.


09-09-2008, 11:01 AM
i just dont like the song because it is bashing on men, its spitting in our face so to speak. thats why so many girls like it.

09-09-2008, 11:01 AM
True but I should point out something else. The Bible has been handed down through 2000 years of rewriting by man. Though basic truths are in the Bible its a known fact that the Bible has been rewritten by man to better rule his subjects. Aka Emperor Constantine in 600 AD which actually brought about the two churchs the Orthodox and the Catholic. Again in the 1600's When King James created the King James Bible to break away from the Catholic Church aka the birth of the Protestant Christian Church. I love it when Protestants say the are Christians but Catholics are Catholics lol Catholics are Christians too! As are Russian Orthodox and Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox.

Ok with that said lets make this clear, Jesus did not just accept whatever but said if they had a clear heart then they were saved. On the subject of Homosexuality.
Do you think God Condemns people that are born on Islands that have never heard of Jesus? Or Jews who do not believe in Jesus? If you do you are seriously on the side of judging your fellow man, and seriously spiritually ignorant. God accepts anyone that follows spiritual principals.

Oh wait your going to say you love Homosexuals, but say they are going to hell. How can you say a person that was born feeling that way is condemned to Hell? That is utter bullshit and judgemental as Hell. God does not comdemn biological mistakes.
Oh and your going to say they are ok as long as they don't act on their basic biological urges.That even though they are gay are there just like heterosexuals.
ah once again spiritual ignorance raises its ugly head.
The Problem with to many people and to many Religions today is they are too busy condemning everything. Maybe they should just work on raising their own spirituality and leaving the judgments to God, if indeed that's the way it works. Personally I was raised Roman Catholic I accept some things the church taught me and discard other things because I have seen all Religions say and do things that would have made Jesus cringe. I have been down the road of no spirituality and come out the other side.

I do not attend a Church today but do believe in a God of sorts aka the shear complexity of the Universe proves that something of much greater intellect and power is at play here. I believe in certain tenets and spiritual truths that manage to pop up in almost all Religions across the Planet regardless of how they sprang up. I call these Universal truths. Fact is according to both Jesus and Buddha if you live your life according to these truths you will be spiritually blessed. No where in these truths does it say a man should not love a fellow man or woman not love a fellow woman sexually.

To sum it up? Man loves to distort truths to make them more to his liking, this is a fact. Live with it and don't condemn and don't try to change someone that cannot change because that is borderline zealotry.

Accept that people are people and let them be. Live your life the way you feel it is to be proper. Don't preach at people, if they come and want to discuss or hear your ideas put them out there.
I am sorry but Religious people knocking on my door trying to convert me to the ways they feel are right is not the way to carry the message.

We need a Job,

We need a Job,

or something to do in the mean time, jesus

09-09-2008, 11:19 AM
I think a religious debate on the internet pretty much fails. I adhere to no denomination, although I was raised protestant. I believe in Jesus Christ, and what the bible says. I'm not here to push my beiliefs down anyone's throat. If you wanan pm someone and discuss I think that's better. Personally I feel that homosexuality is a choice. I draw my conclusions from people who were formally homosexual and have spoken about that life and explained how they made a choice to be a part of that lifestyle. Also I believe that as created beings in the image of God himself, and he created man and women for a purpose. If he wanted to men or two women he would have made it that way. I'm not going to debate anyone on the issue. Just stating how I feel and what I believe.

Some peope believe there is no God, or that the bible is a story. That's fine. I won't debate you on your belief's. No need to fight or ram anything down someone's throat. Take it as you will. I've voiced my .02

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-09-2008, 11:21 AM
True but I should point out something else. The Bible has been handed down through 2000 years of rewriting by man. Though basic truths are in the Bible its a known fact that the Bible has been rewritten by man to better rule his subjects. Aka Emperor Constantine in 600 AD which actually brought about the two churchs the Orthodox and the Catholic. Again in the 1600's When King James created the King James Bible to break away from the Catholic Church aka the birth of the Protestant Christian Church. I love it when Protestants say the are Christians but Catholics are Catholics lol Catholics are Christians too! As are Russian Orthodox and Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox.

Ok with that said lets make this clear, Jesus did not just accept whatever but said if they had a clear heart then they were saved.

On the subject of Homosexuality.
Do you think God Condemns people that are born on Islands that have never heard of Jesus? Or Jews who do not believe in Jesus? If you do you are seriously on the side of judging your fellow man, and seriously spiritually ignorant. God accepts anyone that follows spiritual principals.

Oh wait your going to say you love Homosexuals, but say they are going to hell. How can you say a person that was born feeling that way is condemned to Hell? That is utter bullshit and judgemental as Hell. God does not comdemn biological mistakes.
Oh and your going to say they are ok as long as they don't act on their basic biological urges.That even though they are gay are there just like heterosexuals.
ah once again spiritual ignorance raises its ugly head.
The Problem with to many people and to many Religions today is they are too busy condemning everything. Maybe they should just work on raising their own spirituality and leaving the judgments to God, if indeed that's the way it works. Personally I was raised Roman Catholic I accept some things the church taught me and discard other things because I have seen all Religions say and do things that would have made Jesus cringe. I have been down the road of no spirituality and come out the other side.

I do not attend a Church today but do believe in a God of sorts aka the shear complexity of the Universe proves that something of much greater intellect and power is at play here. I believe in certain tenets and spiritual truths that manage to pop up in almost all Religions across the Planet regardless of how they sprang up. I call these Universal truths. Fact is according to both Jesus and Buddha if you live your life according to these truths you will be spiritually blessed. No where in these truths does it say a man should not love a fellow man or woman not love a fellow woman sexually.

Oh and to be a Devils advocate on this subject, you do realize that Canons and Books in the Bible were choosen by certain Religious leaders of the time and others were discarded? If you don't you need to seriously study theology. Its very interesting how the Bible today has come about and how the Muslims have their own idea of what is right as well. I am not saying the whole Bible is wrong I am saying be very careful in taking literal translations and interpretations. Its why I follow the spiritual truths and take the rest as parables to teach me.

To sum it up? Man loves to distort truths to make them more to his liking, this is a fact. Live with it and don't condemn and don't try to change someone that cannot change because that is borderline zealotry.

Accept that people are people and let them be. Live your life the way you feel it is to be proper. Don't preach at people, if they come and want to discuss or hear your ideas put them out there.
I am sorry but Religious people knocking on my door trying to convert me to the ways they feel are right is not the way to carry the message.
The funniest thing is that people say that this country was founded on religion when our founding fathers framed America to escape religious prosecution. It's also framed out that no one shall mix church and state, yet religious freaks love to twist that into something else.
Seriously, what good has religion done for this country? .....the Witch hunts? nomnomnom get those witches!!!!

09-09-2008, 11:29 AM
The bible was written by men. therefore influence by opinion, because man is controlled and influenced by his opinion, regardless of situation.

therefore i fail to see the bible as anything more as a really long guide to try to lead a good life. nothing more.

hell if there were anymore contridictions in the bible, it might as well be a political speech.

09-09-2008, 11:36 AM

09-09-2008, 11:41 AM
Oh wait your going to say you love Homosexuals, but say they are going to hell. How can you say a person that was born feeling that way is condemned to Hell? That is utter bullshit and judgemental as Hell. God does not comdemn biological mistakes.
Oh and your going to say they are ok as long as they don't act on their basic biological urges.That even though they are gay are there just like heterosexuals.
ah once again spiritual ignorance raises its ugly head.

Actually, being homosexual does not mean you are going to hell. For that matter, neither does being a child molester, rapist, drug addict/dealer, prostitute, etc. The Bible clearly states '..not by works, lest any man should boast....' Good works won't get you to Heaven, just like bad ones won't keep you out.
Being saved means that you have believed that Jesus was our 1 true Savior, and that He came to die for us, and take the burdens/punishments of our sin. He took our place. He is God, and we belong to him.
As far as what religions are considered to be the "Christian" religions, they don't exist. God is not a religion, religion was created, by man, to satisfy what ever someone wanted to believe was right. I mean come on, Satanism is a religion. There is no right religion, my Grandparents are devout Catholics, and guess what? They're Christians.
The problem w/people and their interpretations of Christians/Religions, is that they continue to put their trust in man, and not God. Follow Man, and you'll definitely have a problem w/religion. Follow God, and religion doesn't matter.

09-09-2008, 11:42 AM

OMG....that made me laugh!!!!!
I actually think this is a very civil thread, considering the subject matter.

drift freaq
09-09-2008, 12:01 PM
Actually, being homosexual does not mean you are going to hell. For that matter, neither does being a child molester, rapist, drug addict/dealer, prostitute, etc. The Bible clearly states '..not by works, lest any man should boast....' Good works won't get you to Heaven, just like bad ones won't keep you out.
Being saved means that you have believed that Jesus was our 1 true Savior, and that He came to die for us, and take the burdens/punishments of our sin. He took our place. He is God, and we belong to him.
As far as what religions are considered to be the "Christian" religions, they don't exist. God is not a religion, religion was created, by man, to satisfy what ever someone wanted to believe was right. I mean come on, Satanism is a religion. There is no right religion, my Grandparents are devout Catholics, and guess what? They're Christians.
The problem w/people and their interpretations of Christians/Religions, is that they continue to put their trust in man, and not God. Follow Man, and you'll definitely have a problem w/religion. Follow God, and religion doesn't matter.
Props to you for most of your post. It shows level your level headed. The only thing that has ever thrown me is the one statement about Jesus being our 1 true savior. My own father a devout Catholic has wondered out loud to me, about that statement.Reason why? So many people of the world did not or have not heard of Jesus. Does that mean they are not saved? In that sense, I look at what Jesus taught.

I think if you accept what Jesus taught and try to follow that it would be a better interpretation, imo. Buddha taught the exact same tenants that Jesus taught. Those are the exact spiritual truths aka universal truths that I spoke about earlier.

p.s. oh and Robby love the we need a job post lol it cracked me up. Ya things are slow right now so I have some time to post. hahahhahhahhaa

09-09-2008, 12:06 PM
Oh nooeess..

This is becoming a gay ass religion thread.

Let me read all this BS and shoot some words.

09-09-2008, 12:08 PM
Props to you for most of your post. It shows level your level headed.
Thanks, that means alot coming from you.
The only thing that has ever thrown me is the one statement about Jesus being our 1 true savior. My own father a devout Catholic has wondered out loud to me, about that statement.Reason why? So many people of the world did not or have not heard of Jesus. Does that mean they are not saved? In that sense, I look at what Jesus taught.
I too have thought about this. According to my pastor, God will find a way for everyone to hear the truth about Him, and His word. Even those in the deepest, darkest, most secluded parts of the world will hear. I don't know how this will happen, but I also don't know how he created the world which we live in, but if He can do that, He'll make sure everyone hears.

p.s. oh and Robby love the we need a job post lol it cracked me up. Ya things are slow right now so I have some time to post. hahahhahhahhaa
LOL, I'm off today, and right now hurricane Ike is just south of the Florida Keys, so the weather is not allowing me to do much today.

09-09-2008, 12:10 PM
OMG....that made me laugh!!!!!
I actually think this is a very civil thread, considering the subject matter.

Oh nooeess..

This is becoming a gay ass religion thread.

Let me read all this BS and shoot some words.
BTW, this is civil for him :keke:

09-09-2008, 12:16 PM
Jesus was gay.
