View Full Version : I need a little help with my English comp class

01-13-2003, 09:12 PM
I have an English Comp class this quarter in college and since comp is probably my worst subject I come to you for help. We have to do a 10 page research paper on any topic I choose. I also need 15 sources to go along with it.

I have never done a research paper to this extint before and I would like to know if anyone knows of any topics that I could use for this paper. I would also like to know if anyone knows where I can go to read research papers online to get an understanding of what it needs to look like.


01-13-2003, 09:19 PM
Sweet , I'm in the same predicament. My paper is only 8 pages though.

Pick something that you really know a lot about and that you know will be easy to find sources on. Don't pick anything too broad either..like "The Civil War"

I'm doing my paper on the Wankel rotary engine. You can try proquest (www.proquest.com) I'm not sure you'll find papers there though, just sources.

01-13-2003, 09:26 PM
I thought about doing forced induction so I could learn more about it for my own use as well as for a grade.

I also thought about doing the wankel. But how are you gonna do it in a paper? I guess my main problem is how to set the paper up.

01-13-2003, 09:32 PM
Well, my paper is going to be based on a comparison of the wankel vs. the standard piston-driven engine. I basically just going to explain the diferent setups..drivetrain, combustion cycle, etc.
Just go with a strong introduction paragraph with your thesis and all of that. Then you have the body with all your info, graphs, charts, and whatnot...this should be several paragraphs long. Then have a strong conclusion restating your thesis and how you proved it. Don't procrastinate. I don't think you could crank out 10 pages on turbos.

01-13-2003, 09:40 PM
I just got the assignment and I have 10 weeks all in all to do it. With diffrent parts due at diffrent times. Like this Thurs I have 15 sources for my main topic and 5 for my backup topic. This shiza sucks and it is one of my last classes.

01-14-2003, 01:39 PM
Ya, use proquest. Basically in a long term paper, organization is key. Go through your articles (search for peer articles) and make note cards on noteworthy information. You need to topic,date,what article/book you got it from on the note card. So then when you are ready to write you can just go through the note cards and find what is the most important info. You will be suprised how fast this can go. Spent one day (6hrs) doin my research, makin note cards, and writing 5pgs of a 10pg term paper. And :D I'm only a Jr. in high school goin to the local college's Eng 101. (been writtin term papers since 8th grade) so ya, this is a proven method. Also pickin up How to Write a Term paper is always a good book to pick up. Hope that helps

01-14-2003, 10:49 PM
i just did a paper like this too. Mine was about the problems and solutions of street racing. it was pretty interesting doin all the research and stuff. But anyway, ya, pick something you know alot about or something that interests you. It's alot easier than it looks.....just stay on top of your dead lines!!!