View Full Version : Sooo We all know that Mel Likes Zombies...

09-06-2008, 07:26 AM
But would this cake suffice for his birthday?

Hello Kitty Zombie Cake - Hello Kitty Hell (http://www.kittyhell.com/2008/07/15/hello-kitty-zombie-cake/)

It is quite disturbing when I find out that things on this blog are the inspiration for creating even more Hello Kitty crap. Take, for example, this Hello Kitty zombie cake:






This is what I found in my email:

Hi There. Taking inspiration from one of the Hello Kitty Zombie Tattoos that I saw on your site, I hired Debbie to make a birthday cake for my wife. Debbie did an incredible job of bringing Hello Kitty to life, (or death), in fine Zombie form.

Granted, if you are going to make something Hello Kitty, a Hello Kitty zombie is probably the most accurate portrayal of the true Hello Kitty, but the fact remains that any additional Hello Kitty in the world is something to be mourned. That it in any way came about due to something I did is even worse. But by far the worst part of this is that upon seeing the cake, my wife has decided that a Hello Kitty cake is now in order for any special occasion that arises which guarantees that every insignificant holiday will now be Hello Kitty Hell…

Sent in by sean (with lots of photos) who deserves to have to eat nothing but Hello Kitty cake for the rest of his life for thinking that sending me these photos could result in anything good…

hahaha Hope you like it Mel!

09-06-2008, 07:31 AM
kick ass cake... too bad it's a week too late for mel's birthday...

09-06-2008, 08:42 AM
Zombie or not its still hello kitty which would lead most males, not to happy on their b-day http://themeccalounge.forumup.com/images/smiles/rk01_giornatanera.gif

09-06-2008, 08:49 AM
wow didnt even know it was a cake.

09-06-2008, 08:57 AM
wow didnt even know it was a cake.

May I ask how not?

09-06-2008, 12:25 PM
That thing is really awesome. It's so well done. Fondant is cool stuff. Thanks Lisa.