View Full Version : Midwest Track Meet - Update
01-12-2003, 11:43 PM
::: please sticky this mods :::
apparantly mark and irena have decided to drop this idea.........if there is still LEGITIMATE support for this, i might be willing to take it over.
i'm gonna need a 95% commitment from 15-20 people before i decide to run with it though.
ok......dates i CAN NOT do it..........
anything before june is out
these dates i already have events:
july 26
august 16
august 31
sept 1
sept 13
sept 27
MAM's calendar says "roadcourse open" (not sure exactly what that means)on:
august 16/17 (sat/sun)
sept 13/14 (sat/sun)
oct 25/26 (sat/sun)
days we might be able to double up with other groups:
june 28/29 -- BMWCCA Drivers School -- HIGHLY unlikely
aug 9/10 -- central iowa mustang club -- possible
aug 22/23/24 -- says "central road racing association" --maybe a local body that would give us a group rate, good potential here
oct 18/19 -- says HPM/Pacific pals, could be a corporate day, who knows
those are our options. i really don't give a rats ass about national convention as i doubt people in our area are driving out there anyway. i think racers are more interested in this anyway.
EDIT: i suppose i would skip one of my events to attend if necessary.
01-13-2003, 12:14 AM
I am interested, hopefully my car will be track worthy by the end of the summer. I would be more interested in the august or later events. When would you need a real commitment? In other words when do you need money?
01-13-2003, 12:45 AM
I'd be willing ASSUMING my car is ready by that date. Unless I run into some major snags, it should be.
01-13-2003, 12:46 AM
well...........i anticipate nothing happening since 95%+ of the board is a bunch of sTuNnA's anyway. but if you need to know, i would say that the money would be needed within 2 months. but i'm not doing anything till i can get 15-20 very solid commitments from people.
01-13-2003, 12:48 AM
seriously people...............your car is "ready" if it is in proper working order. you don't need any kind of sweet suspension or any of that other garb to go fast. just ask the two 300hp SR's i spanked with my 170 (generous) hp KA.
01-13-2003, 01:22 AM
yeah well my pistons are sitting in a drawer and my shocks aren't safe for the street. Not to mention tires, I wasn't saying that's I'm not racing till I can beat a F1 car, I'm just not racing untill my car is back together (which better be by summer or I'm going to be pissed)
I wouldn't mind going to some other races around MN some other time, it's not like I care if it's a 240 meet or anything. Where do you normally go? MAM I am assuming.
01-13-2003, 01:23 AM
How bout this. 2 months from now, I will know for sure whether or not my car will be "ready" (its a matter of whether or not the engine swap is done). Since we don't have to pay for 2 months, you have the full 2 months to find people. No need to start freaking out now.
01-13-2003, 07:54 AM
Duff's got a good point. And I'm interested's mainly a matter of money for me. For example, I would like to get a new set of tires and at least a helmet before this track event. The plan for my car is to become track-only, but at the moment, it's my daily driver while I finish school. Why does that make me a stunna? I don't show my ****. In fact, it's dirty as hell right now, and the stockies with snow tires don't exactly look HelLa tYte, yo!
So basically, given that we pick a good date, I'm in. There are a few weekends that I'm busy.
Aug 23 - wedding in Colorado
July 5-19 - going to Europe, I think...and the week before that I'll be moving to Chicago
01-13-2003, 12:12 PM
I'll go if you sell me your car... seriously.
01-13-2003, 12:48 PM
who, me? $10k and it's yours ;)
01-13-2003, 03:32 PM
If I had a car I would be abel to tell you for sure, but hopefully in a month I will have one, coulda been Irenas car but with all the distance and she got a better offer, it's all West's fault (please don't ban me :D ).
But in a month I can tell you. Also something you should do is come up with a ball park figure, and more people can give an opinion. I wil be free from June 8th (my graduation, i think) till August (some family is coming, and the ATL convention, if i go).
01-13-2003, 04:00 PM
I will for sure be there if this goes down, the way i see it is if something happens to my 240, I will drive my girls car. Sure it will be embarrasing but I can still drive. My car should be running. Keep us updated.
Mpls is in the house!!!!!!!!!!
St. Paul is in the house!!!!!!!!!
If we actually get enough people to do this, I'll be there....unless I manage to ball my car up before summer.
01-13-2003, 09:00 PM
We haven't exactly decided to "drop" the meet. What we wanted to do is just meet up at the Convention, because we know a lot of you guys will be going too. Whatever we wanted to plan is way too close to the convention, so we won't be able to make anything possible. This way, we could just kind of say hi to each other and enjoy the event.
01-14-2003, 03:35 AM
here's the thing.........tracks fill up fast, especially in areas where there are few. SCCA, NASA, MC, and others already have their schedules set...........and have for a while. right now it's the people like BMWCCA, PCA, etc that are snatching up the rest of the dates. if we really wanna do this, people need to make up their mind now. i don't care if you don't have a car yet, or what condition your car is in at the moment. nor will i care when you ask me for your deposit back because your car broke down.
if we want our own date, or work in conjuntion with somebody else, we need to make up our mind.
right now it looks like we have about 3 people. 5 times that will be needed to pull this off. and no i'm not waiting 2 months to get the ball rollin.........that gets into college graduation time for me, and i ain't effin with this stuff during that time.
240racer - actually i've never been to MAM, i've driven on Brainerd, Blackhawk Farms, and St. Cloud Safety Center.
btw.........i didn't directly call anybody a stunna.
EDIT: almost forgot..........matt if you're talking about my car, i'll sell it to you, as long as you got $.
01-14-2003, 09:21 PM
Yea I was, email me with all the info/pics joo got. Thanks
01-14-2003, 09:26 PM
Can someone stick a link in for the convention??? I'm clueless of it as of now...:( But assuming I have found a 240 by august I'll definately go. Just post this up in meets or something so I can post later when I have a 240. You should probably get them to sticky it in the events/meetup forum.:D
EDIT:Nevermind I just looked there and saw it...:rolleyes:
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