View Full Version : Fake Restaurant

09-04-2008, 06:44 PM
do you guys think it is real? that is why i refuse to pay more than 8 dollars for a burger lol!

Fake Restaurant — Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s (http://www.fakerestaurant.com/)

09-04-2008, 06:47 PM
I have no clue, I was wondering if it was real too...

A Spec Products
09-04-2008, 06:49 PM
I doubt it

They are probably paid actors

Like "reality" TV

Either way, its all about presentation and setting

Not really about the burger itself

If you served a Big Mac on a fancy plate in a fancy restaurant, your perceived image, taste, and impression would be different than if you got it in a cardboard box from a pimply faced kid

09-04-2008, 06:52 PM
I doubt it

They are probably paid actors

Like "reality" TV

Either way, its all about presentation and setting

Not really about the burger itself

If you served a Big Mac on a fancy plate in a fancy restaurant, your perceived image, taste, and impression would be different than if you got it in a cardboard box from a pimply faced kid

And it wasn't slapped together by someone with a 4th grade education. Who ALWAYS manages to put the fucking pickles on there. Even though I specifically said no god damn pickles. I mean really that's all I ask.

09-04-2008, 06:54 PM
Well I do think the 6 dollar burger is awesome, so I guess it works out. lol esmorz they are probably doing it purposely to piss you off :p

09-04-2008, 06:55 PM
what is with fast food places punking the public lately

edit: bravo, hardees "it's like an orgasm in my mouth"

A Spec Products
09-04-2008, 06:56 PM

The thing is

For $6, I'd rather go to a mom and pop burger place and get a decent burger

Rather than a true fast food place

Like for example, Kobe Bistro Burger from Tops here in Socal

It was $6.75 or so, but SUPER good, and tasted fresh

Good bread, good ingredients, etc

09-04-2008, 06:59 PM
Totally plausible. The popularity of so many expensive but mediocre restaurant chains is living proof of this. Look at the popularity of stuff like PF Chang's, The Olive Garden, Bucca De Beppo, Applebees, IHOP, Denny's etc. These places aren't cheap either and cost just as much a decent restaurant. Most ppl don't know, or wouldn't appreciate quality. I know so many ppl that eat at chain restaurants almost exclusively.

To be fair, Carl's 6 dollar burger isn't too bad for a fast food joint. The quality of the meat is decent, and they do give you a good sized patty, somewhat representative of the pics at their stores. That's more than I can say for the slop they serve at McDonalds or 'In & Out'.

Most ppl are usually too lazy to do research on new places to eat, or just plain too conservative to try out new stuff. There really is no excuse for this in this day and age, since it is so easy to do research on internet sites like yelp and chowhound. Such a shame, since I am really convinced that the US has really improved tremendously in the past decade or so with the emphasis of making good foodstuffs, anything from beers, cheeses, coldcuts, down to the basics like a good burger, mac n' cheese, etc. Pan-Asian fusion aside, American food is gradually becoming my favorite.

09-04-2008, 07:00 PM

Oh man that looks awesome...

But yeah nowadays its all about hyping up like "reality base" t.v, (thread jack) but there are seriously a million reality shows even like cutting hair or dog groomer wtf? Alright back on subject!

09-04-2008, 07:01 PM
The thing is

For $6, I'd rather go to a mom and pop burger place and get a decent burger

Rather than a true fast food place

Like for example, Kobe Bistro Burger from Tops here in Socal

It was $6.75 or so, but SUPER good, and tasted fresh

Good bread, good ingredients, etc

That looks really good, and the price is right. Must give it a shot sometime. Do you have any other gourmet burger suggestions?

09-04-2008, 07:03 PM
I've seen people pay 7 bucks for a bottle of water on Penn & Teller's Bullshit. Some people are stupid...
Watch about 5 mins in...
YouTube - The Truth About Bottled Water (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfPAjUvvnIc)

09-04-2008, 07:10 PM
its real.. Marketing companies will do that for their clients.

I did a ford commercial but they didnt use my part.. i took the ford fusion challange last year, they let us test drive around the track the camry, accord and fusion without letting us know it was a Ford sponsered event, then after the test interviewed us as to why we would choose the ford, of course i lied because i wanted to be on tv but they didnt use my clip
YouTube - Ford Fusion Challenge January 2007 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMNHdbj0V2I)
i figure cuz im ethnic mixed, probably didnt know what target market i would be good for lol. my friend was black so obiously i saw his commercial clip used on BET lmao

They more then likely invite people for a survey and dont really tell them what its for, probably a "free dinner" survey.

09-04-2008, 07:10 PM

Oh man that looks awesome...

But yeah nowadays its all about hyping up like "reality base" t.v, (thread jack) but there are seriously a million reality shows even like cutting hair or dog groomer wtf? Alright back on subject!

oh wow that looks so fucking good, but i just looked up and it is in Pasadena T_T

A Spec Products
09-04-2008, 07:23 PM
That looks really good, and the price is right. Must give it a shot sometime. Do you have any other gourmet burger suggestions?

Yeah I went to the one off the 210 and Rosemead

As far as other recommendations:

Father's Office in Santa Monica


25 Degrees in the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood (I have to try this place but all my friends swear by it)

drift freaq
09-04-2008, 07:23 PM
Totally plausible. The popularity of so many expensive but mediocre restaurant chains is living proof of this. Look at the popularity of stuff like PF Chang's, The Olive Garden, Bucca De Beppo, Applebees, IHOP, Denny's etc. These places aren't cheap either and cost just as much a decent restaurant. Most ppl don't know, or wouldn't appreciate quality. I know so many ppl that eat at chain restaurants almost exclusively.

Actually seeing as I am Italian American I can tell you the Olive Garden blows chunks and is not an Italian Restaurant. I will say that Bucca De Beppo's, if you know what to order actually does some very good very authentic Italian and is in fact amazing for that. Considering its a chain and the prices are not that over top.

You should know that about the pricing Ron as you're from Beverly Hills were Italian restaurants are like 35-$60 a plate deals. Plus they suck for Italian restaurants. That's expensive!
Now with that Said IHOP and Denny's are Diner style and are pretty cheap. Applebees's is theme American place like TGI Fridays, Chili's (theme tex mex )Again none of these are expensive.

PF Changs is small chain Chinese, but those restaurants you listed, are actually kind of in different catagories from each other pricing wise.

I travel and I eat in all different types of places from authentic to theme to chain depending on where I am. That said some of places I would not eat in unless I had no choice.

Oh and LA pretty much sucks period on really decent Italian. hahahhahhahahha
Go to San Francisco for better and for the really good stuff go to Chicago, New York, Boston etc....

Overall though its true presentation snookers the idiots everytime. Look no further than places Like Farfalla in Los Angeles in my neighborhood. People rave about it being a great Italian restaurant lol even the cooks admit its not true Italian but California cuisine with a dash of Italian style.

So ya dress the place up fancy, raise the price make it look good on the plate and the average joe and even some above average people fall for it.

09-04-2008, 10:24 PM
Wow. Pizza hut beat them. They did this with their new Tuscan Pastas.

09-04-2008, 10:29 PM
Wow. Pizza hut beat them. They did this with their new Tuscan Pastas.

Who goes to a fru fru restaurant for $15 hamburger? If the place is that expensive. I'm getting real food.

Real Ballers buy the $100 Hamburger...

09-04-2008, 10:32 PM
I don't think I've ever ate at a place that sold $14 burgers.

Or maybe every fancy place I've ate at, I've never looked at their burgers selection... because I'm at a fancy place and I'm not going to eat a god damn hamburger like I'm at a bar.

09-05-2008, 08:28 AM
Real or not, I love Hardee's burgers. I got some Hardee's coupons in the mail, one of them was for a free 1/3lb Thickburger when you buy another. I bought one, got a free one, took one of them out of the bun and stuffed it into the middle of the other burger......ohmyJesus, best thing ever. :D

09-05-2008, 08:50 AM
I don't think I've ever ate at a place that sold $14 burgers.

Or maybe every fancy place I've ate at, I've never looked at their burgers selection... because I'm at a fancy place and I'm not going to eat a god damn hamburger like I'm at a bar.

Fuddruckers has like a 30 dollar burger......

Some place here in NYC has a 500 burger but it has edible gold flakes on it:dead:

Team Aero-K
09-05-2008, 09:06 AM
Fuddruckers FTW~!!!!!!

09-05-2008, 09:15 AM
I doubt it

They are probably paid actors

Like "reality" TV

Either way, its all about presentation and setting

Not really about the burger itself

If you served a Big Mac on a fancy plate in a fancy restaurant, your perceived image, taste, and impression would be different than if you got it in a cardboard box from a pimply faced kid

yeah but big mac's pwn brah

09-05-2008, 09:16 AM
This reminds me of a Five guys Burgers and Fries that opened up near me. Burgers are pretty good but my bill was still $25. You can get all these unconventional toppings, but each one is more money, even soda is $5. I left saying I'd never come back. Getting ripped off doesn't taste good.

On the flip side, there was a little place by my old job, Burger Haven. Burgers there are just as good and they are seriously $2 each. Cheapest place ever.

09-05-2008, 09:35 AM
You must have went to a f'd up Five guys. Around here you can have all the toppings you want for free and the soda is 2 bucks. Not to mention how many fries they give you Yum.

09-05-2008, 09:44 AM
^^^yeah 25 bucks? What did you buy? I get a burger w/ additional toppings, fries and a large drink and its like 8 something?

09-05-2008, 09:53 AM
Well......I did kinda get two burgers hahahaha.

Even still though, it was expensive, everything was made by 14 year olds and the service was slow. Maybe cause it was brand new and they were trying to recoup the cost of having 15 people standing around doing nothing?

09-05-2008, 09:56 AM
Home made burgers ftw.

My mom makes some BOMB ass burgers.

Totally blows all these places out the door.

09-05-2008, 10:00 AM
Fuck that for All the Jersey heads i know you know bout White Mana right???!?!?!!?

09-05-2008, 10:16 AM
Its funny, because when they first started the 6$ burger, they were making fun of burgers that were 6$'s like get a burger for less,

Now the fucking 6$ burger is like 8 fucking bucks.....

09-05-2008, 10:22 AM

Close thread enough said!!

09-05-2008, 10:38 AM
ruby tuesday triple prime burger.


09-05-2008, 10:44 AM
Yeah I went to the one off the 210 and Rosemead

As far as other recommendations:

Father's Office in Santa Monica


25 Degrees in the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood (I have to try this place but all my friends swear by it)

yupp i work by those spots its all the same chain tops and t-burgers is the same thing owned by the same person cept one is in pasadena and the other is in monrovia :keke:

25 degrees was pretty good it would have been better if the service would have been on point but meh

i've been to fatburger once and i really like it

but i still say red robin holds it down with good burgers and bottomless fries :yum:

09-06-2008, 12:25 AM
Yeah I went to the one off the 210 and Rosemead

As far as other recommendations:

Father's Office in Santa Monica


25 Degrees in the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood (I have to try this place but all my friends swear by it)

Father's Office Burger is superb, I agree. Don't think anyone can beat their patty. it's so perfectly cooked medium rare (although prob bordering on rare) and tender. it literally melts away. Very good shoestring and sweet potatoe fries too.

Their Culver City branch was pretty good too. The one time I visited, it was on par with the original SM branch. plus its much larger, as better parking, and is much closer to the freeway.

Will have to check out 25 degrees as well.

Here are the burger places I like in Los Angeles;

Father's Office (Culver City or Santa Monica) http://www.fathersoffice.com/
The Counter (Santa Monica) http://www.thecounterburger.com/
8oz (Hollywood, Melrose) http://www.8ozburgerbar.com/
Oinkster (Eagle Rock) http://www.theoinkster.com/
Kate Mantinelli (Beverly Hills) http://www.gardensonglendon.com/katephotos.html
Pete's Cafe (Downtown) http://www.petescafe.com/

09-06-2008, 12:56 AM
Actually seeing as I am Italian American I can tell you the Olive Garden blows chunks and is not an Italian Restaurant. I will say that Bucca De Beppo's, if you know what to order actually does some very good very authentic Italian and is in fact amazing for that. Considering its a chain and the prices are not that over top.

You should know that about the pricing Ron as you're from Beverly Hills were Italian restaurants are like 35-$60 a plate deals. Plus they suck for Italian restaurants. That's expensive!
Now with that Said IHOP and Denny's are Diner style and are pretty cheap. Applebees's is theme American place like TGI Fridays, Chili's (theme tex mex )Again none of these are expensive.

PF Changs is small chain Chinese, but those restaurants you listed, are actually kind of in different catagories from each other pricing wise.

I travel and I eat in all different types of places from authentic to theme to chain depending on where I am. That said some of places I would not eat in unless I had no choice.

Oh and LA pretty much sucks period on really decent Italian. hahahhahhahahha
Go to San Francisco for better and for the really good stuff go to Chicago, New York, Boston etc....

Overall though its true presentation snookers the idiots everytime. Look no further than places Like Farfalla in Los Angeles in my neighborhood. People rave about it being a great Italian restaurant lol even the cooks admit its not true Italian but California cuisine with a dash of Italian style.

So ya dress the place up fancy, raise the price make it look good on the plate and the average joe and even some above average people fall for it.

Come to think of it, I really don't think Beverly Hills has that many good places to eat period. I eat mostly in West LA.

Los Angeles does have it weaknesses. it is not known as haven of refined cooking, good continental fare, authenticity can be hard to find at times. Sometimes even good old fashioned American cooking takes some time to find. I also get the impression that ppl are more impressed with gimmicks than good food. Most of the time it doesn't work (Crustacean and Asia de Cuba come to mind), although I'm sure there are exceptions.

However, it is a very ethnically diverse city. It's easy to find good asian fare (to my standards at least) Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc. Also very decent Iranian and Armenian. As for more refined cooking I've enjoyed some of the tasting dinners at places like Hatfield's, Grace, Sona, and decent Omakase at Asenabo (have to try Ursawa soon).

The Italian is not too bad in LA. I am quite happy with Angelini Osteria, Pizzeria Mozza (not Osteria Mozza, which I don't care for), Trattatoria Tre Venezie, and maybe a few others. Have been meaning to try Giorgio Baldi, but never got to it.

It would be most appreciated if you could make Italian suggestions for SF (including the bay area & napa). I quite like Dopo, Zumi, and Olivetto (for lunch only, dinner has gone downhill imo). I almost never to go the east coast unfortunately.

09-06-2008, 07:53 AM
its fake.. the guy in the begining was the dude from mtvs boiling points...people are fucking stupid when they try to act so high class.. thats pizza hut pasta commercial.. one bitch was like "its so decadent" im sitting there saying its microwaved mac and cheese, you have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

09-06-2008, 10:58 AM
Fuck that for All the Jersey heads i know you know bout White Mana right???!?!?!!?

omg i want some right now yo stiizy wanna go hahaha

09-06-2008, 11:00 AM
in other news, i stopped by hardees last night and had a "little thickburger": 4 dollar combo, quarter pound mini thickburger that's still bigger than anything burger king has. awesome value

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-06-2008, 11:11 AM
why pay $6 for a so-so burger when you could go to In-N-Out and get a double double with grilled onions, animal fries, and a large soda for $6? People are so stupid.. lol

And FatBurger is the shit too. It's actually one of the leaner hamburgers for a fast food place so it's not TOO bad for you. But I LOVE a Fatburger with egg. Da bbbooooommmmmbbbbbbdiggidy!

09-08-2008, 09:52 AM
why pay $6 for a so-so burger when you could go to In-N-Out and get a double double with grilled onions, animal fries, and a large soda for $6?

Hardee's/Carl's Jr. > In-N-Out.



09-08-2008, 10:05 AM
Hardee's is my favorite fast food place. As long as it tastes good and the portions are satisfying I don't care what anyone says. Yeah, it's not really a fast food place that you eat at every day, in fact no fast food place should be.

drift freaq
09-08-2008, 10:11 AM
Hardee's/Carl's Jr. > In-N-Out.



lol your on crack if you think that. There is Carl's Jr/Hardee's cannot hold a candle to IN-N-Out in terms of quality and freshness. Carl's Jr buns come out all kinda of smashed up and wrapped a foil wrapper. The burgers though char broiled are zapped in a Microwave before you get them. I have seen this in action.
IN-N-Out uses fresh meat right out of a refrigerator that is delivered daily. There buns are lightly wrapped in a half a paper wrap and come right off the grill.

Ah Carl's Jr/Hardee's is good but better than IN-N-OUT? Ah NO a big NO.

09-08-2008, 10:14 AM
Hardee's > Carl's Jr.
I know they're supposed to be the same thing, but they're not, at least none of the ones I've been to. I've never ever seen a bun wrapped in foil at Hardee's, only at Carl's Jr., and my burger has never been put in a microwave, I watched them make it. All the Carl's Jr.'s I've been to, it felt as if they were more of a fast food version of Hardee's. The food was still delicious though, so I can care less, no hating, just saying.

09-08-2008, 10:27 AM
Hardee's kicks ass. The burgers are a bit pricey but so fuckin good. I would take them over wendy, mcdonalds, bk (though that doesnt count cuz i fuggin hate bk). I love their sourdough melt. Its like 1/2 lb of pure delicious fat assery

drift freaq
09-08-2008, 10:30 AM
Come to think of it, I really don't think Beverly Hills has that many good places to eat period. I eat mostly in West LA.

Los Angeles does have it weaknesses. it is not known as haven of refined cooking, good continental fare, authenticity can be hard to find at times. Sometimes even good old fashioned American cooking takes some time to find. I also get the impression that ppl are more impressed with gimmicks than good food. Most of the time it doesn't work (Crustacean and Asia de Cuba come to mind), although I'm sure there are exceptions.

However, it is a very ethnically diverse city. It's easy to find good asian fare (to my standards at least) Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc. Also very decent Iranian and Armenian. As for more refined cooking I've enjoyed some of the tasting dinners at places like Hatfield's, Grace, Sona, and decent Omakase at Asenabo (have to try Ursawa soon).

The Italian is not too bad in LA. I am quite happy with Angelini Osteria, Pizzeria Mozza (not Osteria Mozza, which I don't care for), Trattatoria Tre Venezie, and maybe a few others. Have been meaning to try Giorgio Baldi, but never got to it.

It would be most appreciated if you could make Italian suggestions for SF (including the bay area & napa). I quite like Dopo, Zumi, and Olivetto (for lunch only, dinner has gone downhill imo). I almost never to go the east coast unfortunately.

I will agree Los Angele's is second to None for Thai Food, hell Thai people come from Thai Land knowing about Ruen Paar.
If you want Chinese well its a neck and neck battle with the bay area though the San Gabriel valley tends to have a lot of great and very authentic Chinese again with Vietnamese the Bay area and LA duke it out. For Korean there is not doubt just head to KTown.
Oh and for Indian get in the car and drive to Artesia
For Japanese Torrance has several amazing places. For Sushi one of the absolute best on the West coast if not the whole country is IKE's . He has been in the same place for over 20 years and top Sushi chefs come to eat at his place. Famous ones. Its funny to because he is Hollywood and gets a lot of people in the business music and movie/tv so you see a lot of non asian in there. Though thing is every single Japanese friend I have taken there is blown away.
He does not advertise, its word of mouth and he does not expand for the sake of wishing to control the quality. Sometimes you have to wait in a 45 minute line to get a seat at the bar. Omakase is the only way I eat there most of the time and I have been going there for almost ten years. Try it out you will not be sorry. :D

On the Italian side I will check out your suggestions but so far have not been impressed.
Again I am spoiled by east coast and Chicago Italian cooking which is very authentic and top notch. In the Bay Area you should check out Siciliano's in Redwood City. Its amazingly good and has been a family favorite for years.

In San Francisco if its still around the place for Ciappino is Sport Cafe . There are a number of places in North beach but stuff keeps on changing up there and I have not spent as much time in the City since moving southward lol.

Oh and for some of the best Prime Rib. House of Prime Rib on Van Ness in San Francisco . Bar none the place is amazing. Not cheap but damn. I went there last year with my father for my birthday dinner. hehehehehe shear indulgence. hahhahahhahha

For a couple of good reasonably priced eats in Los Angeles Tropicalia Brazilian on Hillhurst is great. I also like the 101 on Franklin.

09-08-2008, 10:32 AM
Every Hardee's burger I can remember having has been nothing but pure delicious. I've had In-N-Out the couple times I was in the Bay Area and don't understand the big fuss. Maybe there's something wrong with your Carl's Jr's out there.

09-08-2008, 04:17 PM
wendy's ftw.

09-08-2008, 08:17 PM
I will agree Los Angele's is second to None for Thai Food, hell Thai people come from Thai Land knowing about Ruen Paar.
If you want Chinese well its a neck and neck battle with the bay area though the San Gabriel valley tends to have a lot of great and very authentic Chinese again with Vietnamese the Bay area and LA duke it out. For Korean there is not doubt just head to KTown.
Oh and for Indian get in the car and drive to Artesia
For Japanese Torrance has several amazing places. For Sushi one of the absolute best on the West coast if not the whole country is IKE's . He has been in the same place for over 20 years and top Sushi chefs come to eat at his place. Famous ones. Its funny to because he is Hollywood and gets a lot of people in the business music and movie/tv so you see a lot of non asian in there. Though thing is every single Japanese friend I have taken there is blown away.
He does not advertise, its word of mouth and he does not expand for the sake of wishing to control the quality. Sometimes you have to wait in a 45 minute line to get a seat at the bar. Omakase is the only way I eat there most of the time and I have been going there for almost ten years. Try it out you will not be sorry. :D

On the Italian side I will check out your suggestions but so far have not been impressed.
Again I am spoiled by east coast and Chicago Italian cooking which is very authentic and top notch. In the Bay Area you should check out Siciliano's in Redwood City. Its amazingly good and has been a family favorite for years.

In San Francisco if its still around the place for Ciappino is Sport Cafe . There are a number of places in North beach but stuff keeps on changing up there and I have not spent as much time in the City since moving southward lol.

Oh and for some of the best Prime Rib. House of Prime Rib on Van Ness in San Francisco . Bar none the place is amazing. Not cheap but damn. I went there last year with my father for my birthday dinner. hehehehehe shear indulgence. hahhahahhahha

For a couple of good reasonably priced eats in Los Angeles Tropicalia Brazilian on Hillhurst is great. I also like the 101 on Franklin.

Ah yes, I go to Ruen Pair from time to time. great for late night grub, considering they close at 3ish. I always get the Cha Po (Thai grilled duck, chicharone, and roast pork/chasu w/ rice) if dining alone.

Will try IKE's omakase for sure.

The Indian place I go to for Biyranis and fish curry is Ambala Dhabla in West LA. Their original branch was from Artesia (and still there). Artesia is good, agreed. I also like the sweets shops.

As for SF, I've been trying to go the the House of Prime Rib forever. just never got to it somehow. will make the extra effort to do so. ditto for Sicilano's if I'm ever in the Redwoods area.

Oh, here are two more Italian places I quite enjoyed in SF, included with a link to the menu;
Delfina; Delfina Restaurant - Dinner Menu (http://www.delfinasf.com/menu.html)
La Ciccia (difficult to find food in the region of Sardinia) laciccia.com - From January 2008 (http://www.laciccia.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=15&Itemid=34)

Here are some tasting dinner places I've tried and would recommend. not ordering wine tasting would be an injustice imho (white truffle season should be here soon :) ); Not sure if thats your thing, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
Meadowood (napa) Meadowood · Napa Valley · Wine & Cuisine · The Restaurant (http://www.meadowood.com/winecuisine/the-restaurant/)
Manresa (los gatos) Manresa Restaurant - Menus (http://www.manresarestaurant.com/menu/menu.html)
Chez tj (mountain view) Chez TJ Contemporary French Cuisine (http://www.cheztj.com/menu.html)
Of course, also the french laundry (napa). sounds cliche, but it is my fav place to eat to date. only downside is that the main chef is lazy and almost never there (be sure to request the 2o course tasting menu. you'll be there for 6-8 hrs, haha)
Also, do NOT try his bistro (bouchon) close by. it is garbage imo.

Here are the menu links to some of the Los Angeles suggestions I made earlier, and few more;
Pizzeria Mozza; Pizzeria Mozza (http://www.mozza-la.com/pizzeria/menu.cfm)
Tre Veneze; (click on 'VIEW MENU' link for menu) Trattoria Tre Venezie, Pasadena, CA Los Angeles Restaurants, Los Angeles Menus, Reviews, Ratings - LA Restaurant Recommendations (http://www.menupix.com/losangeles/restaurants.php?id=203943#)
Angelini Osteria; Angelini Osteria (http://www.angeliniosteria.com/menus.html)

Hatfields; MENUS (http://www.hatfieldsrestaurant.com/menus.html)
Sona; ...::: Sona Restaurant :::... Menu (http://www.sonarestaurant.com/menu.php)
Grace; GRACE RESTAURANT :: Menu (http://www.gracerestaurant.com/index.php/grace/menu)
Providence; Providence LA (http://www.providencela.com/)

09-08-2008, 09:16 PM
Every Hardee's burger I can remember having has been nothing but pure delicious. I've had In-N-Out the couple times I was in the Bay Area and don't understand the big fuss. Maybe there's something wrong with your Carl's Jr's out there.

Me neither. Actually, 10 yrs ago 'In & Out' was pretty good. I liked it then and went there to the point where I got tired. It's not that it was really good, but it did have a distinctive taste to it. consistency was also there between different stores. for a fast food burger, it was at the time (in socal, as far as I knew) probably the best. ingredients were fresh, but still it could never compete with a true gourmet burger, as the quality of the patty while pretty decent, was not all that great either. for me, a burger that is not medium rare (or even slighly below), ruins it.

Unfortunately, the last few times I did try 'In & Out' as of recent (friends were buying), the double-double's patty had shrunk in size, not unlike the size of a McDonald's Big Mac, and the quality wasn't quite there. On top of that, they have a tendency to smother it with thousand island sauce to the point where you can barely taste the meat. I've ate at the Westwood, Sherman Oaks (close to Van Nuys @ Ventura ), and San Ramon (nor cal) locations. They were all consistently sub-par. Maybe other locations are better. It's just not my thing, but then again neither is fast food.

Their shakes aren't very good either. way too thick. I think Fatburger wins the prize for best fast food shakes. Speaking of which, I will go buy one right away after this post!!

'In & Out' fries have remained consistently decent though. When I do go to 'In & Out' with friends, I just order 2 servings of fries w/out the actual burger.

09-08-2008, 09:21 PM
Fatburger, In and out, hm I would like to try these places

09-08-2008, 09:32 PM

The thing is

For $6, I'd rather go to a mom and pop burger place and get a decent burger

Rather than a true fast food place

Like for example, Kobe Bistro Burger from Tops here in Socal

It was $6.75 or so, but SUPER good, and tasted fresh

Good bread, good ingredients, etc

damnit logan i was fasting and you showing me this shit

09-08-2008, 09:37 PM
wendy's ftw.

Heart attack in a bun...

Got to love Cali fusion...