View Full Version : anyone make beats?

08-31-2008, 12:52 AM
check out my friend he has some pretty chill stuff.
add him
MySpace.com - Sanoroc - California 916, Hawaii - Hip Hop / Visual / Breakbeat - www.myspace.com/sanorocmusic (http://www.myspace.com/sanorocmusic)

08-31-2008, 03:40 AM
nope, never had the time... but feelin your beats man... i use to live i roseville and antelope too... just work out there now.. keep it up

08-31-2008, 07:44 AM
demonoids got every volume of the state of trance for hte past couple years, grab that and enjoy gentleman.

08-31-2008, 09:55 AM
nope, never had the time... but feelin your beats man... i use to live i roseville and antelope too... just work out there now.. keep it up

08-31-2008, 01:13 PM
was this to see who makes beats or to spam? lol

i make beats but more towards so i can make my own rap demo

08-31-2008, 01:29 PM
was this to see who makes beats or to spam? lol

i make beats but more towards so i can make my own rap demo
ya it was to spam:loco:

post your work up.

04-06-2010, 07:26 PM
My nephew make beats, and he also raps. The last time we talked about making beats was when I was using fruity loops. He then told me he stopped using fruity loops and went on with something else; I forgot which one.

951's 330i
04-06-2010, 08:21 PM
Nice to see other members make beats as well.

Newer ones from top to bottom. Started changing my style on them some what