View Full Version : The Relationships Thread

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08-29-2008, 10:56 PM
In this thread, you can ask questions regarding anything to do with
relationships, whether it be your own, or whatever. How to end one,
how to start one, how to salvage one, etc. Anything on your mind,
any questions you may have, ask. Love, sex, romance, anything.
You will get opinions from both a man's point of view, as well as a

Be patient with your questions, as I get busy at times. I'll answer everyone's
questions in a timely manner.

I don't claim myself as an expert in this, but I have had my share of
experience, whether good or bad. Same with the people mentioned above.

[COLOR="purple"]Please don't post useless information, or get off-topic, if you do, that's all
on you.

TO THAT THREAD (http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vemlsdmlhLm5ldC9mL29mZi10b3BpYy1jaGF0Lz IxMDQ5MC1ob3ctc3BpdC1nYW1lLTEwMS1wbGVhc2UtcmVhZC1y dWxlcy5odG1sIl1USFJFQURbL1VSTF0uWy9i">http://zilvia. net/f/off-topic-chat/210490-how-spit-game-101-please-read-rules. html).

Now, onto the questions! :snoop:

08-29-2008, 10:58 PM
oh man. im going to have fun with this one.

lets get the dice rollin.

08-29-2008, 11:27 PM
definitely will be a fun thread :jerkit:

08-29-2008, 11:30 PM
hahahahaaha add stiiz!

08-29-2008, 11:32 PM
Aight i'll start, me and my gf have had some issues. Now when we try to spend time with each other, we worry too much about what each other thinks. She says she feels weak, scared to say something wrong. Blah blah

Now how do I get it back to normal?

08-29-2008, 11:49 PM
i take it we should keep this serious. :o you guys should talk it through. seeing that you're 16.."if that is your actual age" it's a maturity issue. young guns :)

08-29-2008, 11:51 PM
this is like love line. lol dr drew, adam corolla kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy

08-30-2008, 12:13 AM
We've been on and off since I was a freshman, Now a senior. So its pretty serious, I surely wouldn't want to break it off anytime soon.

btw I turn 17 in September, im just one of the younger ones. lol

08-30-2008, 12:14 AM
what kind of issues?

this what dr drew would say...
Teen relationships typically don't last long because as a teen, we're undecisive, not fully mature yet, and not really sure about things. Usually, the teen might feel he or she is in love when really, it's puppy love. Teen relationships are like pre-relationships, relationships that get you ready for true, fully committed relationships that he or she might have as they get older.
Most if not all are childish since neither party really seems to know what they want. It is usually a fun type of relationship based on sexual attraction and then either party may want others and will not be able to sit and commit.

08-30-2008, 12:17 AM
Aight i'll start, me and my gf have had some issues. Now when we try to spend time with each other, we worry too much about what each other thinks. She says she feels weak, scared to say something wrong. Blah blah

Now how do I get it back to normal?

when did this all start? did she/you cheat? is there a reason why you guys are worried about what each other are thinking? we need a little more info.

both your ages will play a huge role in it.

08-30-2008, 03:17 PM
Aight i'll start, me and my gf have had some issues. Now when we try to spend time with each other, we worry too much about what each other thinks. She says she feels weak, scared to say something wrong. Blah blah

Now how do I get it back to normal?
I'm going to just flat out say this, and don't hate me
for it. High-school relationships are a joke. 9 out of 10
times, they break it off. That "high-school sweet-heart"
is a bunch of BS. Yes, some of them actually do get married,
but most don't last too long. Like that quote up there, young
people are too indecisive, not fully matured, and still don't
know what they want out of a relationship. It's more of a
status thing to have a bf/gf in high-school, in my opinion.
Don't think too much on it. You're only 16. You will have PLENTY
more girlfriends in the future. Trust me. I know it seems pretty
fucked up what I'm saying, but I see it all too much. These
high-school lovers put too much effort and "love" into their
relationships, only to get heartbroken later. Well, I guess that's
how people learn and mature, through things like this. I know I

But, to answer your question, have a serious talk with her and
just straight out ask her why she feels that way. You're her bf,
so she can feel safe in telling you what she's feeling. Maybe she's
going through some hard times?

Boostin on you
08-30-2008, 03:47 PM
what do I do when my boyfriend wants my balls to enter his ass but the wont fit?

08-30-2008, 03:54 PM
what do I do when my boyfriend wants my balls to enter his ass but the wont fit?
I'm not an expert on gay relationships, so can't
help you out with that, buddy. :)

This forum (http://www.gayrites.net/forum/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=34) is for you.

Oh ya, judging by your PM to me the other day which

Ye you kno your a faggot who wants my cock
...your question might be a real one.


08-30-2008, 03:56 PM
Aight i'll start, me and my gf have had some issues. Now when we try to spend time with each other, we worry too much about what each other thinks. She says she feels weak, scared to say something wrong. Blah blah

Now how do I get it back to normal?

Break it off.

Don't spend your high school years in a relationship, I spent a year and a half of mine in one and I DEFINITELY regret it. Akademik is right high school relationships are bull shit. They will get you nowhere. It's like jerking off with no intention of finishing.

Find a new girl especially if she has issues. Don't make your life any harder than it has to be.

beeracing s14
08-30-2008, 05:23 PM
get real advises from tom leykis 97.1fm from 3pm-8pm

08-30-2008, 05:31 PM
I listen to Leykis all the time, but he gets kind of
boring. His topics are usually about the same thing,
day in and day out.

Leykis 101
-never get married
-never have children
-fuck as many girls as you can

08-30-2008, 06:33 PM
^thats how i live my life!!!!

fuck bitches get money.

honestly in high school/college you shouldnt be spending your time having a gf. spend that time with studies and whatnot. college...the biggest poon supply shop, get them while they run wild.

im selfish and i think its ok. dont need to waste time/money on them. and this goes for chicks also. ride em and leave em.

08-30-2008, 06:41 PM
ok so here's my question...i was like dating/talking to this girl. i fucked her and now she is just annoying and i dont like her at all anymore. how do i let her down easy? and thats the second girl thats happened to me with. she is still a cool chick but i'm just not into her AT ALL anymore.

08-30-2008, 06:50 PM
ok so here's my question...i was like dating/talking to this girl. i fucked her and now she is just annoying and i dont like her at all anymore. how do i let her down easy? and thats the second girl thats happened to me with. she is still a cool chick but i'm just not into her AT ALL anymore.

Used to happen to me all the time I start to like a girl and they are really cool and after I do em they either get kind of annoying or I lose all respect for them lol.

Easiest way to let her down is to just be straight up with her. It may suck, she may cry, man up do what you gotta do.


08-30-2008, 07:10 PM
i didnt loose respect for her but she is for sure annoying now...just gotta man up huh.

08-30-2008, 07:18 PM
dont have a 3 sum with ur gf and her best friend
it will screw everything up

i made that mistake and now im alone

08-30-2008, 08:42 PM
dont have a 3 sum with ur gf and her best friend
it will screw everything up

i made that mistake and now im alone

did she turn les? or did she end up throwing it in your face in the end? females can be lame like that tho. everythings okay when your in the moment, but when things get rough in the relationship; they like to use it against the guy. idk, girls are complicated. if she doesn't come back, fuck it.. its her loss right? jus continue to live life for your own satisfaction. "YOU" comes first before anyone elses happiness. that goes for both male and female :) but if you really love her, try to make it work. try to forget, learn, and move forward... good luck man!

08-30-2008, 10:42 PM
dont have a 3 sum with ur gf and her best friend
it will screw everything up

i made that mistake and now im alone

i thought this was a given? if youre going to have a 3 some its gotta be with 2 random girls. it NEVER ends well if you have a 3 way with someone u are in a relationship with. jealousy, mistrust, and a whole shit ton of drama is the only thing that can come of it.

08-31-2008, 08:37 AM
Break it off.

Don't spend your high school years in a relationship, I spent a year and a half of mine in one and I DEFINITELY regret it. Akademik is right high school relationships are bull shit. They will get you nowhere. It's like jerking off with no intention of finishing.

Find a new girl especially if she has issues. Don't make your life any harder than it has to be.

Well put. At the risk of sounding like a dick she will make you miserable because she has no clue what the fuck she wants (i've been there). What she wants, the second the first penis enters her body, is to fuck lots of mister wrongs until she meets who she settles on.

In reality it's not even about meeting the right guy, it has more to do with timing and when she is tired of screwing around. High School relationships are disposable, you should be perfecting your technique with numerous partners (protected of course), that way when you get to college you'll know what your doing and have a great time.

08-31-2008, 09:56 AM
i thought this was a given? if youre going to have a 3 some its gotta be with 2 random girls. it NEVER ends well if you have a 3 way with someone u are in a relationship with. jealousy, mistrust, and a whole shit ton of drama is the only thing that can come of it.

yea now i realized it
she kept thinking i was going around with other girls and part of me thought she was going around with other guys
whole thing collapsed on itself
2 years down the drain
dosnt matter now
im over it
live and learn

08-31-2008, 10:11 AM
Break it off.

Don't spend your high school years in a relationship, I spent a year and a half of mine in one and I DEFINITELY regret it. Akademik is right high school relationships are bull shit. They will get you nowhere. It's like jerking off with no intention of finishing..

I am going to have to agree with you. If I could go back in time (in a delorean, of course) I would have never bothered with girls in high school. I got married right after high school (no kids, thank God), lived like I was in a prison because she was a year or two older so she called shot. Man, I envied all the kids that were my age doing their thing and I was playing the adult roll being married and working.....

I got divorced about 6 years ago... lol. true story.

Focus in school, there will be many many many girls later down the line.

08-31-2008, 11:07 AM
yea now i realized it
she kept thinking i was going around with other girls and part of me thought she was going around with other guys
whole thing collapsed on itself
2 years down the drain
dosnt matter now
im over it
live and learn

you had a threesome with another guy?

08-31-2008, 10:26 PM
i thought this was a given? if youre going to have a 3 some its gotta be with 2 random girls. it NEVER ends well if you have a 3 way with someone u are in a relationship with. jealousy, mistrust, and a whole shit ton of drama is the only thing that can come of it.

WTF? how would the chick thats in a relationship w/ you let that shit fly?:faint:

09-01-2008, 02:09 AM
off the discussion

date the person that has the same religion you do.

Me and my girl have completely different ideas, she's Mormon and I'm Agnostic. it causes arguments... we still work it out and end up going to bed happy(ish) but it would be easier if she thought the same way. I personally dont care what she believes. but she's doesn't

09-01-2008, 04:14 AM
dont have a 3 sum with ur gf and her best friend
it will screw everything up

i made that mistake and now im alone
Then I just fucked up then lol.

09-01-2008, 04:25 AM
Then I just fucked up then lol.

Damn straight.

Now we're going to have to get you out of the sweat pants and ice cream phase again.


09-01-2008, 04:34 AM
Damn straight.

Now we're going to have to get you out of the sweat pants and ice cream phase again.



I'ma be real..I know the game but somewhat fuck up in relationships...However shit happens...and thats life.

This 3 some..Ain't nothing.

*Edit* Now staying on topic.

beeracing s14
09-01-2008, 03:35 PM
ok so here's my question...i was like dating/talking to this girl. i fucked her and now she is just annoying and i dont like her at all anymore. how do i let her down easy? and thats the second girl thats happened to me with. she is still a cool chick but i'm just not into her AT ALL anymore.

give her to me.. problem solved.

09-01-2008, 04:40 PM
Aight i'll start, me and my gf have had some issues. Now when we try to spend time with each other, we worry too much about what each other thinks. She says she feels weak, scared to say something wrong. Blah blah

Now how do I get it back to normal?

While I do agree that high school relationships rarely last, that doesn't mean you can't have fun with the one you have now. Think of it as a training ground- the habits you set today will be the ones you will be repeating tomorrow.

Do you criticize each other when one says something the other doesn't agree with? This can build up this kind of insecurity within her. If you want to have a good relationship, you should always hold an open mind when talking to each other. When you scrutinize and dissct the things she says based on what you know, you're not really listening to her point of view, and vise versa.

Talk to her and let her know that even though you might not always have similar viewpoints, you do respect her opinion, and you want the same from her. This will clear up this lil insecurity, and things should be back to normal after that.

ok so here's my question...i was like dating/talking to this girl. i fucked her and now she is just annoying and i dont like her at all anymore. how do i let her down easy? and thats the second girl thats happened to me with. she is still a cool chick but i'm just not into her AT ALL anymore.
Why are you annoyed by her? What is she doing that she didn't do before you slept with her? Did she become attached after you did the deed? Are you sure it's something wrong with her and not you?

A lot of girls will think that the friendship/relationship is going somewhere after you have sex. If you don't think you want it to go anywhere, even if you just think it, this is a point that MUST be made clear before anything happens. Otherwise, you just hurt the girl's feelings, and she feels used.

If you're really not that interested anymore, then just be straight up with her. Don't leave her in the dark, or avoid her, because that only makes it worse for her, and for you.

dont have a 3 sum with ur gf and her best friend
it will screw everything up

i made that mistake and now im alone

If you have a threesome with random people, or just close friends, it's fine. DO NOT introduce this kind of scenario when you're in a relationship. It only breeds bad results. There will be mistrust, jealousy, anger, resentment- everything that can and will ruin a relationship. It might seem like a good idea at the time, but in the long run, it isn't.

09-01-2008, 04:44 PM
Hi Lisa!

09-01-2008, 04:53 PM
Hi Lisa!

Hi Anthony!!!


09-01-2008, 05:24 PM
this is a point that MUST be made clear before anything happens.

Best quote anywhere.

Always be up front with your intentions. If you can't be upfront and get a girl you don't deserve one anyways. Don't be a douche.


09-02-2008, 07:37 AM
hahahahaaha add stiiz!

Word put me on this i got all sorts of Relationship advice..

I've been single for 6 months put together in the last 11 years...

Been in only 3 relationships since i was 15...

I've got the Knowledge on this down packed!!

Good Looks Boba..

09-02-2008, 11:50 AM
Why are you annoyed by her? What is she doing that she didn't do before you slept with her? Did she become attached after you did the deed? Are you sure it's something wrong with her and not you?

A lot of girls will think that the friendship/relationship is going somewhere after you have sex. If you don't think you want it to go anywhere, even if you just think it, this is a point that MUST be made clear before anything happens. Otherwise, you just hurt the girl's feelings, and she feels used.

If you're really not that interested anymore, then just be straight up with her. Don't leave her in the dark, or avoid her, because that only makes it worse for her, and for you..

this my friend, is indeed correct! lol, this goes for the ladies too, not jus the guys ;) girls can be jus as bad as guys and play the game jus as well.. so careful with the body language ladies and gents. that says a whole lot about a person :hsdance:

09-02-2008, 08:57 PM
i hope someone can answer this one.

alright so my ex and i kind of went off and on after we broke u, well i got tired of it and stopped talking to her. now i realize how stupidand immature that was. my question is how do i salvage it? im not wanting to date her again just be friends. i figured this was a better suited question for this thread then the other one.

09-02-2008, 09:08 PM
no point in being friend after a break up. ex's are ex's for a reason. you'll only be hurt and emo when she talks to you about a guy she is seeing. stop being a bitch, forget about her and move on.

09-03-2008, 12:32 AM

Different matter...
Learn from the mistake I made tonight: When you walk into the local Chipotle with your girlfriend, and she says, "Wow, look at all the hot girls in here... Why aren't you with a girl like them?"
Do NOT shrug your shoulders and say, "I dunno."

Proper answer should be something along the lines of, "But baby, you're the most beautiful girl in this place."

Live and learn, fellas. Live and learn.

09-03-2008, 12:37 AM
Kyle, Kyle, Kyle...:duh:

You should have said "What hot girls?"


I would have said "Yeah, you're right, huh?"

09-03-2008, 12:37 AM

Different matter...
Learn from the mistake I made tonight: When you walk into the local Chipotle with your girlfriend, and she says, "Wow, look at all the hot girls in here... Why aren't you with a girl like them?"
Do NOT shrug your shoulders and say, "I dunno."

Proper answer should be something along the lines of, "But baby, you're the most beautiful girl in this place."

Live and learn, fellas. Live and learn.

oooh I've done that one before...


09-03-2008, 02:26 AM
Do NOT shrug your shoulders and say, "I dunno."

Proper answer should be something along the lines of, "But baby, you're the most beautiful girl in this place."

Live and learn, fellas. Live and learn.


you had the right/man answer.

or you could have went with.

"i wish, maybe if you looked like them i would give you more attention."

09-03-2008, 02:38 AM

you had the right/man answer.

or you could have went with.

"i wish, maybe if you looked like them i would give you more attention."

Nah. You gotta say it with a better delivery.

"Listen, i'm hungry. I'll compare them all to you in a bit."

Vision Garage
09-03-2008, 02:43 AM

you had the right/man answer.

or you could have went with.

"i wish, maybe if you looked like them i would give you more attention."

Or you could have said. Man i feel like eating some breasts tonight!

09-03-2008, 03:06 AM
Correct answer is:

"Those girls are cute, but not as beautiful as you. Your more my type"

-You have to acknowledge the fact that there is other girls in your presence.
-You have to tell her what she wants to hear.

Because when she says that. She's really eagerly waiting for your response...and trust me. She's already thought about it so much...that she asked you about your opinion. Girls like to compare girls to each other to feel more dominating or beautiful. And you have to be smooth with your answer's...or it will be thrown back at you. Or it will be stuck in her mind throughout the day...and possibly week. Girls are very judgemental. Be careful with these traps.

09-03-2008, 03:24 AM
lol. I was sorta only halfway paying attention as we walked in there (I was reading a text message), and I gave the default "I'm not paying attention but want to give some feedback" reply. Hence the shrug... I didn't realize it was a trap til she said "Oh yeah, go figure." I just smiled and ordered my food. lol

Funny thing is... She really WAS the best looking girl in the place. lol

FYI, I didn't post that for advice... I posted that to help the relationship noobs avoid such situations. lol

09-03-2008, 03:30 AM
I know...just letting the general pop know how to handle that situation pimpin ;)

Boostin on you
09-03-2008, 04:26 AM
Im at a stand still right now, currently Ive been seeing this wonderful guy. Hes pretty much perfect yet he doesnt know Im in love with him. What can I do to tell him since I know alot of 240 owners are from the homosexual community. Also do you mind sharing your experiences when you came out to your partner?

He mentioned to me before, hes fine having sexual relations with another male as long as the balls dont touch. Is that a sign?

O gosh help me!

09-03-2008, 04:42 AM
Im at a stand still right now, currently Ive been seeing this wonderful guy. Hes pretty much perfect yet he doesnt know Im in love with him. What can I do to tell him since I know alot of 240 owners are from the homosexual community. Also do you mind sharing your experiences when you came out to your partner?

He mentioned to me before, hes fine having sexual relations with another male as long as the balls dont touch. Is that a sign?

O gosh help me!



09-03-2008, 07:29 AM
WOW not to be a dick or anything but wow i cant believe you took these issues under your wing.

09-03-2008, 10:13 AM
Im at a stand still right now, currently Ive been seeing this wonderful guy. Hes pretty much perfect yet he doesnt know Im in love with him. What can I do to tell him since I know alot of 240 owners are from the homosexual community. Also do you mind sharing your experiences when you came out to your partner?

He mentioned to me before, hes fine having sexual relations with another male as long as the balls dont touch. Is that a sign?

O gosh help me!
I smell a troll, and posts like this make me miss the rep system.

09-03-2008, 02:04 PM
He does this cause his stupid drunk girlfriend
hit his car (and he edited his thread also).


09-03-2008, 02:05 PM
So what AK this dude really gay??? or he just fucking around??

09-03-2008, 02:14 PM
So what AK this dude really gay??? or he just fucking around??

I think it's alittle of both.

09-03-2008, 02:20 PM
Im at a stand still right now, currently Ive been seeing this wonderful guy. Hes pretty much perfect yet he doesnt know Im in love with him. What can I do to tell him since I know alot of 240 owners are from the homosexual community. Also do you mind sharing your experiences when you came out to your partner?

He mentioned to me before, hes fine having sexual relations with another male as long as the balls dont touch. Is that a sign?

O gosh help me!
Last week, I might have -repped you.
Keep this shit up and I will skip right to punitive action.
Watch me

09-03-2008, 02:26 PM
So what AK this dude really gay??? or he just fucking around??
Pretty sure he's homo. :ugh:

I got a problem guys. I had a party at my house, and I had my gf move
her car to the driveway. I knew she was drunk, but my dumbass made
her move the car anyways. Well, her stupid drunk ass hit my car, which has
a $45,675 paintjob. I don't know what to do. Zilvia, help my dumbass. What's
the best possible outcome in the long run for a loser such as myself who
let my girlfriend, knowing she was drunk, move her car. :hsdance:

Oh wait, that's not my problem, that's boostin_on_you's problem in this
thread (http://zilvia.net/f/off-topic-chat/211221-insurance-help-complicated.html). :p:p

Ok, sorry, just had to get that out. One more thing, funny how he said
this in his thread, yet he does the same thing in other threads as
well. Lame.
please stay on topic.

Ok, back on topic! ;)

09-03-2008, 02:35 PM
Last week, I might have -repped you.
Keep this shit up and I will skip right to punitive action.
Watch me

Do you Boss!!!!:snoop::snoop:

Pretty sure he's homo. :ugh:

I got a problem guys. I had a party at my house, and I had my gf move
her car to the driveway. I knew she was drunk, but my dumbass made
her move the car anyways. Well, her stupid drunk ass hit my car, which has
a $45,675 paintjob. I don't know what to do. Zilvia, help my dumbass. What's
the best possible outcome in the long run for a loser such as myself who
let my girlfriend, knowing she was drunk, move her car. :hsdance:

Oh wait, that's not my problem, that's boostin_on_you's problem in this
thread (http://zilvia.net/f/off-topic-chat/211221-insurance-help-complicated.html). :p:p

Ok, sorry, just had to get that out. One more thing, funny how he said
this in his thread, yet he does the same thing in other threads as
well. Lame.

Ok, back on topic! ;)

Why he gotta front for what a dick.......

Yeah i said it.....

Good Looks for the Background info AK...

Man what losers Damn Phlip these are the Days i want to Neg the fuck outta people....

I thought you were serious for a sec when i read that to AK haha:keke::keke::tardrim::tardrim:

09-12-2008, 01:22 PM
Any questions? I know you people are going through
relationship problems.


09-12-2008, 01:28 PM
I was thinking bout bumping this thread as well...

09-12-2008, 01:47 PM
So Romeo.

Right now I have 6 Breezies.

1. X named Gina
2. X's friend named Jessica
3. Old friend from High school named Heather
4. Asian street bike rider I met at the bar named Susie (tat + piercings!)
5. Old friend named Shannon who's been tryinnnn to kick it with me for days
6. Some punk rock chick off myspace

So yea.

Gina(great at sex.."screamer"):


Heather(random and fun to be around):

Susie(right...Down ass beezy)

Shannon (far right)

And this punk rock chick off myspace:

Should I play all them? I mean..I know how NOT to get caught.
I just turned single again...and I ain't trying to settle down.

What do you think? I'm really diggin the susie chick. She can ride passenger real good.

I'm stumped.

09-12-2008, 01:49 PM
fuck it bro play all of them...youll have nothing to loose gain experience and just make sure you wear a jimmy hat!!!

09-12-2008, 01:53 PM
So Romeo.

Right now I have 6 Breezies.

1. X named Gina
2. X's friend named Jessica
3. Old friend from High school named Heather
4. Asian street bike rider I met at the bar named Susie (tat + piercings!)
5. Old friend named Shannon who's been tryinnnn to kick it with me for days
6. Some punk rock chick off myspace

So yea.
Should I play all them? I mean..I know how NOT to get caught.
I just turned single again...and I ain't trying to settle down.

What do you think? I'm really diggin the susie chick. She can ride passenger real good.

I'm stumped.

I aint Romeo..

but i think you should date who you please..

Ya single my neezy live ya life...

It up to you though if you want to tell them that you are openly seeing other people...

Mature chicks shouldn't have a problem with that!!

09-12-2008, 01:55 PM
So Romeo.

Right now I have 6 Breezies.

1. X named Gina
2. X's friend named Jessica
3. Old friend from High school named Heather
4. Asian street bike rider I met at the bar named Susie (tat + piercings!)
5. Old friend named Shannon who's been tryinnnn to kick it with me for days
6. Some punk rock chick off myspace

So yea.
Should I play all them? I mean..I know how NOT to get caught.
I just turned single again...and I ain't trying to settle down.

What do you think? I'm really diggin the susie chick. She can ride passenger real good.

I'm stumped.Play the whole field! The more the merrier. The object is
to get laid with them spending the least amount of money
possible. (Leykism)

Remember my Grand Slam scheme? :wackit:

The Grand Slam

Here's my own personal scheme I put together. I'm not sure if there's
another version like it elsewhere, but here's mine. I call it the Grand Slam.
Use this if you want guaranteed (mostly) different lays any day
of the week. This isn't for the weak of heart.

Use the tips I gave you, to pick up on four women. First woman,
go on a date, hang out with her, but don't try to get her into bed. Make her
wait. Do the same with the other 3 women. Wait a couple days before each date.
After you go out with all 4, go back to the first one, and
get to second base with her. Do the same with the other 3. Then start over
again with the first one and get to 3rd base. Repeat for the other 3. The key
here is to have them gain trust and confidence in you, making it seem like
you're a respectable gentleman, and that you're not only looking into getting
into their pants. But little do they know what you're really up to. LMAO.
The whole point of the Grand Slam is this:
When it's time to hit the home-run, when the woman is comfortable,
do it. Rinse and repeat with the next 3, and repeat over and over again.
This way, at any given time, you'll have guaranteed lays. ;)

Oh yea, be sure they don't find out.

This is only a guide for the Grand Slam, I do not assume responsibility for
any of your actions, or if any of you get hurt if they find out about what you're up to.

Also, I just made came up with this, didn't mean I actually used it. :)


09-12-2008, 01:56 PM
No complaints here. I'm happy. 16months going strong :) She likes the same stuff i do has a S13 Coupe with a lot done to it and is doing a motor swap to it over winter. Lets me do what i want, never bitch's she's the best there is.

09-12-2008, 01:57 PM
Grand Slam plan is pimp...

God i wish i was single sometimes!!!

09-12-2008, 02:00 PM
My personal belief is that men shouldn't be in relationships
until they're at least 25. Before that age, just date/whore
around. 16-25 are the best age range to meet and try out
the hottest girls around. After that, go settle down.

09-12-2008, 02:00 PM
Fuck i'm 26................

09-12-2008, 02:00 PM
Grand Slam plan is pimp...

God i wish i was single sometimes!!!

Are you married? If not, then whats the problem?

09-12-2008, 02:02 PM
Oh wait, I'm ruining the whole point of this thread...


09-12-2008, 02:03 PM
i ain't married but my days of fucking around on chicks is over...

I got fucked over in the worst way by an EX...

I believed it was karma for me treating chicks like shit when i was younger....

I feel if you need to cheat and disrespect the person your with then your really not happy and should then be single to do what you want...

Not fuck you partner over... JMO

09-12-2008, 02:03 PM
My personal belief is that men shouldn't be in relationships
until they're at least 25. Before that age, just date/whore
around. 16-25 are the best age range to meet and try out
the hottest girls around. After that, go settle down.
I always thought the same thing, But this girl is beyond anything i thought of. All my friends who are >25 Have girls that are always :rant2::rant2: And NEVER let them do anything they want, One buddies G/f went to the track ONCE with us and bitched the whole time. The other just sits there with a blank stare, And here is mine asking questions taking videos and pics. Pretty badass, I always said fuck it i'm not getting married but my veiws have changed to an extent...... still don't plan on getting married anytime soon but she is a keeper.

09-12-2008, 02:04 PM
i ain't married but my days of fucking around on chicks is over...

I got fucked over in the worst way by an EX...

I believed it was karma for me treating chicks like shit when i was younger....

I feel if you need to cheat and disrespect the person your with then your really not happy and should then be single to do what you want...

Not fuck you partner over... JMO


09-12-2008, 02:05 PM
i ain't married but my days of fucking around on chicks is over...

I got fucked over in the worst way by an EX...

I believed it was karma for me treating chicks like shit when i was younger....

I feel if you need to cheat and disrespect the person your with then your really not happy and should then be single to do what you want...

Not fuck you partner over... JMO
That's why just "date" around. There's no strings attached,
no commitment, etc.

I should call this the Anti-Relationship Thread. :l101:

09-12-2008, 02:09 PM


That's why just "date" around. There's no strings attached,
no commitment, etc.

I should call this the Anti-Relationship Thread. :l101:

No this Thread is great i love reading peoples problems and trying to offer my :2c:..

All the same though....

Dating around gets expensive...

I mean i had some FWB's and can still hit them up...

But if i'm ever single again its a fuckin wrap!!!!

I'm go back to being the male whore i was!!

09-12-2008, 02:09 PM
I edited my OP with pictures.

09-12-2008, 02:11 PM
1,2 and 6 are cute.....

Others not my type but pretty all the same...

Do you man like i said...

09-12-2008, 02:13 PM
We'll I gotta pick up #3 right now.

ttyl fellas.

09-23-2008, 12:46 PM
Give me more problems. I'm bored.

09-23-2008, 03:41 PM
So #1 (Gina) and #3 (Heather)

are both completely fine with us being friends with benefits!! w00t.

Now I'm working on the punk rock chick...

However she is kind of psycho and likes to pain....and sex like that is cool....but I think she's going to like torture me....I'm scared. :D

Romeo: So since #1,#3 are fine with us being friends with benefits...Eventually they are going to get attached right? I don't want to hurt them...so I laid out the rules before we even messed around...but no matter what they are gonna hurt huh?

The other night I was partying with friends and talking to this Raver chick...and I noticed #3 constantly looking my way, and the more she drank the further away from me she got...damn.

How do I keep her on the hook? Feed her lies? And tell her the things she wants to hear?

09-23-2008, 03:49 PM
^^ Someone is gonna get hurt but thats the game we play bro.....

At least you set some kind of ground rules, But rules are always broken and meant to be that way...

Get ya thrills on quick and peace out of there.......

Stay away from the Crazy chick!!

She might think you into that shit too....

And # 3 was feeling challenged by the other girl so she was distancing herself so maybe she is a true FWB or a real jealous chick on the low...

What you think Romeo???????

POST 3400!!!!!!

09-23-2008, 03:55 PM

I figured it would happen...but I would like to keep a friendship with her. I don't want her to run off after we had sex. I want to PRESERVE her...lol. She's like 130lbs and I love throwing her around...*Sigh*

Here's a picture from last night at a fashion show of #3

The thing I love about #1 is that...She's with someone but she still makes points to see me and keep in contact with me...I know I'm her rebound man...but I'm not gonna catch her when she bounces :(

Oh, Romeo you are so far out! O Romeo, Romeo! where art thou Romeo?

09-24-2008, 12:08 AM
Romeo: So since #1,#3 are fine with us being friends with benefits...Eventually they are going to get attached right? I don't want to hurt them...so I laid out the rules before we even messed around...but no matter what they are gonna hurt huh?
Girls tend to get attached after they have sex with someone,
so I'd watch it if I were you, just be clear again on the rules.

The other night I was partying with friends and talking to this Raver chick...and I noticed #3 constantly looking my way, and the more she drank the further away from me she got...damn.

How do I keep her on the hook? Feed her lies? And tell her the things she wants to hear?
This was the relationship thread, not the Spit Game thread you created. :ddog:

Every girl loves a guy who tells her what she wants to hear, so I guess
you can keep feeding her lies and reel her in.

I figured it would happen...but I would like to keep a friendship with her. I don't want her to run off after we had sex. I want to PRESERVE her...lol. She's like 130lbs and I love throwing her around...*Sigh*

The thing I love about #1 is that...She's with someone but she still makes points to see me and keep in contact with me...I know I'm her rebound man...but I'm not gonna catch her when she bounces :(

Oh, Romeo you are so far out! O Romeo, Romeo! where art thou Romeo?
Try to keep her around then, but most likely she'll find someone
else that actually wants to start a relationship, and she'll end the
benefits with you.

I don't mess with FWBs, too much involved...

09-24-2008, 05:58 AM

Now that I think about it...I need to get out of this thread lmao..

thanks cuzzo <33

12-01-2008, 11:38 AM
Bump. :keke:

12-01-2008, 11:41 AM
Damn, I was just about to look for this:keke:

12-01-2008, 12:07 PM
^^ I love this thread also......

12-01-2008, 01:27 PM
yeah i have to agree with the earlier posts in this thread. high school relationships is a joke. i wasted so much time and effort into it when i could have been going to class, and not cutting school and fucking the dog shit out of her in my room[i guess it was cool for it's time]. it's a learning/maturity process that we all go through though.

i enjoy the single life now, but i think my friend's sister likes me, and i don't even know why or how she likes me. she grabbed on my hand at the club while her brother is there. she said, "i know you're scared of my brother." i told her, "hell no i ain't scared of him." this whole convo is while i'm freakin the shit out of her in front of my friend[her bro]. haha. damn, now she calls me babe and shit. oh my GOD.

i'm thinking, "damn did i get super drunk one night and flirted with her?" i only seen her like at least 3 times in my life and i don't remember flirting with her, i just remember her buying me a shot. i must've lead her on somehow by dancing with her i guess. she even asked for my number. it is what it is though, if she wants to fuck; i'll fuck. i don't know about getting with her though. that's like if one of my friend's getting with my sister.......just WTF!?!?!?! haha

12-01-2008, 01:33 PM
if she wants to fuck; i'll fuck. i don't know about getting with her though. that's like if one of my friend's getting with my sister.......just WTF!?!?!?! haha

That statement is backwards. Think about it like this. would you rather you friend fuck your sister then deuce out, or actually be committed with her and treat her right?

Dating/fucking your friends sister is risky play anyways. There is alot that could go wrong there. If you arent in to her, pull her to the side and let her know. It would hurt her alot less than just fucking her.

If you really do plan to fuck her, step lightly, because her bro could take this as a personal strike

12-01-2008, 01:35 PM
I don't think being in a relationship with your friend's sister is a bad idea.
Well, it just depends how close he is to you I guess, but you won't catch me
with a friend's sister.

12-01-2008, 02:00 PM
I agree with you two guys it is tough being involved with your boys sister...

Me personally i am with my best friends sister and i know when shit gets bad, it is very akward for us to be around each other since he will always take his sisters side no matter what..

All you have to do is be true to her this way 3 people don't get fucked over, you, him and her..

but if your looking for someone just to fuck.. that's a nono be prepared to lose your friend..

Like Future said: What would you do if one of ya boys just fucked ya sister and made her feel like shit cause she wanted more than that??

See what she wants before you make any kind of move...

If she wants to be with you give it some thought but if not and she just wants to get down, tell her you can't due to who her brother is to you

12-02-2008, 07:23 PM
great input and good lookin out[stiizy, aka, and future]! you guys get invisible rep!

12-02-2008, 07:28 PM
So what did you do? Plan to do about it?

12-02-2008, 08:02 PM
took some thinking.

i see her more as a friend, to like her never crossed my mind because i always see her as 'my friend's sis'. i will tell her that.

therefore, i am not going to lead her on in anyway and keep my distance. yeah sure, she's a cool person to hang out with, but what throw's me off is that she be calling "BABE".

12-02-2008, 08:23 PM
I listen to Leykis all the time, but he gets kind of
boring. His topics are usually about the same thing,
day in and day out.

Leykis 101
-never get married
-never have children
-fuck as many girls as you can
I stopped reading here. Sounds about right.

12-02-2008, 08:28 PM
Akadem forgot couple major rule....

NEVER DATE A SINGLE MOM(she already made one mistake, don't let you be the next. at best she is a booty call)

12-02-2008, 10:17 PM
Hahahaha Drew, I was gonna add more, but this is the RELATIONSHIP thread.
That belongs in the spit game one.


12-02-2008, 11:06 PM
took some thinking.

i see her more as a friend, to like her never crossed my mind because i always see her as 'my friend's sis'. i will tell her that.

therefore, i am not going to lead her on in anyway and keep my distance. yeah sure, she's a cool person to hang out with, but what throw's me off is that she be calling "BABE".

Smart decision bro. That shows you are a true friend. Perhaps you could ask her to stop calling you babe, and stop holding your hand.

Or if you dont want to verbally tell her no, you could just brush off the babe, and find reasons not to hold her hand. Most women are good at pickin up body language

12-03-2008, 01:56 AM
Heres my situation.. I recently broke up with my gf because i just wasnt feeling it anymore. We had been dating for years like 4yrs. A lot of drama and what not but i just didnt feel the connection anymore. There is this one chick at my old job and she wanted to go out and stuff like obviously she invited me to a hotel party to go with her so ya (that was when i had my girl)

so now im going with either one of these..

1. kick back, more time for myself, more money to be spent on whatever id like

2. persue that hot girl at my old job
+ my gf knows who she is because they had gone to the same HS.

Im leaning more towards just being single though and relax and kickback since i just got otu of a long relatioinship..

12-03-2008, 02:09 AM
i enjoy the single life now, but i think my friend's sister likes me, and i don't even know why or how she likes me. she grabbed on my hand at the club while her brother is there. she said, "i know you're scared of my brother." i told her, "hell no i ain't scared of him." this whole convo is while i'm freakin the shit out of her in front of my friend[her bro]. haha. damn, now she calls me babe and shit. oh my GOD.

i'm thinking, "damn did i get super drunk one night and flirted with her?" i only seen her like at least 3 times in my life and i don't remember flirting with her, i just remember her buying me a shot. i must've lead her on somehow by dancing with her i guess. she even asked for my number. it is what it is though, if she wants to fuck; i'll fuck. i don't know about getting with her though. that's like if one of my friend's getting with my sister.......just WTF!?!?!?! haha

haha i'm in a similar position. i have some family friends(mom, dad, son, and daughter, abbey) that i've known since freshman year of high school and there has always been weird sexual tension between me and abbey. both of us were in long-ass relationships throughout high school and into college. i thought the sexual tension was kinda disappearing, but it just so happened that we both broke up with our bf/gf's right before thanksgiving and of course our families had to have thanksgiving together. after dinner, we accidently kissed, which led to even more confusion when i took her to my room to tell her i didn't want to "ruin our friendship" and ended up making out with her instead. when she started touching the happy spot i made up an excuse and bounced out and pretty much avoided her the rest of the night.

so this sucks because we both like each other and we would be great together, but we're also family friends, so if we have a shitty break up, it will be weird and now she probably thinks that i think she's ugly or something... so idk what to do...

got another problem too:

so my ex that i just broke up with is still acting like we're still going out or something. i explained when she broke up with me that i would still like to be friends, not because i want to get back with her, but because i value her friendship(she's one of those really cool girls who you can talk about anything with, when she's not psycho) and she was ok with that. yet every time we've gone out for food, i've paid just because she doesn't even offer to pay her share. then today i was going to help her with a paper she had to write on a film. i set aside two hours to help her with it. she was two hours late when she called me and asked me to go out and rent the movie and then pick her up on my way back. i wouldn't even have done that shit when i was going out with her and when i pointed out that she was supposed to be at my house two hours ago with the movie, she flipped out as if i was being the asshole. how do i get it through to her that being a friend doesn't include being her bitch, without pissing her off more?

there, have fun with those scenarios...

12-03-2008, 02:09 AM
1. kick back, more time for myself, more money to be spent on whatever id like

2. persue that hot girl at my old job
+ my gf knows who she is because they had gone to the same HS.

who says you need to spend money to sleep with the new girl? kick it with her and play your cards right and use her as a booty call. don't wine and dine her.

12-03-2008, 02:14 AM
drew has been traumatized :keke:

12-03-2008, 02:16 AM
who says you need to spend money to sleep with the new girl? kick it with her and play your cards right and use her as a booty call. don't wine and dine her.

bro i dont wine and dine them hoes :bow:
like i said i never give em enough to catch the bus...

I just dont know whether to make a sudden move so fast like i know that chick wanted me and maybe still does or has moved on lol.

or just go play around :)

12-03-2008, 02:46 AM
Alotta the advice about high school relationships and long term ones are totally right, but the fact is life can throw you a million different curve balls. You got to be open minded about relationships. Listen to what you really feel and not let preset ideas rule the way you deal with them. Advice certainly helps, but sometimes, if you feel like you gotta do it, you gotta do it. I personally have been through 3 long relationships, with a little bit of play on the side.
I just got out of a relationship and personally, I still miss my ex, whos in high school. I know the stereotypes, but honestly, she is one of the most amazing girls i've ever met. It's taken awhile to get to the point where I'm not flipping shit anymore, but I still care/love/worry and wish it was me there instead of other guys sometimes. It's not gonna rule me but deep down i'd be stoked if it got better. She still wants to be close friends, and sometimes throws signals, but otherwise, doesn't want to be pushed. It's hard as shit to sort it all out.

12-03-2008, 07:05 AM
Heres my situation.. I recently broke up with my gf because i just wasnt feeling it anymore. We had been dating for years like 4yrs. A lot of drama and what not but i just didnt feel the connection anymore. There is this one chick at my old job and she wanted to go out and stuff like obviously she invited me to a hotel party to go with her so ya (that was when i had my girl) so now im going with either one of these.. 1. kick back, more time for myself, more money to be spent on whatever id like 2. persue that hot girl at my old job + my gf knows who she is because they had gone to the same HS. So? Im leaning more towards just being single though and relax and kickback since i just got otu of a long relatioinship..

Well first and foremost in order to be friends with the ex, you two are going to need serious time apart. Because if you get up with the girl from ya job and ya ex finds out, best believe she isnt going to be happy. And why should she be, if yall just broke off that short ago, then feelings are still going to be fresh. And if she has any contact with that girl, she might try to cock block

Now on to work girl, you can actually have both, you could just sleep with her and then be single, but only do that if she is just wanting dick. (if thats the case see hookup thread:bigok:)

If she wants to date you, I would say no right now, give yourself some time to breathe. Unless you are the type of person who needs commitment to survive, which you shouldnt be seein as you have a penis n all

haha i'm in a similar position. i have some family friends(mom, dad, son, and daughter, abbey) that i've known since freshman year of high school and there has always been weird sexual tension between me and abbey. both of us were in long-ass relationships throughout high school and into college. i thought the sexual tension was kinda disappearing, but it just so happened that we both broke up with our bf/gf's right before thanksgiving and of course our families had to have thanksgiving together. after dinner, we accidently kissed, which led to even more confusion when i took her to my room to tell her i didn't want to "ruin our friendship" and ended up making out with her instead. when she started touching the happy spot i made up an excuse and bounced out and pretty much avoided her the rest of the night. so this sucks because we both like each other and we would be great together, but we're also family friends, so if we have a shitty break up, it will be weird and now she probably thinks that i think she's ugly or something... so idk what to do... got another problem too: so my ex that i just broke up with is still acting like we're still going out or something. i explained when she broke up with me that i would still like to be friends, not because i want to get back with her, but because i value her friendship(she's one of those really cool girls who you can talk about anything with, when she's not psycho) and she was ok with that. yet every time we've gone out for food, i've paid just because she doesn't even offer to pay her share. then today i was going to help her with a paper she had to write on a film. i set aside two hours to help her with it. she was two hours late when she called me and asked me to go out and rent the movie and then pick her up on my way back. i wouldn't even have done that shit when i was going out with her and when i pointed out that she was supposed to be at my house two hours ago with the movie, she flipped out as if i was being the asshole. how do i get it through to her that being a friend doesn't include being her bitch, without pissing her off more? there, have fun with those scenarios...

Okkkk.....first off the new girl, that is a sticky situation, but riddle me this. Why do you feel yall would be great together? Better yet, riddle yourself that. Often times people feel they will be great with someone until they actually date them. That sweet understanding girl, may very well turn into a psycho bitch once you start dating her. Not saying she will, but its possible.

Secondly at least you know what you have to lose by dating this girl but dont let that be a deterrent by itself. You may very well have a girl that you are really good with and be really happy with and with the family connects it would be a blessed event, yet at the same tim if yall do break up bad and yall families are close, you gone see her alot, and you can't expect yall families to not talk just cuz yall fuck up so, tread with caution there.

You should sit her down and talk with her rationally about this, explain what happened before so the air is clear then sit down and find out what she wants too. Then make the decision together. So yall are not guessin what one another wants.

If yall talk and both of you want two different things, then you have yet another issue. If that happens try your hardest to reach a mutal decison, defend your point with examples that dont have to do with yall's families.

Aight now on ex, what you speak is to be expected. Look at it like this, if you went to bed at 10 pm and woke up at 6 am for a job every night for two years, then on the third year your schedule changed and you didnt have to wake up till 8. I gurantee you that your body would wake up close to 6 simply cuz its used to it.

Humans are creatures of habit, when we get used to doing somethin our bodies keep trying to do it. So its no surprise that you two are acting as if you are together. The best way to deal with that is another sit down. Yall need time apart. That is the way to break yall's habits with one another.

Plus if you do get with new girl, there is no way in hell you could continue to treat the ex like you currently do. If she is cool as you say she is, then she should understand that time apart will only do yall good.

12-03-2008, 07:30 AM
who says you need to spend money to sleep with the new girl? kick it with her and play your cards right and use her as a booty call. don't wine and dine her.

Damn who fucked you over bro??

I agree with Future on what he's saying and too lazy to read all of it too....

Origin good move on what you are doing alot of cats think with their dicks not their head good move man..:bow::bow:

12-03-2008, 10:56 AM
Heres my situation.. I recently broke up with my gf because i just wasnt feeling it anymore. We had been dating for years like 4yrs. A lot of drama and what not but i just didnt feel the connection anymore. There is this one chick at my old job and she wanted to go out and stuff like obviously she invited me to a hotel party to go with her so ya (that was when i had my girl)

so now im going with either one of these..

1. kick back, more time for myself, more money to be spent on whatever id like

2. persue that hot girl at my old job
+ my gf knows who she is because they had gone to the same HS.

Im leaning more towards just being single though and relax and kickback since i just got otu of a long relatioinship..

If you just got out of a 4 year relationship, I highly suggest you need time alone to recover from your past relationship.
If you're the relationship type of guy and is the type looking for "love", then you need time to let go of your ex first and foremost,
because it wouldn't be fair to the new girl if you still have feelings for your ex (that's if both you and her want a true relationship).
"In order to be able to fully love again, you first need to fully let go of the one you loved before." Sounds corny, but that's the idea.

If you're just looking for a fuck buddy, go ahead and get with the new girl.

haha i'm in a similar position. i have some family friends(mom, dad, son, and daughter, abbey) that i've known since freshman year of high school and there has always been weird sexual tension between me and abbey. both of us were in long-ass relationships throughout high school and into college. i thought the sexual tension was kinda disappearing, but it just so happened that we both broke up with our bf/gf's right before thanksgiving and of course our families had to have thanksgiving together. after dinner, we accidently kissed, which led to even more confusion when i took her to my room to tell her i didn't want to "ruin our friendship" and ended up making out with her instead. when she started touching the happy spot i made up an excuse and bounced out and pretty much avoided her the rest of the night.

so this sucks because we both like each other and we would be great together, but we're also family friends, so if we have a shitty break up, it will be weird and now she probably thinks that i think she's ugly or something... so idk what to do...

Those are always hard, relationships between family friends, but sometimes, even if you don't see/know it, those family members
(in their minds) have already paired you two up to be together. Talk to the girl about it and discuss those very concerns you
mentioned earlier, than make the decision according to what you two talked about, and if you were willing to risk it.

got another problem too:

so my ex that i just broke up with is still acting like we're still going out or something. i explained when she broke up with me that i would still like to be friends, not because i want to get back with her, but because i value her friendship(she's one of those really cool girls who you can talk about anything with, when she's not psycho) and she was ok with that. yet every time we've gone out for food, i've paid just because she doesn't even offer to pay her share. then today i was going to help her with a paper she had to write on a film. i set aside two hours to help her with it. she was two hours late when she called me and asked me to go out and rent the movie and then pick her up on my way back. i wouldn't even have done that shit when i was going out with her and when i pointed out that she was supposed to be at my house two hours ago with the movie, she flipped out as if i was being the asshole. how do i get it through to her that being a friend doesn't include being her bitch, without pissing her off more?

there, have fun with those scenarios...

You need to talk to her and lay the smack down. lol
Just explain to her the rules of what two still can and cannot do. If she can't respect that, just don't hang out with her or talk to her.

bro i dont wine and dine them hoes :bow:
like i said i never give em enough to catch the bus...

I just dont know whether to make a sudden move so fast like i know that chick wanted me and maybe still does or has moved on lol.

or just go play around :)

Like I said, it depends on what you want, read my reply again.

12-03-2008, 03:09 PM
Damn who fucked you over bro??

no one actually. only been in 2 long term relationships both around 2 years. wasn't a bad break up at all.

how do you get the idea that i was fucked over by me saying what i said?

12-03-2008, 03:15 PM
cuz you ruthless son! straight cutthroat!

12-04-2008, 08:09 AM
no one actually. only been in 2 long term relationships both around 2 years. wasn't a bad break up at all.

how do you get the idea that i was fucked over by me saying what i said?

cuz you ruthless son! straight cutthroat!

What Duff Said it just seems like you have a hate towards women... ( not calling you gay)

Like a certain bitterness...

But if not it's cool

12-04-2008, 06:53 PM
I think I should jump in on this thread, as I just came out of a really nice relationship, but still can't get things the way I want it. I got 2 other of my best buds that are in the exact same position I am in, and the girls are all KOREAN. I love korean's but damn the girls are so fuckin' harsh sometimes.

12-05-2008, 07:13 AM
I think I should jump in on this thread, as I just came out of a really nice relationship, but still can't get things the way I want it. I got 2 other of my best buds that are in the exact same position I am in, and the girls are all KOREAN. I love korean's but damn the girls are so fuckin' harsh sometimes.

they're fucking ruthless i messed with a few, they really don't seem to give a fuck bout what they do or say

12-05-2008, 04:31 PM
koreans are a no no.

12-06-2008, 08:50 PM
ok i got a question for you guys. I thought sure why not ask.
ok heres the story:
Gf of 2 1/2 years broke up with me about a month ago. Reason for her is she says she doesnt feel the same about me anymore. Says she's not happy and doesnt want to wait to be happy. Fast forward about a month we got into a stupid arguement i said something stupid to her. She wanted to break up but gave me chance since i realized i was being a idiot. Now, she tells me she feel that she should have broke up that day and ever since she's felt different.

Its been one 1 month now. I've told her i;m not gonna be friends with her. I guess she wants to be friends and for me to not be friends is some how me throwing away our friendship and memories? Idk i said no but she still texts me or ask me stupid stuff when i told her not to call me unless it was very important. She's told me that she has her sad days and her happy days since we split and still thinks till this day if she made the right discision but thinks its for the best. I am confused and tired of her bull crap. I've tried talking to her but she seems stubborn. Idk i think shes scared of being with me becuase she very ambitious and serious about school and she is going to school to be an RD and the odd part is that same weekend when she figured it all out that she was unhappy she was on a trip to a nutrition convention on the requirements and all the work she will have to go through this next following year. She was ok the morning before she left and completely changed the trip after wards. I sensed that something was wrong so something was coming.

so what do you guys think? you think shes just trying to be by her self for awhile due to stress from school and her future or she really is just done. I cant be waiting for her ass but her texting and calling me is not fucking helping and still is trying to tell me she cares about me and tells me how to handle this break up.

no cliffs just read!

12-06-2008, 08:53 PM
I'll answer it later. Too busy with the fight. =p

12-06-2008, 10:26 PM
ok i got a question for you guys. I thought sure why not ask.
ok heres the story:
Gf of 2 1/2 years broke up with me about a month ago. Reason for her is she says she doesnt feel the same about me anymore. Says she's not happy and doesnt want to wait to be happy. Fast forward about a month we got into a stupid arguement i said something stupid to her. She wanted to break up but gave me chance since i realized i was being a idiot. Now, she tells me she feel that she should have broke up that day and ever since she's felt different.

Its been one 1 month now. I've told her i;m not gonna be friends with her. I guess she wants to be friends and for me to not be friends is some how me throwing away our friendship and memories? Idk i said no but she still texts me or ask me stupid stuff when i told her not to call me unless it was very important. She's told me that she has her sad days and her happy days since we split and still thinks till this day if she made the right discision but thinks its for the best. I am confused and tired of her bull crap. I've tried talking to her but she seems stubborn. Idk i think shes scared of being with me becuase she very ambitious and serious about school and she is going to school to be an RD and the odd part is that same weekend when she figured it all out that she was unhappy she was on a trip to a nutrition convention on the requirements and all the work she will have to go through this next following year. She was ok the morning before she left and completely changed the trip after wards. I sensed that something was wrong so something was coming.

so what do you guys think? you think shes just trying to be by her self for awhile due to stress from school and her future or she really is just done. I cant be waiting for her ass but her texting and calling me is not fucking helping and still is trying to tell me she cares about me and tells me how to handle this break up.

no cliffs just read!

Sounds like a typical long-term relationship breakup. Meaning after you break up, you still act and talk as if you
were still together. Both of you need time away from each other for awhile. Both of you need time to think things through
and to get a clear mind and handle on things. Live your own life for now, tell her that both of you need serious time apart
since you just broke up. When you feel like sufficient time has passed, talk to her again if you want and see how you two are
feeling about each other and go from there. I was never a fan of couples getting back together, because if it didn't work out
the first time, what makes you think it'll work out the second time? That's what I think.

12-06-2008, 10:36 PM
Here's a question.

How do I get my wife into the car hobby? It'll make it easier to convince her to let me spend money on projects in the future. She doesn't seem that interested now, I've been showing her stuff online. I'm trying to get her to learn to drive 5spd in my S15, but she's scared.

12-06-2008, 10:41 PM
Teaching her stick would be a good idea to get her started into the car hobby you enjoy. While you're doing that,
tell her why you like doing what you do. Tell her you spending money on your car makes you happy, just like her
buying expensive bags or shoes, or whatever she likes to spend money on. I was in your situation once, but
with my ex-girlfriend, I taught her how to drive stick and just explained why I'm into the whole car hobby thing.
She understood and then started to get more interested in it.

12-06-2008, 11:05 PM
yeah i was doing ok being apart and when i told we cant be friends she got upset saying i was being unfair and theres nothing wrong with it. Yeah i think after time i can talk to her even though i want to still but it only be talking about what happened between us. she says shes afraid of seeing me in public becuase she's afraid of getting back together. Our relationship wasn't bad imo. It was something that came out of nowhere.

I asked her if she was unhappy about something why didnt she talk to me about it instead of letting it progress even worse. She had no real answer and it makes me mad. I'm more pissed at her but i tell her the longer she waits the harder it will be for me to get back together. For now, i'm trying to get a job and move out to a new city, try some new hobbies(think the piano lol) and see what happens. I made her my life too much so my self-esteem is real low. I used to have a really high self esteem before i met her and had alot of things going but i put all my effort in making it worked that i kinda need to start over. I'm not a bad looking guy. I was told by a girl the other day i was too cute to be taken and i work out alot so i guess women like a hard body lol. IDK its kinda depressing becuase i dont have much to do right now so i think about it too much.

i'm not taking the advice of nailing her friends or go out and nail a bunch if sluts. That aint me and i aint trying to hurt her with revenge. Not my style and i'm too much of a nice guy. My (girl) friend says she'll come back. Just ignore her and make it look like your ok and she'll come running back. If true, i aint waiting....

depending on how i'm feeling i might talk to her at the end of the month and if no good then wait till her b day or something which in 4 months. Shes gonna be home for the winter and shes going on a family boat trip for week so she'll be home for at least 2 weeks. This is gonna be weird becuase her house(where she grew up and i met her before she moved for college) is the next city over about 6 min and i have to watch my back. Hoping not to see her and her grand parents live down the street from me so i also have to avoid the awkwardness. If i see her i'm just run away and pretend i never saw her.

i dont get it i was the perfect boyfriend to her. HEr friends were jealous of her. because i am nice, cute, nice body, thought full and everything. Every other girl thinks she fucking crazy and know what her problem is.

12-06-2008, 11:13 PM
If I were you, I wouldn't get back with her. You're only 21. Go have fun and don't worry about
relationships, trust me. Enjoy your freedom because you will never get it back later on. Young
people nowadays put too much effort and thought into relationships, when they should be having
fun being young and carefree.

12-06-2008, 11:18 PM
yeah everyone older than me tells me to live it up. I wouldnt mind being with her. Dont get me wrong, at times i did get scared of being with her and only her but in the end i was cool with it. I guess we'll see what happens. I told her the time is running and she thinks she made a mistake she needs to talk to me about it. I aint taking her back that easy if it happen. There would be alot of changes. i dont know i probably start off slow if we got back together.. nothing too serious. if the spark is there then its there and if not then well i guess it wasnt meant to be.

i just hope she doesnt pop back into my life when i should be alone. IT keeps restarting the whole process. The only thing i know is alcohol is not the answer and i need to make sure i dont become dependent. for 4 years i never drank untill now....

12-07-2008, 12:43 AM
^Cigs aren't the answer either. After my breakup of 2 years, I'm fuckin' dieing here smokin cigs when I have asthma and I (was) a cross country runner, really wanted to keep going but now it seems like I can't. I drink any chance I get too.

Her reason for not wanting to be with me is that we are still young and she wants to put herself out there and party and have fun while going to college. All I see is a huge change from a cute innocent korean girl to a social, looking for parties and clubbing all the time, popping pills and smokin' cigs all the time, goin' to raves, just turning down the opposite direction that she was headed. Makes me sad to see such a great girl change like that. I mean yeah I understand she wants to have fun, but drugs and the wrong crowd of people can really mess things up.

Plus, I think its very unattractive when a girl smokes.

12-07-2008, 12:45 AM
Tell me about it. You see this hot girl. You're drooling over her, then she reaches into her bag
and grabs a cig. Fuck.

12-07-2008, 04:35 AM
^Cigs aren't the answer either. After my breakup of 2 years, I'm fuckin' dieing here smokin cigs when I have asthma and I (was) a cross country runner, really wanted to keep going but now it seems like I can't. I drink any chance I get too.

Her reason for not wanting to be with me is that we are still young and she wants to put herself out there and party and have fun while going to college. All I see is a huge change from a cute innocent korean girl to a social, looking for parties and clubbing all the time, popping pills and smokin' cigs all the time, goin' to raves, just turning down the opposite direction that she was headed. Makes me sad to see such a great girl change like that. I mean yeah I understand she wants to have fun, but drugs and the wrong crowd of people can really mess things up.

Plus, I think its very unattractive when a girl smokes.

I agree with you wes. Theres nothing worst than seeing a girl who likes going to parties to drink and smoke and act retarded and now all the dudes know shes easy. Its hard to meet a girl that will stay true though so many drugs/ alcohol and raves affect everybody.

anyways as for me i decided to just recooperate i broke up with my girl of 4 years so i need the time for myself PLUS ever since i havent been with her i enjoy this

- not having to call her
- not having to text her
- not having to take her out to eat or plan something to do
- more time to spend with my family and friends and do the stuff that i like to do like skate ( i pretty much quit skating cause we went out to much and i couldnt skate anymore) so now im planning to get back into it or maybe its too late now and rather work

anyways when your not with a girl its a win win situation more money to help out the loved ones and yourself

+ you can contact any girls and hang out wtih them individually :hitit:
your freee to see diff. girls and it just feels pretty good not having to call them/ text since thier not your gf

yup this thread made me realize how much i have been wanting to be single ever since i had to waste a nickle on that biatch:faint:

12-07-2008, 09:40 AM
ok so i was taking off my gf's pants and then i found out she had a penis!!!!! what do i do? :ughd:

12-07-2008, 11:53 AM
I agree with you wes. Theres nothing worst than seeing a girl who likes going to parties to drink and smoke and act retarded and now all the dudes know shes easy. Its hard to meet a girl that will stay true though so many drugs/ alcohol and raves affect everybody.

anyways as for me i decided to just recooperate i broke up with my girl of 4 years so i need the time for myself PLUS ever since i havent been with her i enjoy this

- not having to call her
- not having to text her
- not having to take her out to eat or plan something to do
- more time to spend with my family and friends and do the stuff that i like to do like skate ( i pretty much quit skating cause we went out to much and i couldnt skate anymore) so now im planning to get back into it or maybe its too late now and rather work

anyways when your not with a girl its a win win situation more money to help out the loved ones and yourself

+ you can contact any girls and hang out wtih them individually :hitit:
your freee to see diff. girls and it just feels pretty good not having to call them/ text since thier not your gf

yup this thread made me realize how much i have been wanting to be single ever since i had to waste a nickle on that biatch:faint:

Good for you, just remember that while bachelorism is good eventually its best to settle down. Of course that happens when you are emotionally, mentally and physically able to handle it, and of course meet a girl that you are compatible enough with (yea I dont believe in the "right" girl)

ok so i was taking off my gf's pants and then i found out she had a penis!!!!! what do i do? :ughd:

I will assume you are joking, but just in case you are not, then if you are into trannies then have fun, if not seek elsewhere for vagina, seek hookup thread

12-07-2008, 05:36 PM
^Cigs aren't the answer either. After my breakup of 2 years, I'm fuckin' dieing here smokin cigs when I have asthma and I (was) a cross country runner, really wanted to keep going but now it seems like I can't. I drink any chance I get too.

Her reason for not wanting to be with me is that we are still young and she wants to put herself out there and party and have fun while going to college. All I see is a huge change from a cute innocent korean girl to a social, looking for parties and clubbing all the time, popping pills and smokin' cigs all the time, goin' to raves, just turning down the opposite direction that she was headed. Makes me sad to see such a great girl change like that. I mean yeah I understand she wants to have fun, but drugs and the wrong crowd of people can really mess things up.

Plus, I think its very unattractive when a girl smokes.

i have a cousin who went through the same thing. Smoked alot and whenever he wasnt he'd freak out. I kinda go the same thing with my ex. I think she wants to go party all the time and drink. Actually thats how everything went bad, she hanged out with the wrong crowd and changed everything.

so far i haven't called her so i guess good job for me?? just sucks that i have to watch where i go becuase she might there. It kinda lame when i cant go to church becuase i think she might be there with her family that weekend. I should be letting her get in the way in going to church. I dont go often so whenever i get the chance i want to go. It kinda keeps me grounded and level headed(hence why i never made alot of mistakes in our relationship).

12-07-2008, 05:55 PM
Theres nothing worst than seeing a girl who likes going to parties to drink and smoke and act retarded and now all the dudes know shes easy.

what are you talking about? those are the best kind of girls. girls like this, know how to have fun.

i got no standards/morals ha.

12-07-2008, 10:33 PM
i have a cousin who went through the same thing. Smoked alot and whenever he wasnt he'd freak out. I kinda go the same thing with my ex. I think she wants to go party all the time and drink. Actually thats how everything went bad, she hanged out with the wrong crowd and changed everything.

so far i haven't called her so i guess good job for me?? just sucks that i have to watch where i go becuase she might there. It kinda lame when i cant go to church becuase i think she might be there with her family that weekend. I should be letting her get in the way in going to church. I dont go often so whenever i get the chance i want to go. It kinda keeps me grounded and level headed(hence why i never made alot of mistakes in our relationship).

I know it hurts right now, but eventually you wont worry about whether or not she will be there. I once had a bad break up and was worried cuz me and the girl worked at the same place. But she got fired so it was cool.

You should try your best to not worry about whether or not she is there. Being in the same place with her and learning not to feel so much is something that you may just have to face.

Try not to let it get to you, time will help, and yes good job for not calling

12-07-2008, 10:39 PM
your freee to see diff. girls and it just feels pretty good not having to call them/ text since thier not your gf

yup this thread made me realize how much i have been wanting to be single ever since i had to waste a nickle on that biatch:faint:
my ex girl used to do that shit. wantin me to text every 5mins. Then stay up on the phone until SHE got tired. ah freedom.

12-07-2008, 10:43 PM
I hate talking on the phone. Either text me or AIM me on my phone. With text, you get
straight to the point. All the girls I talk to know that so they cooperate. Also, you can talk
to other people also when people just text you.

12-07-2008, 10:45 PM
on a plus note i have more money for myself since i wasted so much money driving 2 1/2 hours back forward every week.. sometimes 2 times and she only visited like what 1 time a month.... fuck i wasted so much of my money. PLus, i get to now work where i want since i dont have to worry about work getting in the way with her.

12-07-2008, 10:46 PM
Where do you live and where does she? 2.5 hours? That isn't really worth it since you're
so young.

12-07-2008, 11:04 PM
on a plus note i have more money for myself since i wasted so much money driving 2 1/2 hours back forward every week.. sometimes 2 times and she only visited like what 1 time a month.... fuck i wasted so much of my money. PLus, i get to now work where i want since i dont have to worry about work getting in the way with her.

Damn, that is pure selfish. Relationships with girls like that are tough. Takes alots but gives a little.

Where do you live and where does she? 2.5 hours? That isn't really worth it since you're
so young.

I agree, not every weekend, not unless she was coming to see you to. I already told my female once we grad college expect to see me twice a month, maybe less

12-07-2008, 11:28 PM
i live in a little town about 50 min north of sac. She goes to ucdavis. her actual home is about 5 min north of me so she visits home.

that kinda made me frustrated so i kinda bitched at her alot since she never really came. She was very selfious even though she will never admit it.

the drive 1.2 hours there and about the same back. At first it was kinda gay but soon enough it became like a regualr and i didn't seem like a long drive. I seriously dont mind the drive, i'm pretty cool and understanding. Just got retarded that she cant make one trip. Put alot of my miles on my car too( i could knock off like 18,000 of my OD if i wasnt with her.... the first year i under stood since she live in a dorm and your not allowed to have a vehicle and the second year she wrecked her truck.... its kinda my fault since she was coming to see me where she could have went back home and avoided(long story) but mostly her fault since she is a terrible driver.

I did alot for her and got nothing back. I wasted alot of my time and lost alot of opportunities becuase of her while she gained alot and had her piece of the cake. Now i have to start off where i left off 2 years ago. Got to get a job, get a new hobbies, start talking to my friends, start working on my car again( i havnt touched it in 2 years) due to being broke becuase of her. I also made about 5G's on a rx7 part out that i bought for 300.00 off my teacher. Guess where it went? all living with her in the summer in davis. The town sucks and the people suck( well not everyone) but mostly are stuck up just like her. None of my friends ever liked her because she gave off this bitchy "i'm better than you" additude. She swears she never did but idk i was bliind at the moment. She was a tough girl to deal with. Was very draining....the gay thing is she promised everything would work out when she moved and i wa the one who had doubts and wanted to call it quits. I'm a fool but i gotta learn from it. I'm not gonna moan about he and be bitter like she was towards me in the beginning of our relationship( she was cheated on previously) i think thats why she allways put her self and her needs before me.

i used to be a real cool, happy dude. Made everyones day better and was very ambitious and confident. Lost it all with her. Tommarow i'm gonna go shopping with a friend to kinda find my style again ha ha ha.

12-07-2008, 11:42 PM
See what relationships do to you when you're young? Take that as a lesson.

Come down to SoCal for New Years and go to Together As One. You'll have a blast. lmao

12-07-2008, 11:46 PM
lmao yeah i bet i would. I would want to nyc just becuase it be bad ass. I probably spend it with the people i can trust and rely on at all times... my big ass family.

12-08-2008, 12:15 AM
See what relationships do to you when you're young? Take that as a lesson.

Come down to SoCal for New Years and go to Together As One. You'll have a blast. lmao

I have to disagree with that. I am the same age as silpena is and I have been in a CELIBATE relationship for nearly a year and a half and we are going strong.

It is not your age that determines whether a relationship fails or succeeds. It is your maturity level, your willingness to compromise and your compatibility with the person you are with.

I've been told all my life by parents, teachers, aunts, etc. that I am overly mature for my age. Which is why I can give advise on the same level as you (which I hope you dont mind me doing since this is your thread:bigok:)

12-08-2008, 12:22 AM
wow i just read this whole thread lol

12-08-2008, 12:49 AM
I agree about the maturity level, but how many young people do you know have enough
experience to truly have a good relationship? Most of them have no clue on what to do.
In my opinion, I don't think people should take relationships so seriously when they're young.
Relationships are fine, but don't put too much into them, because 9 out of 10 times, it'll end
and you'll find out quickly he/she wasn't the one for you.

12-08-2008, 01:56 AM
Dude, you can try to fight how you feel all you want, but in the end, it keeps coming back.

fuck dude, i miss my ex.

ya ya, shut up haters lol

12-08-2008, 07:31 AM
Dude, you can try to fight how you feel all you want, but in the end, it keeps coming back.

fuck dude, i miss my ex.

ya ya, shut up haters lol

I know how that feels but what you gotta do is stay occupied and you'll see how time goes by...

Going out during the day coming home when it's time to sleep passes the time very quickly..

Drinking never helps as it depresses you more..

No need to care if others will hate cause you miss your ex..

But think of this, if she was meant for you she wouldn't be an ex now would she..

You can never move forward , if you keep looking backwards...

^ those words helped me in a devastating break up years back and i never felt better afterwards..

12-08-2008, 07:34 AM
I agree about the maturity level, but how many young people do you know have enough
experience to truly have a good relationship? Most of them have no clue on what to do.
In my opinion, I don't think people should take relationships so seriously when they're young.
Relationships are fine, but don't put too much into them, because 9 out of 10 times, it'll end
and you'll find out quickly he/she wasn't the one for you.

I agree its rare, but I wouldn't say dont take it less serious, I would say tread with more caution.

12-08-2008, 06:50 PM
Dude, you can try to fight how you feel all you want, but in the end, it keeps coming back.

fuck dude, i miss my ex.

ya ya, shut up haters lol

true man. i thought i was finnally getting over my ex and i ended up seeing her at a party and its back to day one. get some new hobbies.

12-08-2008, 07:05 PM
there's going to be a long ass post in like 2 hours about relationships(my story of them)
i just don't have the energy to type it right now.

12-08-2008, 07:11 PM
on a plus note i have more money for myself since i wasted so much money driving 2 1/2 hours back forward every week.. sometimes 2 times and she only visited like what 1 time a month.... fuck i wasted so much of my money. PLus, i get to now work where i want since i dont have to worry about work getting in the way with her.

hahah that sounds just like me a few months ago. must have spent easily 500 in a month for gas and tolls alone. not to forget dinners and things here and there. i think i dropped close to 4 g's in 6 months.

now i learned and im enjoying single life. i know the next girl i get i won't be so damn stupid with my money and won't wine and dine her beyond my means.

fuck bitches get money~ seriously was not worth it and when i think about it, was not necessary at all....

oh for any of you guys that went through a real devastating break up as i did...i always say that everything happens for a reason, just sometimes you don't know what that reason is until later on.


12-08-2008, 07:26 PM
To start off, I'm 18, overweight, a virgin(never had sex, I've done other things though)

There's three girls: Whitney, Cari, and Beth.

Whitney: Obsessed with me, keeps coming back, broke her heart numerous times, she keeps thinking that I changed, but within a couple days I decide I don't want to be with her, I treat her like shit, I don't know why, it's only her. Don't really ever want to go out with her and don't even want to have sex with her, she's not that good looking.

Cari: I fell in love with her this summer, she said she wanted me to play hard to get and then she'd say yes, I thought that meant be a dick to her, but I couldn't be a dick to her so I didn't play hard to get so I didn't get with her, she's at college now, I'm still in love with her, but she goes out with some other guy now and I refuse to give up on her. She's perfect in my eyes and I couldn't see being with someone else over her.

Beth: Known her since sophomore year in high school, I'm now a freshman in college, we were more of acquaintances during the high school years, I'd like more now that we're hanging out some now but I'm not sure what she wants.

I'm not one to make first moves unless I hang out with girls a couple times and feel that they like me.
Right now it looks like Mona(my 240) is the only gal for me.

Oh yeah, I'm jobless and I can't stop thinking about girls.
I had no problem NOT thinking about it while working.

12-08-2008, 07:53 PM
they're fucking ruthless i messed with a few, they really don't seem to give a fuck bout what they do or say

lmao being korean myself i will say this is true. it's funny i don't even look for korean girls any more. most of them not all, are way to materialistic, too dramatic(from watching too many korean dramas) and more importantly(for me) just not interesting (intellectually).

12-08-2008, 08:13 PM
Whitney: Obsessed with me, keeps coming back, broke her heart numerous times, she keeps thinking that I changed, but within a couple days I decide I don't want to be with her, I treat her like shit, I don't know why, it's only her. Don't really ever want to go out with her and don't even want to have sex with her, she's not that good looking.
Don't bother with this one. I know how it feels to have girls who like you, yet you aren't interested one bit in them.
Better to stay clear before you hurt them, either on purpose or unknowingly.

Cari: I fell in love with her this summer, she said she wanted me to play hard to get and then she'd say yes, I thought that meant be a dick to her, but I couldn't be a dick to her so I didn't play hard to get so I didn't get with her, she's at college now, I'm still in love with her, but she goes out with some other guy now and I refuse to give up on her. She's perfect in my eyes and I couldn't see being with someone else over her.
I know this situation too well. If you really feel this way about her and think she's worth the trouble, then go for it
and let her know that you won't let her get away for the second time. Even if she's seeing someone, let her know.
The feeling of not knowing what could have been is killer. Better to tell her and inform her of how you feel.

Beth: Known her since sophomore year in high school, I'm now a freshman in college, we were more of acquaintances during the high school years, I'd like more now that we're hanging out some now but I'm not sure what she wants.
Ask her straight out what this hanging out means to her, if it's to get to know each other or just a friendly gesture.
Knowing that will help you figure out what to do, whether to keep at it, or just be friends.

To start off, I'm 18
With that said, I advise for you to forget about relationships and just have fun with your life. As you grow up and
mature, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. But if you're the type who needs to be in a relationship, then
I'd first go to Cari and see where that takes you.

12-08-2008, 08:41 PM
Damn you're good, and I'm the kind that needs to be in a relationship, I'm a hell of a lot happier with someone by my side.

12-08-2008, 08:42 PM
Damn you're good, and I'm the kind that needs to be in a relationship, I'm a hell of a lot happier with someone by my side.

dad not in the picture?

i think the real question is why aren't you having sex with these broads? like you're young, do that shit. please don't waste your time with Cari. seems like she isn't interested in you since she is dating some other dude. you're already in the FRIENDS ZONE and you probably won't go pass that.

Beth: i wouldnt do what aka said with the whole "as her straight out what hanging out means to her". to me, she'll probably think that you think to much into small stuff such as hanging out as friends(cause thats what you two are right now). i think people KNOW where they stand the instant they hang out. the stuff you guys talk about, the body language etc.

it seems like you think too much into small things.

i unno, i think after 4 years of 2 different relationships im pretty much done. being single is so much easier. i have more time to focus on myself and what i need to do in life. i think people that NEED to be in a relationship set themselves up for failure cause i think that alone is a problem.

12-08-2008, 08:47 PM
Damn you're good, and I'm the kind that needs to be in a relationship, I'm a hell of a lot happier with someone by my side.
That's the problem right there. It's not healthy if you can't be happy by yourself, because you don't need anyone but
yourself to make you happy. People should never have to rely on a significant other to keep themselves happy. You need
to learn how to stand on your own two feet first.

12-08-2008, 09:06 PM
You need
to learn how to stand on your own two feet first.

**I'm an amputee. I'm missing my left leg.**
No I'm not, I have all three legs.. sorry if I offended anyone with the above statement^^
I'm going to listen to you and tell Cari how I feel.

12-08-2008, 09:43 PM
fuck tellin her how you feel. women dont listen anyways. just start screwing her friends, seems to be working out well for me.

12-08-2008, 10:08 PM
fuck tellin her how you feel. women dont listen anyways. just start screwing her friends, seems to be working out well for me.

see this fucker right here...is speaking the truth.

SHE IS DATING ANOTHER GUY. leave that shit alone. you missed your chance because you read her wrong, your fault your lost.

you'll probably end up crying after you tell her you feel when she goes tells you she doesn't care.

move on. smash as much pussy as you can. stop being pussified. that reason you're in this situation right now is because you're this wuss.

12-08-2008, 10:16 PM
This is the relationship thread, not the pussy smashing thread. If you want a legit relationship that's not going to get it for you...

12-08-2008, 10:25 PM
Dan, you're still alive? haha

see this fucker right here...is speaking the truth.

SHE IS DATING ANOTHER GUY. leave that shit alone. you missed your chance because you read her wrong, your fault your lost.

you'll probably end up crying after you tell her you feel when she goes tells you she doesn't care.

move on. smash as much pussy as you can. stop being pussified. that reason you're in this situation right now is because you're this wuss.
I agree with this whole post, but that would make this whole thread invalid. http://www.honda-tech.com/images/smilies/emsmilep.gif

12-08-2008, 10:31 PM
ok i really didnt want to post this in here, but i will anyway.

ok there are these 2 girls, we will call them abby and sara

back story.

sara is a girl from my high school, my age. "the popular girl" prom queen and all that jazz. I dated her starting late in my senior year of high school up until second semester of my freshman year in college.

abby is younger than i am. but weve known each other for YEARS, she was kinda like "my little sister" if you know what i mean.. she was on my team for as long as i can remember and we know eachother really well.

ok so i'm going to try to not make this long. sara and i were dating, but the distance started getting to her, which meant she started getting to me.. through this time i was talking to abby a lot, nothing sinister or anything because we had always talked a lot, remember that "little sister" thing. BUT this started to develop into more than that. and it came to the point where i looked forward to HER calls a lot more than sara's... so against my better judgement (i chased sarah for damn near 7 months before i got her... honestly i dint want to let go...) i broke up with sara to try to start something with abby. i didnt just jump into it right away, i'm not that stupid. but we started just "seeing eachother" hanging out just us two once in a while. i grew REALLY fond of her...like really..and then one day i kissed her.... after that there wasnt really any secret that we liked eachother, but i didnt want to get into a relationship until i was done with school. so summer came....and literally like the first day of summer i asked her out and then we were dating...

intermission. sara is now officially out of this story, she still wants me but the only time we talk is when she tries to brag about how well her new boyfriend communicates with her.

ok, so 3 months goes by and we are really happy, everything is going well. then we get toward the end of summer and she starts becoming "distant" i know this was a really busy time for her, with lots of competition in different parts of the country, but it started getting harder and harder for her to find time for us. I'm not controlling or anything, i'm pretty laid back so i dont really think much of it. so the last day of summer comes and i had not seen her for a week or two....i call her up and ask if we can go get breakfast or something before i leave to go move back into school. we go out, things are kind of awkward. before i leave i ask her one more time if something was wrong (i had been asking this all the time in the last week or so and the answer was always no, everythings great, but i'm not stupid...) so she finally says yes. to make a long story short. she says that this summer had been great but she really needed to focus on school and swimming this year and she thought it would best for us to "take a break"

intermission 2.

now like i said, i'm not stupid so i know "taking a break" is a nice way of saying i'm breaking up with you. but she was crying so i just gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek and told her i would miss her and stuff or whatever, which made her sadder..

fast forward to now... i have seen once since then, we have talked a couple times on the phone but its always been awkward, i'm at school and she is back home. BUT I CANT GET HER OFF OF MY MIND. i really like her still and i dont know what to do about it. i want to talk to her, but i dont want to be that desperate guy that wont let go, i have no idea how she is feeling at all. i know she hasnt been seeing or talking to any other guys or anything. i just dont know what to do. while i was home for the holiday i saw her at practice and she said hi, but not much else. i tried to call her to ask if she wanted to go out and do something like food or a movie, but i never got a call back. i really dont want to just let her go. especially like it is now, since not only have i lost her as a girlfriend, we dont even talk anymore, i dont even feel like we are friends.

12-08-2008, 10:34 PM
This is the relationship thread, not the pussy smashing thread. If you want a legit relationship that's not going to get it for you...

neither is asking complete strangers on a fucking car forum.

if you all want to know the secret of relationships ill drop some knowledge on you real quick. you will find the one thats right for you when you are not looking for it. they will drop into your life, and everything with them will just click.

i think its great that you guys are offering advice on this subject, but be wary of taking advice about shit like this from complete strangers. some of the shit ive read in this thread is just complete and utter bullshit. you have no idea the past experiences these guys have been through and even if they are "qualified" to be giving out advice of this nature.

12-08-2008, 10:44 PM
Crazy to see some of you Zilvians turn to your soft side. Everybody say "awwwwww". :naughty:

To LongGrain:
That sounds like a rough situation to be in, but I know exactly how that feels to be in your place. I say let it go,
like you said, you don't wanna be the lonely dude who can't learn how to let go. If anything, and if you two are
meant to be (cliche I know), then she'll be back in your life sooner or later. In the meantime, have fun.

12-08-2008, 10:50 PM
remember, people are ex's for a reason. it never works out the second time around.

some books to help:

Top Relationship Books for Those Getting Ready to Date Again (http://dating.about.com/od/datingprep/tp/relationshipbooksreadytodate.htm)

12-09-2008, 12:01 AM
So ok I guess ill do this too...

I dated a girl from my senior year of high school to my junior year of college, it got very serious and I got damn close to proposing to her. She decided to study abroad for a year and the distance proved to be to much for her. We have maintained a "somewhat" friendship for a year since she has been back and I just found out today from a mutual friend that she is dating someone and it is getting a bit serious.

basically it is eating me alive inside. I havent dated a single person since her and it truly hasnt crossed my mind. How can i get her out of my head and finally open myself up to dating again? any advice?

12-09-2008, 12:05 AM
So ok I guess ill do this too...

I dated a girl from my senior year of high school to my junior year of college, it got very serious and I got damn close to proposing to her. She decided to study abroad for a year and the distance proved to be to much for her. We have maintained a "somewhat" friendship for a year since she has been back and I just found out today from a mutual friend that she is dating someone and it is getting a bit serious.

basically it is eating me alive inside. I havent dated a single person since her and it truly hasnt crossed my mind. How can i get her out of my head and finally open myself up to dating again? any advice?

give yourself some time man, but feel free to go out and be seen. ya don't wanna get stuck inside feelin all sorry for yourself. plenty of women out there man.

12-09-2008, 03:05 AM
I know how that feels but what you gotta do is stay occupied and you'll see how time goes by...

Going out during the day coming home when it's time to sleep passes the time very quickly..

Drinking never helps as it depresses you more..

No need to care if others will hate cause you miss your ex..

But think of this, if she was meant for you she wouldn't be an ex now would she..

You can never move forward , if you keep looking backwards...

^ those words helped me in a devastating break up years back and i never felt better afterwards..

Those are good words to follow, I'm glad you posted them. You and your stories and ways with girls stiizy, you know your shit.

12-09-2008, 08:07 AM
Those are good words to follow, I'm glad you posted them. You and your stories and ways with girls stiizy, you know your shit.

Thanks man i try to help out anyone i can so they don't have to go through a tough time themselves as i have seen and been in so many situations..

Anything to help my fellow man out i'm here..

So ok I guess ill do this too...

I dated a girl from my senior year of high school to my junior year of college, it got very serious and I got damn close to proposing to her. She decided to study abroad for a year and the distance proved to be to much for her. We have maintained a "somewhat" friendship for a year since she has been back and I just found out today from a mutual friend that she is dating someone and it is getting a bit serious.

basically it is eating me alive inside. I havent dated a single person since her and it truly hasnt crossed my mind. How can i get her out of my head and finally open myself up to dating again? any advice?

Like it was said, call your boys up go out to a few parties bars but don't look for anyone

You'll never find a true girl at a party,bar or club...

Stay occupied like i said before, always have an agenda

Maybe the gym or work or your car..

Start calling old female friends and hangout...

You'll feel better in no time

and please please don't try and drink away the pain it will not help only kill you inside even more..

And if you gotta cry then fuck it do it who cares any or these guys in here who say they've never cried over a girl is fucking lying..

Showing emotion helps you get over it quickly..

If you ever want to just shoot the shit bout things just pm me..

Believe it or not alot of members do..

12-09-2008, 08:49 AM
^^^^TRUTH. parties and shit helps. Or fuck the best remedy for me was go on a loooong ass drive with some chill music.

That shit happened to me recently. Seen my ex with another dude and I wanted to flip and beat ass. You just gotta remove the thoughts with some type of activities or some shit then youll (hopefully) forget bout her.

12-09-2008, 09:11 AM
^^^^TRUTH. parties and shit helps. Or fuck the best remedy for me was go on a loooong ass drive with some chill music.

That shit happened to me recently. Seen my ex with another dude and I wanted to flip and beat ass. You just gotta remove the thoughts with some type of activities or some shit then youll (hopefully) forget bout her.

Very true long drives do help..

Just don't listen to shit you and her used to listen to or that reminds you of her..

Beating his ass solves nothing, it's not his fault he is with her..

Unless he's someone who snaked you such as one of your friends

but if he's a new guy than it's purposeless to beat his ass, since she went to him looking for something new..

It will only make you look childish beating his ass and she'll say to her self she's glad she's not with you and hold a low opinion of you..

It might feel good to fuck him up, but in the long run you actually helped and solved nothing..

12-09-2008, 09:56 AM
Very true long drives do help..

Just don't listen to shit you and her used to listen to or that reminds you of her..

Beating his ass solves nothing, it's not his fault he is with her..

Unless he's someone who snaked you such as one of your friends

but if he's a new guy than it's purposeless to beat his ass, since she went to him looking for something new..

It will only make you look childish beating his ass and she'll say to her self she's glad she's not with you and hold a low opinion of you..

It might feel good to fuck him up, but in the long run you actually helped and solved nothing..

On those long drives listening to aggressive music that makes you want to fuck someone up is not advisable either.

12-09-2008, 10:36 AM
So ok I guess ill do this too...

I dated a girl from my senior year of high school to my junior year of college, it got very serious and I got damn close to proposing to her. She decided to study abroad for a year and the distance proved to be to much for her. We have maintained a "somewhat" friendship for a year since she has been back and I just found out today from a mutual friend that she is dating someone and it is getting a bit serious.

basically it is eating me alive inside. I havent dated a single person since her and it truly hasnt crossed my mind. How can i get her out of my head and finally open myself up to dating again? any advice?
Like the others have said, you need time to go out and have fun, to be yourself and to enjoy life. Call up some friends
and go out to the club or wherever place you like to hang out at. Let it all out with emotions, as Stiizy said, because
that will release all the tension and pain inside, and another thing I suggest is to write a letter or e-mail to her explaining
exactly how you feel, because it's sorta like a release of everything you wanna tell her and that'll lift off so much off your
shoulders. Even if you don't actually send it, writing it down will help alot.

Also, take a drive as they already told you, and listen to some calming music, or even driving music. Don't listen to slowjams
or anything that would make you want to drive aggressively. This may sound a little hard to do but listen to classical
music, it really is relaxing.

theronin, so I see you giving advice as well. :wavey::boink:

12-09-2008, 03:04 PM
Like the others have said, you need time to go out and have fun, to be yourself and to enjoy life. Call up some friends
and go out to the club or wherever place you like to hang out at. Let it all out with emotions, as Stiizy said, because
that will release all the tension and pain inside, and another thing I suggest is to write a letter or e-mail to her explaining
exactly how you feel, because it's sorta like a release of everything you wanna tell her and that'll lift off so much off your
shoulders. Even if you don't actually send it, writing it down will help alot.

Also, take a drive as they already told you, and listen to some calming music, or even driving music. Don't listen to slowjams
or anything that would make you want to drive aggressively. This may sound a little hard to do but listen to classical
music, it really is relaxing.

theronin, so I see you giving advice as well. :wavey::boink:

heheh yeah, yesterday was a bad day for me. sorry i kinda blew up at you guys. just alot of shit has started to hit the fan in every aspect of my life. and yesterday just seemed to be the breaking point for me.

12-09-2008, 03:07 PM
We all go through that sometimes, hope you're alright now. Now go give out pearl necklaces to unsuspecting victims.

12-09-2008, 03:11 PM
damn all my friends are either busy/married/ or work alot so i cant go out to the bars/clubs. Guess gotta work more or do more stuff. Getting nervous since my ex will be in town soon.... hope i dont see her.

12-09-2008, 03:14 PM
if it smells like fish, make it a dish.
if it smells like colone. leave it alone!!

srr i had to... ajajaj

on a real note... i havent had a grl.. for like 7 months... am i rusty? lmao

12-09-2008, 03:16 PM
damn all my friends are either busy/married/ or work alot so i cant go out to the bars/clubs. Guess gotta work more or do more stuff. Getting nervous since my ex will be in town soon.... hope i dont see her.

Exactly this is a time for you to be more productive in life. Become a better worker at work, studier harder if you are in college, get ya 240 running if it isnt. Fill the time you sent to dedicate to the ex to yourself.

And if for some reason you do see her, just act as if she is a leper.

12-09-2008, 04:13 PM
yeah well i am almost done with school so alot of my classes are spread out to the point where i can only take 3-6 units. Yup back to my 240. I havnt done anything or touched it in days. So much i could have done to it. I used to be a hard worker but lost due to her... i need to find a job first. I've been doing mostly side jobs(autobody/paint work) but thats been going bad lately since not alot off ppl looking for paintwork.

ha ha ha yeh i will avoid her like the plague and her family..well maybe not them since they have nothing to do with it.

12-09-2008, 04:28 PM
Just keep yourself occupied and your feelings for her will disappear without you even knowing it. Good luck.

12-09-2008, 05:16 PM
Just keep yourself occupied and your feelings for her will disappear without you even knowing it. Good luck.

yeah this is so true. when my lady of 3 years and i broke up i made the mistake of becoming a hermit for a good 4 months. completely set back my getting over her. just funnel all that energy and time that u used to put into her into work, car, working out. it will pay off in the long run when youve got a good job, a nice car, and your buff.

12-10-2008, 12:15 AM
well....guess what who decided to pop up??? My EX! god dammit she just texted my asking for these 100.00 i guess from when a lock smith had to come to her apartment to open her door..heres the story behind it.

Ex did not have her key to her room so she decided to strip the key hole so bad u can't ever lock the door( this happened a week after i movd back home) so i go about a week later to visit. Ok,cool i was at her room and i leave her room to go do something. I close the door and lock it because i am so used to it. IN the summer she all ways nagged me about locking the door...allways..allways.. did i say ALLWAYS? well so guess what i am used to that. She calls me later. I didnt get her calls. She leaves like 5 texts, 2 voice mails all within like an hour and a half bitching at me about her being locked out and her losing 2 hours of study time.. i offer to go help(drive out over an hour since she must be doing it wrong) Wrong! she gets a lock smith to open it and gets charged 100.00 and bitches at me and not even caring that it was her fault originally and yelling at me like i'm retarded is not gonna help. It took about the next day to say she "kinda" went over board. Me being cool said whatever and said i'd pay her back since i'm nice guy but now i think fuck it! it was her fault and her coming at me at my weakest point in life is messed up. If she wants to do that then i'm gonna ask for all the $$ i spent driving to see her and stuff like the gps i bought( i could use it). Idk what to tell her. Right now i'm ignoring the text but sooner or later she is gonna call every min. I wanna be a dick and tell her to fuck off but that is not mature.... damn she's like trying to make my life hell. Now that i'm not with her i'm not as blind and can realize i dont owe her anything and she never asked for it the right way. I guess she cared more about the $$ and 2 hours of study time then me at the time..kinda f'ed up to me.

why is it when i'm having a pretty good day she somehow pops up to fuck it up? seriously i'm getting tired of this. I want to block her ass if she keeps this up. All its gonna be is an argument about our breakout, my feelings coming out, then starting all over again. I should text her back and say"sorry i just got done banging my Gf " name here". She just left..soo what did you need?" lol.

12-10-2008, 12:18 AM
Did you give her the $100? Fuck that. Ask her for all the gas money you spent and everything else you spent on her. Move on dude and forget her.

12-10-2008, 12:21 AM
also getting job becuase i think i need to pay her back or whatever is gonna still be like i'm still doing stuff for her and to make her happy kinda never gonna let go if i'm still doing things for her.

12-10-2008, 12:30 AM
wow, he got so OWNED! then BANNED. SO AWESOME! lol

what do I do when my boyfriend wants my balls to enter his ass but the wont fit?

I'm not an expert on gay relationships, so can't
help you out with that, buddy. :)

This forum (http://www.gayrites.net/forum/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=34) is for you.

Oh ya, judging by your PM to me the other day which

...your question might be a real one.


12-10-2008, 12:36 AM
Did you give her the $100? Fuck that. Ask her for all the gas money you spent and everything else you spent on her. Move on dude and forget her.
nope i was gonna give it to her but now i say no. Shes fucking stupid to think ill give it to her especially a month after our break up. I'm ignoring her for now but shes's not leave me alone. Btw she cant do anything to me. If she trys legal action her parents will find out i was over there so she wont risk that. She'll get disowned by her family. mu hahha ha!, but seriously i wanna bitch at her. Anyone know how to block her?? gotta call the cell company? i dont want to have to change my # becuase of her. Not fair to everyone else who has my number.

all the gas i spent would add up to around 2,000 or 2,400 for the last 2 years plus my gps..... sure be nice to have that back in my pocket. Tell her to get a loan!

12-10-2008, 09:19 AM

Just tell her you can't spare it so she will forget about it for a while, then block her number. On my samsung phone I could add numbers to a blocked list, but I don't think all phones have that. I would call up the cell company or just google it.

That said, my contribution to the relationships thread: Don't get into a weird money thing with a girl. Do not borrow money from a girlfriend (any significant amount i mean).

I also don't like loaning money. It places strain on the relationship while in progress, then it gets more complicated if you break up (like I did). Now I have placed her on a payment plan and I have to track her down every 2 weeks to get some money from her.

12-10-2008, 09:59 AM
This thread is clutch. I am glad to say I just got into a relationship with my long time best friend who we had 2-3 issues through high school where we thought we should date, did not date yada yada high school stuff.

Now are are both in College/University and just started dating officially for 2 months this saturday but known eachother for 5 1/2 years now

12-10-2008, 10:35 AM
This thread is clutch. I am glad to say I just got into a relationship with my long time best friend who we had 2-3 issues through high school where we thought we should date, did not date yada yada high school stuff.

Now are are both in College/University and just started dating officially for 2 months this saturday but known eachother for 5 1/2 years now
Good luck with that whole best friend relationhsip deal. I went through that and it didn't turn out so well.
Hopefully yours will turn out alright. :hitit:

12-10-2008, 11:03 AM
This thread is clutch. I am glad to say I just got into a relationship with my long time best friend who we had 2-3 issues through high school where we thought we should date, did not date yada yada high school stuff.

Now are are both in College/University and just started dating officially for 2 months this saturday but known eachother for 5 1/2 years now

Remeber the key to relationships is compromise and communication

12-10-2008, 11:22 AM
Remeber the key to relationships is compromise and communication

We are gonna do our best and in all honestly I love this girl. We have been always close and during highschool we always got the you guys dating, you guys dating yet and so fourth. I also have ditched seeing gfs/having sex just to chill and watch a movie at her place. I beleive we will do well becuase we avoided the high school drama and matured a bit with me turning 20 next year and her 19, we will have a better perspective on it all.

We had fun times during high school, now its time to get serious and I think we both accepted that. In the end after 5 years if I don't try it than we will never know.

Like I said this thread is clutch for a rather male dominated forum this can offer advice privately for those in need. Wish I had this when I was going through highschool.

12-10-2008, 12:01 PM
We are gonna do our best and in all honestly I love this girl. We have been always close and during highschool we always got the you guys dating, you guys dating yet and so fourth. I also have ditched seeing gfs/having sex just to chill and watch a movie at her place. I beleive we will do well becuase we avoided the high school drama and matured a bit with me turning 20 next year and her 19, we will have a better perspective on it all.

We had fun times during high school, now its time to get serious and I think we both accepted that. In the end after 5 years if I don't try it than we will never know.

Like I said this thread is clutch for a rather male dominated forum this can offer advice privately for those in need. Wish I had this when I was going through highschool.

You will hear alot of the older males saying dont get serious so young. To that I say, if you want to get serious do so. While it is true that age an relationship failure seem to have an inverse relationship, it does not dictate failure rate.

Relationships that spring from friendships are often the best ones. My gf who I have been with for a year and a half, was a friend before we got together. Alot of people called me crazy for it (virgin till marriage) but hell I'm the happiest I've ever been. So good luck with you and your girl. I wish yall success:bow:

12-10-2008, 12:08 PM
Alot of people called me crazy for it (virgin till marriage) but hell I'm the happiest I've ever been.
Props to you. I wish I would have waited as well. :l101:

12-10-2008, 12:20 PM
Props to you. I wish I would have waited as well. :l101:

I meant she is a virgin till marriage, I am an ex-whore.

12-10-2008, 01:27 PM
I meant she is a virgin till marriage, I am an ex-whore.
LMAO. Right on. :l101:

12-10-2008, 03:55 PM
being a virgin until marriage is great.... if both of you have done that. if you waited thinking its some super special spiritual connection you will have, and she didnt? then it will kinda ruin her in your eyes. I dunno about you guys but i dont think any guy wants to say he waited for marriage only to marry some girl who has been banged out by half the city. Kinda tarnishes things imo.

12-10-2008, 04:00 PM
I agree with the fact that the ideal way is for both of you to have waited, and kinda defeats the purpose if one of you didn't.

12-10-2008, 07:20 PM
I agree with the fact that the ideal way is for both of you to have waited, and kinda defeats the purpose if one of you didn't.

Not entirely, with me its like I get to earn the honor of taking her virginity, and with her she gets to give herself to me. Yea part of me kinda wishes she could be the first, but eh, even she admitted that had it not been for my knowledge of females, she would have never gotten with me. Yall know good girls dont like good guys. They like assholes like me, that just happen to have a nice side

12-11-2008, 01:07 AM
do u guys think i should meet my ex one more time and tell her in her face i'm not giving her 100.00? I feel like telling her that into her face then fuck with her then tell i am out for good because apparently every time we talk shes afraid it will be the last. Just let her know i'm moving on. I'm out and about for good. Oh and no 100 lol or anything else. Tell her she made a mistake and tired of trying to salvage our relationship and i dont care about her anymore. I shouldnt have to be looking back every time she trys to talk to me or text me. Also gonna block her number ## if she keeps on trying to piss me off or upset me. Trying to get everything i wanna say all in my head or in a paper so i get every thing out at once thats been on my mind and whats been eating me alive from the inside every day thats not letting me move on and start a new life. Maybe write it down on a paper to release my feelings and finally at her? i have alot of emotions and anger built up in me and i dont want to be bitter in life towards every other relationship down the road.

12-11-2008, 01:08 AM
Why would you give her 100 bucks?

You fuck her on credit?

12-11-2008, 01:16 AM
that pussy is visa son!

12-11-2008, 01:22 AM
Why would you give her 100 bucks?

You fuck her on credit?
no shes trying to blame me for her getting locked out of her apartment room one day i came to visit and i left and locked the door. I guess u cant open the door from the outside becuase a week earlier she stripped the hole trying to get in without a key and never got it fixed so i accidentally one day close it and she blows up on me and says i need to pay for it when i could have came and opened it for her but she went on a crazy bitch fit becuase she lost 2 hours study time. I guess 2 hours of study time and 100.00 was more important than me at the time. I aint giving her shit and i wanna tell her that in her face then tell her everything on my mind and finally to fucking leave me alone for good and block her ass off. Then go to the bar and have a good time with some chics. But at the same it'l lbe her last time to salvage what ever feelings we have even after all the fighting and me changing my feelings over her and try to come to a resolution and start somewhere fresh. Not seriosu but somewhere. Obviously ill have the right to pull some revenge and dump her but who knows. I'm tired of havning to suffer and look at the history becuase she pulling this crap or contacting me. I think a be good and ill feel better after wards.

12-11-2008, 01:26 AM
Just leave it alone. Don't meet up with her and rub it in her face. Just be the bigger man and let it go and move on.

12-11-2008, 01:28 AM
yeah i;ve been told that. Ive tried to do that but she aint getting it. Shes not gonna leave me alone. I feel like i have to be an ass and push her away like that. I know myself i am a extremely nice guy and dont do that but its not getting through her head. If not now then later on in the future she'll pop up and ask for it. I'm just gonna tell her no and what ever has been bother me and that i dont want to talk to her ever again and finally be out of the picture. She lost a relationship and a friendship becuase she pushed me away even more with her actions but if she she trys to salvage anything we have, then ill listen but probably wont get back together since i learned the many negative ugly things about her.She would have to pick her words very carefully. I feel like i have nothing to lose but to gain close sure and happiness.

12-11-2008, 07:18 AM
yeah i;ve been told that. Ive tried to do that but she aint getting it. Shes not gonna leave me alone. I feel like i have to be an ass and push her away like that. I know myself i am a extremely nice guy and dont do that but its not getting through her head. If not now then later on in the future she'll pop up and ask for it. I'm just gonna tell her no and what ever has been bother me and that i dont want to talk to her ever again and finally be out of the picture. She lost a relationship and a friendship becuase she pushed me away even more with her actions but if she she trys to salvage anything we have, then ill listen but probably wont get back together since i learned the many negative ugly things about her.She would have to pick her words very carefully. I feel like i have nothing to lose but to gain close sure and happiness.

Ex's are ex's for a reason. Most people dont change, and the same problems you had before you will probably have again. Some ex's do ignite the flame again, but that is usually after a long period of separation.

Be careful when attempting to gain closure, that is a spiny path that can cause more hurt than it can help

12-11-2008, 12:20 PM
yeah i hope it goes like i planned but this is only if she keeps bugging me about the 100. If she dont get it now she'll try later on.

12-11-2008, 02:57 PM
yeah i hope it goes like i planned but this is only if she keeps bugging me about the 100. If she dont get it now she'll try later on.

Just make sure you dont give it to her, I got burnt like that once, shit doesnt feel good once you realize you aint gettin it back.

12-11-2008, 03:32 PM
yeah i hope it goes like i planned but this is only if she keeps bugging me about the 100. If she dont get it now she'll try later on.

Don't give her ass nothing, i hate when chicks nit pick bout shit like that

What about all the money you spent on her in the past??

Tally that shit up or make up a number and throw it at her..

It's okay when you spend but when they do they want it back...

I'm happy she's your ex, you don't need someone like that in your life..

Keep it moving my boy and don't look back for shit..

Treat her the same way she is treating you , everytime she says what bout my hundred, say what bout my gas money or restaurant bills, just dumb shit to annoy her cause that's what she's doing to you right..

do it back she'll leave you alone with the quickness

12-11-2008, 04:19 PM
hell yeah i will Talley it up. gas, maintenance, my blown head from allways seeing her. All the miles i racked up. My god damn GPS ahh i want it back. She thinks in her mind i am too nice to act like that but fuck man i will have to do it. To me its the past and if were together i still wouldn't pay her back. Money is not more important than a relationship. She also paid 600 for rent in the summer when i lived with her. I didnt want her to pay since i knew i could pay it off but she insisted. She might come at me in the late spring for the upcoming summer. She allready told me she needs to save up since she wont have a room mate again and this time i wont be living there. You have no idea how hard it was to live with her but it was a fun learning experience. i almost ditched her ass and left her about 1.5 weeks before my move out date but i stayed becuase she said if i did then things between us would change.....should have left lol. I was boxed up and ready to leave.

Looks like i'm gonna have to be a total dick head and give it to her. She says she's been trying to make it easy for me but she's contradicting herself now.

yeah everyone is happy shes my ex. My parents, friends, family. They all never liked her and got a bad vibe from her. My parents tried to warn me about her kind but i didnt listen. They all think i'm too good of a person for her.Just these last 2 weeks i've been helping ppl getting their car ready for paint and showing them how to prep and paint their cars and i'm getting no money out of it. She's a selfish girl who cares nothing about power/money/success. I've come to realize she used me in the beginning to get over her ex who cheated on her and to show me off. She loves the attention ppl gave her becuase she was with a better guy. More attractive...way more attractive and better personality. Hr family and friends loved me. I guess they were thrown off too when she broke up with me. Its weird becuase my family is friends with hers and some work together.

i've done everything i can to eave her alone and i've been doing my part. She needs to back the fuck off and needs to know she cant have me as a friend.

12-11-2008, 04:22 PM
With that said, that should be the last we heard about her, cause if you're still talking to her,
then I don't know what to say. Just steer clear away from her, at all costs. If not, just tell her
straight up to leave you alone and that you don't ever wanna see/talk to her again. Give it to her
falcon punch style.


12-11-2008, 04:26 PM
i havent talked to her or done any kind of communication. Ive been ignoring her. Weeks before i would have jumped to calling her or replying back to her but i just ignored her now. She hasent ask again but its becuase she has finals so shes studying all day. So later this weekend or this month i know she will hit me up again. I wont say anything if she doesnt ask me or else i will give to her. If i do pay her back its because i will about 2.5 k richer and have a new gps ha ha ha i will win in the end and be the happy one.

12-12-2008, 08:52 AM
yeah everyone is happy shes my ex. My parents, friends, family. They all never liked her and got a bad vibe from her. My parents tried to warn me about her kind but i didnt listen.

That should've been your first sign, parents always have the right vibe trust me, we've all been there and regret not listening

But thats what happens when we're young it's okay, you just had to learn first hand, they were just looking out for you..

I know when they all told you about her you got angry but hey like i said we all went through it..

Shit i even moved across the country with a girl my parents hated and got they signed a 2 year lease for my own place and we split up one month later so i was stuck....

i havent talked to her or done any kind of communication. Ive been ignoring her. Weeks before i would have jumped to calling her or replying back to her but i just ignored her now. She hasent ask again but its becuase she has finals so shes studying all day. So later this weekend or this month i know she will hit me up again. I wont say anything if she doesnt ask me or else i will give to her. If i do pay her back its because i will about 2.5 k richer and have a new gps ha ha ha i will win in the end and be the happy one.

don't give her shit!!

I don't give a fuck if you win the Lotto , she gets nothing bro...

She treats you like nothing until she needs something like right now she needs her money, but when you give it to her it's back to the same fuck you routine...

don't do it trust me, it's better this way...

12-12-2008, 10:33 AM
don't give her shit!!

I don't give a fuck if you win the Lotto , she gets nothing bro...

She treats you like nothing until she needs something like right now she needs her money, but when you give it to her it's back to the same fuck you routine...

don't do it trust me, it's better this way...

Stiizy is right dont give a her a thing. She is just trying to juice you.

12-12-2008, 01:48 PM
yup i got upset when they told m it wouldn't work out. alot of ppl told me it wouldn't work out. damn no one told me they didnt like her but i guess they didnt want to think they hating. I would appreciated they/re opinion at the time. It would have helped me leave her ass along time ago. thank god i didnt mover over there permanently where she goes to school. Id be stuck somewhere where i dont wanna be.

If i win the lotto, i would make her beg for the 100. I would shove it in her face hat i am rich. Can you say Ferrari?

yeah i figured shes's trying to milk me for what ever i have. I say thats fucked up when she's hitting at my all time low in life. Next shes's gonna ask for the 600 she covered for rent in the summer when i told her not to pay. All i ahad to do was go to the atm but no she made a check because i was wasting time??? wtf it only takes like 20 min.

so far she has not contacted me on it again so she either A. forgot(for now) b. is gonna hit me up in person this weekend. c. leave it alone if shes smart.

12-12-2008, 02:02 PM
^^ Just drop her and move on...

Your good to go...

12-12-2008, 02:05 PM
you think i should finally just drop her? i think i'm ready to drop her but i wanna make it official and epic. lol.I wanna leave no feeling or thoughts being left out. I want my mind clear so i know i got everything out. I dont wanna say "hey i didnt say this so now this is bothering me" man, i'm so messed up in the head when it comes to emotions. i over think things.

12-12-2008, 02:43 PM
You're really, really, really making it harder than it should be.

12-12-2008, 02:49 PM
you think i should finally just drop her? i think i'm ready to drop her but i wanna make it official and epic. lol.I wanna leave no feeling or thoughts being left out. I want my mind clear so i know i got everything out. I dont wanna say "hey i didnt say this so now this is bothering me" man, i'm so messed up in the head when it comes to emotions. i over think things.

Dude stop now.....

Drop her, cut all ties to her...

Forget her existence...

It now seems to me like you enjoy all this drama bullshit and if so then i really have no other advice for you and i know Future and Romeo would agree in me saying so...

Leave her alone...

You're really, really, really making it harder than it should be.

Fa real though

12-12-2008, 02:51 PM
The more you think about ways of getting back at her, the more she's getting into your mind
and the more she wins this battle.

12-12-2008, 02:55 PM
The more you think about ways of getting back at her, the more she's getting into your mind
and the more she wins this battle.

werd and if you don't see that then you need way more help bro..

I'm not trying to be harsh at all, but like i said it seems you like this circle you guys are in right now..

Correct me if i'm wrong...

12-12-2008, 02:57 PM
You know what you gotta do now, right?

12-12-2008, 02:58 PM
You know what you gotta do now, right?
You and me know what he has to do, but does he know what he has to do?

12-12-2008, 02:59 PM
You know what you gotta do now, right?

You and me know what he has to do, but does he know what he has to do?

I doubt it

12-12-2008, 03:00 PM
I was gonna say fuck her best friend.

What about you guys?


12-12-2008, 03:01 PM
I was gonna say fuck her best friend.

What about you guys?


that would end things and escalate them dramatically haha....

Been there done that and had fun haha

12-12-2008, 03:03 PM
yeah i know i'm making it harder than it should be. I dont know why. I need to cut it off and not say anything to her still . I haven't contacted her at all in weeks. Shes been contacting me( i have not ever once called her after the break up..she called me). Hey if i could wake up one day and forget her that be cool but i'm young and dumb sooo idk.... maybe i do like the drama or maybe i'm trying build up this hate to her.

well i know she be pissed if i hit on her friends. She allready said they wouldnt date me i said watever i'm not gonna go out and do it. IF shes feeling me then thats different lol. I've talked to her roomate shes pretty chill about me talking to her. Dont wanna put her in the middle. Kidna hard when she shares room and my ex is hella nosey when it comes to her business.

12-12-2008, 03:04 PM
yeah i know i'm making it harder than it should be. I dont know why. I just i should cut it off and not say anything to her. I haven't contacted her at all in weeks. Shes been contacting me. Hey if i could wake up one day and forget her that be cool but i'm young and dumb sooo idk.... maybe i do like the drama or maybe i'm trying build up this hate to her.

just go out and start fucking chicks meaninglessly it'll feel better....

listen to AK and Esmorez they on the right track....

see the hook-up thread for more advice

12-12-2008, 03:13 PM
just go out and start fucking chicks meaninglessly it'll feel better....

listen to AK and Esmorez they on the right track....

see the hook-up thread for more advice

While I do agree with stiizy it will make you feel better, that feeling will only be temporary. The only true medicine for your heart ache is time.

12-12-2008, 03:19 PM
While I do agree with stiizy it will make you feel better, that feeling will only be temporary. The only true medicine for your heart ache is time.

I'm just throwing shit out there now...

Since he can't just drop her and thats his ex :wtf:
She'd be long gone outta my life

12-12-2008, 03:34 PM
I'm just throwing shit out there now...

Since he can't just drop her and thats his ex :wtf:
She'd be long gone outta my life

Yea, I've been in similar shoes, I ghosted my ex and start whorin out, but it only made me feel better in some ways. I would still miss that close intimacy that you can only get with a gf. So I just kept bouncin from female to female.

I think the best thing would be just to chill out for a while, then if he wants a lil shawti or two then its cool.

12-12-2008, 05:00 PM
yeah i guess just time and within time then i guess i can be sorta friends with her bu that wont happen for a long time.... i'm getting alot of attention from girls lately so thats been feeding my ego lol. Just need to make some moves. actually i never really had too i guess i had a charm with girls but its allways the wrong kind lol. Look at me! ha ha ha ahh whatever. As long as i dont see her ass or hear from her i am cool. If i have too i will be an ass and push her away the hard way and if that dont work. I'm blocking her number.

12-12-2008, 05:18 PM
I am still at a loss as to why you can't just say fuck the bitch and never talk to her again.

12-12-2008, 05:30 PM
I am still at a loss as to why you can't just say fuck the bitch and never talk to her again.

cause he's a little puss?

12-12-2008, 06:22 PM
ill admit i am a little puss at times lol but i am also a person if u push me enough ill blow up on you. It takes alot to push it to the edge.

12-12-2008, 09:12 PM
I am still at a loss as to why you can't just say fuck the bitch and never talk to her again.

When you heart is tied to someone it's not that easy.

12-12-2008, 10:51 PM
When you heart is tied to someone it's not that easy.
yeah thats part of it too. She still shows sign of resentment to her decision and keeps trying to keep me in her life and not respecting my boundaries. i specifically told her not to ever call or text me ever unless she ever regret her decision and trys to resolve thing or if its life threating( rarely) but she insists on bugging me and ruining my life. SHes a hypocrite becuase she says shes trying yo make it easy for me. Easy? how? by giving me random dumb calls/text? I'm trying to move on and believe its long gone over. I dont want her in my life. She knew when she made the decision this would happen but still tells me she is afraid that every time we talk it will be our last time and i will walk out forever. Whats she crying about. Its not like i fucking dumped her or i did this. Whatever, she keeps texting me asking me if i got her texts and i ignore so i am doing my job like u guys said but i am losing my cool. ready to blow up in her face and tell her to either put up or shut up and leave for good. She lost a great guy and needs to go by her decision. i am at the point where i can see her and have nothing but hate and disgust and just screw with her like if we are friends but no i wanna be the bigger person. I have been doing this whole time. The only time i havent is right after we broke up. I was on the rebound(yeah i know lol) and tried to get with her friend. BAD IDEA. i know, i know, i know. I apologized and i know i am not like that. I like to thank everyone for the help. I know i'm stubborn and hard headed. I can act stupid..yeah i know.

I still cant figure out how to block her. I gotta call sprint on this. My bro told me but its not in the security feature on my phone.

12-12-2008, 11:47 PM
yeah thats part of it too. She still shows sign of resentment to her decision and keeps trying to keep me in her life and not respecting my boundaries. i specifically told her not to ever call or text me ever unless she ever regret her decision and trys to resolve thing or if its life threating( rarely) but she insists on bugging me and ruining my life. SHes a hypocrite becuase she says shes trying yo make it easy for me. Easy? how? by giving me random dumb calls/text? I'm trying to move on and believe its long gone over. I dont want her in my life. She knew when she made the decision this would happen but still tells me she is afraid that every time we talk it will be our last time and i will walk out forever. Whats she crying about. Its not like i fucking dumped her or i did this. Whatever, she keeps texting me asking me if i got her texts and i ignore so i am doing my job like u guys said but i am losing my cool. ready to blow up in her face and tell her to either put up or shut up and leave for good. She lost a great guy and needs to go by her decision. i am at the point where i can see her and have nothing but hate and disgust and just screw with her like if we are friends but no i wanna be the bigger person. I have been doing this whole time. The only time i havent is right after we broke up. I was on the rebound(yeah i know lol) and tried to get with her friend. BAD IDEA. i know, i know, i know. I apologized and i know i am not like that. I like to thank everyone for the help. I know i'm stubborn and hard headed. I can act stupid..yeah i know.

I still cant figure out how to block her. I gotta call sprint on this. My bro told me but its not in the security feature on my phone.

If you really want to you can get your number changed. I know this is all very difficult for you, but stay the course bro. Being the bigger person is harder yes, but it will pay off in the end.

12-13-2008, 12:22 AM
too late i just told her i aint paying her back and to leave me alone for good. She got upset and tried to play the guilt card on me and told me " i thought u were an honest person" and why i dont wanna pay her back. She got really upset and started to cry and said fine, i wont ever call you back again and hanged up. I dont feel happy at all but i know it was for the best. I wish we could have worked it out and us but i guess it aint gonna happen. I hope toomarow i feel better than ever. Right now i am sad.

never mind i'm cool now lol. one of my friends cheered me up. So i guess i;m gonna move to start a new life and meet new ppl and girls. Get back in the game. I feel like for once i did the right thing and stood up to her.

12-13-2008, 10:46 AM
never mind i'm cool now lol. one of my friends cheered me up. So i guess i;m gonna move to start a new life and meet new ppl and girls. Get back in the game. I feel like for once i did the right thing and stood up to her.

That is the most important thing for you to do right now. You stood up to her and was able to tell her no and excommunicate her from your life for good. You next task will be the highlighted part and making sure you keep your word about not talking to her.

12-13-2008, 11:57 AM
It's about damn time!

12-13-2008, 12:09 PM
yup took me alot to stand up to her and put her down. I know i i did it for the best(in my interest). Now, i just need to stick to it. I need to hope i dont see her this month during vacation. She tried to make me feel guilty but i stood up to her. What got me was she was crying when she hanged up becuase she knew i was finally never gonna talk to her but i had to ignore it since thats how she could get me to change. I was looking for excuses to call her back but i didnt becuase i knew it be a bad idea. Now i need to wait for my friends to turn 21 this month so she can be my wing woman lol.

right now i feel horrible.. maybe becuase i'm doing anything but itll come and go then just finally go away for good. Just gotta stay strong and have my friends keep me from doing anything stupid/regretful. She should have waited months to ask me but it proves she cares more about her money than me.

12-13-2008, 12:34 PM
^^ go out and have fun enjoy yourself there are plenty of women in this world, everyone has gone through their fair share of bad relationships, take it as a learning experience, go have fun now while you can, get it all out, because when you get involved again its all over too fast. trust me..

12-13-2008, 01:44 PM
^^ go out and have fun enjoy yourself there are plenty of women in this world, everyone has gone through their fair share of bad relationships, take it as a learning experience, go have fun now while you can, get it all out, because when you get involved again its all over too fast. trust me..

I agree fully with the first part, the highlighted piece makes it seem like you are saying you cant have fun in relationships, which of course is untrue

12-13-2008, 03:12 PM
i'm waiting for some of my friends to turn 21 so i can go out with them. All my other friends are married/working early.

12-13-2008, 03:20 PM
Really, I couldn't imagine being married at this age.

12-13-2008, 03:25 PM
yeah well they have a really good relationship. They were friends for like 5 years and been together or like almost 4 years before they got married. They are doing great together. They just got married like 5 months ago. Hey, they are happy so if they are happy then i'm happy for them.

12-13-2008, 03:56 PM
i am 20 and i have a few frinds with kids its hella crazy i dont think i will ever have kids.. but my gf is like o yes we will ahhhhhhhh

12-13-2008, 05:14 PM
i am 20 and i have a few frinds with kids its hella crazy i dont think i will ever have kids.. but my gf is like o yes we will ahhhhhhhh

Meh thats normal these days, kids yes, married no,

Ha ha ha, dont be surprised when she has a "surprise" for you later on this month

12-13-2008, 05:55 PM
i am 20 and i have a few frinds with kids its hella crazy i dont think i will ever have kids.. But my gf is like o yes we will ahhhhhhhh

pull out!!!!

12-13-2008, 05:56 PM
Why is it, when you are in a relationship, you want to be single so you have more time for buddies and working on your car, but when you are single you want to be in a relationship?!

12-13-2008, 06:13 PM
Why is it, when you are in a relationship, you want to be single so you have more time for buddies and working on your car, but when you are single you want to be in a relationship?!

Because the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

12-13-2008, 07:31 PM
i am 20 and i have a few frinds with kids its hella crazy i dont think i will ever have kids.. but my gf is like o yes we will ahhhhhhhh


abort abort abort.