View Full Version : odd speedometer problem? eh?

08-29-2008, 12:02 PM
so i finally get my jdm s14 silvia on the road, and everythings all good. i'm on the autobahn and all of a sudden my speedo starts freaking out... moving up and down and not stopping...

finally, when I get to a stop it gets back to zero and stays that way the whole time...

day two: I get up start it up and it works fine.... now its back to freaking out today...

i did have the speedo converted from kph to MPH about a year ago maybe it has something to do with that? i did alot of searching and all i found is pretty much bad speed sensors...

ahh, gotta love intermittent electrical problems! help!

08-29-2008, 12:15 PM
Thats what my initial guess would be. A bad speed sensor.

A question is; what was the procedure for changing from kph to mph? speed sensor and dash replacement?

08-29-2008, 03:48 PM
fuck i hate you, i wish i could drive my s14 on die Autobahnen.


08-30-2008, 03:58 PM
Yep lol.

i'm on the autobahn

Super jealous.

I had (well, still do) a similar problem with my speedo and someone recommended checking the ground cable to see if it's loose.

09-02-2008, 07:45 AM
yup, its pretty awesome with no speed limits in some places... but yeah now its back to sleeping at zero and every once and a while flicking up and down.... any ideas? i have to inspect it by tomorrow and need to get it fixed asap! are you talking about the ground at the sensor or the ecu? I read something about headlights grounding? ahh

09-02-2008, 04:30 PM
the gear on the speed sensor could be stripped. that happened to me once.

09-03-2008, 02:10 AM
damn, today my odo doesnt work...

then last night I would be idling, and my damn odo would start counting up km's! i did 3 km's idling at a stoplight....

any ideas now?

09-10-2008, 10:45 PM
mine is doing almost the same thing. Sometimes the speedo works, and the odometer doesn't. Somtimes they both work, and sometimes they both dont work. doesn't make sense. If i hit the dash above the cluster when its working, it stops working. and sometimes i can get it to start working by hitting the dash.

I've swapped out speedometers and same exact results.... I thought it was because i have a z32 transmission and maybe it sends a different voltage signal or something weird like that??? But if other people are having the same problem.... maybe not. I did alot of custom wiring with my swap so maybe it is a wiring related issue... hmmmm. Back to the schematics! YAY

Let me know if you figure out your problem..

Ben G
09-10-2008, 10:55 PM
speed sensor... probably just need a new one