View Full Version : cant sleep... stalker???

08-29-2008, 04:30 AM
im a little on edge right now cus someone driving a white isuzu suv jeep thing was posted in front of my house... now, i usually don't trip even though haters have keyed and egged my moms, sisters, and of course, my car, and neighbors cars multiple times... but, according to my mom, after i left at 930p to a meet, this guy with a couple others inside were posted there at 1030p... i came home around 1230a, suv was still there. thankfully, im finally able to park my 240 in the garage with my bike and keep it shut. i walked out to park my moms car in the driveway and i clearly hear music playing and a conversation. after parking, i stood in the driveway watchin'... moments after my arrival, they took off.. about 130a i call lights out.

get this, its 3 in the damn morning. and i get a call from my friend who ran out of gas. i grabbed my moms keys since she the first in the driveway and took off... i get back 10 mins later to find the same damn white isuzu is parked in front of my damn house again! i was coming down the street pretty fast cus i had to take a piss rea bad. as i came up on it from behind, i slowed way down to the point where i stopped before the driveway but pointed right at his side view mirror (my high beams are on the whole time.) i can clearly see the driver was wearing glasses. within seconds the driver starts the car and books it. i took a quick look at the house making sure no ones in my back yard, then took off after him. followed him to the freeway on ramp, by this time he makes a desprate attempt to get away by almost eating bushes going too fast into the on ramp. i busted a b!tch and let him go.. it would have served me no purpose getting a liscene plate cus he didn't do anything. and if he had a weapon or some tool, i could put myself in a worse situation.

so, now im on edge wondering if this guy is gonna make a third appearance. im going to ask my neighbors if they know anyone driving that car, if not, and i see it again, i have my sling shot ready ;)

for those that live in so cal, i live off the rosecrans exit from the I-605. the suv took off south. about all i can confirm.

08-29-2008, 04:41 AM
Get a crowbar or gun and politely see whats up?

Call some friends too if you're scared...

08-29-2008, 04:46 AM
Damn dude that sucks, uhh call the police? or use your sling shot :)


I was hoping to find a gory picture, but to no avail.

08-29-2008, 04:46 AM
Get a crowbar or gun and politely see whats up?

Call some friends too if you're scared...

haha, im pretty damn light weight. ill get my ass kicked

Damn dude that sucks, uhh call the police? or use your sling shot :)

I was hoping to find a gory picture, but to no avail.

lmao! police don't do shit round here. not even a public disturbance.

08-29-2008, 04:48 AM
haha, im pretty damn light weight. ill get my ass kicked

So am I, but some shady ass dudes parked out in front of my house two nights in a row. On the third night I walked outside In just jeans with a wrecking bar in my hand an and a fat knife in my waist band. Once I was in the light they peeled off.

Car hasn't been back since.

Boostin on you
08-29-2008, 04:49 AM
hes not a stalker, he wants to steal your car....

he WILL be back, just make sure your cars parked and go outside on any little sound.
Get a weapon and call the police if you see the same car or another car sitting outside.

08-29-2008, 04:51 AM
to further support ESmorz suggestion lol

08-29-2008, 04:51 AM
where in la do you live? .. becasue i see the same thing here in k town . .but thats becasue theres no parking !

better lock up your cars!

Boostin on you
08-29-2008, 04:53 AM
how far are you from east la,If your close and you see the same car msg me if Im on zilvia and see it Ill roll to your pad with a couple of my friends and well fuck with them.

08-29-2008, 05:02 AM
the next time he shows up, get a crowbar or something and go half-life on his ass.

08-29-2008, 05:05 AM
to further support ESmorz suggestion lol

HAHAHA! nice, first david and goliath status.
next up, mister miyagi and the crow bar lesson.

well.. i live bout 15-20 mins out of LA. norwalk is like the halfway point between LAC and OC, but still in LAC area. more precisely, norwalk is where the 605 and 105 cross. i have some friends on speed dial, but they're dead sleepin' to wake up to my call.

08-29-2008, 06:11 AM

u need one

08-29-2008, 06:26 AM
start carrying some ninga tools.

08-29-2008, 07:39 AM
Go after the guy with some poo at the end of a stick. That'll get him.

08-29-2008, 07:45 AM

08-29-2008, 09:13 AM

Problem solved

08-29-2008, 09:41 AM
Buncha ol' fashioned cowboys in this thread. So if this guy is sitting in front of your house for extended periods of time and you call the cops on him, they won't show up or do anything?

08-29-2008, 09:47 AM
If he does it again, call the cops.

If they fail to show or refuse to come out to you, give it 10 minutes then call back and tell them not to worry, its OK now, you've shot the guy.

They'll sure show then. :D

08-29-2008, 11:07 AM
For a small fee I'll come to your house with a couple of my Marine buddies, all locked and loaded with 12 gauges, M4s, and sidearms and stand watch. That SUV will definitely not want to be chilling in your neighborhood if he sees us all sitting on your porch. :keke:

08-29-2008, 11:20 AM
Call the cops.

Done and done

You live right by my work.


08-29-2008, 11:25 AM
You know what I always thought useful? Go to the range or something and pick up shells, put in like your seat or something or around your car or yard. Don't know I always thought of doing that if I ever moved out of this town.

Dirty Habit
08-29-2008, 12:01 PM
When I was 7 this man down the street was peeping in my window at night. One night I heard him and saw him, so I hopped outta bed and turned on my bathroom light to be sneaky. I told my dad and he just told me to go back to bed. About a min after i got in my bed I heard my dad tell the man if he ever heard of him peeping in windows again, he would shoot the guy and his family and put em someplace no one would find them. The guy just took off running across our back yard and up the hill into the woods. About month later the family moved.

When I was 14 this guy was posted up outside of our house watching the block for almost a whole day. Just sittin in the drivers seat looking around...smoking cigs. Well at one point dude yells at this neighborhood girl and I just remember my neighbor comes barreling out of his house with this revolver and shoves in guys face screaming. The guy takes off, and our neighbor just starts pushing rounds into the back of his car.
Best part was that the dude our neighbor shot up was a city planner or some shit. It was his job to research neighborhoods..lol. In the end all charges were dropped because the guy was trying to spit game to a 16 year old girl...made the news and etc. It was a awhile before we saw jehovahs witnesses and door to door people around again.

So come out with your balls swinging, toting some heaters...theyll go away.

Vision Garage
08-29-2008, 12:06 PM
Why wouldnt you get the license plate number? that wouldve been the first thing i did.

08-29-2008, 12:09 PM
just a thought


08-29-2008, 12:18 PM
you never know it could be just someone that knows your neighbors. maybe some Girls homies that want to smoke out or some shit.

i remember when i used to have my car parked in the street i saw two small ass fools sitting on the curb right next to my car about at 2am. i watched them for a bit, i couldnt hear shit cause they were whispering.

i was paranoid so i walked out with a bat on my shoulder yelling what the fuck they were doing. they were stuttering, couldnt give me a straight answer, and finally this hot chick i used to hang out in hs came out of her house two houses down and told me they were just waiting for her to sneak out of her house. lol

08-29-2008, 12:19 PM
for those that live in so cal, i live off the rosecrans exit from the I-605. the suv took off south. about all i can confirm.Damn, I used to live off Alondra, off the 605. Then I moved.


Like everyone else said, just have friends come over and
mess with the guy.

08-29-2008, 12:21 PM
All of these threads turn into pictures of weapons.

08-29-2008, 12:24 PM
When I was 14 this guy was posted up outside of our house watching the block for almost a whole day. Just sittin in the drivers seat looking around...smoking cigs. Well at one point dude yells at this neighborhood girl and I just remember my neighbor comes barreling out of his house with this revolver and shoves in guys face screaming. The guy takes off, and our neighbor just starts pushing rounds into the back of his car.
Best part was that the dude our neighbor shot up was a city planner or some shit. It was his job to research neighborhoods..lol. In the end all charges were dropped because the guy was trying to spit game to a 16 year old girl...made the news and etc. It was a awhile before we saw jehovahs witnesses and door to door people around again.


haha fricken classic!! i love these threads...but if the guy shows up again in the white suv just give me a holler im down for kickin some teeth in:keke:

08-29-2008, 12:30 PM
dude if you want PM me your info and i could go scope out the scene sometime if you want...i live like 5 minutes away from you

08-29-2008, 12:33 PM
I wonder if any of the people in this thread are asking to scope out the scene so THEY can steal ur shit.


08-29-2008, 12:33 PM
You know what I always thought useful? Go to the range or something and pick up shells, put in like your seat or something or around your car or yard. Don't know I always thought of doing that if I ever moved out of this town.

Too bad every range I've ever been to has strict rules about people picking up and taking spent shells home with them. That's a real good way to get yourself kicked out real quick.

Andrew Bohan
08-29-2008, 12:35 PM
next time they show up, go outside to talk to them

tell them your mom noticed they're always there and thinks they must be homeless, and is wondering if they'd like to come in for some pie and coffee

08-29-2008, 12:38 PM
If you search, there's a couple of websites that sell build-your-own trebuchet kits. You get one of those, no one will mess with you. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, I'm pretty paranoid and I've been thinking about getting a good wireless cam to mount inside the front window of my house. Not sure if that that will really be effective, but you could set it to record at night...

08-29-2008, 12:43 PM
heheh yea as everybody always says, it's better to be safe then sorry.

Personally I'd dig a trench in the front yard and just hang a swastika banner on the front porch.

08-29-2008, 12:46 PM
I wonder if any of the people in this thread are asking to scope out the scene so THEY can steal ur shit.

haha no..ive never stolen anything in my life..i have my own money to buy my shit...things that i earn with my hard work
all i wanted to do is to help out a fellow member and "neighbor" since i live close to him

08-29-2008, 12:58 PM
Dig a moat around your house and fill it with crocidiles. As a secondary you can put a sniper on the roof top.

Or if they come back you could have a couple buddies block them in and then you can whofuck em with a bat...or throw them in your newly dug moat...

08-29-2008, 01:02 PM
damn i dislike people posting infront of people or my house i feel you on that!

i remeber i was leaving the house one time at 930pm to go to a party with my boo boo and my sister told me from her room that, this kid was sitting there for almost 30 mins next to her car. so i ask him whats up everything good?? and hes like yeah im like what you doing near my sister car for 30 mins? he says im tying my shoes.... and im like okay it doesn't take 30 mins so he walks away... then i left him alone... and i finally come to mind that this mother fucker was trying to steal my sister wheels! so i ran after him and got all up on his face and told him wtf you take! and he was already stuttering and he kept backing up im like wtf you take! then he stutter i didn't take shit im like dont' fucken lie to me ill fucken drop your ass right now! and my neighbor heard the commotion he comes out this guy is a foot ball player so hes rip! and hes taller than me by 2 inches and he gets in the dude face and threaten him, this kid got scared shitless!!!!! and drop everything on the ground and showed us saw few tools and shit and we let him go never saw his ass again

08-29-2008, 01:54 PM
I wonder if any of the people in this thread are asking to scope out the scene so THEY can steal ur shit.


yea, i wouldn't post my address in public... ever.

For a small fee I'll come to your house with a couple of my Marine buddies, all locked and loaded with 12 gauges, M4s, and sidearms and stand watch. That SUV will definitely not want to be chilling in your neighborhood if he sees us all sitting on your porch. :keke:

hahaha, that sounds worth it just to prank one of my friends

Buncha ol' fashioned cowboys in this thread. So if this guy is sitting in front of your house for extended periods of time and you call the cops on him, they won't show up or do anything?

exactly... called one time before on one of the times my car was egged and saw them take off and the operator replied like i was stupid. "they egged you car huh? sorry, can't file a report. not considered vandalism." damn knuckle head...

Why wouldnt you get the license plate number? that wouldve been the first thing i did.

all id have is a paper with numbers. cops here, or at least the sheriff operators, are stupid.

08-29-2008, 02:03 PM
You could always do what a friend of mine did when some shady characters moved in next door to him; go out in the back yard and let off a few in the air.

08-29-2008, 02:07 PM
You could always do what a friend of mine did when some shady characters moved in next door to him; go out in the back yard and let off a few in the air.

haha, that is ballsy, what if the next thing he heard was the next door neighbor ripping off full magazine air blasts?

08-29-2008, 02:07 PM
theres a white rx7 and the kid randomly drives slow by my house then turns around and goes back up the street. i been meaning to record him next time i see him, jus for records.. camera phone in ur pocket could be handy. but my property is gated so shouldnt have a worry.

08-29-2008, 02:10 PM
You could always do what a friend of mine did when some shady characters moved in next door to him; go out in the back yard and let off a few in the air.

OHH! for sure!! best idea yet imo. hahaha, ill have to warn my neighbors real quick. no joke, i have a damn old school fully-functional cannon in the backyard which i usually fire off for new years and july 4th. puts m80s to shame, and broke a couple of my windows from the displaced air.

08-29-2008, 02:23 PM
You could always do what a friend of mine did when some shady characters moved in next door to him; go out in the back yard and let off a few in the air.

yea if you that just remeber what goes up must come down. Unless of course you fire blanks

08-29-2008, 02:30 PM
^^^blanks of course. i couldn't do that after hearing the many stories about stray bullets. gets real depressing...

08-29-2008, 02:38 PM
Then again if you come out and start bussin at them with blanks, instead of just running they may bust back......

08-29-2008, 02:41 PM
yea if you that just remeber what goes up must come down. Unless of course you fire blanks
MythBusters Episode 50: "Bullets Fired Up" (http://mythbustersresults.com/episode50)
^^^blanks of course. i couldn't do that after hearing the many stories about stray bullets. gets real depressing...
MythBusters Episode 50: "Bullets Fired Up" (http://mythbustersresults.com/episode50)

Wil's back yard faces some woods, not an issue.

08-29-2008, 02:45 PM
Also the MythBusters were able to identify two people who had been injured by falling bullets, one of them fatally injured

So it can happen. Though if his house faces woods then I supposed not

08-29-2008, 02:47 PM
MythBusters Episode 50: "Bullets Fired Up" (http://mythbustersresults.com/episode50)
Here, in certain parts of the city where most residents prefer firearms over fireworks, every 4th of July people get killed by stray bullets falling down.
Though who knows if the bullets really were falling down.

08-29-2008, 03:22 PM
take picture of the car and report to police about the suspicious vehicle. cops will keep those guys in record and if anything happen to your property, sure cops will go hurt them down

08-29-2008, 04:17 PM
post the plate #

08-29-2008, 04:24 PM
I just finished cleaning out one side of my garage so i can fit my 240 in there.

now i just need to train my family to remember to not leave the door open.

08-29-2008, 07:48 PM
I just finished cleaning out one side of my garage so i can fit my 240 in there.

now i just need to train my family to remember to not leave the door open.

:whip: :spank: that should help

08-29-2008, 09:53 PM
I wonder if they are gonna come again tonight, did you figure out what you are going to do? Crowbar? :Ownedd:

08-29-2008, 10:03 PM
Crowbar? :Ownedd:

I swear to god it works.


Sooooo do you have a gun?

08-30-2008, 12:05 AM
I swear to god it works.


Sooooo do you have a gun?

yep. do i have ammo or a liscence to have one. no.

I wonder if they are gonna come again tonight, did you figure out what you are going to do? Crowbar? :Ownedd:

best friend and i are kickin' it in the garage tonight to work on our cars. will take a couple breaks every so often to check the front. i have a variety of crowbars.

I just finished cleaning out one side of my garage so i can fit my 240 in there.

now i just need to train my family to remember to not leave the door open.

THEY'LL NEVER GET IT RIGHT DUDE... man, if i had a damn penny for every time they leave the garage open, id have hugh hefner's mansion and all his dames... ive been workin on that for the last 4 years... they'll get it right everyone so often. but they always seem to forget at the more crucial times... im gonna have to invest in a automated timer to close the door. but watch.. somethings gonna be in the way of the clearance and something worse will happen... i can see it already... nevermind. just 1 of those things you'll have to humble yourself with, best way things are taken care of are by yourself.

08-30-2008, 12:10 AM
id have hugh hefner's mansion and all his dames...

Don't forget you'll have hugh hefner :keke:, anyways good luck on tonight! Hopefully they don't come because your gonna crow bar their asses lol.

08-30-2008, 12:24 AM
All of these threads turn into pictures of weapons.

Damn straight. This is America!

08-30-2008, 12:35 AM
Damn straight. This is America!

Too bad if he actually used the weapons he'd be fucked.

08-30-2008, 12:48 AM

this is all you need

08-30-2008, 12:58 AM
all i need is a fingerless leather glove? kinky.

08-30-2008, 03:33 AM
friend and i are callin' it a night. no funny business in the front. just gonna be another 1 of those times when a hater will strike when u least expect it..

08-30-2008, 03:56 AM

I'd be down to freak the fuck out of them. Just do a slow roll right past them, then u-turn and do another and just bulldog them.

Or the more ricer approach,
bust a phat drifto around a corner that they are facing, get next to their car, just run up, bust the window, pull them out and rape them.

Andrew Bohan
08-30-2008, 03:59 AM
or crash into them

then when the cops come, they'll ask why 4 guys are chillin in a parked suv at 3am

08-30-2008, 05:08 AM
^^^ Best idea ever.

But offica! I wouldn't of hit them if they weren't stalking this snowcarver dude that is on the intrawebz with me on a car forum with modifized stuffs!

08-30-2008, 10:34 AM
Sneak up and put a banana in their tail pipe. But seriously have you though about cameras posted outside your house?

08-30-2008, 11:06 AM
friend and i are callin' it a night. no funny business in the front. just gonna be another 1 of those times when a hater will strike when u least expect it..

Thats good that nothing happened, at least you know you'll be ready next time lol

08-30-2008, 11:53 AM
sneak up and put a banana in their tail pipe. But seriously have you though about cameras posted outside your house?

i aint gonna fall for no banana in my tailpipe!

08-30-2008, 03:42 PM
Sneak up and put a banana in their tail pipe. But seriously have you though about cameras posted outside your house?

lol, wasn't that in a rush hour or lethal weapon movie or somthing??? thought i saw that somewhere... that would have been a good idea cus that suv they were driving sounded like it was about to die when they gave it gas... would make them step out the car so i can get a good look at them too.

08-30-2008, 04:29 PM
Some little punk kept driving past my house when I was having an argument with my GF in the front of my house.

He would drive by, and honk his horn and then speed off.

He did it two times.

The third time he drove by with his lights turned off, like I wouldn't notice him.

I ran out into the street straight in front of his car, and he braked in fear.

I yelled at him "STOP, DON'T YOU FUCKING RUN!"

But he made a quick right and got away.

I hopped in my daily car, but I didn't catch him.

I was hoping he would come back, but no sign of him for an hour, I hesitantly went back to bed.

Mi Beardo es Loco
08-30-2008, 04:47 PM
next time you notice them there walk outside with a undone robe and only boxers on with a shotgun in one hand checking your mail at 130 in the morning. It'll send them a message.

Andrew Bohan
08-30-2008, 05:38 PM
"checking your mail" is swahili for "shooting people"

08-30-2008, 05:40 PM
"checking your mail" is swahili for "shooting people"

click, click, boom?


08-30-2008, 05:54 PM
really, just call the cops and tell them a suspicious person is waiting outside. talk about drugs or weapons deals going on and BOOM they are there.

then again, I am all down for not including them in the action, but then again, you seem like you're not down for that. good luck :-P keep us posted

08-31-2008, 05:51 AM
really, just call the cops and tell them a suspicious person is waiting outside. talk about drugs or weapons deals going on and BOOM they are there.

SERIOUSLY. Thats the key. Just fucking lie to the dispatcher and tell them you saw guys holding guns. That'll get the cops out there QUICK.

Or just be like me....
Option 1 - Get one of those two-million candlepower spotlights, and just point it at their faces from a window. They'll leave. lol
Option 2 - Grab a chair and kick back on the porch. Stare the bastards down, looking real pissed off... Usually works.
Option 3 - Do something that will make them think you're insane. Walk out there in your undies and start smashing your head against a wall, mailbox, shitty car, etc... Nobody fucks with an insane person.

08-31-2008, 12:43 PM
SERIOUSLY. Thats the key. Just fucking lie to the dispatcher and tell them you saw guys holding guns. That'll get the cops out there QUICK.

Or just be like me....
Option 1 - Get one of those two-million candlepower spotlights, and just point it at their faces from a window. They'll leave. lol
Option 2 - Grab a chair and kick back on the porch. Stare the bastards down, looking read pissed off... Usually works.
Option 3 - Do something that will make them think you're insane. Walk out there in your undies and start smashing your head against a wall, mailbox, shitty car, etc... Nobody fucks with an insane person.

^^^:bowrofl: they're all good.. but option 3 for sure!!

really, just call the cops and tell them a suspicious person is waiting outside. talk about drugs or weapons deals going on and BOOM they are there.

then again, I am all down for not including them in the action, but then again, you seem like you're not down for that. good luck :-P keep us posted

yea.. not really down for a rumble like back in highschool less i have some friends to back me up... i had my share being solo.. its was stupid.. still is.