View Full Version : 3 hrs to COMPLETE DISASTER!!!

08-27-2008, 11:52 AM
holy crap guys, i fucked up pretty bad today. i know this has happened to at least a few of you guys and i need some advice on how to get out of the shit hole i just dug myself. let me make this quick..

subject: i forgot my girls b-day


she called me 2 times today at work and i didnt say happy b-day

only when she told me she was mad at me the secopnd time she called, is when i figured it out

im supost to go to her house later on today after work (around 4:30 ny time)

i mean i did take her out to a beautiful resteraunt in new york city called balthasurs and celibrated it a few days earlier, and spend like 350$ that night. i also have 2 tickets to watch Wicked on broadway next week, but shes just pissed that i didnt call her

and advice????????


08-27-2008, 11:54 AM
Show up with flowers, tell her you wanted to tell her in person instead of over the phone.

08-27-2008, 11:54 AM
ummmm duh....

Go get some flower and chocolates and just play it off like you wanted her to think that you forgot about it when you didn't.

you spent $350 on dinner?

Fuck, does she have beer flavor nipples or something?

08-27-2008, 12:05 PM
Damn i was gonna say 1800flowers.com they deliver same day before 2pm though missed it by 4 minutes...

Better get some flowers and run to a store before you get there and front like you forgot purposely like jack said...

Damn homie where the fuck you be eating at???

I would've taken her to Cafeteria and called it a night..

08-27-2008, 12:05 PM
Show up with flowers, tell her you wanted to tell her in person instead of over the phone.

Winner, problem solved. If she doesn't believe you, well, there's nothing else you could have done anyway :p

08-27-2008, 12:08 PM
Make up sex is always the best lol

Na man just some flowers and a teddy bear and just say that you were working like crazy at work or that your boss was giving you all kinda shit. Twist it around and make her feel bad i do it all the time works like a charm then we have make up sex HEHE

08-27-2008, 12:09 PM
ummmm duh....

Go get some flower and chocolates and just play it off like you wanted her to think that you forgot about it when you didn't.

you spent $350 on dinner?

Fuck, does she have beer flavor nipples or something?

Damn i was gonna say 1800flowers.com they deliver same day before 2pm though missed it by 4 minutes...

Better get some flowers and run to a store before you get there and front like you forgot purposely like jack said...

Damn homie where the fuck you be eating at???

I would've taken her to Cafeteria and called it a night..

well it was a nice place. some 5 star french place. i tryed escargot (snail) i mean we did order a 150$ bottle of wine from like 1997




08-27-2008, 12:17 PM
HAHAHH!!! I did the same shit and my girl was MAD as hell AND at the end of the day she FINALLY TOLD ME it was her Bday. Here is what you say.

"babe, you thought i didnt know it was your BDAY!?!?! Ha! I was pretending not to know so that I could surprise you with this (get something at the store/mall on your way to her house)."

It works all the fucking time!!!! most of the time they go "I feel so bad thinking that you forgot. sorry babe!"

than have sex and everyone wins.

08-27-2008, 12:19 PM
Make up sex is always the best lol

Na man just some flowers and a teddy bear and just say that you were working like crazy at work or that your boss was giving you all kinda shit. Twist it around and make her feel bad i do it all the time works like a charm then we have make up sex HEHE

Quoted for truth and the best way to resolve the situation. Make up sex FTW!!!

08-27-2008, 12:21 PM
Oh thats a nice place the wifey wants to go there too....

Shit dude take my ass to dinner balla haha....

Dude i'm telling you pick up something on the way home...

Where do you have to go through to get to her house maybe i can tell you where to pick something up on the way ....

Escargot tastes gross haven't had it in a while but last i remembered yuck!

08-27-2008, 12:21 PM
knock her out into next week!

then when she wakes up, tell her that you guys partied too hard

08-27-2008, 12:22 PM
well it was a nice place. some 5 star french place. i tryed escargot (snail) i mean we did order a 150$ bottle of wine from like 1997




$150 bottle of wine?


Did it taste any different than a $15 bottle of wine.

Prolly not.

08-27-2008, 12:23 PM
you spent fucking 350 bucks on wine and snails? :goyou:

it's food. you eat it so you won't die. you crap it out the next day.
i would never spend 350 dollars on food. let alone 150$ for a bottle of wine.

and then you ate snails. i would've understand if it would've been 1/2 pound finest kobe steak or something. but snails! :barf:

whatever. do as thatguy said. if it doesn't work, well, at least you tried.

08-27-2008, 12:27 PM
lmfao give me a break guys!!

the wine tasted like shit the snails were gross but what the hell can i do?? the wifey wants to go for her b-day i kinda have no choice lol

i would have been fine with some wings from croxle's ale house and a brooklyn loger but ......... women what can u do

and i had more than snails and wine. it was probly the best tasting duck i have ever had. my girl got some short ribs cooked in congac SHIT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!

08-27-2008, 12:35 PM
Dude it's all good i did the same for wifey

took her out got a bottle of Ace of spade tasted like shit too...

But you wild for buying Snails and grapes from 97...

I would have gotten an older bottle for that much..

next time go to Ruth Chris or something bro...

08-27-2008, 01:33 PM
word lol ^^^^^

thanx for the back-up

08-27-2008, 01:37 PM
note... you may be able to slide when you're dating... when your married... she's not gonna take that BS excuse..

08-27-2008, 01:38 PM
Show up with flowers, tell her you wanted to tell her in person instead of over the phone.

your best bet :bigok: ohh and throw a few kisses in there too ;D

08-27-2008, 01:41 PM
See for women I believe it's not about them really wanting to eat the food or drink that particular $150 bottle of wine.

I'm sure their fine with wings and beer also.

It's just them playing this retarded fucking game of what is he willing to do for me.

That's all.

So about my question of the beer flavor nipple?


drift freaq
08-27-2008, 01:47 PM
Wait a sec? You guys went to place with Fresh Maine Lobster! You did not order Lobster! WTF you guys fail culinary delights 101. LOL Seriously man I would die for some fresh Maine Lobster, along with some real long neck Ipswitch Steamer Clams! Fuck the Escargot. You can get that anywhere. Man you east coasters take shit for granted.

08-27-2008, 01:50 PM
^^ Yeah we do all the time cause it's so convenient for us....

Jack i agree chicks wanna see how far a dude will go for them!!

beeracing s14
08-27-2008, 01:52 PM
call 18005800tom....talk to tom leykis and he will surely give you something productive about your situation. or search for his boy-girl relationship advises on youtube. im serious.

08-27-2008, 01:54 PM
flowers, tiffanys necklace, benihanas, hot sex. done.

call 18005800tom....talk to tom leykis and he will surely give you something productive about your situation. or search for his boy-girl relationship advises on youtube. im serious.

oh fuck.... dont do that. hey let me off with a kobe. lol show is comical.

08-27-2008, 01:54 PM
jump kick her in the face and go suprise !!!!!!!

beeracing s14
08-27-2008, 01:55 PM
if you spend that much on a girl that means you are PUSSYWHIPPED!

08-27-2008, 01:56 PM
flowers, tiffanys necklace, benihanas, hot sex. done.

ohhhhhhhhhh yea, DONE DEAL :goyou: lol

08-27-2008, 01:57 PM
if you spend that much on a girl that means you are PUSSYWHIPPED!

Not necessarily depending the relation status. That and your ballin and money is nothing if you really feel for that person. If your not ready for beni, do outback or something with a good environment.

08-27-2008, 01:58 PM
Benihanas Fa Sho.......

Boba when u taking me lolz

08-27-2008, 02:01 PM
im down! when you come to the west coast well have to party fo sho! get the boys together. woooooooo no sleep!

08-27-2008, 02:04 PM
Get her a ring and give it to her after she gets off. Have someone relay a phone call from your house to her so she feels your at home and are completely forgetting about it, And then "BAM" Big oh ring. I have been in the same spot before.

08-27-2008, 02:07 PM
one thing is for sure is protect that tool! Unless your ready for that father life!

08-27-2008, 02:09 PM
Man pick her up take her to that Joint on 166th and B'way forgot the name it's a Dominican Steak house it's good as hell and they have good Nutcrackers there yezzir then take her home do you and there you go done deal...for less then a bill

08-27-2008, 02:23 PM
You spend $350 for dinner and now you have tickets for broadway, must be one special lady... but i hate to sound like an ass, your lady seems pretty high maintanance; I could be wrong. We all make mistakes and so what if you forgot about her b-day she shouldn't get all 'pissed' off about it. My advice, take the shit from her and slowly make up for it and tell her that you're sorry in PERSON!. She needs to grow up and be mature about this, never put a lady on a pedestal, your just asking for trouble mate. Try dating East Indian girls, much more bitchy and high maintanance than any girls i've dated that goes for any Asian girl for that matter. Good luck!


08-27-2008, 04:31 PM
Or you could get $500 in dollar bills and show it to her.

Tell her for everything that she does wrong then you take away a dollar or more depending on the situation.

Wait that's not a good idea. Nevermind.

08-27-2008, 05:48 PM
About the wine, bring your own next time. most restaurants mark up their wine 100%. so if you got it for $100 a restaurant, most likely you'll be able to get it for $50 at trader joes or something. trader joe's (and whole foods) has lots of cheap decent wines, many for around $10/bottle. patrons there are usually pretty good on making suggestions as well. most restaurant do charge corkage for bringing your own wine, but it should be less than $20. Just trying to save you $ in the long run.

also, unless your girl is familiar with wines, i say don't spend too much on that to impress her. most ppl I know, cannot tell the difference between a decent wine and a 2 buck chuck anyhow ($2 bottle from trader joes). bringing your own wine might even make you look more like a connoisseur, and most ppl are not going to demand to know how much you paid for it either. just get a safe pinot or even a zin. doesn't really have to be that old either and it should be easy to go with most foods.

next time you visit a bistro, try the baked onion soup, mussel frites, steak frites/entrecote steak, morrocan merguez sausages if they have it, pot au feu, duck, and profiteroles. seared foie gras (fattened goose liver) if you're more adventurous. escargot can be ok if done well, but most places cannot do a good job.

I like bistro fare very much myself, but spending $100/head on that sort of thing seems really expensive though. for that price, i'd expect to have a multi-course tasting dinner.

08-27-2008, 09:54 PM
to the op your a disgrace to the man race....you dont take no ho to a $350 dinner

08-27-2008, 10:04 PM
Holy, I see you typing on the chatbox at onlygoodanime dot com slowpo. Sweet site eh?

08-27-2008, 10:13 PM
Holy, I see you typing on the chatbox at onlygoodanime dot com slowpo. Sweet site eh?
thank you sir and if you want to request any anime let me know

beeracing s14
08-27-2008, 10:43 PM
your lady works hard on the money just like you.. make her pay half of the bill!

Vision Garage
08-28-2008, 12:52 AM
Youre 23! Do not think about MARRIAGE YET!

08-28-2008, 12:59 AM
Youre 23! Do not think about MARRIAGE YET!

agreed!!!! not till your 55 :D haha i kid i kid.:keke:

08-28-2008, 03:17 AM
jump kick her in the face and go suprise !!!!!!!

knock her out into next week!

then when she wakes up, tell her that you guys partied too hard

These are the men of truth and wisdom!

But all joking aside, this is one reason why I'm happy that I'm single. I left my last girl a couple of months ago.
I already told her when we started dating that I'm not the person to give gifts nor do I care about receiving them, but what does she do? Still gets me shit when I say not to and she expects shit in return.

Guess I left her because she didn't listen. lol but I do miss her 36 Triple D bust size. :D Nah, they're are more reasons why I split it up, not i'm like a total dick or antying, we still kick it almost every other day. :P

But yeah, I guess just tell her sorry and that shit happens and people forget.

08-28-2008, 05:55 AM
to the op your a disgrace to the man race....you dont take no ho to a $350 dinner

knock her out into next week!

then when she wakes up, tell her that you guys partied too hard

jump kick her in the face and go suprise !!!!!!!

if you spend that much on a girl that means you are PUSSYWHIPPED!

obviouly you little BOYS dont know how to trteat a woman. and im sorry if you budget cant afford anything over a happy meal and large fries. if my girl is good to me, im good to her simple as that lol

08-28-2008, 06:27 AM
obviouly you little BOYS dont know how to trteat a woman. and im sorry if you budget cant afford anything over a happy meal and large fries. if my girl is good to me, im good to her simple as that lol

I feel you i do the same I make my girl feel special from time to time mostly around the time i get paid lol..

So what ended up happening

08-28-2008, 07:09 AM
took allitle of everyones advice, made my own little story up, flower, chocolate, awsome sex, everythings fine now lol

thanx guys

+ rep for everyone

Show up with flowers, tell her you wanted to tell her in person instead of over the phone.

ummmm duh....

Go get some flower and chocolates and just play it off like you wanted her to think that you forgot about it when you didn't.

you spent $350 on dinner?

Fuck, does she have beer flavor nipples or something?

Make up sex is always the best lol

Na man just some flowers and a teddy bear and just say that you were working like crazy at work or that your boss was giving you all kinda shit. Twist it around and make her feel bad i do it all the time works like a charm then we have make up sex HEHE

Oh thats a nice place the wifey wants to go there too....

Shit dude take my ass to dinner balla haha....

Dude i'm telling you pick up something on the way home...

Where do you have to go through to get to her house maybe i can tell you where to pick something up on the way ....

Escargot tastes gross haven't had it in a while but last i remembered yuck!

08-28-2008, 07:15 AM
Of course man you know i got you wheneva!!

Don't let these other dudes throw you off

After reading some or the responses no wonder so of these guys are single..

Shmid keep doing you how ever you see fit...

08-28-2008, 07:43 AM
I got your back to man and like stiizy said no wonder most of you guys are single lol. I cant just imagine this will be you guys once your married



08-28-2008, 09:25 AM
surprize her... See i DIDNT forget... SURPRIZE! it works gl

08-28-2008, 10:50 AM
Still waiting on the answer to my question...........

Glad it worked out.

08-28-2008, 10:58 AM
Still waiting on the answer to my question...........

Glad it worked out.

lmao you know it... :drool: and not just any beer, this beer!!


08-28-2008, 10:59 AM
Thank you sir for the answer.

beeracing s14
08-28-2008, 01:30 PM
marriage for me is like giving my girl the key access to my place and steal everything ive got. sorry but true just look around ya all. single is the best ever with great career to move on and achieve the most in life. when you are single, you get more asses than a toilet seat. bwhahahaha!

08-28-2008, 01:40 PM
mmmmm, snail,
