View Full Version : How to spit game 101.(PLease Read Rules)

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08-27-2008, 02:46 AM
This thread is intended to help those out there that have no game. I know many of you like cars, and computers...and honestly..I think about 60% of you cats. Either have no lifes/Boring lifes/and no game whatsoever (no disrespect) However take in any opinions given in this thread and apply it to your own lifes. I hope you can learn something outta this.

Now there are rules for this thread however:
#1 You can only post questions. No stupid opinions or this thread will be closed. We will awnser every question posted. Give us time however. We are both busy bee's.
#2 If you have an opinion. Please PM me or Lisa (DRavens13)
#3 Learn something!

So here we go; :kiss:HOW TO SPIT GAME 101.:kiss:

I personally believe that you have to sit back and watch your target before engaging in a conversation or any kind of interaction. You have to have a good fast thinking mind and you have to be smoooooth during the approach.

Now you can tell a lot about a woman by simply looking at her swag/style or however you wanna call it. I know most of us guys look up and down girls when passing by (at least I hope so) So take in mind everything about her. And NOTICE THE SMALL DETAILS. Such as Eyes, hair color, dimples etc. You also need to play it smart and use the environment around you aswell. Meaning if your in a music store...approach with a music conversation..etc.etc.etc.

BUT to get to this step first. You must feel confident and expect the worse. Everyone gets shot down. I've been shot down hundred of times cold blooded but that's never stopped me...just don't dwell on it, and move to the next one.

Now obviously you can't get to know a lady without an approach/pick up line...So you need to say something that INTERESTS her. Or something that will make her LAUGH and feel abit more comfortable.(usually this breaks the ice) If she's not feeling comfortable at all..then most likely she's not going to even look at you and walk away.

Girls like BOLD guys that STAND out I would imagine. Meaning if you have the balls to go up to a GROUP of ladies..and talk to one in particular then that sets you aside than all the hundreds of guys that are in the area, but I'll admit they are more harsh in packs. So keep your "A" game on.

(Try not to ask any questions that use a "yes" or a "no" response only because it shortens the time span with quick awnsers, and she walks away)

Some people like to use pickup lines. I LOVE TO. Pickup lines are a broken record, but I know for a fact it catches a bit of laughter deep deep deep down inside her awkward look she gives you :D

Sample Pickup Lines I love to use:

"Hey beautiful? That is your name right??".

(if outside at a bar)"Do you have a cigarrette?(wait for the response..) Because your smoking". -Copyright by Andrew Bohan of Lab17.

"Are you lost? Because heaven's a long way from here".

"Excuse me..do you have the time?". <--and go with it from there. Gotta think smart homies. Because 90% of the time they will respond.

Now once the conversation has begun...I cannot help you out from there. It's all on your own personality to keep the ball rolling. Always look into her eyes when speaking. Don't look down or around, It's very respectful to stay locked on her.

Now I personally use this trick, where I look to the left eye, then to the right eye slowly back and forth while speaking to her. This shows that you are LISTENING to what she has to say, or that you are seriously putting deep concern about this woman.

08-27-2008, 02:47 AM
This thread is intended to help those out there that have no game. I know many of you like cars, and computers...and honestly..I think about 60% of you cats. Either have no lifes/Boring lifes/and no game whatsoever (no disrespect) However take in any opinions given in this thread and apply it to your own lifes. I hope you can learn something outta this.

I also will be adding to this as well. You can have all the advice from another guy, there's plenty of them here, but I will be adding my .02 since after all, a female point of view will get you further into the game. If you'll listen to a fat guy on the radio that's been through 4 marriages, then surely you'll take heed to my advice, as it only took one time for me to be married and hate it before I learned my lesson.

I personally believe that you have to sit back and watch your target before engaging in a conversation or any kind of interaction. You have to have a good fast thinking mind and you have to be smoooooth during the approach.

While you guys sit and watch us like hungry hyenas surveying the pack, we're just as aware of you guys. Upon walking into the place, we've already sized up the entire area, and pretty much know what we're walking into. The time it takes for you to size one girl up, we've already broken down every single person in the club.

Now you can tell a lot about a woman by simply looking at her swag/style or however you wanna call it. I know most of us guys look up and down girls when passing by (at least I hope so) So take in mind everything about it. And NOTICE THE SMALL DETAILS. Such as Eyes, hair color, dimples etc.You also need to play it smart and use the environment around you aswell. Meaning if your in a music store...approach with a music conversation..etc.

BUT to get to this step first. You must feel confident and expect the worse. Everyone gets shot down. I've been shot down hundred of times cold blooded but that's never stopped me.

Now obviously you can't get to know a lady without an approach/pick up line...So you need to say something that INTERESTS her. Or something that will make her LAUGH and feel abit more comfortable.(usually this breaks the ice) If she's not feeling comfortable at all..then most likely she's not going to even look at you and walk away.

Girls like BOLD guys that STAND out I would imagine. Meaning if you have the balls to go up to a GROUP of ladies..and talk to one in particular then that sets you aside than all the hundreds of guys that are in the area, but I'll admit they are more harsh in packs. So keep your "A" game on.
Try not to ask any questions that use a "yes" or a "no" response only because it shortens the time span, and she walks away)

Some people like to use pickup lines. I LOVE TO. Pickup lines are a broken record, but I know for a fact it catches a bit of laughter deep deep deep down inside her awkward look she gives you

PLEASE don't be creepy about it. While you're studying the target, try to be as ninja-like as possible. You don't wanna come off as a stalker.

Boldness is good, but don't be obnoxious. Nothing is a bigger turn-off than some guy that comes up to you and starts talking loudly, or being all touchy feely. Respect her space.

Also, consider your appearance. Don't come up to a girl if you smell like a barn, really smashed/stoned, or if you're dressed like a bum. Consider her as well. If she looks sick, or if she looks pissed off, you're more than likely gonna get blown off, because she just isn't in the mood. I realize that sometimes you can still talk to her when she's in a mood, but trust me, 9 times out of 10 it doesn't matter what you look like, or what you say, you're not gonna get through to her. Even if you look bomb, she knows that she doesn't, and she's gonna be extremely embarrassed and insecure, and that won't help.


This, seriously, is hit-and-miss. If you use one, and she's put off by it, just keep moving. She obviously doesn't have a sense of humor, and you don't wanna deal with some girl that takes herself so seriously that she won't laugh at what you have to say.

Don't try to look smooth when using a pickup line. They're meant to be used as a joke to break the ice, and if you say one with a serious ass look on your face, you will be considered pathetic and useless.

Also, if she doesn't respond to you, just keep moving. But, catch her eye from time to time, to exhibit some interest. Girls like to be chased somewhat. If she blows you off, continue to work the room, but meet eyes with her from time to time when you see her. Showing interest even after you've been blown off might get you a second chance.


If you walk up to a girl that's with a group of friends, excuse yourself. The last thing you need is her friends fucking shit up for you which, 85% of the time, they will. Walk up, say excuse me, and look all of the friends in the group in the eye. It shows the target that you are not a pompous, disrespectful bastard. This is your chance to say something funny/witty/charming that will not only calm the basket of blood-sucking tarantulas that are her friends, but it will make her feel all special that you picked her out of the crowd.


"Hello ladies, how are you all doing [look them all in the eye, then revert back to the target]?
I don't mean to interrupt your good time, but I had to come over here and introduce myself to this [insert compliment here] lady that caught my eye."

Keep eye contact with the target at all times at this point, and really concentrate on whatever she says. Then, if she responds to you, hold out your hand to take hers, and at all costs, lead her away from the pack. You don't need her friends to interview you, they're not doing it because they care, they're doing it because 1- they're nosy as fuck, and 2- they're gonna plot a way to steal you away from her.

08-27-2008, 02:48 AM
Thinh should read this.



08-27-2008, 02:50 AM
Questions only. Please read rules :D

<3 Yuta.

08-27-2008, 03:01 AM
What Anthony forgot to add was, if you have questions about your skills, personal relationships, love life, blah blah, feel free to ask your questions here.

If you're having trouble picking up on girls, and don't know what you're doing, read here, and ask away.

08-27-2008, 03:02 AM

Thanks for clearing that up mah.

Boostin on you
08-27-2008, 04:15 AM
were you that guy on mtv with your own show on teaching nerds to get laid by strippers?

if so REP +1

08-27-2008, 05:10 AM
what do u look like?

go read the game by neil straus /thread

08-27-2008, 07:25 AM
Damn Ant why you aint put me up on this kid......

08-27-2008, 08:14 AM
were you that guy on mtv with your own show on teaching nerds to get laid by strippers?

if so REP +1

It wasn't on MTV it was on VH1 and the show was The Pick Up Artist


YouTube - Mystery Pick Up Artist tips on Opening - PUA VH1 Pickup (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8tl2bnXCU4)

YouTube - Great Mystery story & routine to pick up girls! PUA VH1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvAE9ug4llk&feature=related)

YouTube - Art Of Seduction (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qscl414ufYk&feature=related)

YouTube - Mystery on approaching girls - attraction seduction PUA VH1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy27HJX3JVU&feature=related)

Here's my question how do you get rid of or get by The D.U.F.F. (Designated Ugly Fat Friend.)

08-27-2008, 08:26 AM
If you can't look into someone's eyes, at least look at them between the eyes....then once you're comfortable look them into the eyes. I <3 non-verbal communication (non-text based).

08-27-2008, 08:32 AM
Questions only? haha

How do I get a girl to break up with her bf who lives across the country, when I already know she has a thing for me?

... haha damn, i feel like a jackass..

Dirty Habit
08-27-2008, 08:35 AM
If you can't look into someone's eyes, at least look at them between the eyes....

Exactly. Always eye your landing pad before hand. If its too narrow, eyes might be lost, and its time for you to move on.lol.

Anyways, Im back in the game after being with a girl for 4 years and a month away from getting married. Alot has changed. I gotta step up my game now. This is gonna get interesting.

08-27-2008, 08:56 AM
One thing I've been told by a bestfriend of mine was that- riding a motorcycle with a extra small size helmet in the back will give you greater opportunity towards human reproduction :love:

08-27-2008, 08:57 AM
were you that guy on mtv with your own show on teaching nerds to get laid by strippers?

if so REP +1
No that wasn't me.

what do u look like?

go read the game by neil straus /thread

I look like myself. lol.

I've read lots of "game" books, but I think the best I've ever read was called

"The Art of seduction". This book helps you seduce woman. It's a very awesome book. you should grab it.
Damn Ant why you aint put me up on this kid......
lols. <333

If you can't look into someone's eyes, at least look at them between the eyes....then once you're comfortable look them into the eyes. I <3 non-verbal communication (non-text based).
Eye communication is one of the main points during the interaction however. I'd recommend looking str8 into your victims eyes and not inbetween. ;)

Questions only? haha

How do I get a girl to break up with her bf who lives across the country, when I already know she has a thing for me?

... haha damn, i feel like a jackass..
Well Jay.

Long distance relationships NEVER work out. It's very rarely that you'll catch one holding strong.
However in your situation...if her boy is long distance...all you have to do is hang out with her more...show her the things that her other boyfriend doesn't.
Basically you need to "sweep" her. Compliment her on her beauty, Show her new things that she's never experienced etc.
Just play your cards right and you'll get her man. The awesome part is that YOU are HERE at the moment with her, while he's out there.
I'm sure you'll know what to do ;) Lets hope she's one of the dependent on another type chick.

Exactly. Always eye your landing pad before hand. If its too narrow, eyes might be lost, and its time for you to move on.lol.

Anyways, Im back in the game after being with a girl for 4 years and a month away from getting married. Alot has changed. I gotta step up my game now. This is gonna get interesting.

Thats whatsup playa.
I'm back in the game after being locked up for damn near 2 years. and I'm loving every second of it. Stay up homie.

08-27-2008, 09:14 AM
Well Jay.

Long distance relationships NEVER work out. It's very rarely that you'll catch one holding strong.
However in your situation...if her boy is long distance...all you have to do is hang out with her more...show her the things that her other boyfriend doesn't.
Basically you need to "sweep" her. Compliment her on her beauty, Show her new things that she's never experienced etc.
Just play your cards right and you'll get her man. The awesome part is that YOU are HERE at the moment with her, while he's out there.
I'm sure you'll know what to do ;) Lets hope she's one of the dependent on another type chick.


She already admitted to having a thing for me not long after she moved back here. (We've also had history) She tried to not chill with me for fear of being unfaithful, but we still chill as much as we used to. :naughty:

08-27-2008, 09:45 AM
man. i fail at this subject. i really think i have game, and plenty of it. i just have no idea how to harness it. i need to learn to use it for good, instead of evil.

heres one. howcome when i start a convo with a lady, it doesnt last very long? i just draw up blank. running out of questions and things to say sucks. and it makes me feel like a jackass. im sure it makes me look like a bigger jackass.

another situation ive found myself and others in. ive been out of school for 6 years. i work for my parents, so i have zero interaction with females. the only time im around them, is when i go to the bar. and 9 out of 10 times, its guys night. and im getting plastered and dont give a chit. haha. viscous cycle.

BUT. i have my first class this friday. business admin. we'll see how that goes. atleast ill be in contact with 'em. haha.

08-27-2008, 12:57 PM
How do I stop girls from being all over me?

Can I contribute to this thread also? I got mad game,
son. :naughty:

08-27-2008, 12:58 PM
^This guy haha

How do you get outta the friend zone just to hit but after still remain friends??

08-27-2008, 01:00 PM
I have so much game, I had to get married for the world to be a safer place.

08-27-2008, 01:06 PM
^^ i feel you man, its hard meeting new people if your working+school.

i go out a lot though, i just never have the balls to actually talk to someone in the club, i dont mind asking to dance, its just i dont hold a convo!

Question: where do people go to meet people? at bars? i think i just answered my own question. haha

08-27-2008, 01:07 PM
I have so much game, I had to get married for the world to be a safer place.

haha oh wowww. :loco:

08-27-2008, 01:10 PM
Not so much a question, but more of a request. I request to see these bootylicious bodacious bomdiggity beezies the OP's have picked up with this so-called "game".

I'd like to "see to believe".

08-27-2008, 01:13 PM
^^ See it think that would just start a war up in here cause everyone will swear their chicks are hot and then the Forum dickheads we have will start talking shit and hatin...

08-27-2008, 01:15 PM
Girls like BOLD guys that STAND out I would imagine. Meaning if you have the balls to go up to a GROUP of ladies..and talk to one in particular then that sets you aside than all the hundreds of guys that are in the area, but I'll admit they are more harsh in packs. So keep your "A" game on.

this my friend is verryy true. girls don't like the shy type. it's jus annoying... why do guys think its extreamly hot for a girl to take the lead and go up to a guy? please fill me in.

08-27-2008, 01:18 PM
^^ See it think that would just start a war up in here cause everyone will swear their chicks are hot and then the Forum dickheads we have will start talking shit and hatin...

I simply wanna see if this dude really got game...

You wouldn't wanna buy a Benz from a Kia dealership....

08-27-2008, 01:23 PM
I feel you on that...lol

08-27-2008, 01:30 PM
ohh god here we go. lol

08-27-2008, 01:34 PM
what do u look like?

go read the game by neil straus /thread

Most useful information in the whole thread. Every other book, every thing you think you know will pale in comparison to Mystery Method.

The guys you see getting girls without this method are doing so because they "get lucky" or are getting away on good looks. There is a rare few that have this method already internalized without having ever read the book.

08-27-2008, 01:39 PM
I've got more game than Nintendo.


Making a girl laugh is winning half of the battle.

Sorry to interrupt your thread.

But I just wanted to mention that when your talking to a girl you want to talk about happy stuff with her. Ask her questions about her life and just listen but make sure that she's talking about the good memories. blah blah blah.

08-27-2008, 01:44 PM
I was waiting for this man to arrive. Jack take the time to make a book if you can im sure it would be a interesting topic to discuss.

08-27-2008, 01:45 PM
I've got more game than Nintendo.


Making a girl laugh is winning half of the battle.

Sorry to interrupt your thread.

But I just wanted to mention that when your talking to a girl you want to talk about happy stuff with her. Ask her questions about her life and just listen but make sure that she's talking about the good memories. blah blah blah.

agreed! from a girl's view; don't talk about depressing stuff all the time. theres a time for that. ALWAYS make her laugh. GIRLS LOVE THAT! or i do atleast :keke: DON'T GIVE HER HER WAYY ALL THE TIME, be in control. say no sometimes, girls like the dominate ways too. no short answers durring the conversations, be detailed, it keeps things interesting. make her feel wanted, but not needed.. girls don't like needy guys. keep her happy, and she'll do the same.

08-27-2008, 01:47 PM
Here's a tip. Learn how to breakdance. And not just uprock and some weak ass robot shit. Like really breakdance.

Girls LOVE guys that breakdance. Fact.

Example. Back in the day, I would hardly have to spit game because girls would approach me. That was 10 years ago plus.

Just about 2 years ago I was at a club in Detroit with a friend that I used to break with. He started doing some shit, and all these girls eyes were just glued. He wasn't doing anything serious. A bunch of them started motioning to me to go out and do something. I acted all cool at first like, 'naw, not in the mood'. But they kept insisting. So I finally went out and did a lil some some, and all I could hear were screams. Now, trust me, I am not nearly as good as I used and the shit I did was kinda whack, but damn if the girls didn't love it. Afterward they all came up to tell me how hot that was, etc. I told them i wasn't from the area and I was married ie not availible. One of them bought me a drank. My friend and I chilled for a min and left.

Seriously...learn to break well and panties will drop.

08-27-2008, 01:50 PM
i took classes. ask wasabi lol. yeaaaaaaahhhhh ummm not my steez. >_< but i got the 6 o clock and the formation down.

08-27-2008, 01:51 PM
Learn how to sing, also. It works.
Me and my friends are in an r&b group,
nothing too serious, we just like to perform
at family functions, debuts, weddings, etc.
We go to Newport Beach a lot and my friend
brings his guitar, and we jam on the beach, or pier.
The ladies love it.

Girls go crazy for dancers.
Girls fall in love with singers.



08-27-2008, 02:00 PM
^^ And Girls fuck Rappers, Producers and DJ's


Wait oh shit i do all those things haha

08-27-2008, 02:52 PM
Learn how to sing, also. It works.
Me and my friends are in an r&b group,
nothing too serious, we just like to perform
at family functions, debuts, weddings, etc.
We go to Newport Beach a lot and my friend
brings his guitar, and we jam on the beach, or pier.
The ladies love it.

Girls go crazy for dancers.
Girls fall in love with singers.



Back then, I wasn't looking for love. lol.

Here's another tip:

Learn to cook. I'm not talking some mac and cheese from a box. Really learn how to too cook. Invest in some nice cookware. Yea, it's cool to take a girl out to dinner, but if you bring them back to your place, make them a succulent multi course dinner, paired up with a fine wine...

I know this is a tough one for a lot of you that still live at home, but this is incentive to move your ass out of mom and dads.

08-27-2008, 03:04 PM
How do you get outta the friend zone just to hit but after still remain friends??

From my experience, it doesn't happen. This one long-time lady friend of mine moved away and came back. She started liking me and once we fucked around, it was a different relationship. You'll start seeing eachother differently. Once you cross that line, things change.

...Unless its FWB...

08-27-2008, 03:06 PM
^^ oh see i got a cool ass co-worker and she's dope and i want to nail her but i love how we get along as friends...

but i dont really think bout it now that me and wifey are golden now!!

08-27-2008, 03:40 PM
riddle me this

do girls like muscular guys or skinny guys?

im not saying all ripped like on steroids. but not look like a lil bitch either!

08-27-2008, 03:53 PM
riddle me this

do girls like muscular guys or skinny guys?

im not saying all ripped like on steroids. but not look like a lil bitch either!

Depends on the girl. I'm more of a skinny guy. I've always been tone though.

I think most girls like a sense of humor more then tons of muscles. That's just my experience. But girls def. dig a six pack.

08-27-2008, 04:06 PM
Depends on the girl. I'm more of a skinny guy. I've always been tone though.

I think most girls like a sense of humor more then tons of muscles. That's just my experience. But girls def. dig a six pack.

girls view;
some girls like skinny, some like muscle. me personally, i don't like too much muscle. i like a guy that has a "lil" meat on him. i also like guys that are toned. too much muscle is grose. skinny guys are koo too... sense of humor ftw. neg. on meat heads. toned is sexy :naughty: toooo skinny and ZERO sense of humor is jus wrong :-/ lol

08-27-2008, 04:30 PM
Oh yeah when you talking to a girl and your telling a story.

Make sure you go into detail with the story. Women love that shit. They have a great imagination and they like to visualize stuff. If you can do that for them, all the better.

Thanks boba.

Just gotta have some charms and your pretty much in there. When I talk to girls and do my thing and she's interested then I know that she's cool. But if she acts all retarded then I wouldn't want to kick with her anyways.

If the conversation doesn't flow, then just ask her questions and listen. Women love to hear themselves talk. Just pre-record yourself on a tape saying "uh huh, yes, cool, awesome, that's sounds really cool, wow you did that, of course I'm listening, I can't wait to hear about that." and just fucking press play.

Done and done.

Vision Garage
08-27-2008, 04:36 PM
Dont forget girls love guys who ride. Not sure why but if you aint got no game just get a bike.

Confidence is what girls want. They want to know that you have a goal and that it is her. If you walk into a room and show you have confidence, it will allow girls to notice you. Since being noticed is the first part you are already in the game. Now you are hanging out wth a drink in your hand looking for girls and say you catch eye contact with one. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, Do not look down. THIS IS A MAJOR TURN OFF FOR THEM! Flash them a smile or a wink so they kno that YES IM CHECKING YOU OUT!

If she smiles back or gives you any other sign that you can confirm is good, then you enter the next step. THE APPROACH! Ill let ANT elaborate on that! Sorry to thread jack BUDDY! LOVE YOU!!!! ;)

08-27-2008, 04:50 PM
^^^^ so true.

Women love a danger factor. Their all about that bad boy shit.

One technique that I use from time to time is the "Hi have you met.... (insert wingman name)"

So you bring one friend with you and you hit on a girl but instead of hitting on her for yourself your hitting on the girl for your friend.

Two things comes out of this.
1.) you hook up your friend and your a great buddy.
2.) you don't hook up your friend because she sees him as a pussy not wanting to go up to her himself, but now is your opportunity to present yourself to her as the good buddy and the guy's guy.

Try it.

Oh and what's better than a wingman, a wingwoman. Go out to the club with a friend that's a girl who's willing to hook you up with other girls. Girls see this as less threatening because it's almost like the friend girl is vouching for you and there is some kind of secret fucking sisterhood bs going on. Just make sure that the friend girl isn't all over you and thus giving off the impression to other girls that she's your gf.

Also women love competition.

Let me let you guys in on a little secret. Women don't dress for guys, they dress for other women. They could care less what we think, we could care less what their wearing because we just see it coming off in the near future anyways.

08-27-2008, 04:54 PM
girls can do stupid stuff too .. i was talkin to a girl and she kept talkin about her ex.. dude 10 years older then her and got her prego when she was still underage.... dunno if i would respect her ex, shes cool and all, but her keep talkin about her ex was a major turn off for me.. i dont wanna hear this "should i go back? he abused me and cheated me but i still miss him"... hard to just walk away from this girl cuz shes runnin a few businesses *resturant, soon to have a floral shop* and gonna be a future RN. Besides her past, she could be a nice catch.

anyways lol... about the book The Game, i i only read like 1/4 of it, i still need to finish it, i got the pdf. file on my phone so i will read it when im board or nothing to do.. if anyone else got some pdf. file seduction books lemme know. Im a AFC lol

08-27-2008, 05:03 PM
What's great about this thread.. besides the fact that I'm the person who inspired Anthony to write it, is that all the tips and tricks on this thread requires some sort of confidence. Now, when you're lacking in that department :ugh:, it's all pretty much useless...


08-27-2008, 05:26 PM
YouTube - Mad TV- Can I have ur number? (mad funny) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D0555EtAZ4)

NUFF SAID......SPITTIN..:keke:...sorry i would post the vid up but i dont know how to post em so heres the link haha

08-27-2008, 05:27 PM
get her pregnant


08-27-2008, 05:42 PM
get her pregnant


I hate getting finding out when the girls i just slept with are late. ugh. :faint:

08-27-2008, 06:12 PM
^This guy haha

How do you get outta the friend zone just to hit but after still remain friends??

There is no way out of the friends zone. Unless they are;

A. Nymphos
B. Hammered.

You're doing Zilvia a service Ant. Operation "Get Zilvia Laid"


I get my fair share of the ladies so I feel I can contribute here. As mentioned before girls do love the bad boy shit. That could be as little as being in a kids park and going at it, or one time I guess just the way i drove made this girl all hot and it was kind of awkward/sexy at the same time.

Conversation is always key. Honestly, I think it's just one of those things you are good at and one of the things you aren't. You may say that you can't keep a convo with a girl going, but it is really no different than talking to anyone else. You just have to be a little more sweet and pretend you care about what they are saying more than what you are saying. Practice makes perfect.

Oh... and get a myspace.


Learn how to sing, also. It works.
Me and my friends are in an r&b group,
nothing too serious, we just like to perform
at family functions, debuts, weddings, etc.
We go to Newport Beach a lot and my friend
brings his guitar, and we jam on the beach, or pier.
The ladies love it.

Girls go crazy for dancers.
Girls fall in love with singers.



Don't forget drummers. Drummers, Singers, and Dancers. Pantie droppin.

^^ And Girls fuck Rappers, Producers and DJ's


Wait oh shit i do all those things haha

Psht, you're married homie.


08-27-2008, 06:22 PM
How do you get outta the friend zone just to hit but after still remain friends??

From my experience, it doesn't happen. This one long-time lady friend of mine moved away and came back. She started liking me and once we fucked around, it was a different relationship. You'll start seeing eachother differently. Once you cross that line, things change.

...Unless its FWB...

but even FWB changes; somebody always has to mess it up with catching feelings, weither its the guy or girl. safest thing to do is lay the cards out on the table and MAKE SURE both sides AGREE on FTB AND NOTHING MORE. act more as friends than lovers, cause thats where the attchment starts.

08-27-2008, 06:48 PM
Haha we were just having this discussion at my job (summer maintenance at my school) today. So I work with high school kids, I am one for the record, and one (actually 2) were spitting game to this girl who works at the Wawa (Haha yes I have a Wawa at my school) that I happen to know.

SO basically they got no where because one was just being a dumbass and the other one's a pussy who needs to get laid badly but he's only in 10th grade. And they're trying to talk shit to me and then I'm just like fuck it, so I'm working putting together some shelves and shit with a friend of mine and she walks in looking for her boss. Needless to say I start bullshitting with her and talking about relationships and how our summers were going and I was talking to her for super long and showing her how much of her problems I actually remember because she told them about me before. So she leaves after like a half hour to look for her boss and then comes back with coffee for me an her. Then on break my two friends were like how the hell did you do that. I said to them, "lots of eye contact and I tend to remeber any little bullshit fact that they tell me so I use them later and they think that I care". They were dumbfounded...

Btw, Chicks dig afros haha. You wouldn't know how many girls walk up to me at random places and ask to play with my fro.

Also a good skill is to relate your initial conversation to whatever you tend to be at at the time. It's a much easier way to start and requires much less initial thought and makes the first few minutes way more comfortable. Like for example I'm on the robotics team at my school and when we go to competitions I walk up to girls and ask them about their team's robot and seem genuinely concerned even if it sucks and then change the conversation to their role on the team and then to their personal life. And it's worked three times so far. :bigok:

08-27-2008, 06:54 PM
Always take advantage of every bitch.

08-27-2008, 07:01 PM
man. i fail at this subject. i really think i have game, and plenty of it. i just have no idea how to harness it. i need to learn to use it for good, instead of evil.

heres one. howcome when i start a convo with a lady, it doesnt last very long? i just draw up blank. running out of questions and things to say sucks. and it makes me feel like a jackass. im sure it makes me look like a bigger jackass.

another situation ive found myself and others in. ive been out of school for 6 years. i work for my parents, so i have zero interaction with females. the only time im around them, is when i go to the bar. and 9 out of 10 times, its guys night. and im getting plastered and dont give a chit. haha. viscous cycle.

BUT. i have my first class this friday. business admin. we'll see how that goes. atleast ill be in contact with 'em. haha.

We'll At least you have the confidence to talk to woman alone. So your already ahead of the game.
If your constantly drawing up blanks..That means that your talking too much and leading the conversation.
Try chosing a topic where she can relate to, and give her opinion on...Try ending your sentence with a question or a ponder for her mind.
so she can interact in the conversation. It doesn't matter if you have been out of school for xx amount of years don't use that against you
The bars are a great place to meet ladies. Only because you both are there for the same intentions. Having drinks and mingling.
Girls like funny guys...why? Because they love laughing, and being random. (at least most) so try to make her smile ;)

How do I stop girls from being all over me?

Can I contribute to this thread also? I got mad game,

Romeo. . .

I'm sure it started at an early age for you. Maybe JR. High? possibly Highschool. If girls are all over you. That means your attractive
and a fun person to be around. Usually "asian clicks/crews" tend to have BIG GROUPS of beautiful woman. I'm sure your a part of some.
Also You do the nightlife alot....but in all honesty. You got game homie +1.

^^ i feel you man, its hard meeting new people if your working+school.

i go out a lot though, i just never have the balls to actually talk to someone in the club, i dont mind asking to dance, its just i dont hold a convo!

Question: where do people go to meet people? at bars? i think i just answered my own question. haha
People can meet each other ANYWHERE. The usual places are bars, parties, and through a friend of a friend.
I meet girls in the randomest places. You just need to know where they lurk at ;)

this my friend is verryy true. girls don't like the shy type. it's jus annoying... why do guys think its extreamly hot for a girl to take the lead and go up to a guy? please fill me in.

Fasho mah ;)

In all honesty. Why do girls think it's extremely hot when guys approach them?
Your awnser is just as good as ours. It's surpising and catches us off guard. If it is an attractive female it makes us proud
about ourself that she took the time to come over.

I've got more game than Nintendo.


Making a girl laugh is winning half of the battle.

Sorry to interrupt your thread.

But I just wanted to mention that when your talking to a girl you want to talk about happy stuff with her. Ask her questions about her life and just listen but make sure that she's talking about the good memories. blah blah blah.

I agree with you Jack.

If you manage to make a girl laugh. The conversation is all downhill from there.

agreed! from a girl's view; don't talk about depressing stuff all the time. theres a time for that. ALWAYS make her laugh. GIRLS LOVE THAT! or i do atleast :keke: DON'T GIVE HER HER WAYY ALL THE TIME, be in control. say no sometimes, girls like the dominate ways too. no short answers durring the conversations, be detailed, it keeps things interesting. make her feel wanted, but not needed.. girls don't like needy guys. keep her happy, and she'll do the same.

I agree aswell.

Girls WANT WHAT THEY CANT HAVE. All you guys need to do is put yourself in that scenario.

This is an Example:

If you put 2 guys in a room.
1 is married and 1 is single.
Hands down the woman would go to the married guy.


Because they want what they can't have.

Dont forget girls love guys who ride. Not sure why but if you aint got no game just get a bike.

Confidence is what girls want. They want to know that you have a goal and that it is her. If you walk into a room and show you have confidence, it will allow girls to notice you. Since being noticed is the first part you are already in the game. Now you are hanging out wth a drink in your hand looking for girls and say you catch eye contact with one. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, Do not look down. THIS IS A MAJOR TURN OFF FOR THEM! Flash them a smile or a wink so they kno that YES IM CHECKING YOU OUT!

If she smiles back or gives you any other sign that you can confirm is good, then you enter the next step. THE APPROACH! Ill let ANT elaborate on that! Sorry to thread jack BUDDY! LOVE YOU!!!! ;)

Agreed. Girls love guys who are "Bad ass" and "dangerous".
I own a bike. and to be honest. I'm 2 for 2 right now ;)

Sorry guy's. I don't want to post any pictures of my x's on here. Only because it reverts it from being off topic. So please don't ask. Alot of you norcal cats have seen em :naughty:

08-27-2008, 07:02 PM
riddle me this

do girls like muscular guys or skinny guys?

im not saying all ripped like on steroids. but not look like a lil bitch either!

It really depends most of that shit can be counter balanced with your personality, and face lol.

Although, I'm pretty damn skinny and lanky so my muscle is very elongated and really only noticeable when I flex. So me and this girl are gettin it on and I'm holding myself up and she just grabs my arms and is like "OMG your arms, "I didn't know you were buff", and then immediately followed by "omfg I'm coming"!

God I love being young.

You old fogies still got no game.


Sorry guy's. I don't want to post any pictures of my x's on here. Only because it reverts it from being off topic. So please don't ask. Alot of you norcal cats have seen em :naughty:

You can borrow mine.


08-27-2008, 07:21 PM
Thinh should read this.



me? whyyyy?? :confused:

08-27-2008, 08:03 PM
Since no one can follow the fucking rules and only post questions and not opinions like previously stated, I will only answer questions and not regular posts.

How do I get a girl to break up with her bf who lives across the country, when I already know she has a thing for me?

... haha damn, i feel like a jackass..

The girl will only break up with the guy if she really wants to. She has to see for herself that it won't work out. If you try to steal her away, chances could be that one day that guy will come back, and she could leave you for him. Long distance relationships happen because there's something about the person that makes you go into that kind of agreement in the first place. Whether you want to take that chance or not is up to you, but just remember.... One of the biggest killers of a relationship is an unrequited love.

man. i fail at this subject. i really think i have game, and plenty of it. i just have no idea how to harness it. i need to learn to use it for good, instead of evil.

heres one. howcome when i start a convo with a lady, it doesnt last very long? i just draw up blank. running out of questions and things to say sucks. and it makes me feel like a jackass. im sure it makes me look like a bigger jackass.

another situation ive found myself and others in. ive been out of school for 6 years. i work for my parents, so i have zero interaction with females. the only time im around them, is when i go to the bar. and 9 out of 10 times, its guys night. and im getting plastered and dont give a chit. haha. viscous cycle.

BUT. i have my first class this friday. business admin. we'll see how that goes. atleast ill be in contact with 'em. haha.

Above anything, find out who you really are. Do a little soul searching and see what it is that you like about yourself, and what you would want other girls to like and appreciate about you. Talking to a girl should kinda be a mutual interview- you're feeling out the other person to see if you could like him/her, or at least be able to carry good convos.

1. Before you start a conversation with a girl, do your quick-style homework. If you're at a bar, walk by and try to listen in on what she might be talking about. In any other setting, do what Anthony said- use your environment.

2. If you find the conversation winding down, and you can't think of anything more to say, then that's the time to ask if you might be able to see her again where you can sit and talk properly, and ask for her number.

3. Stop getting plastered. Seriously. Having drunk guys hit on you is a fucking MAJOR turn off. Even if the bar you're at is Sausage-Fest 2008, you never know when females will show up. Interaction with girls can happen at anytime, you just have to be more aware of your surroundings.

How do you get outta the friend zone just to hit but after still remain friends??

This requires a HUGE amount of communication, and a lot of trust from her towards you. If you're her friend just to hit and quit, she will pick up on this, and you will lose the friendship, or she becomes a super-stalker, you file a restraining order and lose the friendship anyway.
If this is a long time friend, and you have open communication, like you can talk to her about anything, just bring up relationship topics in the conversation. Ask her this question that you're asking, but more like, "Would you have sex with a friend and still be able to remain friends?"

If she hesitates to answer, or she questions you about why you're asking, just state curiosity, and leave it at that. Let her have the choice to continue the conversation. If she's offended, then apologize, and leave it at that.

^^ i feel you man, its hard meeting new people if your working+school.

i go out a lot though, i just never have the balls to actually talk to someone in the club, i dont mind asking to dance, its just i dont hold a convo!

Question: where do people go to meet people? at bars? i think i just answered my own question. haha

You can meet people absolutely anywhere. That pretty face will strike you at any moment. If you want specific places, go to bookstores, music stores- anywhere where you can use what's around to strike a conversation.

riddle me this

do girls like muscular guys or skinny guys?

im not saying all ripped like on steroids. but not look like a lil bitch either!

That's a matter of preference. Personally, I don't like super skinny guys. If I can kick your ass, then that means anyone can, and I like to feel somewhat protected. Not to say that skinny guys can't throw down, but others can feel slightly more intimidated by a bigger guy, and probably won't be as inclined to want to start shit.

Above all....

Grow Some Fucking Balls and Get Out There and Talk To Some Girls!!!

08-27-2008, 08:21 PM
^ I love lisa.

08-27-2008, 08:31 PM
wear abercrombie fierce

for some reason girls get moist over that

dress like a lumberjack girls kill for that shit

i've noticed some girls dig spiked hair over not i get looks from different girls when i do my hair

most importantly ACT like you care what she says but not like too much thats just fruity

08-27-2008, 08:36 PM
In highschool [2 years ago] I was the fucking shit. Never really have to introduce yourself to anyone cause.. they're in your class. Basically sit back find out shit, make them laugh and youre in.

My issue here is that all through school I played this nice guy shit that always worked! [HS girls want "love" lol] and I've been in a relationship ever since HS. Now that Ive moved to another part of the state, am no longer in a relationship and all of my close friends are female deprived; I've been tossed into this totally different realm of dating where I have to basically "cold call" these bitches to find out about them and shit in order for me to lay the smoothness on them.

I have some confidence and I don't have an issue conversing with the opposite sex [no more than I have conversing with my bros((I'm not very good at articulating what I have to say or thinking of shit to talk about))] But I have no idea how to work this shit.

Fuck. "How do you invite yourself to a convo with no idea about this bitch?" For example, book store... Target is looking at some reading material. How do you go to talk to someone who may or may not be super into looking for a book.

I guess if I was looking for a book and someone just started talking to me I'd be perfectly straight with it... idk give me answers. [Hope you understand what Im saying.]

08-27-2008, 08:39 PM
wear abercrombie fierce

for some reason girls get moist over that

dress like a lumberjack girls kill for that shit

i've noticed some girls dig spiked hair over not i get looks from different girls when i do my hair

Appearances only get you so far. If you open your mouth and nothing of value comes out, a real girl that would be worth something more than just an easy lay will just walk away.

most importantly ACT like you care what she says but not like too much thats just fruity

What's fruity is having your friends laugh at you constantly because you can't pick up on a girl.

What's fruity is thinking that by spiking your hair, wearing some god-awful cologne and spending retarded amounts of time in front of the mirror will get you a girl.

You get what you give. If you give an act, you will get an act. If you give sincerity, guess what...?

08-27-2008, 08:40 PM
"How do you invite yourself to a convo with no idea about this bitch?" For example, book store... Target is looking at some reading material. How do you go to talk to someone who may or may not be super into looking for a book.

Grab a 20 dolla bill, walk past the chick then bend over, pretend to pick the cash off the ground and ask if its hers. done.

08-27-2008, 08:43 PM
^Or you can be blunt. Like I am.

"Excuse me...I don't want to come off as a stalker...but I couldn't help but to tell you your beautiful".

...wait for the response...or the run...

"Whats your name love? I'm Anthony.." (stick your hand out.) <--It's been proven time after time, that if you stick your hand out 75% chance they will shake it.

and all downhill from there.

08-27-2008, 08:45 PM
In highschool [2 years ago] I was the fucking shit. Never really have to introduce yourself to anyone cause.. they're in your class. Basically sit back find out shit, make them laugh and youre in.

My issue here is that all through school I played this nice guy shit that always worked! [HS girls want "love" lol] and I've been in a relationship ever since HS. Now that Ive moved to another part of the state, am no longer in a relationship and all of my close friends are female deprived; I've been tossed into this totally different realm of dating where I have to basically "cold call" these bitches to find out about them and shit in order for me to lay the smoothness on them.

I have some confidence and I don't have an issue conversing with the opposite sex [no more than I have conversing with my bros((I'm not very good at articulating what I have to say or thinking of shit to talk about))] But I have no idea how to work this shit.

Fuck. "How do you invite yourself to a convo with no idea about this bitch?" For example, book store... Target is looking at some reading material. How do you go to talk to someone who may or may not be super into looking for a book.

I guess if I was looking for a book and someone just started talking to me I'd be perfectly straight with it... idk give me answers. [Hope you understand what Im saying.]

This is where a very SMALL amount of trickery would come into play.

This is why it's called game.

In the bookstore situation you've just described, walk up to her and act like she works there. Ask her where so-and-so section is, and more than likely she'll say she doesn't work there. Then add some random comment like:

"Oh I'm sorry, you seemed like someone who would work here."

"Why is that?"

"I saw you walking around the store, and you seemed to know the place pretty well"

or some shit like that.

You have to get creative, dudes.

Creative Idea of the Day

This may sound stupid, but look through those chick mags from time to time, and find the articles where random girls talk about how they met their guys, most romantic thing, blah blah. Don't follow it word for word, but this should give you insight on what to do to get a girl's attention.

08-27-2008, 08:48 PM
The game is a hustle.

and I'm a hustler.


08-27-2008, 08:49 PM
What I want to know is.. how do you make a chick feel stupid for turning you down?

haha.. that would make it a win win situation

08-27-2008, 08:51 PM
^Walk away and hop on your street bike. :keke:

(real talk) hahahahaha.

Or throw stacks in the air and make it rain. :D

08-27-2008, 08:52 PM
^Walk away and hop on your street bike. :keke:

(real talk) hahahahaha.

Or throw stacks in the air and make it rain. :D

Damn man you know I don't have either of those! fuck haha.

08-27-2008, 08:53 PM
Appearances only get you so far. If you open your mouth and nothing of value comes out, a real girl that would be worth something more than just an easy lay will just walk away.

What's fruity is having your friends laugh at you constantly because you can't pick up on a girl.

What's fruity is thinking that by spiking your hair, wearing some god-awful cologne and spending retarded amounts of time in front of the mirror will get you a girl.

You get what you give. If you give an act, you will get an act. If you give sincerity, guess what...?

This is where a very SMALL amount of trickery would come into play.

This is why it's called game.

In the bookstore situation you've just described, walk up to her and act like she works there. Ask her where so-and-so section is, and more than likely she'll say she doesn't work there. Then add some random comment like:

"Oh I'm sorry, you seemed like someone who would work here."

"Why is that?"

"I saw you walking around the store, and you seemed to know the place pretty well"

or some shit like that.

You have to get creative, dudes.

Creative Idea of the Day

This may sound stupid, but look through those chick mags from time to time, and find the articles where random girls talk about how they met their guys, most romantic thing, blah blah. Don't follow it word for word, but this should give you insight on what to do to get a girl's attention.

Hm interesting. Thanks lissaaaaaaa. I'll hit it up tomorrow. let you know. :D

What I want to know is.. how do you make a chick feel stupid for turning you down?

haha.. that would make it a win win situation

I like the way you think. Maybe kick them in the vag? Words may not hurt, but a swift kick surely will.

08-27-2008, 08:54 PM
What I want to know is.. how do you make a chick feel stupid for turning you down?

haha.. that would make it a win win situation

Why would you make her feel stupid?

If you sink to this level, you only assert that you were, in fact, not worth her time.

If she turns you down, say thanks anyway, have a nice day, and walk away.

Only stupid, immature, and insecure guys have something stupid to say.

08-27-2008, 08:55 PM
I like the way you think. Maybe kick them in the vag? Words may not hurt, but a swift kick surely will.


08-27-2008, 08:56 PM
what the fuck is that chris!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^


08-27-2008, 08:57 PM
what the fuck is that chris!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^


youtube man. you can find anything on that site lol

this is the one i was looking for..


08-27-2008, 09:16 PM
straight up my biggest issue is tellin if a chick is interested.....I got no problem tellin if a girl isnt, thats pretty obvious but there will be times when Ill be talkin to a chick and have her laughin or have a whole group of girls laughin at a party or whatever and then just never make the move...friends will be like that girl was feelin you and I just cant tell, sometimes Im really not trying to pick them up at all, just talkin so I wont even see it like that...and Ive had plenty of girls be like oh "I used to like u".....I usually bag a decent amount of chicks by telling one of the girls friends that im interested in that girl, friends pass the message on lol

also I straight up hate meeting girls in bars or clubs, everywhere we go is so goddamn loud so I feel like I cant even carry on a conversation.....i feel retarded goin up to girls and havin to yell over the music

08-27-2008, 09:21 PM
Why would you make her feel stupid?

If you sink to this level, you only assert that you were, in fact, not worth her time.

If she turns you down, say thanks anyway, have a nice day, and walk away.

Only stupid, immature, and insecure guys have something stupid to say.

I wasn't being serious Lisa! geeeeez

08-27-2008, 10:00 PM
Good thread nice info, some of which I've used myself.

08-27-2008, 10:11 PM
Substitute zilvia with a beezy.

Watch some movies or something. go out have fun.

Your the 60% I was referring to :P

08-27-2008, 10:13 PM
Anthony! Get back on Myspace! oh.. does that sounds gay or what..

08-27-2008, 10:14 PM

kinda :keke:

I kid. I'm back on.

08-27-2008, 10:20 PM
there are 2 principles that everyone needs to be aware of:

demonstrations of higher value and demonstrations of lower value.

just be awesome, but downplay how awesome you are.

women are attracted to the alpha male as everyone knows.

things like, not smoking, not having addictions, have skills, etc are demonstrations of higher value.

also, it's like a game. socially proof yourself by having other women around you... using them as pawns? maybe. but you get top class poon.

08-27-2008, 10:23 PM
women are attracted to the alpha male as everyone knows.

things like, not smoking, not having addictions, have skills, etc are demonstrations of higher value.

thats what i lack... a higher value. im broke, i have no skills and i live with my parents. and a bunch of other shit.

08-27-2008, 10:27 PM
I'll tell you what you don't lack Chris.

Self perception. balls. self pity.

Fix those and You'll be on top.

08-27-2008, 10:30 PM
I'll tell you what you don't lack Chris.

Self perception. balls. self pity.

Fix those and You'll be on top.

wait.. i dont know about the middle one but the others make sense lol

Vision Garage
08-27-2008, 10:53 PM
All you gotta do is learn to break the ice. The tension that divides those who know the GAME and those who dont. If you can get her to crack a smile and bring her guard down, you are good to go. After that its all about your social skills! Make her see you as someone different from the horde of guys she usually meets! Girls like diamonds, not pebbles. Show her your a diamond!

08-27-2008, 10:54 PM
I know it says ask questions, But I just want to say I agree with the OP.

Im 16, my close buddies are all above 20. I have dated plenty of girls and they don't. Now here is why.

I am the comedian type, I like to make people laugh. I have more confidence then them. 80% of a time, if you can make a girl laugh, your golden.

My friends, admit to being hella shy to girls. Don't like to talk much around women. All sorts of fail. Remember, if you dont know the girl, you have NOTHING to lose.

I gots a question too, How do I get my GF to stop talking to her guy friend that likes her? I dont want to push her and tell her she cant choose who to talk to.

Edit, and about fucking pick up lines, This one always seems to work and get a smile on her face:

"Hi, Do you know what polar bears break? "I ono, what?" The ice =] Hi im *Insert name here*.

08-27-2008, 10:56 PM
The game is a hustle.

and I'm a hustler.


he's a hustler.. he's a, he's a, hustler homie.. ask about him! :hsdance:

p.s.... thank's akademikONE ;D

08-27-2008, 11:02 PM
I know it says ask questions, But I just want to say I agree with the OP.

Im 16, my close buddies are all above 20. I have dated plenty of girls and they don't. Now here is why.

I am the comedian type, I like to make people laugh. I have more confidence then them. 80% of a time, if you can make a girl laugh, your golden.

My friends, admit to being hella shy to girls. Don't like to talk much around women. All sorts of fail. Remember, if you dont know the girl, you have NOTHING to lose.

I gots a question too, How do I get my GF to stop talking to her guy friend that likes her? I dont want to push her and tell her she cant choose who to talk to.

Edit, and about fucking pick up lines, This one always seems to work and get a smile on her face:

"Hi, Do you know what polar bears break? "I ono, what?" The ice =] Hi im *Insert name here*.
Well in all honesty. Your girlfriend knows damn well that the other guy likes her. She's basically flattering herself between you both. No disrespect, but as men. We have to keep our ladies in check. ( I know the ladies won't agree on this..but I just kicked my last lady out the house because she got out of pocket.)

Tell her that you feel incomfortable about the fact that she talks to him. Don't tell her that SHE CAN'T TALK TO HIM, because this starts a whole bunch of fucking drama, and insecurity. If she loves you she will change her ways...if she doesn't obviously she's diggin the other cat, and I'd tell her to kick rocks if I was you.

he's a hustler.. he's a, he's a, hustler homie.. nigga ask about him! :hsdance:
that's whatsup baby girl. :coolugh:

08-27-2008, 11:25 PM
Romeo. . .

I'm sure it started at an early age for you. Maybe JR. High? possibly Highschool. If girls are all over you. That means your attractive
and a fun person to be around. Usually "asian clicks/crews" tend to have BIG GROUPS of beautiful woman. I'm sure your a part of some.
Also You do the nightlife alot....but in all honesty. You got game homie +1.
Well said my friend. Thanks.

Ok enough with that...

Sorry Lisa, but Anthony said I can chime in. :bigok:


I'll give my input on a subject I know all too well,
which is picking up women at the club/bar.

My background/resume (so you don't think I'm talking
out of my ass):
I've been clubbing/barring for around 4 years now. I'm head of
promotions for Spots Production, which is the largest
18+ Asian club production in SoCal. We have divisions in
LA, OC, and IE. We also do 21+, but not as much as 18+. I had
around 50 promoters which I took care of. I am around beautiful
women all the time, which is due to my job. I hear about all the
stories they go through with the guys who come up to them at
the club. I've also seen EVERY which-way possible for a guy
to get either turned down, or be successful in going up to a girl at the
club/bar, and going on from there.

I'll separate my club tips, from bar tips, as both places have a different
approach you should take.

Girls come to the club to DANCE. More than 75% of them go for that
reason. So if you're looking for a quick lay, read my bar tips instead.
When you first go to the club, scope out the line and see which girls
have caught your attention first, and if possible, smile or wink at them
(I'll tell you why later). Once you go inside, scope them out again real
quick. Go to the bar and buy a drink (if you're 21), because honestly,
alcohol is confidence juice. Also, if you have a wingman or two, even better,
because most girls are always in groups of 3 or more. Walk around the club
and look for those girls that caught your eye earlier. It would be better if
they weren't dancing, so it would be easier to talk to them. If they aren't
dancing, just ( This step takes CONFIDENCE, so be sure you have it.) Go up
to them and start off with something simple as, "Hi, my name's __________,
(put out your hand for a handshake) sorry to bother you, but I couldn't help
but notice you earlier (or "I couldn't help notice you," if you just saw them
at the moment). I was wondering if I could have your name and if I could
have a dance?" If they say no, just be polite and say nice meeting you then
just walk away. Don't be discouraged if you get turned down, because every-
one does. If they actually do want to dance, dance with them! Do not get
too close though, respect their space, unless they're comfortable with
grinding. After a dance or two, you can either ask for their number, or leave
and look for other girls. Rinse and repeat.

Remember, girls go to clubs to dance, and most of the time,
they only dance with other guys they know, or with other girls.
Most of them aren't too interested in meeting guys.

-having a wingman is advantageous
-scope out first, and look to see if guys come up
to them, and if they get turned down constantly,
it wouldn't be a good idea to approach them, but
it's all on you
-always thank them after they give out their name, or
a dance, shake their hand and smile (it leaves a good
impression to them)
-the more you approach, the easier it gets
-again, have CONFIDENCE

Girls come to the bar to MINGLE and drink. A good portion
of them come to meet guys, and that alone. With that said,
picking up women at the bar is so much easier. Again, as with the club,
go around and scope out the ladies, and do the same, wink, smile, etc.
Go to the bar and just like the club, approach one of them, introduce your-
self and shake their hand (I can't stress to you how important that step is).
It's important because it shows you have confidence, and to girls, that's
sexy. Also, make eye contact with them, and be sure to also introduce
yourself to the friends who are around them. Make small talk and have
one-liners, such as "Are you having a good time?" "Are you from around here?"
"Is it your first time here?" Just make small-talk so they get comfortable
talking to you. Make them laugh, use your sense of humor to get you ahead.
If it seems like they're not too into you, thank them for their time and move
onto the next women you want to approach. If it seems like they're
enjoying your company, and are into you, offer to buy them a drink (all on
you though), and ask them to dance, or keep talking some more. Your
wingman would come in handy here as to have him talk to her friends, so it
doesn't seem like you're taking her away. Girls like guys who aren't afraid to
talk to them in front of their friends, it shows them that you have balls and
confidence. From this point, seal the deal and get her number, and keep
talking to her, or excuse yourself and approach some more women. If you
want to get laid, just ask her what she's doing afterward, and if she'd like
to continue the conversation after the bar. You'll know immediately if they
also want to get laid, but I'll let you find out for yourself. ;)

If you think you actually want to get to know this girl, DO NOT call her
for at least 3-4 days. If you call her within that time, it makes you look
desperate or something. A lot of my friends get turned off when guys do

-scope out, as usual
-break the ice with small talk and conversation, make her interested in you
-do NOT talk about the past, unless they ask you
-you'll want to make yourself stand out from the rest of the other
guys at the bar, so make her feel like you're worth talking to
-NEVER spend more than $20 on her for drinks, if she asks you to
buy her one, leave, because she's just using you
-do not open up your wallet and flash the cash, because she
might use that to her advantage, also, don't open a tab, use CASH
-again, CONFIDENCE, women find a confident man sexy.
-also, be REAL with them, don't make up shit


The Grand Slam

Here's my own personal scheme I put together. I'm not sure if there's
another version like it elsewhere, but here's mine. I call it the Grand Slam.
Use this if you want guaranteed (mostly) different lays any day
of the week. This isn't for the weak of heart.

Use the tips I gave you, to pick up on four women. First woman,
go on a date, hang out with her, but don't try to get her into bed. Make her
wait. Do the same with the other 3 women. Wait a couple days before each date.
After you go out with all 4, go back to the first one, and
get to second base with her. Do the same with the other 3. Then start over
again with the first one and get to 3rd base. Repeat for the other 3. The key
here is to have them gain trust and confidence in you, making it seem like
you're a respectable gentleman, and that you're not only looking into getting
into their pants. But little do they know what you're really up to. LMAO.
The whole point of the Grand Slam is this:
When it's time to hit the home-run, when the woman is comfortable,
do it. Rinse and repeat with the next 3, and repeat over and over again.
This way, at any given time, you'll have guaranteed lays. ;)

Oh yea, be sure they don't find out.

This is only a guide for the Grand Slam, I do not assume responsibility for
any of your actions, or if any of you get hurt if they find out about what you're up to.

Also, I just made came up with this, didn't mean I actually used it. :)


I know it's a long read, but I think it's worth taking note.
Hope this helps you people. Any questions, ask!!

08-27-2008, 11:30 PM
We'll said sir ^^

Usually After a bar or a club. I invite them over and we have after parties :D

I got the music and dance floor on lock ;)

I'm actually heading out to a bar now..ttyl peeps.


08-27-2008, 11:46 PM
he say's;
Also, I just made came up with this, didn't mean I actually used it. :)

BUT, he then say's;
I'll give my input on a subject I know all too well,
which is picking up women at the club/bar."

he he he, jk akademik.. i kid i kid; jus wana give your ass a hard time :D :p :keke:

08-28-2008, 12:01 AM
straight up my biggest issue is tellin if a chick is interested....

I'm surprised this hasn't been quoted an talked about...

THIS is 1/3 the battle. I like to call it picking my battles. I honestly have friends who ask me how I always know which girls wanna fuck me, or the reason they ask because I say yo that beezy wants your nuts, they get laid, they come back hollerin :keke:

I honestly have no idea how to explain it. Maybe it's pheromones or some shit. Of course I could list all the subtleties that a girl will do when they are diggin you, but so could anyone. That's all public domain and shit you should know already. If you don't then google it or some shit iunno, picking up a girl is probably the last thing you're gonna do.

I think the best way I can explain it is the eyes. Anthony's gone over it already and I think Lisa has too. It comes into play here as well. Keep eye contact going, talk to her, be cute, be funny, blah blah. When it is all said and done. Try to catch her starin, she if she does the quick and embarrassed head turn. That means they care you caught her lookin haha, that means AT LEAST they want to keep talking. Make your moves from there. If you can catch em doing this before you even talk to them. You're fucking golden. They just picked your battle for you.

Sorry for breaking the rules, but I feel it had to be said.


Vision Garage
08-28-2008, 12:08 AM
If you cant spit game just turn gay! haha. Damnit simoun so i was just a booty call? Bastard! But on the real, Romeo speaks the Gospel of Game! USE IT WISELY!

08-28-2008, 12:18 AM
If you cant spit game just turn gay! haha. Damnit simoun so i was just a booty call? Bastard! But on the real, Romeo speaks the Gospel of Game! USE IT WISELY!

hold on lil grasshoppa! he only has sucess with those females who don't play the same game :p hahaha.. i kid i kid... i'd love to see him action lol

Vision Garage
08-28-2008, 12:25 AM
grasshoppa hahaha. OUCH THAT HURTS!! Lets hope we dont meet up. Dont wanna suprise you with THE GAME!!!

08-28-2008, 12:28 AM
grasshoppa hahaha. OUCH THAT HURTS!! Lets hope we dont meet up. Dont wanna suprise you with THE GAME!!!

hahaha, i was playin :) hmmm, i don't pay any attention to game tho.. i like the REALness ;)

08-28-2008, 12:30 AM
hahaha, i was playin :) hmmm, i don't pay any attention to game tho.. i like the REALness ;)
What if the game is so cleverly masked, that it seems like realness?

08-28-2008, 12:34 AM
What if the game is so cleverly masked, that it seems like realness?

hasn't happened yet.... i'm interested on how that situation would go down! haha

08-28-2008, 12:40 AM
Fuck spitting game. Just tell them if they want to drink a whole bottle with you and Tell them after the whole bottle and some dancing and some bottle drinking, Let's go back to my place to have great drunk sex.:yum:

THats what I use.Work like 50% of the time.

Vision Garage
08-28-2008, 12:42 AM
Luis that shit didnt work on me. Flowers first buddy! ;)

and 240chick. Trust in a mans game.


08-28-2008, 12:43 AM
Luis that shit didnt work on me. Flowers first buddy! ;)

Going to the wrong bar's there buddy.

08-28-2008, 12:47 AM
hasn't happened yet.... i'm interested on how that situation would go down! haha
Are you from norcal? I think I've seen your car at quickly's in milpitas... haha I was shocked seeing a pink s13 that wasn't Yuta's.

If it wasn't you, then oh well, haha. Pink s13's are pretty rare..

08-28-2008, 12:54 AM
Are you from norcal? I think I've seen your car at quickly's in milpitas... haha I was shocked seeing a pink s13 that wasn't Yuta's.

If it wasn't you, then oh well, haha. Pink s13's are pretty rare..

so cal girl :) the only pink 24O out here that i kno of so far.. but she took a shit, so now i need a new one :bs:

08-28-2008, 01:04 AM
romeo learned from me.

08-28-2008, 01:07 AM
so cal girl :) the only pink 24O out here that i kno of so far.. but she took a shit, so now i need a new one :bs:
Oh, haha nvm then.

How big was the said shit? :o what happened?

08-28-2008, 01:15 AM
That's a matter of preference. Personally, I don't like super skinny guys. If I can kick your ass, then that means anyone can, and I like to feel somewhat protected. Not to say that skinny guys can't throw down, but others can feel slightly more intimidated by a bigger guy, and probably won't be as inclined to want to start shit.

Above all....

Get Out There and Talk To Some Girls!!!

cant im already in a relationship. its been two years and yes im pretty faithful.

just wanted some more insight on this.


08-28-2008, 03:34 AM
this my friend is verryy true. girls don't like the shy type. it's jus annoying... why do guys think its extreamly hot for a girl to take the lead and go up to a guy? please fill me in.

Because we are tired of doing all the work since oooooh, the beginning of time? Haha jk...ish? <3 /hides

I don't think it's extremely hot or cute, I don't think only the men should be the only one approaching in my opinion.

Now I do think it's hot if a girl starts the race by doing the first act in what is called a sexual funaisem (fun-naise-e-m lol)

Sorry, I know questions only, but I wanted to chime in.

I have game I think, but its' a diff kind of game. May not be as pimpin as Anthony's game, but yeaaaaah.

I noticed that I get more numbers when I'm not even trying nor care. Some girl gave me her number not too long ago...too bad she was 17, she said 22 when I saw her at first. Good thing I found out before I plowed her. I think I have jailbait game....fail... Can't do that stuff if I wanna be 5-0.

08-28-2008, 03:55 AM
Grab a 20 dolla bill, walk past the chick then bend over, pretend to pick the cash off the ground and ask if its hers. done.

then ask her for her number so incase you ahhhem find any more money u can return it to her lol

08-28-2008, 07:57 AM
No Game needed just tell her " Listen i'm a motha fuckin BOSS"

Simple as that....

Na just playing guys...

It takes skill patience and finesse to pull the right girl...

Confidence doesn't hurt either, it's when you got cocky they hate..

Am i right??

08-28-2008, 08:48 AM
Watch the movie "Hitch." That bit he does near the beginning looked pretty smooth. Goes over to a girl who's hanging out with a bunch of guys, puts a $20 in her hand, "hey sweetheart, can I get 2 Coronas to me and my friend over here, thanks a bunch" and walks away. She follows him, "Hey I don't work here." He says over his shoulder "limes in them too, thanks." "Hey asshole, I said I don't work here." Eventually he's like "I know you don't work here, how else was I supposed to get you away from all those guys?"

Something like that, I don't remember exactly. Not a bad movie, too.

08-28-2008, 08:50 AM
^^ Nah that part was sick and that Beezy was dope...

08-28-2008, 10:09 AM
No Game needed just tell her " Listen i'm a motha fuckin BOSS"

Simple as that....

Na just playing guys...

It takes skill patience and finesse to pull the right girl...

Confidence doesn't hurt either, it's when you got cocky they hate..

Am i right??

omfg yes!! we absolutely HATE cockyness :fawk2: that shit pisses a girl off, and will get the guy nowhere. but then there are somegirl who do like the cockyness of a guy. i still think nobody is good enuff to be cocky, unless your JOSH HARTNETT :keke:

08-28-2008, 10:47 AM
Aight gonna need your input on this guys. I work for the government in the recreations department so I work inside a community center thats located in a Public Park. I've noticed this cute chick, I would say in her early 20's. For about the past 2 months I noticed her walking into my facility to use our bathrooms. I work Monday, Wednesday, Friday evening hours and she always comes roughly around the same time usually 7pm. When she enters the building she always waves and smiles at me and same thing when she exits the building. At first Im thinking its just a friendly gesture but an hour later shes back in the building to use the bathroom and always waving and smiling. So unless shes got some bladder control problems.

One of the reasons I hesitate to talk to her is that I'm one of the lucky few who enjoy their jobs. I love my job and wouldnt want to Jeopardize it. But I also dont want to let an opportunity pass me by.

How should I break the ice? I thought of just going up to her and say "Sorry to bother you but I couldn't help but notice, you must really like our bathrooms" but that might be cheezy as fuck and backfire.

08-28-2008, 11:56 AM
^Do not say anything about the bathroom! She will get defensive and scared and possibly never come back to use the bathroom again. I would approach her and just introduce yourself and say you see her a lot and wanted to say hi. Say your name and get hers. You could lead into how you work there and go from there. That's where you have to become relaxed and just flow with the conversation. If the convo gets slow too quick ask her about schooling. You could ask her if she's a runner if she is wearing running shoes. If she says yes, say "I've been looking for somebody to go running with...care if I join you some night". BAM you are in!

08-28-2008, 12:05 PM
my post was dead serious.

now go do it


08-28-2008, 12:15 PM
^Do not say anything about the bathroom! She will get defensive and scared and possibly never come back to use the bathroom again. I would approach her and just introduce yourself and say you see her a lot and wanted to say hi. Say your name and get hers. You could lead into how you work there and go from there. That's where you have to become relaxed and just flow with the conversation. If the convo gets slow too quick ask her about schooling. You could ask her if she's a runner if she is wearing running shoes. If she says yes, say "I've been looking for somebody to go running with...care if I join you some night". BAM you are in!

He's right Mega dont say anything bout the bathroom....

Just say hi and go from there that's all it takes!!

08-28-2008, 12:39 PM
How should I break the ice? I thought of just going up to her and say "Sorry to bother you but I couldn't help but notice, you must really like our bathrooms" but that might be cheezy as fuck and backfire.Confidence is all it takes. Do you wave back and smile when
she does? If you don't, you're seriously killing your chances. If you do, good.
All you need to do is start small talk with her. Ask her that you notice her
there every time you work and if you could just introduce yourself, and get her
name, and if she needed anything, to just ask. If you want, just get her name
for now, then the next time you see her, talk to her about something else,
just gradually build a friendship I guess you can call it.

08-28-2008, 12:44 PM
good stuff gentlemen I'll keep you guys updated. And yes I always smile back and wave to her. We did talk one time about how fucking hot as balls it was that day but couldnt go more in depth since I had to take care of customers.

08-28-2008, 12:45 PM
^^ What are you an Ice Cream man...lol j/p

Na go get her bro do ya thing!!

08-28-2008, 01:34 PM
^^ What are you an Ice Cream man...lol j/p

Na go get her bro do ya thing!!

Bros you know it man this is my ballin ice cream truck.


08-28-2008, 01:36 PM
Stay on topic people.

08-28-2008, 01:37 PM
this thread only allows questions not opinions.

1. How do you even pick up chicks talking like some rapper from bet. I'm not one to stereotype but people that talk all "hip hop, bebop." are retarded. Period and it makes me wonder how great your game really is with chicks?

2. yo yo yo peep this game right here son. knawmean, have you like, you know picked up what you and your friends consider a quality broad with your mad swag homeslice? Or was she just some cute piece of ass with no substance because she was a chick like on your level knawmean?

3. people don't have game because people don't like being rejected, instead of trying to present yourself as something you're not or aspiring to be. Dont you think that if you just allow yourself to experience humility by just trying to be yourself, "game" will just come along with that?

Sorry, I meant to jump on you in your last thread about hustlin' knawmean but I didn't word is bond kid. But I wasn't going to pass up on this one son, peace to the gods and all that other silly billy bubble gum rapper shit.

I know you're not dumb, so stop typing like you are.

08-28-2008, 01:40 PM
^^ Wow is all i gotta say...

Maybe he talks like that cause he was brought up like that...

Like his surroundings people he chills with and shit like that..

I don't think he's trying to act like he's a rapper it's just the way he speaks that's all...

Word is bond????

Piece to the gods??

What is that from the 90's back in the Wu-tang days??

08-28-2008, 01:49 PM
Aight gonna need your input on this guys. I work for the government in the recreations department so I work inside a community center thats located in a Public Park. I've noticed this cute chick, I would say in her early 20's. For about the past 2 months I noticed her walking into my facility to use our bathrooms. I work Monday, Wednesday, Friday evening hours and she always comes roughly around the same time usually 7pm. When she enters the building she always waves and smiles at me and same thing when she exits the building. At first Im thinking its just a friendly gesture but an hour later shes back in the building to use the bathroom and always waving and smiling. So unless shes got some bladder control problems.

One of the reasons I hesitate to talk to her is that I'm one of the lucky few who enjoy their jobs. I love my job and wouldnt want to Jeopardize it. But I also dont want to let an opportunity pass me by.

How should I break the ice? I thought of just going up to her and say "Sorry to bother you but I couldn't help but notice, you must really like our bathrooms" but that might be cheezy as fuck and backfire.


You basically have to man up. Is there someone else that can take over your position at work for 5 mins? You said you both spoke..did you get her name? You've already broken the ice talking about how hot it was outside. GOOD! You don't want to approach her after making eye contact across the room it's very itchy and can possibly scare her away. So get in position!! and YOU CAN talk about the bathroom...BUT you have to be smoooooottthhhhh at what you say. However I wouldn't recommend it.

Just ask her how her day is going...and work it from there ;)

this thread only allows questions not opinions.

1. How do you even pick up chicks talking like some rapper from bet. I'm not one to stereotype but people that talk all "hip hop, bebop." are retarded. Period and it makes me wonder how great your game really is with chicks?

2. yo yo yo peep this game right here son. knawmean, have you like, you know picked up what you and your friends consider a quality broad with your mad swag homeslice? Or was she just some cute piece of ass with no substance because she was a chick like on your level knawmean?

3. people don't have game because people don't like being rejected, instead of trying to present yourself as something you're not or aspiring to be. Dont you think that if you just allow yourself to experience humility by just trying to be yourself, "game" will just come along with that?

Sorry, I meant to jump on you in your last thread about hustlin' knawmean but I didn't word is bond kid. But I wasn't going to pass up on this one son, peace to the gods and all that other silly billy bubble gum rapper shit.

I know you're not dumb, so stop typing like you are.

I keep telling people this...and I'll repeat it again..When you got haters..that means your doing something right.:boink:
but I'll still answer your questions.

1. When I do talk with woman...I do notch down my slang ALOT. Only because I don't want to scare them away, but at the same time. I don't change my ways for any lady.Know what I'm sayin? You want to be polite and respectable when trying to get at a girl because the confrontation is 70% of battle. And by the way you just did stereotype me...which is completely fine.

2. I didn't understand your second question...You had me lost. Sorry.

3. Being rejected is one of the MANY reasons a person does not have "game". Everyone has their own swag/style at approaching woman. The people that do
confront woman without having to research on it get my respect. It's just comes natural to them.

Please stay on topic. I would hate to close this thread. Alot of people are giving good pointers, and this thread was intended to HELP...Thanks <3

08-28-2008, 01:50 PM
I have a question. I can approach girls and get # no problem, but how long before you actually call them? I hear various answers from all my friends, just curious to see what everyone else does.

08-28-2008, 01:50 PM
Word is bond????

Piece to the gods??

What is that from the 90's back in the Wu-tang days??

Bone Thugs 4 LYFE

08-28-2008, 01:51 PM
a lot of good thoughts and a lot of comments that are still a little bit off.

another tip - bitches dig fighters. my girlfriend said that when I come home and I have bloodstains from training that it is a huge turnon. sometimes we fuck straight from there. kinda gross considering where I've been and God knows whose blood and sweat is on me.luckily everyone I train with is HIV negative.

also, it's a total alpha thing. you walk around with a kind and helpful demeanor, but one that says, "I know I could kick your ass", guys notice, and girls notice the effect you have on the guys BOOM ALPHA. BOOM you get the pick of the litter lololol

08-28-2008, 01:54 PM
^^ Wow is all i gotta say...

Maybe he talks like that cause he was brought up like that...
I'm Panamanian, Jamaican, and Irish. I don't talk like a pikey, I don't have a spanish accent, I don't say word and yo my nig, fo sheez! (oh bombaclat either) Granted it's a personal preference girls don't like doofuses unless you're picking up jb. Which by all means someone has to be a stepping stone for bad sex and the immature phase of their life, and then the guys who are "seasoned" get to hone in on your prey when they're all grownsed up since we're talking about women like wounded gazelles here.

Like his surroundings people he chills with and shit like that..
Question : why do all girls say dumb shit like "why are all guys the same"
Answer : you just ruined your chances saying you are who you are because of your friends. You lack the inability to make decisions for yourself

I don't think he's trying to act like he's a rapper it's just the way he speaks that's all...
I'm generally just giving him shit, it's just ironic imo to try and tell you how to "mac to teh bishes" if he's throwing his "swag" into his writing, this gives the reader the impression that I gotta be a macaroni myself and project a false pretense of me to some broad. I've been married, I've been with hot chicks and while half of the advise in this thread isn't wrong. I can tell you why a lot of chicks wouldn't hook up with some of you guys rather than telling you how to hook up with them.

I'm not saying I got the magic stick or some dumb shit either, but you will only learn from experience. You can train a man to kill, but that man has to initiate the will within him to take life. From there does his training become useful or purposeful.

Word is bond????, Piece to the gods??What is that from the 90's back in the Wu-tang days??
I was listening to wu-tang this morning dang!

08-28-2008, 02:00 PM
^^ Your just like me,

Spanish, West indian and white haha......

Im Puerto Rican, Trinidadian and Italian....

I knew the Wu-tang shit was true...

But back on topic...

I think so of you guys just need to step the confidence up a bit thats all....

Let your words flow naturally, not like some shit you rehearsed in the mirror for hours and just be calm, cool and relaxed (<-- Yes that's from Jon B)

08-28-2008, 02:03 PM
the only thing about rehearsing things in a mirror is that it DOES help it flow more naturally.

if it doesn't flow naturally NATURALLY, then it should be rehearsed. like when I would prepare for a japanese oral exam... I would practice some of the harder grammar points so that it would flow more naturally when I said it.

repetition is key. experience is key. don't worry about getting shot down a lot. it is that time when you don't that you get some poonanny. ;)

08-28-2008, 02:06 PM
I have a question. I can approach girls and get # no problem, but how long before you actually call them? I hear various answers from all my friends, just curious to see what everyone else does.


I've been waiting for someone to ask this question.

So...check out this scenario. Your at a bar with your homegirls/homeboys blah blah blah..and your dancing all night with girls...and one of them gives you their numbers...Basically EVERYONE reminisces about that girl or that guy that was dancing with them and usually they talk it over with their friends after the bars/clubs/whatever. I know I do :D Give it 3-5days before you call them. Str8 up!
Let them rewind and think of you. Obviously she gave you her number for a reason. Just play somewhat hard to get and act like you are NOT THAT INTERESTED in her. remember what I said..They want what they can't have ;) So don't give it to her right away pimpin;)


08-28-2008, 02:09 PM
Not hating... from a writing standpoint I was critiquing... I've seen your party pictures, so I'm hardly stereotyping.

There is a persian quote that I like very much it's goes like this.

"don't give me advice, give me money."

I've written a blog very similar but way more on depth concerning this subject.

Fucking>Dating>Relationships>Death>Marriage... (http://onethirtysevensmind.blogspot.com/)

educate your mind, yo.

08-28-2008, 02:13 PM
qué sobre el asno cojo que can' ¿de t de la subsistencia muchachas allí?? ¿Es algo duro guardar a una muchacha también es yo endereza la hormiga??

I know you speak spanish Ant...

08-28-2008, 02:13 PM

I've been waiting for someone to ask this question.

So...check out this scenario. Your at a bar with your homegirls/homeboys blah blah blah..and your dancing all night with girls...and one of them gives you their numbers...Basically EVERYONE reminisces about that girl or that guy that was dancing with them and usually they talk it over with their friends after the bars/clubs/whatever. I know I do :D Give it 5-7days before you call them. Str8 up!
Let them rewind and think of you. Obviously she gave you her number for a reason. Just play somewhat hard to get and act like you are NOT THAT INTERESTED in her. remember what I said..They want what they can't have ;) So don't give it to her right away pimpin;)


I agree but only to a certain extent. really, the variance differs primarily in our game types. everyone has a different "style". there are universal concepts that work and there are individual differences that work for different people.

my style is: call whenever you fucking want to. whenever you have something exciting going on and want to invite them along. that way you are offering an exciting opportunity for them, having them associate excitement with you.

08-28-2008, 02:17 PM
remember what I said..They want what they can't have ;) So don't give it to her right away pimpin;)

This here is the truth.

When I was young, like in middle school, I wasn't that way, and even though I had girlfriends constantly, the girls I really wanted weren't diggin me.

It wasn't till I realized THIS fact that things began to change for me in HS. From that point on things were a lot different.

Although, I've heard a lot of people say women hit on them because they see a wedding ring and know they are married. I have yet to have this really happen to me. At least not for this reason. However, I do not go out to clubs, and hang out in places like that often ie put myself in that position.

Good thread BTW. A lotta fun.

08-28-2008, 02:17 PM

I've been waiting for someone to ask this question.

So...check out this scenario. Your at a bar with your homegirls/homeboys blah blah blah..and your dancing all night with girls...and one of them gives you their numbers...Basically EVERYONE reminisces about that girl or that guy that was dancing with them and usually they talk it over with their friends after the bars/clubs/whatever. I know I do :D Give it 5-7days before you call them. Str8 up!
Let them rewind and think of you. Obviously she gave you her number for a reason. Just play somewhat hard to get and act like you are NOT THAT INTERESTED in her. remember what I said..They want what they can't have ;) So don't give it to her right away pimpin;)


It's a discussion board, the thread rules are quite unfair as we're not trying to get this locked but having logical discussion based on questions or methods. I'm peacing out on this thread after this response.

Although that is the "textbook" method of handling getting a number from a chick, what also works is instead of asking for some broads number you can give her your number and tell her to hit you up.

What seems to be really popular with chicks is to tell em to hit you up on myspace, they love that dumb shit.... It's rediculous and it allows them to be interpersonal and build up some confidence to actually want to hang out with you rather than having an awkward conversation with someone you just met who was probably drunk when you exchanged numbers with them.

Just like the guy above who was wondering how he should approach the girl that he see's at work all the time without jepordizing his job.

quite frankly it's this simple...

if she works there, forget it.

if she doesn't work there then you're not shitting where you eat. You can simply just ask her what her name is, and go I am on duty, shift, whatever you want to call it and dont want to seem out of line for asking but is there a way I could contact you off of work hours sometime.

don't ask for a number or anything like that or try to give her yours. And see where it goes from there?

just a suggestion granted it's not a question.


who actually has a success story to share because of this thread?

hate hate hate.


08-28-2008, 02:21 PM
who actually has a success story to share because of this thread?

It's less then 24 hours old. I don't see the words "Works Miracle's" in the thread title anywhere.

08-28-2008, 02:23 PM
Ant you aint answer my question yet???!!!!

08-28-2008, 02:26 PM
qué sobre el asno cojo que can' ¿de t de la subsistencia muchachas allí?? ¿Es algo duro guardar a una muchacha también es yo endereza la hormiga??

I know you speak spanish Ant...

Las muchachas aqui son hermosas y tienen los cuerpos bien buenos. Provavelmente porque es un estada con sol y tu estas en nueva york.

08-28-2008, 02:28 PM
Hmm okay cool cool....

08-28-2008, 02:43 PM
So much hate in this thread recently.

Shit this is about makin love... :keke:

Om1kron does have a good point though, that I mentioned earlier. As gay as it is Myspace is the ULTIMATE in for the next time you see this person. You get the painful hello's out of the way and you can get to know them a little bit in a completely casual way and then you can talk about each others interest the next time if there is one, instead of talking about the weather, or how fat that bitch over there is.

God I love Xanax.


08-28-2008, 02:46 PM
hating is a total demonstration of lower value. :-P

08-28-2008, 02:47 PM
Myspace is a way for people to hide behind thier computers and let internet talk for them. I mean...I use myspace and what not, but the real game is out on the field...

Myspace is like relationships for dummies.

but its whatever.

08-28-2008, 02:48 PM
Myspace is a way for people to hide behind thier computers and let internet talk for them. I mean...I use myspace and what not, but the real game is out on the field...

Well that's obvious. I'm talking when the game is said and done... and you are moving it on to the next time you see the person.

It's a good way to keep a stable. :whip:

08-28-2008, 02:49 PM
just make sure your myspace has as tight of game as you do and it will be good either way.

08-28-2008, 02:52 PM
So I went to a bar yesterday.

I was scoping the field...but no one I personally felt attracted to.

I got hit on by alot of old drunken woman with stupid amount of perfume.

Oh well. I came up $45 shooting pool. Yeee.

08-28-2008, 03:02 PM
Myspace is a way for people to hide behind thier computers and let internet talk for them.
You need to diversify your game then, sounds like a cop out for an area you lack skills in imo.

I mean...I use myspace and what not, but the real game is out on the field...
School for scoundrels may be a comedy, but godamned if that movie isn't game inspiring.

"A lion doesn't ask for his food he takes it" and that applies to hitting up on girls in public places rather than doing the myspace thing. You get formalities and bullshit out of the way, throw some random party pictures up or some random video of you at an outing. It piques their interest...

It's like dancing. Just with a computer just like exit said... while break dancing will even make dudes jock you... dancing with chicks and being able to hold rythm is what normally will help you infiltrate the panties. Myspace is just another form of dancing, they can be flirty without having to directly deal with the side effects for lacking a personality. And it helps you weed out broads you would find rather annoying on a non hit it and quit it basis.

Just saying...

Myspace is like relationships for dummies.
That is a blanket statement for guys with profiles that have their shirt off and dumb shit like that. You wont find one shirt off picture on my page, I write a daily rant on my page, never the same stale shit and I get at least 8 friend requests a week from chicks and dudes who talk to me on the regular just because they think i'm interesting. (not due to the fact I have a comedy page.)

I've hung out with a lot of those people and used it also to my personal advantage...

the biggest tool to pulling chicks is to think about a girl like you would think about sex.

you can get it over with quick and move on to the next one, or you can turn some easy pussy into a good friendship and use her as a gateway to her friends. This works wonders while in turn you pass your homies to her.

as ignorant as this sounds.

unfortunately it's true.

08-28-2008, 03:45 PM
Just did a little speed reading in this thread

Downshift ,you seem to have your game down pretty good but I would definately not use the 5-7 day theory on all girls. It honestly depends on the situation with the girl. Ive called girls the next day, texted the same night, then again ive waited days too. If the girl is off the rebound, more than likely shes lookin for some action. So dont wait 5 days to call her, shit, she probably found someone by then. If you guys hit it off and you wanna keep the convo going, fuckin call her than. The longer you wait it out in some cases the more your going to think about calling her and the more awkward its going to be.

Anyways, back to what I originally wanted to talk about. Confidence is absolutely key. Most importantly, and Im surprised it hasnt been mentioned, BODY LANGUAGE BODY LANGUAGE BODY LANGUAGE. Always have your shoulders back, back straight, chest high. When approaching a girl, and when in the convo, never lean in. Always let the girl lean into you. Never have your hands in your pockets, its a sign of weakness, like your trying to hide something. Also, always look like your more comfortable then anyone else your talking too. and for the love of god SMILE SMILE SMILE when approaching girls, but dont over do through out the convo, then you just look like your tryin to hard

Being confident has to really be genuine and come with in. Girls will know when your faking the funk. You need to believe that you are worthwhile and that your an interesting person. Your tone of voice, body language, facial expressions, the pace you walk at, it all plays a big part in seducing woman.
Slow your speaking down too. Alot of guys are in such a hurry to say what they have to say. When you slow down your rate of speach, it keeps a girl guessing as to what your going to say next.

More importantly, I think alotta of guys here might have approach anxiety. For the ones that do, you need to realized something. GIRLS WANT YOU TO TALK TO THEM. Theyre going out for the same reason. BE ballsy, say stupid shit, fail. Its part of life.

I can go on forever about multiple topics on game but ill just stop here and sporadically throw in some more info

08-28-2008, 03:49 PM
If you don't like the fucking rules then don't fucking post.

If you have an opinion you would like to share, keep the wording to a minimum, or write either me or Anthony a PM.

I jump on a comp at at a fucking cyber cafe, and I have to scroll through 487543754 comments and opinions, and it's hard for me to get to the fucking questions.

Stop post-whoring, stop repeating our same responses. This thread was meant to help, like Anthony said.

If you guys can't follow the rules, the thread gets closed. End of the fucking story.

Since I have to actually PAY for my time to be on the computer, if you have a specific question you want to ask ME, then PM me, and I will post the question, with the answer, unless you state otherwise. I'll try to answer questions posted on the thread, but only if I don't have to go through endless stupid opinions.

On another note, if some of you are spitting game with slang, then you're attracting the wrong attention. A girl- no, a WOMAN- worthy of your time will not be attracted to that shit.

Take a note from Hitch, since someone quoted the movie- we're not here to help you get laid. We're here to help some of these guys here that really do have a fucking hard time talking to girls, and finding quality ones to spend time with.

That's all.

08-28-2008, 03:59 PM
^That's whatsup mah.

Lets run this.

I gave Romeo an invitation to post aswell.

Real talk fella's...( I know I'm a hypocrite ) but lets stay on topic. and follow the rules. (I'ma stay on point now)

This thread WILL help. Lets not fuck it up.

08-28-2008, 04:01 PM
haha it says find your BBW match at the bottom of the screen hahahaha seems like this game will be good for something

BACK ON TOPIC!!!: i agree that women are most impressed that you notice the smallest things that make her different from other poeple...example: sneaker chick who has a certain pattern but is similar to another shoe etc etc. U get the picture. Notice the effort and you get rewarded

08-28-2008, 04:05 PM
alex ill take pauls a dumbass for $1000 please....
cho cho chooooo
Daily Double!!!
hint hint ppl..... Eharmony.com!!! whoop whoop!! lol

08-28-2008, 04:17 PM
I have a question. I can approach girls and get # no problem, but how long before you actually call them? I hear various answers from all my friends, just curious to see what everyone else does.

girls' view; make her wait.... its more suspenseful ;) if a guy calls/txt's right away, it makes him seem a lil needly. maybe the next night. we don't really want the phone calls or meaningful txt msgs durring the day, we focus on our daily duties, so we don't like long covo's. the night time is perfect! downtime is the perfect time to get in there :D after that, simple txt's msgs durring the day; i.e. jus wanted to say hi, have a wonderful day, don't think about me too much ;) (hahaha, i would soo sayy something like that :p) and your all good after that. :bigok:

08-28-2008, 04:18 PM
"dont think about me too much"

You don't know how much that fucks with our minds!!

Whats the longest we should wait until we call?

08-28-2008, 04:24 PM
"dont think about me too much"

You don't know how much that fucks with our minds!!

Whats the longest we should wait until we call?

haha, it jus a simple flirty gesture. it makes you memorable; playful, cute, and flirty:D. the guys get hooked, so im sure it'll make a girl blush. wait atleast 2-3 nights... then GET IN THERE ;) no earlier than that... let her kno she's not top priority, or she'll take advantage. TRUST, i'll help in the end... more attention you give = more drama when you slow down on the attentiveness. :hs:

08-28-2008, 04:33 PM

Thanks for the input love. I'm going to cut down the days now.

08-28-2008, 04:51 PM

Thanks for the input love. I'm going to cut down the days now.

anytime :) girls can be extreamly confusing... so i don't mind helpin out the guys....

my question; why do guys mess around with every girl that likes them? and then when a few of the girls are in the same room, the guy tries to keep his distance from all the girls jus so he wont get caught up. a girl kno's when theres been past chemistry, why do guys try to hid it?

the girls were discussing this last night, but we came to a "guys are wierd" conclution. lol.

08-28-2008, 04:52 PM
anytime :) girls can be extreamly confusing... so i don't mind helpin out the guys....

my question; why do guys mess around with every girl that likes them? and then when a few of the girls are in the same room, the guy tries to keep his distance from all the girls jus so he wont get caught up. a girl kno's when theres been past chemistry, why do guys try to hid it?

the girls were discussing this last night, but we came to a "guys are wierd" conclution. lol.

Because we think that you care.

We're all sensitive fucks.

We don't want to hurt your feelings.

08-28-2008, 04:59 PM
Because we think that you care.

We're all sensitive fucks.

We don't want to hurt your feelings.

i think it pisses girls off more when they're being ignored, jus because another girl they previously messed with is in the same room...
my best friend was in this position the other night, and it kinda sucked from the outside looking in...

08-28-2008, 05:29 PM
^^ We also don't wanna be in the situation where the subject at hand becomes us. From times I've seen this happen, the girls start to get chummy and talk about the guy. It turns out bad more times than good.

08-28-2008, 05:37 PM
Here's a fucking good question. This will work for you tools trying to get a job too.

When trying to gain the interest of an individual, you never want to cross your arms [unless you're hood] or pocket your hands.

What in the hell should you do then? Leave your arms hanging to your sides?
Fling them around your body psychotically?

08-28-2008, 06:20 PM
anytime :) girls can be extreamly confusing... so i don't mind helpin out the guys....

my question; why do guys mess around with every girl that likes them? and then when a few of the girls are in the same room, the guy tries to keep his distance from all the girls jus so he wont get caught up. a girl kno's when theres been past chemistry, why do guys try to hid it?

the girls were discussing this last night, but we came to a "guys are wierd" conclution. lol.

Us guys love the fact that girls like us. We like to flirt and mess around with the girls just so we know they stay on our jock. (serious...and I'm sure girls are the same exact way.) It's flattering..and at the end of the day we get a feeling of acomplishment that a variety of girls digg us. See when a guy Hides himself from another girl when others are around...Means that there is someone in the room that he's into and doesn't want to fuck things up or get caught up.

Here's a fucking good question. This will work for you tools trying to get a job too.

When trying to gain the interest of an individual, you never want to cross your arms [unless you're hood] or pocket your hands.

What in the hell should you do then? Leave your arms hanging to your sides?
Fling them around your body psychotically?

Someone mentioned that if you go into details in a conversation that girls love it. I like to use my hands as tools. Somewhat imagery to paint a picture in their head. Like if I were to say "why not??" I'd most likely do a gesutre with my hands. Having your hands crossed either means your a G, or that your not feeling that girl. You can get away with this with different types of girls. NEVER PUT YOUR HANDS IN YOUR POCKET. You'd look like a square. Straight up. <- you might be able to get away with that if you were emo and had tight jeans trying to get at another emo chick.

Vision Garage
08-28-2008, 06:53 PM
haha. yes Anthony is right once again. just like girls, we like to be noticed and have attention. So its not just a one way street. It boosts our confidence when we know girls are checking us out or when a girl thinks we are cute. We do the keep away game because we like the attention. The more single you appear, the more girls will look your way. If you are attached to one girl throughout the night, the other girls will look elsewhere. So yes we are attention whores too.

And to Fries, please use your hands in a better way. Yes do not cross your arms because it will look like you arent interested. Like anthony said use your hands as well as you use your words. If you are making a joke, use it to your advantage.

08-28-2008, 07:04 PM
jus be like "hey hows it goin? my name is so and so by the way, and you are? oh ok nice to meet you, finally got a name to the face. which office do u work in? ahhh ic, yah i work over in so and so. ok cool ill see you around."

probably dont wanna hit on or may scare her off dont wanna make her uncomfortable.

then next day " hey *name* hows it goin?".

or be like the rick ross video and give a younger girl money lmao jk

08-28-2008, 07:09 PM
opps, my reply above was for mega

advice dont put the pussy on a pedistal, and try not to catch one-itis *like emotionally attached at tryin to get 1 specific girl* you will hurt urself when things dont go the way you like. ive been there b4... now i just dont really care. ive cut down on talkin to some females that i know i cant get with frankly because i might grow feelings for em.

08-28-2008, 07:14 PM
"Hey how you doin, me not much just out for a walk"
-any response to what you just said-
"my dog died tonight, can I have a hug"

you MUST look the part and be all sad and shit.....works everytime

08-28-2008, 08:36 PM
approach female.

you: excuse me, do you know what a polar bear is good for?

her: um, no.

you: for breaking the ice. hi, my name's logan. and you are?

08-28-2008, 09:15 PM
"I seem to have lost my panties, can I have yours"

08-28-2008, 09:35 PM
approach female.

you: excuse me, do you know what a polar bear is good for?

her: um, no.

you: for breaking the ice. hi, my name's logan. and you are?

lmfao... Im using that one. Seriously. Thats cutesy enough to fly.

I find that when it comes to ladies, well, alot of them, a good sense of humor is always appreciated. Break the ice with a joke or something... like that^^

08-28-2008, 09:42 PM
Here's a fucking good question. This will work for you tools trying to get a job too.

When trying to gain the interest of an individual, you never want to cross your arms [unless you're hood] or pocket your hands.

What in the hell should you do then? Leave your arms hanging to your sides?
Fling them around your body psychotically?
Yes, putting your hands in your pockets or crossing your
arms will make you look like a square, which means you're boring.
What I do is I try to make her laugh, and while I do that, like what
Anthony said, try to paint a picture of what you're talking about. It
sounds kinda stupid but it works. Just try to include your hands in the
talk, with emotion and character.

my question; why do guys mess around with every girl that likes them? and then when a few of the girls are in the same room, the guy tries to keep his distance from all the girls jus so he wont get caught up. a girl kno's when theres been past chemistry, why do guys try to hid it?
Kat, guys do it mostly to have that reassurance that you still like
them/interested in them. Like someone said earlier, girls are going to
want something that is hard to get, or something they can't have.
With that knowledge, guys like to play little mind games, to see if you'd
easily give up or whatnot. I'm sure the same can go both ways to, as the girl
plays hard to get at times, and act the same way as I described above.

Now stop asking me to send you pics of me. ;) :naughty:

The more single you appear, the more girls will look your way.It's been the opposite with me. When I had a gf,
more girls seemed to be interested in me, than when I was single. I think
it's due to the competitive nature of girls (same can be said about guys too).
Again, I think that's due to the "I want something that's hard to get," or "I
want something that will take more work and will be more of a challenge."

BACK ON TOPIC!!!: i agree that women are most impressed that you notice the smallest things that make her different from other poeple...example: sneaker chick who has a certain pattern but is similar to another shoe etc etc. U get the picture. Notice the effort and you get rewardedYou speak truth. Let's use your example. If she's
wearing some nice kicks, or have a designer purse, compliment her on it
and go from there. If you know a lot on the subject, keep at it, but don't
just make stuff up or pretend you know a subject, as that will backfire on

08-28-2008, 09:57 PM
^We definitely have to collab one night at a club. <3

08-28-2008, 10:00 PM
I'll be up near the Bay soon. Moving to the Fresno area
before the end of the year.

08-28-2008, 10:01 PM
I'll show you around. Hollatcha boy when your up here.

08-28-2008, 10:11 PM
aight I got one.....whats the best way to pick up a chick that youve known for mad long, not best friends or anythin like that but a chick that youve known for a few years and never hit it off?

08-28-2008, 10:17 PM
If you actually find her attractive, and want to get to know her
more, just get straight to the point and let her know. If you've
known each other for awhile, it won't be so awkward telling
her that. "Hey ____________, we've known each other for so long
yet we never really got to talk. How are things with you blah blah
blah blahhhhh." Then just tell her straight out that think she's cute,
attractive, etc, and that you want to hang out or something, for a
bite to eat, a drink somewhere, etc.

Balls outttt. BALLLLS OUT.

08-28-2008, 10:17 PM
aight I got one.....whats the best way to pick up a chick that youve known for mad long, not best friends or anythin like that but a chick that youve known for a few years and never hit it off?



Unless you want a relationship. Then you've probably already missed your chance. Although, opportunities do come knocking every once in awhile, you just gotta be cool, calm, collected and bide your time. Either that or if you don't really mind losing her as a friend. Be straight up with her.

08-28-2008, 11:04 PM
"You wanna go grab some pizza and go f*ck? What, you don't like pizza?"

Vision Garage
08-28-2008, 11:34 PM
God damn half the lines you guys are throwing out will either get you shut down completely or slapped in the face! haha. Be witty, not vulgar! and simoun, why the move?

08-28-2008, 11:43 PM
I'm not trying to be down low, or cheat on my girl or anything.

And not that I want to keep them on the side or anything dirty like that, its just sometimes its nice not to always have to talk to my guy friends ALL the time.

Or share the same opinions, I like meeting people with different ideals, style, class etc.

It gets old talking to the same people about the same shit all the time, cars, shoes, clothes, interpersonal drama, not to mention I work with all my best friends so now whenever we talk it feels like I'm in a business meeting or something.

I like meeting new people, and of course, I LOVE meeting women...

Because I'm in a relationship, it kinda makes it weird when I'm just trying to talk to girls and see if they're cool or not...

You know, a back up plan or not.

But once they find out I'm in a relationship, they are immediately turned off... even to just be friends with me.

After that point its like, they don't want to have anything to do with me really AND whenever I meet up with them the first question they ask is something about my girlfriend, which I don't believe is really their business (what's going on with her, or what's going on between her and I)

If they want what they can't have then why do they always bring up my girlfriend in a conversation?

To see if we're doing well? To see if she can swoop? I don't get it.

Anyone got advice for that?

08-28-2008, 11:47 PM
I'm not trying to be down low, or cheat on my girl or anything.

And not that I want to keep them on the side or anything dirty like that, its just sometimes its nice not to always have to talk to my guy friends ALL the time.

Or share the same opinions, I like meeting people with different ideals, style, class etc.

It gets old talking to the same people about the same shit all the time, cars, shoes, clothes, interpersonal drama, not to mention I work with all my best friends so now whenever we talk it feels like I'm in a business meeting or something.

I like meeting new people, and of course, I LOVE meeting women...

Because I'm in a relationship, it kinda makes it weird when I'm just trying to talk to girls and see if they're cool or not...

You know, a back up plan or not.

But once they find out I'm in a relationship, they are immediately turned off...

If they want what they can't have then why do they always bring up my girlfriend in a conversation?

To see if we're doing well? To see if she can swoop? I don't get it.

Anyone got advice for that?

Girls who know you are in a relationship are funky. They always tend to bring up your girl friend " oh yeah so how are you and whats her face". Basically insinuating she has general interest in your life, but thinks she is better than your gf and is on some levels trying to sub consciously get you to think she's better I mean... you are here asking this question aren't you.

Every time I get a girlfriend girls are on my junk like hell hounds, and it sucks that I'm such a loyal guy haha.

They are all a bunch of soul sucking temptresses

08-28-2008, 11:53 PM
Because I'm in a relationship, it kinda makes it weird when I'm just trying to talk to girls and see if they're cool or not...

You know, a back up plan or not.

But once they find out I'm in a relationship, they are immediately turned off... even to just be friends with me.

After that point its like, they don't want to have anything to do with me really AND whenever I meet up with them the first question they ask is something about my girlfriend, which I don't believe is really their business (what's going on with her, or what's going on between her and I)

If they want what they can't have then why do they always bring up my girlfriend in a conversation?

To see if we're doing well? To see if she can swoop? I don't get it.

Anyone got advice for that?
Women LOVE competing with other women. They ask because
they want to know if the relationship is doing good, or bad. If it's
good, they might back off and just be friends, or they might still
go for it. If the relationship is bad, then chances are she's going for
it, if she truly is interested in you.

08-28-2008, 11:55 PM
I'm not trying to be down low, or cheat on my girl or anything.

And not that I want to keep them on the side or anything dirty like that, its just sometimes its nice not to always have to talk to my guy friends ALL the time.

Or share the same opinions, I like meeting people with different ideals, style, class etc.

It gets old talking to the same people about the same shit all the time, cars, shoes, clothes, interpersonal drama, not to mention I work with all my best friends so now whenever we talk it feels like I'm in a business meeting or something.

I like meeting new people, and of course, I LOVE meeting women...

Because I'm in a relationship, it kinda makes it weird when I'm just trying to talk to girls and see if they're cool or not...

You know, a back up plan or not.

But once they find out I'm in a relationship, they are immediately turned off... even to just be friends with me.

After that point its like, they don't want to have anything to do with me really AND whenever I meet up with them the first question they ask is something about my girlfriend, which I don't believe is really their business (what's going on with her, or what's going on between her and I)

If they want what they can't have then why do they always bring up my girlfriend in a conversation?

To see if we're doing well? To see if she can swoop? I don't get it.

Anyone got advice for that?
In all honesty Scott, Your going chasing wrong girls.

Try talking to some that don't know you or your lady.

You'll get different outcomes ;)

Don't mention you have a girlfriend. It's not like your cheating on her. We all talk to guys and girls everyday of our lifes there's no infidelity there.

All relationships start out as small friendships and build from there.

Romeo is correct, girls like to know about other girls business to see how the relationship is going...girls are evil!

Vision Garage
08-28-2008, 11:56 PM
Simoun you cant say its always true. Some girls are just interested in how you two are doing. Somewhat like small talk. It doesnt not necessarily mean they are into you. I guess you just gotta learn to read girls. See how she reacts your your responses or how her body language is when he asks questions. If you can read a girl, you will definitely know if she is "interested" in you or if she sees you a friend material.

08-28-2008, 11:58 PM
Of course, the majority of girls who ask how the relationship
is doing is just doing it out of habit, such as asking how you
are, how your life is, how your relationship is, you know, just
being friendly.More than likely, it's just an innocent question,
but don't be surprised if there's more meaning behind it.

08-28-2008, 11:58 PM
In all honesty Scott, Your going chasing wrong girls.

Try talking to some that don't know you or your lady.

You'll get different outcomes ;)

Don't mention you have a girlfriend. It's not like your cheating on her. We all talk to guys and girls everyday of our lifes there's no infidelity there.

All relationships start out as small friendships and build from there.

They don't know me, or my girlfriend, most of these chicks are girls I meet at school, but I'm not much of a liar, and I don't want my girlfriend to be a secret.

08-29-2008, 12:01 AM
They don't know me, or my girlfriend, most of these chicks are girls I meet at school, but I'm not much of a liar, and I don't want my girlfriend to be a secret.
In that case it seems like you and your lady are doing well and holding strong on both sides. Why look for another? unless you expect a breakup anytime soon.

there is nothing wrong with meeting woman.

Vision Garage
08-29-2008, 12:01 AM
Falkon, say a few of them do want to be your friend. What would your girl think about that?

08-29-2008, 12:03 AM
Of course, the majority of girls who ask how the relationship
is doing is just doing it out of habit, such as asking how you
are, how your life is, how your relationship is, you know, just
being friendly.

It all depends on how it's said, where it's said, and the tone she is using.


08-29-2008, 12:05 AM
Body language is #1 in finding out her true intentions.

08-29-2008, 12:08 AM
In that case it seems like you and your lady are doing well and holding strong on both sides. Why look for another? unless you expect a breakup anytime soon.

there is nothing wrong with meeting woman.

Like I said, I just like meeting new people, and I like to keep my game SOME what polished, I'm not actively seeking out a new relationship. The one I have currently is good.

For numerous reasons, I will not list them to stay on topic.

I like meeting girls, there are already TONS of guys I know that have the same interests as me, I really have NO interest in meeting other guys. :hahano:

Falkon, say a few of them do want to be your friend. What would your girl think about that?

She would get jealous, but this isn't about her getting jealous really, she's away at school most the time, and you know, I like to "play". (Nothing nasty I promise)

It all depends on how it's said, where it's said, and the tone she is using.


Yeah, I know but sometimes its hard for me to read them.

I guess I should just try hanging out with them outside of the atmosphere (school) I met them at and see where it goes from there.

Body language is #1 in finding out her true intentions.

School just started and my girlfriend is still in town, so I haven't actually been seeking out any friends of the opposite sex, I've got plenty on my plate already, but this thread got me to thinking about curious ponders I already had.

Do any of you guys have ADVICE, instead of ideas? I just wanna know what some of you would do?

Maybe some help from the ladies?

08-29-2008, 12:09 AM
You guys need to pick up the ART OF SEDUCTION.

It's the best book to read. will help your game out 99.9% I promise.

I read it in highschool and everything was downhill from there.

It teaches you about the different types of woman, and what to do to seduce them to make them want you.

For instance:

Girls who always get what they want, and live the happy life being spoiled.
^^In order to seduce that type of girl. You have to show her the small things in life that's she's overlooked like a simple picnic at the park. etc. of course you will need to spend money on her...but once she starts loving every small thing then she's been seduced and it's all downhill from there.

Girls who never get what they want...well...go figure?

Vision Garage
08-29-2008, 12:18 AM
Falkon, how you gonna say you like to "play" when you really dont. Once the words come out that you have a GF, ITS GAME OVER BUDDY!

So lets get right to the point. You wasting quarters my man. You either at the arcade or you stuck at home.

08-29-2008, 12:19 AM
Falkon, how you gonna say you like to "play" when you really dont. Once the words come out that you have a GF, ITS GAME OVER BUDDY!

So lets get right to the point. You wasting quarters my man. You either at the arcade or you stuck at home.

Aw damn, well you shut it down with that one.

08-29-2008, 12:21 AM
God downshift since when did you turn into ll cool j? >_<. but i think i will check out that book though.

Falkon, how you gonna say you like to "play" when you really dont. Once the words come out that you have a GF, ITS GAME OVER BUDDY!

So lets get right to the point. You wasting quarters my man. You either at the arcade or you stuck at home.

lol shit made me chuckle.

08-29-2008, 12:24 AM
Aw damn, well you shut it down with that one.


Just don't tell em. Whenever I have a girlfriend I always tend to inadvertently I could fall back on at any time. I would never cheat, I don't see the point in it, I would rather just break up and have all the other sex I wanted without fear of getting my car keyed or bologna'd.

Keep it hush hush, keep it friendly. It's a good feeling knowing a rebound is just a phone call away.


08-29-2008, 12:26 AM
truth. speaking of cutty morz what was the conclusion of the threesome?

08-29-2008, 12:26 AM

Just don't tell em. Whenever I have a girlfriend I always tend to inadvertently I could fall back on at any time. I would never cheat, I don't see the point in it, I would rather just break up and have all the other sex I wanted without fear of getting my car keyed or bologna'd.

Keep it hush hush, keep it friendly. It's a good feeling knowing a rebound is just a phone call away.


That's kinda what I was leaning towards, so you're suggesting you've got something going on without actually saying it?

08-29-2008, 12:28 AM
Me and Anthony will soon be coming out with a book
entitled, How to Play the Game, Without Getting Played

NY Times Bestseller.

08-29-2008, 12:30 AM
truth. speaking of cutty morz what was the conclusion of the threesome?

Well I ended up just doing each of them separately another night. Apparently they just weren't willing to go through with the bit of lesbianess required and I was to broke to buy alcohol. :faint:

Oh well, can't really complain lol.

That's kinda what I was leaning towards, so you're suggesting you've got something going on without actually saying it?

Exactly. There is no need to make it obvious to your girl, or to the girl you are talking with. For the time being you are just casual acquaintances, but at the drop of a time you can turn that around if you think you got that breezy all figured out.

Me and Anthony will soon be coming out with a book
entitled, "How to Play the Game, Or Worst Case Scenario... Play With Yourself"

NY Times Bestseller.



Vision Garage
08-29-2008, 12:30 AM
Damn it falkon. No dont tell your girl at all. He means just talk to other girls and dont let them know about "THE GF" that way if some goes wrong with "THE GF" you can just break up with her and you already got girls lined up. Its like placing your quarters on the arcade without playing it. Saving your place in line i guess.

08-29-2008, 12:35 AM
Exactly. There is no need to make it obvious to your girl, or to the girl you are talking with. For the time being you are just casual acquaintances, but at the drop of a time you can turn that around if you think you got that breezy all figured out.



Well, I wouldn't tell my girlfriend, I don't tell her when I meet new guy friends, why would I tell her about a new girl friend?

Damn it falkon. No dont tell your girl at all. He means just talk to other girls and dont let them know about "THE GF" that way if some goes wrong with "THE GF" you can just break up with her and you already got girls lined up. Its like placing your quarters on the arcade without playing it. Saving your place in line i guess.

Yeah for sure, I was thinking that too. I guess I just need to learn to be more dishonest with strangers.

08-29-2008, 12:38 AM
Well, I wouldn't tell my girlfriend, I don't tell her when I meet new guy friends, why would I tell her about a new girl friend?

Yeah for sure, I was thinking that too. I guess I just need to learn to be more dishonest with strangers.

That's exactly what I said... :keke:

It's not a matter of being dishonest. If you think of it that way you'll feel like a bad person haha. It's just called keeping your options open. If you aren't married yet I'd say you're perfectly entitled to doing so.

08-29-2008, 12:40 AM
hmm that only works for a minute cause then the back up girls want more time and if you dont put in work they are like peace ill find me a new one. Ok when i say this. ladys on zilvia dont get offended. But yea for instance i was dating one braud(not really feeling her out like that one of those its going to go no where fade type of things) but talking to others hooking up with some. Tried to play the "lets talk only and ill hear what you have to say" type of thing.

It came to a point where it was no more talking and more like hey do you want to "hangout" first i thought hanging out was just hanging out watch a movie and what not well the first time i did a hang out with the usual hangout buddy it was one of those conversations got dead and she just said "are you going to fuck me or what?" since then when she tells me hangout thats all it is now. we dont even talk anymore. thats cool with me i guess. but i guess the point im trying to say is beat all the cakes and then if they were feeling it youll be the main man for a call and its nonstop fun.

Some like to hangout though besides just calling you for sex. Some just want a friend with benefits and not a relationship because they feel they are too young and wanna have fun. Im in it to win it. Ohh it gets better when you have your own spot too. Just make sure you dont get random girls poppin over. Thats when it becomes a problem.

08-29-2008, 12:43 AM
hmm that only works for a minute cause then the back up girls want more time and if you dont put in work they are like peace ill find me a new one.

Two words.

Constant stream.


08-29-2008, 12:57 AM
They don't know me, or my girlfriend, most of these chicks are girls I meet at school, but I'm not much of a liar, and I don't want my girlfriend to be a secret.

whats the point of having a girlfriend or boyfriend, if your jus gunna keep it a secret?!?! thats jus stupid, why? cause emotions are more involved. see what you should have done, is kept it FWB in the first place if you wanted no commitment. can't have your cake and eat it too.. so i agree with falkon :)

08-29-2008, 12:59 AM
whats the point of having a girlfriend or boyfriend, if your jus gunna keep it a secret?!?! thats jus stupid, why? cause emotions are more involved. see what you should have done, is kept it FWB in the first place if you wanted no commitment. can't have your cake and eat it too.. so i agree with falkon :)

Whats the point of having cake if you can't eat it.


08-29-2008, 12:59 AM
Me and Anthony will soon be coming out with a book
entitled, How to Play the Game, Without Getting Played

NY Times Bestseller.

:rant2:uhhmm, tsk tsk.

08-29-2008, 01:00 AM
Whats the point of having cake if you can't eat it.


hahaha... enjoy the chase ;)
you don't want it all at once do you? that jus kills the fun! lol:bigok:

Vision Garage
08-29-2008, 01:02 AM
haha. Im sorry but there are too many different types of ice cream to taste. Just when you think youve found your favorite flavor, another one comes out that tastes so much better. Im a vanilla man, but there are times when i want chocolate you know?

08-29-2008, 01:03 AM
Kat, guys do it mostly to have that reassurance that you still like
them/interested in them. Like someone said earlier, girls are going to
want something that is hard to get, or something they can't have.
With that knowledge, guys like to play little mind games, to see if you'd
easily give up or whatnot. I'm sure the same can go both ways to, as the girl
plays hard to get at times, and act the same way as I described above.

Now stop asking me to send you pics of me. ;) :naughty:

you like it :keke::naughty: lmao

08-29-2008, 03:23 AM
Girls who know you are in a relationship are funky. They always tend to bring up your girl friend " oh yeah so how are you and whats her face". Basically insinuating she has general interest in your life, but thinks she is better than your gf and is on some levels trying to sub consciously get you to think she's better I mean... you are here asking this question aren't you.

Every time I get a girlfriend girls are on my junk like hell hounds, and it sucks that I'm such a loyal guy haha.

They are all a bunch of soul sucking temptresses

QFT. i cannot emphasize this enough.

if you are in a relationship and you are looking for a backup plan, then its time to get out of your relationship man. if she really was the one for you would you honestly be looking for something if it falls through?

08-29-2008, 07:17 AM
How do you remember names? And whats the best way to play off forgetting a name?

08-29-2008, 07:34 AM
Wow some of these responses and opinions are fucking dumb but whateva...

Question for Lisa......

Why is it that most girls are only in it for the chase???

Question for Ant & Akademik......

Why is it when we first meet a girl and spit game she tries to throw in the i'm seeing someone shit??

Then when you ask them out they be on some i dont know if i should, but she aint got no man....

Basically why these chicks be frontin hard???

When in all reality they really want it??

08-29-2008, 07:41 AM
How do you remember names? And whats the best way to play off forgetting a name?

Use other words to describe her gender.

"Hey Mark whats up" (oh shit I forgot her name)... "Whats up baby girl"

Happens to me all the time I am fucking terrible with names.This girl I hooked up with was named "girl" for 2 years before I met her brother :rofl:

Basically why these chicks be frontin hard???

When in all reality they really want it??

You may not want my opinion, but I've actually talked to girls about this.

It comes down to;

A. They are just kinda bitchy and want to see what hoops you will jump through to keep trying.
B. They don't want to seem slutty and make you run the obstacle course so they can tell themselves and friends they aren't slutty.


08-29-2008, 08:56 AM
also I straight up hate meeting girls in bars or clubs, everywhere we go is so goddamn loud so I feel like I cant even carry on a conversation.....i feel retarded goin up to girls and havin to yell over the music

ugh...i couldn't agree with you more. However there have been good moments where the girl(s) and I (with friends) will bar hop and have time to talk/chill while outside.

08-29-2008, 11:54 AM
Question for Ant & Akademik......

Why is it when we first meet a girl and spit game she tries to throw in the i'm seeing someone shit??

Then when you ask them out they be on some i dont know if i should, but she aint got no man....

Basically why these chicks be frontin hard???

When in all reality they really want it??
They don't want to seem "interested" at first. It ain't fun if
they throw themselves at you right away, you need to work
at it son! Half the fun of the reward is the chase.

How do you remember names? And whats the best way to play off forgetting a name?
I'm good with names and faces, so I have no problem there.
If you forget her name, just do what was said above me, and
just say "Hey girl", or something like that. Times that I do forget,
I bust out my phone and say all my numbers got erased and for
her to put in her name and number. Works everytime.

"My game so tight, they call me virgin."

Welcome to Game 101, enjoy your stay.

08-29-2008, 12:22 PM
oh i do have a question...but its not necessary towards spitting game. Infact its geared towards the ladies in this thread...

So I met a girl and we kicked it off real good, but we lost touch with each other due to our busy schedules/lifes. Literally months (almost a year) later I run into her at a bar, i chat for a few mins and she tells me she has a b/f. I told her I'm cool with that and since she was MIA for awhile I deleted her number.

She grabs my phone and puts in her number and says I should call her some day.

How should I take this? Just looking for friends? or not happy with the current relationship?

08-29-2008, 12:27 PM
How was her body language like? Most girls are like that
though, they just want to keep in touch. Call her up and
see where it takes you.

I'm going to post up the "Official Relationship Thread"
later tonight, where you can ask relationship-based
questions, and not just spitting game.

Vision Garage
08-29-2008, 12:33 PM
haha. This is like the most that Simoun has been on zilvia in a long ass time. I would just call her randomly and see where it goes. If you guys kicked it off before, she may think you can be a PLAN B in case PLAN A doesnt go through. Aint nothing wrong with that.

08-29-2008, 12:37 PM
oh i do have a question...but its not necessary towards spitting game. Infact its geared towards the ladies in this thread...

So I met a girl and we kicked it off real good, but we lost touch with each other due to our busy schedules/lifes. Literally months (almost a year) later I run into her at a bar, i chat for a few mins and she tells me she has a b/f. I told her I'm cool with that and since she was MIA for awhile I deleted her number.

She grabs my phone and puts in her number and says I should call her some day.

How should I take this? Just looking for friends? or not happy with the current relationship?

most likely you left a major impression. when girls lose touch with guys she likes and ends up having a new b/f, they tend to not really care about staying in touch with those other guys. NOW if she had feelings for you at one point, she's not gunna wana let you go again the second time around. see, when a girl has a boyfriend and runs into a past memory (you), those feelings are gunna come back. jus take it slow and don't push urself on her. that'll only make her feel pressured. most likely she doesn't wana lose touch again. jus be her friend as of now, and let her come to you... don't get too attached and set urself up to get hurt if she stays with her man. so once again, she still has a thing for you, obviously, sooooo jus take it day by day.. call her here and there (don't over due it) and let her call you in between those calls ;)

08-29-2008, 03:08 PM
Question for Ant & Akademik......

Why is it when we first meet a girl and spit game she tries to throw in the i'm seeing someone shit??

Then when you ask them out they be on some i dont know if i should, but she aint got no man....

Basically why these chicks be frontin hard???

When in all reality they really want it??

It's a common (and fast and easy) brush off for ladies to say that. Possibly the fact that she's not digging you...or she wants to see how far your willing to progress in getting to know her. Girls like guys who chase them. They fucking love it.
Usually what I say in that situation when the girl says "I'm seeing someone". I say "Let him know he's a lucky man" and give a big smile and say your goodbye. It leaves a lasting impression on her, It's reverse psychology and makes her think of how much a sweet talker/nice guy you are and how respectful you are. Just keep mingling throughout the night...because I gaurentee you she won't forget you ;) In the back of her head she'll know that she can get you or mess with you...So don't act interested anymore. Make her come to you. If she doesn't...then oh well. A lost cause, but many more to find.

08-29-2008, 03:13 PM
oh i do have a question...but its not necessary towards spitting game. Infact its geared towards the ladies in this thread...

So I met a girl and we kicked it off real good, but we lost touch with each other due to our busy schedules/lifes. Literally months (almost a year) later I run into her at a bar, i chat for a few mins and she tells me she has a b/f. I told her I'm cool with that and since she was MIA for awhile I deleted her number.

She grabs my phone and puts in her number and says I should call her some day.

How should I take this? Just looking for friends? or not happy with the current relationship?

As 240chick said. You left a lasting impression on her.

Most people never know how much they miss or love someone until they are gone. And as Romeo stated; it all depends on body language.

She wants to keep in contact with you...but for a girl to take your phone and put her number in it....hmm...seems like she might be into you again.

Old feelings WILL ALWAYS come back when 2 people re unite. Just play it smooth and try not to hurt your feelings or hers.

Why was she at a bar in the first place? Exactly. to drink?hangout with friends..and to mingle. I'm sure she was dressed nice and smelled good ;)

08-29-2008, 03:31 PM
i remember names by using their name a few times when im talkin to them the first time. besides people love to hear their own name, and it definitely helps you to not forget. however when you forget a name, this happened to me last night. was tryin to talk to some chick named Jenn a few months back. well i saw her walk by in the bar and pointed to her and said hey whats up sara! i genuinely thought her name was sara. she came over and said, logan im jenn not sara. i grinned and replied back, got ya to come over though didnt it. i dunno if she thinks i was playin or not. but the rest of the night all her friends were callin her sara. mistakes happen. just gotta be quick on the toes to play shit off.

08-29-2008, 03:32 PM
^I usually think of something funny that rhymes with their names in my mind.

I hardly forget :D

ex. Anna? Bannana?
ex. Monica?hanukkah?

08-29-2008, 03:33 PM
oh i do have a question...but its not necessary towards spitting game. Infact its geared towards the ladies in this thread...

So I met a girl and we kicked it off real good, but we lost touch with each other due to our busy schedules/lifes. Literally months (almost a year) later I run into her at a bar, i chat for a few mins and she tells me she has a b/f. I told her I'm cool with that and since she was MIA for awhile I deleted her number.

She grabs my phone and puts in her number and says I should call her some day.

How should I take this? Just looking for friends? or not happy with the current relationship?

she took your phone and put her number into it even though she has a man? wants it. although be wary of girls like that. if its that easy to run around on him, what makes you think it wont be that easy to run around on you. if its just for some good nook then by all means get at it. but if you are interested in her as gf material rethink how you reconnected with her. scandalous bitches are everywhere.

08-29-2008, 04:12 PM
hmm that only works for a minute cause then the back up girls want more time and if you dont put in work they are like peace ill find me a new one. Ok when i say this. ladys on zilvia dont get offended. But yea for instance i was dating one braud(not really feeling her out like that one of those its going to go no where fade type of things) but talking to others hooking up with some. Tried to play the "lets talk only and ill hear what you have to say" type of thing.

It came to a point where it was no more talking and more like hey do you want to "hangout" first i thought hanging out was just hanging out watch a movie and what not well the first time i did a hang out with the usual hangout buddy it was one of those conversations got dead and she just said "are you going to fuck me or what?" since then when she tells me hangout thats all it is now. we dont even talk anymore. thats cool with me i guess. but i guess the point im trying to say is beat all the cakes and then if they were feeling it youll be the main man for a call and its nonstop fun.

Some like to hangout though besides just calling you for sex. Some just want a friend with benefits and not a relationship because they feel they are too young and wanna have fun. Im in it to win it. Ohh it gets better when you have your own spot too. Just make sure you dont get random girls poppin over. Thats when it becomes a problem.

you're not allowed to contribute, you hang out with your x girlfriend LOL! j/k

08-29-2008, 05:06 PM
Got some good news pimps. So I got out of my office to go into the hallway to make it seem like I was working on something. I waited till she came out to start talking to her. Well she made the first move. She came up to me asking if she could get some ice. I ofcourse said bitch hell no get your own damn ice :p j/k I got her some ice and she's like by the way my name is Alissa. I gave her my name and she said it was great to finally meet you. She apologized for being all sweaty told her thats ok I dont mind. Than I asked if she comes here to run a lot she said Tuesday through Friday she runs to rehabilitate her ankle since she injured it figure skating. So as she left she said I'll see you next week.

08-29-2008, 05:59 PM

She's digging you homie.

Stay on point. She'll be yours in no time.

Next week offer to go running with her ;)

08-29-2008, 06:18 PM
Why was she at a bar in the first place? Exactly. to drink?hangout with friends..and to mingle. I'm sure she was dressed nice and smelled good ;)

She was there for a happy hour with one of her co-workers. She didn't mingle with anyone but her co-worker (a girl). Yea she looked fine as hell all dressed up from her office job. I have yet to actually call her, just been crazy busy or occupied...infact its been two weeks. Is that bad? ha

I'll call her after the holiday weekend or on Sunday since yet again I will be occupied tonight and Sat.

08-29-2008, 10:44 PM
Got some good news pimps. So I got out of my office to go into the hallway to make it seem like I was working on something. I waited till she came out to start talking to her. Well she made the first move. She came up to me asking if she could get some ice. I ofcourse said bitch hell no get your own damn ice :p j/k I got her some ice and she's like by the way my name is Alissa. I gave her my name and she said it was great to finally meet you. She apologized for being all sweaty told her thats ok I dont mind. Than I asked if she comes here to run a lot she said Tuesday through Friday she runs to rehabilitate her ankle since she injured it figure skating. So as she left she said I'll see you next week.Get em tiger. lmao

Here's my relationship thread. (http://zilvia.net/f/off-topic-chat/210997-official-relationships-thread.html)

08-30-2008, 02:37 AM
"Are you lost? Because heaven's a long way from here".

now that was VERY cheesy!!

i do like the trick about looking them at the eyes it actually does work

and the examples pretty helpful ima go try it out on an inflatable doll first haha lmfao j/p now thats laaaaaaame.

idk why but ANSWER ME THIS ONE
mr. 101 spit game...

I tend to get nerveous when i see/ talking to a beautiful girl and cant act myself at all. Then theres these girls that i dont find attractive and i act myself and all of a sudden they like me:confused:



Forte EXE
08-30-2008, 02:48 AM
"Are you lost? Because heaven's a long way from here".

now that was VERY cheesy!!

i do like the trick about looking them at the eyes it actually does work

and the examples pretty helpful ima go try it out on an inflatable doll first haha lmfao j/p now thats laaaaaaame.

idk why but ANSWER ME THIS ONE
mr. 101 spit game...

I tend to get nerveous when i see/ talking to a beautiful girl and cant act myself at all. Then theres these girls that i dont find attractive and i act myself and all of a sudden they like me:confused:


Same boat im on too homie. The only time I can act myself is when i already know the girl a little from a friend. But if she's smokin hot its hard as hell to act myself.

08-30-2008, 05:20 AM
"Are you lost? Because heaven's a long way from here".

now that was VERY cheesy!!

i do like the trick about looking them at the eyes it actually does work

and the examples pretty helpful ima go try it out on an inflatable doll first haha lmfao j/p now thats laaaaaaame.

idk why but ANSWER ME THIS ONE
mr. 101 spit game...

I tend to get nerveous when i see/ talking to a beautiful girl and cant act myself at all. Then theres these girls that i dont find attractive and i act myself and all of a sudden they like me:confused:



You get nervous because it's something that you want, you need, you crave or something that you want to get your who-who dilly wet with.

The other not so pretty girls dig you because A) you're probably ugly too (rofl <3) or B) because they think you're playing hard to get, C) your vibe is just different,normal, you're calm, acting yourself. It happens to everybody.

And for that, you touch my fucking girlfriend, I'll kill you. I've seen you, I know who you are!! haha jk, but seriously, dick move man. You're going to get yourself clocked hard.

But hey, who am I to talk?
I'm kinda doing that, I noticed i'm flirting with my friend's girlfriend. It's kinda hard not to, because she's super friendly with me. Though she is saying he bf does act like a dick to her and has temper issues. So I guess it's diff? Nah, probably not.

08-30-2008, 09:30 AM
Girls may seem or actually be complex but once you realize it stems mostly from a huge amount of insecurity it loses it's allure.

I've broke so many of the 'rules' you guys are suggesting it startles me.

08-30-2008, 03:06 PM
idk why but ANSWER ME THIS ONE
mr. 101 spit game...

I tend to get nerveous when i see/ talking to a beautiful girl and cant act myself at all. Then theres these girls that i dont find attractive and i act myself and all of a sudden they like me:confused:
That's an all too common thing for guys to do, is to get
nervous. It's normal. But like I said before, you have to
have confidence in talking to her. Show her that you're
comfortable and confident. Like you said, if you act yourself,
the girls start to like you, well, just try acting the same
around the girls you want.


Bad move. Trust me. As tempting as it is to steal someone else
girl, it's not worth it. Been there, done that. I thought it was
cool to do that before, simply because, well, it was too easy
at times. I don't wanna get further into it, but it's a bad idea.
Also, have fun when someone else steals your girl. You also
don't want to be labeled as a "home-wrecker".

08-30-2008, 03:22 PM
That's an all too common thing for guys to do, is to get
nervous. It's normal. But like I said before, you have to
have confidence in talking to her. Show her that you're
comfortable and confident. Like you said, if you act yourself,
the girls start to like you, well, just try acting the same
around the girls you want.

Bad move. Trust me. As tempting as it is to steal someone else
girl, it's not worth it. Been there, done that. I thought it was
cool to do that before, simply because, well, it was too easy
at times. I don't wanna get further into it, but it's a bad idea.
Also, have fun when someone else steals your girl. You also
don't want to be labeled as a "home-wrecker".

It's fun and funny, but it can get old.

It is an awesome way to get payback though. Unless you can take the guy though, I wouldn't advise it.


08-30-2008, 03:25 PM
It is fun to get payback, who doesn't love revenge?
But, it can bite you in the ass later on.


08-30-2008, 04:09 PM
I tend to get nerveous when i see/ talking to a beautiful girl and cant act myself at all.


When you start a job you're generally nervous and stuff because you're unsure of yourself, etc. The longer you work that job although, the more confident you get about doing the job. It's the same with women.

Talk to more "beautiful" women, you'll soon find all women are similar in very general aspects and as you become more profecient with spitting you wont get nervous [until that one supersexy girl walks in] and you'll be more successful in your endevours.

When it comes to working your way into another dood's wet place, it's just like picking up a chick. Let 'em know youre the best shit on the block and get them to trust you. She'll want a relationship along with the fuck [unless she's a slut].

On that note, I know your kind. Guy tried for 2 months to get my girl to fuck, calling and texting flirting when ever he could. He gave up and a month later was dating this girl. I stole that hoe from him and beat his ass when he tried to say shit.

Don't be that guy bitch.

08-31-2008, 12:57 AM
alright heres my deal. theres this girl that works at a local steak and shake and she is pretty attractive and i thought she looked really familiar. then i realized the other day i went to middle school with her and we used to talk all the time.

my question is how do i start conversation up again?

just ask her if she remembers me?

08-31-2008, 02:28 AM
I was in your position awhile back. Here's the
easiest way. Just go up to her and introduce
yourself. See what she says and if she just thinks
you're just introducing yourself, tell her, "You don't
remember me huh?" Go from there. Easy.

08-31-2008, 02:30 PM
idk why but ANSWER ME THIS ONE
mr. 101 spit game...

I tend to get nerveous when i see/ talking to a beautiful girl and cant act myself at all. Then theres these girls that i dont find attractive and i act myself and all of a sudden they like me:confused:



#1 Your thinking wayyyyy to much and feeling intimidated by a beautiful woman in front of you;Other than an average looking girl. Most of us guys tend to do that.

#2 Romeo said it; Have confidence in yourself.

#3 You need to work on #1-2 before you even try to get at ANOTHER girl that has a boyfriend.

alright heres my deal. theres this girl that works at a local steak and shake and she is pretty attractive and i thought she looked really familiar. then i realized the other day i went to middle school with her and we used to talk all the time.

my question is how do i start conversation up again?

just ask her if she remembers me?

Just be straight with her. What do you have to lose? Nothing. It's not like she's going to reject you at all. I gaurentee you she will think back to remember you..and when she does. She'll have a nice smile on her face...Just work it from there.

08-31-2008, 03:32 PM
Not so much a question, but more of a request. I request to see these bootylicious bodacious bomdiggity beezies the OP's have picked up with this so-called "game".

I'd like to "see to believe".

what he said.

08-31-2008, 04:07 PM
what he said.

through out the year I've already posted a few of them...


08-31-2008, 06:27 PM
My problem is im too ahead of the game. Chicks dont understand my louis vuitton iphone case in graphite damier print,they cant understand why my plain shirt cost 100 bucks and are quick to call me retarded for doing so. They rather talk to some guy whos stuck in 2003 with a beat ugly fit (crappy clothes like one of them ambercrombie pop collard douche bags) using corny ass jokes they heard from the internet. Girls call me gay because i have more shoes then they will ever own in a life time,they also dont get why my jeans are around 800 dollars from a brand they never heard of.

How can i dumb it down ?

Another problem is i can talk the talk but i cant walk the walk. Like i wont just talk to any girl but only the ones i think are 10s i know it sounds mean but hey thats what gets my juices flowing and if i dont want it i wont really try at all. So like so when i meet a azn chick whos "hella fione" i think is what the young kids call it today,but yea you know shes hot or w/e and ballin driving a 08 bmw her mom and dad bought her,I can put it down but when she finds out im not ballin like she is ima quikly excused :cops:

cliffnotes-cant get rich chicks cuz im not rich and cant pull poor chicks because they dont know any better because they are poor and awesome chicks who are awesome like myself are already taken

08-31-2008, 06:46 PM
Stop asking for pictures of my X's. I will not post them up on this thread, because it will revert to offtopic. PM me. I might just show you. ...

08-31-2008, 10:21 PM
My problem is im too ahead of the game. Chicks dont understand my louis vuitton iphone case in graphite damier print,they cant understand why my plain shirt cost 100 bucks and are quick to call me retarded for doing so. They rather talk to some guy whos stuck in 2003 with a beat ugly fit (crappy clothes like one of them ambercrombie pop collard douche bags) using corny ass jokes they heard from the internet. Girls call me gay because i have more shoes then they will ever own in a life time,they also dont get why my jeans are around 800 dollars from a brand they never heard of.

How can i dumb it down ?

Another problem is i can talk the talk but i cant walk the walk. Like i wont just talk to any girl but only the ones i think are 10s i know it sounds mean but hey thats what gets my juices flowing and if i dont want it i wont really try at all. So like so when i meet a azn chick whos "hella fione" i think is what the young kids call it today,but yea you know shes hot or w/e and ballin driving a 08 bmw her mom and dad bought her,I can put it down but when she finds out im not ballin like she is ima quikly excused :cops:

cliffnotes-cant get rich chicks cuz im not rich and cant pull poor chicks because they dont know any better because they are poor and awesome chicks who are awesome like myself are already taken

Sounds like you should stop focusing on your monetary gains and endeavors and use your personality or some of your charm to get girls.

Money doesn't buy happiness, and it sure as hell doesn't buy class.

08-31-2008, 10:31 PM
^Actually money does buy happiness, and it gets high class :keke:

08-31-2008, 11:17 PM
My problem is im too ahead of the game. Chicks dont understand my louis vuitton iphone case in graphite damier print,they cant understand why my plain shirt cost 100 bucks and are quick to call me retarded for doing so. They rather talk to some guy whos stuck in 2003 with a beat ugly fit (crappy clothes like one of them ambercrombie pop collard douche bags) using corny ass jokes they heard from the internet. Girls call me gay because i have more shoes then they will ever own in a life time,they also dont get why my jeans are around 800 dollars from a brand they never heard of.

Drop the whole materialistic shit man. You could wear a damn hanes tee w/ levis and chucks on and still pick up a chick. If you're lookin for a cool girl 9 times outta 10 (in my case) have been w/ some plain shit on, and they DONT care about what u wear as long as its half decent. Its your swagger. How you carry yourself dude.:tardrim:

08-31-2008, 11:29 PM
My problem is im too ahead of the game. Chicks dont understand my louis vuitton iphone case in graphite damier print,they cant understand why my plain shirt cost 100 bucks and are quick to call me retarded for doing so. They rather talk to some guy whos stuck in 2003 with a beat ugly fit (crappy clothes like one of them ambercrombie pop collard douche bags) using corny ass jokes they heard from the internet. Girls call me gay because i have more shoes then they will ever own in a life time,they also dont get why my jeans are around 800 dollars from a brand they never heard of.

good god. not many women want a high maintenance dude. materialism is back that way < in the 80's. you may just have to sack up and grow a personality.

oh and just fyi, most women love a sense of humor. thats why the guys crackin the jokes are talkin to them. yadig?

09-02-2008, 11:28 PM
Use this one I came up with, at the bar:

You: Hey, give it back. I saw you steal it.
Her: What?!
You: You stole my attention. ;) Hi, my name's ____________.