08-26-2008, 08:16 PM
Alright guys,
My car sounds like a wrx; something like put put put put put put put
So after numerous thread pillaging it turns out that it might be a dead coil or coil harness.
There are also signs that point to bad injector and such.
Heres how it all started
So the first time I did my swap, we timed it just to see if the engine would start. This was before it had a BOV and IC system attached.
After 2 weeks and finishing up all work we had to retime the system again because the engine would just crank and not turn over.
The first time we started the engine without BOV, IC, 60% vac lines uninstalled and no exhaust the engine roared to life and was the smoothest purest roar I've ever heard. It was sweet music to my ears.
Now, after all the installations and retiming the engine it fired up perfectly again but this time it sounded different. When I revvd it, it sounded different but I just thought it might be the new exhaust.
Now after more experience with the car it is definately not normal and that one of the cylinders are not firing.
So come today I test the engine's coils.
Heres what I did;
While car is on, pull each coil one by one to look for changes in idle. Starting from the front of the engine, cylinders 1, 2, and 3 all changed the idle. Come cylinder 4 nothing happens
So BAM, bad coil isolated or so I though. I swapped coil 4 to coil 3 and plugged it back in BAM idle returned to normal. Now I'm thinking wtf :( ???
So its definately not a bad coil. I then pull my coil harness out and test for continuity on the 4th coil's harness. White wire checks out. Red and green wire checks out and ground checks out.
Now, I'm thinking its my ignitor chip so I swap it out to my back up one and still the same thing.
I'm stomped as to what the problem might be. I'm about to go check out the ecu plug and see if loosening it will change anything. Back when I first tried starting the engine it would crank but no spark and it turned out the ecu plug was on too tight.
It still doesn't explain the problem very well. The misfire only started after everything was finally installed and retimed.
Cliff notes;
Checked all coilpacks and they work.
Checked continuity on coilpack harness and everything checks out.
Replaced igniter chip but same results.
Checked sparkplugs for foul but is clean.
Thanks for any input! :)
My car sounds like a wrx; something like put put put put put put put
So after numerous thread pillaging it turns out that it might be a dead coil or coil harness.
There are also signs that point to bad injector and such.
Heres how it all started
So the first time I did my swap, we timed it just to see if the engine would start. This was before it had a BOV and IC system attached.
After 2 weeks and finishing up all work we had to retime the system again because the engine would just crank and not turn over.
The first time we started the engine without BOV, IC, 60% vac lines uninstalled and no exhaust the engine roared to life and was the smoothest purest roar I've ever heard. It was sweet music to my ears.
Now, after all the installations and retiming the engine it fired up perfectly again but this time it sounded different. When I revvd it, it sounded different but I just thought it might be the new exhaust.
Now after more experience with the car it is definately not normal and that one of the cylinders are not firing.
So come today I test the engine's coils.
Heres what I did;
While car is on, pull each coil one by one to look for changes in idle. Starting from the front of the engine, cylinders 1, 2, and 3 all changed the idle. Come cylinder 4 nothing happens
So BAM, bad coil isolated or so I though. I swapped coil 4 to coil 3 and plugged it back in BAM idle returned to normal. Now I'm thinking wtf :( ???
So its definately not a bad coil. I then pull my coil harness out and test for continuity on the 4th coil's harness. White wire checks out. Red and green wire checks out and ground checks out.
Now, I'm thinking its my ignitor chip so I swap it out to my back up one and still the same thing.
I'm stomped as to what the problem might be. I'm about to go check out the ecu plug and see if loosening it will change anything. Back when I first tried starting the engine it would crank but no spark and it turned out the ecu plug was on too tight.
It still doesn't explain the problem very well. The misfire only started after everything was finally installed and retimed.
Cliff notes;
Checked all coilpacks and they work.
Checked continuity on coilpack harness and everything checks out.
Replaced igniter chip but same results.
Checked sparkplugs for foul but is clean.
Thanks for any input! :)