View Full Version : really random story my friend told me...lol

08-26-2008, 04:38 PM
WARNING: before reading. you may or may not fun this funny. it was just somthing my friend sent me when he was high. so sorry if you read it and dont think its funny...but before you read this.. maybe try to loosin up a bit.
thank you.

alright so he told me after he wrote this, he was just really baked and bored. i thought it was quite funny though

"bro i was out driftin and i driftin straight into a cop car and the cop got out and asked if i had been drinking i said its a qaurter mile from here to that garbage can he said what i sed BAH BING BAO BAHH and took off in my 91 prelude. since my 91 prelude is making somewhere in the neighborhood of around 3 billion horsepower the cop was eating my dust but then during stage VII of nitrous engagment i got a danger to teh manifold light o nohs!!!~111 my hosrepower was greatly reducded to 2 retarded donkey power pulling the left wheel. the cop said theres no more road to run j~dizzle just give up here but then as if a miracle from god it started raining manifolds i quickly installed one and checked my 5000 gauges to make sure the salsa in my glove compartment had not overheated but no it was just right but the cop actually turned out to be my brother and after a couple hours of noogys he said can i have ur car i said ipromisd ua10millisecond car and he drove into da sunset..............."

08-26-2008, 04:42 PM
to make sure the salsa in my glove compartment had not overheated but no it was just right

Only sentence of worth

08-26-2008, 04:43 PM
that actually was a good giggle...

but still random as fuck and deserves a wtf?

08-26-2008, 04:46 PM
hahahaha gave me something to laugh about while at work

08-26-2008, 04:48 PM
You wasted my life.


08-26-2008, 04:58 PM

08-26-2008, 05:08 PM
^^hahaha, niiiice^^

08-26-2008, 05:50 PM
okay so i have come to face that, this story is kind of a "had to be there moment"
im pretty laid back. and i like funny things..
i try to enjoy life a little. haha so i dont usually bash on people who have not funny stories

but to all who didnt like it..

sorry. ha

08-26-2008, 05:57 PM
if you had to be there for it to be funny, then it probably wasnt that funny to begin with.

wise words.

08-26-2008, 06:09 PM
haha..i found it funny....although its been a shitty day lol

08-26-2008, 06:11 PM
So like this one time, I wore my seat belt on my way to 7/11.


omg funny

08-26-2008, 07:32 PM
did not think it was funny but i think your friend must had smoked some good shit

08-26-2008, 08:37 PM
checked my 5000 gauges to make sure the salsa in my glove compartment had not overheated

Only sentence of worth

That is the only part that made me giggle like a little school girl, other then that your shits weak son!

Dirty Habit
08-26-2008, 08:45 PM
That wasnt a funny story. Shit, that wasnt even a story.

I knew this girl in college that would get so shitfaced she wouldnt even be able to stand up. Super cool tons of fun, but she never knew when to stop. Well on her 21st birthday we took her out to the bars to get her super smashed and have some fun. When she showed up in a skirt already plastered, we knew immediately something funny would go down....were we eve right.

At about 215 am we all stumble out of the bar following the birthday girl who informed us numerous times how large our vaginas were for not taking every shot with her. She then proceeds to reach under her skirt and to our amazement pulls out a bottle of beer which she proclaimed it "the reason why I wore underpants tonight!" and abruptly puts bottle to face. Literally, she put the bottle to her face so hard she broke both of her top front teeth. She drops the bottle, it explodes at her feet and she spit out her teeth and started laughing. Just as this happened a mounted cop (yeah, they had copn of horses) gallups up to see what the fuck is going on and we explain that our friend was just hit in the face by a thrown bottle. He looks at our friend and her smashed grill and he buys the whole story. So after about 10 mins talking with the cops the girl has talked her way onto the horse and shes sitting there missing her front teeth with her skirt hiked up to her chest almost waving to everyone walking by. It took another 20 min for the cops to get her off the horse and durin the course of this her skirt ended up getting stuck on helmet of the police officer. Which led to about 80 or so people cheering him on as he tried to get out from underneath it. In the end it took her three days to get her teeth fixed, which she tucked into her bra so she wouldnt loose them on the walk home.
End story.

08-26-2008, 08:51 PM
I was at a new years eve party and walked into the garage to find my friend and some hammered ass girl mackin. They were just sprawled against a car goin at it and naturally everyone just crowded the door laughing.

All of a sudden the girl turns away and pukes silently. We all see it as its running down the car, the guy didn't know. They immediately resume kissing. I think someone has it on tape.

Dirty Habit
08-26-2008, 08:53 PM
hahahahah. Puke and rally!!

08-27-2008, 12:59 AM
LOL i found it hilarious, you really gotta get into the ridiculousness of the whole thing and understand the dude was baked.

with magic, you wanna be fooled.

with ridiculous jokes, you gotta want to laugh.

08-27-2008, 01:04 AM
LOL i found it hilarious, you really gotta get into the ridiculousness of the whole thing and understand the dude was baked.

with magic, you wanna be fooled.

with ridiculous jokes, you gotta want to laugh.

I have never been high enough to think that that was funny, or to tell a story like that... and I've done my fair share.


My hand smells like potpourri, what the fuck?

08-27-2008, 01:05 AM
lmfaooooo hahahah

08-27-2008, 08:31 AM
You wasted my life.


x2 Just A Waste