01-09-2003, 11:56 AM
240SX Technical Discussion Rules and Guidelines
This is the 240SX Technical Forum. Any non-Technical discussion concerning the 240SX should be posted in the Chat Forum.
Anything that’s not related to the Forum your posting in belongs in the Off Topic Forum.
Try the Search Feature (http://www.zilvia.net/f/search.php?s=), many common questions and topics have been brought up many times before and chances are you will find excellent information on your desired questions. Also try looking in the FAQs & Archive Section (http://www.zilvia.net/f/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=11) for answers. You can also look on the Zilvia.net Technical Page (http://www.zilvia.net/faqs/faqs.asp).
This is not a private msg forum, so if you need to contact a single person please use the Private Message feature or Email.
Please respect others and the community. Not everyone can see eye to eye, although this does not permit you to attack other members. If you have a problem send them a email or PM.
Topics will be moved/locked at moderators discretion.
Please see the post below regarding signatures.
Pornographic and/or Sensitive Material
This is a CAR forum. Moreover, this is a private forum which is publicly open to minors. These things mean Zilvia is about the LAST place for pornographic material to be presented. Any material above PG-13 which is either displayed via IMG tags, linked to, uploaded, or otherwise presented will result in ONE warning, followed by a BAN if the offense is repeated.
In addition, any information deemed sensitive such as celebrity phone numbers, social security numbers, VIN numbers not posted by their owners, etc. will be deleted and the user who posted it warned and then banned if the offense is repeated.
Pyramid schemes, etc
Users are not permitted to make money by utilizing Zilvia's bandwidth, other than by selling their parts, etc in the FS sections. Linking to pyramid schemes like freeiPods or freeflatscreens, hits4pay, etc etc WILL result in administrative action without prior warning necessary. If you have the slightest concern that something you're linking to might not be kosher, don't do it.
Racial Slurs/Ethnic bashing, etc
This sort of thing will NOT be tolerated. Users who choose to do so face permanent banning from Zilvia without warning.
In an effort to reduce post-whoring and other nonsense posting, we have applied a few more new rules.
No more IBTL-types of posts
These include:
In Before The Lock
In Before The Ban
In Before The Pink
In Before The Brown
and other funny or not-so funny variations.
If you find yourself in a situation where you feel a mod will intervene, then maybe instead of posting nonsense to get your postcount up, you could report the thread. The icon is found under the username and looks like this: http://www.zilvia.net/f/images/buttons/report.gif. And it also adds 1 post to your count when creating the reported post in the infraction forum only moderation can see, if that matters to you.
No more <msglength> in your posts
If your message is too short to meet the message length guidelines, then it is probably not very useful. This does not mean that you can beat the system by adding nonsense like "msglenghbullshitblablabla". Make your posts worthwhile and be a good contribution to the forum. Agreeing by saying "Yes. msglength" does not add any value to the forum.
Depending on the person, the quantity of infractions and many other variables, infractions could range from:
Post(s) Deleted
Pinking / Browning
So remember, less nonsense, more reporting (http://www.zilvia.net/f/images/buttons/report.gif) and everyone is happier!
This is the 240SX Technical Forum. Any non-Technical discussion concerning the 240SX should be posted in the Chat Forum.
Anything that’s not related to the Forum your posting in belongs in the Off Topic Forum.
Try the Search Feature (http://www.zilvia.net/f/search.php?s=), many common questions and topics have been brought up many times before and chances are you will find excellent information on your desired questions. Also try looking in the FAQs & Archive Section (http://www.zilvia.net/f/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=11) for answers. You can also look on the Zilvia.net Technical Page (http://www.zilvia.net/faqs/faqs.asp).
This is not a private msg forum, so if you need to contact a single person please use the Private Message feature or Email.
Please respect others and the community. Not everyone can see eye to eye, although this does not permit you to attack other members. If you have a problem send them a email or PM.
Topics will be moved/locked at moderators discretion.
Please see the post below regarding signatures.
Pornographic and/or Sensitive Material
This is a CAR forum. Moreover, this is a private forum which is publicly open to minors. These things mean Zilvia is about the LAST place for pornographic material to be presented. Any material above PG-13 which is either displayed via IMG tags, linked to, uploaded, or otherwise presented will result in ONE warning, followed by a BAN if the offense is repeated.
In addition, any information deemed sensitive such as celebrity phone numbers, social security numbers, VIN numbers not posted by their owners, etc. will be deleted and the user who posted it warned and then banned if the offense is repeated.
Pyramid schemes, etc
Users are not permitted to make money by utilizing Zilvia's bandwidth, other than by selling their parts, etc in the FS sections. Linking to pyramid schemes like freeiPods or freeflatscreens, hits4pay, etc etc WILL result in administrative action without prior warning necessary. If you have the slightest concern that something you're linking to might not be kosher, don't do it.
Racial Slurs/Ethnic bashing, etc
This sort of thing will NOT be tolerated. Users who choose to do so face permanent banning from Zilvia without warning.
In an effort to reduce post-whoring and other nonsense posting, we have applied a few more new rules.
No more IBTL-types of posts
These include:
In Before The Lock
In Before The Ban
In Before The Pink
In Before The Brown
and other funny or not-so funny variations.
If you find yourself in a situation where you feel a mod will intervene, then maybe instead of posting nonsense to get your postcount up, you could report the thread. The icon is found under the username and looks like this: http://www.zilvia.net/f/images/buttons/report.gif. And it also adds 1 post to your count when creating the reported post in the infraction forum only moderation can see, if that matters to you.
No more <msglength> in your posts
If your message is too short to meet the message length guidelines, then it is probably not very useful. This does not mean that you can beat the system by adding nonsense like "msglenghbullshitblablabla". Make your posts worthwhile and be a good contribution to the forum. Agreeing by saying "Yes. msglength" does not add any value to the forum.
Depending on the person, the quantity of infractions and many other variables, infractions could range from:
Post(s) Deleted
Pinking / Browning
So remember, less nonsense, more reporting (http://www.zilvia.net/f/images/buttons/report.gif) and everyone is happier!