View Full Version : Any tattoo artists out there?

08-25-2008, 09:05 PM
So I've always been into tattoo art and have always wanted to get into the tattoo business. A year ago my sister's boyfriend had a brother who was willing to take me under his wing, but that never ended up happening because they broke up.. A year later and I still want to do this but I have no idea where to start. So I was wondering how you guys got started. I know my uncle just got into doing tattoos recently and he kinda just started out of his house, but nonetheless he's very good. I figured I could learn from him but I just wanted to hear some stories of how you guys got started or maybe some advice.

08-25-2008, 09:07 PM
Go to tattoo shops and make friends. Ask around?

I can't wait for my tattoo's I just can't afford them right now. I've got my priorities.

08-26-2008, 07:52 AM
How bout here??


08-26-2008, 12:03 PM
too badd you don't live in cali bro, cause my artist (she's a female) does some niiiiice work... but her husband!!!! he's bad ass...if you ever hit up cali, send me a message &&i'll give you their info :hsdance:

08-26-2008, 01:11 PM
i need me some more tatoos to but cant afford them now.

but back to the ops question...

any artist on zilvia????

08-26-2008, 01:16 PM
^^ Yo Shmiddy i got an artist here in NJ and just found another one this weekend he was doing tats at my boys bbq and he's nasty with it...

I'll give you his info if you need it..

He's gonna do my next 3 in 1

08-26-2008, 01:47 PM

i read this wrong...

08-26-2008, 04:38 PM
yea Cali seems to be nicely populated with tons of tattoo artists. I should hit up the Boston Tattoo Convention this year and beg for an apprenticeship or something. Your tattoo artist and her husband both are both tattoos artists? Or are you saying he's just bad ass? lol

08-26-2008, 04:49 PM
yea Cali seems to be nicely populated with tons of tattoo artists. I should hit up the Boston Tattoo Convention this year and beg for an apprenticeship or something. Your tattoo artist and her husband both are both tattoos artists? Or are you saying he's just bad ass? lol

cindy (my artist) and her husband, both are artists. they both work together. he did her tattoo when they first met, then they ended up getting married. she started learning how to do tattoos, and now they showcase at the tattoo expo's. hahaha, HE, as in her husband, is bad ass.. :bigok: amazing artists... they've worked together for 13+ years now!

08-26-2008, 05:11 PM
cindy (my artist) and her husband, both are artists. they both work together. he did her tattoo when they first met, then they ended up getting married. she started learning how to do tattoos, and now they showcase at the tattoo expo's. hahaha, HE, as in her husband, is bad ass.. :bigok: amazing artists... they've worked together for 13+ years now!

That's a cute story. I wonder if they go to the ones in Boston..

08-26-2008, 05:17 PM
That's a cute story. I wonder if they go to the ones in Boston..


check out his page... cidy said they go world wide.

MySpace.com - tattoo_man - 43 - Male - WEST COVINA, CALIFORNIA - www.myspace.com/54563171 (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=54563171)

08-27-2008, 10:03 PM
apprentice at a tattoo shop.. help out a few hours day, sux cuz its for free but if you really like it, its fun. eventually youll start doing sketches and drawings for the artist you help out and then one day maybe some tattooing .

09-01-2008, 02:04 AM
I was on my way to becoming an artist but decided to back out after learning all the flaws in the business aspect of it.
Its a hard business to get into, best way is draw alot make a portfolio of your best drawings, all types, color, black grey shading, outline etc. and walk into shops and tell them you want to learn
best of luck

09-01-2008, 02:25 AM
I'm pretty sure Anthony (Downshift_Sideways) could give some insight, his dad has his own shop.

09-01-2008, 04:56 AM
Ya homie.

My pops been doing tat's before I been alive.

Lets start from the basics...Can you draw? and understand shading?

Your going to want to start with a gun you are comfortable with. They make counterbalanced guns etc. but It all depends on the artists. Same goes with the barrel.

And your going to want to do research on how you pierce the skin. some peoples skin reacts differently, and there are different barriers where you lay the ink and different gauges depends on what your filling etc. Bondage with your customers is a MUST.

Holla at me if you need some tips or advice ;)

*shout out for my pops*

Anyone that needs tattoo's in the bay area. Hollatcha boy.

09-02-2008, 07:01 AM
^^ Yo Shmiddy i got an artist here in NJ and just found another one this weekend he was doing tats at my boys bbq and he's nasty with it...

I'll give you his info if you need it..

He's gonna do my next 3 in 1

yeah man def.

i'd love to see his work!

in dying to get another tat lmk

09-02-2008, 11:00 AM
to be honest, there are some tattoo artists that are willing to teach you, but for the most part, ALOT of them, not all, are NOT going to want to apprentice you because you are their competition. And even if you do become an apprentice most of them wont take you serious unless you got some good skills. most of the artists i know, including myself, are pretty much self taught. the best thing to do is befriend a tattoo artist, get yourself some magazines and a started kit. practice practice practice. get your friends to be your ginney pigs and you'll see youll start to get the hang of it. never use single needles unless you do super detailed things, trust me it will take forever!
always use sterile things and always wear gloves. take pics of your work and see for yourself what you need to improve on.
tattooing is all stuff that you just need to jump in on, hands on is the best way to learn

Vision Garage
09-02-2008, 11:36 AM
Show us some of your artwork. Being able to draw is one of the biggest tasks. If people dont like your artwork, you wont get very far.

09-07-2008, 10:41 AM
Wow I haven't checked back on this thread for awhile but seems like a lot of real good advice and info started collecting up. I've actually been thinking of going the self-teaching route since I know most artists are not so willing to take in apprentices. I've actually been rounding up friends who'd be willing to be my guinea pigs and looking for good machines. I can draw a good variety of different styles and pretty decently I'd say but of course there's room for improvement. My only real problem is finding a good machine. I'm left-handed so I'd like to find a machine I can work with comfortably. Other than that I don't know what to look for in a machine.

I don't have a working scanner at the moment but I'll try and take some pictures of my work for you guys to judge. Oh yea and thanks for the feedback guys.

09-07-2008, 03:45 PM
I'm going to agree with lovely240...

Work on your freehand abilities. Drawing is barely 30% of the actual work that is done when you ink someone up. It's all about your steadyness in your wrists and how you puncture the skin, and what size gauge's your using depending on the task needed.

09-07-2008, 05:25 PM
you also might want to pm tattoo13113(i think)his name is don and he owns a few places here in the st.louis area and from what i hear he is amazing, very nice guy im sure he could help

09-07-2008, 05:45 PM
if your in so cal i know a guy in w covina who get s down pm me for his number and he will hook it up. down to earth guy , he will be doing a tat on me of a s13 coupe and i will post on the tATtoo thread

09-07-2008, 08:36 PM
^I think he's looking for my knowledge regarding tattoo's than having one done.

Check this book out man. It's a great book. Teaches you from the basics from your first gun all the way out to owning and running a business.

Awesome book
"Tattooing A to Z" by huck spaulding

09-08-2008, 06:44 AM
Awesome, I'll have to pick up a copy for myself. But yea I usually freehand most of my work, and usually in pen, unless its a portrait so I've pretty much got that down. I'll try to get pics of some of my work up for you guys soon.

09-08-2008, 01:15 PM
You have to know about fitment aswell.

For instance, if your doing a dragon or anything that would wrap around a piece of their skin, you have to know how to cut/crop a piece of the design and turn/twist it so it goes good with the body, that's usually where you put extra's in. Such as flowers, water, or a nice looking shade. And do a little side research on the meaning of certain tattoo's. It's always nice to know what the meaning is for them if a customer asks you.

(That book will teach you everything)

Post up your pics ;)

10-16-2008, 09:01 PM
woah haven't been on zilvia for awhile, but i've been doing a lot of drawing lately and it reminded me of this thread. so here's some pictures of a poster i've been working on as a gift for my boyfriend. o yea i'm a girl *shocker* i always thought my username would give that away but apparently not...



Its unfinished, obviously.. let me know what you guys think

10-17-2008, 03:03 PM
i like alot of still life type of drawing.

10-17-2008, 03:17 PM
woah haven't been on zilvia for awhile, but i've been doing a lot of drawing lately and it reminded me of this thread. so here's some pictures of a poster i've been working on as a gift for my boyfriend. o yea i'm a girl *shocker* i always thought my username would give that away but apparently not...



Its unfinished, obviously.. let me know what you guys think

Looks good!

10-17-2008, 03:35 PM

nice work.