View Full Version : OT: [email protected]#$ Spammers

01-08-2003, 07:08 PM
I am so pissed. I got this new email account 3 months ago for personal use with firends. It was going good until I just checked it after 2 days and there were 8 new spam messgages. I thought I finally got a good hotmail account. I don't give it out either, I have a dummy account for forums, etc.
I would love to beat the **** out of whoever found this email.
I'm done, sorry :mad:

01-08-2003, 07:25 PM
yeah.. spammers are everywhere.. we cant run from it...
so we might as well be their friend :D

just set your privacy to high... i've done it to one of my hotmail account and it works... all spam emails went straight to my junk folder and will be automatically deleted...
so its all good

01-08-2003, 08:02 PM
whats funny is I have two yahoo accounts. one that TWO people use to email me. the other has two lists I belong to and I use as contact for webboards and such... guess which one gets 80+ spam messages a day?