08-22-2008, 08:10 PM
im wrapping up my sr20de+t swap, and im wondering whats the best way to install the distributor and set the timing, i tried this guide How To Set Crank Angle Sensor (CAS) Timing on the SR20DET Engine (
ok, so heres what i did, i brought the motor up to tdc as shown in the picture, and to ensure i was on the right stroke (compression stroke) i made sure that the end of the cam, where the gear that runs the distributor that cam gear has a small bit missing from it from factory. so i put the motor at tdc on the right stroke and aligned the distributor rotor so that it would have cylinder 1 fire. then put everything back together and start it now i have a huge problem and i cant figure out why,i broke out the timing gun and im running at like 25-30 degrees btdc , i double checked my alignment of the distributor shaft and re did it again according to the guide and everything ive found online. and i run the same, i tried pulling the ecu and waiting to clear it , is there anyway i can reset the timing, mechanically im dead on , ive tried looking for a sr base tune guide but im not really getting it, i tried warming up the motor , and unplugging the tps with no luck , still same old 25-30 timing...
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ok so after half a day of 25-30 degree btdc timing, i tried this, i set the motor to tdc, and pulled the distributor and advanced the timing through turning the shaft that drives the rotor. i turned it to advanced the timing about 1 or 2 notches. so i did this and bolted it all up and started up and bam timing is at tdc so then i turned the distributor housing and set the timing to 15 degrees btdc. so now the engine revs fine, idle is kinda choppy , so i went to take it out for a drive and i have no power i checked boost leaks and cant find any , im running the oem smic setup . so i goto drive it and i have no power, i can rev it fine but when i let the clutch out and give it gas i go no where , like im not saying this to explain im going slow, but im really going like 3mph . so i throw the towel in and try this, turn the car off park it, and put in my n/a sr20de ecu ( i have a sr20de+t motor and i was using the jwt ecu above, and now im switching to my n/a sr20de ecu) so i put the ecu in the car try to start, and no start....
so heres what im thinking....
upon all the pluging and wiring and reving and such, at some point i set my jwt ecu with the wrong timing ( perhaps the tps wasnt attached and i revved some and set the timing) this would explain why with perfect mechanical timing im still running 30 btdc, and with the shaft turned a couple notches over i run at 15btdc. it wud also explain why a good ecu cant start the car at all, with the modified timing , so right now its too dark for me to see the timing marks on the crank so ill call it today.
but i left my jwt ecu unplugged, and tomorrow ill try to start the car with perfect mechanical timing on the n/a ecu, and swap in the jwt ecu and see what happens
im wrapping up my sr20de+t swap, and im wondering whats the best way to install the distributor and set the timing, i tried this guide How To Set Crank Angle Sensor (CAS) Timing on the SR20DET Engine (
ok, so heres what i did, i brought the motor up to tdc as shown in the picture, and to ensure i was on the right stroke (compression stroke) i made sure that the end of the cam, where the gear that runs the distributor that cam gear has a small bit missing from it from factory. so i put the motor at tdc on the right stroke and aligned the distributor rotor so that it would have cylinder 1 fire. then put everything back together and start it now i have a huge problem and i cant figure out why,i broke out the timing gun and im running at like 25-30 degrees btdc , i double checked my alignment of the distributor shaft and re did it again according to the guide and everything ive found online. and i run the same, i tried pulling the ecu and waiting to clear it , is there anyway i can reset the timing, mechanically im dead on , ive tried looking for a sr base tune guide but im not really getting it, i tried warming up the motor , and unplugging the tps with no luck , still same old 25-30 timing...
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ok so after half a day of 25-30 degree btdc timing, i tried this, i set the motor to tdc, and pulled the distributor and advanced the timing through turning the shaft that drives the rotor. i turned it to advanced the timing about 1 or 2 notches. so i did this and bolted it all up and started up and bam timing is at tdc so then i turned the distributor housing and set the timing to 15 degrees btdc. so now the engine revs fine, idle is kinda choppy , so i went to take it out for a drive and i have no power i checked boost leaks and cant find any , im running the oem smic setup . so i goto drive it and i have no power, i can rev it fine but when i let the clutch out and give it gas i go no where , like im not saying this to explain im going slow, but im really going like 3mph . so i throw the towel in and try this, turn the car off park it, and put in my n/a sr20de ecu ( i have a sr20de+t motor and i was using the jwt ecu above, and now im switching to my n/a sr20de ecu) so i put the ecu in the car try to start, and no start....
so heres what im thinking....
upon all the pluging and wiring and reving and such, at some point i set my jwt ecu with the wrong timing ( perhaps the tps wasnt attached and i revved some and set the timing) this would explain why with perfect mechanical timing im still running 30 btdc, and with the shaft turned a couple notches over i run at 15btdc. it wud also explain why a good ecu cant start the car at all, with the modified timing , so right now its too dark for me to see the timing marks on the crank so ill call it today.
but i left my jwt ecu unplugged, and tomorrow ill try to start the car with perfect mechanical timing on the n/a ecu, and swap in the jwt ecu and see what happens