View Full Version : anyone live near montabello, ca? HELP!

08-21-2008, 09:59 PM
so im trying to buy this FMIC i really want and need, and this guy on here has it. he refuses to ship it though. not real sure why, since its in the original box but whatever.


anyway, can someone pick it up from this guy and ship it to me? i would greatly appreciate it.


08-21-2008, 11:06 PM
thats some expensive stuff there
i dont mind helping but i got too many too much neg rep for having some fun on this forum, but unfortunately internet is serious business for many people.
you might wanna try regional section. there are a lot of stand-up guys who can lend you a hand.
gl though

08-21-2008, 11:25 PM
If you cover my gas expense and a 6 pack of my beer of choice I'll help you out :D

Boostin on you
08-21-2008, 11:59 PM
i live in montebello, shoot me a pm if you need me. Just cover gas and whatever costs.