View Full Version : got busted if so tell me ur story

08-20-2008, 06:53 PM
what would happen if a cop saw you drifting?would he give a ticket ?

08-20-2008, 06:56 PM
what would happen if a cop saw you drifting?would he give a ticket ?


08-20-2008, 06:57 PM
Stand by for negative rep and a thread lock.

EDIT: wow.. it's still here. hm.

08-20-2008, 06:59 PM
i dunno i never been busted

08-20-2008, 07:05 PM
no he will give you candy, then do it with you.
or give you a ticket for wreckless driving/maybe just maybe tow your car away. google?

08-20-2008, 07:06 PM
WTF! you guys take a second to think "hey maybe this guy REALLY doesn't know"?

Angelo the cop would rip and hassle you for doing it so JUST DON"T DO IT!!!

Stay on the track!

08-20-2008, 07:08 PM
ok...well what the cop do??.. i mean really think about it...
but then again it depends on the cop. one might see it as an accident?? other might just issue a warning.

08-20-2008, 07:10 PM
It all depends on the situation.

I was caught once.

Not in the act, but pretty much.

He had me in the back of patrol car and just talked shit for a bit.

Let me off with a tinted window and exhaust ticket.

Could've been way worst.

For one I was laughing at his ringtone while sitting in his backseat.

08-20-2008, 07:11 PM
Keep it on the track.

Then you wont even have to ask that question.

08-20-2008, 07:11 PM
Yea a guy I used to know got pulled ove for drifting in his stang. The cop just warned him not to do it and let him go. It really all depends on how the cop is feeling.

Your best bet is just not to drift on public streets. Doing so would be irresponsible and dangerous to others.

08-20-2008, 07:11 PM
^Was his ringtone

"I wanna party all the time" by Eddie Murphy?

08-20-2008, 07:21 PM
thanks bro to tell u the truth i didnt know WTF! you guys take a second to think "hey maybe this guy REALLY doesn't know"?

Angelo the cop would rip and hassle you for doing it so JUST DON"T DO IT!!!

Stay on the track!

08-20-2008, 07:22 PM
They would probably cite you for wreckless and exhibition of speed

08-20-2008, 07:23 PM
You could get wreckless driving, street racing, speeding, disturbing the peace, etc. Just to give you an idea.

08-20-2008, 07:23 PM
^Ding ding ding!

08-20-2008, 07:25 PM
i know its irresponsible but how about empty parking lots,but theres hardly any chances of u going to the track almost once a year

08-20-2008, 07:26 PM
^Naw there actually an event every weekend now:keke:

08-20-2008, 07:26 PM
i know its irresponsible but how about empty parking lots,but theres hardly any chances of u going to the track almost once a year

That's called trespassing on private property, along with the things I previously listed.

Also, where are you located?

08-20-2008, 07:27 PM
i know its irresponsible but how about empty parking lots,but theres hardly any chances of u going to the track almost once a year

would still get busted, but probably would have trespassing added to it

edit: goddamnit falkon stop reading my brainwords

08-20-2008, 07:29 PM
Stop posting and come get these wheels.

08-20-2008, 07:29 PM
thanks guys ,live in tustin

08-20-2008, 08:57 PM
I once got caught. I was in an abandoned parking lot and i set up a couple cones and to practive drifting around. I stopped to change to a different set of tires i brought with me when a cop pulled up. He asked me what I was doing and i didnt really want to explain to him what drifting was so i just told him i was doing burnouts. He said "who told you you could do burnouts here?" I told him the parking lot was abandoned so i figured it wouldnt hurt anyone. So then he ran my license and came back and asked me where the cones came from. I told him that they were already there when i got there. He had me get them and then put them in the back of his cop car then he told me to leave. I was surprized he just let me go. True story.

08-20-2008, 09:13 PM
be safe while driving on the street, drift on a public road?!?! Who does that

08-20-2008, 09:22 PM
Buddy of mine kicked it out in an intersection. Just so happened that one of the only cars out on the street was a cop. Wrote him a drag racing ticket? lol

Went to fight it in court, cop didn't show up. Ticket was dropped.

08-20-2008, 09:28 PM
Yea this one time...I got busted right.

I just bought me a s14 240sx. I wanted to convert it to a skyline.

So I drifted around the corner and I saw dem cops. So I skeeted off with my rear wheel drive.

They didn't catch me because I shifted good.

08-20-2008, 09:34 PM
I just recieved my third "wreckless driving" ticket, for drifting. I lawyered up this time and he let me know that to be "wreckless driving" you must be putting someone else in danger. I have high hopes of winning this one, as there was nobody in my car and no other cars on the street at the time. Except for the pig bastard who said I was flooring it and completly out of control. Ignorant prick, it was a nice drift

but its a public street. what if a pregnant mother of 6 driving a minivan comes around the next bend?

look... track time is expensive... but tickets and lawyers are a lot more expensive. so keep it on the track or at least be smart about it

08-20-2008, 09:39 PM
so this one time i was sittin in my ex girlfriends living room watching some weird HBO special on crackheads. i guess it got her feeling freaky so she got on her knees and started doin the deed. well needless to say her dad came walkin down the stairs and caught her in the act....

oh wait....

i got the thread title confused.

true story btw

08-20-2008, 10:31 PM
so this one time i was sittin in my ex girlfriends living room watching some weird HBO special on crackheads. i guess it got her feeling freaky so she got on her knees and started doin the deed. well needless to say her dad came walkin down the stairs and caught her in the act....

oh wait....

i got the thread title confused.

true story btw

08-20-2008, 10:36 PM
negative and positive rep in a couple of minutes.

i guess some people don't have a sense of humor.

at least leave a name.

i have a story if you really want one.

i was at a local warehouse a couple of years ago and we were fucking around. as i'm leaving i get pulled over. the cop never saw anything he just told me got a call because noises were heard. he told me my car was gonna get taken because it was classified as street racing and wreckless driving. nothing happened. i went home because he couldn't prove anything.

yeah... not as interesting as the first.

08-20-2008, 11:32 PM
exebition of speed FTW!! GOOOOOOOGLE!!!

08-20-2008, 11:55 PM

Go be a dumbass and tell us your story???


08-21-2008, 04:53 AM
I got plugged for an exhibition of speed back in 2001 for a random light to light street race. I wasn't at a "street race" I just was in a bad mood and on the way to work, graveshift out in san fucking bernardino.

at the end of the racing 2 cops pulled me over and 2 cops nabbed the other kid. They pulled me out of my car, made me pop the hood, rev the engine, gave me shit and told me I had a stolen engine (I had a 99 honda civic si, it comes with a b16 so they didn't know.) gave me a ticket for exhibition of speed.

I then went to court and pled guilty, my cop showed up. I took my punishment as a man, as a lesson some people hire lawyers.

I got hit with a 2000 dollar fine and 6 months of jail time and a misdemeanor on my record. Because it was my first time getting a ticket since I started driving the judge waived the jailtime, threw that on my background check for 7 years so anytime I started a new job I had to explain to human resources why I had a misdemeanor on my record involving an automobile and provide court documents to prove I didn't get busted for trying to steal one.

And I lost 2000 dollars, the penalty if I got caught again while on "parole" was 2 years in the slam and up to 10 thousand dollars in fines.

Needless to say my next driving ticket was received in 2008... 7 years later for going 10 over the speed limit.

08-21-2008, 10:08 PM
^oh shit that sucks

08-21-2008, 11:45 PM
I've been owned getting sideways on the street 4 times - 3 ended in the cop flashing his lights, getting next to me and looking mad, then flying by, one time ended with a stop and being told to cut the shit. I :love: police. No, I'm serious.

threw that on my background check for 7 years so anytime I started a new job I had to explain to human resources why I had a misdemeanor on my record involving an automobile and provide court documents to prove I didn't get busted for trying to steal one.

The fuck? I have two criminal speeding tickets on my record (misdemeanors) and no one has ever asked me about them after many background checks for jobs. :ugh:

08-21-2008, 11:50 PM
i was getting off the ramp and try to get sideways and the f...g cop was parked at 7 11 just look at me all mad(this happened before making the post)

08-22-2008, 12:01 AM
I got pulled over at 3 in the morning doing 40 in a 45. I guess the cop thought I was some punk kid out past curfew.

Maybe he pulled me over out of sheer boredom because he didnt say I did anything wrong.

So I got busted for doing nothing wrong. woo! This was even before I had my S13. I was driving around in a 95 camry lol.

08-23-2008, 10:21 PM
got pulled over today for waiting on parkin g lot, the cop came and told me that they had call in cause i was parked in front of the gas sation.wtf he ran my license and let me go

08-24-2008, 01:23 AM
so this one time i was sittin in my ex girlfriends living room watching some weird HBO special on crackheads. i guess it got her feeling freaky so she got on her knees and started doin the deed. well needless to say her dad came walkin down the stairs and caught her in the act....Happened to me also, but it was her mom who caught us,
deed in mouth also.


08-24-2008, 11:43 AM
WTF! you guys take a second to think "hey maybe this guy REALLY doesn't know"?

Angelo the cop would rip and hassle you for doing it so JUST DON"T DO IT!!!

Stay on the track!
So this reminds me, that somepeople just sit on here to relieve stress by causeing some more for other people that ask seamingly stupid questions.
my cousin who just turned 16 wants a s13 and I was going to tell him to join zilvia.net but than I thought he would ask some dumb question and them everyone would pounce on him like a pack of wolves on a wounded deer.
some people just really don't know. sarcasm is cool, but being a dick is another thing.

and angelo.. it all depends on how you act and how stupid you wanna be when the cop tries to stop you. reminds me of this.

09-03-2008, 08:42 PM
that sucks