View Full Version : A Formal Warning to All Canyon Runners

08-17-2008, 09:22 PM
I know there are people who frequent canyon roads in socal on these forums, I used to be one of them, until last night that is. That is when I found out how much you have to lose by even being up there in a sporty-ish car.

As some of you may know, I recently got a ref ticket up there while going the speed limit (I had a post about it). This was the first sign that something was up. Then I kept on getting reports from my friends of increased cop activity up there. I know this is not just at Angeles Crest, it is also at Little Tujunga, Azusa and GMR. Some had to run from the cops to avoid tickets etc. Keep in mind that none of these people are the h4rdc0r3 str33tz racer types, they just like to cruise. I on the other hand like spirited driving, and while I realize this is irresponsible and endangers my and other people's lives, had not decided up until now that it was time to stop and find safer ways to practice driving. I may sound like I am rambling but this all leads up to last night.

Last night I went up with a friend to find out exactly was going on with the canyons, naturally I chose to go to the one closest to my house, Angeles Crest. I am going to do my best to not mention any names of people involved. So, me and my friend go up chill with some people up at the Mt. Wilson rest stop. They hadn't been up there for years and were suprised how few cars there were up here tonight. Anyhow a car pulls up and it turns out that these people know each other and the guy with the car just got some sort of pro drift license, I am not going to mention the series. So him and another car head up Wilson for a run and we can hear their tires screeching and etc. Fifteen mins later I see two slow moving lights coming down the Angeles Forest side of the mountain. A police cruiser and expedition pull into the rest stop and park next to us. An officer gets out, throws his flashlight our way and asks "you boys been street racing tonight?" We reply "No sir", but it was the truth, we hadn't been. My friend asks them what they were doing up here and they reply "We are going to catch these fools that are street racing." My friend asks "Do you guys do this a lot?" The cop replies that THEY HAVE A FUCKING FEDERAL GRANT TO STOP STREET RACERS. Let that sink in, this is a nationwide grant to whatever police departs that want money, they can get more by creating anti street racing task forces. If you think you can win against this, good luck. I had never seen them be so organized up here before, it scared the crap out of me for a sec. So anyways, the cops turn their lights off and wait. Finally two cars come down from the run and the cops throw on the lights. One of the two cars is like "fuck that" and guns it, the others seems confused and follows it. Obviously the cops give chase and that leaves me and some other people left in the rest stop. They say "Well looks like we should bounce", and they leave. Me and my friend decide to do the same and start driving down, all the while wondering what happened with the chase.

As we get towards the bottom, we see another cruiser slowly creeping up the road with his search light on. We finally get to the entrance and it is fucking barricaded with cops and the gate is closed. There is also a tow truck coming up the road as well (for obvious reasons). So we get to the closed gate and the officer waves us in. He gives me the whole where you from, what are you doing, you smoking weed, drinking? Thank god I was in a borrowed Lexus instead of one of my 240sx's. I had to take a sobriety test etc... We asked him what was going on and he said "We are looking for a white WRX, did you see one?" I said no we have not seen a while WRX, but in the back of my mind I was thinking he meant a different kind of car (neither of the cars that ran were WRX's). We ask him whats up and he said some guy in one was running from them and they were looking for him. It was at that point that I realized they did not come down this way and went the Palmdale route. So me and my friend go home, saddened that until this cools down (maybe never), we wouldn't be able to use the canyons anymore.

Thanks to all who read all this, I figured that I could save some people some grief with this post. And to clear some stuff up, I am on neither side of the fence with street racing, I am neither a hardcore mountain runner, nor am I one of those folks who is like OMGBBQ STREET RACING IS SO WRONG AND YOU'RE AN IDIOT IF YOU DO IT.

08-17-2008, 09:51 PM
Nice heads up. Thanks.

karl wasabi
08-17-2008, 10:00 PM
Thanks for the heads up, but they have had that Federal Grant for a while now. I rarely go up there anymore.

White car huh...???

And what does BBQ have anything to do with this? lolz.


08-17-2008, 10:17 PM
not to mention its dangerous. since January woodside road has claimed 3 friend's cars. i still do it but its just cruisin. maybe spirited driving every once in a while but usually speed limit cruisin. thanks for the heads up tho. prolly gonna start up here soon.

08-17-2008, 10:23 PM
yea thanks for the heads up...my cousin goes up there most of the time and i'll tell him to be careful

08-17-2008, 10:45 PM
And what does BBQ have anything to do with this? lolz.

Haha bbq has everything to do with this.

Thanks for the heads up, but they have had that Federal Grant for a while now. I rarely go up there anymore.

I didn't realize this, thanks for the info, do you know when they got it and when it expires?

not to mention its dangerous. since January woodside road has claimed 3 friend's cars. i still do it but its just cruisin. maybe spirited driving every once in a while but usually speed limit cruisin. thanks for the heads up tho. prolly gonna start up here soon.

Where is woodside? Never heard of that one before.

08-17-2008, 10:51 PM
what did i tell you avery...the canyons are a burn.

08-17-2008, 10:52 PM
Where is woodside? Never heard of that one before.
just a note

"Location: San Francisco"

08-17-2008, 10:58 PM
just a note

"Location: San Francisco"

Thanks blackrms13, I didn't think to look :-/

what did i tell you avery...the canyons are a burn.

Well david, I guess I had to see for myself y'know?

08-17-2008, 10:59 PM
I went up to Big Bear a few weeks back to meet up with some friends on the lake.. Took my 240 of course, and as I was pulled over at a rest stop to fasten my harnesses, a cop pulled up and asked what I was doing (I wasn't planning on racing up the hill like a jackass, but I'd rather wear them for safety reasons).. I told him I was fine and he left. That was the only cop I saw all the way up that mountain, but I guess it must not be a common place for canyon runners. There were a lot more when I came back down though.

08-17-2008, 11:06 PM
i wish we had canyons in TN. but then again nobody around here would drive them since im the only person in my town that doesnt have cut springs cut exhuast and mad camber..

08-17-2008, 11:14 PM
I'm one of those guys that dislikes street racing. I think its pretty dumb. Usually when i'm driving down the freeway i'm going 65 or 70 if i'm passing some one. I only speed when i'm hanging out with my friends. They drive like turd nuggets. ahahahahaha

Thanx for the heads up though. I'll let my Evo friends know.

08-17-2008, 11:20 PM
alot of us spirited drivers dont street race or even extremely push our cars. we just enjoy driving down nice roads. and most of the time we stay in our own lanes.

08-17-2008, 11:22 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I knew cops were around, but I didn't know it was this serious.

08-17-2008, 11:46 PM
ya use to go to gmr but i stopped after seeing my friend fly off he cliff in his brand new 350z

but seriously just take it to the track

08-18-2008, 12:10 AM
yes hit up HTM kekeke

08-18-2008, 12:20 AM
lollerskates. This is news?
The LA County Sherrifs Department has had a specialized canyon task force for several years now. They kept most of their operations in the Malibu Canyon area until a few months ago...

ya use to go to gmr but i stopped after seeing my friend fly off he cliff in his brand new 350z

but seriously just take it to the track
Your friend must be a shitty ass driver.

08-18-2008, 12:30 AM
Yup, this has been around a while. Not only that, but those cops can drive those canyons pretty well. Running does people no good. Sucks though. I enjoyed those roads.

08-18-2008, 12:33 AM
why the fuck...

socal people.. we have fucking HORSE THIEF MILE!!!!!!!!!

08-18-2008, 12:37 AM
I absolutely love canyon roads, I haven't gone for a while. My brother flipped over his car on pala road, some scary stuff. I've always followed "The seven rules of akina" by dave coleman, glad I read that, I might of had a really bad crash or something by now.

08-18-2008, 01:18 AM
yea thanks for the heads up...my cousin goes up there most of the time and i'll tell him to be carefulu mean Chris...:D

yeah...all i know is GMR theres hightened security since that chick got launched out of her car...

hmm WTF do u expect would happen not wearing a seatbelt at GMR...dumb bitch...:wavey:

good info nonetheless

08-18-2008, 01:39 AM
i thought people stopped going to the mountains in like 2005

08-18-2008, 01:53 AM
If you've listened to the radio lately, they have also been putting up ads a lot for DUI's and such. The commercial starts with the sound of a door slamming followed by "You know what that sound is? It's the sound of a jail cell door closing because we just busted you for a DUI" "This is Drunk Driving Awareness month, so there will be more police on the road taking down these drunk drivers"

Somthing like that...it comes on very frequently so just turn it on kiis fm or somthing. Commercials are like every 5 minutes hahaha.

08-18-2008, 02:11 AM
i will miss driving up there -=[

08-18-2008, 02:14 AM
Lets caravan to the canyon

08-18-2008, 02:46 AM
^^^^ *:cricket::cricket:*

soreballz is right, that guy had to be a pretty bad driver..

i started going to GMR/azusa last feb. went there two or three different nights and got old real quick... "underground $tr33t [email protected]!ing" was cool when the games came out.. but GMR/azusa is no fun with hardly any light other than our weak headlights.. even with HID.. u'd need a rally car light cluster to see perfectly clear (meaning the dirt pile or large rocks on the road).
its real fun during the day anyways when ur tires really stick. i went in the 240 those first 3 times and didn't see any police. after that, i've been going on my bike during the day a lot of times, rarely at night less a couple friends wanna go. ive probly gone at least 20 times last month (new bike, dual compound tires = heaven) and only saw 1 SUV cop. i believe wat ur saying. i mean.. colorado canyons have STi cop cars if i recall correctly.. no doubt something like that will happen here too.
wat i do find real REAL stupid is when people fly 80+ through that part where theres some building and that park. THERE'S KIDS THERE!! i ought punch ya in the ovaries if u speed through there... all those people are the ones complaining that "[email protected]$" are creating a dangerous environment in the canyons... knock it off...
thats what kills it.. negligence. during the day, i have a lot of respect of others that use the road. LIKE BICYCLISTS.. man.. those guys have bigger apples than me.

08-18-2008, 02:52 AM
Thanks for the heads up, but they have had that Federal Grant for a while now.

lol yeah no shit welcome to 2002, san diego already has a task force for that crap, street racing isnt that rampant out here anymore now that they're just modifying the construction of everything so you cant race in those area's.

08-18-2008, 03:27 AM
I'm gonna stop hittin the touge for awhile. About three weeks ago I was running redwood and had one of those initial D type accidents. My coupe got seriosly owned and I almost lost my life...... The part that really sucked was driving back down the mountain with a helllllla fucked up car with broken lights, hella shit rubbing, thrown belts, and blown power steering. On top of that I had to wait 3 1/2 hours for a flat bed to come. But the wost part was waking up the whole neighborhood when they unloaded my car and having to explain what had happened to my car the next morning...

Posting from my phone so Sorry for the long rambling post

08-18-2008, 03:28 AM
theres speed bumps all over los angeles streets that over or near a 1/4 mile long now :(

08-18-2008, 04:40 AM
Thanks for the heads up.

I have never hit up GMR or Azusa, but I have some wanna-be canyons around my area. Though usually I have a friend scout for the runners, but you never know.

08-18-2008, 08:30 AM
lol yeah no shit welcome to 2002, san diego already has a task force for that crap, street racing isnt that rampant out here anymore now that they're just modifying the construction of everything so you cant race in those area's.

Yeah I heard about all that San Diego stuff a while back, but didn't realize it was connected to this. I used to go up to Angeles Crest a couple times a week and most of my Friday and Saturdays during summer lol. Never in all that time did I see many cops, or was hassled until just recently. I also learned this about Azusa too, when I got pulled over there going the speed limit.

No fun =/

dtc 360RT
08-18-2008, 09:06 AM
Your friend must be a shitty ass driver.

i must admit, its fun to go out there. at the time you dont think about the risk you put yourself and others into. just gotta use your best judgement and if you fail, pray you dont hurt yourself and others; and LEARN.

good looking out OP.

08-18-2008, 02:49 PM
thanks for the heads up
another heads up just went to malibu on friday coming down to go hit tuna we get to the resting spot there is a road block of cop cars and 4 other cops that pulled over at least 8 bmws all with mod's. of course i bust a bitch my friends(6 other cars) all stay they get qustioned get tickets for every little thing including rolling through stop sign. but didnt pop anyone hood. just a heads up

08-18-2008, 03:01 PM
I absolutely love canyon roads, I haven't gone for a while. My brother flipped over his car on pala road, some scary stuff. I've always followed "The seven rules of akina" by dave coleman, glad I read that, I might of had a really bad crash or something by now.

^that was one of the worst things he's written. he has clearly never been to akina, nor has he been to the canyons. those were just "hey kids be safe" rules he pulled out of his ass.

08-18-2008, 03:15 PM

i must admit, its fun to go out there. at the time you dont think about the risk you put yourself and others into. just gotta use your best judgement and if you fail, pray you dont hurt yourself and others; and LEARN.

good looking out OP.

:werd: use good judgment! others lives may be at risk...

We used to go in the local canyons every wed night in the early 90's. Driving our Hondas (:bite:) with an intake, cut springs and an ultra-flo, sebring or borla muff-ler (aftermarket exh. sys. were almost unheard of then:-/) thinking we owned the canyons...

...Here we are, over 12 years later, and people still talking about the same places and police, accidents, rides jacked and deaths. This will probably never change as long as the cities/police and whoever else are making their money.

Just be careful! I'm not preeeching to u about how bad street racing & canyon carving is or any of that shit because i have done my fair share. Hell. I still go up once in a while with my girlfriend, only now we pack or buy a lunch and head up for some relaxing scenery. Not to mention all the tracks, marks, broken curbs walls and dirt drops from people pushing beyond their limits . some of you get fawkin :Owned: :bowrofl::rofl::bowrofl::rofl:

you know who you are... stay home and listen to your MGMT.......

08-18-2008, 03:38 PM
Yeah I heard about all that San Diego stuff a while back, but didn't realize it was connected to this. I used to go up to Angeles Crest a couple times a week and most of my Friday and Saturdays during summer lol. Never in all that time did I see many cops, or was hassled until just recently. I also learned this about Azusa too, when I got pulled over there going the speed limit.

No fun =/

I haven't been up in angeles crest since 2001 back when I was driving a civic. those mountains already reek of cops because of all the motorcycle deaths that happen up there, and add on everyone with an import wants to follow suit goes up there.

Cops have been setting up stings in the crest for a while now, i'm amazed they dont have twice as many cops up there now with barricades and speed checkpoints like they did back in 01. Shit was ridiculous.

pink godzila
08-18-2008, 03:43 PM
I live down GMR so i go up there almost everyweekend, one time I pass a cops when I up there, I was doing 60 ~ 70 mph but he never make a U-turn back to catch me.. maybe I was lucky thank god!!

About 2 weeks ago, me and my friend's RSX when up there also passed a cops from oppsite direction of us on local street but he don't make a U-turn also... lucky again.. but I think for a regular cursin they wont do shit about it as long you dont have anything to hide from them its all good.

Canyon is the best place to good to test your skill and car handling.. yeah yeah track is saver but doesnt open 24hrs and most track are far away.... thanks for the head up but i cant stop going up there.

08-18-2008, 04:14 PM
I live down GMR so i go up there almost everyweekend, one time I pass a cops when I up there, I was doing 60 ~ 70 mph but he never make a U-turn back to catch me.. maybe I was lucky thank god!!

probably because about a year or so ago...a deputy died tryin to catch up to an FC on backside...the deputy plummeted to his death...

08-18-2008, 04:28 PM
Ouch, those crown vics were not meant to carve corners....

pink godzila
08-18-2008, 04:33 PM
probably because about a year or so ago...a deputy died tryin to catch up to an FC on backside...the deputy plummeted to his death...

I been living in Glendora for 5 years now so... this was months ago..maybe just started now GAY!!!

08-18-2008, 04:43 PM
it's a shame because street racing and canyon cruising is totally different. You dont have to blast through the mountains to have fun, just a nice cruise is fun.

Porsche owners have their turkey run or whatever on Thanksgiving and cops could give a rat ass. I was in my friend's car, and they just watched us drive by and gave us a head nod.
But it only takes a few idiots to ruin it for the rest of import guys.

The one in Orange County is patrolled by cops, they hide out. Alot of residents live there, they call the cops immediately.

08-18-2008, 09:00 PM
yup turnbul cayon rated too dnt go up ther

08-18-2008, 10:38 PM
yup turnbul cayon rated too dnt go up ther

Thanks, someone told me about this one and I was going to check it out even though it's a ways away from me, now I won't bother.

08-18-2008, 11:28 PM

Thanks for posting this up man.


08-19-2008, 02:17 AM
Not only that, but those cops can drive those canyons pretty well. Running does people no good.
Edgar, you know as well as I do that that isn't true. If you can't outrun those cops... Well, you need to rethink your driving capabilities.

why the fuck...

socal people.. we have fucking HORSE THIEF MILE!!!!!!!!!
Great for drifters, yes. I'm not about to drive all the way to Willow and pay 100+ bucks just to cruise on a "canyon". :keke:

I've always followed "The seven rules of akina" by dave coleman.
Dave Coleman LOL.

wat i do find real REAL stupid is when people fly 80+ through that part where theres some building and that park. THERE'S KIDS THERE!! i ought punch ya in the ovaries if u speed through there... all those people are the ones complaining that "[email protected]$" are creating a dangerous environment in the canyons... knock it off...
Yeah, the idiots flying past the diner are part of why the cops started patrolling so heavily. Some fucking jackasses were doing donuts in that parking lot one night.

Thanks for the heads up.

I have never hit up GMR or Azusa, but I have some wanna-be canyons around my area. Though usually I have a friend scout for the runners, but you never know.
Santiago? Ortega? Fuck both those roads. Santiago isn't any fun unless you're doing 90+ mph - and with all the cops around there, no thanks. Ortega... Ugh. The local residents seem to enjoy putting obstacles in the road to slow people down.

thanks for the heads up
another heads up just went to malibu on friday coming down to go hit tuna we get to the resting spot there is a road block of cop cars and 4 other cops that pulled over at least 8 bmws all with mod's. of course i bust a bitch my friends(6 other cars) all stay they get qustioned get tickets for every little thing including rolling through stop sign. but didnt pop anyone hood. just a heads up
Malibu/Tuna/Mulholland... Those have been the most heavily patrolled LA canyons for a LOOOOONG time now. If you don't live in the area, or have friends in the area, you WILL get pulled over and get lots of shit from the local smokies if you're driving a modified car in there.

probably because about a year or so ago...a deputy died tryin to catch up to an FC on backside...the deputy plummeted to his death...
You sure it was an FC?
Hmmm... I was wondering why that cop never got up to the top of the road... :keke:

it's a shame because street racing and canyon cruising is totally different. You dont have to blast through the mountains to have fun, just a nice cruise is fun.

The one in Orange County is patrolled by cops, they hide out. Alot of residents live there, they call the cops immediately.
True and true to both statements.

yup turnbul cayon rated too dnt go up ther
So... Much... Bad... English... Head... Exploding...

Turnbull is still cool as long as you have a quiet exhaust and don't drive like a fucking jackass. The reason that road got burned is from fucking jackass running up the backside (residential side), drifting, doing donuts at the top, etc.

With all that said, I haven't "RUN" any road in almost a year. I still cruise GMR, and I will never stop CRUISING GMR, but I don't drive aggressively on these roads anymore. Its just not worth the risk... I don't so much mind the thought of putting my own life in danger; its more that I don't like the thought of putting other people's lives in danger, or worse yet, ending up in jail.

08-19-2008, 02:38 AM
Shit. I'm glad my local "canyon run" is barely patrolled, at least on my side.

If there is a cop. Good luck catching me. A Crown Vic would get murdered in the hairpins.

Luckily I barely ever run. A few times ago my friend lost his car, not out of driver error but mechanical malfunction. Still if that wasn't a deserted road at about 2am. Serious problems could have been had.

Go in with a level head and don't go balls out. Just cruise and enjoy your vehicle.

08-19-2008, 02:42 AM
dang, people still go to "turbo" canyon?? hahaha. all i hear from friends new to canyon driving is that another FF buried itself between the guardrail and cliff and is wedged in their thanks to understeer. (most of u know which turn im taking about). i hear whittier and hacienda have a whole stack of guardrails to replace it every monday when the street sweeper gets through there, hahaha. has to be the shiniest guardrail id ever see...

my pops had a 99 crown vic. they aren't that slow.. them mofos have mustang GT engines in them. get those pirelli's on their and they'll keep up..

08-19-2008, 03:24 AM
I went up to Big Bear a few weeks back to meet up with some friends on the lake.. Took my 240 of course, and as I was pulled over at a rest stop to fasten my harnesses, a cop pulled up and asked what I was doing (I wasn't planning on racing up the hill like a jackass, but I'd rather wear them for safety reasons).. I told him I was fine and he left. That was the only cop I saw all the way up that mountain, but I guess it must not be a common place for canyon runners. There were a lot more when I came back down though.

which way up did you happen to go? the 330? or the 38?

08-19-2008, 03:33 AM
I wrecked my car at Mt. Wilson.

GOOOD times.

Fucking wall came out of nowhere and chose not to move.
what a dick.

08-19-2008, 03:50 AM
^Yeah, those walls are such inconsiderate pricks.


08-19-2008, 03:51 AM
used to drive up to canyons all the time. now i'd much rather hit a track event with jxn or drift day!

track time ftmfw!

08-19-2008, 08:23 AM
With all that said, I haven't "RUN" any road in almost a year. I still cruise GMR, and I will never stop CRUISING GMR, but I don't drive aggressively on these roads anymore. Its just not worth the risk... I don't so much mind the thought of putting my own life in danger; its more that I don't like the thought of putting other people's lives in danger, or worse yet, ending up in jail.

I am suprised people even cruise GMR/Azusa anymore, I was driving the speed limit and got pulled over (the fucker went into the other lane and specifically pulled me over out of three cars).

08-19-2008, 01:54 PM
I been living in Glendora for 5 years now so... this was months ago..maybe just started now GAY!!!
yeah it happened bout a year or so ago...i remember getting the phone call from one of my friends who was there that night...he said u could see the lights from the top of GMR were it splits into the 3 different roads...

pretty sure its not th efirst time...

and who Neged me FUG FUG...LOL

08-19-2008, 02:04 PM
DRAG has been federally funded for years now. Santa Barbara PD was trained by DRAG almost 5 years ago.

Its nothing new.

And I LOL at people saying canyons are the best place to improve on your skills. Pay 100 dollars to go all out and not give a fuck ? How is that not worth it?

The best way to improve your skills is to drive with good drivers. And i'd hate to say it but most good drivers can be found at a track.

I've never been to a track day that didn't have atleast 1 or 2 good drivers unless its a beginner day.

I love it when so called "canyon racers" come to a track event and get humbled by mediocre drivers, or they will think they are bad ass and roll a car at horsetheif or something.

If you can't afford 100 dollars for a track day then i don't even know why you are in this hobby.

08-19-2008, 02:07 PM
DRAG has been federally funded for years now. Santa Barbara PD was trained by DRAG almost 5 years ago.

Its nothing new.

And I LOL at people saying canyons are the best place to improve on your skills. Pay 100 dollars to go all out and not give a fuck ? How is that not worth it?

The best way to improve your skills is to drive with good drivers. And i'd hate to say it but most good drivers can be found at a track.

I've never been to a track day that didn't have atleast 1 or 2 good drivers unless its a beginner day.

I love it when so called "canyon racers" come to a track event and get humbled by mediocre drivers, or they will think they are bad ass and roll a car at horsetheif or something.

If you can't afford 100 dollars for a track day then i don't even know why you are in this hobby.

qft - show your 'skills' at a track

08-19-2008, 04:02 PM
I love it when so called "canyon racers" come to a track event and get humbled by mediocre drivers...
I love it when so-called "canyon racers" go up to the canyons they claim to be so fast on, and get humbled by a guy driving a 70whp Mazda 323.


08-19-2008, 04:14 PM
I'm gonna stop hittin the touge for awhile. About three weeks ago I was running redwood and had one of those initial D type accidents. My coupe got seriosly owned and I almost lost my life...... The part that really sucked was driving back down the mountain with a helllllla fucked up car with broken lights, hella shit rubbing, thrown belts, and blown power steering. On top of that I had to wait 3 1/2 hours for a flat bed to come. But the wost part was waking up the whole neighborhood when they unloaded my car and having to explain what had happened to my car the next morning...

Posting from my phone so Sorry for the long rambling post

redwood is wide as fuck... what the fuck were you doing hahaha... started going to the touge with my dad's friend back in 00' they rode bikes then we brought our cars there.... stopped going about 2-3 years ago.... everyone stopped thinkin they were invincible and they would be able to do anything without consequences... GREW OLDER N WISER... there are occasional cruises tho....

08-19-2008, 05:56 PM
DRAG has been federally funded for years now. Santa Barbara PD was trained by DRAG almost 5 years ago.

Its nothing new.

And I LOL at people saying canyons are the best place to improve on your skills. Pay 100 dollars to go all out and not give a fuck ? How is that not worth it?

The best way to improve your skills is to drive with good drivers. And i'd hate to say it but most good drivers can be found at a track.

I've never been to a track day that didn't have atleast 1 or 2 good drivers unless its a beginner day.

I love it when so called "canyon racers" come to a track event and get humbled by mediocre drivers, or they will think they are bad ass and roll a car at horsetheif or something.

If you can't afford 100 dollars for a track day then i don't even know why you are in this hobby.

I'd like to see 100 dollar track days, by the time you spend the gas to drive out there, gas to drive, transponder rental and the fees to drive its usually wayyy over that...

08-19-2008, 06:19 PM
haha oh noes . What happens when you get caught by a cop. Ticket, insurance, risk etc.

Track out weighs mountain driving any day. Not only that but generally the people who are faster in the mountains are the ones more familiar with the road so it doesn't prove anything as a driver.

08-19-2008, 06:46 PM
Not only that but generally the people who are faster in the mountains are the ones more familiar with the road...
The same could be said about track driving - generally speaking, of course.

(Not trying to argue that mountain driving is better than track driving here... Just pointing out flaws in people's arguements. lol)

08-19-2008, 07:24 PM
The same could be said about track driving - generally speaking, of course.

(Not trying to argue that mountain driving is better than track driving here... Just pointing out flaws in people's arguements. lol)

okay then use this for reference.

you take a "canyon runner" and a "track only whore" and stick them on a track niether of them have been on. who do you think will win? or vice versa put them on a mountain road they have never driven.

POINT IS.. Track costs out weigh death/ tickets/prison/ driving with other retards who think they are god.

08-19-2008, 07:50 PM
okay then use this for reference.

you take a "canyon runner" and a "track only whore" and stick them on a track niether of them have been on. who do you think will win? or vice versa put them on a mountain road they have never driven.

POINT IS.. Track costs out weigh death/ tickets/prison/ driving with other retards who think they are god.
Canyon runner, or hardcore canyon whore vs. track only whore?

The average "canyon runner" is a slow, cocky, reckless jackass. The hardcore canyon whores, on the hand...

I see your point, I really do, and I think you're right, but the logic leading up to that point is severely flawed.


08-19-2008, 08:08 PM
Canyon runner, or hardcore canyon whore vs. track only whore?

The average "canyon runner" is a slow, cocky, reckless jackass. The hardcore canyon whores, on the hand...

I see your point, I really do, and I think you're right, but the logic leading up to that point is severely flawed.


feel free to correct it. thers so many stereo types for "racers" drifters whatever else you want to call us/them

sure its fun to be around other ppl who enjoy this activity too. but its only should go so far.because in the end someone always gets hurt. wether its physical or the wallet.

08-20-2008, 02:29 AM
okay then use this for reference.

you take a "canyon runner" and a "track only whore" and stick them on a track niether of them have been on. who do you think will win? or vice versa put them on a mountain road they have never driven.

POINT IS.. Track costs out weigh death/ tickets/prison/ driving with other retards who think they are god.

yea ya make a good point there..but canyons n tracks have diff feels to it m people jus prefer one or tha other
haha love ur sig btw lol funnie south park rite?? :keke:

08-20-2008, 02:32 AM
Canyon runner, or hardcore canyon whore vs. track only whore?

The average "canyon runner" is a slow, cocky, reckless jackass. The hardcore canyon whores, on the hand...

I see your point, I really do, and I think you're right, but the logic leading up to that point is severely flawed.

haha canyon runner?? by that description sounds like ur describing my bros driving :2f2f:

08-20-2008, 07:31 AM
yea ya make a good point there..but canyons n tracks have diff feels to it m people jus prefer one or tha other
haha love ur sig btw lol funnie south park rite?? :keke:

Wow your grammar and spelling is fucking atrocious.

08-20-2008, 10:39 AM
I used to do the whole broke ass mountain runner thing.

I crashed my first car on that shit like 2 times.

It didn't take me a 3rd strike to realize it's fucking stupid.

Public roads for the most part in California suck because they're inconsistent (poor maintenance) and there are too many un controllable variables.

It only took me one time to the track to realize that's where I wanted to be.

No blind corners, no on coming traffic, no innocent people (or animals :))

Its not worth it to get a ticket, tow, or total up there.

The price to get your car towed out of the mountains costs almost as much as 2 track events (gas, food, hotel)

Think about that next time you go to the mountains.

08-20-2008, 10:57 AM
Wow your grammar and spelling is fucking atrocious.

shes from compton!!!! give it a brreakkk.

hahah hehe

08-20-2008, 11:36 AM
Shit...... I haven't hit up angeles crest in like two years it seems.

We used to do it every friday night.

But it got old once all the stupid shit started.

Oh well.

I do miss it from time to time though.

08-20-2008, 11:56 AM
shes from compton!!!! give it a brreakkk.

hahah hehe

I work in compton what does that mean ?>

Vision Garage
08-20-2008, 12:02 PM
Not worth losing your car over. If you get chased, hopefully you have an escape route.

08-20-2008, 02:01 PM
Old news.

2 points,

Its been a bust. Malibu is gnarly, followed by AC, then GMR, Azusa.
Of course they went the palmdale route home! who wouldn't.
The cops always barricade. GMR 3 weeks ago they barricaded the eastern route, head out the other way :)

i was getting tickets up there over a year ago. barricade, 25 cars pulled over.
nothing new man.
You need to go to more 240 meets like the Pipeline, the 626friday meet. We go to the canyon about once a year. But we know enough to tell you whats going on and to talk you out of it.

2nd point,
Us experienced drivers keep it on the track and thats why we drift and race so much better than you guys.
The speed at which you get better on a track is so much faster.
Come out to the 626DRIFT events. If you like grip, we do HTM as well.

Alot of us older guys know people who have died in the canyons.:angel:
Its just not worth it.
Its part of California's car culture. My Uncle ran AC in the 70's. Steve McQueen ran Mulholland. Its part of SoCal, but not worth the risk.

Guys that can actually drive there cars take it to the track. People who can't race in the canyons.

white car, recent pro license, i know who. I lost to him twice on the track now:keke:

BTW, this is more a topic for a Forum like socal-drift.com.
This forum doesnt support illegal activities.

08-20-2008, 02:39 PM
yup turnbul cayon rated too dnt go up ther

ya shits weak... last two times we went something happened.. i got chased by a benz doing over a 100. crazy ass ppl over there

another time a giant spotlight came from the top of the hill and we turned off our lights and still dont know wtf that was.

why cant it be more chill like japan ? haha

guess ill have to go to the track =/

08-20-2008, 03:14 PM
I work in compton what does that mean ?>

uh.. good job lol

08-20-2008, 03:23 PM
Canyon road are meant to be driven on. Now i'm not against or for street or canyon racing but a few people that ruin it for the rest of us is just bullcrap. I like driving on the canyon with my windows rolled down smelling the fresh country air. I drive the speed limit and dont break any laws and i still get pulled over for "attempting" to street race. The cop seriously said "i know what you're doing up here, you're gonna race!!!" really now? come on.

08-20-2008, 03:47 PM
Cops pulled me and my friend over at crest a few weeks ago. My clutch went out so I couldn't give him a run,Pulled me over In the parking lot before mount wilson. Cop walks out and ask's "So who won?" We reply no one there Is no competition.. He walks to the front of my car and says "Where Is your front bumper back up there on the road somewhere?" I reply no It's at home".

So they check my whole car :blah::blah::blah:. Asked us if we were drifting I said" What's drifting?" So he goes and writes me and my friend a ticket. My friend got off easy! He got state ref and exhaust, I got.

Anthony Mijares-

No proof of insurance
No registration card
Cracked windshield
Mod exhaust
Mod emmoisons
No front bumper
No front Lic plate
State ref

Cops are really going hard In the mountains now.. You know I see more gang members walking around and doing what ever the fuck they want at night. The cops don't stop any of that shit anymore. FUCK the police! They don't protect and serve fuck those mother fuckers. Only very very few actually are Police officers for the good of society all the others are fucking lame.e

All they care about Is making money, and cars just so happen to be the money making thing right now.

For all the people who know how to drive and don't do stupid shit up In the mountains and get killed. We go way up a mountain to get the fuck out of the city,just to cruise. Not bothering anyone down In the city's and they still mess with us. From what I've seen most cops are mad fucking douche bags who couldn't either A.Afford a car when they were younger so take It out on us or B.Weren't aloud anything and got picked on so they become a "Officer of the Law" to take out their rage on everyone else...

08-20-2008, 04:05 PM
Yes, there is a 3 way gang fight for my neighborhood right now. White Fence vs. MS13 vs. AP (armanian's).

But the fucking cops are pulling people over now and harrasing them about car BS.

You know what they hate. File a complaint. that shit goes on thier record. I did it in Burbank and will continue to do it again. State things like racism, profiling, ignoring what you said and the documents you hand them. What ever fits your case. Harressment.

i have one more to fill out on a fucking Pacioma cop. Got pulled over at 5am on my way to the track. Car is LOADED to the gills with tires, tools, track stuff, flags.
And he pulls me over for being to low!! I get a ticket 45 minutes later for a cracked windshield. the crack is literaly 6 inches long!

If we ALL file complaints, there gonna stop the bullshit. they cant afford to risk thier careers anymore to harass us. they will have to make sure to have real proof before they pull us over.

08-20-2008, 05:13 PM
I got pulled over this one time for driving shirtless cuz I just left the beach. The officer walked to my door and told me to roll my windows down. I replied with a smile and rolled them down. He leaned over to ask me questions and whatnot. As he was looking around to see what other BS can slap me with, a cool sea breeze gently blew by my bare body, and the officer noticed my nipples were hard and stiff. I then saw a "WTF?" look on his face as he took a step back and away from leaning on my car. I just kept smiling and answering all the questions he got for me. He just gave me a warning and told me not to drive shirtless and quickly drove off.

Boostin on you
08-20-2008, 05:36 PM
I got pulled over this one time for driving shirtless cuz I just left the beach. The officer walked to my door and told me to roll my windows down. I replied with a smile and rolled them down. He leaned over to ask me questions and whatnot. As he was looking around to see what other BS can slap me with, a cool sea breeze gently blew by my bare body, and the officer noticed my nipples were hard and stiff. I then saw a "WTF?" look on his face as he took a step back and away from leaning on my car. I just kept smiling and answering all the questions he got for me. He just gave me a warning and told me not to drive shirtless and quickly drove off.

gayest thing Ive ever heard.

08-20-2008, 09:24 PM
Wow your grammar and spelling is fucking atrocious.
mannn y u hating?? does it really matter??

shes from compton!!!! give it a brreakkk.

hahah hehe
so what if im from compton??!!!

I got pulled over this one time for driving shirtless cuz I just left the beach. The officer walked to my door and told me to roll my windows down. I replied with a smile and rolled them down. He leaned over to ask me questions and whatnot. As he was looking around to see what other BS can slap me with, a cool sea breeze gently blew by my bare body, and the officer noticed my nipples were hard and stiff. I then saw a "WTF?" look on his face as he took a step back and away from leaning on my car. I just kept smiling and answering all the questions he got for me. He just gave me a warning and told me not to drive shirtless and quickly drove off.

haha sounds like one of those sex novels...lol :jerkit:

08-20-2008, 09:47 PM
Cops are really going hard In the mountains now.. You know I see more gang members walking around and doing what ever the fuck they want at night. The cops don't stop any of that shit anymore. FUCK the police! They don't protect and serve fuck those mother fuckers. Only very very few actually are Police officers for the good of society all the others are fucking lame.e

All they care about Is making money, and cars just so happen to be the money making thing right now.

For all the people who know how to drive and don't do stupid shit up In the mountains and get killed. We go way up a mountain to get the fuck out of the city,just to cruise. Not bothering anyone down In the city's and they still mess with us. From what I've seen most cops are mad fucking douche bags who couldn't either A.Afford a car when they were younger so take It out on us or B.Weren't aloud anything and got picked on so they become a "Officer of the Law" to take out their rage on everyone else...

As much as I'd hate to, I agree with a lot of this. I have never actually had a cop do something nice for me, every time I have been pulled over, I have never been doing anything wrong (other than suspected illegal parts). Even today driving back from GCC from summer school I had a cop following me all the way down the 210 onto foothill, I was in my dd 240 that has nothing more than a beat up catback (looks pretty stock).

Old news.

2 points,

Its been a bust. Malibu is gnarly, followed by AC, then GMR, Azusa.
Of course they went the palmdale route home! who wouldn't.
The cops always barricade. GMR 3 weeks ago they barricaded the eastern route, head out the other way :)

i was getting tickets up there over a year ago. barricade, 25 cars pulled over.
nothing new man.
You need to go to more 240 meets like the Pipeline, the 626friday meet. We go to the canyon about once a year. But we know enough to tell you whats going on and to talk you out of it.

2nd point,
Us experienced drivers keep it on the track and thats why we drift and race so much better than you guys.
The speed at which you get better on a track is so much faster.
Come out to the 626DRIFT events. If you like grip, we do HTM as well.

Alot of us older guys know people who have died in the canyons.:angel:
Its just not worth it.
Its part of California's car culture. My Uncle ran AC in the 70's. Steve McQueen ran Mulholland. Its part of SoCal, but not worth the risk.

Guys that can actually drive there cars take it to the track. People who can't race in the canyons.

white car, recent pro license, i know who. I lost to him twice on the track now:keke:

BTW, this is more a topic for a Forum like socal-drift.com.
This forum doesnt support illegal activities.

Thanks for the tips, I didn't know it had been going on for this long, I guess I was lucky enough to not get busted until now. I have gone to track events and I loved it, but it is very expensive (duh).

08-20-2008, 10:21 PM
Guys that can actually drive there cars take it to the track. People who can't race in the canyons.

So, people who can't drive their cars well only race in the canyons?
Bullshit, some of the best and fastest drivers I know race ONLY in the canyons. Several others got their start in the canyons, then continued on to real track racing, and dominated their first races.

You anti-canyon people need to get off your high horses. Sure, racing in the mountains/canyons is irresponsible, dangerous, illegal, and a generally bad idea, but to say that anyone who races on those roads is a bad driver... C'mon now, thats just ignorant.

So they check my whole car :blah::blah::blah:. Asked us if we were drifting I said" What's drifting?" So he goes and writes me and my friend a ticket. My friend got off easy! He got state ref and exhaust, I got.

Anthony Mijares-

No proof of insurance
No registration card
Cracked windshield
Mod exhaust
Mod emmoisons
No front bumper
No front Lic plate
State ref

WOW. You went up to the mountains with all that? YOU ARE RETARDED. I mean that in the nicest way possible... But seriously, if you're silly enough to go someplace where cops are known to bust people in a car that screams "PULL ME OVER!" with no front bumper or plate, and not carrying your proof of insurance or registration... You deserve that ticket ass raping. Consider yourself lucky that he didn't tow the car. Hopefully you learn a lesson from all that.

08-20-2008, 10:48 PM
mannn y u hating?? does it really matter??

so what if im from compton??!!!

haha sounds like one of those sex novels...lol :jerkit:

dont get sand in your vagina. it was a joke relax.:2f2f:

08-20-2008, 10:54 PM
I love it when so-called "canyon racers" go up to the canyons they claim to be so fast on, and get humbled by a guy driving a 70whp Mazda 323.


I have memories like that of my 70whp mazda 323.

actually it was probably less than that since it was 80 at the crank and the engine was on it's last legs.

anyway i put some good tires on it and new struts and i made a fool of a kid in an rsx back in high school when i was dumb enough to "touge" as we called it.

08-20-2008, 11:55 PM
Ok dude its 82 at the crank. LOL. And the No brake uphill is awesome.
Most people that are the "hardcore" guys are real good drivers.
The cops were going up almost everynight until about a week ago. And as long as your parked you won't get shit.
And its Fun. not just driving but hanging out with your peeps and doing stupid shit like going down with a rear steer big wheel. haha

08-21-2008, 04:47 AM
WOW. You went up to the mountains with all that? YOU ARE RETARDED. I mean that in the nicest way possible... But seriously, if you're silly enough to go someplace where cops are known to bust people in a car that screams "PULL ME OVER!" with no front bumper or plate, and not carrying your proof of insurance or registration... You deserve that ticket ass raping. Consider yourself lucky that he didn't tow the car. Hopefully you learn a lesson from all that.[/quote]

The cops are NEVER where we have been going for 3 years now! So I didn't assume they were going to be up there this one night! I also didn't know I took all that shit out! insurance,registration..

08-21-2008, 04:51 AM
white car, recent pro license, i know who. I lost to him twice on the track now:keke:

BTW, this is more a topic for a Forum like socal-drift.com.
This forum doesnt support illegal activities.[/quote]

He also lost twice to me at a unknown closed road wayyy out In mexico:keke::keke:.. Near Mr.wilson's house:coolugh:

08-21-2008, 05:23 AM
I just want to add in for those lazy people.

It's not that hard to hit the quote button!!!!!

08-21-2008, 08:39 AM
So, people who can't drive their cars well only race in the canyons?
Bullshit, some of the best and fastest drivers I know race ONLY in the canyons. Several others got their start in the canyons, then continued on to real track racing, and dominated their first races.

You anti-canyon people need to get off your high horses. Sure, racing in the mountains/canyons is irresponsible, dangerous, illegal, and a generally bad idea, but to say that anyone who races on those roads is a bad driver... C'mon now, thats just ignorant.

Thank you! I was hoping I wasn't the first person thinking this.

The cops are NEVER where we have been going for 3 years now! So I didn't assume they were going to be up there this one night! I also didn't know I took all that shit out! insurance,registration..

Well from what others have been saying cops know about Mt. Wilson, that is where that happened to you right?

08-21-2008, 11:57 AM
I got.

Anthony Mijares-

No proof of insurance
No registration card
Cracked windshield
Mod exhaust
Mod emmoisons
No front bumper
No front Lic plate
State ref

All that seemed avoidable to me.

So... why are you angry at the state again?

It's not like any one of those you never knew you could get a ticket for.

Cop pulled you over suspecting something was up, and oh boy was he right.

As for this whole thread, a few years back driving in the twisties was fun.

Now the population of retards has increased so accidents are happening left and right up in the hills. So police presence has been increased these past few years.

I don't even see the point of this thread, it's been known for quite some time.

Now what I do find interesting is how residents of a local road are purposely pouring oil and grease on the apexes of corners to harm people who would be driving fast enough to be affected by such.

08-21-2008, 03:23 PM
All that seemed avoidable to me.

So... why are you angry at the state again?

It's not like any one of those you never knew you could get a ticket for.

Cop pulled you over suspecting something was up, and oh boy was he right.

As for this whole thread, a few years back driving in the twisties was fun.

Now the population of retards has increased so accidents are happening left and right up in the hills. So police presence has been increased these past few years.

I don't even see the point of this thread, it's been known for quite some time.

Now what I do find interesting is how residents of a local road are purposely pouring oil and grease on the apexes of corners to harm people who would be driving fast enough to be affected by such.

Do you honestly think this Is the first ticket I have gotten? Every time my car Is legit and I'm not doing anything. I was leaving off of my street, not speeding or doing anything! I seen a cop wayyy up at the light, next thing I know he's flying down the road to pull me over! Why? So he can make money!

Cops don't pull you over suspecting something! My friends drove right by him with their loud ass cars. he stops me cause I couldn't go fast cause my clutch was out!So you enjoy getting pulled over? I swear man some people are fucking stupid.

Everyone says oh no stay on the track don't do anything EVER!!! So we can't have our cars and enjoy them cause the "Older" People will say we are stupid lil fan boy kids who don't know shit?! It's too bad there are no local residents at angles crest highway, to spill oil on the road.. I can tell you would be one of those people spilling oil everywhere.

If you honestly think cops pull over cars every single time thinking there Is something wrong you must not be from here cause they don't give a shit. Like I said car tickets Is all about money making.. You think they care about the economy? Nope! they want their cash money

P.s If you think that local residents pouring oil on the road Is "funny" and will teach us a lesson. Then I hope It's you who goes off a mountain for thinking that way.. Cause It's not funny.. How old are you?

08-21-2008, 03:56 PM
Do you honestly think this Is the first ticket I have gotten? Every time my car Is legit and I'm not doing anything. I was leaving off of my street, not speeding or doing anything! I seen a cop wayyy up at the light, next thing I know he's flying down the road to pull me over! Why? So he can make money!

Cops don't pull you over suspecting something! My friends drove right by him with their loud ass cars. he stops me cause I couldn't go fast cause my clutch was out!So you enjoy getting pulled over? I swear man some people are fucking stupid.

Everyone says oh no stay on the track don't do anything EVER!!! So we can't have our cars and enjoy them cause the "Older" People will say we are stupid lil fan boy kids who don't know shit?! It's too bad there are no local residents at angles crest highway, to spill oil on the road.. I can tell you would be one of those people spilling oil everywhere.

If you honestly think cops pull over cars every single time thinking there Is something wrong you must not be from here cause they don't give a shit. Like I said car tickets Is all about money making.. You think they care about the economy? Nope! they want their cash money

P.s If you think that local residents pouring oil on the road Is "funny" and will teach us a lesson. Then I hope It's you who goes off a mountain for thinking that way.. Cause It's not funny.. How old are you?

Woah. PLEASE learn hot to comprehend a statement. Because I never said ONCE that the residents pouring oil was, "funny". Maybe you should spend more time reading a book instead of assuming and failing at understanding what I said.

Do I give a fuck about you getting pulled over for no reason? No.

But the result of the ticket was dead on judging by all the things you were cited for. If you have all your priorities in check, getting pulled over by a cop will only leave him feeling dumb once he can't ticket you for anything.

But people like YOU are the reason why he will pull more people over.

I mean shit, you had a modded car so he pulled you over. Is it right to be bias like that, no. But he did anyways.

Once he pulled you over he wrote you up for MANY illegal traffic and code violations. So in the end, he was the one with the last laugh.

Bitch and moan all you want about how it isn't fair, it's up to you to make it right for yourself.

How much time and work is it going to cost to deal with all those violations eh?

I'm sure you could've bought a beater DD for the price of all that you're dealing with.

Have I been pulled over for no reason, yes. Shit, I was searched and thrown around for two hours by MANY cops. But they had no reason to arrest me so I was let free. Why, because I had my priorities in check and of course wasn't guilty.

Just because your friend got away doesn't mean anything. You were chosen.

How old am I?

Old enough to have some common sense and know not to be a dumb shit.

Oh yeah, I'm also old enough to understand what I've read.

08-21-2008, 04:27 PM
Oh calm down you neg repped me! ooooo scary! What do you mean people like me? He didn't even see my car.. I was coasting down with my hazards on! Get the fuck out of here man..you sound like one of those old douche bags who hates on everyone else.. I don't really care what you think about me getting pulled over either.. I actually don't care about working on my car like most people.. I can fix all those. Your probably the guy who pays to get his oil and brakes changed. Never even thought about pulling out your motor your self cause you don't have the skills to go so.

When skills aren't even needed.

08-21-2008, 04:28 PM
You dumb shit, I didn't neg rep you.

Yet again you fail.

Stop crying and complaining.

I hate on stupidity.

Now if it oozes out of you, then I suggest you get that checked out.

I sound like an old man? hah. Why, because I have come back at you with intelligent statments, while all you can do is try and attack me on my age which you obviously don't know.

08-21-2008, 04:33 PM
Whatever man... go a head and call all your friends over for the neg rep gang bang like you are going to do..

08-21-2008, 05:00 PM
Whatever man... go a head and call all your friends over for the neg rep gang bang like you are going to do..

Rep is bullshit imo.

I don't give a fuck about it.

If I was going to negrep you over it I would've already done so. But honestly, I don't care enough.

Call my friends to negrep you? haha. I don't have a need to do that.

Whoever negreps you before and after this post has done it on their own accord.

Sounds like you need to chill out. You know, being so serious at such a young age isn't good for you.

08-21-2008, 05:04 PM
I'm gonna stop hittin the touge for awhile. About three weeks ago I was running redwood and had one of those initial D type accidents. My coupe got seriosly owned and I almost lost my life...... The part that really sucked was driving back down the mountain with a helllllla fucked up car with broken lights, hella shit rubbing, thrown belts, and blown power steering. On top of that I had to wait 3 1/2 hours for a flat bed to come. But the wost part was waking up the whole neighborhood when they unloaded my car and having to explain what had happened to my car the next morning...

Posting from my phone so Sorry for the long rambling post
i hear ya. same thing happened to me 3 years ago there.

it was right here

08-21-2008, 05:05 PM
who drives around without registration or insurance ?

08-21-2008, 05:15 PM
I guess somebody who rolls down hills with their hazards on and NO front bumper.

But what do I know, I'm old and hate life.

Mkiv98: What am I looking at when I see that picture? Feels like I'm not seeing something.

08-21-2008, 05:29 PM
who drives around without registration or insurance ?

I simply forgot when I cleaned out my car to put all my shit back It.. That's who.

08-22-2008, 02:46 AM
^^^ wow.. awkward... getting off subject, threads gonna get closed now...

went to azusa/gmr today 2p-430p on my bike. had a blast, getting a little too crazy but staying in my lane. wrinkled up my tires ;)

while up there, i found a good mile or two of nothing but drift marks all over the place. in the pics here, the first is the bridge u cross and dry the river is. yes, not even 2 months ago, their was a big river flowing through here. the second and third are the drift marks on the ground. if people are doing this at night, how the heck do they do it with virtually no light???? some of those skid marks are within cm of the stone curb...
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a341/matrixownerz/th_gmr1.jpg (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a341/matrixownerz/gmr1.jpg) http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a341/matrixownerz/th_gmr2.jpg (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a341/matrixownerz/gmr2.jpg) http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a341/matrixownerz/th_gmr3.jpg (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a341/matrixownerz/gmr3.jpg)

i should have taken some pictures of the MANY skid marks you see going straight into the canyon wall and even the cliffs.

conditions were overall decent with 2 50ft sections having sand. theirs major construction at the entrance so u need to take a quick detour through the neighborhood right before you get in. deep into the canyon, their setting up some kinda plastic tank out of no where so there's rocks and dirt to watch out for. bout it.

but just posting cus, within that time period, it took till i was already coming out of the mountain going back home that a SUV cop started making its way in. waved as i was coming down, they waved back. (i usually show my appreciation. even thou i've gotten too many tickets, they're just doing their job.) when you guys head in, its important after you cross that bridge to take ur time through the buildings, driveways, park, and goldminer areas are. i went the posted 35 through there. group of people saw me coming around and saw i was moseying on by and the threw me a peace sign, lol. so they appreciate that. i started jammin after that hard curban turn to the right.

honestly, its can be real fun [email protected]!ng through the canyons, but... it just boils down to ur safety and everyone else... to be doing that in the middle of the night with no light, and for some, going past ur own and ur cars limits, is just foolish. i can understand getting a kick out of it during the day. easy to see, tires grip well, keeping an eye out for others. i think the whole night scene is a little overrated..

08-22-2008, 08:34 AM
i hear ya. same thing happened to me 3 years ago there.

it was right here

This looks familiar but I can't quite tell lol, is it that sequence of S turns right before the angeles forest/palmdale split?

08-22-2008, 11:55 AM
........ I was coasting down with my hazards on!......
LMAO !!! no wonder that shit happened to you. All that money and time spent could have been at the track instead of verifeying to the government that we need to keep officers in the canyons and out there fighting street racing.
Me and EVERYONE here would like to personally thank you for helping fuck us for the next year.

i hear ya. same thing happened to me 3 years ago there.

.....Guys are lucky. just a few months ago a couple of my 626DRIFT guys went up with some friends. A car went over, kid died. Bet his parents are happy that he was perfecting his skills in a canyon at night though, huh??

18 years old, thought he knew what he was doing too. Talked just like all you other kids on here trying to justify your stupid actions.

....... if people are doing this at night, how the heck do they do it with virtually no light???? some of those skid marks are within cm of the stone curb............

You young guys dont even know that there have been rules to the canyons here in LA for over 30 years.

its been the rule for decades now. know the rules if your gonna go there. ;)

And who is the person riding bigwheels around up there?? If I'm up there on one of my once a year visits, I cant stop when I'm rounding a corner, Im gonna kill you on accident. Its not a fucking car meet up there. Quit fucking around, its very serious and dangerous.

If you wanna hang out, go to Chucky Cheese. Initail D fanboys hanging in the touge make it all that more dangerous and a burn.

I started hitting the track hard a year ago. Been racing my whole life in the Canyons in WA state in Datsun 510's. In one year on the track i got better than i ever did before and even tried to qualify for my Pro Drift license!!
thats 10 years of "racing" touge, vs. one event a month for a year.

Be stubborn and waste your fucking time.
come out to a organized track event,

Balcony the first day.
Horse Thief Mile the second. (most dangerous course on the west they say. Lotta rollovers.) drift and Grip sessions.

And for you guys that say your killing it in the Touge, I'm betting your not. On HTM, in my SOHC with shocks, springs, welded diff and street tires.
I have killed a WRX,S2K, Porche Cheyanne turbo, DB9.
All with 140hp.
All from track experience driving.

I suggest you nut up and see what your really made of in a format that matters. :mrmeph:


When you see it, you'll shit bricks??:confused::keke:

08-22-2008, 01:31 PM
if people are doing this at night, how the heck do they do it with virtually no light???? some of those skid marks are within cm of the stone curb...
Those are skid marks of a ford festiva doing a downhiill with 5 people.

And who is the person riding bigwheels around up there??
That would be me. Hey when no one wants to do runs thats what you do.
I am well aware of the danger. I have pulled a plenty of people out of the wall.
I've seen a girl forced to go on a run and then had to be airlifted out. And then some 323 gets in the way of the helicopter.
But you know what its still the funnest place on earth. And if you don't think so don't come up. I don't need to waste more gas pulling you to the bottom.

08-22-2008, 01:44 PM

You guys make me laugh... read post and thank you. New guys that don't already know, know now! Simple!

08-22-2008, 01:55 PM
And for you guys that say your killing it in the Touge, I'm betting your not. On HTM, in my SOHC with shocks, springs, welded diff and street tires.
I have killed a WRX,S2K, Porche Cheyanne turbo, DB9.
All with 140hp.
All from track experience driving.

I suggest you nut up and see what your really made of in a format that matters. :mrmeph:

but initial d says racing on the track doesn't help on the touge

YouTube - Initial D Fourth Stage (AE85 vs S15) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz2Xw2OMf-Q)


08-22-2008, 02:16 PM
And who is the person riding bigwheels around up there?? If I'm up there on one of my once a year visits, I cant stop when I'm rounding a corner, Im gonna kill you on accident. Its not a fucking car meet up there.

is this reply for me?? i pulled over on my bike in one of those overly large turnouts. no one else with me. easy to hear someone coming and enough space to move out the way.

Quit fucking around, its very serious and dangerous.

i agree, that why i said its foolish. back to wat i said about being within cm of the stone curb, we've all seen it on the anime, but thats just it... its anime. comparing this to tsuchiya and what he does in his dvds is stupid. some of us might know the road pretty well, but tsuchiya gets paid to do it, has the best roll cage, helmet, and people around to help him incase he does crash. we, on the other hand, chance wrecking a daily driver, no roll cage, no helmet, spending money on gas, and no one around to help u if u take off over the cliff. night, and even day..


i agree with that as well, seeing how its the ordinary. but since ive seen some bikes "crews" head up at night the few times i've gone at night, and during the day, ive seen some nice lookin' cars driving through, its still mixed up.

08-22-2008, 05:39 PM
[quote=ericcastro;2268860]LMAO !!! no wonder that shit happened to you. All that money and time spent could have been at the track instead of verifeying to the government that we need to keep officers in the canyons and out there fighting street racing.
Me and EVERYONE here would like to personally thank you for helping fuck us for the next year.

Wow whatever... There are soo many other kids getting tickets man what are you talking about.. My fucking clutch went out I wasn't doing anything up there just cruising.. So every time you get a ticket you fuck everyone for the next year? Oh when you guys neg rep and you leave a name so I can posi rep you..

08-22-2008, 07:05 PM
Wow whatever... There are soo many other kids getting tickets man what are you talking about.. My fucking clutch went out I wasn't doing anything up there just cruising.. So every time you get a ticket you fuck everyone for the next year? Oh when you guys neg rep and you leave a name so I can posi rep you..

I think it's safe to just put this argument to rest. It's obvious it could just go back and forth for god knows how long. Be friendly with your fellow premies. Must suck not to be able to see rep any more :keke:

As for everyone giving him shit. I know I've left my house with no insurance or registration before. When my dad needed them for something I forgot to put em back in the glove box, and drove around for a week like that. Granted I did have a bumper, a working clutch, and didn't go cruising.

As for the Touge Rox vs Trackz Rox people.
The more you drive the more experience you get. However, when it comes to track driving you can do a lot more and not worry about hurting others and yourself. When that mental clout is cleared you are going to drive much better. Plus at tracks you have pro and semi-pro drivers to give you tips and maybe even ride-alongs. If you don't have that fear that holds you back from going balls out on the touge you are an idiot and have no regard for regular people who may just be driving or your friends. You're the kind of person I don't want to associate myself with. Of course running in the canyons makes you a better driver, but so does the track and in my opinion the track is far superior within the lines of building true "driving skill"

fucking long winded.


08-22-2008, 07:12 PM
lol i posted this just as he did ^^^^

626DRIFT "almost pro" [email protected] Balcony & HTM:Drift/Grip 9/6 and 9/7 (http://zilvia.net/f/motorsports/204096-626drift-almost-pro-event-balcony-htm-drift-grip-9-6-9-7-a.html)
Balcony the first day.
Horse Thief Mile the second. (most dangerous course on the west they say. Lotta rollovers.) drift and Grip sessions.

And for you guys that say your killing it in the Touge, I'm betting your not. On HTM, in my SOHC with shocks, springs, welded diff and street tires.
I have killed a WRX,S2K, Porche Cheyanne turbo, DB9.
All with 140hp.
All from track experience driving.The track definitely improves your driving skills much faster than the canyons, especially when there are senior members/instructors to help you out. The thing is, like people have said before, the canyons and tracks are so different in terms of environments, it isn't worth the time trying to find comparisons. In the canyons, half the time you are worrying about wrecking/cops/traffic/road conditions so you can't really go all out (unless you are lacking brains or have the guts to). Also, it is harder to use techniques learned on the track in canyons, because a lot of times you are confined to one lane. Just thoughts, but I won't deny that driving up there is fun =P

Boostin on you
08-22-2008, 07:13 PM
I like turtles

08-22-2008, 07:14 PM
^Ill see your turtles and raise you a taco!

08-22-2008, 09:14 PM
^I'll see your Taco's and raise you a blind, downhill decreasing left hand apex corner with shity 240sx headlights.

08-22-2008, 09:25 PM
^I'll see your blind, downhill decreasing left hand apex corner with shitty 240sx headlights and raise you 8000k HID's.


08-22-2008, 11:30 PM
woodside is dangerzone. people over there are always complaining.

08-23-2008, 01:32 AM
how far any someone get neg repped? i'm down 5k+

08-24-2008, 02:46 AM
woodside is dangerzone. people over there are always complaining.

For real, There's also a lot of high school kids there that just make you uneasy. That's way I found more discrete locations.

08-24-2008, 03:14 PM
^I'll see your blind, downhill decreasing left hand apex corner with shitty 240sx headlights and raise you 8000k HID's.


ill raise you with red and blue lights in the rearview mirror :)

08-24-2008, 10:31 PM
rb25_s13*CHUKI (http://zilvia.net/f/members/rb25_s13-chuki.html) will raise you,

No proof of insurance
No registration card
Cracked windshield
Mod exhaust
Mod emmoisons
No front bumper
No front Lic plate
State ref


08-24-2008, 10:59 PM
I never go.

But nearly everytime I am asked to go on a drive with my friends (group of STI's) at night they get popped. Usually they don't get busted for anything because they are pretty chill and don't have obvious power mods (besides exhaust).

08-25-2008, 02:40 AM
Lol maybe if everyone had sleepers this wouldn't happen, or they would just find better ways to check haha

08-25-2008, 02:46 AM
rb25_s13*CHUKI (http://zilvia.net/f/members/rb25_s13-chuki.html) will raise you,


so in this case. RED AND BLUE FOR THE WIN!!!!:fruit:

08-25-2008, 03:35 AM
while back i was heading up GMR with some friends just to watch and we noticed several SUV cops creeping in the dark. so we keep cruising and found out it was all blocked off cuz someone had wrecked. so they made us turn around and this black srt was hauling ass like he was guilty... we talked to him down at the gas station and he said he was running right b4 the cops raided everything... pretty crazy!

i like my life so ill stay away from those canyons!

08-25-2008, 05:16 AM
i have too much love for GMR.
Its fun. and wanna see a festiva do a downhill?? or a 323 do a 5:18 which is very good. considering the guy who goes up there for 20 years is putting down 4:6something.
go to youttube and type in festiva downhill. and click his profile and see his 323 vid.
oh and if i write sloppy im sorry but im a little buzzed right now. OK more than a little.

08-25-2008, 05:21 AM
^^He's is running 5:18s in the 323 now? DAAAAAAAAMN.
I used to have so much fun watching him anally rape EVOs and S2Ks in that car. hahahaha

08-25-2008, 05:23 AM
yea, you should ride with him. its fun as shit. better than his white 323 I think. Oh and dont say his name cause he doesnt want people to know. haha

08-25-2008, 05:30 AM
^Nah, like I said earlier, I don't roll up there anymore. Call me grown up, I guess. haha

08-25-2008, 05:35 AM
oh Im sorry i kinda forgot. Been having a horrible night.
But yea its fun. When he's running R comps its the shit.
OH he was running R comps cause he went to the track and beat an 86 with IDK what and a 240 with an SR20. Pretty good i'd say for a canyon runner with 82 Hp at the crank on big willow.
But canyon runners cant drive.

08-25-2008, 11:31 AM
Running R comps in the hills wouldn't allow them to heat up I would think.

But whatever.

08-25-2008, 08:40 PM
^lol, he heats em up good and proper.

But whatever. ;)

08-26-2008, 09:18 AM
::sigh:: have money for R compounds but no track ? Talk about sleepers and running from cops. Can't wait for FF4..... oh wait its already started.

p.s. moutain roads are generally full of debri increasing the abbrasiveness. Waste of R compounds imo

08-26-2008, 12:43 PM
::sigh:: have money for R compounds but no track ? Talk about sleepers and running from cops. Can't wait for FF4..... oh wait its already started.

p.s. moutain roads are generally full of debri increasing the abbrasiveness. Waste of R compounds imo

If there was an fnf movie with sleepers in it i'd be down to watch

08-26-2008, 01:25 PM
so I saw the greatest thing going up to a canyon a giant billbored for death race at the very start of the canyon at least there hitting there target audience

08-26-2008, 07:55 PM
::sigh:: have money for R compound. p.s. moutain roads are generally full of debri increasing the abbrasiveness. Waste of R compounds imo

Ok he did go to the track. Noticed I said he beat a hachi and a 240 on big willow.

08-27-2008, 02:11 AM
so I saw the greatest thing going up to a canyon a giant billbored for death race at the very start of the canyon at least there hitting there target audience


no pic? fail!

08-27-2008, 01:39 PM
Go see it yourself lol

08-27-2008, 02:32 PM
which canyon?

08-28-2008, 03:17 AM
i think i have the lowest rating this sucks im getting ban for no reason fuckit

08-28-2008, 03:32 AM
i think im lower

how far any someone get neg repped? i'm down 5k+

08-30-2008, 11:16 AM
while back i was heading up GMR with some friends just to watch and we noticed several SUV cops creeping in the dark. so we keep cruising and found out it was all blocked off cuz someone had wrecked. so they made us turn around and this black srt was hauling ass like he was guilty... we talked to him down at the gas station and he said he was running right b4 the cops raided everything... pretty crazy!

i like my life so ill stay away from those canyons!yeah my homie went up there the other night, he said it was closed to....damn another wreck...
how ghey...:2c: