View Full Version : Turbo App.

01-06-2003, 09:03 PM
Sup everyone,

So I was thinking, what about a turbo for my 1995 240sx, and I don't really want to spend 3500$ canadian. What horsepower gains could I expect from maybe 5-10 Psi?

01-06-2003, 10:16 PM
uh. . .

a gain of 0-150 horsepower?

There's too much that goes into a turbo to tell you what gains to expect. We need a more specific question :P

01-07-2003, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by moose
Sup everyone,

So I was thinking, what about a turbo for my 1995 240sx, and I don't really want to spend 3500$ canadian. What horsepower gains could I expect from maybe 5-10 Psi?

if you're not planning on spending money then turbo is not for you.

01-07-2003, 12:41 PM
turbocharging a 240 is not cheap. dont let anyone tell you less.

going cheap on a that will hurt u in the long run.

plan on spending $4000us for a basic setup

01-07-2003, 01:44 PM
Think of it like this moose, Either which way you go, your gonna get hit in the pocet. You use/create a cheap setup and end up doing damage to your car. Now you need to fix or buy a car. Now if you take your time, ask the professionals or educated the right questions and carefully plan and execute your dreams, you have a much less likely hood of destroying your car and end up with a faster car.


01-07-2003, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Silviaholic
Think of it like this moose, Either which way you go, your gonna get hit in the pocet. You use/create a cheap setup and end up doing damage to your car. Now you need to fix or buy a car. Now if you take your time, ask the professionals or educated the right questions and carefully plan and execute your dreams, you have a much less likely hood of destroying your car and end up with a faster car.


WORD! hehe- now I just gotta build myself a turboed KA! I'm getting close.. hopefully $5k is sufficient-- I want a nice 12sec or less monster :D :D :) :p

01-07-2003, 04:46 PM
Basically all I'm saying is, is it alright to only have just the turbo, turbo manifold, turbo exhaust and blowoff valve, running at say 5-10 Psi?
I can get an SR20DET T25 turbo setup for cheap, and run low boost. What do you lads think?

01-07-2003, 05:45 PM
If you don't mess with fuel, you can get away with probably 4psi and 6000rpm as yer rev limit for about $2000US with some number of used parts. That's probably the cheapest you can do and it will land you around 200rwhp mark with a good engine and no other mods.

As to you question whether you can get away doing all that with just the core stuff (manifold, turbo, wg), you can do it with 4psi, but not anything higher. Higher psi will require computer reprogram and bigger injectors <- $800US right there. At 4 psi i personally wouldnt even thinking of doing it without set of good gauges and some kinda rev limiter (The moment you catch a nice *accidental* drift and rev past 6000 yer engine will blow). But those are just additives to make it last, you can run without them.

01-07-2003, 06:18 PM
thanks kreator for that.

Um, I can get the core parts for about $250 USD, off either ebay or another 240.

01-07-2003, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by moose
thanks kreator for that.

Um, I can get the core parts for about $250 USD, off either ebay or another 240.

Doubt it. Seriously doubt it. Doubt it cuz i'm sourcing most of the parts for my kit from ebay. First of all, don't consider any turbo under $100 unless you want to do a decent rebuild. Manifold - good luck finding a used one. The Rev Hard gets on ebay about once a month and goes for about $350 (i got a deal on mine for $390 shipped). BOV.... $120. Custom downpipe.... $150. Other little stuff...... anyways, mine comes out to $1700 with an exhaust, $1500 without that. I strongly doubt you can do cheaper than that. Especially since i'm getting a welder to do all the piping stuff (ic, dp, exhaust).