View Full Version : front bumpers read?

08-17-2008, 03:19 PM
okay so i got a complete jdm front end on my car i use to run kits all day but i like my car low ofcourse but same problems i cant drive anywhere cuz of fuken fiberglass does anyone know of bumpers for s14 kouki that are urethane i can purchase post some pics plz thanks

08-17-2008, 03:21 PM
Have you ever heard of punctuation?

08-17-2008, 03:22 PM
this is called a period. fucking learn how to use it -----> . <-------
there is a search button. use that also.
there is an advertisers section, you can check them out to see if any of them offer one.
otherwise, get a navan bumper.
you say you already have a jdm front on your car, why switch it out. kouki s14 jdm bumpers are (imho) about as sexy as you can get.

08-17-2008, 03:39 PM
hey koukipurples14, are you looking to sell your front bumper? if so, let me know.

08-17-2008, 03:57 PM
Have you ever heard of punctuation?

at least a coma ---> ,

yeah you should check out a navan bumper like stated above, maybe youll like it and its made with the same stuff as a oem bumper...

08-17-2008, 03:58 PM
at least a coma ---> ,

yeah you should check out a navan bumper like stated above, maybe youll like it and its made with the same stuff as a oem bumper...


wow im proud to be part of this thread

08-17-2008, 04:11 PM
okay sorry dont cry about my commas and periods i just wanted to know some info if u understand what im asking comment me about it if not then go comment somewhere else.

08-17-2008, 04:17 PM
okay sorry dont cry about my commas and periods i just wanted to know some info if u understand what im asking comment me about it if not then go comment somewhere else.

First of all almost no "bodykits" are made of urethane. Second the OE jdm bumpers look better than any bodykit for s-14's. Thire of all punctuation makes posts much more readable. I have had people tell me "I'm just writing it as I think it" as their excuse. I'm sorry, but I THINK with PUNCTUATION. Punctuation ins your friend, USE IT!!! On a positive note at least you are not typing with caps lock on.

EDIT: LOfuckingL @ the guy who wanted to tell the OP to use commas and mis-spelling it "coma".

08-17-2008, 05:19 PM

wow im proud to be part of this thread

sorry about that, i spelled it in spanish; sometimes little things like that are overlooked when u write and talk both languages daily haha

08-17-2008, 05:26 PM
i don't even understand your question...

So, you used to run kits all day (fiberglass i'm assuming) and you like your car to be low yet you don't know how to drive without messing up the kit, even though you used to run kits all day. Right?

Next, you have a complete jdm front end which means you already have a urethane bumper, but you want to know if there are other kits that are made of urethane. Right?

If I understood your post correctly, then..
1. Learn how to drive a lowered car (angling on driveways, speedbumps and such), drive slower, and drive smarter.
2. Not many aftermarket companies make aero kits with urethane so your best bet would be to keep what you have.

Oh and... punctuation does make your post much more easy to read and understand.

08-17-2008, 05:27 PM
sorry about that, i spelled it in spanish; sometimes little things like that are overlooked when u write and talk both languages daily haha

OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Improper punctuation and no capitalization! And you have the nerve to harass someone for lack of punctuation! :nono: LOL! Caught you!

08-18-2008, 12:50 AM
is this english class or 240sx discussion?

to the OP. damn dude. like 94cc0rd said, you really don't make much goddamn sense.

08-18-2008, 11:07 AM
is this english class or 240sx discussion?

to the OP. damn dude. like 94cc0rd said, you really don't make much goddamn sense.

With proper english it would most likely make a lot more sense, so it is both.

08-18-2008, 11:16 AM
is this english class or 240sx discussion?

If you can type coherently, at least people can understand what the hell you're trying to convey, and people can understand your questions if you're asking one.

Typing in a giant run-on sentence without punctuations or capitalization will almost always result in people getting frustrated trying to read it, and thus end up not helping the OP.

I know I get frustrated and annoyed when there's an entire paragraph typed out in a huge run-on sentence, with no punctuations nor capitalizations, and furthermore, most of these types of posts are done in such a way that there aren't even a coherent thought in the post.

Now tell me, did you just read the OP's post and said "damn, I know exactly what he's talking about, and since he asked in such a nice fashion, and is so polite, that I will go ahead and help him!"?

08-18-2008, 01:52 PM
OP: learn to use the fucking internet.

08-18-2008, 02:34 PM
sorry about that, i spelled it in spanish; sometimes little things like that are overlooked when u write and talk both languages daily haha

thats such a bullshit excuse too I talk, write and read english and spanish. But I dont blame you puerto ricans do speak some bad spanish so I'll forgive you for that.