View Full Version : almost got arrested

08-16-2008, 03:15 AM
ok so i drive an red s13 coupe with rb25det. my exhaust is super loud so i try to drive as normal as possible so i dont attract attention but its basically impossible.

so i am driving to go pick up some friends cuz they need a ride home(i know im a nice guy) and i see a cop going the other way. i had a feeling he was going to do a u-turn and follow me and guess what? he did. so i make a left turn and instead of turning the lights on he just pulls up next to me and flashes his lights in my car. so i know for sure im getting pulled over now.

so i get pulled over and he ask "do you know why im pulling you over?" and i say the usual "no sir". he says my exhaust is to loud and the my back plate isnt bolted down right and is flapping around. so he ask for my id, regi, and insurance and i give it to him. so while he is gone im basically thinking to myself great another ticket. the next thing i know a different cop comes to my window and ask me to place everything on my dash board and slowly unbuckle my seat belt and get out of the car.

so i am confused as fuck but get out of the car. when i get out of the car there are about 7 cops and 4 patrol vehicles. the cop tells me to go to another cop which is going to search me. he tells me to put my hands behind my back and spread my legs. he starts patting me down and they find nothing because all im wearing is a shirt and flannel pants with no pockets. they ask to search the car and i allowed so they did and found nothing. they asked to search my trunk and i allowed and all they saw was silvia front end lights, downpipe, cat, and some random shit. now since they found nothing they decide to clue me in on why they are doing all of this.

ends up down the street there was an armed robbery and the discription was a hispanic male with a red lowered car.

1. i am 19 yo filipino (lol)
2. what kind of description is that. i mean how many cars can fit that
description and im in socal so there is a lot of hispanic males.

anyways they tell me to sit on the ground with my hands on my legs and have my legs stretch out. they ask me random ass questions like my house number, if i have any birth marks, tattoos, scars, my age, if i have ever been arrested. then finally they tell me they are waiting for the victim to arrive to make an id. so the victim arrives and i have to walk to this point and stand there and look into the blinding lights of the cop car so i cant see the victim but they can see me. they say it is a negative match and they apologize and and let me go.

crazy shit and im not mad at cops they did a fine job and were nice about things its just scary shit when you get pulled over in a car with an rb25 and you get pulled out of your car and see a bunch of cops.

oh and they didnt give me a ticket WoOt WoOt!!

08-16-2008, 03:18 AM
sounds like time for an exhaust cutout.

08-16-2008, 03:27 AM

the other day.

i was driving my corolla.

its a 1979 motherfucking four door corolla.

i get pulled over seemingly randomly, im used to it from driving the 240.

i pull over, turn off my car, keys on the dash, hands on the wheel.

cop approaches me at fucking gunpoint.

"get out of your vehicle!"


"have you been arrested before?"

"several times when i was a minor"

"for what?"

i tell him a couple of the misdemeanors (left the felonies out)

"do you have any illegal objects in your car?"

"no sir"

"do you have any other tattoos other than the one on your arm?"

"yes sir"


"on my back sir"

"are you gang affiliated?"

"no sir"

"okay put your hands on the hood of my car"

"yes sir"

searches me, puts me in the back of the car while he searches my car.

after 5 min or so, he lets me out and tells me that there is supposedly an asian male in an older white toyota with a couple guns in the trunk.

well i guess i matched the description.

anyways, thought i'd share my experience as well.

this happened two days ago, wtf is going on nowadays...

08-16-2008, 03:36 AM
wow that is worse then mine....way worse, gun es no bueno

08-16-2008, 03:36 AM


08-16-2008, 04:22 AM
OP...LOL! very cool story sir. At first i thought there were so many cops cause they were bored that night.

Same stuff has happened to me, got pulled over on my motorcycle cause i fit the description of some dude who ran from the cops. Just like you, they were cool and apologized and im not mad at them.

08-16-2008, 04:29 AM


I lol'ed at this one so bad. Great stuff!! A+

08-16-2008, 04:59 AM
One of my buddies in the army decided to leave his M4 airsoft rifle after a game on the backseat of his car propped up with the barrel exposed above the headrest. He was driving around and all of a sudden two cops pull him over, dropped to the ground at gun point. Took him a while for him to explain to them that it wasn't a real gun.

08-16-2008, 11:21 AM
the only thing that kind of got me mad is that it took them so long to tell me why they were doing all of that. imagine all that shit happening and thinking dam just because i have a loud exhaust lol...but really i thought that maybe they knew i had an rb25 and this is how they handle the situation.

08-16-2008, 11:26 AM
the only thing that kind of got me mad is that it took them so long to tell me why they were doing all of that. imagine all that shit happening and thinking dam just because i have a loud exhaust lol...but really i thought that maybe they knew i had an rb25 and this is how they handle the situation.

7 Cops for an rb25 hahaha I could imagine that happening. Here when a person gets pulled over it seems like every cop that just happens to be within 5 miles decides to get involved

08-16-2008, 12:31 PM
Same thing has happened to be before, but they held me for two hours and had their expert car guy come check out my car for shits and giggles.

Well, he popped my hood and was more worried about my coilovers than anything else. Said everything looked stock and closed my hood.

Guess having a stock looking blacktop swap paid off.

08-16-2008, 02:18 PM
i was just thinking about this last night when i cruise to la from oc as i got to lincoln hieghts i saw so many cops and driving a swapped car thats lowered was scary... but nothing happen... intill i get aphone call one of my friend got arm rob and it was on my buddies b day also....

08-16-2008, 02:26 PM
ALMOST arrested? you're not trying hard enough

Mi Beardo es Loco
08-16-2008, 02:31 PM
news flash......cops lie to pull you over and fuck with you. If you really want to fuck with the cop then get his badge number and keep asking questions about the "robbery" or verify that the "light is out" with the cop there. Go verify that there was no robbery or your light works and place a citizens complaint if he tries to violate your rights.

08-16-2008, 03:03 PM
I got pulled over once. Now, keep in mine, im 6 ft tall and 240 lbs. A big hairy white guy.

Anyhow, I get pulled over by a cop saying my car matched a description of a car that had just been seen pulling away from a drug deal. Seeing as how I had the only gray sil80 within 100 miles, i was like "wtf no way bbq"

Apparently 2 black males, 1 hispanic female and 2 small build white males had been seen pulling away in a car "just like mine". He asked me to step out while he searched it and me.

So he pulls up nothing, nothings in my car and he appologizes.

then I ask if he thought 5 grown adults could fit in my car. He looked hard at it for about 10 seconds and said "Nope. But either way you were getting pulled over" and laughed.

i wasnt very happy.

08-16-2008, 03:24 PM
a lot of cops are making shit up

that is all

08-16-2008, 03:39 PM
Wow thats crazy cops must be bored these days the closest i ever got to was, when me and my friends are playing with a pellet gun bout 5 cop cars it was crazy and exciting for some reason.. they held their gun while walking to us. Then my friend explained it to them that its a pellet gun and they searched all of us even the little kid that was with us he was only like 9 years old. They were like

You know that its illegal to shoot any type of gun in walnut right?
"We're not from walnut didnt know that rule"
Well i hope you guys have money on you cause its gonna cost like 3 bills"
In our minds we thought that they wanted us to give them money and not report it.
"Yeah we got some money"
Alright blah blah get out of here dont make me see you guys again.
"Okay sorry for the blah blah"

then we left we wanted to go back and shoot some more but to risky so we went to friends house and shot around :naughtyd:

08-16-2008, 06:20 PM
ALMOST arrested? you're not trying hard enough

are we ever trying hard enough lol

news flash......cops lie to pull you over and fuck with you. If you really want to fuck with the cop then get his badge number and keep asking questions about the "robbery" or verify that the "light is out" with the cop there. Go verify that there was no robbery or your light works and place a citizens complaint if he tries to violate your rights.

well they went pretty far to just fuck with me. 7 cop cars and they even brought a victim (that i didnt see so maybe not real) but still they went pretty far for just fucking with me plus they werent being assholes they were actually really nice.

08-16-2008, 06:43 PM
One of my buddies in the army decided to leave his M4 airsoft rifle after a game on the backseat of his car propped up with the barrel exposed above the headrest. He was driving around and all of a sudden two cops pull him over, dropped to the ground at gun point. Took him a while for him to explain to them that it wasn't a real gun.
Similar thing happened to my friends and I when we were recorded on some bank's security camera playing around with toy guys. Got pulled over on a highway bridge surrounded by police cars, lanes closed off, officers yelling with their guns aimed at us. It was kind of funny when they found out it was toy guys. Both them and us felt really dumb, luckily everyone just laughed about it in the end.

08-16-2008, 07:10 PM
bb guns can get you into all kinda of trouble...
i walked outside and fired a shot at a tree...
neighboor called the cops
had a cop car on each side of the street with they're rifles out behind their car doors...

jeeez. it's a fuccin bbgun.

08-16-2008, 07:39 PM
oh good for you

how many really care?

08-16-2008, 07:57 PM
I have guns in my car all the time...ok only saturday and sunday when the cheap rifle range is open.

08-16-2008, 08:12 PM
Happens all the time where I stay.

I think one night.
I got pulled over 4 times, because they were looking for someone.

I seem to always have the cops pull me over, question and search my car for about an hr, and have me sit on the curb after they frisk me for anything that can poke them or stick them.

08-16-2008, 08:40 PM
I got pulled over once cause the cop said my car was registered under someone who had a warrant for arrest named "Mario Rubio" (my dads name is Martin Rubio.) So he goes back to his car for about 10min and comes back, tells me i looked suspicious driving around at night and tells me i can leave.

08-17-2008, 01:08 AM
the hell you guys play wiht bb and pellet guns? lol

I would have been upset if they gave you a ref ticket for all that trouble lol..
or imagine if you where on your way to work or a date or something where time was important.. that would suck!!!

But yah i understand cops are just following the rules.. At least its better then donut time.

im half black and filipino so im tan as well, i know id fit the hispanic profile they where looking for too.

Just imagine if the witness didnt get a clear sight of the person and confirmed that it could have been you!??! game over!!

08-17-2008, 02:20 AM
lucky the cops didnt take you in.
yeah i guess they was just doing their job
but it doesnt have to take all those cops to be in that spot.

08-17-2008, 10:51 AM
One of my buddies in the army decided to leave his M4 airsoft rifle after a game on the backseat of his car propped up with the barrel exposed above the headrest. He was driving around and all of a sudden two cops pull him over, dropped to the ground at gun point. Took him a while for him to explain to them that it wasn't a real gun.
I remember one time I was dropping a friend off on post after airsoft. They decided to random search my vehicle and found 2 shottys, three pistols, and 2 mp5's. All except for the shottys were full metal, and they started freaking out, told us to get outta the car and shit. I was like "its airsoft... shoot me with one of my guns, they are harmless". Ended up waiting like 30 mins for their CO to show up and he was like they are airsoft guns, let them go. Never gave that dude a ride home from airsoft again.

08-17-2008, 12:22 PM
Ya should have done a little dance in their headlights, i would have, but I'm a crazy bastard. I once had a little situation where about 5 cop cars came down on me and my friends. Lets just say they were a little disturbed at me laughing with my hands in the air (when they had their guns drawn).

Friend had a bb-gun/pellet gun and shot at a bird before showing up at my house for a ride. So they just got a warning after they tore apart my ride searching for shit; gun in plain view on the floor.