View Full Version : Questions about ECU Chipping and Tuning

08-14-2008, 11:58 PM
Heres what my ECU looks like (E5 Redtop ECU).


Theres not too much about chipping SR ECU's online so I would like a few questions cleared up.

Now the SR ECU uses 2 8bit chips for a total of 16bits. If I were to burn a BIN to the chips to put on the ECU. Would I burn the same .bin to both of the chips?, or is there something else I need to do?

Also, when I pulled out the chips (Unknown- Came with ECU.) and read them. I saved the .bin files and open them up in ROM editor. It read ZERO's for all of the settings. Could it have been a burning error on their part, or a program error on my part?

Also for the guys that do this often, I was hoping someone could burn me some chips. If anyone can help me please PM me. Thanks.

08-15-2008, 12:26 AM
What's the size of the bin? normal size for s13 sr20det should be 32kb. if you have a larger bin say 64kb or 128kb. It's probably because, of the chip size. Confusing? when you write on a chip that is not a 256kb chip you have to have a start address of 8000hex. So when you load a 64kb bin in a hex editor you have to have the start address 8000hex. Save the file from 8000hex to FFFFhex. That'll give you the 32kb file that romeditor's adr file needs.

Both chips get the same tune, normally.