View Full Version : OLYMPICS--is this racist or not?? HAHA

08-13-2008, 09:42 AM
Spanish basketball team poses for offensive picture - Fourth-Place Medal - Olympics - Yahoo! Sports (http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/beijing/blog/fourth_place_medal/post/Spanish-basketball-team-poses-for-offensive-pict?urn=oly,100152)

:stupid: So I log in to Yahoo this morning and see this story on the front page...

I can't seem to come up with an answer on why the hell they would do something like that.

Anyways....I just HAD to see what you Zilvians thought about it....

08-13-2008, 09:44 AM


thats funny

but obviously wrong at the same time

08-13-2008, 09:47 AM
I'd say it's pretty screwed up in my opinion.

Not a good way to ambassador your country.

I find no humor in this.

08-13-2008, 09:48 AM
WTF god people these dame i feel so ashamed

08-13-2008, 09:50 AM
Wow what retards to do that...

Guess people have no shame..

08-13-2008, 09:53 AM
To me its looks like they are just pointing at their eyes

Unholy S14
08-13-2008, 09:56 AM
no humor in it at all

I saw this story yesterday morning and china played them last night. Anyone see Yao elbow Gasol lol

Team Aero-K
08-13-2008, 09:58 AM
did you guys hear about the people that got stabbed or something at the olympics...some guy and girl were sent to the hospital for stab wounds....what the hell are people thinking especially during the olympics

this world is all fucked up at the moment!

08-13-2008, 10:26 AM
If an asian person came here to USA and used their fingers to make their eyes real big and round, I'd laugh and probably give them a high five.

08-13-2008, 10:29 AM
If an asian person came here to USA and used their fingers to make their eyes real big and round, I'd laugh and probably give them a high five.
lol no shit i think people are taking this shit way to serious and getting all butt hurt for something so small and stupid.

08-13-2008, 10:31 AM
damm so many controverses going on... lip singin/fake fireworks.. guezzzz

08-13-2008, 10:33 AM
If an asian person came here to USA and used their fingers to make their eyes real big and round, I'd laugh and probably give them a high five.
^For reals that would be the shit!

08-13-2008, 10:40 AM
I think that's pretty racist and immature. I used to get that back in elementary school, that's how immature and stupid that country is huh. Way to represent your country spain.

08-13-2008, 10:47 AM
they probably didnt realise it to be offensive, just trying to imitate asian eyes as a signature that the pic was for the olympics in Beijing. It probably wasnt the players ideas maybe the guy taking the photos etc..

I really dont think the country or team should be held accountable for it.
its not like they are saying "f china" or something like using their middle fingers, this is just one pic.

08-13-2008, 11:13 AM
Yeah i definately see they didnt think it all the way through. I don't think they thought there was going to be this much publicity.

Its a stupid, immature move on their part...

08-13-2008, 11:26 AM
well for me two possibilities
1)they are slanting their eyes
2)pointing to there eyes
either way its stupid

08-13-2008, 11:29 AM
oh who fucking cares.

oh nooooo humooorrrr why god why?!

oh wait. its racial. so of course people cant just get the fuck over it.

08-13-2008, 11:33 AM
I've been trying to find that commercial since this morning. Anyone find it? I think it was a commercial... This whole shit is about publicity, they knew they were going to get something like this.

Edit: It said commercial this morning.. I guess its just an ad then.

08-13-2008, 11:38 AM
everyone gets offended by everything this day
get over yourselves!!
im with brian here
its true hahaha

08-13-2008, 11:46 AM
everyone gets offended by everything this day
get over yourselves!!
im with brian here
its true hahaha

Yeah, seriously.

WTF is with this over sensitive shit?!

Fuck American political correctness. People always think someone is out to get them, or hurt their feellings.

I'm half chinese and I don't give a FUCK.

WHO CARES. (That's a declarative statement, not a question.)

08-13-2008, 11:48 AM
Political Correctness is getting WAY TOO out of hand.

08-13-2008, 11:48 AM
world war 3 here we come.. lol jk

08-13-2008, 11:51 AM

08-13-2008, 11:52 AM

Oh wait, thats not funny! Spain should be DQ'ed! DO IT.

08-13-2008, 11:53 AM
I find more racism in the people that found it racist.


Hey, she's pretty hot.

drift freaq
08-13-2008, 11:54 AM
Funny no, offensive? Not unless your trying really hard to be offended. Just plain stupid? Yup, in a nutshell. Will China choose to make a big deal about it? Probably LOL.
In the end its not racist its lame, but whats even lamer is there is a thread about it. HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Unholy S14
08-13-2008, 11:56 AM
there is a new article on the yahoo page.

glad to see gasol didnt wanna do it but sponsors insisted on it.

08-13-2008, 11:57 AM
Haha I think its funny lol.

08-13-2008, 12:32 PM
PF ALL DAY...thats fuckin funny!! Is that a new job training type pamphlets?

08-13-2008, 01:07 PM

best photo ever.

08-13-2008, 01:27 PM
It IS offensive.
Plain and simple... that's like painting yourself black when the Olympics are in Africa.

If you don't think it is offensive...please greet every asian person like that.

08-13-2008, 01:29 PM
That is a stupid argument.
The painting yourself black thing kind of works.... a little.

the greeting thing doesn't work at all. That is so out of place.
Dumb Argument on your behalf.

08-13-2008, 01:31 PM
Wow she's hot!!! Sorry got off topic....

08-13-2008, 01:40 PM
the greeting thing doesn't work at all. That is so out of place.
Dumb Argument on your behalf.

Why is that out of place?
The point is...the basketball team when to China, and they're mocking the entire country. They are NOT trying to accept their culture/tradition/history.

I mean if they dressed up in Chinese outfits, It could be seen as mocking, but they might be trying to be respectful.

If it is funny to everyone else..why not greet Asians like that?

08-13-2008, 01:42 PM
They are not mocking the entire country.
When did culture, tradition, and history come into play?
Talk about slippery slope.

So you think, the team posing for a picture like that is EXACTLY the same as ANY person in the world going up to an asian person and stretching their eyes as a greeting?

that doesn't make sense.

08-13-2008, 01:51 PM
distasteful and silly no question, but I see no reason to take it offensively either.
but seriously, all the pic manages to accomplish is bad PR.

08-13-2008, 01:57 PM
They are not mocking the entire country.
When did culture, tradition, and history come into play?
Talk about slippery slope.

So you think, the team posing for a picture like that is EXACTLY the same as ANY person in the world going up to an asian person and stretching their eyes as a greeting?

that doesn't make sense.

No, the team posing for a picture is NOT exactly the same as greeting someone. If you read what i said before, I said if you don't think it's offensive, then greet Asians like that.
Cause someone will put a fuckin bat to your head for doing that.

They ARE making a mockery of the entire nation.
Who the fuck do you think it's directed to?

08-13-2008, 02:07 PM
wow.... alright.

people kill eachother everyday and THIS gets more attention?

I DO NOT think it is offensive.
I am NOT going to greet Asian people just because I don't think it is offensive.

Can I ask a personal question?
Are YOU asian?
Would you be offended if you saw me make those "eyes"?
I bet you would.

Well, I am white.
I could NEVER even fathom feeling offended if an Asian person made "big round eyes".
Seriously.... how is that oofensive?

My eyes are big.
my eyes are small.

who the hell cares?

08-13-2008, 02:11 PM

...and I'm Filipino.

08-13-2008, 02:12 PM
I'm with that guy ^

08-13-2008, 02:13 PM
If an asian person came here to USA and used their fingers to make their eyes real big and round, I'd laugh and probably give them a high five.

lol no shit i think people are taking this shit way to serious and getting all butt hurt for something so small and stupid.

Funny no, offensive? Not unless your trying really hard to be offended. Just plain stupid? Yup, in a nutshell. Will China choose to make a big deal about it? Probably LOL.
In the end its not racist its lame, but whats even lamer is there is a thread about it. HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Agreed with all three. It could be funny as a joke between friends or individuals, but not between nations. Is it offensive? Not really... just dumb.

08-13-2008, 02:27 PM
They ARE making a mockery of the entire nation.
Who the fuck do you think it's directed to?

Ze Germans? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

08-13-2008, 02:30 PM
Can I ask a personal question?
Are YOU asian?
Would you be offended if you saw me make those "eyes"?
I bet you would.

Well, I am white.
I could NEVER even fathom feeling offended if an Asian person made "big round eyes".
Seriously.... how is that oofensive?

I agree we all have our physcal differences, and I hate all this overly PC overly sensitive crap... but I've had people make those eyes to me, and it wasn't to point out that I look different, it was made with malicious intent to belittle me for the way I look. The fact that my eyes are chinky and that you recognize this doesn't bother me at all (if you take this sentence out of context, it just sounds funny lol), but the act of using superficial physical traits to put me down can make me angry. So it's not inconceivable that some people do find it offensive, even though the intent here, I believe, wasn't to make fun.

08-13-2008, 02:33 PM
Personally I don't take offense, and I'm chinese. But, I can't assume that others won't be. China usually doesn't appreciate this sort of thing. I think where the Spanish team really messed up here, is that they had to set up a group photo, behind some dragon picture in the floor. There's no coincidence or ambiguity here about that. It's like they made a coordinated effort to say F U China. Was China offended? I think the excessive booing at the China-Spain game supports that they are. Whether or not it's justified, is another question entirely.

Granted, lots of ppl are bitching about China these days about this & that. Having an a supposedly professional olympic team to do this, then having that same team go play games in the host country, well is just something on another level. Of course, it's all trivial and just goes to show poor sportsmanship, if anything.

Is this newsworthy? Probably not, but neither is 99% of the drama circulating the media anyhow.

08-13-2008, 02:34 PM
I will say this too...

I could NEVER imagine that Spain meant ANY harm by that,

the world is on such thin ice right now.... oh boy.
I hope everybody can look beyond this.
It would be sad if touching your face was the start to a war or something...

08-13-2008, 02:35 PM
wow.... alright.

people kill eachother everyday and THIS gets more attention?

I DO NOT think it is offensive.
I am NOT going to greet Asian people just because I don't think it is offensive.

Can I ask a personal question?
Are YOU asian?
Would you be offended if you saw me make those "eyes"?
I bet you would.

Well, I am white.
I could NEVER even fathom feeling offended if an Asian person made "big round eyes".
Seriously.... how is that oofensive?

My eyes are big.
my eyes are small.

who the hell cares?

you think because if an asian person made "big round eyes" you wont be offended, soooo in return it shouldn't be offensive to an asian?

I said it's offensive because of the principal. It doesnt matter whether I'm asian, white, or whatever.

08-13-2008, 02:38 PM
^^^People are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easily offended these days, and think they're entitled to some form of compensation for it to. People need to grow up and stop acting like collective children. The sue happy culture in the world is just a symptom of a larger problem.

08-13-2008, 02:38 PM
anybody can find anything offensive.
some people are offended if another person wears a red shirt or a blue shirt.

I'm just pointing out how fucking stupid we are as humans.

I'm not going to go any farther into this argument.
I stand by my opinion and I'm sure there are a lot of people who agree with me.

At the same time, I'm sure a lot of people agree with you.

also just for the record - I didn't even know what to call the different "eyes" without offending anybody. I hope nobody got mad at my description of eyes. thanks.

08-13-2008, 02:38 PM
I'm with brian on this one, too much PC bullshit.

dynamicck, relax homie. the world isnt going to end because of it.

08-13-2008, 02:50 PM
It IS offensive.
Plain and simple... that's like painting yourself black when the Olympics are in Africa.

If you don't think it is offensive...please greet every asian person like that.

No, the team posing for a picture is NOT exactly the same as greeting someone. If you read what i said before, I said if you don't think it's offensive, then greet Asians like that.
Cause someone will put a fuckin bat to your head for doing that.

They ARE making a mockery of the entire nation.
Who the fuck do you think it's directed to?

You got a huge chip on your shoulder, and are reading into it wayyyyyyyy too much.

Even if they did mean for it to be a joke (which could be interpreted as disrespectful) it's not that big of a deal.

There's a difference between accepting that, and going out and doing it to someone's face.

China has a huge chip on it's shoulder and is desperately trying to make their image look better.

Which is why we had the thread on the chubby singing girl. If they are so worried about their image they can ask for an apology, which I am sure the basketball team will do, it's no biggy.

If they don't, start a war about it (kinda like you are).


O yeah, and I'd hit.

While making my eyes slanted and eating her broccoRRi.

08-13-2008, 02:53 PM
meh, who cares

people make anything offensive, ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

4th grade fight, he said she said is the new America

08-13-2008, 02:59 PM
How about we send a non-Asian Zilvian, who doesn't think it's offensive, to China and make him do it a bunch of times in Tienanmen Square?

Who wants to volunteer?

08-13-2008, 03:13 PM
Now that's just being retarded and idiotic.
Some people take it way too out of context.

08-13-2008, 03:13 PM
why dont we send an asian person and have him do it in China? better yet make him chinese also

oooo....weee.... do i smell contraversy now?

08-13-2008, 03:13 PM
^^I was trying to make a point.

08-13-2008, 03:17 PM
I just went up to my Chinese boss and did those "eyes".

He looked at me and said..... so?

08-13-2008, 04:28 PM
can you do it to me too?
I have bad eyes, make sure you're close.

08-13-2008, 04:31 PM
No thanks.
I don't know you but I do know you will be offended and try and use physical violence against me, as implied by your message there.
Just get over it man, nobody is against you.
Sorry if I made you mad by voicing my opinion on the topic of being "offended".

08-13-2008, 04:36 PM
So if a bunch of them had tiny wieners and they whipped them out for the picture would China still be upset?

har har.

I had too.

The world is fucking ridiculous. Who cares. Why so serious.


08-13-2008, 04:44 PM
I understand why people do not realize it is offensive.
That is the purpose of my responses. Not everyone thinks it's funny.
Especially when you are hosting Olympics, and people are mocking you.

Olympics is the games of nations together and be unified regardless of color/race/ethnicity.
It ruins the spirit of the sport.

08-13-2008, 04:47 PM
I don't think anything was ruined, let alone
the spirit of the games.

08-13-2008, 04:47 PM
Okay, I have a question.

What exactly makes it "offensive"?

I can understand that they do it to make their eyes similar to some asian people.
Ok, I get that.

But if you break it down, like really break it down and think about it.
What is the negative aspect of that?
(I'm not trying to be an asshole or anything or start a "fight")
I think, with a lot of things in society, if we break them down and look at them exactly as what they are, we will understand and think... WHY? why is this offensive?

anybody hear me on this?

08-13-2008, 04:49 PM
Okay, I have a question.

What exactly makes it "offensive"?

I can understand that they do it to make their eyes similar to some asian people.
Ok, I get that.

But if you break it down, like really break it down and think about it.
What is the negative aspect of that?
(I'm not trying to be an asshole or anything or start a "fight")
I think, with a lot of things in society, if we break them down and look at them exactly as what they are, we will understand and think... WHY? why is this offensive?

anybody hear me on this?

I would rep you again if I could.


Only people looking to cause a ruckus would give two shits about it. It's not exactly funny, but if I was Asian I wouldn't think about it any differently.

Maybe we can get the Zimbabwe team to wear Wonder Bread shirts. Then whitey might just bomb the shit out of em. I hate the Human Race.

08-13-2008, 04:49 PM
I understand why people do not realize it is offensive.
That is the purpose of my responses. Not everyone thinks it's funny.
Especially when you are hosting Olympics, and people are mocking you.

Olympics is the games of nations together and be unified regardless of color/race/ethnicity.
It ruins the spirit of the sport.

Spain seems to have a lot of racial controversy in their sports.

Par for the course.

Andrew Bohan
08-13-2008, 04:53 PM
If an asian person came here to USA and used their fingers to make their eyes real big and round, I'd laugh and probably give them a high five.

This happened to me before, exactly like that.


08-13-2008, 04:56 PM

I guess by the same logic, I could be really offended by this.

08-13-2008, 04:57 PM
wow.... alright.

people kill eachother everyday and THIS gets more attention?

It's the Olympics. More people are scrutinizing/watching this because it's being hosted in China rather than the invasion of Georgia.

I DO NOT think it is offensive.
I am NOT going to greet Asian people just because I don't think it is offensive.

Well, you're not Asian, so obviously, you have no reason to find offense to it. It's like someone walking up to you and calling you a "chink".

Seriously.... how is that offensive?

I think you're missing the fact that Spain has been accused of racist acts from their athletes for a few years now. In November 2004 black English soccer players were subjected to racial barracking from home supporters in a match in Spain, before the World Cup there were calls for Luis Aragones, then Spain's football coach, to be sacked after he called Thierry Henry a "black shit", and last year Lewis Hamilton suffered racist abuse during testing for the Spanish grand prix near Barcelona.

Still asking yourself why that picture is offensive? Maybe this would stimulate some thought.

So imagine being the ONLY asian kid in 1st grade at a predominantly caucasian school. And imagine all the other kids making slanty eyes at you for being asian, and thinking that its fun to make fun of someone else because he/she looks different.

Pointing out that a race is different, and then thinking that their differences are funny is an indicia of superiority. It's a way of saying "You're different, you're not like us, and because your different, you're funny."

Racism doesn't necessarily mean hate for another race; it means believing in superiority over other races.

08-13-2008, 05:01 PM

I can understand being cast as an outsider. Of course. Who DOESN'T understand that or moreso, who has not experienced that? I know I have.

I can think of almost EVERY time I go to an asian restaurant and am given a FORK rather than chopsticks like most the other people. I can choose to be offended, but really, why? I'm different than most people in there, oh well. No big deal.

I am pretty sure that no matter where you are in the world, if you are the one "different" person, you damn well will get the attention... positive or negative.

As far as Spain being more racist, I really had no idea. That is news to me. With that now known by me, I can look at that Olympic picture different, somewhat, a bit.

Finding a difference in another person and then judging them as "lower" than oneself is not right. That makes perfect sense.
Again, I think everybody understands that.

I think a lot of this discussion is getting dragged on a big tangent about racism itself, rather than the topic at hand.

08-13-2008, 05:07 PM
What exactly makes it "offensive"?

But if you break it down, like really break it down and think about it.
What is the negative aspect of that?
(I'm not trying to be an asshole or anything or start a "fight")
I think, with a lot of things in society, if we break them down and look at them exactly as what they are, we will understand and think... WHY? why is this offensive?

anybody hear me on this?

I guess I didn't state this before, but I am Asian, and I have thicker skin than that to be offended by this photo. Although I do think it's astonishingly stupid that they actually went through as far as to publicize this photo. It's a given fact, oriental eyes are shaped differently than caucasians. There's not a thing wrong with that. It's not a negative trait so how can it be racist? We can't all be in denial that different ethnic groups look different.

However, if you're trying to decompose the situation, what boggles my mind, and maybe you should even think about it, is that how come not ONE person on the team had the decency to think "this is probably not the best idea"?

That being said, I hope Team USA pounds on them.

08-13-2008, 05:09 PM
If you're trying to decompose the situation, what boggles my mind, and maybe you should even think about it, is that how come not ONE person on the team had the decency to think "this is probably not the best idea"?Gasol, who said he was forced into it, recently had this to say…

“Some of us didn’t feel comfortable doing it just because to me it was a little clownish for our part to be doing that,” Gasol told Martin Rogers of Yahoo! Sports. “But the sponsors insisted and insisted. I think it is just a bad idea I guess to do that, but it was never intended to be offensive or racist against anybody.

“I didn’t find it very funny. I didn’t find it offensive, either. I guess some guys didn’t mind. To me I don’t want to be that way, I guess, to be doing that stuff. “If anybody feels offended by it we totally apologize for it. We never meant anything offensive by it.”

That being said, I hope Team USA pounds on them.Oh, they will.

08-13-2008, 05:11 PM
Okay, I have a question.

What exactly makes it "offensive"?

I can understand that they do it to make their eyes similar to some asian people.
Ok, I get that.

But if you break it down, like really break it down and think about it.
What is the negative aspect of that?

Brian, as I said before, there's nothing racist or insensitive about people to "recognizing," for a lack of better word, that Asians have chinky eyes. If someone said, Asians tend to have smaller eyes, lower nose bridges, etc. I'd have no problem with that. The problem lies in that, at least from my personal experience growing up chinese in the states is, when people that you don't really know do use that gesture towards you, it's usually done in a derogatory manner with intent to insult and ridicule. so like I said before, it's not inconceivable that some DO find it offensive based on their personal experiences and circumstances that have shaped their thought.

C. Senor
08-13-2008, 05:14 PM
i still dont get the picture. what's so bad about it? i think it's funny, cuz it's so effin stupid.

08-13-2008, 05:15 PM
Brian, as I said before, there's nothing racist or insensitive about people to "recognizing," for a lack of better word, that Asians have chinky eyes. If someone said, Asians tend to have smaller eyes, lower nose bridges, etc. I'd have no problem with that. The problem lies in that, at least from my personal experience growing up chinese in the states is, when people that you don't really know do use that gesture towards you, it's usually done in a derogatory manner with intent to insult and ridicule. so like I said before, it's not inconceivable that some DO find it offensive based on their personal experiences and circumstances that have shaped their thought.

The gesture is commonly used to demean asians.

Maybe Spain didn't know that (though I find it hard to believe).

But whats funny is that the most overzealous people in this thread, are the ones saying they're not offended and that nobody else should be.

08-13-2008, 05:17 PM

I can understand being cast as an outsider. Of course. Who DOESN'T understand that or moreso, who has not experienced that? I know I have.

I can think of almost EVERY time I go to an asian restaurant and am given a FORK rather than chopsticks like most the other people. I can choose to be offended, but really, why? I'm different than most people in there, oh well. No big deal.

I think a lot of this discussion is getting dragged on a big tangent about racism itself, rather than the topic at hand.

Except, that fork isn't usually delivered with ridicule or insults is it? not trying to antagonize, just pointing out a difference between your analogy and the situation at hand. Again, I don't think Spain meant for it to be insensitive, and race relations might just be different in Spain, but I could definitely see how some see this as very offensive.

08-13-2008, 05:18 PM
Spaniards have been known to be non politically correct. Like dropping N bombs or painting themselves black and make monkey noises during soccer games when a black player has the ball according to that same article.

08-13-2008, 05:18 PM

hahaha I have a new facebook pic

08-13-2008, 05:23 PM
people will find ANYTHING to bitch about nowadays. The whole race card is bullshit, its one big sob story.

08-13-2008, 05:24 PM
what's funny to me is, I think it was a london media outlet that first ran the story, not china.

08-13-2008, 05:25 PM
Yuda - Did the Spanish team deliver ridicule and insults as well?

also, anybody who DOES do that eye thing to immitate asian eyes WITH the intent to be derogatory is an idiot. So stupid.

one more thing, I'm glad there are a couple of you who can actually have this discussion in a mature way. :)

08-13-2008, 05:26 PM
maybe they were ALL itching their eyes......at the same exact time

pretty soon people are gonna be playing the race card for trying to speak their language, saying they are mocking their language and how they talk and waah waah waah

08-13-2008, 05:30 PM
I find it interesting that the article mentioned that the biggest uproar over the pic was from Americans...

There is no current response from China, they probably have it blocked from their internetz.

And wow that chick in the poster is hot.

08-13-2008, 05:40 PM
Yuda - Did the Spanish team deliver ridicule and insults as well?

Not at all Brian. That's why I personally didn't think it was offensive in this case. But since that gesture is often used in a derogatory way towards Asians, I just can see how some people do find it offensive, and that's really what we differ on.

Personally I dislike the way society is so overly PC and sensitive, and pretend we're all the same when we're really not. Anyway I think much too big of a deal has been made about this already.

08-13-2008, 06:21 PM

Hahahaha This this pic is 100% awesome. Why is the white chick and the Asian chick wearing the same shirt though?

Back to OT, this story just confirms what I believed all along, most people are stupid. If you're gonna be offensive at least be funny. This was just straight up stupid.

As far as being offended, if someone came up and did that to me I'd probably laugh at their ignorance but I know for a lot of people, especially the older generation Asians who have been through way more shit than I ever have or ever will go through, they wouldn't take it so lightly.

There is no current response from China, they probably have it blocked from their internetz.

When China played Spain they got the shit booed out of them from what I heard.

08-13-2008, 06:30 PM
Spain won that game though. China is 0-2 in men's
basketball. lol

08-13-2008, 07:10 PM
Personally I doubt they did with the intention to offend. They might've done it because they didn't know how offensive it could be and thought everyone might get a laugh out of it, yes it was definitely stupid, but I don't think they did it to seriously make fun of the Chinese.
As someone who grew up in a European country that's 99.999% one race, you don't know what real racism is. You watch all these American movies, where they stick people of all races together, and everyone is friends with each other and gets along, so you assume that's how it really is. Racism is mainly an American thing. I didn't know better when I moved here, I thought I could be friendly and outspoken in front of everyone and everyone will be my friend, I saw people as people, not as races, but it wasn't until a few seriously close calls later that I noticed how differently people act around someone of a race that's not their own.

08-13-2008, 07:17 PM
Hahahaha This this pic is 100% awesome. Why is the white chick and the Asian chick wearing the same shirt though?

Because its a training tool for a workplace, they are wearing uniforms.

And agreed 100%..people are stupid.

08-13-2008, 07:52 PM

think about it.....this picture is racist. they had to hire a asian girl to sit down and eat "asian food with chopsticks" and depict her being made fun of because of her race.... they even paid her for it :rofl:

08-13-2008, 08:06 PM
Hahahaha This this pic is 100% awesome. Why is the white chick and the Asian chick wearing the same shirt though?

Back to OT, this story just confirms what I believed all along, most people are stupid. If you're gonna be offensive at least be funny. This was just straight up stupid.

As far as being offended, if someone came up and did that to me I'd probably laugh at their ignorance but I know for a lot of people, especially the older generation Asians who have been through way more shit than I ever have or ever will go through, they wouldn't take it so lightly.

When China played Spain they got the shit booed out of them from what I heard.
+1 for that.

I do fine it offensive since its usually meant to demean asians.

what makes it more offensive is that it wasn't meant for comedic reasons. If i were to see this at a stand up show and the guy made a joke there after then i wouldn't take offense.

08-13-2008, 09:53 PM
Honestly, Spain doesn't have racism in the air as much as the US does.

So most likely to them, it was a fairly innocent joke.

Shit, everyone has slanted their eyes at some point. And if not, good for you.

Most all racist jokes are funny, it's just there is a time and a place for them.

If it's between friends and people you know who will understand it, then fine be it.

But when you do something like that to where millions of people only have a picture and no words to go with it, then that's what happens.

So it's really up to whoever reads it.

If you find it offensive, ok cool.

If you don't, ok cool.

Anyways, you see some of the shit they have on their cartoon shows and tv shows regarding other races and people? Shit is pretty racist right there.

So whatever to them.


I'd hella hit that shit sidewayzzzzzzz.

08-13-2008, 11:04 PM
It's racist definitely, and stupid and ignorant. But if I were China would I get mad over it... fuck no. My cousins british friend calls us hillbillies because we live in America(I suspect it has something to do with country music also), I just laugh. Obviously every country has their views on how another country is... its not like they're burning a chinese flag or anything

08-13-2008, 11:05 PM
At least no teams dressed up like this before coming to Atlanta

Andrew Bohan
08-13-2008, 11:11 PM
hey i'm offended

this is an outrage!

08-13-2008, 11:22 PM
i can see why people felt offened. i think it is almost same feeling as it is like when you see a person try to imitate you speak your home language and thought it was funny. sometimes, the humor just doesn't go universally at global level.

just in case no one seen the picture or article, it is here
CBC Olympics | Spanish basketball players defend controversial photo (http://www.cbc.ca/olympics/basketball/story/2008/08/13/olympics-basketball-spain.html)

08-14-2008, 01:21 AM
Spanish response.
Gasol, Calderon question fuss over photo - Olympics - Yahoo! Sports (http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/beijing/basketball/news?slug=ro-spain081308&prov=yhoo&type=lgns)

BEIJING – Pau Gasol (http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/beijing/esp/pau+gasol/213588/;_ylt=AqLSW7L_xlVm2jhXsAl6HnHFKZt4) sat courtside with his feet dunked in a bucket of ice as the irony of ironies unfolded around him.

The Los Angeles Lakers (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/teams/lal/;_ylt=AmAOwD95EgxQ8.cIpYj0AKzFKZt4) center had just finished training Wednesday at the Beijing Language and Culture University, where students from around the world gather to learn Mandarin and promote international understanding.

Four days into the most global of events, and surrounded by buildings which foster social harmony across all colors and creeds, Gasol had to apologize for the actions of a Spanish men’s basketball team that made Asian “slant eyes” (http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/beijing/blog/fourth_place_medal/post/Spanish-basketball-team-poses-for-offensive-pict;_ylt=AgdMrH0kdVsjDO33ygscwcTFKZt4?urn=oly,100 152) at the camera for a sponsor’s advertisement and thinks it’s OK.

Around him, his teammates and coaches reacted to the criticism homing in on them from around the world with a mixture of embarrassment, confusion and some mild defiance. The ad in question was for a Spanish courier company, Seur, but the Spanish team also counts the athletic shoe and apparel company owned by Li Ning – the former Chinese Olympian who lit the torch at this summer’s Games – among its sponsors.

http://us.bc.yahoo.com/b?P=3TppRdG_bvEFkoxdSIryigKHSIHzPUij3BkACYEw&T=1515kp71o%2fX%3d1218698265%2fE%3d2023434693%2fR% 3dsports%2fK%3d5%2fV%3d2.1%2fW%3dH%2fY%3dYAHOO%2fF %3d1612905723%2fH%3dY29udGVudD0ibGVhZ3VlPW9seQ--%2fQ%3d-1%2fS%3d1%2fJ%3d106FBFD1&U=13eeiahki%2fN%3d0KlMHtG_RuU-%2fC%3d674272.12804519.13083442.1323516%2fD%3dSKY% 2fB%3d5404999%2fV%3d1
Jose Calderon of the Toronto Raptors (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/teams/tor/;_ylt=ArTHBth2ZqsZLlXJO.2jOmXFKZt4) has spent the last three years in North America, but he didn’t get it. He could still not understand how an action with such deep racial undertones had generated so much attention. In his mind a non-story became a story only when it was blown out of proportion by journalists with a mind for mischief.

“We did it because we thought it was going to be something nice, something with no problem,” Calderon told Yahoo! Sports. “But somebody wants to talk about it. It is too much of a big deal with you guys (the media) and everybody talking about that.”

Head coach Aíto García Reneses didn’t get it, either. Reneses comes from an older generation of Spanish society, one which has little time for the politically correct niceties of the modern world.

“If I go to play with a taller team and I put here (raising up on the tips of his toes) it is not an offense,” Reneses said. “I can’t understand anything more.”

But Gasol got it. He didn’t get it when the Spanish courier company persuaded the players to pose with their index fingers stretching their eyes to a thin slit at a team media day, but he sure as heck gets it now.

“Some of us didn’t feel comfortable doing it just because to me it was a little clownish for our part to be doing that,” Gasol said. “But the sponsors insisted and insisted. I think it is just a bad idea I guess to do that, but it was never intended to be offensive or racist against anybody.

“I didn’t find it very funny. I didn’t find it offensive, either. I guess some guys didn’t mind. To me I don’t want to be that way, I guess, to be doing that stuff.

“If anybody feels offended by it we totally apologize for it. We never meant anything offensive by it.”

The advertisement has regularly run as a full page in Spanish sports daily Marca soon after the picture was taken on July 1. However, it only came to prominence after it reached the attention of the Guardian newspaper in London this week.

Spanish sports is no stranger to racial controversy.

Luis Aragones, the head coach of Spain (http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/beijing/esp/;_ylt=AkJyMVx645pNSjQArMN0cmLFKZt4)’s men’s soccer team, was overheard telling his player Jose Antonio Reyes to “tell that black (expletive) you are better than him” at a training session in 2004. Aragones was referring to Thierry Henry, a black player from France (http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/beijing/fra/;_ylt=Ap1eB0ggP1yYK6CnRHSkX5PFKZt4) who was then a teammate of Reyes at English Premier League club Arsenal.

Aragones also struggled to understand what all the fuss was about, even as anti-racism groups seethed and soccer’s power brokers held their heads.

At a Formula One motor racing testing session this year, a group of Spanish fans believed to be supporting home driver Fernando Alonso were pictured with their faces covered with black paint. They wore T-shirts with the slogan “Hamilton’s Family,” a reference to Alonso’s world title rival Lewis Hamilton, a black Englishman.

Moreover, at an exhibition match in Madrid in 2004, several black members of the England men’s soccer team were subjected to monkey chants and whistles whenever they touched the ball.

Back in Spain, there has been no criticism of the advertisement, just support for a group of players who shoulders the hopes of a nation. Members of the Spanish media who spoke to Yahoo! Sports on Wednesday could not grasp why the issue had garnered so much publicity.

And while Gasol, in many ways the public face of Spain’s basketball team, sensed the photo was not a great idea, he refused to back down from his assertion that no harm was intended.

“If you put it in the wrong context and put it with the wrong people or a different kind of people, you could take it that way,” he said. “But not with our group and not with our people. I would find that a wrong read.”

08-14-2008, 01:46 AM
If an asian person came here to USA and used their fingers to make their eyes real big and round, I'd laugh and probably give them a high five.

Totally. lol.

I actually have an asian friend who makes fun of me for having white people eyes.

08-14-2008, 01:51 AM
He's racist.

08-14-2008, 01:55 AM

oh man thats funny, i see that all the time, and shes probably dating that guy too lol :keke:
but they had to use a girl ? =( its seems more sexism with racism

I dont find it offensive.. Id only take offense when i see people make fun of the culture, then go date one of the girls.. respect the culture!

now lets all watch Natalise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G04OpY6c_ow
stupid video but natalise is gorgeous lol

Andrew Bohan
08-14-2008, 02:06 AM
maybe there aren't enough asians in spain for the spanish to know how offensive it is.

it's offensive here cuz asians have been here in large numbers since i believe the mid 1800s. plenty of time for teasing to develop and observations of reaction to be made, and developing an understanding of what's cool and what's not.

my dad uses the terms "cotton pickin" and "cotton picker" a lot. like "this cotton pickin dvd player won't work right" or "it's hotter than a cotton picker out here"

he has never lived around black people. i'm sure he just picked that up from people around him when he was growing up (north dakota and montana). he's always said it around me, so it sounds "normal" for me to hear him say it, even though i NEVER hear ANYONE else say it.

for some reason i had the good sense to not start saying it myself.
but in his environment, it's not offensive, because there are no black people to offend.

08-14-2008, 02:08 AM
So did China find it offensive?? It should only matter if the recieving end finds it offensive.. if they where cool with it, then who cares..

08-14-2008, 02:09 AM
maybe there aren't enough asians in spain for the spanish to know how offensive it is.

it's offensive here cuz asians have been here in large numbers since i believe the mid 1800s. plenty of time for teasing to develop and observations of reaction to be made, and developing an understanding of what's cool and what's not.

my dad uses the terms "cotton pickin" and "cotton picker" a lot. like "this cotton pickin dvd player won't work right" or "it's hotter than a cotton picker out here"

he has never lived around black people. i'm sure he just picked that up from people around him when he was growing up (north dakota and montana). he's always said it around me, so it sounds "normal" for me to hear him say it, even though i NEVER hear ANYONE else say it.

for some reason i had the good sense to not start saying it myself.
but in his environment, it's not offensive, because there are no black people to offend.

I went to a bomb Chinese Restaurant in Barcelona.

They only spoke Chinese and Spanish. Ordering was a trip.

If I remember correctly there was a small China Town even.

08-14-2008, 03:23 AM

08-14-2008, 03:31 AM

08-14-2008, 07:19 AM
rofl... thats funny