View Full Version : Got a ticket today

01-04-2003, 09:40 PM
well today while i was driving back to Radford on 81 like my title says i got a ticket. The thing is though the cop pulled me over in the right lane while i was only going 75. I know its still speeding considering it is 10 over but to anyone who drives on 81/66 knows that 75 isn't fast at all. I mean the avg speed on 81 would have to be 85-90 depending on the time of day. The cop tells me that he pulled me over because i was passing a truck going 75. I say he pulled me over because I'm asian and was driving a sports car..... ok maybe the truck thing was right but i don't remember a truck being next to me.
Well my question to you all is what should i do next? Pay the ticket, not go to court, take the driving clinic and loose $177 or go to court, hope the judge waives my case, take the clinic and loose only the $27 court fee, but i may also have to pay all the fines and the court fee if i'm found guilty. So far I'm leaning towards just paying the fines.

01-04-2003, 11:34 PM
one word: getatrafficlawyer ;)
and have the lawyer reduced it too something crazy like a non moving violation. i don't know what they do or how they do it, but they will save you lots of money in the end, especially when it comes to insurance costs. or if you want to apply for some job and they check your driving record for accidents and moving violations, you'll be ok.

01-05-2003, 03:12 AM
Go get your car calibrated If the speedo is off you might knock down a few miles from the ticket.

Go to court talk to the prosecutor and see if you can cut a deal.

If this is your first ticket ask about going on probation.

If your doing good in school bring your grades they should help.

If push comes to shove plead guilty and explain yourself to the Judge.

Depending on the county where you got your ticket you may or may not have the right to talk to the prosecutor.

If you have the money get a traffic lawyer.