View Full Version : Hella crazy street racing story... HOSTAGE!

08-12-2008, 01:23 AM
I didn't believe it til I saw the vid, this shit is real?

Damn I'm happy I've never been to "The runs" I'm too poor for power. :P

I Was Held Hostage Street Racing @ Its Worst!!!
this saturday night, i got a call my from my freind to bring him a jack to fix his car and to come out to watch some races. i decided against better judgement and pulled up to the street races to park to meet 2 of my friends

As i was trying to park my truck Some drunk ass guy setting the cars off, didn't look, and dropped his hands while i was in the road.
a racing dodge neon srt 4 smashed into my dodge ram 2500 diesel going very fast. i was parking and trying to get in a tight spot.

Then a group of Puerto ricans told me it was my fault for the street racing srt-4 being wrecked and beat me to a pulp till i was bleeding everywhere, and i remember a girl jumping on top of me stopping them from beating me up. I cant remember anything until I woke up in my truck with someone i didn't know driving it telling me that "dont do anything stupid because they WILL kill you and your family" because they have your information. And that It was his brothers Car who hit my truck. and Id better pay for it and not pull any **** or they will kill me.

With one car following from the back they took me to the HESS Gas Station in Disney World, and made me clean up where i mouthed to the cashier to call 911. they did and the cop came, but never came close enough for me to be safe to run over to him and it was to early to get the driver of the neon and the guys holding me hostage.

i kept calling 911 from my cell phone in my back pocket and managed to whisper"hostage" to the 911 operator while they were talking in spanish from car to car. after that i kept the phone in my pocket so the 911 could listen to everything. they were going to take me somewhere to make sure i wouldn't leave till i payed for the neon and or they got money or collaterall from me, and i dont know how bad they were gonna beat me up.

they told me "call your friend bro because after we meet you aint driving your truck home and your going to need a ride because you wont be able to drive"

He told me to tell my friend to come to the "Area" so he could pick me up later, but not the exact spot we were meeting, because it was secret.

I pretended to talk to my friend on the phone but i was with 911 and they didn't know. they kept asking me what vehicle i was in and i would say things like "yeah bro i told you im not driving my black truck im driving my green dodge"

i was told to tell him to come to the "area" so I said where are we and he said 2 street names which i procedeed to tell 911 two street names. They ask "Are You at that location now sir?" and i say "yeah dude" and then we saw an officer and i said on the phone "oh **** there is an osceola cop he might pull us over I got to go,

then the 911 operrator says "WAIT sir, are you in a GREEN TRUCK, and i say, yeah and hang up.

we get followed for a minute then pulled over by that cop, and then out of nowhere:

45 seconds later there is a helicopter and 30 cop cars in front and behind me and a cop is holding a gun to the driver door and screaming at the driver "GET THE **** ON THE GROUND NOW" and he is freaking out putting his cellphoneo and keys on the roof. my door is smashed from the crash somehow and it doesnt open so he climbs through the window and falls to the ground where they hand cuff him and then get me out and take me to the ambulance.

right after, the boys in the neon try calling 911 saying that i backed into him and a bunch of ****. but the cops knew the real story and after i get released from the hospital, i go to the scenes, and identify all of the people involved and the 4 of them get arrested for 3 or 4 felony's each since the Orange county police department was able to find this video on streetfire through a friend of mine:

*note the neon in the pic is just showing significance of the damage.

Id like to thank the osceola county sheriffs office for saving my ass in this horrible situation that i came into.

Im sure there is someone on here that knows these people and will try and find me. But thats the price I have to pay now for going out to these stupid events, even when i was trying to help someone with there car.

08-12-2008, 01:27 AM
Mmm. Random story.

08-12-2008, 01:34 AM
vid dont work....dead

08-12-2008, 01:37 AM
he's lucky.... very lucky.

08-12-2008, 01:40 AM
Get a gun?

How did they manage to get the guy out of his drivable truck? Why did he get out? If someone tried to pull me out of my car without a gun to my head they are getting knifed...

Call 911 right away?

I've had a few instances lately where 911 had to be called and they didn't help FOR SHIT.

They couldn't even patch us through to fallbrook or oceanside within a 20 minute time frame.

C. Senor
08-12-2008, 02:03 AM
dude eff that. i remember a long time ago some dude pulled out a gun after losing a race. people are just plain stupid.

08-12-2008, 02:14 AM
That's why when you got to the runs you bring a nice amount of people and make sure at least one is strapped.. Crazy shit when it happens though

08-12-2008, 02:16 AM
dam i feel bad for the guy with the truck... Wrong place at the wrong time, just goin to see his friend who was out there.. that sucks.

and all those stupid fuckign people there who just wanna watch a fight and not do shit about it.. you know dam well people where rooting for that shit too

08-12-2008, 02:31 AM
Man Beaten, Kidnapped After Getting In Way Of Illegal Street Race - News Story - WFTV Orlando (http://www.wftv.com/news/17161762/detail.html)

08-12-2008, 02:36 AM
The whole thing reads like it's fake, I don't believe any of it.

08-12-2008, 02:48 AM
it's on the news though.
anyway, that's cool the guy didn't get killed. imagine if one of us were in that situation. that's some crazy shit. i stopped going to the "runs" a lonnnnnnnnnng time ago. i know folks that still go too, but that's the risk they take; so i let them be.

08-12-2008, 02:48 AM
Its in news reports, along with the video that's proof.

08-12-2008, 02:49 AM

08-12-2008, 02:50 AM
and all those stupid fuckign people there who just wanna watch a fight and not do shit about it.. you know dam well people where rooting for that shit too

Always have more than 1 weapon in your car.

Be able to take car of business if you have to.

08-12-2008, 02:53 AM
What good is that going to do against MANY people?

I don't think he planned on blowing himself up iraq style.
Not to mention they have weapons of their own.

08-12-2008, 02:57 AM
What good is that going to do against MANY people?

I don't think he planned on blowing himself up iraq style.
Not to mention they have weapons of their own.

Have you ever seen what what person with a weapon that he is willing to use does to a group of unarmed people? Nobody wants to be the first one to get cracked in the head with a wrecking bar or a baseball bat or a hatchet. They stand bunched up and away from you.

Now if they have weapons of their own it still has some of the same effects. Unless they have guns. But it didn't say they did.

C. Senor
08-12-2008, 02:57 AM
or he could have kept a swarm of bees in his truck and let those puppies go. killer bees.....ahhhhh.

08-12-2008, 03:00 AM
Maybe if he didn't leave his pokèball at home...

C. Senor
08-12-2008, 03:09 AM
come on. not even i leave home with atleast one pokeball......sorry i'm not cool enough to make the accented e. bastard.

08-12-2008, 05:22 AM
snitches gets stiches homies.

08-12-2008, 05:46 AM
looks like those iraq drifiting videos where they get way to close to the action and get hit dont street race wow

08-12-2008, 06:01 AM
Dodge Destruction- Video (http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Dodge-Destruction_176266.htm)


and original thread happened in orlando

OrlandoForums.com :: #1 Online Community for Central Florida (http://www.orlandoforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=108717)

08-12-2008, 06:07 AM
Good for him. He seems to have done a very good job in keeping his head during a tough situation. Those now incarcerated got what they deserved, and I'm glad to see he got through it.

Street races and those that participate are stupid anyways. This just reinforces that fact.

08-12-2008, 07:32 AM
Wow way to keep cool....

He's lucky they aint put his ass in a coma

That vid was kind of wack but the SRT4 was fucked up

but learn how to drive and avoid shit

Cars have brakes for a reason..

08-12-2008, 08:01 AM
snitches gets stiches homies.

How the fuck does that apply here?

Wow way to keep cool....

He's lucky they aint put his ass in a coma

That vid was kind of wack but the SRT4 was fucked up

but learn how to drive and avoid shit

Cars have brakes for a reason..

He was knocked out.
That wasn't the SRT4. It was put in as an example. Truck was fucked up too.

That's not even real street racing. Just some punk kids hanging out under the 417. Just a joke.

These punks are why I stopped hanging out with people at spots. To many shit boxes coming around wanting to race. Talking shit and doing burn outs. With all the thefts I wouldn't doubt if they are scoping your shit too.

08-12-2008, 08:11 AM
He was knocked out.
That wasn't the SRT4. It was put in as an example. Truck was fucked up too.

That's not even real street racing. Just some punk kids hanging out under the 417. Just a joke.

These punks are why I stopped hanging out with people at spots. To many shit boxes coming around wanting to race. Talking shit and doing burn outs. With all the thefts I wouldn't doubt if they are scoping your shit too.

Oh i thought that was the Neon....

Yeah it's like that over here too

Fucking ricer with primer EF's and shit with Super vtec stickers on their cars doing burnouts in parking lots :bash:

Flying on highways getting smashed by trucks

Yea i remember they try to follow me home in a shit box so i took them to the back roads and then dipped aint no "POS EG" gonna keep up with me

08-12-2008, 08:24 AM
Fucking retards why are they racing in such a small street that's what I'm wondering there so stupid

08-12-2008, 08:30 AM
This all happened in the Kissimmee area huh????..........

08-12-2008, 08:34 AM
forreall.. its super narrow and they could hit a shit load of people if anything went wrong

08-12-2008, 08:41 AM
This all happened in the Kissimmee area huh????..........

Yeah, with all the development it has become the cheap place to live. Really brings out the low life's at night. I wouldn't go to the south side of Orlando at night anymore.

Google Maps (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=&ie=UTF8&ll=28.368614,-81.308763&spn=0.013368,0.021329&t=k&z=16)

08-12-2008, 09:01 AM

08-12-2008, 09:41 AM
Looks like a bunch of F&F nutswingers racing not even 1/8 of a mile. Sucks to be him and if it is true that he went out to help a buddy then I understand. But that place looks like a breeding ground for dumbass drunks waiting for shit to hit the fan.

I find it pretty funny that those fags got arrested over some shit that they really had nothing to do with either but made themselves involved. Their dumbass friend/bro or w/e couldn't see a full size truck on a "straightaway" and hits it.

08-12-2008, 10:15 AM
1. Another great illustration on why FL fails..... and I live here.
2. Another great reason why I have my cwp and carry my GL33 everywhere I go, even if I get shit for it.

Here's another thread om tampa racing about a BBQ they were having where some guys rolled up and started jacking people randomly before they were arrested. Pics are on the second page I believe.

causeway bar-b-que - Tampa Racing (http://www.tamparacing.com/forums/pit-road/504474-causeway-bar-b-que.html)

HAHAHAH arrest report below. pwned. He's got a nick stack of charges. 19yr twat. I hope he finds himself a nice husband while he's in the clink.


and more....


08-12-2008, 10:24 AM
That is some really messed up crap. The kid's are illegally racing and they want to take it out on some guy parking his truck to help a friend. Maybe if they were more organized and raced on a real track shit like this won't happen. I hope they all go and stay in jail for 15yrs minimum for kidnapping and attempted murder etc..

08-12-2008, 10:44 AM
damn wtf..

since when did PUERTO RICANS stop driving ROTARY :keke:

08-12-2008, 11:00 AM
Man what a bunch of sore losers. That road is hella narrow and all the retards watching are like poking their heads out and about to get their toes ran over. now THAT would of been funny.

08-12-2008, 11:04 AM
who still street races? OH EM GE...fucking gay neons LOL

08-12-2008, 11:15 AM
damn shit is real in MIyayo

08-12-2008, 11:21 AM
That was the most ANNOYING thing to read EVER, ugh!! Why cant people use proper freaking grammar.

08-12-2008, 11:35 AM
WOW! What a story.

Glad he got out of it alive and those bastards went to jail.

Unholy S14
08-12-2008, 11:36 AM
and thats why i dont go to street racing events lol

ok thats not the only reason

08-12-2008, 12:43 PM
thats why i dont have friends with neons?? wait i dont knowe anyone with a neon lol

08-12-2008, 01:00 PM
That is seriously such a crazy story, so glad that I never got into the street racing scene.

08-12-2008, 01:49 PM
Neons and civics have videos of street racing disasters.

240's and corollas have videos of street drifting disasters.

Unholy S14
08-12-2008, 02:06 PM
aint that the trooooff

08-12-2008, 03:09 PM
few years ago a notorious man in Miguel held up a guy at gunpoint at the street races for his type r. whats wrong with people. man....

08-12-2008, 04:16 PM
why do fools try to play gangster like they have mob/mafia connections.

(theyll hurt you and your family) pleaseeeee.

08-12-2008, 04:18 PM
Its amazin he kept so level headed during this all. The 911 operator seemed a bit stupid to me though.

Lets this be a lesson, street racing is instant fail

08-12-2008, 07:10 PM
man if i had that big ass truck i wouldve ran those fucking fags over!!! lol, good thing u survied that tho!! now u can wait till they get out and follow them to there houses!! and thats when u strike!! kill there family rite in front of them!! then break there mouth to where they can speak ever again!! hahahaha evilness

08-13-2008, 11:33 PM
That guy's lucky.


08-14-2008, 12:10 AM
Thats a crazy story. Good for him for keeping calm in such a crazy situation. Many people would of gotten in deeper shit than he did.

Mi Beardo es Loco
08-14-2008, 12:19 AM
and more....

Individual's Charge Report (http://www.hcso.tampa.fl.us/pub/default.asp?/Online/qdisp/bn=08048721)

feel free to drop him a line on his myspace (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=44878689) account

Mi Beardo es Loco
08-14-2008, 12:24 AM
Here's the audio transcripts from when the guy woke up

guy: uhhhh....where am I
kidnapper: If you don't do what we say I'll kill you and your family
guy: What? why?
kidnapper: you hit my Neon!
guy: from what I remember, you hit me
kidnapper: it doesn't matter, you owe me money!
guy: well how much is the damage?
kidnapper: Lets see, it's a Neon, it was totaled.....about $37.50.

08-14-2008, 12:43 AM
Man Beaten, Kidnapped After Getting In Way Of Illegal Street Race - News Story - WFTV Orlando (http://www.wftv.com/news/17161762/detail.html)

1. Another great illustration on why FL fails..... and I live here.
2. Another great reason why I have my cwp and carry my GL33 everywhere I go, even if I get shit for it.

Here's another thread om tampa racing about a BBQ they were having where some guys rolled up and started jacking people randomly before they were arrested. Pics are on the second page I believe.

causeway bar-b-que - Tampa Racing (http://www.tamparacing.com/forums/pit-road/504474-causeway-bar-b-que.html)

HAHAHAH arrest report below. pwned. He's got a nick stack of charges. 19yr twat. I hope he finds himself a nice husband while he's in the clink.

Individual's Charge Report (http://www.hcso.tampa.fl.us/pub/default.asp?/Online/qdisp/bn=08048722)

and more....

Individual's Charge Report (http://www.hcso.tampa.fl.us/pub/default.asp?/Online/qdisp/bn=08048721)

And that why Florida Sucks, Look at all the News coverage gets and all of it shows how stupid they are. Sorry if a floridian is on here and looks at this and gets mad. I swear they remind me of the iraq drift squad.lOL

08-14-2008, 12:44 AM
that shits fucked up... I know some people around here that would do that though, thats whats crazy. They hit you, doing something illegal, kidnap you, and hold your for ransom?

Not a good time. Im glad they got what they diserved.

7 felonies, 1 midemeanor... Good. Hope he's found guilty on all counts.

08-14-2008, 12:45 AM
Here's the audio transcripts from when the guy woke up

guy: uhhhh....where am I
kidnapper: If you don't do what we say I'll kill you and your family
guy: What? why?
kidnapper: you hit my Neon!
guy: from what I remember, you hit me
kidnapper: it doesn't matter, you owe me money!
guy: well how much is the damage?
kidnapper: Lets see, it's a Neon, it was totaled.....about $37.50.

On topic though, that sounds like it was pretty nuts. I know most of the people here went to "the runs" at a time in their life, who the hell rolled out there alone?

08-14-2008, 12:56 AM
amazing story BUT where did the friend he went to visit go?? why didn't he have his back??

08-14-2008, 01:09 AM
That's why when you got to the runs you bring a nice amount of people and make sure at least one is strapped.. Crazy shit when it happens though

yup... roll deep.. especially when its a big money run..

08-14-2008, 02:47 AM
man if i had that big ass truck i wouldve ran those fucking fags over!!! lol, good thing u survied that tho!! now u can wait till they get out and follow them to there houses!! and thats when u strike!! kill there family rite in front of them!! then break there mouth to where they can speak ever again!! hahahaha evilness

Yeah break there mouths but what about there hands they are still able to write. Damn that really sucks though. Thats why I dont like going to street races myself.

08-14-2008, 03:43 AM
This is seriously police at their best. I'm happy that guy got home safe&sound because death from fighting over a street racing accident is unacceptable in my point of view. Some people obviously don't know when to admit fault, ESPECIALLY when the situation occurs in front of an audience.

Grow up kidnappers.

08-14-2008, 04:01 AM
stack that heat up hahah

08-14-2008, 04:13 AM
And that why Florida Sucks, Look at all the News coverage gets and all of it shows how stupid they are. Sorry if a floridian is on here and looks at this and gets mad. I swear they remind me of the iraq drift squad.lOL
Haha what's with all these Florida stories on here, seriously.
Guy gets kidnapped by street racers.
BBQ is terrorized.
Guy tries to scam shop out of 16K$.
Kid gets caught on camera stealing S14 parts.

08-14-2008, 04:16 AM
^Didn't a robber get eaten by a fucking alligator too?

fucking florida..Fail town...Love the oranges.

Massimo Power
08-14-2008, 05:34 AM
Wow.. i just read the story and saw the vid... all i have to say is WOW....

08-14-2008, 06:41 AM
WTF mate... this is some crazy shit.

08-14-2008, 09:43 AM
FL = FaiL

Thats some freaking story.. those guys are real fuckos... but where was that kids friend the whole time?

08-14-2008, 10:36 AM
ram truck + crowd of idiot loser douches = speed bumps. like blowing the horn with ludacris' "move bitch" blaring. "spread out mother fuckers im comin through"!

Mi Beardo es Loco
08-14-2008, 12:17 PM
^Didn't a robber get eaten by a fucking alligator too?

fucking florida..Fail town...Love the oranges.

didn't those girls beat the shit out of that one girl so they could put it on youtube come from FL too?

Love the oranges but I love to eat Florida oranges in Ca.

08-14-2008, 12:47 PM
fucking dirt slow ass cars tho... haha they'd get smoked for sure out here in cali... guaranteeed... 10 sec street cars out here

08-14-2008, 12:59 PM
^Didn't a robber get eaten by a fucking alligator too?

fucking florida..Fail town...Love the oranges.



08-14-2008, 01:19 PM
Haha what's with all these Florida stories on here, seriously.
Guy gets kidnapped by street racers.
BBQ is terrorized.
Guy tries to scam shop out of 16K$.
Kid gets caught on camera stealing S14 parts.

FL has to take the prize for worst and/or most comedic criminal screw-ups. It's almost like they intentionally did what they did to get attention.

seems like most of the offenders are teens too. what is going on with that state? It didn't seem that anywhere bad when I lived in Ft. Lauderdale some 10 yrs ago. back then, it was only the tourist killers. well, at least I can always count on them for some good laughs. I don't think I'd want to go back anytime soon though.

08-14-2008, 01:26 PM
man that is one crazy ass story

08-14-2008, 01:58 PM
"The runs"

Do they meet up at white castle, wait an hour and a half, then meet at the street?

I guess it makes you drive faster, because promptly afterwards you gotta get the FUCK out of there to get home.

How unfortunate.

08-15-2008, 12:26 AM
i went to some sort of street racing thing ONCE and you wanna know what happened? NOTHING.

everyone's primered shitpile was "running poorly that night" for some odd reason or another.

i went once. i was bored out of my skull. what's the attraction in all this again?

we should start a new car sportfad where you buy the conversion kit to allow your car to drive on train tracks and then just drive as fast as possible in any given direction. winner gets mad street cred. loser has to buy pizza.

08-15-2008, 12:30 AM
Haha what's with all these Florida stories on here, seriously.
Guy gets kidnapped by street racers.
BBQ is terrorized.
Guy tries to scam shop out of 16K$.
Kid gets caught on camera stealing S14 parts.

at least theyre known. cali has so much shit goin on that no one has a clue. i think florida has the upperhand here with idiots there. or....maybe im just trying to make myself feel better about moving back there lol.

08-15-2008, 03:52 PM
wow wat the hell

08-16-2008, 09:13 PM
Add this one to the Florida list.
driven concepts...shut down? hasnt been opened in a week? - Tampa Racing (http://www.tamparacing.com/forums/general-car-chat/503392-driven-concepts-shut-down-hasnt-been-opened-week.html)

The shop owner is the same guy who was behind Lost Projects and scammed a lot of people on Zilvia, Nico, and other 240SX forums, and took off with their money a few years ago.

08-16-2008, 09:47 PM
At one point when i was young, dumb and full of cum lol.... i was into the street racing scene but was nothing like it today. I havent been to one of them here in cali for many years and never planning to go back. Shit has gotten crazier out in the streets.... to many ediots out there. I give the guy props for staying strong headed through out that situation.

08-17-2008, 04:55 PM
That was the most ANNOYING thing to read EVER, ugh!! Why cant people use proper freaking grammar.

+++++ I think my IQ level dropped after reading that shit... fuck i got a headache now.

11-28-2009, 11:12 PM
snitches gets stiches homies.

if some stupid beaner tried to give me stiches cuz hes fucked up,they would be dead and in the middle of the everglades where nobody would find them!(weapon of choice switchblade FTW!)....guns make to much noise!:loco:

11-28-2009, 11:16 PM
if some stupid beaner tried to give me stiches cuz hes fucked up,they would be dead and in the middle of the everglades where nobody would find them!(weapon of choice switchblade FTW!)....guns make to much noise!:loco:

I think you're gonna get the boot from Zilvia...

11-29-2009, 12:22 AM
if some stupid beaner tried to give me stiches cuz hes fucked up,they would be dead and in the middle of the everglades where nobody would find them!(weapon of choice switchblade FTW!)....guns make to much noise!:loco:

Shut the fuck up.

Nice avatar btw bro. This isn't myspace.

11-29-2009, 12:25 AM
Glad that guy kept his cool and is okay, but some of you guys are retarded with all the dumb comments about killing guys if they kidnapped you, i doubt you would if it came to it... grow up guys this isnt a who has the bigger nuts thread, some guy got kidnapped and owned the shit out of the guys that wanted to kill him, oh and he did it all by the books and legally, +67392747514 rep for him...

11-29-2009, 12:30 AM
Next time everybody in that place should die instantly and get rid of street racing for good.

11-29-2009, 12:31 AM
if some stupid beaner tried to give me stiches cuz hes fucked up,they would be dead and in the middle of the everglades where nobody would find them!(weapon of choice switchblade FTW!)....guns make to much noise!:loco:

and if some 17 yr old punk ran up to me with a switchblade........i'd call your mom and dad and have them pick you up in their minivan.

11-29-2009, 12:39 AM
damthat guys super luckey someone would of shot the guy that shot the gun if he pulled that shit in n.y people actully watch each outhes back in n.y

11-29-2009, 12:53 AM
and if some 17 yr old punk ran up to me with a switchblade........i'd call your mom and dad and have them pick you up in their minivan. haaaaaaahahahahahahahah

Wow props and hope that the guy is doing better.

11-29-2009, 01:05 AM
if some stupid beaner tried to give me stiches cuz hes fucked up,they would be dead and in the middle of the everglades where nobody would find them!(weapon of choice switchblade FTW!)....guns make to much noise!:loco:

Location: naples,florida
Age: 17


but i've always thought that flordia was the worst state of all

11-29-2009, 01:06 AM
if some stupid beaner tried to give me stiches cuz hes fucked up,they would be dead and in the middle of the everglades where nobody would find them!(weapon of choice switchblade FTW!)....guns make to much noise!:loco:

You bump a year old thread just to say that stupid shit?

Enjoy your month off, dumbass.