View Full Version : Anyone File a Report with CalTrans? Damage Caused by Roadway

08-10-2008, 04:09 PM
I was driving back from Moreno Valley the other night into Riverside on the 60.

There were cones for construction, and ofcourse there were damn cones in the driveable lanes,

Dodged some, and Bam one turned inside out was hard to see (dark grey no reflective, heavy large cones) Pretty much killed my bumper on the bmw.

Anyone ever file a claim for such a thing?

Maintain construction cones for the DMV, Ive heard people getting reimbursed for like blown tires or messed up rims due to potholes or cracks in freeway/highway.



08-10-2008, 04:30 PM

Getting money from the state the way it is right now is like trying to squeeze apple juice from a stone.

08-10-2008, 04:36 PM

it was fun while it lasted robby.. back to old bumper now?

how bad is it i could help u repair it

08-10-2008, 04:54 PM
i've heard those "rumors" also but never met anyone who has actually did it.

good luck man.

08-10-2008, 04:57 PM
if you got full coverage i think yoour insurance will help you out .. but be prepaired for a deductible.. But call your agent and ask em about it. im sure they would have the info you need.

But be careful because your insurance might but a "accident" record on your car..

08-10-2008, 08:07 PM
did you take pics after you hit the cones? im preety sure that will help but then again i dont think i wouldnt have checked till i got home:/

08-10-2008, 08:07 PM
I think the cones are off to the side now unless I missed it. I drove through there on the way to Lake Hemet yesterday morning and came back today didn't see any cones on the driveable lanes.

I don't think your going to be able to get anything. It's like hitting a cone while drifting at the track, then when you get home you blame it on caltrans. You have no proof, unless you can ask to see any camera's near that area. Somtimes you might get lucky and maybe they have a camera on top of the lights or somthing on the freeway.

08-10-2008, 08:09 PM
I ran over a pot hole and cracked my wheel on 60 freeway. i filed claim with caltrain and they said they have no knowledge about the pot hole and they are not responsible for my damage. they are more than welcome me to get a attorney and challenge.

i am sorry for your lost, i doubt you can get anything but it does not hurt to try

08-10-2008, 09:10 PM
if you got full coverage i think yoour insurance will help you out .. but be prepaired for a deductible.. But call your agent and ask em about it. im sure they would have the info you need.

But be careful because your insurance might but a "accident" record on your car..

Yeah, no way am I putting that on my insurance, its super low because Ive never had anything.

I know Im going to just bite the bullet and buy a new bumper and paint it, but Id like to try to see if they could do anything.

Its just cracked all up and down the passanger side, I almost avoided it at the last minute, I think I'm going to ziptie stitch it from shaking around for the meantime.

05-02-2010, 03:58 AM
i know someone that hit a cone thing at a high rate of speed, the thing was in the middle of the freeway, and cause him to lose control of the vehicle, crashed, well he took the cone as evidence, it said city of san diego on it. he sued and got some money

05-02-2010, 09:22 AM
Lots of pictures, lawyer, witnesses always help too.

If you just call them and say hey I hit a cone without at least 2 of the above, they'll probably just ignore you.

Here In Florida there was a massive pothole, owner ran it over at nighttime and it cracked his SSR. This pothole was about half a 1/4 of a foot deep. Sent in all his proof/info, didnt get a check till about 6mo. later.

05-02-2010, 11:21 AM
That happened to my mom once. Make a claim with your insurance and they should handle it. You have to let them know the specific location the cone was at because the state will try and say that it was construction done by a contractor.

Or you could call Cal-trans let them know what happened and tell them you want "made whole". That part is important. Legally they are obligated to pay what ever it costs to make you whole, it just tends to be easier to have your insurance do the legal negotiations.

05-02-2010, 01:07 PM
squeeze apple juice from a stone.

Iv actually done this before

05-02-2010, 02:42 PM
you have to have proof of insurance and you have to indicate where the incident happened and you have to file the claim in person.

05-02-2010, 03:14 PM
Damage from a pot hole is in theory an ill maintained road.

Damage from a cone could be from an idiot driver that clipped it. In which it would be the driver of the cars fault, not caltrans.

05-02-2010, 08:48 PM
Damage from a pot hole is in theory an ill maintained road.

Damage from a cone could be from an idiot driver that clipped it. In which it would be the driver of the cars fault, not caltrans.

thats probably what the city will cam back at you with Robby..That you hit the cone due to your ignorant or something of that nature

05-02-2010, 11:37 PM
Damage from a pot hole is in theory an ill maintained road.

Damage from a cone could be from an idiot driver that clipped it. In which it would be the driver of the cars fault, not caltrans.

I think he can make a case on the fact that the cone's reflector strips are no longer reflective (wear most likely caused by the UV rays of the sun). But last I checked California was bankrupt and sending people IOUs...

05-03-2010, 12:49 PM
Since when did traffic cones need reflectors? Most of the ones that I see placed out during construction work don't even have any at all.

I think this is just going to be one of those situations where you say, 'Well that sucks'.