View Full Version : OMG...stupid MR2 driver

01-03-2003, 12:00 AM
Checkout the vid and see what I'm talking about:

All I can say is......I would have kicked some ass.

Tyler Durdan
01-03-2003, 12:08 AM
That was horrible...How the hell do you go across the street, over a curb, and then into a parking lot across a grass median and hit a car. What a dousch. Pretty funny though when I first saw it, but the jetta owner was probably pretty pissed.

Good Find

01-03-2003, 12:20 AM
Doesn't supprise me a bit. Just like every other dumbass out there who can't drive worth **** but thinks they are badass :rolleyes:

01-03-2003, 12:44 AM
just plain stupid and a waste of $$$
that has got to be the stupidest accident ever

01-03-2003, 08:14 AM
I wish we had a WTF smiley :eek:

the head
01-03-2003, 08:45 AM
Did anyone else notice that every person in the vid is like 16 this is some funny **** although I feel sorry for any decent car that has the misfortune of being owned by a fuggin moron

Homeboy got mad skillz yo:rolleyes:

01-03-2003, 09:42 AM
Yeah, that's why I tend to stay away from the Ricer hangouts, they're ALL idiots. I still don't even understand what happened, the guy wasn't even going fast, or maybe he was trying to do a burnout. Still he's a dumbass and extremely lucky he didn't hit the ITR, or do extensive damage to his car..

01-03-2003, 10:05 AM
People like this are the reason insurance for under-25s is so rediculous, bro.

Jacktards like that should be driving base model Corollas, not MR2 Turbos, bro. Or better not driving at all until their balls drop, bro.

01-03-2003, 12:30 PM
What probably happened is this:

He accelerated (under full boost) which caused both rear tires to break traction causing the car's rear to move offline slightly so the driver counter-steered in the normal manner to offset the movement but the mid-engine's torque and power continued the car's forceful sideways and foward movement. When the driver realized he was in danger of not being able to control the direction of the car he lifted from the throttle and applied the brakes. What happens when you lift the throttle (from being at full boost) is that it acts like you have thrown the transmission in reverse because the rear wheels were spinning foward but the quick shutdown of power (coming off full boost) actually locks up the rear wheels like what happens if you dump the clutch when sharply gearing down. This completely upsets the rear suspension that had been "planted" (when the car was under acceleration) and the suspension now becomes unplanted, which completely destroys the dynamics of the independent rear-end. And when this happens the axles fold downward underneath the rear of the car like an upside-down letter V. The rear of the car actually lifts up noticeably and the contact patch for both rear tires is minimal with only the outside edges touching the pavement... BUT both of these rear wheels have cocked downward and they are tilted inward, which creates a steering effect from the car's rear! In addition, braking feels like it is non-existant and the car acts as if it is driving itself (steering itself) from the rear! The driver actually has a hopeless feeling much like he is in a carnaval ride at the state fair or sitting inside a gyroscope that has gone out of control... This is because of the mid-engine design, terrible suspension layout and the result of "lift-throttle" snap-oversteer from a turbo boosted high performance engine causing loss of rear traction, which then causes the rear wheels to bow inward and tilt becoming a second source of steering...from the car's rear! It is a VERY harrowing experience and there is nothing anyone can do to save the car once this happens! You just hope you aren't close to anything because it takes a much longer time to stop the car.

It probably just looks like the driver did not attempt to counter-steer when the car started going off-course. It's only natural for any driver to try and get the car going back on-course.

The problem a driver faces is this. You can't leave the throttle down because the engine will redline so you "must" lift the throttle. But when you lift the throttle it unsettles the once planted (terrible) suspension! You are damned if you continue with full throttle and damned if you lift! There is nothing else you can do...you must do one of the other.

Further, if you track this car and are "on boost" just a little too much, there is no way to just "slightly" lift or feather the throttle because the modified turbos (which most MR2-T's are running 12 to 18 psi or have oversized housings) are either "on boost" or "off boost". Likewise, if you want just a slight bit more power and try to add a touch of boost you almost always get far more boost (and power) than you really want. There is very little in between "on boost" and "off boost"!

PS - If you ever visit a junkyard and see a wrecked MR2-T nine times out of 10 you will see the rear-end damaged because of "lift-throttle snap-oversteer". The car's rear-end spun around and backed into something. (It just so happened this guys was not going all that fast, or was not in a turn, when he got into trouble.)

01-03-2003, 02:50 PM
nice explanation. so in short, dont get an MR2 Turbo?

01-03-2003, 03:40 PM
either that or his foot got stuck on the accelerator

01-03-2003, 04:06 PM
Btw, wasn't that a black S14 running in the background near the end of the video?

01-03-2003, 04:13 PM
I don't understand onebadm5.

"In addition, braking feels like it is non-existant and the car acts as if it is driving itself (steering itself) from the rear! The driver actually has a hopeless feeling much like he is in a carnaval ride at the state fair or sitting inside a gyroscope that has gone out of control..."

If he mashed the brakes the rear would keep going around, yes but i don't see how it would drive the car like that. It would simply cause the car to spin.

01-03-2003, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by HaLo
Btw, wasn't that a black S14 running in the background near the end of the video?

nope.. i think its a gsr

01-03-2003, 05:45 PM
damn, poor guy. I feel so bad for him,,, knowing he didn't mean to do it... and now he most likely had to fix both. argh.... damn nice MR2 though.

01-03-2003, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by DSC
I don't understand onebadm5.

"In addition, braking feels like it is non-existant and the car acts as if it is driving itself (steering itself) from the rear! The driver actually has a hopeless feeling much like he is in a carnaval ride at the state fair or sitting inside a gyroscope that has gone out of control..."

If he mashed the brakes the rear would keep going around, yes but i don't see how it would drive the car like that. It would simply cause the car to spin.

It's pretty simple what happened. Rear tires spinning(both due to LSD, so must be 93-95), back end steps out a little bit, he hits the brakes like a dumbass thus taking weight off his rear tires, car continues to rotate but he doesn't countersteer and ABS allows the front tires to grip enough to make the car head straight for a Jetta.

He should have just countersteered and eased off the gas ever so slightly, but that would have been too logical.

But what do I know?:rolleyes:

01-03-2003, 08:43 PM
that's what he gets for being a "cool guy" and trying to show off. i'm suprised no one opened a can of woopass.

01-03-2003, 11:30 PM
This guy is 3 things:

a jack a_s and an a_shole and both: a JACK HOLE...hope he was insured

01-04-2003, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by whateverjames
that's what he gets for being a "cool guy" and trying to show off. i'm suprised no one opened a can of woopass.

Somebody probably did, but he didn't catch that part on video "bro" like he caught it on video "bro.":D