View Full Version : I need ideas for a date!!

01-02-2003, 06:58 PM
ok, I am taking my girlfriend on a fancy date tommorow night. After dinner I was going to go to park ave...(rich area of town) and there is a guy there that has a horse and carriage and you can take rides and stuff. Well, appearently he doesn't do it in the winter. So, I need so ideas. Anyone?

BTW I live in Orlando, FL if that helps. Any suggestion would be a appreciated. Thanks!

Mark & Irena
01-03-2003, 01:28 AM
Providing that its not too cold, you should grab a blanket and go to a park, lay down and watch the stars. :) Or go to the beach if there is one around you or to a fountain and do the same. Buy flowers, or just buy her something cute to surprise her with, something to hide in your pocket. Whether it's a little book from barnes and noble (they have little teeny-tiny ones on the subject of love and dating for like $5-$10), or a small box of Godiva chocolates (you can also pick this up at Barnes and Noble). And wait until you guys are sitting down star-gazing and having a cute conversation to give it to her. Also, make sure and compliment her tons and tons, always smile, maintain constant eye contact, tell her how excited you are, how happy you are... sweet cute things like that. Even if you guys just end up going to a beautiful park where there's benches and something sweet to look at (the city lights, trees, whatever), you can make it romantic if you try. And you should. I wish you the best of luck!

Irena (S13Grl)

01-03-2003, 07:13 AM
Hey Irena that sounds like fun, I think I might hint at the boyfriend to take me out! :D :p

I think you should throw some flowers in to the equation, like a dozen roses, or even just one big one. Girls LOVE flowers :)

You can always make her an awesome dinner. Go all out with the menu, ask her what she wants, get a bottle of sparkling wine, make sure to dress up, and maybe after go see a romantic or funny movie.

Whatever you end up going with, good luck and have fun :)

Mark & Irena
01-03-2003, 08:47 AM
:-D Seeeee this forum isn't totally useless. Heather, where've you been??

the head
01-03-2003, 09:26 AM
In the immortal words of the ladie's man buy her a fish sandwich and do it in the butt:D

Serious note
My play would be dinner and then head to your nearest beach to watch the stars usually the ocean seems more romantic than a random park

01-03-2003, 01:27 PM
Thanks for the suggestions!

I'm definatley going to get her some flowers. I think were gonna go take a walk in the park after dinner and then go see 2 weeks notice or something. The beach would be awesome, but Daytona is about 45 minutes to an hour away, plus it is susposed to be in the high 30's tonight which is kinda cold. Thanks a lot guys, well I guess, girls! :D

Mark & Irena
01-03-2003, 01:53 PM
You should see "just married"

01-03-2003, 02:37 PM
Nothing worse than following chicks' advice on dating. I know they mean well, but... Go too far over the top on the simpy crap and she's going to think she owns that ass. Or worse. Be a man for christ's sake.

Flowers - not $50 roses - but $5/bunch street flowers work just as well. Opening a car door goes a long way - simple, respectful, polite, but not simpy. Move all that flower money into nice dinner money. Dinner should be a two hour affair. Don't skimp - anything you/she wants. She wants a glass of wine, you get a bottle. Split an appitizer? - get two. Date for a girlfriend on a cold night? Find a fireplace and get a table near it. There is nothing romantic about a beach when it is 35 degrees outside (or even a park in FL at that temp... that's got to be miserable for you folks). While you'll have a great story about your teeth chattering while your a$$cheeks froze on the sand/grass, it won't be a warm fuzzy moment. If you can't find a firepalce, find outdoor seating w/ those heat thingies at a place you can people watch and chat. Eye contact. Lots of touching. And no underwear for you - don't know why, but it makes you feel a bit more dangerous and fun - and chicks eat that sh!t up.

Most important, be yourself and don't be some sucker from a Drew Barrymore movie. Women don't really want that guy - if they did, they'd be dykes.

the head
01-03-2003, 03:40 PM
Ok I am a guy
just wanted to make that clear

Also remember what is 45min at 60 is only 22min at 120

If the lady enjoys it it will more than pay off trust me

01-03-2003, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by HippoSleek
And no underwear for you - don't know why, but it makes you feel a bit more dangerous and fun - and chicks eat that sh!t up.

I have never heard of this, and it might be kind of embarassing if she drops your pants and your twig and berries are hidding in your stomach:( :(

01-04-2003, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by HippoSleek
Nothing worse than following chicks' advice on dating. I know they mean well, but... Go too far over the top on the simpy crap and she's going to think she owns that ass. Or worse. Be a man for christ's sake.

Ouch, I think that was kinda harsh. I mean that may be true for high-maintainence chicks, but I'm seriously doubting that you'll find any on this site. At least I can speak for me and Irena. Notice how I mentioned maybe getting her one rose? Or makeing her dinner instead of going out? It has nothing to do with how much is being spent. And it would mean more if you got involved instead of takeing the easy way out with going to a restaurant. Anyways, real men can cook. ;)

Hey Irena, I've been kinda quiet lately, but I'm back! :D

Mark & Irena
01-04-2003, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by HippoSleek
Nothing worse than following chicks' advice on dating. I know they mean well, but... Go too far over the top on the simpy crap and she's going to think she owns that ass. Or worse. Be a man for christ's sake.

Flowers - not $50 roses - but $5/bunch street flowers work just as well. Opening a car door goes a long way - simple, respectful, polite, but not simpy. Move all that flower money into nice dinner money. Dinner should be a two hour affair. Don't skimp - anything you/she wants. She wants a glass of wine, you get a bottle. Split an appitizer? - get two. Date for a girlfriend on a cold night? Find a fireplace and get a table near it. There is nothing romantic about a beach when it is 35 degrees outside (or even a park in FL at that temp... that's got to be miserable for you folks). While you'll have a great story about your teeth chattering while your a$$cheeks froze on the sand/grass, it won't be a warm fuzzy moment. If you can't find a firepalce, find outdoor seating w/ those heat thingies at a place you can people watch and chat. Eye contact. Lots of touching. And no underwear for you - don't know why, but it makes you feel a bit more dangerous and fun - and chicks eat that sh!t up.

Most important, be yourself and don't be some sucker from a Drew Barrymore movie. Women don't really want that guy - if they did, they'd be dykes.

What? Neither Heather or I mentioned anything about being a sissy. Just mentioning some simple cute things that guys can do to make us feel like they care about the small romantic things in life. Nobody said anything about a bouqet of roses: said FLOWERS. And by the way, roses can cost about $10-$20. Not $50.
I know a guy who'd do any of this, and I would never think him a sissy. I'd think him for someone with emotions and feelings and as someone who cares about how I feel. Morals, manners... And just for the record, it's about 50 degrees in Florida. I wouldn't have suggested a beach or a park or anything outdoorsy and cute (or too cute for your masculinity) if it was 30 degrees out. Read the beginning of my post. "Providing that it's not too cold..."
"Sucker from a Drew Barrymore movie". I really hope for your sake you've got a decent girl. Suckers from a Drew Barrymore movie are guys who hand out kindness and get kindness back.
Expenses have nothing to do with it. As Heather said, making dinner would be even more romantic. Think I even mentioned that, maybe make dinner and take it to her. Little inexpensive places with candles and slow music are the best thing to take your date to.
No offense or anything, but God, you remind me of my ex boyfriend just by saying that. And just for the record, sharing appetizers is a great thing to do. And getting a whole bottle of wine vs. a glass? Being a little hypocritical? Earlier you said something about a $50 bouqet of roses vs. some "street flowers." Save it for dinner, huh? Dinner doesn't matter. It's what happens afterwards that does.
And just for the record, we won't think that we "own that ass". We'll be nice right back. Dating is a big circle. You get what you give.

You're single, aren't you?


Irena M.

01-04-2003, 03:32 PM
Well, thanks for all the suggestions. It was too cold for the outside stuff, but I will definately keep them in mind when it warms up. It was in the high 30's last night! which is extremely cold to me.

Everything went very well, I got her flowers....went to a fondue restraunt and then went for a short drive. After that we went and saw 2 weeks notice. It was actaully pretty good. Anyway, thanks again.

01-06-2003, 08:11 AM
Tim - glad you had a good time - I hope that you used our conflicting advice to some benefit :cool:

Apopogies to Heather and Irena who perhaps need a winkie face to see a bit of sarcasm. Although I honestly don't believe in following advice from girls on dating - it never worked out for me - I didn't mean to sound harsh and I absolutely meant no disrespect. Many who know me here or in person know that I don't mince words much... and if I'm intending to actually be mean, you'll know. You'll also be happy to know that I haven't wanted for a gf for about 10 years and have been dating the same girl for 2+ years thanks to my methods (even though I still offer the "date-o-vac" to friends in need). ;)

As for the sissy bit, if I had a hairier chest, I'd wear a medallion all that time. In my expereince, the nice guy finishes somewhere in the middle, the real jerk finishes last, but the unintentional a$$hole is the winner. Honestly, I'm a bit too type-A to leave dating up to a circle - in the early stages at least, I want control. If you really are a sap (and most guys are), there is time for that later on - not straight out of the box. Age might be a factor here.

Money for dinner vs. flowers: in my world, roses are about $50, boxed ($80 in vase), the guy down the street will sell you flowers (including crappy roses) "$3 a bunch, two for 5." Two bunches ($5) looks nice and is a good thought. Then you have about $45 extra dollars for dinner with which to be a "provider" (see also, macho; hunter). :p All I'm saying is to target your priorities to your dollars. When you are offering a necessity (food/dinner), you have to exceed expectations, but because flowers aren't mandatory, anything that looks good excels.

Sorry for any ruffled feathers, I was just having fun with a fun topic. :cool:

And Heather - I agree that cooking dinner is a necessity. In my system, that is part of the "date three deal closer." :D