View Full Version : SPL Bucket Seat Pads/Cushions

08-06-2008, 12:45 PM
So I just got this SPL bucket seat, and I was wondering where I could find some new pads/cushions for it.

I know Sparco, Bride, etc. all those companies make replacement cushions/pads, but they all have their logos on it. Any one know who makes good quality (at least decent quality) cushions that are blank and have no logos on them?

08-06-2008, 12:49 PM
Try chargespeed their blank.

08-06-2008, 12:51 PM
Your Mom?

I dunno, lol. I would seriously make some. With leopard print.

08-06-2008, 01:02 PM
Your Mom?

I dunno, lol. I would seriously make some. With leopard print.

Leopard print cushions are only cool if you have a Tarzan (not the Japanese guy, the jungle guy) outfit in matching leopard print.

And by outfit I mean a loincloth.

In leopard print.

08-06-2008, 02:42 PM
Does SPL even carry the seats still? I didn't see it on their site :/

08-06-2008, 02:50 PM
No they don't. I got it from a friend of mine that got it when they sold it new still... I think.

08-06-2008, 02:56 PM
No they don't. I got it from a friend of mine that got it when they sold it new still... I think.


08-06-2008, 03:12 PM
well if you cant find anywhere to get the cushion just sell it to me:coolugh:

08-06-2008, 03:17 PM
spl bucket seat? you mena spl-parts.com bucket seat??? wtf i didnt know

08-06-2008, 03:20 PM
spl bucket seat? you mena spl-parts.com bucket seat??? wtf i didnt know

Yes, New Page 1 (http://www.splparts.com) , they used to sell a carbon fiber seat that was pretty badass, but stopped selling it due to low sale volume.

I think they were sold sometime from 2006 to 2007.

midnight zenki
08-06-2008, 08:14 PM
Yeah, I got one myself and the seat kicks ass! As for the pads I would just have an upholstry shop either make some or get the foam and materials and make your own.....or ask pandagarage for a spare set as their seat is nearly identical if not the same exact damn thing.

08-06-2008, 08:25 PM
buddyclub are blank logo pads

08-07-2008, 08:13 AM
Hmm... well, so far, I know Bride actually sells blank black pads for the top, middle, and bottom for their bucket seats. I might give those a try.

As for the other suggestions, thanks for the input, but I don't think they sell those pads seperately... at least I haven't seen them up for sale anywhere.

I mainly want the pad that goes right in front of your back area, I guess the "lumbar" pad is its name, because it feels as though that pad on my seat is really thin, and it kinda feels like the seat is pushing into my spine, so I'm sure if I get a new pad, one that's a little thicker, that should do the trick.

08-07-2008, 08:50 AM
here is probably the cheapest, and easiest solution.

go to a chinese mall, or chinatown, (i don't know where your at), and look for those little accessory shops. You know, the ones with the big Hello Kitty and Doraemons in the display? They usually carry little knick knacks and shit like that.

They also sell driving cushions for elderly people, or just short people (RE: chinese), that go behind the drivers ass, etc. Find the ones that fit you the best and just go to a local fabric store and pick up a roll of velcro for like 1.50.

You, you're girlfriend, you're mom, you're mom's mom, etc... can cut out little strips of velcro and sew it on the back of the cushion.

voila, done.

08-07-2008, 08:55 AM
here is probably the cheapest, and easiest solution.

go to a chinese mall, or chinatown, (i don't know where your at), and look for those little accessory shops. You know, the ones with the big Hello Kitty and Doraemons in the display? They usually carry little knick knacks and shit like that.

They also sell driving cushions for elderly people, or just short people (RE: chinese), that go behind the drivers ass, etc. Find the ones that fit you the best and just go to a local fabric store and pick up a roll of velcro for like 1.50.

You, you're girlfriend, you're mom, you're mom's mom, etc... can cut out little strips of velcro and sew it on the back of the cushion.

voila, done.

I am 100% Chinese, came from HK, and I'm 5'10 :fawk2:

Watch your Chinese comments around me :fawk2:

My dad's 5'5 and my mom's 5'3:fawkd:

But why does it have to be China town huh? We only got Vietnamese town here :-/

08-07-2008, 09:03 AM
hahaha no worries man, i'm not ragging on chinese

half chinese (mom came straight from HK when she was 18)
half jap (canadians since the war)

your mom is 5'3? my moms like 5. hahahaha

yah go to any asian market, they would probably stock it.

08-07-2008, 09:09 AM
I was also thinking, that I could pick up some memory foam pads or something, and putting fabric around it for the back cushion/pad.

Problem is trying to find memory foam in that size... because I don't know how they react to being cut into smaller pieces and what not.

08-07-2008, 05:57 PM
that would be sweet

08-08-2008, 08:11 AM
Well it turns out after looking around, Status Racing does sell cushions for their seats, and you can get them in cloth wrapped memory foam, or if you're going all out, alcantra wrapped memory foam. I think the alcantra memory foam cushions are like $150 or around there though... the cloth memory foams are $100.

So far, Recaro, Bride, and Status Racing are looking good.