View Full Version : WTB a LOT for my s13, take a gander

08-02-2008, 01:38 AM
I want to buy the following items, post what it is, condition, price and pics.

-stance or jic coilovers

-kazama engine mounts

-t28 turbo

-Koyo radiator & fans

-740cc injectors

-sway bars

-tension rods, toe link, forward link & upper control arms

- 5 lug conversion

Thanks :rawk:

08-02-2008, 02:41 PM
i have a koyo 3in rad- and i was just up in vegas to for like a week--
might go back up this month let me know

08-02-2008, 05:31 PM
i have a brand new gt2871 .64ar. $1100 shipped to vegas. pm me if you want pics. thanks.

08-02-2008, 09:11 PM
i have front and rear 5 lug off an s14 se. has front spindles/hubs and rear bolt on hubs

$430 shipped/paypaled

08-03-2008, 05:38 AM
i have front and rear 5 lug off an s14 se. has front spindles/hubs and rear bolt on hubs

$430 shipped/paypaled

sorry i am sort of new to 240 scene. but is that include everything for a full 5 lug swap on my s13?

08-03-2008, 05:38 AM
i have a koyo 3in rad- and i was just up in vegas to for like a week--
might go back up this month let me know

give me a price ? and when u coming back to vegas?

08-06-2008, 04:49 PM
i pm'ed you!