View Full Version : Barack Obama a racist?

08-01-2008, 11:31 AM
Or is his campaign management racist?


How come every time I hear about someone 'playing the race card' it's Obama's campaign saying that McCain made remarks. Remarks that McCain never made.

I know that there have been people in the media bringing up Baracks middle name, it was never McCain or his campaign.

What about how Obama's campaign HAS pandered to EVERY demographic?

ohh noes the old Jewish community of Florida is driven down the middle about Obama. WHO CARES! Obviously some people are going to vote one way or not REGARDLESS of WHAT they are.

08-01-2008, 11:36 AM

I dont believe him or his staff are racist. I think they are just tryin to win an election same as McCain. I can only speak for myself, but I am sure alot of others within the black community would agree.

08-01-2008, 11:39 AM
well i mean really...with a presidential race like this...could you help but ignore the fact that race is going to be an issue

08-01-2008, 11:42 AM
i believe he's the anti-christ so him being or not being a racist is the least of my concerns.


And McCain is the second coming of Bush. So we're fucked either way.

08-01-2008, 11:44 AM
Obama Isn't a racist....I think your just looking for an excuse to vote for Bush's 3rd term....Get educated and see what Mccain has in mind for this country and you'll see exactly why you shouldnt vote for him...

08-01-2008, 11:47 AM
Obama Isn't a racist....I think your just looking for an excuse to vote for Bush's 3rd term....Get educated and see what Mccain has in mind for this country and you'll see exactly why you shouldnt vote for him...

No offense guy, but wording like that will prompt an argument, which will cause the mods to bring out the chains.

Lets keep it civil people

08-01-2008, 11:48 AM
No offense guy, but wording like that will prompt an argument, which will cause the mods to bring out the chains.

Lets keep it civil people
There is no such thing as a civil political discussion on the internet... There is barely any such thing in person either.

I am not opening this thread again until it is in the reported threads in my email, then I am closing it.

08-01-2008, 11:49 AM
Or is his campaign management racist?


haha DUH.

Only people who are always carefull to point out racial shit IMO is racists... lol

oh the white man.. oh the black people.. oh those mexicans.. oh fucking asians..

GTF over it.

08-01-2008, 11:51 AM
Is it too hard to do something like that? Early on I was supportive of Obama because I wanted to see historical significance. But after I grew up and actually listened to his plans I realized the he's not real, just a black-face Hillary. I would love to see a black president. Or a woman president, or even a black/asian-american/latina-american/bi-sexual woman president. As some one of mixed race background I JDGAF what you are. I truly care about what you want to do as a president. Your race has NOTHING to do with the choices YOU make.

08-01-2008, 11:55 AM
Obama Isn't a racist....I think your just looking for an excuse to vote for Bush's 3rd term....Get educated and see what Mccain has in mind for this country and you'll see exactly why you shouldnt vote for him...

3rd bush or a black-face Hillary?

I'm writing in Ron Paul

08-01-2008, 11:57 AM
Booo Yaaaaaaaa Ron raul FTW!!!

08-01-2008, 11:57 AM
i believe he's the anti-christ so him being or not being a racist is the least of my concerns.


and mccain is the second coming of bush. So we're fucked either way.

hahaha the anti-christ is coming

08-01-2008, 11:57 AM
Oh, the irony - google is serving Obama campaign ads for this thread.

i believe he's the anti-christ so him being or not being a racist is the least of my concerns.


And McCain is the second coming of Bush. So we're fucked either way.

We're FUCKED - '08

08-01-2008, 12:02 PM
ron pizual ftw.

we have a horrible future ahead... get some comfy shoes and have a seat, this should be a fun 09!

08-01-2008, 12:07 PM
Oh, the irony - google is serving Obama campaign ads for this thread.

We're FUCKED - '08

Haha :bigok: FTMFW

08-01-2008, 12:19 PM
Obama? Bad choice... I just don't think he's really capable of leading when it comes down to pressure.

McCain? Not the best person out there IMHO, but I don't think he's as bad as most people think he is. I think he'd do a middle of the road job.

I don't give a shit what color any candidate is, that factors in absolutely zero in any election I've ever voted, or been eligible to vote in but didn't (such as this one most likely) It seems to me that most racism is perpetuated through attempts to do just the opposite in society today. People trying so hard to NOT offend someone cause they're black, asian, mexican, white or whatever, over stereotypes, historical events etc. and implementing things meant to make things "equal" just usually blows up in everyones face.

Seems like society is incapable of just having everyone as people, playing the hand they're dealt in life so to speak as best they can and not caring about skin color. If I painted myself blue I think it's about as significant as if I was any other race than what I am... It means nothing, and so it should. Just a human being...

It also serves no purpose whatsoever when people witch hunt, and try to gain some form of compensation for practiced racism, it just perpetuates the cycle again. I really can't believe society still hasn't moved completely past this...

... well actually I'm not. :-/

08-01-2008, 12:22 PM
I don't even know what the hell this thread is about. You're first post doesn't make any sense.

Is it too hard to do something like that? Early on I was supportive of Obama because I wanted to see historical significance. But after I grew up and actually listened to his plans I realized the he's not real, just a black-face Hillary. I would love to see a black president. Or a woman president, or even a black/asian-american/latina-american/bi-sexual woman president. As some one of mixed race background I JDGAF what you are. I truly care about what you want to do as a president. Your race has NOTHING to do with the choices YOU make.

You only grew up this past year?

08-01-2008, 12:57 PM
so you mean to tell me you don't grow every day? I would like to think I have grown some in the bast few months.

08-01-2008, 01:01 PM
Useless Garbage Thread. Should be locked.

08-01-2008, 02:09 PM
that for sure they bolth suck we are fucked:rant2:

08-01-2008, 02:51 PM
Haha, Obama is a racist now? I just hope he wins, only because I really don't want McCain to win.

08-01-2008, 03:05 PM

08-01-2008, 03:09 PM
i believe he's the anti-christ so him being or not being a racist is the least of my concerns.


And McCain is the second coming of Bush. So we're fucked either way.

agreed. Ron Paul was the only sane choice but thats gone now.....

08-01-2008, 05:32 PM
I don't think he is racist per se but I do think he has a chip on his shoulder when it comes to white people, IMO he believes that white people as a whole are responsible for many of the problems within the black community or the lack of success and upward mobility therein. This is a HUGE problem for someone who says they want to heal racial divides because you cannot make the racial divide disappear by pandering to one side or the other. People, (notice I said people and not black or white etc.) must develop personal responsibility and stand or fall on their own, not as part of a racial group. The excuses of my ancestors were enslaved so now I can't succeed will never be a recipe for success. Making excuses never is. Also the fact that black people are coming out in droves to support Obama based on one thing, him being black, is racist in itself.

08-01-2008, 05:37 PM

is that really him? where's the mole?

in my HUMBLE opinion.

the only people bringing up race and racism, that i have noticed, are whiteys. because they're uncomfortable with the whole idea of a like quarter black dude running for president.

it's 2008. get the fuck over it

08-01-2008, 05:44 PM
Haha, Obama is a racist now? I just hope he wins, only because I really don't want McCain to win.

isn't that what we said about Kerry and Gore?

08-01-2008, 05:50 PM
For some weird reason i feel as if Mc Cain will win. I really want Obama to win since he seems like an open minded type of person but many of his speeches sound too good to be true. Also do you guys think America is ready for a black president? I mean for us Mexicans the closest was Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa(forgot to spell his last name) for Los Angeles. So we still have a very long long way to go..

08-01-2008, 05:59 PM
Douche vs. Shit Sandwich



08-01-2008, 06:21 PM

His new campaign is down as hell

08-01-2008, 06:28 PM
Douche vs. Shit Sandwich




I'm writing in Ron Paul.

08-01-2008, 06:48 PM
im voting for obama+1

08-01-2008, 06:50 PM

I'm writing in Ron Paul.

and i'm going to write in the tooth fairy
and if i click my heels together and just wish hard enough...

08-01-2008, 07:03 PM
McCain? Not the best person out there IMHO, but I don't think he's as bad as most people think he is. I think he'd do a middle of the road job.

He's this generation's Gerald Ford.

Obama is this generation's Jimmy Carter.

08-01-2008, 07:08 PM
Someone said it already... McCain makes Bush look like a scholar.

08-01-2008, 07:15 PM
Someone said it already... McCain makes Bush look like a scholar.

And your basing this on what? The fact that he's been in the Senate for over 20 years, the fact that he graduated from the Naval Academy, the fact that he was a Naval Aviator..:rolleyes: I'm sure you are qualified to call someone with those credentials stupid. You may not like him or his policies but I assure you he is far from stupid.

08-01-2008, 07:49 PM
And your basing this on what? The fact that he's been in the Senate for over 20 years, the fact that he graduated from the Naval Academy, the fact that he was a Naval Aviator..:rolleyes: I'm sure you are qualified to call someone with those credentials stupid. You may not like him or his policies but I assure you he is far from stupid.

Smart people still do dumb shit.

God you're like Zilvia's lone McCain crusader.


08-01-2008, 07:50 PM
And your basing this on what? The fact that he's been in the Senate for over 20 years, the fact that he graduated from the Naval Academy...
He graduated 894th from a class of 899 hahaha.

YouTube - McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEtZlR3zp4c)
YouTube - McCain Thinks Iraq Borders Pakistan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC0Y7zMcn_4)

08-01-2008, 07:55 PM
He graduated 894th from a class of 899 hahaha.

YouTube - McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEtZlR3zp4c)
YouTube - McCain Thinks Iraq Borders Pakistan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC0Y7zMcn_4)


08-01-2008, 07:58 PM
Smart people still do dumb shit.

God you're like Zilvia's lone McCain crusader.


It's not like I think he is the best possible candidate, I just think he is heads above Obama. I really do not like Obama but I won't go as far as to call him stupid, because he obviously is not. There are plenty of other legitimate criticisms I can resort to before I resort to name calling. It's childish and if you dislike McCain so much it should be easy for you to criticize his policies rather than "uhhh yea he's soo stupid..."

08-01-2008, 08:00 PM

People get flustered speaking in front of audiences. Obama has mis-poke a couple of times as well. Be realistic.

08-01-2008, 08:11 PM
i'll honestly be happy with either candidate. barack has energy and is an excellent speaker, which are two qualities we've been lacking. it'd be interesting to see how that would play out.
mccain has experience and is reserved, but he's also closer to the center than what we've been dealing with. so that would be fine too.

i'm happy either way. i'll be voting for obama, but i do expect mccain to win. why? because bush was reelected. a little over 50% of america definitely votes for the party.

08-01-2008, 08:40 PM
I remember one guy asked him something like

what about the oppressed and exploited african community

he was all like uh uh uh uh... i answer to all races. everything im doing isnt just for one race but for everyone.

p.s. IMO mccain is too old to be an effective president.

08-01-2008, 08:44 PM
The biggest problem I have with Obama, well besides his gun grabbing anti-bluecollar socialism, is how he is pressuring African Americans to vote for him because of ethnic responsibility instead of whether or not he is the right person for the job. Racism is Racism no matter how it's coated. Voting for someone just because they are black is just as wrong as voting for someone just because they are white. You can't have it both ways.

08-01-2008, 09:12 PM
All if favor of wrighting in ron paul say I... IIIIIIIIIIIIIII

08-01-2008, 09:17 PM
BustedS13 isnt at MM?

Dirty Habit
08-01-2008, 09:44 PM
My cousins in Italy told me they do not discuss three things outside of the family.
Political stance
Religious belief
and Soccer team loyalty.

You could talk about banging someone in the ass to an aquaintance, but not anything listed above.

As you all are not my family, Id like to tell you about this chick I bange.......

Shits pointless, no one will change their personal beliefs in situations like this. And we are screwed. lol.

08-01-2008, 10:42 PM
Quote of the Century: 'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.'

- Barack Obama

08-01-2008, 11:00 PM
God you're like Zilvia's lone McCain crusader.

Not everyone is with Obama hype. There's still a lot of time to weigh the differences between candidates. Just let the facts and previous experiences of each candidate be the factors of who you're voting for.

November is the month.

08-01-2008, 11:24 PM
He graduated 894th from a class of 899 hahaha.

YouTube - McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEtZlR3zp4c)
YouTube - McCain Thinks Iraq Borders Pakistan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC0Y7zMcn_4)

L, O, to the mother fucking L.

08-01-2008, 11:27 PM
Booo Yaaaaaaaa Ron raul FTW!!!

going back to the gold standard FTL

08-01-2008, 11:29 PM
Not everyone is with Obama hype. There's still a lot of time to weigh the differences between candidates. Just let the facts and previous experiences of each candidate be the factors of who you're voting for.

November is the month.

Neither am I

I'm not on the warpath for either one cuz

08-01-2008, 11:35 PM
Maybe if those poeple who spoke out payed attention to what's going on, instead of focusing on, "being black", things would've been different.

Just because Obama has some african in his blood doesn't mean he should focus and only talk about the exploitation of black people.

There are MANY people who have problems going on. If he went that route then Obama would not have even stood a chance in elections.

The reason he's gotten so far is not his outspeak on a particular race, but the promise he holds for ALL races.

I am all for black rights, but the way those three fools went about it was all wrong.

I feel embarrassed by what they said.

08-01-2008, 11:38 PM
L, O, to the mother fucking L.

obama said there are 56 or 57 states.. he also thinks his economic policy wont run us into the ground.. most of us drive 240s here aka shitty gas mileage...... he wants a $1000/person oil company tax stimulus check... less profit, less investment in infrastructure, less of that.. decreasing production.. higher long term prices.. retarded
checkout the oil production decrease of russia, mexico or venezuela... socializing oil production FUCKS shit up...

lookup his quote about how his only regret about 4/gallon gas is that it didn't happen gradually...

this clown's answer to everything is to increase government spending... any econ textbook will say how government spending is proven to be LESS EFFICIENT than PRIVATE SECTOR investment.. higher taxes, a weaker economy and yourself bent over grabbing ankles waiting for government handouts...

you can vote for that clown w/ 2 years of experience on the grounds that you want CHANGE...

or you can realize that this mofo wants to put the government at the center of your financial lives (govt subsidized college education, nationalized health insurance, trillion dollar spending)...

08-01-2008, 11:43 PM
All of that sounds like good things to me that have worked efficiently in other modern countries for years.

08-01-2008, 11:51 PM
most of us drive 240s here aka shitty gas mileage...

If you think 240's get shitty gas mileage, you must live under a rock.

08-01-2008, 11:53 PM
For some weird reason i feel as if Mc Cain will win. I really want Obama to win since he seems like an open minded type of person but many of his speeches sound too good to be true. Also do you guys think America is ready for a black president? I mean for us Mexicans the closest was Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa(forgot to spell his last name) for Los Angeles. So we still have a very long long way to go..

I plan on being the first Mexican president :bigok:

08-01-2008, 11:56 PM
He graduated 894th from a class of 899 hahaha.

YouTube - McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEtZlR3zp4c)
YouTube - McCain Thinks Iraq Borders Pakistan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC0Y7zMcn_4)

People get flustered speaking in front of audiences. Obama has mis-poke a couple of times as well. Be realistic.

Youtube? The place that has a slew of videos with ever kind of car beating every other kind making them all the fastest, or most "JDM Tyte!!" car out there...

Not saying McCain has never mispoke, or not contradicted himself (but guess what, so has Obama more than a few times, and so do you probably nearly everday... You're just not on camera) but let's be honest... Most of those clips were out of context, and no dates or circumstances given. For all we know some of those could have been from before he even ran as a candidate, and then put against things he's said now or recently, or vice versa. When people start believing Youtube and not using their own common sense we have a problem. lol

How many people don't even get accepted into the Naval Academy?

That's kind of like saying a doctor is an idiot as a physician because he graduated near the bottom of his class at Oxford.

going back to the gold standard FTL

As opposed to valuing the dollar on a standard of air? You can't maintain the value of an artificially created wealth indefinitely... Eventually it must be backed by a hard value.

All of that sounds like good things to me that have worked efficiently in other modern countries for years.

As someone who lives in one of those countries that's implemented such programs. They don't always work.

IE: Canada's healthcare is always brought up as an example of how beneficial socialized medicine is. While I don't agree with the current US system either, the current Canadian system sees critical surgeries delayed months and months costing lives, and waits for diagnostic equipment spanning in some cases a year or more.

So no. They don't always work efficiently.

08-02-2008, 12:13 AM
I nominate Al Lagura as president.

08-02-2008, 12:36 AM
As someone who lives in one of those countries that's implemented such programs. They don't always work.

IE: Canada's healthcare is always brought up as an example of how beneficial socialized medicine is. While I don't agree with the current US system either, the current Canadian system sees critical surgeries delayed months and months costing lives, and waits for diagnostic equipment spanning in some cases a year or more.

So no. They don't always work efficiently.
At least people are getting treatment. And of course there are also private doctors, so if you have the money I'm sure you can get any surgery whenever you want it.

Just because something works efficiently only 95% of time instead of 100% is not a good enough reason for me to stick to the old ways that are obviously failing.

As someone who lived in three different countries like that, with cancer and diabetics in the family living in such countries, who are receiving state of the art treatment and paying nothing, I can't say anything bad.

The US government doesn't do nearly as much for its people as many other governments do, yet it has managed to put the country in a historically record-breaking debt. If the country is to be in debt, it might as well be because they're doing something for their own people and trying to improve the quality of their life and keeping them happy.
I'll put the well being of myself and those close to me over the well being of the government stuffing its pockets any day.

My grandma lives in Europe, she goes to the hospital almost daily. My parents got free university education, because they worked hard in school.
Gas has been 6-7$ per gallon for the past 15 years. Ironically people there are doing doing better than ever and don't mind paying the price. They've also had more efficient cars for a while, although surprisingly lately more people are driving larger vehicles than ever before.

Over here I know of entire families that have gone bankrupt because of trying to put children through college, or having to deal with unexpected medical expenses. That shouldn't be accepted as normal.

The rest of the world is moving ahead while America desperately tries to cling to its glory from 20 years ago.
I think it's time to accept the fact that the US needs to move on.

I just really don't see what people expect from McCain, especially if they don't like how things are now, or do they? I mean, I don't really care much for Obama either, but I think America needs him, if anything at least to somewhat repair its image with the rest of the world. I'd be willing to spend 4 years with him as president, I doubt he can make things any worse than they already are.

Vision Garage
08-02-2008, 01:07 AM
The US government doesn't do nearly as much for its people as many other governments do, yet it has managed to put the country in a historically record-breaking debt

Thats what happens you start a war with someone and once its done you try to rebuild it. Let me destroy your house and once im happy ill pay for everything i messed up. Damnit America. Thats exactly why our economy is bad. We have to butt into everyone elses business. Shit they were at war with each other since clinton days.

08-02-2008, 02:55 AM
lol...funny tags

i wanna shake those amber lee fuckin milkshakes.
brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr brrrrrrrr brrrrrrrrr

08-02-2008, 04:26 AM
Quote of the Century: 'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.'

- Barack Obama

HA fuckidy HA!

did he really say that? i think im going to make a t-shirt out of that.

08-02-2008, 08:04 AM
checkout the oil production decrease of russia, mexico or venezuela... socializing oil production FUCKS shit up...

umm.... look at ALL the middle eastern countries were gas is less than or equal $0.60 cents a gallon. Where 'community college' is equivalent to our state college and you get paid to go to. I will not argue that they have more freedoms or privileges than us because they clearly don't. I mean how hard would it be to implement something similar were we would still spend more or less a dollar a gallon of gas but have better roads and better school system.

I know the US is notorious for not spending money on where it has been budgeted for but it's not impossible.

08-02-2008, 09:08 AM
Quote of the Century: 'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.'

- Barack Obama

WOW. He is just full of great quotes. First the one about the middle class clinging to religion and guns, now this quote. Fuck this guy. If you had any common sense Obama's elitist "I know what's best for you" attitude should scare the shit out of you. Socialists always know what's best for their people. Our country needs to utilize google and check out the track record of countries that elect socialist gun grabbers.

08-02-2008, 11:04 AM
i find it hard to believe that anybody in this country would vote based on quotes like that. look at the fucktard who was reelected.

08-02-2008, 11:09 AM
yeah but the problem with the fucktard that's in office now is because the old people... you know the ones that actually vote LOVE the old addage 'keep the president in office that started the war'

08-02-2008, 11:17 AM
At least people are getting treatment. And of course there are also private doctors, so if you have the money I'm sure you can get any surgery whenever you want it.

Just because something works efficiently only 95% of time instead of 100% is not a good enough reason for me to stick to the old ways that are obviously failing.

As someone who lived in three different countries like that, with cancer and diabetics in the family living in such countries, who are receiving state of the art treatment and paying nothing, I can't say anything bad.

The US government doesn't do nearly as much for its people as many other governments do, yet it has managed to put the country in a historically record-breaking debt. If the country is to be in debt, it might as well be because they're doing something for their own people and trying to improve the quality of their life and keeping them happy.
I'll put the well being of myself and those close to me over the well being of the government stuffing its pockets any day.

My grandma lives in Europe, she goes to the hospital almost daily. My parents got free university education, because they worked hard in school.
Gas has been 6-7$ per gallon for the past 15 years. Ironically people there are doing doing better than ever and don't mind paying the price. They've also had more efficient cars for a while, although surprisingly lately more people are driving larger vehicles than ever before.

Over here I know of entire families that have gone bankrupt because of trying to put children through college, or having to deal with unexpected medical expenses. That shouldn't be accepted as normal.

The rest of the world is moving ahead while America desperately tries to cling to its glory from 20 years ago.
I think it's time to accept the fact that the US needs to move on.

I just really don't see what people expect from McCain, especially if they don't like how things are now, or do they? I mean, I don't really care much for Obama either, but I think America needs him, if anything at least to somewhat repair its image with the rest of the world. I'd be willing to spend 4 years with him as president, I doubt he can make things any worse than they already are.

I don't know which countries you've lived in, but all I can go by in that regard for myself is the US and Canada. I know several European nations have socialized medicine, however I think it's more successful in those countries on a few simple factors, even as simple as population distribution and physical size of the nation. Canada may only have roughly 35-40 million people, but they're spread out across an area larger than all of Europe combined and that means a large increase in the resources needed in order to make them readily accessible in an emergency etc. You can't have some patients required to travel 4 hrs. to get to diagnostic equipment for emergency surgery for example. So the cost of socialized medicine is higher in nations such as the US and Canada.

Personally I like the model of a hybrid between the two. A socialized system that still uses an element of insurance and personal coverage. Forget paying for the little things on the socialized system, which is where a LARGE portion of the public money is spent (paying for some kid to have his arm put in a cast, or a cut stitched etc.) and keep the public money to cover large expenses and surgeries prohibitively expensive to the average American, or Canadian. Fact is MOST people can afford to pay for little things such as a doctors visit, or a minor emergency trip, but in Canada they don't have to and A LOT of money is sucked out of the healthcare budget in that way. Healthcare in Canada costs, on avg, close to 1/3 of the federal budget every fiscal year. It explains to a large degree why Canadians are some of the highest taxed citizens in the world.

Lots of people have called for a look into such a system... governments just refuse to even explore it. :ugh: Healthcare needs to cease being seen as a business, but also needs to no longer be viewed as a right when proper treatment can easily be afforded out of pocket or by a simple work coverage plan cause you decided to be a douche and break your leg doing something stupid or just falling down. Save the money for the infant with cancer who isn't working, has no money herself, and did nothing (accidental or intentional) to become ill.

I digress...

As far as school cost here? I agree, something needs to be done. I don't think it should be free as that encourages abuse of the system to a degree, but I don't think a university tuition should require a family to be bankrupt in extreme cases. A large part of the problem is waste in schools. The university I'm attending now is spending millions on road resurfacing... If they were highways? Sure. These roads never see traffic above 20mph though. :duh:

A lot of money disappears into workers unions as well. There was a time for them, but I think they serve little purpose now besides to stir up trouble and fuel greed among those who, dare I say, aren't worth as much in their job. It's harsh, but true. Some jobs are more valuable than others, both in skill and requirements. Money can't truly create equality, it just creates waste of money that could have been used elsewhere.

Like I've said, personally neither of them is great IMHO. Obama would actually concern me as president for a few reasons. McCain would not, or I should say to the same degree, I just don't think he'd be the next Lincoln or anything. I think overall he's just more likely to be able to deal with the pressure and tough decisions better than Obama. Obama seems to think he can do anything without consequences.

Sorry... long post.

08-03-2008, 08:56 AM
i find it hard to believe that anybody in this country would vote based on quotes like that. look at the fucktard who was reelected.

How about telling us to fuck off by saying inflate your tires to save on gas? I don't trust him.

08-03-2008, 09:44 AM
What this country truly needs is someone exactly like this man.


If anyone knows who this guy is I will be impressed and if you can explain why he's such a great man I'll be more impressed.

08-03-2008, 09:54 AM
president of canada?

band manager of dethclok?

08-03-2008, 09:59 AM
looks like Stephen Colbert from the Colbert Report

08-03-2008, 10:03 AM
is that really him? where's the mole?

in my HUMBLE opinion.

the only people bringing up race and racism, that i have noticed, are whiteys. because they're uncomfortable with the whole idea of a like quarter black dude running for president.

it's 2008. get the fuck over it

i know people of the black community NOT voting for him....

Dont assume ALL the whiteys are the ones with the issues with race.

08-03-2008, 10:14 AM
i know people of the black community NOT voting for him....

Dont assume ALL the whiteys are the ones with the issues with race.

Don't assume that racism is only a problem of white people, contrary to what the mainstream media, and sterotypical concept might tell you. Racism goes every way between every race. Racism by whites, especially towareds blacks, is just more stereotyped due to historical events such as slavery etc.

IMHO racism becomes an issue only because people choose to make it one. The fact that I don't think Obama would be a good choice for president has nothing whatsoever to do with his race. Although when I've voiced that I wouldn't choose him, in person, I'm automatically accused of it being a race issue (By whites and blacks) when I haven't even suggested or implied anything of the sort. Racism usually enters an issue most often under false accusations and spirals from there I think. If someone is really a racist... you'll know it.

Personally I don't think Obama is racist, but I definitely think he's playing to some voters on the historical precedent he'd set by becoming the first black president. Which IMHO is actually... kind of immature if you will. haha

08-03-2008, 10:14 AM
The guy I posted is the President of Colombia, his name is Alvaro Uribe. The president of my country. He made our country beautiful and safe again.

He made such a huge improvement that they are trying to amend our countries constitution to allow him to serve more presidential terms since its capped at 2 terms. He also has a 90% approval rate from the voters and are fighting to keep him in office.

Im sure you guys heard of the incident where he helped free US captives from the Guerillas FARC without firing 1 round. With the help of the US fired missles to a FARC safehouse and killed some high level Guerillas which they retrieved vital information showing Hugo Chavez aiding FARC which are considered terrorists.

08-03-2008, 02:34 PM
Being that he isn't a U.S. citizen nor was he born in this country it would never happen, and just because one thing works for Colombia doesn't necessarily mean that he'd have the same success in America.

08-03-2008, 02:46 PM
i inflated my tires today. i guess that means im contributing to oil conservation

08-03-2008, 03:32 PM
i'll honestly be happy with either candidate. barack has energy and is an excellent speaker, which are two qualities we've been lacking. it'd be interesting to see how that would play out.
mccain has experience and is reserved, but he's also closer to the center than what we've been dealing with. so that would be fine too.

i'm happy either way. i'll be voting for obama, but i do expect mccain to win. why? because bush was reelected. a little over 50% of america definitely votes for the party.

i concur.

i'd rep you if i could.

08-03-2008, 05:28 PM
Obama - I doubt he can make things any worse than they already are.

You have NO idea.

Obama gets in, crime will tripple, and there will be no war on terror. People like Obama/killery dont understand us being out of the middle east = peace and no more terrorism. Second we pull out, they will unite with a force far greater than we've ever seen.

And police officers are getting threats from the ghetto that once obama gets in the cracka's are dead...supposidly they think obama will bail them out. Crack must be a hell of a drug

Mi Beardo es Loco
08-03-2008, 10:34 PM
Bush was a wonderful president. See, I can lie too.

08-03-2008, 10:40 PM
What this country truly needs is someone exactly like this man.


If anyone knows who this guy is I will be impressed and if you can explain why he's such a great man I'll be more impressed.
Alvaro Uribe Velez. President of Colombia. He started alot of reforms and shit and some guerillas stopped fighting and he started to trade with some countries... I've been outta school too long to remember the details.

get at me son.

08-04-2008, 08:55 AM
Quote of the Century: 'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.'

- Barack Obama

Lol, sorry Lisa, but that's just asinine, and also false.

snopes.com: Greatest Nation (http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/change.asp)

But besides the fact that the quote is false, what is wrong with it? I agree that the US is the greatest country in the world. Does that mean it's perfect? Does that mean that there is no room for improvement? Does that mean that we should not change a single thing?


Over 40 million Americans have no health insurance (almost 1 in 6 Americans)

College is unattainable to far too many Americans still

Next year's budget deficit is expected to be nearly half a trillion dollars

Last year's trade deficit was $700 billion, that's American wealth flowing out of the country, and the number one reason for the Dollar's current value

Jobs are continuously being out-sourced to other countries

1 in 100 Americans are in jail, a far higher rate than other industrialized nations

The rates of bankruptcy and foreclosure are spiraling up

I could go on and on, but you get the point. Being the 'best' or 'greatest' doesn't mean that there is no room for improvement.

08-04-2008, 11:44 AM
You have NO idea.

Obama gets in, crime will tripple, and there will be no war on terror. People like Obama/killery dont understand us being out of the middle east = peace and no more terrorism. Second we pull out, they will unite with a force far greater than we've ever seen.

And police officers are getting threats from the ghetto that once obama gets in the cracka's are dead...supposidly they think obama will bail them out. Crack must be a hell of a drug


How cute.
Crime will triple? wtf. hahaha.

Where are you getting these facts?

08-04-2008, 12:15 PM
Over 40 million Americans have no health insurance (almost 1 in 6 Americans)

College is unattainable to far too many Americans still

Next year's budget deficit is expected to be nearly half a trillion dollars

Last year's trade deficit was $700 billion, that's American wealth flowing out of the country, and the number one reason for the Dollar's current value

Jobs are continuously being out-sourced to other countries

1 in 100 Americans are in jail, a far higher rate than other industrialized nations

The rates of bankruptcy and foreclosure are spiraling up


Don't believe the propaganda. Health insurance is the fault of the corporations not paying employees enough and not providing benefits. When companies intentionally schedule employees for less than 35 hours a week so they don't have to provide benefits something is wrong.

College is unattainable? Are you fucking kidding me? There are so many programs that will actually pay you to go to college. All you have to do is sign up and fill out some forms. You can even do them online. I have had every single semester books included completely paid for by grants and scholarships and I made $15k last year. Laziness plain and simple.

The budget deficit...you go me on that one. Our government (dems and reps) are writing checks they can't cash. So with a Dem majority running the house and senate and what has changed? Nothing. Do you think it will be any better with a Dem pres too?

Outsourced jobs? Do you really think Obama is going to stop giving the companies that outsource jobs tax breaks and all sorts of free gov't money? He won't shit where he eats.

Criminals? Where did you get your statistic? How many of the "Americans" in jail are illegals? How do you think Obama is going to stop criminals? Do you think once a black man is in office the criminals will have an enlightening and quit doing crimes?

Bankruptcy and foreclosure? We did that to ourselves and the banks were only too happy to help us out. How is Obama going to fix that? He won't shit where he eats.

I'm not trying to pick a fight, I just don't see him...or any candidate...as a superman that will fix everything. He can't.

08-04-2008, 12:25 PM
My comments were neither for nor against any particular candidate. My comments were a response to the claim that I have seen multiple times (not just Lisa's mistaken quote) that nothing needs to change in this country.

08-07-2008, 06:21 PM
Don't assume that racism is only a problem of white people, contrary to what the mainstream media, and sterotypical concept might tell you. Racism goes every way between every race. Racism by whites, especially towareds blacks, is just more stereotyped due to historical events such as slavery etc.

IMHO racism becomes an issue only because people choose to make it one. The fact that I don't think Obama would be a good choice for president has nothing whatsoever to do with his race. Although when I've voiced that I wouldn't choose him, in person, I'm automatically accused of it being a race issue (By whites and blacks) when I haven't even suggested or implied anything of the sort. Racism usually enters an issue most often under false accusations and spirals from there I think. If someone is really a racist... you'll know it.

Personally I don't think Obama is racist, but I definitely think he's playing to some voters on the historical precedent he'd set by becoming the first black president. Which IMHO is actually... kind of immature if you will. haha
lol dude you just said the SAME thing i did ? :loco:

Mi Beardo es Loco
08-07-2008, 06:32 PM
people....c'mon. You have to realize that McCains ENTIRE strategy is to try to make Obama bring up the race card. McCain strategists have put Obama's face on the dollar bill, pass it out, put it on the internet, then when Obama comments on it he's "playing the race card?" It's bullshit the way they're making Obama look in the media these days. Listen to republican radio for god sake! Rush Limba (?) calls him a "half-rican." What kind of bullshit is that?
Also, I spent a LONG time in Ohio and Atl and you wouldn't believe the way people are. Racism is DEFINITELY a factor. I'm not kidding you when I tell you that people put "don't vote for Barak Hussein Obama Bin Ladan." Your average everyday person in Atl seems like they're retarded racist rednecks, which they're certainly not but it seems like it. It's just a much different world than Ca.

08-07-2008, 06:40 PM
Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly need to be covered in a1 sauce and stuck in a lion cage.

If it's any consolation I can't stand Left Wingers either. Just those two are the biggest assholes ever to be allowed to have their own shows... well except for that one dead "preacher".

As for Obama being racist... So be it. It would just be a reverse, George Bush doesn't care about black people.


08-07-2008, 06:52 PM
Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly need to be covered in a1 sauce and stuck in a lion cage.
You would want to give those beautiful, majestic, ENDANGERED creatures heart attacks? Thats way too much headfat for even a pride of lions.

Shame on you...:nono:lol.

For reals though, I hate the far left. So much... oh, so much... Obama ftl.

Mi Beardo es Loco
08-07-2008, 06:53 PM
Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly need to be covered in a1 sauce and stuck in a lion cage.

If it's any consolation I can't stand Left Wingers either. Just those two are the biggest assholes ever to be allowed to have their own shows... well except for that one dead "preacher".

As for Obama being racist... So be it. It would just be a reverse, George Bush doesn't care about black people.

This whole presidential campaign is pushing a pussy and an asshole in our faces. That's why America is asking to get fucked.

'scuse me if I prefer the pussy.

Ron Paul needs to present himself as some new form of fucking.. Maybe a good facepump.

08-07-2008, 08:55 PM
College is unattainable? Are you fucking kidding me? There are so many programs that will actually pay you to go to college. All you have to do is sign up and fill out some forms. You can even do them online. I have had every single semester books included completely paid for by grants and scholarships and I made $15k last year. Laziness plain and simple.

i call BS here. i am going to school right now, loans and the VA for getting hurt in the military is the ONLY way that i can possibly afford it. i have filled out countless forms, and you know what, a mittleage white guy that wants to quit working full time and go back to school with a 3.6 GPA has no chance of getting any help. the FASFA fucks over non traditional students. you know how much i get from state and federal pell? $0 you know how much i get from all the grants that i signed up for? $0 you know how easy it is to find legit grants and fellowships to sign up for? very hard.

but then again i get schooling paid for so i can only sign up for money that can be used for housing and living expenses.