View Full Version : clutch and flywheel installed...but won't go into gear

12-29-2002, 08:06 PM
After 7hrs...that's right 7hrs, the clutch and flywheel went in oddly enough w/o a hitch. Except for the fact that my clutch pedal went straight to the floor and it wouldn't go into gear. I am thinking that I need to bleed the slave cylinder (which I didn't do...ran out of time at the hobby shop) but if anyone has suggestions they would be greatly welcome.

FYI I installed a SPEC stage II and Fidanza. The clutch I removed was sprung 3 puck ::I was wondering why it hooked up so well::

Everything was torqued to spec and the only thing I can think of is bleeding the slave cyl.

Thanks for reading and hope you have a good suggestion for me to use Monday.:confused:

12-29-2002, 08:57 PM
Yep sounds like your on the right track. Just bleed the system and then adjust your freeplay . If your still having problems then have someone push in the clutch while you look at the slave cylinder to make sure it is moving in and out properly. If it is not moving correctly then there is some sort of problem in the hydraulics most likely. If it is moving like it should then it an internal problem. I think your right though and is probably a matter of air in the system.

Don't forget to adjust freeplay!!
(it is a horrible feeling when you think your brand new clutch slips like a mofo)

12-29-2002, 09:19 PM
After I changed my clutch I bled the system the conventional way but I still had a dead clutch. Then I tried using one of those one-man brake bleeding pumps and it worked very well. While I was down there I decided to take out the clutch dampener box (right before the slave cylinder) and it seemed to make the clutch more responsive.

And yeah, adjust your pedal correctly!

One more thing, did you make sure your clutch fork was positioned properly on the throw out bearing? It can be knocked out of place sometimes when you put the tranny back in.

12-30-2002, 03:09 AM
I second the motion on taking out that annoying clutch dampener. Sounds like you just need to bleed the clutch. For the first few times you bleed it you will need someone to lift the clutch pedal up and down by hand, as you bleed it should get stiffer and will require someone to sit down and use their foot. Keep bleeding till there is a straight line of fluid flowing out the slave cylinder bleeder nipple. Sorry for all the blabbing if you already knew this. Good news is that you have already finished the hard part, bleeding the clutch is cake :)

Good Luck.

12-30-2002, 07:34 AM
Thanks for all the suggestions. I plan to go back at 1:00 today and finish up. What's the best way to adjust the clutch pedal? Hopefully everything will go well.

I will have a write-up and photos to go in the installs section when I am done

12-30-2002, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by nrcooled
Thanks for all the suggestions. I plan to go back at 1:00 today and finish up. What's the best way to adjust the clutch pedal? Hopefully everything will go well.

I will have a write-up and photos to go in the installs section when I am done

Sweet! Drop me an email when you done with it. [email protected] Thanks!

12-30-2002, 04:36 PM
The worst case scenario happened!
The master cyl. is bad. My guess is the stiffer pressure plate on the clutch killed my mc. You can see fluid on the inside of the foot well by the plunger on the clutch.
Edit: I didn't give the syptoms- I can build pressue then when the slave starts to finnaly move the fork I lose all pressure in the clutch pedal. Then we did it all again and the same happened. That's how I got my hypothesis

I got a pretty good price on the master and slave so I am just going to replace them both. ($24-master $23.50-slave) Anyway I am guessing it will take about 2hrs to do both but the damn hobby shop will be closed for the hollidays.
So I have a lightened flywheel and new clutch and can't use them...yet:D k

BTW West, I will do a write-up w/ pics on those too;)