View Full Version : When a 12 gauge just doesn't pack enough power for you...

07-30-2008, 02:21 AM
Videos and Photos of Army Special Ops, Navy SEALs, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard in Action - Shock and Awe - Military.com (http://shock.military.com/Shock/videos.do;jsessionid=26F40AC4E0566E724DD335F4655D5 BAB?displayContent=171911&ESRC=marine.nl)

how about an auto 12q gauge with explosive grenade rounds? this is a new form of awesome.

07-30-2008, 02:24 AM
I remember seeing something similar once... I think it's been around for awhile actually.

In any case, definitely an effective way to ruin someone's day.

07-30-2008, 02:49 AM
i posted something similar on a zombie topic.

YouTube - Automatic 12 Gauge Shotgun (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWsW2urXPMM)

fully auto 12 gauge just like the usas12 on bad company

07-30-2008, 04:32 AM
sign me up

07-30-2008, 04:44 AM
insane... both video's are great. would hate to be on either side of that thing.

07-30-2008, 10:21 AM
When you hear that gun cock from behind you somewhere, you have OFFICIALLY had a bad day.

Can you imagine what that would do to a human body? utter destruction.

07-30-2008, 11:21 AM
imagine using the slugs on that auto 12 gauge. you'd need to be a pretty big dude to keep that accurate

07-30-2008, 11:43 AM
i once heard a guy talk about slugs that have acid in them and they use them to eat through locks and huge steel doors and shit.

any truth to that?

because i'd rather have acid bullets i think....

07-30-2008, 12:44 PM
IF a lock can withstand a slug I don't know what kind of acid you'd use that wouldn't take atleast a while

07-30-2008, 01:17 PM
IF a lock can withstand a slug I don't know what kind of acid you'd use that wouldn't take atleast a while

sulfuric acid? thats what keeps coming to mind.

he could be a complete retard bullshitter too, so dont hold me to it, i just thought it sounded pretty gnarly.

i mean think about it, you shoot a zombie, slug blows up. you take out like 2 MAYBE 3 zombies because really after that you're just spraying the rest of the hoarde with meat chunks.

but if you had rounds full of some super rad flesh eating acid, you could in theory kill two and cripple at least 5 i would think, giving you that much more time to lay waste to the undead.

i still like my mirror tinted riot shield idea. zombies wont even know you're there, they just go "ug, more zombie." and then you go "YEAH RIGHT BITCH! HERE'S MUCHO BULLETS FOR YOUR FACE!" the you flip out and start spitting everywhere and ripping up the carpet and in the background there's ninjas wailling on guitars HARD and bitches be all up on your nuts "save us from the zombies!" and you're like "back up bitch, i gots a chainsaw hand!"


and judging by this photo, you'll have some carney freak come out of nowhere and help you but dont share your womenz with him he looks a lil dirty

07-30-2008, 01:34 PM
There is sulfuric acid in your liquid plumber. It'd have to be super concentraded. Slugs don't blow up either. ITs just a big lead shot.


07-30-2008, 01:37 PM
i posted something similar on a zombie topic.

YouTube - Automatic 12 Gauge Shotgun (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWsW2urXPMM)

fully auto 12 gauge just like the usas12 on bad company
It was more the combining it with grenade shotgun rounds that made the difference for me. I had seen the auto before, but never explosive rounds.

yeah but an acid slug would eat away your barrel. a grenade slug makes it to it's target then BOOM!!!

07-30-2008, 01:56 PM
Slugs don't blow up either. ITs just a big lead shot.


read the post directly above mine. grenade slugs. i know what slugs are, im not gun illiterate. this guy was talkin bout some military shit. and i have no way of knowing if its true or not since im a civilian. and the way he described it was like a slug filled with some sort of corrosive material (think of it like a huge metal paintball) either way whatever. sooo off topic. im done.

video proof that there are indeed exploding shotgun rounds
(and that you shouldnt dick around with them)