View Full Version : NV240SX & VegasDrift BBQ - August 2nd, Sunday! Las Vegas, NV!

07-29-2008, 01:07 PM
NV240SX & VegasDrift BBQ - August 3rd, Sunday!


Who: NV240SX and VegasDrift hosts the BBQ!
When: August 3rd, 2008. Sunday!
Where: Desert Breeze Park, left side upon entering the Twain entrance!
What to Bring: Food to include or $5 to pitch in!
For: Everyone and anyone, bring your friends and your family and a good attitude!!

Link for Others: 7th Official NV240SX BBQ w/ VegasDrift!! Aug 3rd!! - NV240SX.ORG - Forums - v2.0 (http://bbq.nv240sx.org) (link everyone you know!)
Banner: http://nv240sx.org/images/bbq7/vdnv240sxbbq_aug32008.jpg

Let us know here if you'll be coming and if you'll be bringing food or not!
We'll have t-shirts and decals for sale from both NV240SX and VegasDrift!
We'll also be discussing the next VegasDrift Event @ Nellis event which will be in Sept. at the bbq!

Be there!

07-29-2008, 08:23 PM
Why couldnt you guys have this after the 8th lol God damn give me a welcoming party i deserve...

08-06-2008, 02:59 AM
anything coming up after friday ? I need to be around some 240s lol give me the urge i need to have my Silvia shipped out! and get that thing going.