View Full Version : windows vista activiation

07-27-2008, 03:55 AM
yo so i run 100% legit OS now.. vista ultimate..

and my chit is activated.. ok so i dunno maybe i uninstalled and installed new drivers for my soundcard a few days ago.. and just now i get a pop up "windows is unactivated due to hardware changes. please reactivate withen 3 days " blah blah..

so i reactivate and all is well.. What im curious is how many times can i do that? thats freakign stupid esp if i dont do it in 3 days and it wont work.. I aint gonna buy some chit if it locks me out.

07-27-2008, 04:01 AM
thats why vista kinda sucks =\ a lot of drivers aren't vista ready, i believe

well actually i dunno how it is now because its been out for a little while, but it used to suck pretty hardcore.

props for running 100% legit OS though...i've had a pirated one ever since I learned how to burn a CD lol

have you tried reformatting again? i know it sounds like a pain in the ass but maybe somthing went wrong during installation..

07-27-2008, 04:14 AM
nah everything is cool..

i just tried messin with my x-fi sound card *vista support sucks on that, i just learned that 5.1 and creative cards aint that good cuz of the coding that creative used*

07-27-2008, 07:07 AM
Three times via internet. Afterwards a simple phone call to India and you're good.

07-27-2008, 09:41 AM
Three times via internet. Afterwards a simple phone call to India and you're good.

A simple phone call to India always lasts an hour for some reason.....

07-27-2008, 03:00 PM
You're fine d00d. That's one of the many crappy things about Vista. Everytime you change a piece of hardware you have to reactivate. It's retarded.

07-27-2008, 04:33 PM
The reason this happens is because whenever you change around drivers/hardware, you system registry changes. In a way it's Mircosoft keeping tabs on you!! In 6months or more Vista might be worth having :P

I have heard there is a...not sure if I would go as far in calling it a hack but there is a way around it. If ya do a little reaserch you might find it.

07-27-2008, 05:40 PM
you can run vista without activating it... xp's still faster

07-27-2008, 06:06 PM
XP 64-bit.. Removes all reasons to upgrade to vista.

07-27-2008, 06:25 PM
yah ok xp no shit

i dont care about xp anymore. The features that vista has makes up for it.. my vista is pretty fast i turned some things off.