View Full Version : speeding ticket

07-17-2008, 06:02 AM
should i go to court and contest my ticket? it was 10:00am on tuesday and 3 cars on the road an suv in front ME in my s13 and a car behind me, the car in front me was about 5 car lengths in front an i was just paceing along at about 55 in a 40 down some long ass road feilds on the left an a warehouse an shit on the left , when this cops on a bike pulls me over, an not the suv or the car be hind me, the cop had to pass the car behind me to get to me.
1st off its bright as fuck out at 10am and theres only 3 cars and its not like i was hallin ass down the fuckin road, i was simply criuseing along tryin to get to the air port to pick up my wife an daughter. . fuckin asshole shit ruined the month for me.
I havent recived the ticket yet but what do you all think pay it or go to court?

07-17-2008, 07:10 AM
How where you to the cop? Cool, dick, chill?

If so chill, go to court. A cop would remember an asshole and would love to ruin your day more in court.

He pretty much profiled you and that was what it is. If the cop shows up, ask the cop if he can pull a description of your car, but for something like this, that may not work.

07-17-2008, 10:04 AM
Depends on the VC he cited you for.

If it was speeding its very simple, as long as you are going over the posted limit you are speeding. CHP can pull anyone over even if traffic is flowing @ 80, 85, 75, in a 65.

Anyhow, he needs to have paced you or used radar etc. to have determined your speed.

07-17-2008, 10:25 AM
contest the ticket? depends on where you got pulled over. so where did this happen?

07-17-2008, 10:35 AM
always go to court on speeding tickets if i had a 4 point ticket droped to 2 and and 2 point ticket droped to zero. youll have to pay more but in the long run its better than an insurance surcharge. also if you want to take points off your liscense i recomnd the driver course thing its 6 hours of watching videos for $100 takes off 2 points.

07-17-2008, 10:48 AM
it's not as simple as "you should always go to court." not in cali at least. depending on where you got the ticket, once you state that you want to contest the ticket, some judges will throw the traffic school option out.

07-18-2008, 12:39 AM
How where you to the cop? Cool, dick, chill?

If so chill, go to court. A cop would remember an asshole and would love to ruin your day more in court.

He pretty much profiled you and that was what it is. If the cop shows up, ask the cop if he can pull a description of your car, but for something like this, that may not work.

yea i was polite. . yes sir no sir. . bottom line shits retarted. . yes he tagged me with radar he said. . i have WA state DL an plates.. im in the military. . and all this happened in salano county in vacaville.. . he had to pass the car behind me to get to me an pull me over so . . obviously i was driving the flow of traffic or the 3 fuckin cars that were out that day. . .
the road i was on people avg daily 55 mph this fuck just wanted to pull me over becuase of whatever reason. .:wtf:

07-18-2008, 12:56 AM
cops like to pull 240's over. I think they are just jealous of them.

07-18-2008, 01:06 AM
Always go to court if he doesnt show you pay the court cost and everything else is dismissed. Worth the time/money its not the ticket you need to worry about. Its the reoccuring insurance rates.

07-18-2008, 01:16 AM
your turn in the barrel, the fact is you were speeding, the law states you can go the speed of traffic, but only 10 mph over, your fucked. just go to court. pay fee, move on. thats the best you can do at this point.

07-18-2008, 01:25 AM
it's not as simple as "you should always go to court." not in cali at least. depending on where you got the ticket, once you state that you want to contest the ticket, some judges will throw the traffic school option out.

*shudder* go to court... bleh. 25 tickets to date and i've never set foot in a court room. no points, either :D

07-18-2008, 01:28 AM
Read the web site dealing with traffic tickets in California and the one for all states. See my signature below.

*Please keep in mind, I do not make any money if you click on the sites in my signature. Nor am I ever going to. Like many other people I am tired of simply dealing with the fraud that is our traffic court system and just want to help out. The websites I have posted give excellent information.*

07-18-2008, 02:00 AM
There's a joke that goes....

One day a guy was speeding on the highway. Cop pulls him over.

"Do you know how fast you were going?"

"I was going along with the speed of traffic."

"You were over the limit, sir. I'm gonna have to give you a ticket."

"Why did you pull ME over? Everyone else was going the same speed I was."

"Have you ever gone fishing, sir?"

"Yes, I have."

"Well, have you ever caught every single fish in the lake?"

Fact of the matter is, you were speeding, as you have admitted to in the OP. The other people around you might have been too, but he stopped YOU.

Pay the ticket, learn your lesson, and move on.

07-18-2008, 02:34 AM

07-18-2008, 03:17 AM
There's a joke that goes....

One day a guy was speeding on the highway. Cop pulls him over.

"Do you know how fast you were going?"

"I was going along with the speed of traffic."

"You were over the limit, sir. I'm gonna have to give you a ticket."

"Why did you pull ME over? Everyone else was going the same speed I was."

"Have you ever gone fishing, sir?"

"Yes, I have."

"Well, have you ever caught every single fish in the lake?"

Fact of the matter is, you were speeding, as you have admitted to in the OP. The other people around you might have been too, but he stopped YOU.

Pay the ticket, learn your lesson, and move on.

he had plenty of time to pick the suv in front of me and pull him over before waiting for me to pass and give me the ticket. . . bottom line ca ticket are to fuckin high to just be paying them. . . this shit better be no more then $200

07-18-2008, 04:33 AM
get extension last day your suppose to pay. Then the last day before extension goes void, contest the ticket, which usually the date is set another month.

they let u know beforehand if your case is dismissed. meaning cop didnt show.
and some judges ask beforehand if you want traffic school before fighting it.

if he shows, then well, good luck, your story sounds like you have a chance to win.
no pacing...no radar... had a car in front and behind..

i just recently got mine dismissed. The bike cop even had me on radar.
but thats my luck.

07-18-2008, 01:53 PM
Read the web site dealing with traffic tickets in California and the one for all states. See my signature below.

*Please keep in mind, I do not make any money if you click on the sites in my signature. Nor am I ever going to. Like many other people I am tired of simply dealing with the fraud that is our traffic court system and just want to help out. The websites I have posted give excellent information.*

alright, not to give you shit or anything, but I decided to take a gander at the links in your sig. While I have no doubt that they work, I thought I should share my understanding of how they 'get you off' for your traffic violation.

Before going into this, I want to say that I agree that many of our traffic laws are ridiculous given the defacto speeds that people drive. However, they are the law and you live here so you are subject to them. I do agree thou that an unjust law is one that should not be obeyed, but if you choose to break the law for that reason, you better argue that the law was unjust or your just trying to get away with something. This is a bit confusing, I have not decided my official view on these matters, but if I do I will share it. The point of this section was to share some ruminations on the matter in the case that they may help someone else wondering about these things (maybe no one does, but I do, and hey, what the hell?)

Alright, my analysis:

Summery of Process: TicketSlayer.com bases it's argument on the fact that you are, by biblical, Constitutional, and Supreme Court judgement a 'soverign.' They then state that you, a flesh and blood person, are not the legal identity listed on the ticket. They then have you file a paper legally stating your assertion that you are not the person on the ticket but infact a 'soverign' (a member of 'We the people...') with whom all laws finally reside and therefore not subject to the legality that ticket's punishment rests upon. Having filed this paper, the prosecuter is given 10 days to disprove that you are a soverign and not subject to the legalities (not laws, we will talk about this in a minute) that are threatening to punish you. If the prosecutor fails to disprove your sworn statement in 10 days, and since you filed this all in writing with the court and, lets be honest, traffic court just doesnt care enough to make that much of an effort, by the time you reach a court day the prosecuter has defaulted on his accusation because he did not disprove your statement. The court is then forced to dismiss your case because of the default of the prosecuter.

- This argument draws heavily from Christianity. Even the website does this (several of their sources are chrisitan sites). This may not be a problem for you, but I feel it only fair to point it out.
- The religious aspect of this argument continues by comparing "man's legality" to "god's law" and saying that 'you' are subject to "god's law" not "man's legality." Again, if you have no problem with this, fine, but I feel uncomfortable with it for reasons not neccessary to state here. It is up to you.
- The US Supreme court ruling that this argument relies on, Yick Wo v. Hopkins, is not generally regarded (i.e. the court precedent set) to be related to the question of soverignty. In fact, the case is actually about discrimination in the late 19th centruy against chinese laundromat owners in San Francisco and established the legal precedent that laws can be considered discriminatory if they are in execution deliberatly targeted against a recognizable minority even if they do not explicitly state such in their wording.
- The Section of Yick Wo v. Hopkins that Ticket Slayer uses follow:

Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; but in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts.and is taken from a section of the ruling where the judge is chastizing lower courts and the City of San Francisco for being so clearly intolerant. The usage of this section of the ruling, while I believe it is technically legal, is an out of context misconstruction that would be overturned were anyone to care enough to do so. Traffic court probably doesnt and it would take another supreme court case to change it I believe and a cop to challange the ruling.
- Check out the ruling here if you would like to see the original context: Yick Wo v Hopkins (http://laws.findlaw.com/us/118/356.html)

- This will probably get you off, but not because you are "right" so much as someone clever found a legal loophole that traffic court doesnt care to spend the time to close.
- It costs money, $75
- You can reuse it, I believe it will work.

I didnt check out ticketassassin.com yet, but I may write a review of them.

In closing, I would like to say that you were speeding, and you got caught. Sure, the cop was probably being a dick because you were a young guy (i assume) in a two door sport compact, but you were legally breaking the law. I feel for you, but getting the law changed would be a better solution IMO then trying to cop out with ticket slayer.

Alright, Disclaimer repeated: Not trying to fuck with anybody by posting this, just was interested in how ticket slayer worked and thought I would share what I found with anyone else interested. What you do with this info is up to you. Sorry if I was overly harsh to Rayne, I didnt meant to be unkind, just share some info.

EDIT: Hey, just looked into the ticketassassin.com site and it looks a lot more reasonable IMO than the Ticket Slayer site as it works on a by-mail trial rather than a rather precarious religious/legal argument. Just my 0.02

07-18-2008, 02:20 PM
Again what VC did he cite you for?

Again does it say on the ticket specifically marked Radar and Radar unit #.


I have fought all my speeding tickets and won.

1) Speeding - Mojave area CHP. Actual speed approx 102mph. He "got me" 92mph
Method of whooping his ass - Court - in front of the judge "People vs Me"

2) Speeding - East Los Angeles CHP - Written declaration

07-18-2008, 02:20 PM
So, if everyone else jumps off a bridge, would you jump off a bridge also?

Er wait. This is zilvia. If a select few jump off, everyone else would do it too just to try to be cool.

07-18-2008, 06:47 PM
always go to court on speeding tickets if i had a 4 point ticket droped to 2 and and 2 point ticket droped to zero. youll have to pay more but in the long run its better than an insurance surcharge. also if you want to take points off your liscense i recomnd the driver course thing its 6 hours of watching videos for $100 takes off 2 points.

even better...do your traffic school online. I did and it cost me like 20 bucks and only one hour of my time.

07-18-2008, 06:49 PM
should i go to court and contest my ticket? it was 10:00am on tuesday and 3 cars on the road an suv in front ME in my s13 and a car behind me, the car in front me was about 5 car lengths in front an i was just paceing along at about 55 in a 40 down some long ass road feilds on the left an a warehouse an shit on the left , when this cops on a bike pulls me over, an not the suv or the car be hind me, the cop had to pass the car behind me to get to me.
1st off its bright as fuck out at 10am and theres only 3 cars and its not like i was hallin ass down the fuckin road, i was simply criuseing along tryin to get to the air port to pick up my wife an daughter. . fuckin asshole shit ruined the month for me.
I havent recived the ticket yet but what do you all think pay it or go to court?

pay it its so much eaiser and if traffic school was an option go it keeps shit off ur record!

Mi Beardo es Loco
07-18-2008, 07:11 PM
www.ticketassassin.com (http://www.ticketassassin.com)
Why should you always fight your traffic ticket?
When you receive a traffic ticket, the court will usually suggest that you must appear twice to contest it: first to appear and plead not guilty and second to stand trial with the officer present. This is not true. You can contest your ticket by mail without making a single court appearance. Contesting your citation through the mail gives you a better chance of winning your case than at a court trial. Even if you seem to be guilty of violating the law, the procedural hassles for the prosecution will often lead to a dismissal. If the prosecution does not submit its version of events in writing to the court by the deadline date, your case will be dismissed regardless of your guilt or innocence. Dismissals due to lack of prosecution are won in approximately 30% of written defenses.
The law allows you to contest any traffic infraction entirely by mail. You can appear via mail through a Written Not Guilty Plea (http://www.ticketassassin.com/fight.html) pursuant to CVC 40519(b). In your plea you can request a Trial by Written Declaration (http://www.ticketassassin.com/fight.html) pursuant to CVC 40902. In this way you can contest your citation without appearing at all and, for reasons already discussed, will have a better chance of winning than at trial. Further, if you lose your trial by declaration, you have 20 days to request a Trial de Novo (new trial) pursuant to CVC 40902(d). You then can appear in court for the first time for your second chance of winning.
Why doesn't the court inform every defendant of their legal right to appear in court via mail (Written Not Guilty Plea), contest via mail (Trial by Written Declaration), and have a new trial (Trial de Novo) if they are not happy with the outcome of the first trial? Money (http://www.ticketassassin.com/court_atm.html). Most courtesy notices hardly mention or do not mention these rights at all. Many courtesy notices from California traffic courts begin, "To avoid the inconvenience and long lines associated with a court appearance... pay the bail amount listed above." The justice system uses its own bureaucratic inefficiency to discourage you from seeking justice. Nice.
If they even mention the possibility of contesting a citation, they also mention that this generally requires two court appearances, one to plead not guilty, a second for the actual trial. If you do appear in person to plead not guilty, most courts will make you enter your plea last, inconveniencing you to the maximum. Then it will ask you to return to court for a trial. The two days' pay lost through these two separate appearances amounts to more than the traffic fine for most people. This is why less than 1% of cited motorist ever bother to contest their citation. Ignorant of their legal rights, confused and intimidated by the courts and police, 99% of Californians ticketed simply pay up.
The California Traffic Court System extorts over a billion dollars a year from California citizens by keeping us ignorant of our rights. They confuse and intimidate us with a muddled "courtesy" notice mentioning license suspension and jail as possibilities (these are only possibilities for those who ignore the citation entirely). The courts also benefit from the inherent respect most people have for the police that keeps them from questioning the officers' often-arbitrary decision to issue a citation.
California traffic courts use the formality of the courthouse to further intimidate those brave enough to appear, scaring them into pleading guilty or accepting an assignment to attend traffic school. The court strong-arms the majority of defendants, too busy or too intimidated to appear, to surrender without a fight: we collapse like a piece of IKEA furniture (http://www.ikea-usa.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?catalogId=10101&storeId=12&categoryId=10188&langId=-1&parentCats=10105*10188&cattype=sub) and meekly mail in the protection money hoping these bullies will leave us alone. By sustaining this proctological racket, California traffic courts rake in a small fortune for state, county, and local governments. Al Capone would be proud.
another GREAT thing to do is after your written plea of innocence, if found guilty, contest it and then just push the court date further and further back. I think you could push it back up to 3 times. Then when the court date finally comes the cop probably won't show up because he'll be unprepared because he's probably written hundreds of tickets after yours, assuming he shows up to court. After the judge asks his side of things, and if you know you were in the wrong change your plea to guilty and request traffic school to the judge. He'll grant it because that's an extra few bucks to the state and no point on your record. You end up at the same spot you would be if you were to just to pay the ticket, but 90% of the time you're out of the ticket.

That's the great thing about being informed.

07-18-2008, 08:11 PM
yea i was polite. . yes sir no sir. . bottom line shits retarted. . yes he tagged me with radar he said. . i have WA state DL an plates.. im in the military. . and all this happened in salano county in vacaville.. . he had to pass the car behind me to get to me an pull me over so . . obviously i was driving the flow of traffic or the 3 fuckin cars that were out that day. . .
the road i was on people avg daily 55 mph this fuck just wanted to pull me over becuase of whatever reason. .:wtf:

I know the cop you are talking about! At least it sounds like the same guy, did he have orange tint sunglasses (he did when I met him). He did the same thing to me about 2 years ago! There was a truck in front of me and a BMW on my ass, it was between a 35mph zone and a 45mph zone so I was speeding up and he passed the BMW tailgating me to pull me over. After being chill with him he told me he was going to tow my car, that is when I said he is being unreasonable and he just let me go with a ticket, 2 weeks later he pulled me over again downtown for 'loud exhaust' while Harleys are all over the place revving to ear splitting levels. Cops in Vacaville are assholes, I have had nothing but bad experiences.

Good luck if you try to fight it, you will need it. My dad told me recently he was driving up the driveway and took his seatbelt off when a cop walked up the driveway and gave him a ticket, he took it to court, since it was on his property, and lost.

07-18-2008, 08:24 PM
I hate court, it sucks my balls, just went to a hearing for a year old thing, basicallly missed my orig. court dat, they fined me for that multiplied by "civil assessment" (basically multiply x 4). I now owe $218 dollars.
for waht? a "illegal muffler" which the cop at the testing station never even looked at my car, "is it legal?""yep" $15 have a nice day fucko"
L.A. is by far the worst.

Mi Beardo es Loco
07-18-2008, 09:52 PM
Good luck if you try to fight it, you will need it. My dad told me recently he was driving up the driveway and took his seatbelt off when a cop walked up the driveway and gave him a ticket, he took it to court, since it was on his property, and lost.

this is why it's not whether you're right or wrong, it's how you play the system. Seriously, read my post above and that ALWAYS works. In fact, I've never heard of it NOT working. Cops go through ticket booklets like water and eventually throw the old ones away so by extending out the time it's more of a chance he'll throw it away. Plus, who remembers the person they gave a ticket to 9 months ago when they ALWAYS give away tickets. If his story does not coincide with what is written on the ticket the judge will bring it up or bring it to the judges attention and it will be thrown out. It's actually almost fool proof.
But honestly, no matter if you were right, if you got a ticket then you're in the wrong in courts. You have to prove your innocence.

I hate court, it sucks my balls, just went to a hearing for a year old thing, basicallly missed my orig. court dat, they fined me for that multiplied by "civil assessment" (basically multiply x 4). I now owe $218 dollars.
for waht? a "illegal muffler" which the cop at the testing station never even looked at my car, "is it legal?""yep" $15 have a nice day fucko"
L.A. is by far the worst
missing a court date is the STUPIDEST thing to do. You could always claim that you didn't get the paper or any notification and beg for mercy but if you don't show up the court takes it as an admission of guilt and cram it up the ass. Seriously, the state LOVES you not showing up in court because they could fine you whatever they wanted because they know you're going to pay it to avoid jail time. especially something as stupid as a fix it ticket.